Human Sexuality 3rd Edition by Roger R. Hock – Test Bank CHAPTER 2:Sexual Anatomy

Total Assessment Guide (T.A.G.)

Question Type Topic Factual Conceptual Application

Multiple Choice 1 True/False Short Answer Introduction to Chapter Essay Multiple Choice 2 1 True/False 1 Short Answer 1 Historical Perspectives Essay 3, 7, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 6, 8, 10, 13, 4, 5, 9, 11, Multiple 20, 21, 16, 22, 29, 15, 23, 24, Choice 25, 26 30 27, 28, 31 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 10, 12, True/False 11,13, 14 15 5 The Male Short 2, 3, 4, Sexual Body Answer 5, 6, 7

Essay 1 2 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 47, 49, 50, 51, Multiple 54 35, 37, 38, Choice 33, 45, 46, 40, 43, 44, 48, 53, 55, 52, 56, 60

57, 58, 59,

16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 26, 23 True/False 27 18, 19, 21, 24

Short 8, 9, 10, Answer 11, 13 12

The Female Essay 3 4 Sexual Body 61, 63, 64, 67 62, 65 66, 68, 69 Multiple Choice

16, 17, 29, 30 28 Menstruation 20, 22, True/False 25, 26, 27


Short Answer 14, 16



Major Headings:

1. 36-37 Introduction to Chapter 2. 37-38 Historical Perspectives 3. 38-49 The Male Sexual Body 4. 49-65 The Female Sexual Body pp.65-69 Menstruation


1. The uterus was once perceived to be unclean and poisonous, able to wander through the woman’s body causing illness and even suffocation. This condition was referred to as ______. 2. cervical cancer 3. premenstrual syndrome 4. menopause 5. hysteria

Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 37 Topic: Historical Perspectives Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Prior to the 19th century, it was considered shameful to discuss human sexual anatomy, and what passed for sex education was based on inaccurate information. The above is an example of the kind of misguided beliefs that were held at the time.

2. The vagina was once perceived to be ______. 3. an internal scrotum 4. a collection of seven cells 5. an inwardly inverted penile foreskin 6. retained testicles

Answer: C

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 37

Topic Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Before the 19th century, discussions of human sexual anatomy were considered inappropriate because the belief was that such subjects might excite people to engage in “impure” acts. The reluctance to discuss human sexual anatomy, coupled with the abundance of inaccurate information, allowed such misguided beliefs, such as the one above, to become widely accepted.

3. The penis is responsible for ______. 4. ejaculating semen and transporting urine 5. producing semen and storing testosterone 6. housing the testicles and storing semen 7. secreting testosterone and triggering ejaculation

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 38 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The penis has two functions: to ejaculate semen and to transport urine from the inside of the body to the outside.

4. If Abe is like most men, the part of his penis that is very sensitive to sexual stimulation is ______. 5. the penile glans 6. corpora cavernosa 7. the underside of the scrotum 8. the epididymis

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 38 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The penile glans, or the tip of the penis, is an especially sensitive area of the male organ, and typically must be stimulated for most men to reach orgasm.

5. If Zach is like most men, the raised ridge at the base of the penile glans, called the ______is somewhat more sexually sensitive than the rest of the tip of the penis. 6. penile shaft 7. corona 8. urethra 9. frenulum

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 38 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: Most men report that the corona is somewhat more sexually sensitive than the rest of the tip of the penis.

6. The purpose of the ______is to allow for expansion during erection. 7. penile glans 8. foreskin 9. penile shaft 10. corona

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 39 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The skin on the penile shaft is loose so that it can expand when a man experiences an erection.

7. Rigidity of the penis resulting from an inflow of blood during sexual arousal is referred to as ______. 8. arousal 9. frenulum 10. circumcision 11. erection

Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 39

Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: During sexual arousal, both men and women experience changes in blood flow. As the flow of blood to the penis and to the clitoris increases, both structures become rigid.

8. Male circumcision involves removal of the ______that covers the glans of the penis. 9. foreskin 10. frenulum 11. corpora cavernosa 12. corona

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 40 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: All males are born with skin covering the penile glans, called the foreskin. The foreskin is the largest portion of skin covering the penis, and it is this skin that is removed during circumcision

9. Bart is experiencing an erection. Which parts of his penis are engorged with blood? 10. urethra and frenulum 11. corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum 12. urethra and corpora cavernosa 13. frenulum and corpus spongiosum

Answer: B Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 39-40 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The penis consists of three spongy, cavernous tubes running along its length. The two tubes on the top side of the penis are the corpora cavernosa, and the third tube, which runs along the underside of the penis, is the corpus spongiosum. During sexual arousal, these three tubes become engorged with blood, which results in a penile erection.

10. In men, the purpose of the ______is to carry semen and urine from the inside to the outside of the body. 11. frenulum 12. corpus spongiosum 13. urethra 14. corona

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 40 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The urethra is the tube that runs the length of the penis and into the body, and transports semen or urine to the outside of the body.

11. Research about male circumcision reveals that ______. 12. the glans of a circumcised penis is more sensitive to sexual stimulation than the glans of an intact penis 13. the practice of circumcision is on the rise in the United States today 14. the differences between circumcised and intact males in rates of urinary tract infections, penile irritations, and penile cancer are small or nonexistent 15. there is medical justification for circumcision of newborn males

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 40 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: Routine circumcision of male babies is still a controversial topic in the United States, and the majority of circumcisions have been performed for perceived health reasons. Prior to 1980, it was widely held that intact males were more prone to certain diseases, such as UTIs, penile irritations, and penile cancer. Research has since indicated that in regard to the above-mentioned health issues, there is little, if any, difference between circumcised and uncircumcised males.

12. Which of the following statements is a myth concerning penis size? 13. A small flaccid or non-erect penis predicts a small erect penis. 14. Most partners of men don’t care or think very much about penis size. 15. Penis size is not related to overall build, height, or nose size. 16. Exercising the penis does not cause an increase in size.

Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 42 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: While myths about penis size abound, many people would be surprised to learn that penises are more similar in size than they are different. One such myth is that a small flaccid penis predicts a small erect penis. The truth is that smaller flaccid penises tend to grow more than larger flaccid penises upon erection.

13. The function of the scrotum is to ______. 14. support each testicle and encase the vas deferens 15. house and protect the testicles 16. produce sperm cells for reproduction 17. transport mature sperm cells during ejaculation

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 43

Topic: The Male Sexual Body

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The scrotum is a pouch of two layers of skin that hangs below and behind the penis. The testicles are located inside the pouch; this arrangement not only protects the testicles, but it also provides the optimal conditions to produce sperm cells.

14. The ______support each testicle and encases the vas deferens, nerves, and muscles. 15. scrotum 16. prostate gland 17. seminiferous tubules 18. spermatic cords

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The scrotum and testicles move up and down depending on specific situations, especially external temperature. They are able to move because of two small muscles, called the spermatic cords.

15. How can frequent hot baths affect a man’s fertility? 16. It keeps the testicles close to the man’s body thereby increasing sperm production. 17. It decreases the temperature in the scrotum which decreases sperm production. 18. It raises the temperature in the scrotum which decreases sperm production. 19. It creates the ideal temperature for sperm production.

Answer: C Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The testicles require a temperature that is slightly lower than normal body temperature to maximize the production of sperm cells. Frequent hot baths can cause the scrotal skin to heat up which can, in turn, inhibit the production of sperm cells.

16. Which of the following describes a function of the testicles? 17. They encase the vas deferens. 18. They manufacture sperm cells. 19. They store mature sperm cells. 20. They produce seminal fluid.

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The testicles have two functions: the production of sperm cells and the secretion of testosterone.

17. The testicles are also called ______. 18. scrotal cords 19. seminiferous organs 20. epididymal sacs 21. male gonads

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44

Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The testicles are glands that are also referred to as gonads. Gonads are organs that produce cells for reproduction.

18. Sperm cells require approximately ______to mature before they are ready for ejaculation. 19. 70 days 20. 70 hours 21. 70 minutes 22. 70 months

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 44-45 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: When sperm cells are formed, they migrate in an immature state to the epididymis, where they mature and wait to be ejaculated. This maturation process takes about 70 days.

19. Sperm cells mature in the ______. 20. vas deferens 21. epididymis 22. seminal vesicles 23. prostate gland

Answer: B Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 44-45 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The epididymis is the long, narrow structure attached to the back of each testicle. This is where the sperm cells mature and wait to be ejaculated; it takes about 70 days for sperm cells to mature before they are ready for ejaculation.

20. Which of the following is the correct sequence regarding the route that sperm take on their journey out of a male’s body? 21. testes, vas deferens, urethral opening, epididymis 22. testes, epididymis, vas deferens, urethral opening 23. vas deferens, testes, urethra, ejaculatory duct 24. epididymis, vas deferens, prostate gland, urethra

Answer: B Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 44-45 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: When sperm cells are formed in the testes, they migrate in an immature state to the epididymis, where they mature and wait to be ejaculated. Once they are mature, they travel through the vas deferens to the man’s internal reproductive system, where they are mixed with semen and ejaculated through the penis and out the urethral opening.

21. Elsa is taking a course and is learning about the vas deferens. Her professor probably explained to the class that the vas deferens is a ______. 22. structure where sperm cells are stored as they mature 23. structure where sperm cells are generated 24. tube through which mature sperm cells travel to the man’s internal reproductive system 25. tube that produces seminal fluid

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 45 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The vas deferens is a tube that is attached to the epididymis. Mature sperm cells travel through the vas deferens to the man’s internal reproductive system, where they are mixed with semen and ejaculated through the penis.

22. Some men, regardless of sexual orientation, enjoy having their ______caressed manually during sexual activities. 23. gonads 24. anus 25. urethra 26. epididymis

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 45 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The anus and the area around it contain nerve endings which are sensitive to stimulation and are considered by some men (and some women) to be part of their sexual anatomy.

23. Miguel’s physician taught him how to conduct a testicular self-examination. His physician probably told him ______. 24. to perform it after a warm bath or shower 25. to check for swelling on the prostate gland 26. to examine each testicle with only one hand 27. that it is abnormal if one testicle is slightly larger than the other

Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 46 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: A testicular self-exam is best performed after a warm bath or a shower because heat relaxes the scrotum, making it easier to feel anything abnormal.

24. Walid is going to have a vasectomy. As a result of this procedure, his ______will be severed and sealed off. 25. ejaculatory duct 26. prostate gland 27. urethral bulb 28. vas deferens

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 46 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The procedure known as a vasectomy entails severing the vas deferens. If sperm cells cannot travel from the epididymis up either vas deferens, they will never be ejaculated and will never be able to fertilize an ovum.

25. ______is primarily produced by the seminal vesicles and prostate gland. 26. Testosterone 27. Estrogen 28. Smegma 29. Semen

Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 47 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: During sexual arousal and ejaculation, as sperm cells move through the vas deferens from each epididymis, other anatomical organs are producing fluid that will mix with the sperm and carry them out of the man’s body. This fluid is called semen, and it consists primarily of a mixture of secretions from the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland.

26. The ejaculatory duct ______. 27. directs semen to the urethra 28. produces fluid that becomes part of the semen 29. produces sperm cells 30. directs sperm cells to the epididymis

Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 47 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The ejaculatory duct is a continuation of the tube that carries semen into the urethra for ejaculation.

27. Norman is sexually aroused and approaching ejaculation. As a result, his ______is contracting, shutting off the possible flow of urine from his bladder. 28. seminal vesicle 29. ejaculatory duct 30. prostate gland 31. vas deferens

Answer: C Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 47 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: When a man is approaching ejaculation, the prostate contracts, shutting off the possible flow of urine from the bladder so that semen and urine cannot reach the urethra at the same time.

28. Oliver was diagnosed with prostatitis. This means that he has ______. 29. cancer of the prostate gland 30. a bacterial infection 31. warts on the prostate gland 32. sores on the prostate gland

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 48 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The prostate gland is prone to bacterial infections, called prostatitis, in men of any age. Prostatitis may be acute or chronic, and can usually be successfully treated with antibiotics.

29. When a man experiences an orgasm, semen is forced into the ______. 30. urethral bulb 31. prostate gland 32. scrotum 33. penile glans

Answer: A Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 48 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: At orgasm, the semen that has been gathering from various structures is forced into the urethral bulb, a portion of the urethra surrounded by the prostate gland.

30. The thick clear fluid that appears on the tip of the penis during sexual arousal is produced by the ______. 31. Cowper’s glands 32. prostate gland 33. vas deferens 34. epididymis

Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 48

Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: As the semen passes through the urethra, the Cowper’s glands, one on each side of the urethra, also add a small amount of fluid to the semen. Cowper’s glands often secrete fluid into the urethra and out through the penis before ejaculation. This fluid is clear, thick, and slippery, and appears at the urethral opening at the tip of the penis.

31. During sexual arousal, a small amount of clear, thick fluid appeared at the tip of Quincy’s penis. This fluid is referred to as ______. 32. testosterone 33. sperm 34. estrogen 35. pre-ejaculate

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 48

Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The clear, thick fluid that is secreted by the Cowper’s glands before ejaculation is called pre-ejaculate.

32. What are some of the structures that comprise the vulva? 33. vagina, ovaries, clitoris, and cervix 34. vagina, anus, labia majora, and ovaries 35. urethra, pubic hair, ovaries, and fallopian tubes 36. urethral opening, clitoral glans, labia majora, and labia minora

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 49 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The female external genitals are referred to as the vulva; components of the vulva are the mons veneris, the labia majora, the labia minora, the urethral opening, the clitoral glans, the vaginal opening, the hymen, the perineum, and the anus.

33. A function of the ______is to cushion the impact with the pubic bone during sexual intercourse. 34. labia minora 35. clitoris 36. mons veneris 37. labia majora

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The mons veneris is a slightly raised layer of fatty tissue on the top of the pubic bone; part of its evolutionary function for human reproduction is theorized to cushion the impact with the pubic bone during sexual intercourse.

34. The ______are smooth, hairless, inner lips of the vulva that are sensitive during sexual arousal. 35. labia minora 36. labia majora 37. clitoris 38. mons veneris

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The labia minora, or minor lips, form part of the vulva; they are smooth, hairless, and vary in size and shape from woman to woman.

35. A human sexuality class has just learned ways to trigger a female orgasm. The professor probably told the class that orgasms are triggered in most women by stimulation of the ______. 36. labia majora 37. urethral bulb 38. mons veneris 39. clitoral glans

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: Stimulation of the clitoral glans, either directly or indirectly, is primarily responsible for producing orgasm in most women.

36. The tissue that partially or fully covers the clitoral glans is referred to as the ______. 37. clitoral hood 38. labia majora 39. labia minora 40. cura

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: At the top of the labia minora is the clitoral glans, which is the tip of the clitoris and the part that can be seen. It is typically covered partly or completely by the clitoral hood.

37. The most common explanation for why researchers discovered the true structure of the clitoris so recently is that ______. 38. there was a lack of money for research on female anatomy 39. people already understood how the clitoris worked 40. there was cultural hesitancy over careful exploration of female sexuality and anatomy 41. researchers were more interested in sexual attitudes than in sexual anatomy.

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 51

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Application

Rationale: One explanation is that before the 1990s, prudish attitudes on the parts of anatomists prevented them from carefully studying female sexuality and anatomy. In other words, such cultural hesitancy overcame scientific inquiry.

38. Noemi, a native of Africa, underwent a ritualistic, cultural practice that entailed the removal of her clitoral glans and all or part of the labia minora when she was about to enter puberty. This example illustrates ______. 39. a way to cure a urinary tract infection 40. premenstrual dysphoric disorder 41. female genital mutilation 42. a way to treat premenstrual syndrome

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 52 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: Female genital mutilation is typically performed on girls who are about to enter puberty. It is found mostly in parts of Africa and the Middle East, and usually entails the cutting off of the clitoral hood, glans, and part or all of the labia minora, lacerating the labia majora, and then sewing together the labia majora, leaving only a small opening for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid.

39. The urethral opening ______. 40. partially covers the clitoral glans 41. protects delicate genital structures 42. allows urine to pass from the body 43. expands greatly during pregnancy

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 52 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: About halfway down the vulva, between the clitoris and the vagina, is the urethral opening, the outside end of the tube leading from the bladder.

40. Joyce is experiencing symptoms such as pain and stinging during urination, frequent urination, slight fever, and pressure in her lower back. She probably has ______. 41. a urinary tract infection 42. premenstrual dysphoric disorder 43. premenstrual syndrome 44. cervical cancer

Answer: A

Page ref: 52

Difficulty: 2

Topic: the Female Sexual Body

Skill: Application

Rationale: Typical symptoms of a UTI include pain and stinging, often intense, during urination; the persistent feeling of a strong need to urinate even though the bladder has just been emptied; frequent urination; darker and bad-smelling urine; the sensation of pressure and pain in the lower back or abdomen; and sometimes slight fever, chills, nausea, or blood in the urine.

41. The ______is a ring of tissue surrounding and partially covering the vaginal opening. 42. mons veneris 43. perineum 44. clitoral hood 45. hymen

Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 52 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: At the entrance to the vagina is a structure known as the hymen, which is a thin layer of tissue that partly covers or surrounds the vaginal opening.

42. Which of the following is a common myth about the hymen? 43. Some girls are born without a hymen. 44. Upon first sexual intercourse the hymen will break and bleed. 45. Sperm cells can make their way past the hymen into the vagina. 46. The hymen may be perforated due to tampon insertion.

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 55 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The hymen has drawn nearly as much attention as the penis in terms of sexual mythology because it is so closely tied to the notion of female virginity. Most of the common delusions worldwide about female sexuality concern the hymen. One such incorrect belief is that the hymen is indicative of whether or not a woman is a virgin. This belief is false because the appearance of the hymen relates to many factors. The hymen may be separated due to strenuous athletic movements, or due to tampon insertion. It may be separated during behaviors such as ; some women’s hymens are separated or perforated for no apparent reason other than normal variations among humans.

43. Alma is concerned that she will be viewed as unmarriageable by her culture because her hymen is separated. As a result, she decided to have a ______to restore her hymen to an intact appearing state. 44. episiotomy 45. vasectomy 46. hymenorrhaphy 47. mammography

Answer: C Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 55

Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The importance attached to the hymen and its role in presuming virginity persists in many countries throughout the world. In some Muslim cultures, women seeking “certificates of virginity” undergo a procedure called a hymenorrhaphy. This procedure surgically restores the hymen to an intact-appearing state so that the women will not be deemed “unmarriagable” and will bleed on the wedding night.

44. During childbirth, Maria’s physician cut her ______to allow for easier passage of her daughter and less tearing of her vaginal opening. 45. hymen 46. frenulum 47. scrotum 48. perineum

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 57 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: The perineum is an area of skin between the vaginal opening and the anus. The perineum may be cut during delivery in a procedure called an episiotomy. This procedure was once a relatively routine part of hospital births because doctors believed it allowed more room for the baby’s head to move through the birth canal. The procedure has become far less routine than it used to be, and many health professionals now believe that it is unnecessary during a routine birth.

45. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding episiotomies? 46. It is unnecessary during a routine birth. 47. It is routinely performed today. 48. The frenulum is cut during this procedure. 49. It is only performed during a cesarean section.

Answer: A Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 57 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Episiotomies are not performed as often as in the past, as many health professionals now believe that it is unnecessary during a routine birth.

46. Breast(s) ______. 47. may provide sexual pleasure for men and women 48. are only part of the female anatomy 49. size is related to sexual sensitivity 50. do not vary in shape

Answer: A Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 58

Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The breasts are usually a sexually responsive part of human anatomy for both men and women, and may provide sexual pleasure for both sexes.

47. Which of the following statements about breasts is factual? 48. Women’s perceptions of their own breasts are not a determining factor in their overall body image and self-esteem. 49. The breasts of both men and women are parts of human sexual anatomy that are prone to cancer. 50. Stimulation of a woman’s breasts is always a source of intense sexual pleasure for all women. 51. Female breasts have no other purpose besides producing milk.

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 58

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Factual

Rationale: The breasts are one of many parts of human sexual anatomy that are prone to cancer. According to The National Cancer Institute, in the United States in 2010 there were approximately 200,000 new cases of breast cancer among women and nearly 2,000 new cases among men. Although breast cancer is more common among women, male breast cancer does occur.

48. In addition to a personal level of breast self-awareness, women between the ages of 20 and 40 should ______. 49. have checkups by a health care professional every 3 years 50. not worry about problems with their breasts 51. only go to a health care professional if they experience extreme pain in the chest area 52. not examine their breasts if it makes them uncomfortable to do so

Answer: A

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 60

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Professional recommendations on how to avoid breast cancer and maintain healthy breasts have changed frequently in recent years. As of 2011, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and The American Cancer Society recommend that women between the ages of 20 and 40 have checkups by a health care professional every three years.

49. The vagina ______. 50. is an inflexible canal that can entrap a penis making it difficult for a man to withdraw 51. normally emits an unpleasant odor 52. extends from the cervix to the fallopian tubes 53. is normally about 3 to 4 inches in length when a woman is not sexually aroused

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 61 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The vagina is a flexible, muscular canal or tube, normally about 3 to 4 inches in length when a woman is not sexually aroused. It extends into the woman’s body at an angle toward the small of the back, from the vulva to the cervix.

50. An especially sensitive area inside the vagina that some women have identified as enhancing sexual arousal is referred to as the ______. 51. cervix 52. G-spot 53. os 54. areola

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 61

Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The Grafenberg spot, or G-spot, is believed to be an area of tissue located about a third of the way in from the opening of the vagina in the anterior vaginal wall. Some women find that this area is sexually responsive and enhances arousal and orgasm when stimulated during sexual activities.

51. The ______is the narrow bottom end of the uterus that connects the uterus to the vagina. 52. fallopian tube 53. endometrium 54. cervix 55. ovum

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 61 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The cervix is the narrow bottom end of the uterus, and serves to connect the vagina with the uterus.

52. In order to collect and examine cervical cells for any abnormalities ______. 53. a woman has to undergo a long procedure in a hospital 54. the vagina is held open with a speculum, and a few cells are gently swabbed or brushed from the cervix 55. a doctor shines a light into a woman’s vagina and visually examines her cervix 56. a woman is given a swab and told to collect a sample of her own cervical cells

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 62

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Application

Rationale: The medical test that is used to check the cervix for any signs of abnormal cells is called a Pap test. In this procedure, the vagina is held open with a device called a speculum and a few cells are gently swabbed or brushed from the cervix. The cells are then sent to a lab to be examined microscopically for any abnormalities.

53. In order to prevent or detect cervical cancer early, all girls and women should have a ______three years after they begin having intercourse, or at age 21, regardless of sexual activity. 54. Pap test 55. mammogram 56. episiotomies 57. hysterectomy

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 62

Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The American Cancer Society recommends that all girls and women have a Pap test three years after they begin having sexual intercourse or at age 21 regardless of sexual activity. The American Cancer Society also recommends that they repeat the test every one to two years, depending on the type of test and a woman’s risk factors.

54.The human papilloma virus is ______.

1. a medical condition caused by endometrial cells migrating outside the uterus 2. the primary cause of cervical cancer 3. uncommon and always has noticeable symptoms 4. curable

Answer: B Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 62 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Rationale: The primary cause of cervical cancer is a sexually-transmitted viral infection, the human papilloma virus, or genital warts. Because of the causal connection between HPV and cervical cancer, many health professionals recommend routine HPV screening, even though only a small percentage of HPV infections lead to cancer, and Pap tests showing abnormal cells to not always indicate cancer.

55. During pregnancy, the fetus grows in the ______. 56. fallopian tubes 57. endometrium 58. ovaries 59. uterus

Answer: D Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 63 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The uterus is the organ in which a fertilized egg implants itself and an embryo and fetus grow from a few days after fertilization until birth.

56. Andrea has a painful medical condition caused by cells and tissues migrating outside the uterus into her abdominal cavity. Her condition is referred to as ______. 57. uterine cancer 58. cervical cancer 59. endometriosis 60. premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 63 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Application

Rationale: In some women, cells and tissue from the endometrium migrate to outside the uterus and begin to grow in the abdominal cavity, especially on the ovaries as well as other areas in the body. This condition is called endometriosis.

57. Fertilization of the ______occurs in the ______. 58. ovum; uterus 59. sperm; endometrium 60. ovum; fallopian tubes 61. ovary; cervix

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 63 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Fertilization of the ovum by a sperm cell occurs in the third of the fallopian tube nearest each ovary. The newly released ovum is available for fertilization in that section of the fallopian tube for about a day.

58 An ectopic pregnancy is one in which a fertilized ovum attaches and begins to grow ______.

1. outside the uterus 2. inside the uterus 3. inside the scrotum 4. outside the scrotum

Answer: A Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 64 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: In one out of every 50 conceptions, the fertilized egg becomes lodged in the fallopian tube, implants there, and begins to grow. This is called a tubal pregnancy, and is the most common type of ectopic pregnancy, meaning the growth of a fertilized egg outside of the uterus.

59. The term gonads refers to ______. 60. all male and female sex organs 61. an internal organ in men that is involved in reproduction 62. an external structure in women that is involved in reproduction 63. a sex organ in either men or women that produces cells for reproduction

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 64 Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: In popular usage, the word gonads is used as a euphemism for testicles, but the word actually means a sex organ that produces cells for reproduction. The ovaries are gonads, and the testicles are gonads.

60. The physical changes that girls undergo at puberty as they mature into women are triggered by ______. 61. her age 62. the female hormones estrogen and progesterone 63. her height and weight 64. the composition of her diet

Answer: B

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 64

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Application

Rationale: The ovaries are responsible for the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for girls developing physically into mature women during puberty.

61. The term used to describe the beginning of a girl’s menstrual cycle as she enters puberty is ______. 62. menarche 63. menopause 64. ovulation 65. amenorrhea

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 65 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Factual

Rationale: When a girl enters puberty, hormonal secretions cause her body to undergo many changes; one of these changes is called menarche, the onset of the menstrual cycle.

62. The purpose of the menstrual cycle is to ______. 63. create sexual stimulation 64. foster the development of female sex characteristics 65. create conditions that allow for conception and pregnancy 66. cleanse the reproductive organs of bacteria

Answer: C Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 65 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The purpose of the menstrual cycle is to create conditions in a woman’s body that allow for conception and pregnancy. The menstrual cycle corresponds to a woman’s fertility cycle, the times during each menstrual cycle when she is more likely or less likely to be able to conceive.

63. ______and ______hormones act together to stimulate ovulation. 64. Luteinizing; progesterone 65. Progesterone; follicle-stimulating 66. Testosterone; luteinizing 67. Follicle-stimulating; luteinizing

Answer: D Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 65

Topic: Menstruation Skill: Factual

Rationale: The female hormones involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle include estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). In response to follicle-stimulating hormone, an ovum in one of the ovaries starts to mature. At about day 14 of an average 28-day cycle, in response to a surge of luteinizing hormone, ovulation occurs, and the egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube.

64. During each menstrual cycle, ______are/is shed through the cervix and vagina. 65. ovarian cysts 66. unused hormones 67. the thickened uterine lining 68. tissue from the fallopian tubes

Answer: C Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 66

Topic: Menstruation Skill: Factual

Rationale: If pregnancy does not occur, the ovum moves down the fallopian tube, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and the thickened lining of the uterus is shed, along with the ovum, during the menstrual period, and the cycle begins again.

65. A cause of amenorrhea is ______. 66. tampon use 67. uterine fibroids 68. prostaglandin 69. eating disorders

Answer: D Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 66 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Amenorrhea is the term used to describe the absence of a period in women who haven’t started menstruating by age 16 or the absence of a period in women who used to have a regular period. Causes of amenorrhea can include pregnancy, breast- feeding, and extreme weight loss caused by serious illness, eating disorders, excessive exercising, or stress.

66. Berneice has endometriosis and because of it, she experiences extremely painful menstrual cramps. This is an example of ______. 67. amenorrhea 68. dysmenorrhea 69. toxic shock syndrome 70. abnormal uterine bleeding

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 66

Topic menstruation

Skill: Application

Rationale: Dysmenorrhea is the term applied to painful periods, including severe menstrual cramps. The pain can be caused by a disease or condition, such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

67. ______is a set of symptoms that may occur during the days just before and during the start of a woman’s period including irritability, depressed mood, and feeling bloated. 68. Premenstrual syndrome 69. Menopause 70. Perimenopause 71. Dysmenorrhea

Answer: A Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 68 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Factual

Rationale: The cycling of hormones in a woman’s body may affect some women emotionally and psychologically. The best-known of these effects is a set of symptoms that may occur during the days leading up to the start of a woman’s period, called pre- menstrual syndrome. PMS can include dysphoria, mood swings, depression, irritability, tension, aggression, fatigue, headaches, breast soreness, abdominal cramping, backache, and water retention, among others.

68. During the week before the start of her period, Zahara always experiences major depressive symptoms, radical mood swings, persistent irritability, poor concentration, fatigue, and physical symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness which cause her to avoid social activities. Zahara’s symptoms are illustrative of ______. 69. amenorrhea 70. premenstrual dysphoric disorder 71. major depression 72. dysmenorrhea

Answer: B Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 68

Topic: Menstruation Skill: Application

Rationale: A relatively rare but significantly more intense form of PMS has been identified by health professionals and is now a proposed official clinical diagnosis, called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD.

69. Stella is 51; she has stopped ovulating and no longer has menstrual periods. She is in ______. 70. perimenopause 71. dysmenorrhea 72. menarche 73. menopause

Answer: D Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 68 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Application

Rationale: Women usually continue having regular period until they pass through the menopause process, when ovulation and menstruation gradually cease. On average, menopause has been thought to occur around the age of 51, but these changes may begin in a woman’s early- to mid-40s and extend into her mid-50s. Some women may experience menopausal changes earlier in life due to surgery, illness, or medications that interrupt her normal hormonal cycle.


1. In the past, it was believed that the cervix is an internal penis.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 37 Topic: Historical Perspectives Skill: Factual

2. Stimulation to the penile glans is primarily responsible for male orgasm.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 38 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

3. The frenulum is the layer of skin covering the glans of the penis.

Answer: False Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 38-39 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

4. Male circumcision involves removal of the corpora cavernosa.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 39 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

5. A baby’s intact penis requires very little care other than washing the outside of the foreskin.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 39 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

6. Penis size increases with frequent sexual activity and decreases with the lack of sex.

Answer: False Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 42 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

7. Masters and Johnson found that a larger flaccid penis does not predict a larger erect penis.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 42 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

8. The scrotum houses and protects the urethra.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 43 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

9. Gonads are tubes that extend from the testicles into the male’s body and transport mature sperm cells during ejaculation.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

10. Sperm cells are continuously formed within the seminiferous tubules throughout a man’s life.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

11. Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 35.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 45 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

12. During a vasectomy each vas deferens is severed and sealed off.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 46 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

13. Fluid from the seminal vesicles makes up about 70 percent of the volume of the semen.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 47 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

14. Prostatitis is a form of cancer in men.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 48 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

15. Sexually-transmitted infections can be transmitted by the Cowper’s gland fluid.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 49 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

16. The female external genitals are called the vulva.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 49 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

17. The mons veneris is a tissue that partially covers the clitoral glans.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

18. Stimulation of the labia minora is primarily responsible for triggering orgasm in most women.

Answer: False Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

19. Typically, female genital mutilation is performed when girl approaches puberty.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 52 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

20. Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men.

Answer: True Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 52 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

21. The condition of a woman’s hymen is indicative of whether or not she is a virgin.

Answer: False Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 55 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

22. The perineum is surgically cut during an episiotomy.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 57 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

23. The mammogram is the gold standard in detecting breast cancer.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 60

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Application

24. In some men, when the G-spot is stimulated it causes enhanced sexual arousal.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 61 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

25. A Pap test is used to check the uterus for signs of abnormal cells.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 62 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

26. The primary cause of cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 62 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

27. The tissue lining the uterus that thickens in anticipation of pregnancy is referred to as the endometrium.

Answer: True Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 63 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

28. In the U.S., the average age of menarche is about 12, but there is a great deal of variation among girls and differences among racial and ethnic groups.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 65

Topic: Menstruation

Skill: Application

29.A woman who is perimenopausal is in her prime childbearing years.

Answer: False Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 68 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Conceptual

30. The physical changes associated with menopause occur suddenly and without warning.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 68

Topic: Menstruation Skill: Conceptual


1. It was once believed that the ______body was the norm and the female body was merely a variation.

Answer: male Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 37 Topic: Historical Perspectives Skill: Factual

2. The ______is the raised edge at the base of the penile glans where the tip of the penis joins the shaft.

Answer: corona Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 38 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

3. The ______carries urine from the inside to the outside of the body.

Answer: urethra Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 40 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

4. ______are structures that support the testicles and encase the vas deferens, nerves, and muscles.

Answer: Spermatic cords Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

5. Each testicle is composed of tightly packed microscopic ______, where the sperm cells are generated.

Answer: seminiferous tubules Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 44 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

6. The ______is the tube connecting each testicle and epididymis with the internal reproductive structures.

Answer; vas deferens

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 45-46

Topic: the Male Sexual Body

Skill: Factual

7. The ______are small glands that produce fluid that becomes part of the semen.

Answer: seminal vesicles Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 47 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

8. The ______are folds of skin and fatty tissue that close over and protect the more sensitive and delicate genital structures underneath them.

Answer: labia majora Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 50 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

9. The ______is the outside end of the tube leading from the bladder, located between the clitoris and the vagina.

Answer: urethral opening Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 52 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

10. The darker skin encircling each nipple is referred to as the ______.

Answer: areola Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 57 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

11. A ______is a low-dose X-ray of the breast that is used to detect breast cancer.

Answer: mammogram

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 60

Topic: The Female Sexual Body

Skill: Factual

12. The passageway through the cervix, called the ______, becomes slightly smaller or larger on different days during the menstrual cycle.

Answer: os Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 61 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

13. The ______are the organs responsible for the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Answer: ovaries Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 64 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

14. ______is the term used to describe painful periods, including severe menstrual cramps.

Answer: Dysmenorrhea Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 66 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Factual

15. ______is a rare but potentially deadly bacterial infection that has been associated with tampon use.

Answer: Toxic shock syndrome Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 67 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Conceptual

16. The physical and psychological changes many women experience during the decade leading to menopause are referred to as ______changes.

Answer: perimenopausal Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 68 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Factual


1. Identify and define four external structures of the male sexual anatomy.

Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 38-45

Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Responses should consider:

The penis

. It’s the primary male sexual organ. . It has two jobs: to ejaculate semen and to transport urine from the inside of the body to the outside. . It consists of the penile shaft, the foreskin (in uncircumcised men), the penile glans, the corona, the frenulum, and the urethral opening.

The scrotum

. It’s a pouch of two layers of skin that hangs below and behind the penis. . Its function is to house and protect the testicles and to help provide them with optimal conditions to produce sperm cells. . It’s divided into two sacs, one for each testicle.

The testicles

. Also called . The testicles float freely, one in each sac within the scrotum. . Testicles are glands, referred to as gonads, which produce cells for reproduction. . The primary function of the testicles is to manufacture sperm cells and secrete the male sex hormone, testosterone.

The anus

. The anus and the area around it contain nerve endings that are sensitive to stimulation and are considered by some men to be part of their sexual anatomy. . The anal area and the walls of the rectum consist of delicate tissues that can be easily damaged during sexual activity. . Such damage can create an easy route of transmission for blood-borne sexually- transmitted infections. . Bacteria that exist normally and harmlessly in the anal area and rectum may cause infections if they are transferred to other parts of the anatomy.

2. Discuss the prevalence of testicular cancer and three important issues related to this form of cancer. Explain the four steps in conducting a testicular self-examination.

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 45-46 Topic: The Male Sexual Body Skill: Application

. Testicular cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men between the ages of 13 and 35; approximately 8,500 new cases were identified in the S. in 2010. . The incidence of testicular cancer worldwide has increased more than 50% since the mid-1900s. . The average age at which it is diagnosed has been decreasing from 30 to under 25 years of age. . There’s a greater incidence of testicular cancer among men who work in certain professions (agricultural workers, miners, firefighters, and utility workers). . This has led some researchers to suspect that exposure to environmental toxins may play an important role. . Today the average cure rate for testicular cancer is 90%, with a much greater success rate (nearly 99%) when the disease is diagnosed early.

Testicular self-examination

1. Stand in front of a mirror; check for swelling on the scrotum skin. 2. Examine each testicle with both hands. Place the index and middle fingers under the testicle with the thumbs placed on top, and roll the testicle gently between the thumbs and fingers. 3. Find the epididymis. Once one becomes familiar with this structure, it is less likely to be mistaken for a suspicious lump. Cancerous lumps are usually found on the sides of the testicle, but can also show up on the front or at the bottom. 4. If you find a lump, see a doctor right away; only a physician can make a positive diagnosis.

3. Identify and define four external structures of the female sexual anatomy.

Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 49-59 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Factual

Responses should consider:

. The vulva, or female external genitals; components are the mons veneris, the labia majora, the labia minora, the urethral opening, the clitoral glans, the vaginal opening, the hymen, the perineum, and the anus. . The mons veneris: it’s a slightly raised layer of fatty tissue on the top of the pubic bone and is usually covered with public hair. . Part of its evolutionary function is theorized to cushion the impact with the pubic bone during sexual intercourse. . The labia majora, or major lips: they are folds of skin and fatty tissue and extend from the mons down both sides of the vulva, past the vaginal opening to the perineum. . The labia minora: they are smooth, hairless, and vary in size and shape from woman to woman. They are sexually sensitive; during sexual arousal they become engorged with blood, become moist, and darken in color. . The clitoral glans and hood: at the top of the labia minora is the clitoral glans, which is the tip of the clitoris and the part that can be seen. . It is typically covered partly or completely by the clitoral hood. Stimulation of the clitoral glans, either directly or indirectly, is primarily responsible for producing orgasm in most women. . The clitoris: the clitoral shaft is about 0.5 inches in diameter and divides into two legs as it extends 3-4 inches into a woman’s body. These shafts pass on either side of the urethra and vagina. . The clitoris engorges with blood along its entire length, straightens out, and becomes erect during sexual activity. . The urethral opening; it’s the outside end of the tube leading from the bladder and is about halfway down the vulva, between the clitoris and the vagina. . It’s sensitive, and can provide pleasurable sexual sensations for some when stimulated. . The hymen: it’s a thin layer of tissue that partly covers or surrounds the vaginal opening. . It’s closely tied to the notion of female virginity. . The condition of a woman’s hymen does not indicate virginity. . First intercourse usually causes little or no damage to the hymen. . If it does tear, the trauma to the structure is minor and usually not painful. . Pregnancy can still occur when the hymen is intact.

4. Identify and explain the four guiding principles of breast health awareness.

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 60 Topic: The Female Sexual Body Skill: Conceptual

Responses should consider:

1. Know what is normal for you. Women should become familiar with their breasts so that if something changes in the appearance or feel, it will be easier to detect. 2. Look and feel. Some women are hesitant to touch their bodies or to look at themselves, especially at their sexual areas. When showering, bathing, or dressing, women should take the opportunity to feel and look at their breasts closely so they can learn how breast tissue changes normally during their normal hormonal cycle and be better able to spot changes if they occur. 3. Become aware of breast changes that may signal a problem. These include: a new, clearly-defined lump that has not been there all along; an unusual change in the outline, shape, or size of a breast; lumps, bumps, or swelling in one breast but not in the other that do not go away; unusual pain or discomfort that is focused in one part of a breast; nipple discharge, particularly if it is watery or bloody and is from only one breast; a nipple that has begun to pucker or retract inward. 4. Report any such changes immediately to your health care professional. Odds are that whatever change you detect is not cancer, but if it is, you’ll be in the best possible position to treat it early and recover completely.

5. Define and identify the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Distinguish between these disorders and explain the treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 68-69 Topic: Menstruation Skill: Application

Responses should consider:


. It’s a set of symptoms that may occur during the days leading up to the start of a woman’s period. . It’s caused by the cycling of hormones in a woman’s body, which may affect some women emotionally and psychologically. . Symptoms include dysphoria, mood swings, depression, irritability, tension, aggression, fatigue, headaches, breast soreness, abdominal cramping, backache, water retention, constipation, and specific food cravings.


. It’s a relatively rare but significantly more intense form of PMS that is now a proposed official clinical diagnosis. . It differs from PMS in terms of the number and severity of symptoms. . Diagnosis of PMDD applies only to those with the most serious and most debilitating symptoms. . Diagnosis of PMDD requires that five or more of the following symptoms be present during the week before the start of menstruation, must vary over a woman’s fertility cycle, and must be severe enough to seriously impair her relationships with others, interfere with work, school, and effective functioning in the normal activities of her daily life. . Symptoms include: . major depressive symptoms . intense anxiety, tension . radical mood swings such as sudden sadness or increased sensitivity in social situations . persistent, extreme anger, irritability, or increased interpersonal conflicts . loss of interest in usual or favorite activities . poor concentration . fatigue, general lack of energy . changes in appetite such as overeating or cravings for specific foods . difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much . feeling overwhelmed or out of control . physical symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, and muscle pains

Treatment of PMDD . Treatment depends on many issues relating to a woman’s specific symptoms, the seriousness of the overall symptomology, the individual patient’s profile, and the treatment preferences of the doctor. . The most effective treatment currently in use is one of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Celexa. . These drugs were originally developed to treat depression. . They trigger changes in the brain’s balance of neurotransmitter chemicals, particularly serotonin, and can significantly reduce both the psychological and the physical symptoms commonly associated with PMDD for many women. . There are other treatments that are somewhat beneficial, including dietary changes, various relaxation and stress-reduction strategies, hormone therapy, and regular exercise. CHAPTER 14: : Atypical Sexual Behaviors Total Assessment Guide (T.A.G.)

Question Type Topic Factual Conceptual Application

Multiple Choice 1, 2 True/False

Short Answer

Introduction to Chapter Essay Multiple Choice

3, 4, 5, 6 True/False Historical Perspectives 1, 2 Short Answer

1 Essay

Multiple Choice 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 12 8, 9, 11, 19 17, 18 True/False 4, 5, 6, 7. 7. 3 6, 10, 12 9. 11 2, 4, 6, 8 Short Answer 3 5, 7 Defining Paraphilias 1

Essay Multiple Choice

20, 21 True/False

13 14 Short Answer

Gender and Paraphilias Essay Origins of Multiple Paraphilias Choice 22, 27, 28 23, 24 25, 26 True/False

15, 17 16 Short Answer

9 10 Essay


Multiple 30, 31, Choice 33, 40, 29, 32, 34, 43, 45, 35, 38, 41, 36, 37, 39, 46, 48 44, 50 42, 47, 49

True/False 21, 22, 26, 27, 19, 25, 29, 18, 20, 23. 28 30 24 Short Answer

14, 15, 16 11, 12, 13 Essay Specific Paraphilias 3, 4 Multiple Choice 52, 57, 58, 59, 60 51, 53, 55 54, 56 True/False

Short Treatment Answer 17 of Paraphilias Essay 5

Major Headings: 1. 530 Introduction to Chapter 2. 530-531 Historical Perspectives 3. 531-536 Defining Paraphilias 4. 536-537 Gender and Paraphilias 5. 537-540 Origins of Paraphilias 6. 540-548 Specific Paraphilias 7. 548-554 Nonvictimizing Paraphilias 8. 554-557 Treatment of Paraphilias


1. “” literally means ______. 2. abnormal love 3. strange sexual practices 4. fantasy fixation 5. attraction to paras

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 530

Topic: Introduction

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Paraphilia literally means abnormal love.

2. The paraphilias are considered in the context of two categories, those that ______. 3. involve humans and those that do not 4. involve nonconsenting victims and those that are nonvictimizing 5. are legal and those that are not 6. are normal and those that are abnormal

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 530

Topic: Introduction

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Paraphilias are categorized as victimizing and nonvictimizing.

3. One of the first detailed accounts of paraphilic behaviors was in a medical text written in 1886, called Psychopathia Sexualis, by ______. 4. Henry Havelock Ellis 5. Masters and Johnson 6. Richard von Krafft-Ebing 7. Sigmund Freud

Answer: C

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 530

Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Richard von Krafft-Ebing wrote the first detailed accounts of paraphilic behavior in his book Psychopathia Sexualis.

4. One example cited from the 1886 book, Psychopathia Sexualis, discussed a man who enjoyed having intercourse with ______. 5. shoes 6. horses 7. dead people 8. hens

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 530

Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

Rationale: A case study described in Psychopathia Sexualis was about a man who had sex with hens.

5. A case presented from the 1886 book Psychopathia Sexualis involved a fetish in which a man was sexually aroused by a ______. 6. handkerchief 7. high heel 8. coat hanger 9. feather

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531 Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

Rationale: A case study described in Psychopathia Sexualis was about a man who had a fetish for handkerchiefs.

6. In Krafft-Ebing’s time, ______was condemned as abnormal or a paraphilia. 7. masturbation 8. oral sex 9. anal sex 10. all of the above

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

Rationale: In Krafft-Ebing’s time, behaviors such as masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex were all condemned as abnormal or a paraphila.

7. John’s counselor says his sexual activity would generally be considered to be a paraphilia because it meets all of the following conditions except ______. 8. the behavior is engaged in for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification 9. the behavior tends to be compulsive and recurrent 10. a clear majority of those in a given cultural setting would consider the behavior to be strange, deviant, pathological or abnormal 11. the behavior involves another person

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: A paraphilia must meet three criteria: 1) the behavior is engaged in for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification, 2) the behavior tends to be compulsive and recurrent, and 3) a clear majority of those in a given cultural setting would consider the behavior to be strange, deviant, pathological or abnormal.

8. The ______component of paraphilias is manifested in the inability to stop the undesirable behavior. 9. depressive 10. compulsive 11. fetish 12. post-traumatic stress

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: The compulsive component of the paraphilia is manifested in the inability to stop the undesirable behavior.

9. Paraphilias are sexual behavior that would strike ______people in a particular cultural setting as strange or abnormal. 10. few 11. some 12. most 13. all

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 532

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: A paraphilia is a sexual behavior that would be seen as strange or abnormal to most people in the culture.

10. Dan’s paraphilic behavior would be considered victimizing. Which of the following is his behavior? 11. transvestism 12. 13. fetishism 14.

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias Skill: Application

Rationale: An example of a victimizing paraphilia is voyeurism.

11. All of the following paraphilias would be considered victimless except ______. 12. transvestism 13. klismaphilia 14. formicophilia 15.

Answer: D

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Examples of victimless paraphilias include transvestism, klismaphilia, and formicophilia.

12. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association lists specific criteria for the diagnosis of all of the following except ______. 13. voyeurism 14. exhibitionism 15. fetishism 16. deadophilia

Answer: D Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale; The DSM lists criteria for the diagnosis of various paraphilias, including voyeurism, exhibitionism, and fetishism.

13. Jim has a to animals, which is referred to as ______. 14. 15. klismaphilia 16. 17. dogphilia

Answer: C

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Zoophilia refers to the sexual attraction to animals.

14. Brian is sexually turned on by sex with dead people; his behavior is referred to as ______. 15. 16. urophilia 17. 18. deadophilia

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Necrophilia refers to a sexual attraction to dead people.

15. According to the text, it is unclear whether or not David’s particular paraphilic behavior of ______is considered to be victimizing or victimless. 16. fetishism 17. sadism 18. zoophilia 19.

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Zoophilia is considered victimizing and nonvictimizing.

16. Joshua is a urophiliac and is sexually aroused by ______, while Keith is a coprophiliac and is sexually aroused by ______. 17. looking at genitals; looking at feet 18. copulation; fornication 19. urine; feces 20. underarm hair; facial hair

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Urophila is sexual arousal by urine and coprophilia is sexual arousal by feces.

17. When considering paraphilias, all of the following are examples of behaviors that are harmful or destructive to the person engaging in it except a ______. 18. person who participates in extreme masochism to the point of serious injury 19. man who dresses in women’s clothes in public and is ridiculed 20. teenager involved in autoerotic asphyxiation behaviors 21. man who enjoys ordering high heels online

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 535

Topic: Defining Paraphilias Skill: Application

Rationale: Paraphilic behaviors that are considered harmful or destructive might include a person who participates in extreme masochism to the point of serious injury, a man who dresses in women’s clothes in public and is ridiculed, and a teenager involved in autoerotic asphyxiation behaviors.

18. According to the text, a paraphilia will be more likely to be judged negatively for all of the following reasons except that the behavior ______. 19. is harmful or destructive to the person engaging in it 20. is illegal 21. interferes with the person’s ability to form and maintain loving, intimate and sexual relationships with others 22. occurs outside a marital relationship

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 535-536

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale A paraphilia is likely to be judged more negatively if the behavior is harmful or destructive to the person engaging in it, if it is illegal, and if the behavior interferes with the person’s ability to form and maintain loving, intimate and sexual relationships with others.

19. In terms of consent and paraphilias, ______. 20. it can still be a paraphilia, even if the other person gives consent 21. as long as the person consents, it is not a paraphilia 22. consensual, victimless acts cannot be considered paraphilic 23. paraphilias imply that there is always consent

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 536

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: It can still be a paraphilia, even if the other person gives consent.

20. In terms of gender and paraphilias, ______. a. nearly all those who engage in paraphilias are male 21. most of the coercive paraphilias are associated with males 22. men and women are likely to exhibit paraphilias 23. most paraphiles are women

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 536

Topic: Gender and Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Nearly all those who engage in paraphilias are male.

21. The one paraphilic behavior that is found in both men and women (although still more common in men) is ______. 22. transvestism 23. voyeurism 24. sexual masochism 25. exhibitionism

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 536

Topic: Gender and Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Sexual masochism is the one paraphilic behavior found in both men and women.

22. In terms of the origins of paraphilias, our understanding could best be summarized by saying ______. 23. nobody really knows what causes paraphilias 24. most paraphilias are caused by hormonal imbalances in utero 25. paraphilias are the result of childhood trauma 26. most paraphilias have a medical basis in their development

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 537

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Nobody really knows what causes paraphilias.

23. The ______theory of paraphilic origin suggests that dysfunctional or problematic behaviors in adulthood are caused by traumatic events that occurred in childhood. 24. behavioral 25. psychodynamic 26. biological 27. hormonal

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 538

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Psychodynamic theory suggests that dysfunctional or problematic behaviors in adulthood are caused by traumatic events that occurred in childhood.

24. The psychodynamic theory of the origins of paraphilias can be most closely associated with ______. 25. Masters and Johnson 26. Henry Havelock Ellis 27. Sigmund Freud 28. Maslow

Answer: C

Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 538

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Sigmund Freud is most closely linked to the psychodynamic theory of the origins of paraphilias.

25. Dr. Stone believes the origin of Ted’s paraphilia relies on components of classical and operant conditioning. Dr. Stone would be considered a ______theorist. 26. behavioral 27. psychodynamic 28. biological 29. hormonal

Answer: A

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 538-539

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Behavioral theory includes the components of classical and operant conditioning to explain the origin of paraphilias.

26. Steve’s doctor feels that by giving him a prescription for medications that will block the action of ______, Steve may find that his paraphilic compulsions are reduced to more controllable levels. 27. testosterone 28. serotonin 29. hormones 30. blood platelets

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 539-540

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Medications that block the action of testosterone have been found to reduce paraphilic compulsions.

27. One hormone that appears to be related to compulsive sexual behavior is ______. 28. testosterone 29. estrogen 30. progestin 31. serotonin

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 539

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Testosterone appears to be related to compulsive sexual behavior.

28. One study discussed in the text found levels of ______in men who have pedophilia to be significantly higher. 29. estrogen 30. serotonin 31. adrenaline 32. while blood cells

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 540

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Higher levels of adrenaline have been found in men who have pedophilia.

29. Andrew, Terry, and Eugene are in a support group for voyeurs. One thing they all have in common as voyeurs is that they ______. 30. often seek arousal by going to topless beaches 31. prefer to remain unseen while watching their victims without their consent 32. are aroused when their victims notice them 33. like to be in the nude to view their victims

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 541 Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Voyeurs prefer to remain unseen while watching their victims without their consent.

30. A “peeping Tom” is another name for ______. 31. an exhibitionist 32. machismo 33. 34. a voyeur

Answer: D

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 541

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: A voyeur is also called a “peeping Tom.”

31. The use of spy cameras and “web cams” are examples of high-tech devices used by ______. 32. voyeurs 33. exhibitionists 34. frotteurists 35. masochists

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 541

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Voyeurs may use spy cams or “web cams.”

32. As an exhibitionist, Eric’s sexual arousal usually ______. 33. decreases if he thinks he will get caught 34. decreases if the victim shows shock 35. increases if his victim shows shock 36. increases if the victim approaches him

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 542

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Exhibitionists become sexually arouse if the victim shows shock.

33. A “flasher” refers to someone who enjoys ______. 34. exhibitionism 35. machismo 36. frotteurism 37. voyeurism

Answer: A

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 542

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Another name for an exhibitionist is a “flasher.”

34. Part of the arousal for Barry, who is an exhibitionist, is the ______response of the victim. 35. pleasure 36. shock 37. non- 38. humorous

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 542

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Exhibitionists are aroused by the shock response of the victim.

35. ______refers to the compulsion to rub one’s genitals against a nonconsenting person for sexual arousal. 36. Exhibitionism 37. Pedophilia 38. Frotteurism 39. Voyeurism

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 542-543

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Frotteurism is the compulsion to rub one’s genitals against a nonconsenting person for sexual arousal.

36. If James is a frotteurist, he enjoys ______. 37. crowded subways 38. peering through windows 39. watching people make love 40. displaying his genitals

Answer: A

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 542-543

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: A frotteurist enjoys crowded places such as subways.

37. Daniel enjoys inflicting pain and humiliation for sexual gratification. His behavior would be referred to as ______. 38. masochism 39. sexual sadism 40. sex play 41. discipline

Answer: B

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 543

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Sexual sadism involves inflicting pain and humiliation for sexual gratification.

38. ______refers to the exploitation of prepubescent children for an adult’s sexual purposes. 39. Exhibitionism 40. Pedophilia 41. Frotteurism 42. Voyeurism

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 544, 546

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Pedophilia refers to the exploitation of prepubescent children for an adult’s sexual purposes.

39. Karen’s class is studying the issue of pedophiles. Some of the things she is likely to learn include all of the following except that ______. 40. they are more often men 41. many are married 42. they themselves were sexually abused as children 43. they have a high sex drive

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 546

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Pedophiles are often men, many are married, and many were sexually abused as children.

40. Approximately ______of the victims of pedophiles are girls aged 8 to 11. 41. 25% 42. 45% 43. 65% 44. 85%

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 546

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Approximately 65% of victims of pedophiles are girls aged 8-11.

41. Many paraphilias are ______, in that they are solitary activities or involve adults who have given their consent to participate. 42. coercive 43. nonvictimizing 44. deviant 45. illegal

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 548

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale Nonvictimizing paraphilias can be solitary activities or involve adults who have given their consent to participate.

42. Ian’s sexual arousal and gratification is associated with acts or fantasies of being hurt, humiliated, or otherwise being made to suffer. This refers to ______. 43. 44. sadism 45. masochism 46. physical abuse

Answer: C

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 548-549

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Masochism is associated with acts or fantasies of being hurt, humiliated, or otherwise made to suffer.

43. The difference between sexual sadism and sexual masochism is that in the latter ______. 44. the partners make agreements and ground rules 45. there is always a woman in the dominate position 46. bondage is not used 47. humiliation is not included

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 549

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias Skill: Factual

Rationale: In sexual masochism partners make agreements and ground rules, whereas in sexual sadism they do not.

44. The most dangerous of all the paraphilias mentioned in the text is ______. 45. sexual masochism 46. autoerotic asphyxiation 47. transvestism 48. frotteurism

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 550

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Autoerotic asphyxiation is considered the most dangerous of all paraphilias.

45. Autoerotic asphyxiation involves ______. 46. binding the feet 47. torturing the victim by suffocation 48. depriving the brain of oxygen through some form of strangulation 49. masturbating to unconsciousness

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 550

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Autoerotic asphyxiation involves depriving the brain of oxygen through some form of strangulation.

46. It is thought that about ______of all deaths due to strangulation among teens are due to autoerotic asphyxiation. 47. 10% 48. 20% 49. 30% 50. 50%

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 551

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: About 30% of all deaths due to strangulation among teens are due to autoerotic asphyxiation.

47. Jeff can only become aroused when he is fondling or thinking about high heels. His condition is called ______. 48. frotteurism 49. fetishism 50. transvestism 51. psychosis

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 551-552

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: A fetish might include a person who can only become aroused by fondling or thinking of high heels.

48. The most common fetish objects include all of the following except ______. 49. shoes and boots 50. women’s underwear and lingerie 51. feet and toes 52. breasts

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 552

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Common fetish objects include shoes and boots, women’s underwear or lingerie, and feet and toes.

49. Ted has . Which of these statements is true about him? 50. He usually has homosexual tendencies. 51. He achieves sexual arousal by wearing female clothing. 52. He is confused about his gender identity. 53. He is tired of wearing pants all day.

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 553

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: A transvestic fetish involves a man becoming sexually aroused by wearing women’s clothing.

50. Which of the following would a mental health worker consider to be a transvestite? 51. a male who dressed as Marilyn Monroe for Halloween 52. a male homosexual in drag 53. a man who experiences sexual satisfaction from wearing women’s underwear 54. a professional female impersonator

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 553

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: An example of a transvestite is a man who experiences sexual satisfaction from wearing women’s underwear.

51. The motivation for seeking treatment that tends to have a higher likelihood of success is ______. 52. court-ordered 53. self-distress 54. social ostracism 55. distress due to sexual dysfunction

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 554

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Treatment for a paraphilia is more likely to have success if it is motivated by self-distress.

52. According to the text, the reason why someone might seek some form of treatment for a paraphilia may include all of the following except ______. 53. it was court-ordered 54. self-distress 55. relationship distress 56. a need to act out a fantasy

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 554-555 Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: Treatment for a paraphilia may be because it is court-ordered, it is causing the person distress, or it is causing distress in the relationship.

53. The treatment of paraphilic behavior ______. 54. is to extinguish the behavior completely 55. depends on what paraphilia is being treated 56. usually includes group therapy 57. does not work

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 555

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Treatment for paraphilic behavior depends on what is being treated.

54. Sam is going through incorporation therapy as a treatment for his paraphila. All of the following relate to this type of treatment except ______. 55. it is a compromise, in that the frequency of the paraphilic behavior will be decreased, but not completely abolished 56. it is successful when the partner of the paraphile is distressed and unwilling to accept the intensity of the behavior, but can endure milder forms 57. the couple may work together to reach a point where they can both accept a certain level of the paraphilic behavior 58. it seeks to incorporate the behavior into lovemaking

Answer: D

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 555

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Characterisitics of incorporation therapy include 1) it is a compromise, in that the frequency of the paraphilic behavior will be decreased, but not completely abolished, 2) it is successful when the partner of the paraphile is distressed and unwilling to accept the intensity of the behavior, but can endure milder forms, and 3) the couple may work together to reach a point where they can both accept a certain level of the paraphilic behavior.

55. Due to the ethical issues involved, psychotherapy is less likely to involve ______. 56. aversion therapy 57. covert sensitization therapy 58. group therapy 59. cognitive behavioral therapy

Answer: A

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 555

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Rationale: Psychotherapy for a paraphilia is less likely to include aversion therapy due to ethical issues.

56. ______involves telling the client to masturbate using objects, fantasies, or images related to his paraphilia, but as orgasm approaches, he is instructed to switch completely to objects, fantasies, and images of more mainstream, socially acceptable sexual behaviors. 57. Masturbatory re-initiation 58. Orgasmic reconditioning 59. Aversion therapy 60. Social skills training

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 556

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Application

Rationale: Orgasmic reconditioning involves telling the client to masturbate using objects, fantasies, or images related to his paraphilia, but as orgasm approaches, he is instructed to switch completely to objects, fantasies, and images of more mainstream, socially acceptable sexual behaviors.

57. Historically, drug therapy for paraphilias consisted of medications that would reduce ______. 58. fantasies 59. appetite 60. testosterone 61. sensitivity

Answer: C

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 556

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Historically, drug therapy for paraphilias consisted of medications that would reduce testosterone.

58. The most recent class of medications to show promise in treating paraphilias is ______. 59. alcohol 60. SSRIs 61. hormone replacement 62. methadone

Answer: B

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 556

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: SSRIs show promise in treating paraphilias.

59. In terms of treatment effectiveness, all of the following are true except ______. 60. the primary source of statistics is the criminal justice system 61. studies seem to indicate that treatment is significantly better than no treatment 62. the success rate for most paraphilias is not terribly optimistic 63. most paraphilias are easily treated

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 557

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: In terms of treatment effectiveness we see: 1) the primary source of statistics is the criminal justice system, 2) studies seem to indicate that treatment is significantly better than no treatment, and 3) the success rate for most paraphilias is not terribly optimistic.

60. The most successful treatments appear to be all of the following except those who ______. 61. are treated early in their history 62. are the most motivated to stop 63. involve themselves in normal adult sexual relationships 64. have a history of being in counseling

Answer: D

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 557

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

Rationale: The most successful treatments appear to be those who are treated early in their history, those who are the most motivated to stop, and those who involve themselves in normal adult sexual relationships.


1. Our knowledge of paraphilias is quite recent.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 530-531

Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

2. Exactly what behaviors qualify as paraphilias has changed markedly throughout history.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

3. According to the text, it is fairly easy, using a few simple criteria, to analyze a particular behavior to see if it is likely to be a paraphilia.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

4. A person who enjoys walking around the house naked when home alone is a good example of a paraphilia called exhibitionism.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

5. The compulsive component of Joe’s paraphilia is manifested in his inability to stop the undesirable behavior.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531-532 Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

6. The DSM-IV-TR allows for several of the victimizing paraphilias to be diagnosed as disorders, if they are acted upon, even if they do not cause distress or interpersonal difficulties for the person who engages in the behavior.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 532

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

7. Sara’s sexual fantasies are usually about being in control and dominating the man she is with. This would qualify as a paraphilia.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 532

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

8. Ben’s paraphilia involves an attraction to elderly people. He has recently found a new job in an elderly community and knows he may be at risk of acting on his paraphilia. If he did act on his paraphilia, it would be referred to as gerontophilia.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

9. Jeff loves to call women who live alone and talk sexually to them. It is a turn on. His paraphilia would be considered nonvictimizing since he is not technically hurting them.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

10. Stan has an obsessive preoccupation with and compulsive need for sex. His therapist says this is what is typically referred to as sexual addiction.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 534-535 Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

11. Carl enjoys dressing up as a woman in public but he is often made fun of and has even been the target of violence. Because of the response, he knows his behavior is judged more negatively by society.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 535

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

12. If there is consent, then the behavior is not considered a paraphilia.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 536

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

13. The reason most paraphilic behavior is attributed to men is because men have a stronger sex drive than women.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 536

Topic: Gender and Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

14. Some research has found that in cultures where sexual activity serves primarily as a reproductive function, paraphilias are significantly less common.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 536-537

Topic: Gender and Paraphilias

Skill: Application

15. What we now know is that people are born with particular sexual eccentricities.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 537

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

16. Behavioral theories of the development of paraphilias suggest any behavior that occurs in a particular setting and is followed by a rewarding event will be more likely to reoccur in the future in a similar setting.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 538-539

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

17. Little scientific research supports or even suggests a single, clear, definitive answer to the causes of paraphilias.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 540

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

18. Calvin is sexually aroused watching his partner undress prior to sex, going to clubs with sex shows, or watching sexually explicit videos; this would qualify as voyeurism.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 541

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

19. As with other coercive paraphilias, frotteurism is considered a form of sexual assault.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 543

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

20. Damon is sexually aroused by bondage, which means he is a sexual sadist.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 543

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

21. Sex play involving light bondage, spanking, and discipline appears to be quite popular and fairly common when considering the number of websites and catalogs devoted to products related to this activity.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 543-544

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

22. The majority of pedophiles are strangers to their victims.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 546

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

23. The number of Catholic priests who have been sexually involved with minors over the past 50 years is estimated to be between 3,000 to 5,000 priests.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 547

Topic: Specific Paraphilias Skill: Application

24. Research estimates that 11,000 boys (now men) have been abused by priests.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 547

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Application

25. According to research, two reasons for Catholic priest abuse is the church’s culture of celibacy and its culture of homosexuality.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 548

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

26. Sexual masochism is typically not illegal.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 1 Page ref: 550

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

27. The belief by those who try autoerotic asphyxiation is that oxygen deprivation enhances arousal and orgasm sensations during masturbation – but the reality is that there is no connection.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 551

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

28. The development of fetishes probably stems from experiences in childhood or early adulthood in which some body part, article of clothing, or object is paired with sexual arousal and orgasm.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 552

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

29. Cross-dressing is the same thing as transvestism.

Answer: False

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 553

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

30. Transgenderism is not a paraphilia.

Answer: True

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 554

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual


1. One of the first detailed accounts of paraphilic behavior was in a medical text written in 1886 called ______.

Answer: Psychopathia Sexualis Difficulty: 2 Page ref: 530

Topic: Historical Perspectives

Skill: Factual

2. A ______is one that controls the person instead of the other way around.

Answer: compulsive behavior

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 531

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

3. The ______is the diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals for the diagnosis of psychological disorders, including paraphilias.

Answer: DSM-IV-TR

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 532

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

4. Examples of victimizing paraphilias include ______, ______, ______, and ______.

Answer: voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotteurism and pedophilia

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 532

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

5. Zachary’s sexual attraction to a nonliving object or nonsexual body part would be considered ______.

Answer: fetishism

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533, 552

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

6. This paraphilia involves sexual attraction to insects or other small crawling creatures: ______.

Answer: formicophilia

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 533

Topic: Defining Paraphilias Skill: Conceptual

7. Jason’s paraphilic behavior involves self-strangulation during masturbation. His is known as ______.

Answer: autoerotic asphyxiation

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 533,550

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Application

8. ______refers to an obsessive preoccupation and compulsive need for sexual activity.

Answer: Hypersexual disorder

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 535

Topic: DefiningParaphilias

Skill: Conceptual

9. Three theories, ______, ______, and ______, have been suggested to account for the development of a paraphilia.

Answer: psychodynamic, behavioral, and biological Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 537

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

10. ______propose that paraphilias begin with the pairing of a particular event with sexual arousal.

Answer: Behavior theorists

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 538-539

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

11. “Peeping Tom” is to ______as “flasher” is to ______.

Answer: voyeurism; exhibitionism

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 541-542

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

12. The vast majority of adults who sexually abuse children are ______.

Answer: heterosexual

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 546

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

13. Sexual sadism and sexual masochism both typically involve elements of humiliation and pain, but the difference is that the latter includes ______.

Answer: consent and ground rules

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 549

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

14. ______is the most personally dangerous of all the paraphilias.

Answer: Autoerotic asphyxiation

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 550

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias Skill: Factual

15. Shoes, lingerie, and typically nonsexual body parts are among the most common ______.

Answer: fetish objects

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 552

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

16. Most transvestites are ______males.

Answer: heterosexual

Difficulty: 1

Page ref: 553

Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

17. Treatment for paraphilias include: ______, ______, ______, and ______. Answer: incorporation, psychotherapy, orgasmic reconditioning, and drug therapy

Difficulty: 3 Page ref: 555-556

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual


1. Discuss the three basic criteria used to determine if something is a paraphilia or not.

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 531

Topic: Defining Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

A sexual activity may be considered a paraphilia if it meets all three of the following criteria:

1. 1. The behavior is engaged in for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification. The first criterion is obvious: at least one of the primary reasons a person is engaging in the behavior is because it is a sexual turn-on. If a man dresses up as a woman for a part in a play, his cross-dressing is unconnected to sexual arousal or gratification and is unlikely to be defined as a paraphilia (transvestism).

2. 2. The behavior tends to be compulsive and recurrent. The second criterion of paraphilias is that they tend to constitute compulsive behavior. Any behavior, sexual or not, may for some people become compulsive. In essence, a compulsive behavior is one that controls the person instead of the other way around. Usually, it is a behavior that the person would like to stop doing but feels powerless to control. 3. 3. A clear majority of people in a given cultural setting would consider the behavior to be strange, deviant, pathological, or abnormal. The third criterion of paraphilias is what sets them apart from other sexual behaviors (even those that might meet the first two criteria). Paraphilias are sexual behaviors that would strike most people in a particular cultural setting as strange or abnormal. This judgment sounds subjective. You may be thinking, “What’s strange to one person is mainstream to another” or “Who’s to say what’s abnormal anyway?” It is important to take into account the culture in which the behavior occurs because societies are often surprisingly diverse in their social and sexual customs.

2. Discuss the three most common theories on the origins of paraphilias.

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 538-540

Topic: Origins of Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

Three theories—psychodynamic, behavioral, and biological—have been suggested to account for the development of a paraphilia:

. Psychodynamic theories of human nature rest on the basic psychoanalytic ideas of Sigmund Freud, who contended that all dysfunctional or problematic behaviors in adulthood, sexual or otherwise, are caused by traumatic events that occurred in early childhood. The fundamental assumption here is that major developmental traumas or conflicts you may have encountered during your early formative years, from birth through about age 10, have been repressed into your unconscious in order to protect you from their disturbing nature. Because you repressed them into your unconscious, you are even now totally unaware that those conflicts exist. However, later, in adulthood, the theory maintains, those repressed traumas may exert powerful forces on your behavior and cause you to engage in socially unacceptable behaviors as your unconscious tries to resolve the tension they create. . The behavioral approach to explaining the origins of paraphilias rests on the various components of classical and operant conditioning. If you have studied these learning theories in other psychology classes, you’ll recall that in classical conditioning, a response to a particular stimulus is learned (or conditioned) when that stimulus is paired in the brain with another event that naturally produces a particular response. . Biological theories of paraphilias derive from the assumption that something physiological has malfunctioned and is leading to the person’s strange and compulsive behaviors. These theories focus primarily on imbalances in two biochemical systems: hormones and neurotransmitters. The hormone hypothesis suggests that compulsive sexual behavior may be related to an overproduction of male hormones, mainly testosterone, but other hormones, such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine, have been implicated as well. The neurotransmitter serotonin, which is known to be involved in various psychological disorders, especially depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), has been connected to paraphilias as well.

3. Describe the five most common victimizing paraphilias.

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 541-544, 546

Topic: Specific Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

. Voyeurism refers to the paraphilia of a recurring urge to secretly watching others undress or engage in sexual activities without their knowledge or consent. . Exhibitionism is the flip side of voyeurism in that the focus for sexual arousal and gratification is displaying one’s genitals to others without their consent. A common term for someone who engages in this paraphilia is a “flasher.” . Frotteurism is the recurring compulsion to rub one’s genitals against a nonconsenting person for sexual arousal and, typically, orgasm. . Sexual sadism, the recurring compulsive urge to inflict of pain and humiliation for sexual gratification, is named for the Marquis de Sade, an eighteenth-century French author and aristocrat who spent much of his adult life imprisoned for engaging in and writing about his particularly violent form of sexual expression. . Pedophilia refers to the pattern of exploitation of prepubescent children for an adult’s sexual purposes.

4. Discuss what is known about the more common nonvictimizing paraphilias.

Difficulty: 2

Page ref: 548-554 Topic: Nonvictimizing Paraphilias

Skill: Conceptual

. Sexual masochism refers to sexual arousal and gratification that is associated with acts or fantasies of being hurt, humiliated, or otherwise made to suffer. The masochist has a recurring pattern of engaging in such acts voluntarily and often seeks them out. . Autoerotic asphyxiation involves depriving the brain of oxygen, usually through some form of strangulation or hanging, during masturbation. If this behavior is engaged in by a couple, where one chokes the other, with consent) during sexual activity, it is usually called sexual hypoxia or hypoxyphilia; but this is far less common than the autoerotic form. . Fetish is when a sexual preference intensifies to the point that a person obsesses almost exclusively on a nonhuman object or sometimes on a body part that most members of a culture do not find sexy, such as feet or toes.

5. Describe treatment approaches for paraphilias discussed in the textbook.

Difficulty: 3

Page ref: 555-557

Topic: Treatment of Paraphilias

Skill: Factual

. Incorporation therapy is, in a way, a compromise in that the frequency of the paraphilic behavior will be decreased or modified but not completely abolished. This approach is often successful when the partner of the paraphiliac is distressed and unwilling to accept the intensity of the paraphilic behaviors but can learn to endure a milder form of them. . The most successful approach appears to be cognitive-behavioral therapy, which combines techniques designed to modify unwanted behaviors with altering the client’s thinking patterns that lead to the unwanted behaviors . Orgasmic Reconditioning. Sexual arousal and orgasm are very powerful reinforcements for whatever behavior becomes associated with them. If a person who desires to modify his paraphilic behavior could be conditioned to become aroused and have orgasms in settings that bear no resemblance to the paraphilia, his maladaptive associations and behaviors might be altered . Drug Therapy. If an imbalance in brain and glandular chemicals is leading to unwanted, inappropriate sexual behavior, it makes sense that it might be treated with medications that alter, in some way, the production or effects of those chemicals.