Decoupled Strain Response of Ferroic Properties in Multiferroic VOCl2 Monolayer

Akshay Mahajan1, ∗ and Somnath Bhowmick1, † 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India (Dated: February 16, 2021) Two-dimensional (2D) magnetoelectric multiferroics are promising multifunctional materials for miniaturized logic and memory devices. Herein, we explore the effectiveness of strain-engineering for tuning the properties of a recently predicted 2D antiferromagnetic-ferroelectric, VOCl2 monolayer. Interestingly, we find that magnetic-ordering and electric polarization can be tuned independently using uniaxial tensile strain along different in-plane lattice vectors. A 4% tensile strain along lattice vector b induces a transition from an antiferromagnetic (AFM) ground state with an out-of-plane magnetization to a ferromagnetic (FM) ground state with in-plane magnetization. On the other hand, tensile strain along lattice vector a enhances spontaneous electric polarization, without af- fecting the magnetic ordering. The monolayers remain dynamically stable under tensile strain, which further helps to raise the Curie temperature of , as well as . Such a strain-tunable multiferroic material holds great promises for future generation nanoelectronic de- vices.

35 I. INTRODUCTION knowledge, MXene Hf2VC2F2 monolayer is the only type-II multiferroic, among 2D materials. Magnetoelectric multiferroics1–3 have fascinated mate- Single-phase one-cation type-I multiferroic monolay- 36,37 rials scientists and engineers for the last two decades with ers VOX 2 (X = Cl, Br, I) family is an interesting their rich fundamental physics of combining electronic new addition to the ever increasing list of 2D multifer- and magnetic properties and its applications for nano- roics. These monolayers have been demonstrated to vi- electronics. This unique characteristic of combining elec- olate the d 0 rule in multiferroics.37,38 Generally, it has tric and magnetic ferroic properties makes them poten- been observed that the partial occupancy of d-orbitals of tial multifunctional materials for designing devices where transition metal cations, which is essential for the origin a single device component can perform more than one of magnetism, suppresses the occurrence of ferroelectric- 0 task. This quality is especially desirable for the minia- ity. However, in VOX 2 monolayers, d rule gets violated turization of devices4. Among these multiferroics, par- since the partially occupied d-orbital lies in a plane per- ticular significance is given to ferromagnetic-ferroelectric pendicular to the ferroelectric polarization and such a (FM-FE) materials, which can be used for new device configuration even helps to enhance the electric polariza- architectures based on four logic states5,6. tion in these monolayers.37 Realization of enhanced multiferroic properties, e.g., Among VOX 2 family of 2D multiferroics, VOCl2 enlarged polarization in thin-films of three-dimensional monolayer has been predicted as an easily exfoliable 2D (3D) multiferroics, have further stimulated multiferroic antiferromagnetic-ferroelectric (AFM-FE) having an in- research for miniaturized non-volatile logic and mem- plane spontaneous electric polarization and an out-of- ory devices7–10. However, these thin films have lim- plane magnetization.36 In this work, using first-principle itations due to the requirement of a critical thick- calculations, we demonstrate that the magnetic ordering ness for sustaining the ferroelectric (FE) state due in VOCl2 can be tuned via strain-engineering, along with to the effects of surface, depolarizing electrostatic the enhancement of electric polarization. The transition field, and electron screening11–16. Therefore, for the from AFM-FE to FM-FE state takes place at around 4% advancement of nanoelectronics, new low-dimensional in-plane biaxial tensile strain, which also leads to sig- multiferroics are required. Recently, using first- nificant enhancement (∼ 14%) of electric polarization. principles simulations, various two-dimensional (2D) We further establish that, the uniaxial strain along the magnetic17–21, ferroelectric22–24, and multiferroic mate- in-plane lattice vector b and a is separately responsible rials have been discovered25. Several approaches, includ- for the change in ground-state magnetic ordering and in- 26,27 28 29 arXiv:2012.04592v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 15 Feb 2021 ing intercalation , doping , and defect engineering , crease in the FE polarization, respectively. Increasing have been used to design 2D FE ferromagnetism. Var- energy barrier for polarization switching, as well as an ious other multiferroics have also been discovered30–34; enhancement of magnetic exchange coupling parameter most of them belonging to the type-I2 category, where predicts both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic Curie tem- ferroelectricity and magnetism have independent origins perature to increase with increasing tensile strain. The with high polarization values but relatively weak magne- dependence of the ferroelectric switching energy barrier toelectric coupling. The type-II2 multiferroics, where the on the ground state magnetic ordering also suggests some magnetic arrangements induce ferroelectricity and thus kind of magnetoelectric coupling. A comparison of mag- results in strong magnetoelectric coupling with smaller netocrystalline anisotropy energies also reveal a 90◦ rota- polarization values, are quite rare. To the best of our tion of magnetization direction, associated with the tran- 2


V Cl All first-principles calculations are performed within the framework of density functional theory (DFT) using a(x) a plane-wave basis set, as implemented in the VASP suite O 41–43 44,45 b(y) of codes. Projector augmented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials are used in which exchange and cor- relation effects are treated within a generalized gradi- ent approximation (GGA) scheme, developed by Perdew- (a) Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE).46 For all structural relaxation and electronic structure calculations, except the phonon spectra calculations, vdW-DF247–50 non-local correlation functional is used to account for dispersion interactions. For DFT+U based calculations, effective U values are (c) added according to the method proposed by Dudarev et 51 al . 2D VOCl2 monolayer is exfoliated from its 3D par- (b) ent, which is retrieved from the Inorganic Crystal Struc- ture Database (ICSD)52 with ICSD number 24380. All calculations are done for a 2 × 2 × 1 supercell of VOCl2 (d) (e) unit cell to consider different magnetic orderings. A vac- uum layer of 20 Å is added along c-axis (z-direction) to avoid the spurious interaction between the monolayer and its periodic images. An energy cutoff of 520 eV is used for the plane-wave basis set with a k-mesh of 7 × 7 × 1 for the Brillouin zone (BZ) integrations. For structural relaxation, a criterion of 0.001 eV/Å for the Hellman- Feynman forces is used, and optimization of atomic po- sitions and lattice constants are done using a conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm. The phonon spectra are cal- culated using the linear response method, which utilizes (f) density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), as im- plemented in Phonopy.53 The electric polarization is cal- FIG. 1. (a) Top views of the high (Pmmm) and low-symmetry culated using the Berry phase method.54,55 The magne- (Pmm2 ) VOCl2 monolayers. Black dotted rectangle denotes tocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) is calculated us- the primitive cell (containing an octahedron). Phonon spec- ing the magnetic force theorem.56–58 Note that, the spin- Pmmm Pmm2 tra of the (b) and (c) phases, respectively. orbit coupling (SOC) is taken into account only for the (d) Calculated total polarization as a function of normalized MAE calculations. The convergence of the MAE with displacement along the adiabatic path. (e) Double-well po- respect to the k-point sampling has been tested by per- tential of VOCl2 monolayer. Green and red squares in (d) and (e) represents PE (Pmmm) and FE (Pmm2 ) phases, respec- forming calculations for the unstrained AFM3 monolayer, tively. (f) Schematic of four different magnetic configurations using up to 14 × 14 × 1 k-point mesh and we find that a considered, showing only V atoms [compare with panel (a)]. 7 × 7 × 1 mesh is sufficient for convergence of the MAE values (to about ±1µeV/f.u.). Tensile strain along dif- ferent lattice parameters is defined as ε = (a-ao)/ao = sition from the state of AFM-FE (out of plane) to FM-FE (b-bo)/bo, where a, b are in-plane lattice parameters and (in plane). ao, bo are the equilibrium lattice constants for the un- Scope of tuning a 2D ferroelectric material (having strained AFM3 VOCl2 monolayer. in-plane electric polarization) via applying strain along the polar axis has recently been explored in several studies.39,40 However, to the best of our knowledge, this is III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS the first report on strain engineering of a 2D multiferroic material, showing that different ferroic properties can be The top view of the crystal structure of the VOCl2 independently controlled via applying strain along dif- monolayer is illustrated in Figure1(a). Among the two ferent in plane crystallographic directions, which makes phases, namely the paraelectric (PE) Pmmm and FE VOCl2 a very promising material for next generation na- Pmm2, the V ion along the V-O chain (parallel to the noelectronic devices. The paper is organized as follows: polar axis or a-axis) is displaced in the latter. The V In SectionII, we present the computational details, fol- ion displacement lifts the inversion center present in the lowed by the results and discussions in SectionIII and PE phase within the VO2Cl4 octahedra [Figure S1 of the paper is concluded in SectionIV. Supplemental Material59], leading to a spontaneous po- 3 larization. The phonon spectra of PE and FE phases [Figure1(b) and1(c)] reveals the presence of soft optical modes in the former (arising because of the displacement of the V ion); suggesting spontaneous symmetry break- ing below the Curie temperature, causing the transition Y S Γ X (a) (b) from the high-symmetry PE phase to the low-symmetry FE phase.60 Figure1(d) shows the variation of total po- larization of the VOCl2 monolayer as a function of the V ion displacement along the polar axis (a-axis), which confirms the direct proportionality of the electric polar- (c) (d) (e) (f) ization to the amount of V ion’s displacement from the inversion center. The polarization-displacement curve b(y) b(y) b(y) also displays how the sign of the polarization depends b(y) on the direction of V ion displacement along the polar a(x) c(z) a(x) c(z) axis. The characteristic marker of spontaneous electric polarization, the double-well potential, is also plotted in Figure1(e). From the double-well potential, spontaneous −10 electric polarization (PS) value of 2.9×10 C/m and a potential barrier (EG) of 301 meV per cation [or per for- FIG. 2. (a) Electronic band structure and (b) orbital resolved mula unit (f.u.)] is determined, which are similar to the density of states of monolayer VOCl2 with AFM3 ground 36,37 values predicted in earlier works. state magnetic ordering. High-symmetry points in the first We consider four different magnetic states, ferromag- Brillouin zone are also shown in the inset. (c-d) Integrated netic (FM) and three different types of anti-ferromagnetic local density of states (ILDOS), close to the Fermi energy (AFM1, AFM2, AFM3) orders, schematically illustrated [shaded region in (b)]. In panel (d), solid green lines represent in Figure1(f), where only V ions are shown for clarity direct exchange interaction between neighboring V-ions and the dashed blue lines represent Cl-mediated super-exchange [compare with1(a)]. Study of AFM ordering requires a interaction. (e-f) Spin density localized on V ion, with red 2×2×1 supercell. According to our first-principles calcu- and blue color representing opposite spins in AFM3 config- lations, among the four magnetic orders, the ground-state uration. ILDOS and spin density plots are prepared using magnetic ordering is AFM3. Figure2(a) shows the elec- Quantum Espresso61 and Xcrysden.62 tronic band structure of the AFM3 VOCl2 monolayer, along with orbital projected density of states (PDOS) plot illustrated in Figure2(b). Evidently, VOCl 2 mono- clusively on lattice parameter b, while lattice parameter layer has an indirect band gap of about 0.92 eV, with the a has no effect on the magnetic ground state. valence states nearest to the Fermi level having major The polar displacement, on the other hand, increases and minor contributions from V and Cl ions, respectively. monotonically and decreases slightly with increasing lat- This is further substantiated by integrated local density tice parameter a [Figure3(d)] and b [Figure3(e)], re- of states (ILDOS) plots near the Fermi energy, as shown spectively, irrespective of the magnetic ordering. Since in Figure2(c-d). Spin density plots are shown in Figure polar displacement is directly related to the spontaneous 2(e-f), which are similar to the ILDOS plots, barring the electric polarization and the primary source for its ori- fact that the former is localized only at V ions. gin, we find that the spontaneous electric polarization To understand the effect of strain on the magnetic (fer- also increases significantly and decreases slightly with roelectric) properties of VOCl2 monolayer, the energy dif- tensile strain along the a and b direction, respectively ference between the FM and remaining three AFM states [Figure S259]. Thus, the ferroelectric property can be en- (the polar displacement in the monolayer) is calculated hanced either via stain-engineering along the polar axis, for each strain percent, as illustrated in Figure3. Here, or via in-plane biaxial tensile strain as well [Figure3(f)]. the polar displacement is defined as the difference be- The dynamical stability of the FM-FE VOCl2 monolay- tween the fractional coordinates of V ion along the polar ers obtained from in-plane biaxial tensile strain is verified axis (a-axis) in the PE and FE state. As shown in Fig- by the phonon spectra, where no imaginary-frequency ure3(a), the energy difference among different magnetic modes are observed [Figure S359]. states does not change with lattice parameter a and as a So far, our study reveals that, ferroelectric and mag- result, AFM3 remains the lowest energy magnetic state. netic properties can be independently controlled via ap- On the other hand, as lattice parameter b is increased, plying strain along the two different in plane crystallo- FM becomes the lowest energy magnetic state for 4% graphic directions. Therefore, the possibility of engineer- and higher strain percent [Figure3(b)]. Interestingly, ing both the properties simultaneously via bi-axial strain an in-plane biaxial tensile strain results a similar mag- is explored. As shown in Figure4(a), spontaneous elec- netic phase transition [Figure3(c)] around same value of tric polarization (PS) values increase monotonically for applied strain. This clearly suggests that, ground-state both AFM3 and FM ordering. The similarity in strain magnetic ordering for the VOCl2 monolayer depends ex- dependence arises possibly because, both AFM3 and FM 4

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

FIG. 3. Variation of energy difference between different magnetic orderings (MO) and FM magnetic ordering [(a), (b), (c)], and dependence of V ion’s polar displacement [(d), (e), (f)] in the VOCl2 monolayer on the uniaxial strain along a-axis [(a), (d)], on the uniaxial strain along b-axis [(b), (e)], and on the in-plane biaxial strain [(c), (f)]. Polar displacement is defined as the difference of the fractional coordinates of V ion along the a-axis in the PE and FE unit cells.

36 ordering have similar lattice parameters. Nevertheless, rier, as reported in literature. Similar to EG, ∆E values PS values do depend on magnetic ordering, with AFM3 also increase with tensile strain [Figure4(d)]. Initially, monolayer having marginally higher values of PS than AFM3 (magnetic ground state) monolayers have higher that of FM for each strain percent, which suggests a weak ∆E values (by 21 meV/f.u. at zero strain) than those of magnetoelectric coupling, similar to that of type-I multi- FM monolayers. However, as the latter becomes the mag- ferroics. Since the polar displacement is almost the same netic ground state for a bi-axial tensile strain of 4% and for all the magnetic orderings [Figure3(f)], thus any dif- above, ∆E values for the FM monolayer become higher ference between the electric polarization values of differ- than those of AFM3 monolayers by 2-7 meV/f.u [Figure ent magnetic orderings must be arising from electronic 4(d)]. Dependence of EG and ∆E on magnetic order- contribution, rather than the ionic displacement. ing is another evidence of weak magnetoelectric coupling To inspect the stability and robustness of ferroelec- present in VOCl2 monolayers. tric state, the configurational energy barriers for polar- Our results so far clearly show that the activation en- ization reversal in AFM3-FE and FM-FE VOCl2 mono- ergy barrier for electric polarization switching can be layers are determined. Two different polarization switch- tuned via bi-axial strain and it also depends on mag- ing pathways for the VOCl2 monolayers are considered. netic order. This is further investigated by applying uni- One pathway (Path-1) goes through the intermediate PE axial tensile strain along the in-plane lattice vectors, as phase [Figure1(e)] and in this case, the activation energy shown in Figure S4 (EG vs. strain) and Figure S5 (∆E vs. barrier is defined as the depth of the double-well potential strain)59. This confirms that the monotonic increase in (EG). A monotonic increment in EG values with bi-axial both EG and ∆E values are because of the tensile strain tensile strain for both AFM3 and FM orderings is ob- along the polar axis (a-axis). However, the crossover ob- served [Figure4(b)]. For FM monolayers, these values served in ∆E vs. stain plot of AFM3 and FM phase at are slightly lower compared to those of AFM3 monolay- 4% bi-axial tensile strain [Figure4(d)] happens because ers by 5-14 meV/f.u. and the difference increases with bi- of the change of b-lattice parameter [Figure S5].59 axial tensile strain. The second pathway (Path-2) goes Since EG values are almost twice the ∆E values for through the intermediate antiferroelectric (AFE) phase any given magnitude of strain, we conclude that Path- and in this case, the activation energy barrier is defined 2 [Figure4(c)] is the one with minimum activation en- as the height of the energy peaks in the FE-AFE-FE ergy, irrespective of the magnitude of strain. Although transformation (∆E), as shown in Figure4(c). This is the AFE phase has energy values close to the FE phase found to be the pathway with the lowest activation bar- [Figure4(c)], they are separated by energy barriers rang- 5

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) FIG. 5. Influence of the in-plane biaxial strain on (a) V ion’s magnetic moment (MV ) and (b) the nearest-neighbor exchange coupling parameter along b-direction (Jb). Black dotted line in (b) represents ground state magnetic order tran- sition from AFM3 to FM.

needed by the following Ising model Hamiltonian,36

FIG. 4. Influence of the in-plane biaxial strain on the (a) X X H = H0 − JaMiMj − JbMmMn spontaneous electric polarization (PS ) and (b) depth of the a b double-well potential (EG). (c) Energy barrier (∆E) for the X (1) polarization switching from -PS to +PS via AFE intermediate − JabMkMl, phase and (d) dependence of ∆E values for AFM3 and FM <> magnetic state on in-plane biaxial tensile strain. Difference of ∆E in AFM3 and FM magnetic state is shown in the inset where H0 is the non-magnetic Hamiltonian; Mi is the net of (d). magnetic moment at site i; < ij >a (< mn >b) cor- responds to the nearest-neighbor or NN V atoms along the a-(b-)axis; << kl >> stands for the next-nearest- neighbor or NNN V atoms; Ja and Jb are NN magnetic ing from 151-439 meV/f.u. [Figure4(d)], which are much exchange coupling parameters along a- and b-directions, larger than the energy of thermal motion at room temper- respectively; Jab is the NNN exchange coupling parame- ature (25 meV). Thus, these high energy barriers ensures ter [see Figure5(b) inset for schematic representation of the stability of the FE state. EG (ranging from 301-863 exchange coupling parameters]. Using the above Hamil- meV/f.u. and 296-849 meV/f.u. for AFM3 and FM state, tonian, the total energies for four magnetic orderings can respectively) and ∆E (ranging from 151-432 meV/f.u. be written as: and 130-439 meV/f.u. for AFM3 and FM state, respec- 2 tively) values are comparable (or even higher in some EFM = E0 − 4MFM (Ja + Jb + 2Jab), (2) 2 cases) to those of typical ferroelectrics such as BaTiO3 EAF M1 = E0 − 4MAF M1(Ja − Jb − 2Jab), (3) (EG = 170 meV/f.u., Tc = 393K), PbTiO3 (EG = 335 2 EAF M2 = E0 − 4MAF M2(−Ja + Jb − 2Jab), (4) meV/f.u., Tc = 760K), and LiNbO3 (EG = 640 meV/f.u., 2 63,64 EAF M3 = E0 − 4MAF M3(−Ja − Jb + 2Jab). (5) Tc = 1483K), strongly implying the high stability of ferroelectric phase in VOCl2 monolayers, which further Here, E0 is the non-magnetic energy, and MMO (where increases with increasing tensile strain along the polar MO = FM, AFM1, AFM2, AFM3) are magnetic moment axis. values for different magnetic orderings. The above four Having discussed the effect of tensile strain on ferro- equations are solved using energy and magnetic moment electric state of VOCl , we now focus on the magnetic values calculated from our first-principles calculations to 2 obtain the exchange coupling parameters. As can be seen state. Increment in the V ion magnetic moment (MV ) 59 with increasing tensile strain is observed in both FE and from Table S1 , the exchange coupling parameter along PE monolayers of AFM3 and FM magnetic state [Fig- b-direction, Jb, is the highest in magnitude among the three coupling parameters for each biaxial and most of ure5(a)]. FM monolayers are found to have higher M V , than that of AFM3, in both FE and PE monolayers. Note the uniaxial strain percent (other than a single exception very close to the magnetic phase transition). Not only Jb that, rate of increase of MV with increasing tensile strain is very small in case of FE monolayers, than compared values are higher than the rest, but also it changes much more (including a sign reversal) than compared to Ja to PE monolayers, and the latter has slightly higher MV values as well. This suggests that the magnetoelectric and Jab with increasing lattice parameter b. This further coupling present in VOCl monolayers is rather weak. corroborates the observation that the magnetic ground 2 state depends exclusively on the lattice parameter b [Fig- To analyze robustness of the magnetic ground state in ure3(a)-(c)]. VOCl2 monolayers and how it is affected by strain, we Having established Jb, which depends on lattice pa- calculate the magnetic exchange coupling parameters, as rameter b, as the dominant exchange coupling param- 6

y (b) y (b)

P y (b) P x (a) M M x (a) y (b) M P y (b) z (c) x (a) z (c) M P x (a) z (c) P M x (a) z (c) (a) (b) (c) z (c)

FIG. 6. Variation of spontaneous electric polarization and ground state magnetic ordering in the VOCl2 monolayer with (a) uniaxial tensile strain along a-axis, (b) uniaxial tensile strain along b-axis, and (c) in-plane biaxial tensile strain. Insets show the direction of magnetic and electric polarization for AFM3 (blue) and FM (red) magnetic ordering. Note the magnetization direction is along [001] (z-axis) and [010] (y-axis) for AFM3 and FM magnetic ordering, respectively. The color of the squares represents the ground state magnetic ordering at that particular strain percent. eter, we can now qualitatively predict how the mag- in the ground-state magnetic ordering around 4% tensile netic transition temperature changes with strain. As strain. The spontaneous polarization values ranges from −10 −10 shown in Figure5(b), value of J b gradually changes from 2.9×10 to 3.3×10 C/m for in-plane biaxial tensile −11.04 to 3.96 meV with increasing biaxial tensile strain. strain case, which are comparable to the predicted val- The crossover from negative to positive values (near 4% ues for 2D ferroelectric monolayer group-IV monochalco- strain) signals a change of magnetic ground state from genides (1.51×10−10 to 5.06×10−10 C/m).12 AMF3 to FM. Since a higher magnitude of the Jb value To understand the mechanism behind the ground-state can be related to higher stability of magnetic ordering magnetic order transition in VOCl2 monolayers with ten- against thermal fluctuations, we can predict from Figure sile strain, we take into account two kinds of exchange in- 5(b) that the Néel temperature (TN ) for AFM3 ground teractions among V ions. The first is the direct exchange state ordering will decrease, while the Curie temperature interaction between the local moments on adjacent V ions (TC ) for FM ground state ordering will increase with bi- [Figure2(d)], favoring anti-parallel spin alignment. 37 In 59 axial tensile strain. Figure S6 in Supplemental Material case of VOCl2 monolayer, neighboring V ions are located also shows a similar trend for uniaxial strain along the closer to each other along the b-axis (3.459 Å), compared b-axis. We further confirm this by calculating the val- to that of a-axis (3.815 Å). As a result, orbitals of neigh- ues of the transition temperatures, using the mean-field boring V ions overlap by a relatively larger extent along approximation,65 as reported in Table S2 in Supplemen- the b-axis, leading to a strong direct-exchange coupling 59 tal Material . and a negative Jb value, which is one order of magnitude For 2D materials, long-range magnetic order stabiliza- larger than that of Ja and Jab, both of which have posi- tion requires lifting of the Mermin-Wagner restriction66, tive sign. However, the change of sign of Jb at 4% tensile which is possible by the presence of magnetic strain along the b-direction can not be explained by this anisotropy67,68. Therefore, taking spin-orbit coupling model. (SOC) approximation into account, we evaluate the mag- The second possibility is a halogen or oxygen mediated netic anisotropy energy (MAE) values for strained VOCl2 superexchange interaction between neighboring V ions. monolayers. We consider magnetization along three in- Since V-Cl-V (V-O-V) bonds make an angle of ∼ 90◦ plane directions: [100], [010], [110], and two out-of-plane (∼ 180◦), superexchange interaction is predicted to favor directions: [001], [111]. From MAE values shown in Ta- a parallel (antiparallel) spin alignment in neighboring V ble S2 of the Supplemental Material59, it is confirmed ions, according to the Goodenough-Kanamori rules.69–71 that the easy axis is along [001] direction and along [010] The likeliness of anion mediated superexchange interac- direction for AFM3 and FM ground state, respectively, tion is first checked by looking at the orbital-resolved both of which are perpendicular to the ferroelectric po- density of states (DOS) plots [Figure2(b)], which re- larization direction [100]. Therefore, AFM3-FE monolay- veal that the valence states closer to the Fermi level arise ers show out-of-plane magnetization with in-plane ferro- mainly from out of the plane V-d orbitals, as well as Cl-p electricity, while FM-FE monolayers show both in-plane orbitals. Because of the overlap of atomic orbitals with magnetization and ferroelectricity in mutually perpendic- energies close to the Fermi level, it is certainly possible to ular directions. Figure6 illustrates how polarization and have a superexchange interaction between nearest neigh- ground-state magnetic ordering change in VOCl2 mono- bor V ions, mediated through Cl ions [Figure2(d)]. Since layers with increasing in-plane uniaxial and biaxial ten- O-p levels are located far away from the Fermi energy, sile strain. The insets in Figure6 also depict the 90 ◦ O-mediated superexchange mechanism can be ruled out. rotation of the magnetization direction with the change It is further substantiated by Figure2(c), which clearly 7 shows no O-p ILDOS near the Fermi level. From Fig- as biaxial tensile strain but it remains unaffected by the ure S159, it can be seen that V-Cl bonds are along the tensile strain along the b-axis. This clearly proves that b-axis (y-direction), while the V-O bonds are along the the enhancement in spontaneous electric polarization for a-axis (x-direction). Therefore, the superexchange mech- tensile strain along the polar axis is independent of the anism, if present, is supposed to be active only along the d-orbital occupancy of the transition metal. b-direction. Interestingly, SOC is found to increase the equilib- Our results suggest that the direct-exchange interac- rium lattice parameter of VOCl2 by nearly 3% [Figure tion among the neighboring V ions dominate up to 3% S959]. However, even with SOC, AFM3 is found to be tensile strain along the b-axis, promoting AFM3 order- the ground state in equilibrium and it is transformed to a ing. As expected, direct-exchange decreases with increas- FM state at only ∼ 2% tensile strain [Figure S959], while ing distance between V ions along the b-direction, which rest of the physics remain unchanged. A lower value of is confirmed by declining magnitude of Jb [see Table tensile strain can further increase the chance of realiz- S159]. This is further substantiated by the DOS plots at ing such a magnetic phase transition in an experimental various different tensile strain [Figure S759]. Evidently, set-up. In order to check the robustness of the magnetic the bandwidth decreases with increasing tensile strain, ground state, with the inclusion of Hubbard corrections which is a clear signature of decreasing overlap among for the localized d-electrons on V ions, DFT+U based atomic orbitals. As the distance between neighboring calculations are carried out. A qualitatively similar mag- V ions increases further (along b-direction), for tensile netic phase transition from the AFM3 to FM state is strain of 4% and above, the direct-exchange becomes observed under uni-axial strain along the b-axis and bi- weaker than the halogen mediated superexchange inter- axial strain, for both vdW-DF2 functional [Figure S1059] action. As mentioned previously, since V-Cl-V bonds and PBE functional [Figure S1159]. Similar to the case make an angle of ∼ 90◦, a ferromagnetic superexchange of SOC, magnitude of strain required for magnetic phase interaction is possible among neighboring V ions, accord- transition decreases with increasing value of U. Although ing to the Goodenough-Kanamori rules;69–71 resulting in the bandgap reduces due to the AFM3 to FM transition, a positive value for Jb and FM ordering along the b-axis. the latter is still found to be in an insulating state, with Unlike Jb, the other two magnetic exchange coupling pa- its bandgap increasing further with tensile strain, which rameters, Ja and Jab (the latter being always greater than is more effective when applied along the polar a-axis, the former, see Table S159) remain almost unchanged for than that of non-polar b-axis [Figure S1259]. a tensile strain along the b-axis. Since the possibility of oxygen mediated superexchange has already been ruled out, tensile strain along the a-direction has no effect on IV. CONCLUSIONS the magnetic ground state.

Based on the above discussion, evolution of the mag- In summary, we find VOCl2 to be a unique multi- netic ground state as a function of strain can be sum- ferroic monolayer, where tensile strain along the polar marized as following. For a tensile strain ranging from axis provides (a) high electric polarization, (b) increased 0-3% (along b-direction, as well as biaxial), negative val- ferroelectric stability and (c) enhanced insulating na- ues of Jb results in anti-parallel spin alignment along the ture; while along the non-polar axis it causes a magnetic b-axis, while positive values of Jab results in a parallel phase transition. Moreover, as the ferroelectricity and spin alignment for the diagonally located V ions [Figure magnetism can be tuned independently via tensile strain 5(b)], yielding the AFM3 ground-state magnetic order- along different in plane crystallographic directions, this ing. For 4% and higher strain percent (along b-direction, material offers a unique opportunity to design 2D type- as well as biaxial), we obtain positive values for all the I multiferroic based nanoelectronic devices, having the exchange coupling parameters, resulting in FM ground- flexibility to increases or decrease electric polarization state magnetic ordering. The transition from AFM3 to without affecting the monolayer’s magnetic properties, FM ground state takes place, because the sign of Jb flips and vice-versa. We also find the tensile strain to be ben- [Figure5(b)] as the Cl-mediated superexchange mecha- eficial for the purpose of increasing ferroelectric and fer- nism becomes dominant at tensile strain of 4% and above. romagnetic Curie temperature of VOCl2 monolayer. Our 0 Violation of the d rule in VOCl2 monolayer has al- work thus reveals the versatility of VOCl2, attainable ready been discussed in the literature.37 In order to fur- via strain engineering; and this is expected to encourage ther check whether d-orbital occupancy has any role further theoretical and experimental study of the VOX2 on the strain dependence of ferroelectric properties de- family of monolayers to realize new multiferroic materials scribed so far, a TiOCl2 ferroelectric monolayer is cho- for low-dimensional technologies. sen, which has a d0 configuration for the Ti ion; and po- Note added: Recently, we became aware of recent theo- 72,73 lar displacement of the Ti ion (which is proportional to retical works on the VOI2 monolayer, which predict a the spontaneous polarization) is calculated [Figure S859]. non-collinear magnetic ground state. However, strength 1 4 Similar to the case of VOCl2 (V d ), polar displacement of spin-orbit interactions (being proportional to Z , Z is 0 in TiOCl2 (Ti d ) monolayer also increases with uniax- the atomic number of the halogen atom), which is pos- ial tensile strain along the polar axis (a-axis), as well sibly responsible for the non-collinear magnetic ground 8

36,37 state in VOI2, are much smaller in case of VOCl2 mono- works as well. 74 layer. Also, a recent study on VOF2 monolayer, a new addition to the VOX2 family, has explored collinear vs. non-collinear magnetic states, and found the former as Acknowledgements the actual ground state. Since, Z for Cl ion (Z=17) is closer to that of F ion (Z=9), than compared to that of We acknowledge funding from SERB I ion (Z=53), we expect the VOCl2 monolayer to have a (EMR/2017/004970 and CRG/2018/002440). We collinear magnetic ground state, as reported in previous also thank computer center IIT Kanpur for providing HPC facility.

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