A Strong Sense of Duty the First World War Letters of Chaplain the Reverend Clive Mortimer Jones 1917–1920

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A Strong Sense of Duty the First World War Letters of Chaplain the Reverend Clive Mortimer Jones 1917–1920 A STRONG SENSE OF DUTY The First World War Letters of Chaplain The Reverend Clive Mortimer Jones 1917–1920 EDITORS Herbert H Farrant, Elizabeth Morey and Delysse Storey INDEX Abeele 76 Blyth, 2nd Lt Lawrence 25 Advance to Victory 34, 119, 160 Bois du Warnimont 81 Albert 24, 33, 75 Bois Grenier 31 Amiens 33, 75 Boulogne-sur-Mer 65, 68, 76 ANZAC 8, 31, 32, 33, 45, 77, 131, Boutillerie, La 31 132, 160 Briastre 22, 87 Armentières 31, 115 Broodseinde 32, 113 Armistice 22, 34, 59, 91, 92 Bucquoy 94 Arneke 77 Burgin, J R, Chaplain 58 Arras 74 Burton, Canon Henry D 64, 88, 113, Averill, 2nd Lt Leslie 25, 29, 141 114 Averill, Rt Rev. Alfred, Bishop of Auckland 25, 29, 141 Calais 76, 100 Averill, Walter Wootton 29 Cambrai 94, 101, 102 Avesnes-lès-Bapaume 85 Camiers 76 Cassel 77 Bagneux British Cemetery 60 Cemeteries 94 Bailleul 74, 75, 76 Bagneux British 60 Bancourt 85, 94 Euston Road, Colincamps 50 Banks 115 Gommecourt British No. 2, 112 Bapaume 75, 84, 85, 92, 94, 112, Hébuterne Military 112 113, 118 Le Quesnoy Communal Barron, Capt. Richard Dunlop 89 Extension 22, 115, 117, 118 Bates, 2nd Lt George 117 Tyne Cot 106 Bavay 91, 94 Charleroi 124 Beaumont-Hamel 75 Colincamps 50, 75, 94 Beauvois 22, 88, 91, 92, 94 Cordonnie 31 Bernard, 2nd Lt Victor R 111, 117 Crèvecoeur-sur-l’Escaut 94 Bernstein, Dr Alfred 75, 83, 108 Bethune 74, 75 Dallard, Pte Cecil James 84, 111, 112 Biefvillers 83 Daussoulx 124 Birkett, Hugh Carlisle 93, 132 Dobson, Rev. Charles J H 21, 85, 94, Bishop of Nelson 88, 92, 113, 114 113 Blennerhassett, Capt. Arthur R 115, Doullens 77 117, 118 Douve 31 163 Écurie 74 New Zealand Officers’ Edgell, Rev. W H 50, 51 Convalescent Home 98, 99 Estaires 76 New Zealand Stationary 11, Étaples 76, 97, 100, 104 100 Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps No. 1 New Zealand General 98 50 No. 2 New Zealand General 64, 96, 98 Flanders 32, 33, 34, 52, 70, 71, 101, No. 3 New Zealand General 105, 109, 113, 160 98, 99 Flers 50, 116 Oatlands Park Hospital 63, Fleurbaix 76 66, 96 Fontaine-au-Pire 91 Queen Mary Convalescent Forêt de Mormal 49, 90, 114, 117 Auxiliary 96 Frémicourt 85 Houchen, Rev. Clem 42, 50 Fulton, General 75 Houplines 31 Huy 124 Gallipoli 24, 45, 50, 99, 113, 115, 116, 126, 141 La Basse Ville 32 Gezaincourt 60 La Signy Farm 84 Gommecourt 84, 112 Laventie 76 Gommecourt British Cemetery No. 2, Leichlingen 123 Hébuterne 112 Lens 74 Gothas 67, 73, 74, 82, 97, 101, 124 Le Quesnoy 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, Gouzeaucourt 94 34, 49, 88, 89, 90, 91, 114, Grace, Lt Lawrence W 84, 111, 112 115, 117, 118, 141, 143, 160 Gravenstafel 33, 107 Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Gray, Pte Robert William 60, 135 Extension 22, 115, 117, 118 Grevillers 85, 94 Le Touquet 31 Liège 124 Hally, Lt Colin 39, 42, 49, 50, 107 Lillers 74 Harper, Jim 107 Loupart Wood 84, 86 Havrincourt Wood 85 Lumbres 32 Hazebrouck 76 Lundon, 2nd Lt David Justin 49, 75, Hébuterne 34, 74, 78, 79, 84, 94, 107 109, 112, 160 Hébuterne Military Cemetery 112 Mailly-Maillet 80, 94, 109 Hindenburg Line 85, 102 Malins, Pte William Henry 75, 108 Hobbs, James 38160 22 Marne 83, 84 Hospitals 65, 98 Marsh, Pte Gilbert Benjamin 60 New Zealand Convalescent Massey, William 110 98, 99 Maubege 124 164 McKinnon, Major Hugh E 115, 116, Polygon Wood 33, 102 117 Poperinge 33, 75 Menin Gate 105 Poppy Day 120 Merris 77 Potelle 117 Merville 74, 75, 76 Powell, James and Sons 24, 27, 138, Messines 31, 32, 76, 115, 117 139 Meteren 77, 109 Puisieux 84 Metz-en-Couture 94 Mortimer Jones, Mildred (née Queen Mary Convalescent Auxiliary Matthews) 20, 23, 27, 28, 160 Hospital 96 Mount Kemmel 109 Quilan 115 Murrell, Lt Sydney Allan 115, 117 Reutel 33, 102 Namur 124 Richardson, General George S 82, Neuf-Berquin 74, 76 110 Neuve Chapelle 76 Robson, Rev. George Trevor 20, 25, Neuve-Église 77 49, 99, 141 New Zealand Convalescent Hospital Rossignol Wood 84, 111 98, 99 Rowe, Pte Oswald E H 70, 75, 108 New Zealand Officers’ Convalescent Rush, Pte W F 75, 108 Home 98, 99 Russell, Major Gen Sir Andrew H 20, New Zealand Stationary Hospital 11, 32, 91, 92, 107, 121, 123, 126 100 Nissen (huts) 72, 106 Sadlier, Bishop William Charles 113, No. 1 New Zealand General Hospital 114 98 Sailly-au-Bois 79, 109 No. 2 New Zealand General Hospital Sailly-sur-la-Lys 31 64, 96, 98 Saint-Omer 11, 32, 33, 100, 101 No. 3 New Zealand General Hospital Saint-Waast 94 98, 99 Salmond, Lt W G 84, 111, 112 Sawers, Sgt Robert Tracey 108 Oatlands Park Hospital 63, 66, 96 Seddon, Capt. Richard J S 84, 112 O’Connor, Cpl Bertie Columb 60 Seton, Rev Clarence B W 65, 66, 80, Oosttaverne Line 32 99, 109, 141 Simpson, Pte Oswald V 75, 108 Passchendaele 33, 34, 62, 101, 106 Sling Camp 20, 64, 65, 96, 97, 99 Peake, Cpl Ian C 75, 108 Soissons 83 Peronne 75 Soldiers’ Memorial Window 6, 25, Picardy 79 29, 49, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, Ploegsteert 31, 76 160 Polderhoek 33, 102 Solesmes 4, 21, 87, 88, 90, 94, 160 165 Somme 31, 33, 42, 58, 75, 78, 81, 84, 94, 101, 112, 115, 160 Souchez 74 St Andrew’s Church, Cambridge 6, 24, 25, 27, 29, 39, 45, 49, 133, 137, 137, 138, 142, 143, 160 Steenwerck 31, 76 St Jean 32 St Julien 50 St Quentin 75 Subritzky 8, 160 Tamines 124 Treatment of the wounded 102 Treaty of Versailles 110 Trescault Ridge 60 Turnbull, Lt Col Frank Kingdom 89 Turner, Rev. Clare Wilson 42, 46, 51 Tyne Cot Cemetery 106 Vaucelles 121, 123 Verviers 124 Vieux-Berquin 77 Vimy Ridge 74 Walker, Pte Wilfred 75, 108 Ward, Sir Joseph 110 Warneton 32 Welsh Ridge 87 Wisques 11, 100 Wulvergem 31 Young, Brig. R Young 91, 115 Ypres 24, 33, 67, 74, 75, 101, 105, 106, 108, 141 Zeppelins 67, 97, 101, 124 166 NEW ZEALAND MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY (INC) The society was formed in 1973 to foster the study of New Zealand military history, warfare in New Zealand and New Zealanders at war, and to encourage research into military traditions, uniforms, insignia and arms. We embrace military historians, those interested in any form of military history and collectors of all militaria. Membership of the NZMHS provides three issues of our research journal The Volunteers per year, a monthly email newsletter and access to field trips and other Society events. Visit the website for an online application form and all payment details, as well as a wealth of information and images relating to our military history. www.nzmhs.org.nz PO Box 5123, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141 Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps.
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