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THE· DECEMBER· 1938 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ A HOOSIER ALMANAC ~ ~ DECEMBER THIRTY-ONE DA YS ~ ~ THE mon th begins with the De 12-Indianapolis alumni have their ~ cember 1st in augurati on o f H er· choice of two Extension Division lec- ~ man B \Nell s.'24, A M'27, eleventh tures: "Human Progress and Retro ~ president of the University. This is re gression," or "The Art o f Entertain ported in full elsewhere in this issue of ment." W. S. Bittner presents the one ~ the ALUMNI MAGA ZIN E, so the Almanac on anthropology ; Mrs. E leanor Miller, ~ moves on (with occasional lapses to the on home-making. ~ years of yore) to a forecast of events Wabash College "Little Giants" meet scheduled to happen on: the Cream and Crimson in another ~ 2-Swishing gowns and gleaming home basketball game tonight. ~ shirt fronts usher in the campus formal 13-Raymond Beights, '39, and his season at the Union-A.YV.S. dance. Chi string ensemble play this day, as oth er ~ P.M. cago alunUli dinner-meeting with "Bo" Tuesdays, over YVIRE, at 4 Semi- ~ and game movies. classical music. ~ 3-John Charles Thomas, renowned Indiana Union Open F orum at night. baritone, is the second presentation of 14-The Bard o{ Avon's lvluch Ado ~ the Music Series in the Men's Gym About Nothing presented ye'sterday, to ~ nasi um at 8: IS . Admission $1.50 and up. day, and tomorrow in Alumni Hall by JI.. 4-Just two years ago today Poet the University Theater. Eight o'clock U ft Carl Sandburg addressed "convo" on and 50 cents. ~ "Liberty. the Const itution. and Poetry." IS-Ma rjorie (Live Alolle and Like ~ The Hoosier Radio Workshop round It) Hillis speaks to Theta Sigma Phi's ~ table series, "Society Today and To Matrix Table banquet. Positively no morrow," goes on the air today (and men admitted. ~ every Sunday) at 9 :30 A.M .. YVIRE. It was on this date. in 1914, that the ~ Indianapoli s. Union Board converted Jordan Field Come to the Union Building this into a skating rink by flooding the grid- ~ afternoon and hea r the University iron and letting it freeze during the ~ Chorus sing H andel's oratorio, "The holidays. Sure, it worked. Mess iah." "The Messiah" will be sling 16-Tri-Kappa Cllarity Ball In ~ on Sunday, December II. Alumr;i Hall. ~. S-Now begin s the basketball season, with Ball State Birthday. birthday! Just one year ago today the Univer- ~ opposing Branch McCracken's Fightin' Hoosiers in the sity and YVIRE officials sealed the pact providing for regu Fieldhouse at Bloomington. But before it begins, the lar I.U. broadcasts from the campus over the Indianapolis ~ Sphinx Club basketball dinne'r in Alumni Hall at 6 P.M" station. ~ with Ball State "Prexy" L. A, Pittenger, '07. AM'08, 17-Connecticut State Coll ege at Indiana: basketball. among the speakers. Mortar Board's Dames Ball. which means that the women ~ 6-Ha rriet Bard. Hagerstown librarian, reviews tonig ht call for, pay for, buy boutonnieres for, and several other ~ (at eight) Ma rgaret Armstrong's FOWl)' K I' 11Ible, Place: things for, the'ir male escorts. Union Building ; sponsor: University Bookstore'. 18--indiana Daily S iudellt Christmas party {or ladies ~ Indiana bankers and in surance men invited to Mortgage- and ger.tlemen of the campus press. ~ Lending Con ference, sponsored by University business or ganizations. he ld in the Union Building 19-Harlan Logan, '25. AM'32. recen t contributor to the ~ MAG.~ZINE, and now editor of Scriblll'r'S, named Rhodes ~ 7-ToI1ight, in the School of Music Auditorium, another scholar from Indiana in 192 7. speaker on the Univ e'rSi ty radio lecture series. This time ~ K eith Tyler, rlirector of American Institute of Radio Edu 20-A,A.U.\N. dinner in Union Bui lding. cation; later in December, Allen Miller. director of the Red and green lights bejewel the tower of the Student ~ University of Chicago round table of the air. Building as undergraduate thoughts turn to spending the ~ Calumet region alumni can hear Edwin Kenworthy on holidays at home. ~ "A Pica for th e Hnmanities" at Roosevelt High School, 21-This afternoon at four, r.U. students will be heard East Chicago, 7 :30 P.M., 50 cents. This is on the "Sym from the Commons on the "University Questionnaire" ~ posium for Enjoyment" lecture series of the Extension radio program. 1400 on your dial for this regular YVednes- ~ Division. dav featnre. 8-The stadium was named "Bryan Field" by a studel{t "0, Little Town of Bethlehem" and other carols 5111]0' by ~ vote on this day back in '23, but the' beloved President de men and women "Y" members on campus tonight." ~ clin ed to have his name considered. and the rUI1ner-up. 22-Las[ day of schoolllntil next year, and student hitch ~ "Memori al Stadillm," was recommended to the trustees. hikers stamp their feet on cold corners along the Indian Tune in on faculty members Sanders and Collin s for a apolis road. ~ Fireside Bookshop book review at" P.M. today a nd every Indiana v.>. Butle r at Indianapoli s tonight. ~ Thursday, Over WIRE. 2S-MERRY CHRISTMAS, ~" IO-Alumni Association district 9.. Ailimni, to you and yours I M ft councilors meet on the campus. '-==-. 30-Cleveland alumni can see tbe It "Gee, Mom. lookit the present Hoosier court stars in action at ~ they give me I" many a Blooming- the \Vestern Reserve game. ton kiddie will say when he comes 31-If you are anywhere near ~ home todav from the Union- East Lansing. start your New ~ A.\<\I.S. Chr-istmas party for local Year's party by cheering I.U. in the children. Michigan State basketball game. ~"~ Basketball: Indiana vs. Miami at Let's be a triRe early. and wish M ft Blpomington. a ll o f you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! It L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d L E T T E R s SIRs-Have enjoyed tremendously No fault of the athletics department is it that freshman football has not been better :eceiving and reading the fi rst two reported in the MAGAZIN E, the editors of Issues of Indiana's new "streamlined" which suggest articles to sports writers alumni journal-enjoyed them almost This issue's "Fightin' Hoosiers" lists out as much as I did seeing the LU band standing freshman football material. Also at the recent Boston game. And in the let Subscriber Tuley be assured that the ,I MAGAZI NE will endeavor to secure and print , light of their performance there-well, architect's drawings of new buildinO"s sche'd you have been highly complimented on uled to arise on the Bloomington"campus. I a capable piece of work. -ED. I WILBUR F. PELL, JR ., '37. I i Cambridge, Mass. SIRs-[The MAGAZINE should] have The MAGAZINE had no thought of "stream a dep~rtment devoted to outstanding lining" itsel f, but hopes to become as good grads m all fields-not only education I ~member in its fi eld as the "Marching Hundred" is in and scholarship. collegiate band circles.-ED. MARJORIE GRIFFIN CAROTlIERS, '34. Plymouth. the Wellhouse Sms-I like the old Alumnus idea of Not in a department, but all through each Issue, are the MA GAZ INE'S accounts of out t news every two weeks better than a standing graduates and former students in at I. V.? monthly magazine in the new deal just many fields, including education and schol worked out. arship. Major articles in the first two is 1 r C. A. VAN ATTA, 'oJ. sues have included writings by or about a , Grand Rapids, Mich. humorist, two editors, a state policeman a i statistician, an agricultural economist, a r ~f erence librarian, and a school teache·r. Score I for minor articles is seven school teachers or SIRs-Believe the MAGAZINE is a administrators, one housewife, two tomato grand piece of work and achievement. canners, two doctors, two farmers a biolo gist, a postmaster. a movie actres~, a mor Having it in my waiting room has and tician, an engineer, and a banker.-ED. will stir up interest in our own Indiana University. DR . M. H. HUCKERIEDE . ex'36. Sms-I want to let you know that Greencastle. the game here [Boston] was an out standing success in every respect ex S IRs-Think the MAG.UIN E is grea t, cept for the score. We had our alumni but would like more news of the grads. meeting after the game. It was an en A. E . WILSON, '37. tirely informal affair, attended by about Kalamazoo, Mich. forty from around New England and a few from N ew York. "Bo" McMillin In the October issue the "I Knew Him \Vhen ..." section contained "personals" of talked to us briefly, also [Z. G.] Clev 155 different graduates and former students' enger and Lieutenant [Fred] Green of in November, 206. The MAGAZINE will striv~ the band, and two representatives of to please all tastes, will carry enough-but Boston College. not too many-news notes bv classes in each issue.- ED . On the game, opinion here seems to be that Indiana has the makings of a grand team, but it was lacking in scor SIRS-THE INDIANA ALUMNI ing push. Indiana should ha ve won or MAGAZINE is a credit to the University tied the game. and the Alumni Association . .. I am The band story was entirely different; keenly interested in the new buildings that band has been the talk of the town .1 and sketches of their design .