Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RIS) – 2009-2014 version Available for download from and Categories approved by Recommendation 4.7 (1990), as amended by Resolution VIII.13 of the 8th Conference of the Contracting Parties (2002) and Resolutions IX.1 Annex B, IX.6, IX.21 and IX. 22 of the 9th Conference of the Contracting Parties (2005). 1. Name and address of the compiler of this form: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land DD MM YY Management (DCLM; now Department of Parks and Wildlife) in 1990. Updated by Roger Jaensch, Wetlands International – Oceania, on behalf of DCLM, in 1998, and by DCLM in 2000 and 2003. Updated by Wetland Research & Management on Designation date Site Reference Number behalf of Department of Environment and Conservation (now Department of Parks and Wildlife) in August 2007. Updated by Department of Parks and Wildlife in 2014. All inquiries should be directed to: Department of Parks and Wildlife Principal Coordinator, Wetlands Section 17 Dick Perry Avenue Kensington, WA, 6151 Australia Tel: +61-8-9219 9000 Email:
[email protected] 2. Date this sheet was completed/updated: July 2014 3. Country: Australia 4. Name of the Ramsar site: The precise name of the designated site in one of the three official languages (English, French or Spanish) of the Convention. Alternative names, including in local language(s), should be given in parentheses after the precise name. Vasse-Wonnerup System. 5. Designation of new Ramsar site or update of existing site: The Vasse-Wonnerup System Ramsar site was designated on 7 June 1990.