MAMU Legislative Committee – 2/5/21

HB27 - Modifies requirements for mtg notices & minutes of open mtgs

Sponsor - Rep. Sara Walsh (R) Citations - 610.020, 610.040, 94.1014

Last Action - 01/14/2021 H - Referred H Special Committee on Government Accountability

HB29 - Adds all public employee retirement systems & quasi-govt’l entity employee salaries to the government accountability portal

Sponsor - Rep. Sara Walsh (R) Citations - 37.850

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Reported Do Pass as substitute - House-Pensions

HB87 - Enacts right-to-work relating to labor organizations and workers

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 290.591, 290.590

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB89 - Repeals main provisions relating to wage rates on public works and modifies certain related provisions

Sponsor - Rep. Jered Taylor (R)

Citations - 285.500, 290.095, 290.210, 290.220, 290.230, 290.235, 290.240, 290.250, 290.257, 290.260, 290.262, 290.263, 290.265, 290.270, 290.280, 290.290, 290.300, 290.305, 290.315, 290.320, 290.325, 290.335, 290.340, 290.550, 290.330, 292.630, 34.217, 393.715, 516.130, 630.546, 8.675, 8.683, 89.410

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB138 - Requires DNR to assist permit applicants in permitting process

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 640.019

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/08/2021 6PM - H-Conservation & Nat Resources, HR 5

HB145 - Modifies provisions for Property Assessment Clean Energy Act

Sponsor - Rep. Bruce DeGroot (R)

Citations - 67.2815, 67.2800, 67.2816, 67.2817, 67.2818, 67.2819

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 2

HB154 - Modifies provisions for utility ratemaking

Sponsor - Rep. Don Rone (R) Citations - 393.355

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB159 - Modifies provisions for renewable energy technology

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 393.1025

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB174 - Modifies provisions of sunshine laws relating to data exchanged on government-issued cell phones

Sponsor - Rep. (D) Citations - 610.010, 610.025, 610.029

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB177 - Modifies provision for closed meetings of governmental bodies

Sponsor - Rep. Mark Ellebracht (D) Citations - 610.021

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Special Committee on Homeland Security

HB181 - Modifies computation of heritage value in condemnation

Sponsor - Rep. Mark Ellebracht (D) Citations - 523.001, 523.039

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB193 - Establishes provisions for net neutrality

Sponsor - Rep. Mark Ellebracht (D) Citations - 407.1145, 407.1146, 407.1147

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB244 - Modifies provisions relating to sales and use tax and certain real property tax

Sponsor - Rep. (R)

Citations - 137.115, 144.049, 144.054, 144.060, 144.080, 144.140, 144.190, 144.600, 144.605, 144.757, 144.1000, 144.1003, 144.1006, 144.1009, 144.1012, 144.1015, 144.079, 144.082, 144.111, 144.112, 144.113, 144.114, 144.212, 144.637, 144.638, 144.752, 32.087, 32.070

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

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HB261 - Allows electrical corporations to charge for services based on the costs of certain construction work in progress

Sponsor - Rep. John Black (R) Citations - 393.135, 393.1250

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Utilities

HB271 - Establishes the "MO Local Government Expenditure Database"

Sponsor - Rep. (R)

Citations - 37.1090, 37.1091, 37.1092, 37.1093, 37.1094, 37.1095, 37.1096, 37.1097, 37.1098

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Reported Do Pass - House-Rules-Administrative Oversight

HB321 - Modifies provisions for broadband infrastructure and utility condemnation proceedings

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 386.020, 393.1420, 523.010, 523.310

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB323 - Prohibits political subdivisions from automatically renewing contracts without taking a definite action

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 67.080

Last Action - 01/14/2021 H - Referred to House committee on Downsizing State Government

HB339 - Specifies that certain residency requirements of a city of the fourth classification may be satisfied by certain conditions

Sponsor - Rep. Don Mayhew (R) Citations - 79.235

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB362 - Modifies provisions for the sunshine law

Sponsor - Rep. Bruce DeGroot (R) Citations - 610.021

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Reported Do Pass - House-Rules-Administrative Oversight

HB397 - Modifies provisions for water and sewer infrastructure

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 393.358, 393.1500, 393.1503, 393.1506, 393.1509

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

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HB441 - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 105.145

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Voted Do Pass as substitute - House-Local Government

HB453 - Requires utilities to forgive past due balances before raising utility rates

Sponsor - Rep. (D) Citations - 393.1900

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB488 - Prohibits political subdivisions from restricting utility service based on the source of energy delivered to an individual customer

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 393.125

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Utilities

HB511 - Prohibits the state and any political subdivision from regulating certain uses of private property

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 67.405

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB515 - Changes the law relating to the prohibition on expenditure of public funds to support or oppose candidates and certain measures

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 115.646

Last Action - 01/28/2021 H - Referred to House committee on Downsizing State Government

HB524 - Modifies assessment of public utility company property

Sponsor - Rep. Kent Haden (R) Citations - 153.030

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB525 - Requires DNR to conduct a use attainability analysis on waters of the state before limiting ammonia discharges from point sources

Sponsor - Rep. Kent Haden (R) Citations - 644.058

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

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HB527 - Modifies provisions for eminent domain for utility purposes

Sponsor - Rep. Mike Haffner (R) Citations - 393.170, 523.262

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Rules-Administrative Oversight

HB539 - Modifies provisions for the net metering and easy connection act

Sponsor - Rep. Jeff Knight (R) Citations - 386.890

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Utilities

HB553 - Prohibits pol subd from requiring employees to live within jurisd

Sponsor - Rep. Ron Hicks (R) Citations - 285.043

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB554 - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

Sponsor - Rep. John Eggleston (R) Citations - 143.011, 144.605, 144.757, 144.1000, 144.1003, 144.1006, 144.1009, 144.1012, 144.1015, 144.637, 144.752, 32.310

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/10/2021 12:00 PM - House-Ways and Means, HR 7

HB555 - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

Sponsor - Rep. John Eggleston (R)

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/10/2021 12:00 PM - House-Ways and Means, HR 7

HB576 - Requires state agency to repeal 2 rules before enacting new one

Sponsor - Rep. Alex Riley (R) Citations - 536.014

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB590 - Requires pub officials to have direct phone & email for contact

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 105.1600

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB593 - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

Sponsor - Rep. Travis Fitzwater (R)

Citations 144.140, 144.605, 144.710, 144.757, 144.759, 144.608, 144.637, 144.638, 144.752, 32.310, 33.575

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 6

HB613 - Establishes employees' right to compensation for unused vacation leave at end of employment

Sponsor - Rep. (D) Citations - 290.115

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB620 - Establishes provisions for net neutrality

Sponsor - Rep. Wes Rogers (D) Citations - 407.1160, 407.1161, 407.1162, 407.1163

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB642 - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

Sponsor - Rep. Peter Merideth (D) Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB644 - Modifies provisions relating to use taxes

Sponsor - Rep. Bill Falkner (R) Citations - 144.605, 144.757, 144.575, 144.637, 32.310

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/10/2021 12:00 PM - House-Ways and Means, HR 7

HB648 - Modifies provisions for utility districts

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 204.602

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB657 - Modifies sunshine law to exempt customer info from closed recs

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 610.021

Last Action - 02/03/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Rules-Administrative Oversight

HB692 - Modifies provisions for retail electric service providers

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 386.800, 394.020

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Utilities

HB697 - Modifies property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

Sponsor - Rep. Bruce DeGroot (R) Citations - 67.2800, 67.2810, 67.2815, 67.2816, 67.2817, 67.2818, 67.2819, 67.2840

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House committee on Financial Institutions MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 7

HB713 - Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of an electric vehicle

Sponsor - Rep. Mark Ellebracht (D) Citations - 135.715

Last Action - 01/07/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB734 - Creates the " Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act"

Sponsor - Rep. Michael O'Donnell (R)

Citations - 386.900, 386.910, 386.915, 386.920, 386.925, 386.930, 386.935, 386.940, 386.945, 386.950, 386.955, 386.960, 386.965, 386.970, 386.975, 386.980, 386.985

Last Action - 01/08/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB735 - Authorizes creation of broadband infrastructure improvement districts

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 71.1000

Last Action - 01/08/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB759 - Establishes provisions on civil actions arising from COVID-19

Sponsor - Rep. Ed Lewis (R)

Citations - 537.1000, 537.1005, 537.1010, 537.1015, 537.1020, 537.1025, 537.1030, 537.1035, 537.1040

Last Action - 01/11/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB767 - Prohibits certain charges to customers by PWSDs & Metro WSDs

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 247.200, 247.285

Last Action - 02/03/2021 H - Public hearing completed

HB774 – Est’s MoDED prgrm for broadband to underserved areas

Sponsor - Rep. Michael Johnson (D) Citations - 620.2465

Last Action - 01/12/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB804 - Allows reorganized common sewer dist trustees to receive comp

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 204.610

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Local Government

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HB806 - Modifies provisions relating to landowner liability

Sponsor - Rep. Dottie Bailey (R) Citations - 316.250, 537.348

Last Action - 01/13/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB814 - Modifies which properties are eligible for the Property Assessment Clean Energy Act

Sponsor - Rep. Michael O'Donnell (R) Citations - 67.2815

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House committee on Financial Institutions

HB819 - Requires public water systems and public water supply districts that intend to start or stop fluoridation of their water supply on a continuing basis to seek and receive information about the impact of fluoridation from the local health department

Sponsor - Rep. Wayne Wallingford (R) Citations - 640.136

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Health and Mental Health Policy

HB826 - Limits the fine amount for a political subdivision failing to submit an annual financial statement to the auditor

Sponsor - Rep. Ben Baker (R) Citations - 105.145

Last Action - 01/15/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB835 - Modifies provisions relating to electric energy

Sponsor - Rep. Mike Haffner (R) Citations - 393.106

Last Action - 01/15/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB838 - Creates provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination

Sponsor - Rep. Ed Lewis (R) Citations - 292.652

Last Action - 01/15/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB840 - Authorizes a tax credit for certain alternative fuel refueling properties

Sponsor - Rep. Aaron Griesheimer (R) Citations - 135.1000

Last Action - 01/15/2021 H - Read Second Time MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 9

HB845 - Modifies provisions relating to taxation of certain energy- producing property

Sponsor - Rep. Allen Andrews (R) Citations - 137.123, 153.030, 393.1073

Last Action - 02/03/2021 H - Public hearing completed

HB851 - 0863H.01I - Preempts the field of legislation regarding the classification of essential workers and states that all occupations qualify as essential workers

Sponsor - Rep. Sara Walsh (R) Citations - 21.753

Last Action - 01/26/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB862 - Modifies the membership of the "Clean Water Commission"

Sponsor - Rep. (D) Citations - 644.021

Last Action - 01/26/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB866 - Subjects public employers to the state minimum wage law

Sponsor - Rep. Maggie Nurrenbern (D) Citations - 290.502

Last Action - 01/26/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB892 - Creates a renewable natural gas program

Sponsor - Rep. John Black (R) Citations - 386.895

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Referred to House Committee on Utilities

HB900 - Creates provisions relating to strategic lawsuits against public participation

Sponsor - Rep. Tony Lovasco (R) Citations - 537.528, 537.530, 537.531, 537.532, 537.533

Last Action - 01/27/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB920 - Modifies the date of municipal elections

Sponsor - Rep. Ben Baker (R) Citations - 115.121, 77.070, 77.450

Last Action - 02/03/2021 H - Public hearing completed

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HB938 - Specifies that restrictive covenants shall not limit or prohibit the installation of rooftop solar panels or solar collectors

Sponsor - Rep. Mike Haffner (R) Citations - 442.404

Last Action - 01/28/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB970 - Requires any wind energy system to acquire a permit from DNR before building wind energy production facilities

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 640.351

Last Action - 01/29/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB1004 – Requires PSC to consider multiple applications for area certificates of convenience and necessity from electrical corporations that want to provide electric service within the same geographical area

Sponsor - Rep. Dottie Bailey (R) Citations - 386.015

Last Action - 02/02/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB1006 - Establishes road use fee for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles

Sponsor - Rep. (R) Citations - 301.105

Last Action - 02/02/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB1038 - Allows PSC to authorize low income rate for water & sewer

Sponsor - Rep. Jeff Knight (R) Citations - 386.264

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Read Second Time

HB1064 - Establishes provisions on civil actions arising from COVID-19

Sponsor - Rep. John Wiemann (R)

Citations - 537.1000, 537.1005, 537.1010, 537.1015, 537.1020, 537.1035

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Introduced and Read First Time

SB40 - Modifies provisions relating to DNR

Sponsor - Sen. Eric Burlison (R) Citations - 260.380, 260.475, 640.095, 643.079, 644.057, 644.079

Last Action - 01/25/2021 S - Hearing Conducted

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SB42 - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions arising during a declared state of emergency due to COVID-19

Sponsor - Sen. Bill White (R) Citations - 44.045, 537.065, 537.768, 537.790

Last Action - 01/25/2021 S - Superseded with SB 51

SB44 - Establishes provisions related to water and sewer infrastructure

Sponsor - Sen. Bill White (R)

Citations - 393.358, 393.1500, 393.1503, 393.1506, 393.1509

Last Action - 02/03/2021 S - Hearing Conducted

SB51 - Establishes provisions relating to civil actions arising from COVID-19 pandemic

Sponsor - Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R)

Citations - 537.1000, 537.1005, 537.1010, 537.1015, 537.1020, 537.1035

Last Action - 02/02/2021 S - Perfected

SB70 - Modifies provisions relating to certain utility districts

Sponsor - Sen. (R) Citations - 204.602

Last Action - 01/14/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB73 - Creates new provisions relating to labor organizations

Sponsor - Sen. Jason Bean (R) Citations - 290.589

Last Action - 01/14/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on General Laws

SB77 - Modifies provisions governing covenants not to compete

Sponsor - Sen. (D) Citations - 431.203

Last Action - 01/14/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Small Business and Industry

SB92 - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of certain public utility property

Sponsor - Sen. Jeanie Riddle (R) Citations - 153.030

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/10/2021 8:00 AM - Senate-Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment, Senate Lounge MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 12

SB105 - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency

Sponsor - Sen. Sandy Crawford (R)

Citations - 67.2800, 67.2810, 67.2815, 67.2816, 67.2817, 67.2818, 67.2819, 67.2840

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Insurance and Banking

SB108 - Allows two or more municipalities to form a broadband infrastructure improvement district for the delivery of broadband internet service to the residents of such municipalities

Sponsor - Sen. (R) Citations - 71.1000

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/10/2021 8:00 AM - Senate-Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment, Senate Lounge

SB118 - Creates new provisions of law relating to labor organizations

Sponsor - Sen. Eric Burlison (R) Citations - 290.592

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on General Laws

SB141 - Requires the Public Service Commission to create a renewable natural gas program

Sponsor - Sen. Jason Bean (R) Citations - 386.895

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB142 - Creates new provisions governing compensation owed to employees

Sponsor - Sen. Doug Beck (D) Citations - 290.115

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Small Business and Industry

SB153 - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation

Sponsor - Sen. Andrew Koenig (R)

Citations - 143.011, 144.011, 144.014, 144.020, 144.049, 144.054, 144.060, 144.080, 144.140, 144.526, 144.605, 144.710, 144.757, 144.759, 144.1000, 144.1003, 144.1006, 144.1009, 144.1012, 144.1015, 144.608, 144.637, 144.638, 144.752, 32.087, 32.310, 33.575

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Ways and Means

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SB163 - Modifies provisions relating to communications services offered in political subdivisions

Sponsor - Sen. Mike Cierpiot (R) Citations - 67.2677, 67.2689, 67.2720

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/10/2021 8:00 AM - Senate-Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment, Senate Lounge

SB172 - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

Sponsor - Sen. Bill White (R) Citations - 386.572

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB178 - Modifies provisions relating to net metering

Sponsor - Sen. Justin Brown (R) Citations - 386.890

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB180 - Modifies provisions relating to the adoption and review of administrative rules by state agencies

Sponsor - Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R) Citations - 536.021, 536.175

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on General Laws

SB181 - Modifies provisions relating to covenants involving business entities

Sponsor - Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R) Citations - 431.202, 431.201

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence

SB184 - Allows electrical corporations to operate and use broadband infrastructure

Sponsor - Sen. Jason Bean (R) Citations - 386.020, 393.1420, 523.010

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB185 - Establishes provisions relating to certain trespass and inverse condemnation actions against public utilities

Sponsor - Sen. Jason Bean (R) Citations - 393.1700

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 14

SB196 - Modifies provisions relating to the classification of certain property

Sponsor - Sen. Andrew Koenig (R) Citations - 137.010, 137.122

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Ways and Means

SB202 - Creates the Missouri Electricity Bill Reduction Assistance Act

Sponsor - Sen. Mike Cierpiot (R)

Citations - 386.900, 386.910, 386.915, 386.920, 386.925, 386.930, 386.935, 386.940, 386.945, 386.950, 386.955, 386.960, 386.965, 386.970, 386.975, 386.980, 386.985

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB214 - States hometown utility records be closed under Sunshine Law

Sponsor - Sen. Lincoln Hough (R) Citations - 610.021

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB230 - Prohibits pol subdivisions from prohibiting the connection or reconnection of a utility service based upon the type or source of energy

Sponsor - Sen. Eric Burlison (R) Citations - 67.309

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB241 - Modifies provisions governing project labor agreements

Sponsor - Sen. Doug Beck (D) Citations - 34.209, 34.212, 34.218, 34.219

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on General Laws

SB244 - Modifies authorization of deductions from the paychecks of public employees for the benefit of public labor organizations

Sponsor - Sen. Bob Onder (R) Citations - 105.505

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on General Laws

SB246 - Provides a sales tax exemption for the production of electricity

Sponsor - Sen. Bob Onder (R) Citations - 144.058

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 15

SB249 - Specifies that restrictive covenants shall not limit or prohibit the installation of rooftop solar panels or solar collectors

Sponsor - Sen. Eric Burlison (R) Citations - 442.404

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB253 - Establishes tax credit for alternative fuel refueling properties

Sponsor - Sen. Dan Hegeman (R) Citations - 135.1000

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Economic Development

SB255 - Modifies MO Local Government Employees' Retirement System to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

Sponsor - Sen. Jeanie Riddle (R) Citations - 70.631

Last Action - 01/28/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Local Government and Elections

SB280 - Modifies the assessment rate against public utilities

Sponsor - Sen. Mike Cierpiot (R) Citations - 386.370, 620.010

Last Action - 02/04/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB287 - Modifies provisions relating to use taxes

Sponsor - Sen. Sandy Crawford (R)

Citations - 144.140, 144.605, 144.710, 144.757, 144.759, 144.608, 144.637, 144.638, 144.752, 32.310, 33.575

Last Action - 02/04/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Local Government and Elections

SB334 - Modifies provisions on service territories of retail electric service

Sponsor - Sen. Mike Bernskoetter (R) Citations - 386.800, 394.020

Last Action - 02/04/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

SB335 - Creates provisions relating to wholesale electric energy

Sponsor - Sen. Rick Brattin (R) Citations - 393.106

Last Action - 02/04/2021 S - Referred to Committee on Commerce, Cons Prot, Energy, & Environ

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SB347 - Chgs appt qualifications for pub works bd mbrs in some cities

Sponsor - Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin (R) Citations - 91.450

Last Action - 02/04/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Local Government and Elections

SB379 - Modifies taxation of property associated with energy production

Sponsor - Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin (R) Citations - 137.123, 153.030, 393.1073

Last Action - 01/12/2021 S - Introduced and Read First Time

SB384 - Modifies appt qualifications of bds & comms in certain cities

Sponsor - Sen. Justin Brown (R) Citations - 79.235

Last Action - 01/13/2021 S - Introduced and Read First Time

SB406 - Creates provisions on customer class rates of electrical corps

Sponsor - Sen. Mike Cierpiot (R) Citations - 393.1620

Last Action - 01/20/2021 S - Introduced and Read First Time

SB413 - Requires PSC to consider multiple applications for area certificates of convenience and necessity from electrical corporations that want to provide electric service within the same geographical area

Sponsor - Sen. Mike Moon (R) Citations - 386.015

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Introduced and Read First Time

SB414 - Modifies provisions relating to municipal elections

Sponsor - Sen. Rick Brattin (R)

Citations - 115.121, 115.123, 115.124, 115.308, 115.309, 115.315, 115.317, 115.321, 115.353, 115.365, 115.397, 162.1060, 184.352, 233.040, 247.060, 247.180, 249.150, 321.210, 321.610, 77.450

Last Action - 01/21/2021 S - Introduced and Read First Time

SB453 - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service

Sponsor - Sen. Eric Burlison (R) Citations - 537.048

Last Action - 02/01/2021 H - Introduced and Read First Time MAMU Legislative Committee February 5, 2021 - Page | 17

SB462 - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by political subdivisions to businesses

Sponsor - Sen. Andrew Koenig (R) Citations - 311.105, 67.314

Last Action - 02/02/2021 S - Introduced and Read First Time

SCR1 - Calls for an Article V Convention of states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to authorize the several states to repeal certain federal actions.

Sponsor - Sen. Bill White (R)

Last Action - 01/12/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions, and Ethics

SCR4 - Calls for an Article V convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution placing limits on the federal government

Sponsor - Sen. Eric Burlison (R)

Last Action - 01/14/2021 S - Referred to Senate Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions, and Ethics

SCR7 - Urges support of state funding for a North Central Missouri Regional Water Commission project

Sponsor - Sen. Dan Hegeman (R)

Last Action - 02/04/2021 H - Hearing Scheduled 02/09/2021 9:00 AM - Senate-Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics, Senate Lounge

SJR5 - Requires all elections for local tax increases to be held at a general election

Sponsor - Sen. Bill Eigel (R) Citations - ART X.SEC 22

Last Action - 01/06/2021 S - Read First Time

Bills Tracked: 117 House Measures Filed: 1151 Senate Measures Filed: 519 Total Measures Filed: 1670