2009 Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies GamePod: Persistent Gaming Sessions on Pocketable Storage Devices Shaya Potter Ricardo Baratto Oren Laadan Jason Nieh Computer Science Department Columbia University fspotter, ricardo, orenl,
[email protected] Abstract at home, which is different from the computer at the li- We present GamePod, a portable system that enables mo- brary. These locations typically have different sets of bile users to use the same persistent, gaming environment software installed. Games that are installed at one loca- on any available computer. No matter what computer is tion are often not available at another. As a result, today’s being used, GamePod provides a consistent gaming en- mobile gamers are forced to adapt in one of two ways. vironment, maintaining all of a user’s games, including One way is by carrying around bulky laptop computers active game state. This is achieved by leveraging rapid for all their gaming and other computing needs, which improvements in capacity, cost, and size of portable stor- can be cumbersome especially for air travelers given in- age devices. GamePod provides a middleware layer that creased airport security measures. The other way is by enables virtualization and checkpoint/restart functional- carrying around a more convenient and smaller form fac- ity that decouples the gaming environment from a host tor device such as a mobile phone, PDA, or portable machine. This enables gaming sessions to be suspended gaming console, which reduces the gaming experience to portable storage, carried around, and resumed from the to small screens and poor sound quality.