G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics Early Online, published on November 11, 2019 as doi:10.1534/g3.119.400694 1 Title: Sequencing and functional annotation of the whole genome of Shiraia bambusicola 2 Running Title: Genome of Shiraia bambusicola 3 Authors:†Xiyi Ren1,2,4 , †Yongxiang Liu2,4, Yumei Tan2,4 , Yonghui Huang2,4, Zuoyi Liu3,4*, 4 Xuanli Jiang1* 5 * Correspondence:
[email protected];
[email protected] 6 †Equal contributors 7 Address: 8 1 College of agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou ,550025, China 9 2 Institute of biotechnology, Guizhou academy of agricultural sciences, Guiyang, 10 Guizhou ,550006, China 11 3 Guizhou academy of agricultural sciences, Guiyang, Guizhou ,550006, China 12 4 Guizhou key laboratory of agricultural biotechnology, Guiyang, Guizhou ,550006, China 13 Tel.: +86 085183760818; 14 Fax: +86 085183760818. 15 Email address: 16 Xiyi Ren,
[email protected] 17 Yongxiang Liu,
[email protected] 18 Yumei Tan ,
[email protected] 19 Yonghui Huang,
[email protected] 20 Zuoyi Liu,
[email protected] 21 Xuanli Jiang,
[email protected] © The Author(s) 2013. Published by the Genetics Society of America. 22 23 Abstract 24 Shiraia bambusicola is a rare medicinal fungus found in China that causes bamboo 25 plants to decay and die with severe infection. Hypocrellin, its main active ingredient, is 26 widely used in several fields, such as medicine, agriculture, and food industry. In this study, to 27 clarify the genomic components, taxonomic status, pathogenic genes, secondary metabolite 28 synthesis pathways, and regulatory mechanisms of S. bambusicola, whole-genome 29 sequencing, assembly, and functional annotation were performed using high-throughput 30 sequencing and bioinformatics approaches.