KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD LIMITED (lncorporated under the Companies Act, 7956) Reg Office: Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004 C I N : U40l-00 KL2OLISG CO27 424 We bs ite : www ks eb in Phone: +91 471- 25L4685, 25743:37. Fax: 0477 2447228
[email protected] Abstract SOP to the extent of 52BkVA to Adlux Exhibition Centre, Karukutty in favour of the Thasildhar, Taluk Office, Aluva for Covid stay home under Electrical Section, Karukutty - Action ratified - Sanction Accorded - Orders issued coRPoRATE OFFTCE (SBU-D) B.O.(FTD) No.62512020 (D(D,lT&HRM)/D-ZISOPl00L5/020-21 Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, L4.LO.2O2O Read: l-. Letter No, CE(DC)|AEEZ|HT Temp/ Adluxl20-21l685 dated 16.06.2020 of the Chief Engineer Distribution (Central), KSEBL, Ernakulam 2. Circular No. D(D,lT&HRM)/Covid L9l2O19-20l16 dated 19.052020 3. Note No D(D,IT &HRM))/ D2|SOP/00I51120-21, dated 07.I0.2O20 of the Director (Distribution, lT & HRM) to the Full Time Directors (Agenda No. 35/10/20) ORDER The Chief Engineer Distribution Central, as per letter read as l-s' above, intimated that a service connection application from the Tahsildar (LA), Taluk Office, Aluva was received at the Electrical Section, Karukutty on 03.06.2020 for availing the temporary HT service connection to M/s, Adlux Exhibition Centre, Karukutty for functioning as First level Treatment Centre (FLTC) of Covid 1-9. Subsequently an estimate was prepared for effecting the HT Temporary Service Connection to the extent of 52BkVA. The work involves construction of 360mts 1l-kv OH line, installation of 1000kVA transformer, associated cabling and HT metering equipments.