Craig County Transit Service Study Craig County, Virginia
CRAIG COUNTY TRANSIT SERVICE STUDY CRAIG COUNTY, VIRGINIA PREPARED BY RHODESIDE & HARWELL, INCORPORATED AND FOURSQUARE INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING JANUARY 18, 2012 ADOPTED APRIL 5, 2012 PHOTO CREDITS: MONROE HEALTH CENTER, 2011 MAJOR VEHICLES, 2011 RHODESIDE & HARWELL, 2011 1 MILLIE HARRISON, CHAIRMAN FRED CRAFT, VICE CHAIRMAN NEW CASTLE DISTRICT CRAIG CITY DISTRICT CARL BAILEY, MEMBER MARTHA MURPHY, MEMBER POTTS MOUNTAIN DISTRICT SIMMONSVILLE DISTRICT KEITH DUNBAR, MEMBER RICHARD C. FLORA CRAIG CREEK DISTRICT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY OF CRAIG P.O. Box 308 New Castle, Virginia 24127 540-864-5010 Phone 540-864-5590 Fax R12-36 A Resolution Accepting and Approving Final Draft of CRAIG COUNTY TRANSIT SERVICE STUDY WHEREAS, Craig County residents have expressed a need for adequate transportation for seniors, the disabled and those without reliable access to private motor vehicles in Craig County, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors applied for and received approval of a Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), Technical Assistance grant, and appointed a Feasibility Study Steering Committee made up of regional public transportation stakeholders to engage in the study process, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission (RVARC) committed time in its FY2011 Rural Transportation Work Program to assist the County and DRPT in the study process, and WHEREAS, the RVARC and the County of Craig requested that DRPT use its departmental on-call consultants to complete the study and that study is completed and has been presented to the Board of Supervisors of Craig County, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Craig County that the final draft of the Craig County Transit Service Study dated January 18, 2012 and submitted to the Board this day, by the RVARC be accepted and approved.
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