The Fulbright Austria Emergency Action Plan is an unofficial document that outlines safety procedures for the Fulbright Commission staff and for US Fulbright grantees in Austria to be applied in case of emergency.

The plan will focus on the following situations that are relevant to Austria:

 Terrorist attacks  Medical emergencies  Physical assault, sexual assault, pickpocketing

The plan includes all contacts that grantees must refer to in case of emergency.

The US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Academic and Exchange Programs (ECA/A/E) has overall responsibility for the Fulbright Program worldwide under the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 as amended (Fulbright-Hays).

In a crisis situation, Fulbright Austria consults closely with ECA/A/E Regional Fulbright Branch for /Eurasia, the US Embassy in , and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding any decisions concerning the safety of Fulbright participants in Austria. In consultation with the US Department of State’s Europe/Eurasia Regional Bureau and the US Embassy Public Affairs Section, ECA/A/E will make the final determination in the event of any grantee’s program suspension or reinstatement. GENERAL SECURITY MEASURES

Fulbright Austria invites a representative of US Citizen Service to the Fall Orientation. The Officer gives a security briefing using a power point presentation that will be shared with all grantees after the orientation. The presentation includes: US Citizens Service emergency numbers, other emergency numbers, and guidelines on how to manage an emergency, as well as an overview of the role that the US Citizen Services plays in case of emergency.

After the Fall Orientation the Fulbright Austria will send out an official online contact form requiring every grantee to share their email address, their mobile number, their home address in Italy and an emergency contact person. It is the grantee’s responsibility to use this form to keep their contact information updated. Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 2/8

US Students: https://goo.gl/forms/O56ZsZi7lnkUCYrP2 US Scholars: https://goo.gl/forms/12eTKYqp1jRPy93v1

Each grantee will also receive a digital version of this emergency plan.

Use the following form to inform us of any travel outside of Austria: http://goo.gl/forms/9xTUnZmVNB, in addition to informing your program officer about any grant- related travel. This form will not be monitored on a regular basis and will only be consulted in case of emergency to ascertain who is out of the country. Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 3/8



The Commission sends out emails to all grantees with the subject Emergency, confirm you are safe Every grantee must respond immediately using the form included in the email

If necessary, the Commission will also make quick phone calls to all grantees in order to verify their safety The Commission will consult US Citizen Services for instructions

The Commission will report the results of the safety check to the US Embassy, the Department of State, IIE and CIES The Commission will also use Social Media (Facebook but mostly Twitter) to spread important communications in case of extraordinary emergencies


Grantees are strongly recommended to contact their program officer at Fulbright Austria (in addition to US Citizen Service)

The program officer can serve as an emergency contacts and act as an intermediary with US Citizen Services. But in case of emergency, grantees must always contact the Austrian authorities first. Fulbright Austria will consult with US Citizen Service

Fulbright Austria will inform the US Embassy, the Department of State, IIE and CIES

In case of extraordinary emergency, Fulbright Austria and the US Embassy may reach out to the grantee if in need of assistance Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 4/8


122 Fire

133 Police

144 Ambulance

141 Doctor’s hotline for emergency home visits (7:00 P.M. – 7:00 A.M.)

112 Pan-European Emergency

142 Psychiatric hotline

0800 222 555 Women’s hotline for sexual harassment, assault, etc. (www.frauenhelpline.at)

140 Mountain rescue

01 406 43 43 Poison Control

050 11 50 – 4242 Hotline against Discrimination and Intolerance (BMEIA; for discrimination based on religion, ethnic origin) (https://www.bmeia.gv.at/integration/hotline-gegen-diskriminierung/)

01 929 13 99 ZARA advising center for victims and witnesses of racism (https://www.zara.or.at/)

Beratungsstelle Courage: officially recognized by the Austrian Family Ministry, for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexed people, as well as their families. Free, anonymous regional hotlines and email addresses and in-person counselling: http://www.courage-beratung.at/ueber_uns

American Citizen Services: Mon to Fri 8:00am – 4:30pm: (+431) 313 39 7535 For emergencies outside of office hours during the week and on weekends, please contact Dr. Lonnie Johnson home tel.: (01) 956 4376 or mobile phone: 0699 1 956 4376.

ASPE - Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges https://www.sevencorners.com/gov/usdos 1.800.461.0430 - Toll Free from the US +01.317.818.2867 - Call collect from outside the US [email protected] Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 5/8


Keep loved ones informed Should there be an emergency or crisis in Austria, please reassure your friends and family that you are safe, immediately. Update any social media you use to indicate your safety. In case of emergency, we will not be able to provide information about your whereabouts to people other than your emergency contact and emergency and embassy personnel.

Know sources of information in an emergency We strongly suggest that you save the numbers above in your phone. Besides the official websites of Fulbright Austria and the US Embassy, we also suggest grantees follow both on Facebook and Twitter as in case of extraordinary emergencies social media can be used to share important communications.

Fulbright Austria Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/austria.fulbright Twitter - @FulbrightAUT

US Embassy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/USEmbVienna/ Twitter - @USEmbVienna

Enroll in the Smart Traveler Program: https://step.state.gov/step/ By enrolling you will receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans. You will help the US Embassy contact you in an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency. You will help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency.

Know the resource Fulbright ASSIST (For students only): https://us.fulbrightonline.org/current- fulbrighters/fulbright-assist-24-7-support Fulbright ASSIST is a benefit for all grantees in the Fulbright US Student Program while they are on their grants in their host countries. Fulbright ASSIST is designed to augment the health benefits that are concurrently provided through ASPE.

Fulbright ASSIST is accessible 24 hours a day and is available to provide support to Fulbrighters in urgent and non-urgent situations. The intensive care nurses responding to grantee calls are trained to handle serious situations such as sexual assaults and mental health crises. They can also provide medical advice. ANVIL’s security team is also able to counsel grantees on security overseas and offer security/personal safety support.

Phone: +1-813-666-0012 Email: [email protected]

Keep Fulbright Austria informed of their current contact information and travels using the forms provided. Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 6/8


Source: https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/country/austria.html

Credible information indicates terrorist groups continue to plot attacks in Europe. European governments are taking action to guard against terrorist attacks. However, all European countries are vulnerable to attacks from transnational terrorist organizations. Austria’s open borders with other Schengen area countries allow the possibility that terrorists may enter or leave the country undetected.

Responding to sharp increases in migration, some Schengen area governments, including Austria, imposed temporary border controls where none existed previously. These controls can cause considerable delays at train and vehicle crossings.

We urge U.S. citizens to remain vigilant about their personal security and to exercise caution.

Demonstrations occur regularly in Austria. Demonstration organizers must obtain prior police approval, and police routinely oversee participants. U.S. citizens should avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. Demonstrations can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. The Embassy posts security messages on its website.

Crime: Austria has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe, and violent crime is rare. Theft of personal property does occur, however. The most frequently reported areas for theft include the plaza around St. Stephen’s Cathedral and nearby pedestrian shopping areas in Vienna’s First District.

 Beware of pickpockets on public transportation, trains, and train stations. All modes of transport coming into and out of the city center and trains that run between Vienna and Budapest, Prague, and Rome are high-risk.  Do not leave bags unattended.  Be alert to criminal schemes in public places such as cafes and tourist areas.  Do not buy counterfeit and pirated goods, even if they are widely available. It is illegal to bring bootlegged items back into the , and you may be breaking local laws.

See the Department of State and the FBI pages for information on scams. Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 7/8


US citizen victims of sexual assault should seek medical attention at the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

Report crimes to the local police by dialing 112 and contact the US Embassy. Local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes. See this webpage on h elp fo r US vict ims o f crime o versea s and US vict im’s co mpen sation programs. Source: https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/emergencies/victims.html

If you are the victim of a crime overseas:

 Contact the local police to report the incident and get immediate help. Request a copy of the police report.

 Contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate: o Consular officers are available for emergency assistance 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. o Contact information for U.S. Embassies and Consulates overseas can be found here or by going to our individual Country Specific Information pages. o To contact the Department of State in the U.S. call 1-888-407-4747 (from the U.S. or Canada) or (202) 501-4444 (from overseas).

Consular Assistance to U.S. Crime Victims:

When a U.S. citizen is the victim of a crime overseas, he or she may suffer from physical, emotional or financial injuries. It can be more difficult because the victim may be in unfamiliar surroundings, and may not know the local language or customs. Consular staff at overseas posts know local government agencies and resources in the countries where they work.

We can help:

 Replace a stolen passport  Contact family, friends, or employers  Obtain appropriate medical care  Address emergency needs that arise as a result of the crime  Explain the local criminal justice process  Obtain information about your case  Connect you to local and U.S.-based resources to assist victims of crime  Obtain information about any local and U.S. victim compensation programs available Fulbright Austria Emergency Plan 2018 page 8/8

 Provide a list of local lawyers who speak English

We cannot:

 Investigate crimes  Provide legal advice or represent you in court  Serve as official interpreters or translators  Pay legal, medical, or other fees for you

See the State Department's travel website for Worldwide Caution, Travel Warnings, and Travel Alerts. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. See traveling safely abroad for useful travel tips. EMERGENCIES AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE

As a general rule, emergency treatment is provided at public hospitals at the Emergency Department (Notambulanz) to patients that have been seriously injured in an accident or have been suddenly taken ill and require an urgent medical treatment. Access to this service is given to patients according to a priority order defined by the seriousness of their condition.

In case you need to see a doctor, you have been recommended hospitalization or need urgent care, you can refer to the US Embassy Guide on Doctors and Hospitals at https://at.usembassy.gov/u-s- citizen-services/, where you will we find a list of English-speaking medical practitioners and hospitals. You can also use the search engine at http://www.praxisplan.at/ to find doctors in any area and specialty who speak various languages.

To call an ambulance or to receive first-aid assistance, dial emergency number 112; this service is usually free of charge and available 24 hours a day both on working days and holidays.