Computing Educators Oral History Project (CEOHP) Computing Educators Oral History Project An Interview with Winifred (Tim) Asprey Conducted Friday, 23 March 2007 At Poughkeepsie, New York Interview Conducted by Viera Proulx Copyright Statement This manuscript is being made available for research purposes only. All literary rights in the manuscript, including the right to publish, are reserved to the Computing Educators Oral History Project. No part of the manuscript may be quoted for publication, except by the interviewee, without the written permission of the Director of the Computing Educators Oral History Project. Request for permission to quote for publication should be addressed to Barbara Boucher Owens, either by email at
[email protected] or via postal mail at Computing Educators Oral History Project, Southwestern University, P.O. Box 770, Gerogetown, TX 78627-0770 USA. The request should identify the specific passages to be quoted, describe the anticipated use of the passages, and identify the requestor. We recommend that this oral history be cited as follows: Winifred Asprey, an oral history conducted in 2007 by Viera Proulx, Computing Educators Oral History Project. Online: [Context for the interview: Viera Proulx, the interviewer, is a former student of Dr. Asprey’s. Also present during the interview was Greg Priest-Dorman, who came to Vassar as a student in 1978, worked with the Computer Science Department during that time, and returned to the department in 1992; at the time of the interview, he was serving as Systems Administrator and Lab Coordinator for the Computer Sciences Department. Statements by Viera Proulx are in regular bold with the initial “V:”; statements by Greg Priest-Dorman are in bold italics and marked with the initial “G:”.