Earthquake Response Makwanpur District - Factsheet

SHELTER RECOVERY ASSESSMENT, 22-29 MAY 2015 [Population: 420,477* Households: 86,127*] *Based on 2011 Nepal census

Summary Housing Damage

On 25 April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal with its epicenter in 86% of households reported housing damage 69% of households reported that that they feel , approximately 81 km northwest of the country capital, . as a result of the earthquakes unsafe in the shelter they are currently Another earthquake of magnitude 7.3 followed on 12 May 2015 in . living in REACH, through its partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster, was deployed to Nepal to facilitate the development of a comprehensive shelter and settlements Reported damage by housing typology recovery strategy for the Nepal Shelter Cluster, and establish a baseline for analysis of the recovery process. The data presented in this factsheet is the result Walls mud-bonded brick/stone Walls mud-bonded brick/stone of a stratified, random survey of 122 households, including those with damaged Roof corrugated galvanised iron (CGI) and non-damaged shelters. Findings can be generalised at district level with a 95% Roof slate / tile level of confidence and a 10% margin of error. Housing type prevalence 19% Housing type prevalence 54% 0% Completely destroyed 2% Completely destroyed Demographics 52% Heavy damage / partial collapse 24% Heavy damage / partial collapse 43% Minor-moderate damage 70% Minor-moderate damage Female-headed households 6.5 Average household size 17% 4% No damage 5% No damage Age Distribution 2% Households with only one member over the 0+52+44+4 2+24+695 49% Male / 51% Female Walls cement-bonded brick/stone Walls reinforced concrete cement (RCC)

5+27+8+7+4 4+30+6+6+5 age of 18 60+ Roof CGI Roof RCC 5% Households who are renting Housing type prevalence 6% Housing type prevalence 3% 18 - 59 12 - 17 6% Households with physically disabled 0% Completely destroyed 0% Completely destroyed 5 - 11 1% Households hosting separated, orphaned 0% Heavy damage / partial collapse 0% Heavy damage / partial collapse 0 - 4 57% Minor-moderate damage 25% Minor-moderate damage 43% No damage 75% No damage Displacement 0+57+43 0+0+25+75 61% of households reported that they are not living Reported reasons for displacement Temporary Shelter in the same shelter as before the earthquakes (Respondents could report multiple reasons)

86+76+43 Of households that sustained housing damage: Reported emergency shelter needs 1 min Median travel time from current shelter to original House is damaged 86% house or destroyed 1st need 2nd need 3rd need Fear of aftershocks 76% 30% reported that they have constructed or are Durable construction materials 78% 87% 74% 3% of households are 10 minutes or more from constructing temporary shelters their original house Unsure if house is 43% Shelter materials 5% 6% 13% safe 43% of all households surveyed reported that they Blankets/mats 0% 0% 0% Households that are 10 minutes or more from their have received material shelter assistance Tools 2% 1% 2% original house are predominantly with family in the same Labour 2% 1% 2% Intentions of displaced households community. 0% reported that they have received cash Technical assistance 9% 4% 8% assistance Other 3% 0% 1% Where displaced households are staying 7 days 30 days 69+11+16+1+6+0 Land of damaged house 69% Top types of material shelter assistance received (Respondents could report multiple types) Open ground 11% 98+13+2+0 With family in same community 16% 3+81+1+15 24+50+6+20 Tarpaulins 98% With family in different community 1% 3% Return to original house 24% Blankets and mats 13% 81% Stay in temporary shelter 50% Other 3% Kitchen sets 2% 1% Move to another shelter 5% Evacuation Centre 0% 15% Don’t know 20% mp man For more information on this factsheet please contact: Page 1/2 Shelter Cluster: [email protected] REACH Initiative: [email protected] Nepal Earthquake Response Makwanpur District - Factsheet

SHELTER RECOVERY ASSESSMENT, 22-29 MAY 2015 [Population: 420,477* Households: 86,127*] *Based on 2011 Nepal census

Housing Recovery Reported Household Needs

Of households reporting housing damage: Top 4 reported repair / rebuild needs Priority NFI needs Priority household needs (Respondents could report multiple needs) (Respondents’ reported top three needs) (Respondents’ reported top three needs)

11% of households reported that they have started 60+55+43+37 repairing or rebuilding their original house Cement 60% 1st need 2nd need 3rd need 1st need 2nd need 3rd need Blankets/mats 44% 20% 8% Shelter/housing 64% 3% 0% 8% of these 12 households reported that they have Sand 55% Gas/fuel 17% 4% 8% Employment/jobs 9% 19% 12% received support to repair or rebuild CGI 43% Hygiene items 14% 11% 24% Drinking water 7% 10% 1% 70% of households that sustatined housing damage Kitchen items 10% 24% 11% Security/policing 4% 1% 2% reported that they need support to remove debris Labour 37% Jerrycans 6% 23% 21% Roads 4% 15% 7%

Female-headed household recovery Access to needed repair / rebuild materials (Due to the small sample size, it should be noted that the information below is not statistically significant) Cement Sand WASH Livelihoods 34% Lots 34% Lots 42% Some 52% Some 3% of households reported that their pre-earthquake Top 5 reported livelihoods prior to earthquakes 11% of female-headed households reported that they 21% None 12% None source of drinking water was damaged (Respondents could report multiple livelihoods) are repairing or rebuilding their original house 3% Don’t know 2% Don’t know 34+42+213 34+52+122 70+38+19+19+17 3% of households reported that their sanitation system 50% of these 2 households reported that they have Subsistence farming 70% CGI Labour was completely destroyed or heavily damaged received support to repair or rebuild 20% Lots 15% Lots Keep livestock 38% 63% of households that sustained housing damage 51% Some 62% Some 18% None 23% None Source of drinking water Informal job 19% reported that they need support to remove debris 11% Don’t know 0% Don’t know 20+51+18+11 15+62+230 Before 25 April After 12 May Cash crop farming 19% Communication Hazard Protection 16% Private pipe 18% Own a business 17% 30% Municipal tap 30% 34% Spout 34% Top 3 ways of receiving public information Of all assessed households: 20% Other 19% (Respondents could report multiple ways) 70% of households reported a decrease in income

80+74+70 16+30+3420 18+30+3319 immediately after the earthquakes 65% of households feel only partially protected or Word-of-mouth 80% completely unprotected against current weather 33% of households reported a decline in water quality 0% of households reporting a decrease in income condititons said that their income has since been fully restored Phone calls 74% 7% of households reported a decrease in water quantity 52% of households do not feel protected against of households reporting a decrease in income Radio 70% 55% upcoming monsoon season Type of toilet facility said that their income has since been partially restored

51% of households do not feel protected against Before 25 April After 12 May 43% of households reported knowing of someone in the upcoming winter conditions Livestock ownership community who was consulted before aid delivery 62% Flush (septic) 66% 61% of households have experienced damage from 4% Flush (sewer) 2% 85% of households kept livestock prior to the earthquakes past natural hazard(s) Public Services 25% Pit Latrine 25% On average, of these households’ livestock died or were 8% None / Other 7% 2% Reported inability to access to services and primary reason 63+4+25+8 66+2+25+7 lost as a result of the earthquakes

Of all assessed households: 7% Households sharing toilet facilities 18% with other households 8% Health services 2% Municipal services 48% Education Facility destroyed in earthquake Physical access constraints Facility destroyed in earthquake 2.4 Average # of households per toilet 2.7 mp man For more information on this factsheet please contact: Page 2/2 Shelter Cluster: [email protected] REACH Initiative: [email protected]