
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work


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Author Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Publication Date 1950-02-03

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Contract No. W-7405-eng-48

List of Reprints Available in the Information Division January through December, 1949 February 3, 1950


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Distribution No. of Copies

Aronne National Laboratory 2 Battelle Memorial Institute 1 Brookhaven National Laboratory 2 Bureau of fviedicine and Surgery 1 Bureau of Ships 1 Carbide and Chemict:,ls Corporation (K-25) 2 Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation (Y-12) 2 Colwnbia University (Dunning) 2 Colum'bia University (l<'ailla) 1 Dow Chemical Company 1 General tlectricComrany, Richland 2 Iowa State College 2 Kellex Corporation 2. Knolls Atomic Fower Laboratory 2 Los iilrunos 2 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Gaudin) 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Kaufmann) 1 Mound Laboratory 2 National advisory Cormnittee for Heronautics 2 National Bureau of Standards 2 Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory 3 NEPit Project 2 New Brunsvdck Laboratory 1 North American 1~viation~ Inc. l Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2 Rand Corporation 1 Sandia Base 1 Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. 1 Technical Information Branch, ORE 2 U.S. Public Health Service . 1 UCLA Medical Research Laboratory (Warren) 1 University of California Radiation Laboratory: Director's Office 10 R. Thornton 1 E. IvicMillan 1 L. Alvarez 1 R. Serber 1 E. Lofgren 1 w. Brobeck 1 w. Powell 1 E. Gardner 1 H. Bradner 1 c. Richman 1 w. Pan of sky 1 J. Woodyard 1 G. T. Seaberg 1 .... I. Perlman 1 B. Moyer 1 D. Sewell 1 E. Segr~ 1 M. Calvin 2 UCRL·596 Unclassified Distribution Page 3 Distribution No. of Copies University of California Radiation Laboratory (continued): J . Lawrep.ce 6 J. Hamilton:, 6 N. Garden ! l R. Ball 1 C. Helmholz 1 G. C. -Wick 1 C. Tobias 1 f'atent Depaf.tment 1 Donner Library 1 University of California Department of Physics 2 University .:of California Department of Chemistry 2 University of Rochester 2 University of Washington 1 Western Reserve University (Friedell) 2 Westinghouse Electric Corporation 3 Ciudad Universidad (Grinfield) 1 Provincial College of Arts and Sciences, Canton (Hwang You-mou) 1 D. S. Kothari,,New Delhi, India 1 Walther Bothe,·Heidelberg, Germany 1 M. A. Cooper, Johannesburg, South Africa 1 .Institut du Labpratoire Curie, Paris, F'rance 1 Gerald J. Holton, Harvard University - 1 Total ·117 Information Division Radiation Laboratory University of California Berkeley, California UCRL-596 Page 4

Radiation Laboratory University of California

February 3, 1950


The reprints listed on the following pages are available from this office in limited numbers. In requesting them :rlease refer to the reprint number given in the first column.

Information Division UGhL·-'.)S'6 U1wl:.o.:-.•ii'ied f;istriLnt:i.on Fae;c 5

List of Reprints Available in tl}e Information DiviGion

January through December, 1949

Radiation Laboratory, Department of Physics University of California, Berkeley, California

February 3_, 1950

Reprint Humber

w. lvi. Brobeck, E. 0. Lawrence, K. E. lviacl\enzie, L M. McMillan, R. Serber, D. C. Sewell, K. M. Simpson, H. L. Thornton, Initial Perform­ ance of the 184.-Inch Cyclotron of the University of California, Physi­ co.l Review 71; No. 7, 41~9-450, April 1, 1';'47 (MDDC-710)

1948-66 A. A.. Benson, J • l1.. Bassham, Chemical Degradation of Isotopic Succinic and Malic i~cids, Journal of the American Chemica). Society ZQ, 3939 (1948)(UCRL-118, AECD-2123)

1948-67 I. Perlman, A. Ghiorso, G. T. Seaborg, '~lpha-Decay Systematics of the Heavy Elements, Physical Review 74, .No. 11~ 1730-1732, December 1, 194&.

' 1948-68 Kenneth Street, Jr., G. T. Seaberg, The Ion-Exchange Separation of and , Journal of the American Chemical Society 2.Q, 4.268: (1948) (UCEL-191, bECD-2.{35)

1948-69 Q. A. Kerzis, W. R. Baker, R. F. Edwards, G. lV1. Farly, High Voltage Pulser for 18/+-Inch Cyclotron Electric Deflector, Review of Scientific Instruments 12,· No. 12, 899-904, December, 1948 {UCliL-95, AECD-2117)

1948-70 L. B. Magnusson, T. J. LaChappelle, The First Isolation of Element 93 in Pure Compounds and a Determination of the Half-Life of 9JNp2J7, Journal of the American Chemical Society 70, 3534 (1948) (UCRL-105)

1948-71 G. T. Seaberg, I. Perlman, Table of , Reviews of Iviodern Physics 20, No. 4, 585-667, October, 1948 (UC.ii.L-179, AECU-1.4.)

1948-72 J. G:. Hamilton, The lVietabolic Properties of the F'ission Products and Actinide Elements, Reviews of Uiodern Physics 20, No. 4, 718-728, October, 194.8 (UCRL-67, A.ECD-2012)

1948-73 a. A:. Benson, M. Calvin, The Path of Carbon in :Fhotosynthesis. III, Cold· Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology XIII, 6-10 (1948) (UCRL-133)

Misc. W. W.. Salisbury, (Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa), Acceler­ 1947-1 ators for Heavy Particles, Nucleonics 1, No. 3, 34-44., November 1947 UCRL-596 Page 6

Reprint Number

1949-1 P. E. Yankwich, M. Calvin, An Effect of Isotopic Mass on the Rate of a .Reaction Involving the Carbon-Carbon Bond, Journal of Chemical Physics · 17, No. 1, 109-110, January, 1949

1949-2 D. H. Templeton, The Story of Hadioactive Isotopes, Chemical and . Engineering News 27, 270, January 31, 1949

1949-3 A •. A. Benson, M. Calvini/' A. Haas, S. Aronoff, A. G. Hall, J. A. B@-ssham, J. W. Weigl, C in Photosynthesis, Ab.AS monograph, Fhotosytl- the~is in Plants, Iowa State College Press, 381-400 (194.9) (UCRL-120)

1949-4 G. L. Johnson, R. Leininger, E. Segr~, The Chemical Properties of . I, Journal of Chemical Physics 17, No. 1, 1-10, January, 1949 (UCRL-71, AECD-1952)

1949-5 A. S. Newton, Fission of with Alpha-Particles, Physical Review 72, No. 1, 17-29, January 1, 1949 (UCRL-83, iiliCD-2191+)

1949-6 K. G. Scott, D. J. Axelrod, J. G. Hamilton, The Metabolism of in the Rat, Journal of Biological Chemistry 177, No. 1, 325-335 and 2 plates, January 1949 (UCRL-35, AECD-1805)

1949-7 A. S. Newton, Formation of u232 by Ions on Thorium, Physical Review 7.2, No. 1, 209-211, January 1, 1949 (UCRL-81~, AECD-2081)

1949-8 C •. A.·· Tobias, R. W. Dunn, Analysis of Microcomposition of Biological Tissue by Means of Induced Radioactivity, Science 10.2, 2823, 109-113, February 4, 1949 (AECD-2099B)

1949-9 E. Segre, C. Wiegand, Exper~men~s on th~ Effect.of Atomic Electrons on the Decay Constant of Be7, Phys~cal Rev~ew 72, No. 1, 39-43, January 1, 1949 (UCRL-137, AECD-2199)

1949-10 L. Cook, E. Iv'lciViillan, J. Feterson, D. Sewell, Total Cross Sections of Nuclei for 90-.Mev Neutrons, Physical Review 2,2, No. 1, 7-14, January 1, 1949 (MDDC -1399)

1949-11 E. Gardner, Stars in Photographic Emulsions Initiated by Alpha-Parti­ cles, Physical Review 7.2, No. 3, 379-382, February 1, 194.9 (UCRL-128, AECD-2126)

1949-12 A. Ghiorso, W. Meinke, G. T. Seaborg, The Three Additional Collateral .Alpha-Decay Chains, Physical Review 72, No. 2, 314-315, January 15, 1949

1949-13 M. Calvin, A. A. Benson, The Path of Carbon in Photosynthesis. IV: The Identity and Sequence of the Intermediates in Sucrose Synthesis, Science 109, No. 2824, 140-142, February 11, 1949 (UCRL-254, AECU-113) UCRL-596 Page 7 Reprint Number 1949-14 F. L. Reynolds, D. G. Karraker, D. H. Templeton, Mass Spectrographic Assignment of Isotopes, Physical Review 22, No. 2, 313-314, January 15, 1949 (UCRL-186, AECD-2373) 1949-15 E. Gardner, V. Peterson, Stars in Photographic Emulsions Initiated by Deuterons. Part I. Experimental, Physical Review 2,2, No. 3, 364-369, February 1, 1949 (UCRL-28, MDDC-1676)

1949-16 L. R.· Wasserman, R. L. Dobson, J. H. Lawrence, Blood Studies in Petjents with Polycythemia and in Normal Subjects, J'ourna.l of Clinical Investigation 28, No. 1, 60-65, January, 1949 ·

1949-17 J. Burfening, E. Gardner, C. l.Vl. G. Lattes, Positive Mesons Produced by the 184-Inch Berkeley Cyclotron, Physical Review 2,2, No. 3, 382-387, February 1, 1949 (UCRL-171, AECD-2334)

1949-18 J. Hadley, E. Kelly, C. Leith, E. Segr~, C. Wiegand, H. York, Experi­ ments on N-P Scattering with 90- and 40-Mev Neutrons, Physical Review 2,2, No. 3, 351-363, February 1, 1949 (UCRL-166, AECD-2344) 1949-19 N. E. Ballou, R. D. Wolfe, Yields of the Radio Isotopes in the High Energy Helium-Ion Bombardment of , Physical Review 72, No. 3, 527-528, February 1, 1949 1949-20 J. W. Weigl, M. Calvin, An Effect in Photosynthesis, Journal of Chemical Physics 17, No. 2, 210, February, 1949 (UCRL-228, AECU-55)

1949-21 J. F; Crowley, J. G. Hamilton, K. G. Scott, The i\lleta'tolism of Carrier­ Free Radioberyllium in the Rat, Journal of Biological Chemistry 177, No. 2, 975-984, February, 1949 (UCRL-148, AECD-225/+)

1949-22 G. T ~ Seaberg, 'l'he Eight New Synthetic Elements, Science in Progress, Sixth Series - 1949, New Haven: Yale University Press, 80-99 (UCRL-S,, MDDC-1563)

1949-23 U. B~ Garden, Semihot. Laboratories, Industrial and Chemical Engineer­ ing, 41, 237, February, 1949

1949-24 W. Hartsough, E. Hayward, W. M. Powell, Some Preliminary Cloud-Ghamber Photographs of Artificial IViesons, Physical Review :z.2, No. 5, 905-906, March 1, 1949 (UCRL-271, AECU-152) 1949-25 G. Wilkinson, H. G. Hicks, Hfl75, A New Radioactive Isotope of Hafnium, Physical Review 2.2, No. 4, 696-698, February 15, 1949 (UCRL-233, AECU- 80)

1949-26 T. J. Parmley, B. J. Moyer,· R. C. Lilly, The Radioactivities of Some High Mass Isotopes of , Physical Review 72, No. 4, 619-623, February 15, 1949 (UCRL-198) UCRL-596 Page 8 Reprint Number

1949-27 W. J. Knox, Relative Cross Sections for Nuclear Reactions Induced by High Energy Neutron in Light Elements, Fhysical Review 12, No. 4, 537-541, February 15, 1949 (UCHL-175, AECD-2340) 1949-28 W. Horning, L. Baumhoff, Stars in Photogra:r:hic Emulsions Initiated by Deuterons. Part II. Theoretical, Physical Review 12, No. 3, 370-378, February 1, 1949 (UCRL-29 Revised, MDDC-1677)

1949-29 K. Brueckner, W. Hartsough, E. Hayward, W. M. Powell, Neutron-Proton Scattering at 90 Mev, Physical Review 12, Nc. 4, 555-564, February 15, 1949 (UCRL-178, AECD-2369) UCRL-30 K. R. MacKenzie, F. H. Schmidt.)) J. R. Woodyard, L. F. Wouters, Design of the Radiofrequency System for the 184-Inch·Cyclotron, Review of Scientific Instruments 20, No. 2, 126-133, February, 1949 (UCRL-64, AECD-2071) 1949-31 E. Hayward, The Energy Spectrum of the Delayed Neutrons from ol7, Physical Review 75, No. 6, 917-919, March 15, 1949 (UCRL-195, AECD- 2379)

1949-32 J. W. Gofman, Studies with Colloids Containing Radioisotopes of Yttri­ um, Zirconium, Columbium, and . I. The Chemica,l rrinciples and Methods Involved in Preparation of Colloids of , Zirconium, Columbium, and Lanthanum (UCRL-91, AECD-2057) E. L. Dobson, J. W. Gofman, H. B. Jones, L. S. Kelly, L.A. Walker, II. The Controlled Selective Localization of Radioisotopes of Yttrium, Zirconium and Columbium in the Bone lviarrow, Liver and Spleen, The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 34, No. 3, 297-312, ·March, 1949 (UCRL-92~ AECD-2055) 1949-33 L. W. AlvarezJl Nl7, A Delayed Neutron Emitter, Physical Review 12, No. 8, 1127-1132, April 15, 1949 (UCRL-201, AECU-53) 1949-34 G. Wilkinson.)) Radioactive Isotopes of Platinum and , Physical Review 12.)1 No. 7, 1019-1029, April 1, 1949 1949-35 H. C. Moffitt, Jr., J. H. Lawrence, Chronic Leukemia of Long Duration: With a Report of 31 Cases with a Duration of over Five Years, Annals of Internal Medicine 30, No. 4, 778-790, April, 1949

1949-36 W. K. H. Panofsky, E. A. Martinelli, Magnetic Deflector for Mesons Produced in the 184-Inch Cyclotron, Review of Scientific Instruments 20, No. 4, 286-288, April, 1949 (UCRL-192, AECD-2402) 1949-37 S. Fernbach, H. Serber, T. B. Taylor, The Scattering of High Energy Neutrons by Nuclei, Physical Review 12, No. 9., 1352-1355, May 1, 1949 (UCHL-262, AECU-101) 1949-38 E. L. Kelly, E. Segre, Some Excitation Functions of , Physical Review 75, No. 7, 999-1005, April 1, 1949 (UCRL-207, AECU-88) UCRL-596 Page 9 Reprint Number 1949-39 E. L. Kelly, Experimental Determinations of Stopping Powers Using Alpha-Particles of 15 to 37 Mev, Physical Review 1.2, No. 7, 1006-1007, April 1, 1949 (UCRL·-208, AECU-54) 1949-40 I. Perlman, A. Ghiorso, G. T. Seaborg, Relation between Half-Life and Energy in Alpha-Decay, Physical Review 75, No. 7, 1096-1097, April 1, 1949

1949-41 D. A. Orth, L. Marquez, VI. J. Heiman, D. H. Templeton, Radioactive Isotopes Produced from Gold, Physical Review 72, No. 7, 1100, April 1, 1949 1949-42 . K. Brueckner, W. M. }owell, Charged Particles Emitted by Carbon Bom­ barded by 90 Mev Neutrons, Physical Review 12, No. 8, 1274-1275, April 15, 1949 (UCRL-296, AECU-169)

1949-42 K. Brueckner, W. M. Fowell, Erratrum: Charged Farticles Emitted by Erratum Carbon Bombarded by 90 Mev Neutrons, Physical Review 75, No. 12, 1970, June 15, 1949

1949-43 G. Wilkinson, H. G. Hicks, Radioactive Isotopes of the Rare Earths. I. Experimental Techniques and Isotopes, Physical Review 12, No. 9, 1370-1378, May 1, 1949 (UCRL-253, AECU-81)

1949-44 C. Heidelberger, The Synthesis of DL-Tryptophan- (3-cl4, Indole-3-Acetic Acid-a-cl4. and DL-Tryptophcm-3--c14-, Journal of Biological Chemistry 179, No. 1, 139-142, April, 1949 (UCRL-307, AECU-179) .

UCRL-45 C. Heidelberger, lVl. E. Gullberg, A. F. Morgan, S. Lepkovsky, Tryptophan Metabolism. I. Concerning the Mechanism of the Mammalian Conversion of Tryptophan into Kynurenine, Kynurenic Acid and Nicotinic Acid, Journal of Biological Chemistry 179, No. 1, 143-150, lViay, 1949 (UCRL-308, AECU-182)

194-9-46 C. Heidelberger, E. P. Abraham, S. Lepkovsky, Tryptophan Metabolism. II., Concerning the Mechanism of the Mammalian Conversion of Trypto­ phan into Nicotinic Acid, Journal of Biological Chemistry 179, No. 1, 151-155, May, 1949 (UCRL-309, AECU-183)

1949-47 B. B. Cunningham, L. B. Werner, The First Isolation of , Journal of the American Chemical Society 71, 1521-1528 (1949) (MDDC-1203)

1949-48 J. G. Hamilton, The Metabolism of the Radioactive Elements Created by Nuclear Fission, New England Journal cf Medicine 240, 863-870, June 2, 1949 1949-49 W. M. Powell, A 22-Inch Wilson Cloud Chamber in a Magr.etic Field of 21,700 Gauss, Review of Scientific Instruments 20, No. 6, 403-407, J1me, 1949 (UCRL-297)

.. UCHL-596 Page 10

Reprint Number

1949~50 D. E. Uphoff, C. Stern, The Genetic Effects of Low Intensity Irradia­ tion, Science 109, No. 2842, 609-610, June 17, 1949 (UCRL-255, AECU -93)

1949-51 N. I. Berlin, R. L. Huff, D. C. Van Dyke, T. G. Hennessy, The Blood Volume of the Adult Rat, as Determined by Fe59 and p32 Labelled Red Cells, Proceedings of' the Society for Exrerimental Biology and Niedi­ cine 71, 176-178 (1949)

194,9-52 R. S. Christian, The Analysis of Neutron~Proton Scattering with Tensor Forces, Physical Review 22, No. 11, 1675-1677, June 1, 1949 (UCRL-287, AECU-142)

1949~53 G. F. Chew, M. L. Goldberger, On the Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleon Scat-. tering Experiments, FhyBical E.eview 72., No. 11~ 1637-1644., June 1, 1949 (UCHL-272, liliCU-94)

1949--54 J. W. Gofman, F. T. Lindgren, H. Elliott, Ultracentrifugal Studies of Lipoproteins of Human Serum, Journal of Biological Chemistry 17.2, No. 2, 973-979, June, 1949

1949~55 G. Wilkinson, H. G. Hicks, Radioactive Isoto:res of the= Rare Earth Elements. II. Isotopes, Fhysical heview 75, No. 11, 1687- 1690, June 1, 1949 (UCRL-276, hECU-122)

1949-56 L. W. Alvarez, 12., Fhysical Ii.evievv 75, No. 12, 18J 5-1818,. June 15, 1949 (UCHL-275, Af..;CU-115)

1949-57 R. L. Rosenthal, Opalescence of Se~·urr:. after Total body X-Irradiation as a Prognostic Sign of Death, Science llO, No. 2845, 43-44, July .8, 1949 (UCRL-273, AECU-105)

1949-58 W. M. Garrison, H. R. Haymond, h. D. li1axwell, A ltarid. Electrical Method of Separating Carrier-Free Radioactivities~ Journal of Chemical Fhysics 17, No. 7, 665, July, 194.9 (UCRL-318, AECU~228)

1949-59 J. H. Lawrence, B. Vo A. Low-Beer, J. W. J. Carpender, Chronic Lymphat­ ic Leukemia, .Journal of the American Iviedical Association 140, 585-588,

June 18 j 1949

1949-60 F'. E. il.lzofon, Relativistic Treatment of Neutron-Proton Elastic Scat­ tering in the Born i>.pproximation, Physical Review 2.2, No. 11, 1773-1774, June 1, 19.49

1949-61 C. M. Turner, Branching Ratio in Be? Decay, Physical Review 76, No. 1, 148~149, July 1, 1949 (UCRL-319 Revised, AECU-211)

1949-62 N. A. Bonner, W. C. Orr, Yields of in Spallation Reactions, Physical Review .7~, No. 1, 140-141, July 1, 1949 (UCRL-331, AECU-223) UCRL-596 Page 11

Reprint Number

1949-63 D. Hughes, J. C. Reid, I. The Synthesis of Toluene-1,3,5-Cl4 and Oxalic Acid-Cl4; The 'Mechanisms of the Reactions, Journal of Organic Chemistry XIV, No. 4, 516-52L.,, July, 1949 (UCTi.L-180, AECD-2370)

1949-64 B. l'Jl. Tolbert, F. Christensoni F. N. H. Chang, F. P. T. Sah, Synthesis of Ethanol~l-cl4, Ethanol-2-C 4, Ethyl Bromide-l-cl4; Ethyl Bromide-2- cl4 and c14--Labeled Methadone, Journal of Organic Chemistry XIV, No. 4, 525-529, July, 1949 (UCRL-136, AECD-2225)

1949-65 E. Segr~, A. C. Helmholz, Nuclear Isomerism, Reviews of Modern Physics 21, 271-304, April, 1949

1949-66 S. G, Thompson, Relation between Half~Life and Disintegration Energy in Orbital by Heavy Nuclei, Physical Review 76, No. 2, 319-320, July 15, 1959 (UCHL-339, AECU-317)

1949-67 W. E. Glenn, Jr., Pulse Height Distribution Analyzer, Nucleonics~' No. 6, 50-61, June, 1949 (UCRL-250, AECU -111)

1949-68 It. K. Sheline, J. W. Weigl, The Infra-Hed Spectrum of cl4o2, Journal of Chemical Physics 17, No. 8, 74.7, August, 1S49 (UCRL-374.)

1949-69 B. M.. Tolbert, W. G. Dauben, J. C. Reid, Laboratory Induction Stirrer for Closed Systems, Analytical Chemistry 21, 1014-1015, August, 1949 (UGHL-135, AEGD-2202)

K. G. Scott, D. AxelrodJ J. Crowley, J. G. Hamilton, Deposition and Fate of Plutonium, Uranium and their Fission Products Inhaled as Aero­ sols by Rats and Man, Archives of Fathology 48, 31-54, July, 1949

1949-71 J. H. Lawrence, R. L. Rosenthal, Multiple Myeloma Associated with Polycythemia. Report of Four Gases, American Journal of the Medical Sciences 218, 149-154, August, 1949

19L.9-72 E. H. Huffman, L. J. Beaufait, The Fractional Separation of Zirconium and Hafnium by Extraction with 'l'henoyltrifluoroacetone, Journal of the American Chemical Society 71, 3179~3182, June_, 1949 (UCH.L-194, AECD- 2387)

1949-73 R. H. Goeckermann, I. Perlman, High Energy Induced Fission of Bismuth and , Physical Review 76, No. 5_, 628-637, September 1, 1949

1949-7-4. R. F. Leininger, E. Segre3 C. Wiegand, Experiments on the Effect of Atomic Electrons on the Decay Constant of pe7 c II, Physical Review 76,

No. 7, 897-898, October 1 3 1949 (UGRL-370)

1949-75 J. H. Lawrence, The Control of Polycythemia by Marrow Inhibition, Journal of the American Medical Association l4lj 13-18, September 3, 1949 UCRL-596 Page 12

Reprint Number

1949-76 E. lVl. McMillan, J. IVL Peterson, R. S. White, Production of Mesons by

X-Rays, Science 1103 No. 2866, 579-583, December 2, 1949 (UCRL-445)

1949-77 J. Jungerman, S. C. Wright, Kinetic EnergJ Release in Fission of u238, U235, Th232,~~ and Bi209 by High Energy Neutrons, Physical Review 76, No. 8, 1112-1116, October 15, 1949 {UCRL-211 Revised, AECD-2594)

1949-78 R. D. Maxwell, H. R. Haymond, D. R. Bomberger, W. M. Garrison, J. G. Hamilton, Carrier-Free Radioisotopes from Cyclotron Targets. I. Prep­ aration and Isolation of snll3 and Inll4 from , Journal of . Chemical Physics 17, No. 10, 1005, October, 1949 (UCRL-403)

1949-79 R. D. Maxwell, H. R. Haymond, W. M. Garrison, J. G. Hamilton, Carrier­ Free Radioisotopes from Cyclotron Targets. II. Preparation and Isola­ tion of Cdl09 from , Journal of Chemical Physics 17, No~ 10, 1006, October, 1949 (UCRL-404)

1949-80 A. Ghiorso, W. W. Meinke, G•. T. Seaberg, New Low Mass Isotopes of Emanation (Element 86), Physical Review 76, No. 9, 1414, Novemter 1, 1949 (UCRL~438)

194.9-81 S. G. Thompson, A. Ghiorso, J. 0. Rasmussen, G. T. Seaberg, Alpha­ Decay in Isotopes of Atomic Number Less than 83, Fhysice.l Review 76, No. 9, 1406, November 1, 1949 (UCRL-437)

1949-82 R. L. Rosenthal, Blood Coagulation in Leucemia and Folycythemia; Value of the Heparin Clotting Time and Clot Retraction Rate, Journal of Laboratory and Clinical IVledicine 34, No .. 10, 1321-1335, October, 1949

1949-83 G. T. Seaberg, E. M. McMillan, J. W. Kennedy, .IL C. Wahl, ll. New Ele­ ment: Radioactive Element 94 from Deuterons on Uranium, FPR Vol 14B, Paper 1. la, 1-2

G. T. Seaberg, A. C. Wahl, J. W. Kennedy, A New Element: Radioactive Element 94 from Deuterons on Uranium, FFR Vol IL.,B, Paper l.lb, 3-4

J. W. Kennedy, G. T. Seaborg, E. Segre, .a. C. Wahl, Fiesionable Iso­ tope of a New Element: 94239, FJ-Tt Vol 14B, Paper 1.2, 5-7

G. T. Se&Corg, lVl. L. Perlman, Search for Elements 94 and 93 in .Nature. Presence of 942.39 in Pitchblende, PFR Vol 14-B, Faper 1.3, 8-12

1949-84 G. T. Seaborg, A. C. Wahl, J. W. Kennedy, Nuclear Properties of 94238 and 93238, Hh. Vol 14B, Paper 1.4, 13-20

A. C. Wahl, G, T. Seaberg, Nuclear Properties of 93237, PFR Vol 14-B, Paper 1.5, 21-24 (AECD-1830) .

1949-85 G. T. Seaberg, ii.. C. Wahl, The Chemical Properties of Elements 94 and 93, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 1.6, 25-38 (AECD-1829) UCRL-596 Page 13 ·

Reprint Number

1949-86 B. B. Cunninghamh L. B. Werner, The First Isolation of a Synthetic .. Element: 94Pu23'7, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 1.8, 51-78 (!ViDDC-1203) .

1949-87 J. W. Kennedy, Ivl. L. Perlman, E. Segr~, A. C. ·~vahl, Formation of the 50-Year Element 94 from Deuteron Bombardment of u238, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 1.9, 79-83 (AECD-2156)

C. S. Gardner, N. A. Bonner, G. T. Seabo:rg 1 Search for Elements 94 and 93 in Nature. Presence of 94239 in Carnotite, IPh Vol 14B, Paper 1.10, 84-88 (MDDC-1660)

1949-88 E. F. Orlemann, B. B. Brody, Tracer Scale Evaluation of the Formal Potential of the Plutonium (IV)/(VI) Cou~ 1e in Nitric 1~cid, [:'PfL Vel 14B, Paper 3.1, 118-120 (IVlDDC-1413)

1949-89 J. C. Hindman, K. A. Kraus, J. J. Howland, Jr., B. B. Cunningham, Determination of the Tripositive Oxidation State of Plutonium and Notes on the Spectrcphotometry of Plutonium and Uranium, HH. Vol 14B, Paper 3 .2, 121-132 (MDDC-1547)

1949-90 R. E. Connick, W. n. IV!cVey, Heduction of Flutonium (IV) to Plutonium (III) in Aqueous Solution, PH. Vol 14E, htr;er 3 .4, 142-14t (!VlDDC -1367)

1949-91 0. ,,. Cook, The Electrodeposition of Plutonium, PH• Vol 14E, Paper 3.5, 147-161 (IVIDDC -1657)

1949-92 il.. F. Voight, A. Kant, N. R. Sleight, h.~. Hein, J. M. Wright, F. J. Wolter, H. D. Brown, The Separation of Flutonium (IV) and Plutonium (III), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3. 8, 162-167 (AECD-2519)

R. E. Connick, W. H. McVey, Note on the Oxidation of Plutonium (III) by Oxygen, PPE Vol l4B, Paper 3.9, 168-169. (IviDDC-338)

R. E. Connick, W. H. McVey, Note on the Oxic,<.:tic.n of Plutonium (III) by Chlorine, H'F~ Vol ll.B, Faper 3.10, 170-171 (iV.UDC-336) .

194.9-93 R. E. Connick, W. H. McVey, Note on the Oxidation of Plutonium (III) by Nitrate Ion, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.11, 172-17!, (iV::DDC-337)

1949-94. h. E. Connick, W. H. i~icVey, G. E. Sheline, The Tripositive·oxidation State of Plutc-nium, PFh Vol 14B, F'aper 3.12, 175-179 (!ViDDC-339)

1949-95 M. Kc..sha, G. B •.Sheline, Ionic Ec1uilibrhl anc: Heaction Kinetics of Plutonium Ions in Hydrochloric Acid Solutions, Hh. Vol 14B, Faper 3. 14, lE0-226 (MDDC-392) .

1949-96 h. E. Connick, M. Kasha, W. H. IVJcVey, G. E. Sheline, The Pentapositive Oxidation St&te of Ilutonium, FF'h Vol 14B, Parer 3.15, 227-240 (MDDC- 71..9) UCHL-596 Page 14

Reprint Number

1949-97 K. A. Kraus, Oxidation of.flutonium (IV) to Plutonium (VI) by Nitric Acid, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.17, 264-267 (li'!DDC·-1378)

R. E. Connick, The Mechanism of Disproportionation of Plutonium (V), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.18, 268-281 (MDDC-566)

1949-98 llii. W. Evans, The Heats and Entropies of Flutonium (III), Plutonium (IV), and Plutonium (VI) in 0.5 MPerchloric Acid at 250 C, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.30)1 282-294 (MDDC-1206)

1949-99 M. Kasha, Reactions between Plutonium Ions in Ferchloric Acid Solution: Hates, Mechanisms, and Equilibria, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.100, 295-334 (MDDC-904)

1949-100 R. E. Connick, W. H. McVey, G. E. Sheline, Note on the Stability of Plutonium (IV) in Alkaline Solution, FPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.110, 335 (iVIDDC -1510)

R. E. Connick, J. W. Gofman, W. H. McVey, G. E. Sheline, Determination of the Oxidation Number of Plutonium (VI), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 3.140, 336-344 (lVillDC -587)

R. E. Connick, W. H. Iv!cVey, G. E. Sheline, Note on the Stability of Plutonium (VI) in Alkaline Solution, PFit Vol 14B, Paper 3.150, 345-31~7 (lVIDDC -1511)

1949-101 C. K. McLane, Complex Ions of Plutonium. The Fluoride Complex Ions of Plutonium (IV), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 4.8_, 414--422 (IwlDDC-1147)

W. H. Reas, Identification of Plutonium (TIT) Oxalate Complexes in Oxalic Acid Solutions, FFii Vol 14B, Paper .4-, 9, 423-433 (lVIDDC-1218)

1949-102 E. L. King, Radiocolloidal Behavior of and Plutonium, PPR Vol 14B, PE:l.per 4.11, 434-444 (IVlDDC-393)

1949-103 R. E. Connick, W. H. McVey, The Peroxy Complexes of Plutonium (IV), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 4.12, 445-465 (MDDC-619)

1949-104 R. E. Connick, M. Kasha, W. H. McVey, G. E. Sheline, Spectrophotometric Studies of Plutonium in Aqueous Solution, FPR Vol 14B, Paper 4.20, 559-601 (MDDC-892)

1949-105 M. Calvin, M. Kasha, G. E. Sheline, Magnetic Susceptibilities of Plutonium in Its Various Oxidation States in Aqueous Solution, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 4.23, 632-634 (AECD-2002)

H. H. Hopkins, Jr., Absorption Spectra of Hydr-ee{lloric Acid Solutions of Plutoniwn Peroxide, FIR Vol 14B, Paper 4.110, 635-636 (MDDC-1258)

191~9-106 W. C. Beard, Jr., Solubility of Plutonium Trichloroacetate in Various Reagents, PPh Vol 14B, Paper 5.5, 637 (AECD-2586) Hepl'int ~~umbe:r

1949-106 E. L. King, The Solubility of rJ.utonium (IV) Phosphates ancl the rhos­ phate Complexes of Plutonium (IV), PPR Vol 14B, faper 6.01, 638-665 (~ECD-2521)

1949-107 J. W. Harnakerp C. W. Koch, A Study of the Feroxides of Plutonium, FPR . Vol l4B, Paper 6. 02, 666-681 (i~ECD-249:3)

1949-108 R. E. Connick, W. H. McVey, Note on Flutonate (Mono- or lolyplu­ tonate), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 6.23, 830 (!viDDC-335)

I. Sheft, N. R. Davidson, Equilibrium in the Vapor-rhase Hydrolysis of Plutonium Tribromide, FoFR Vol ll,B, Paper 6, 24, 831-840 (MDDC-1712)

1949-109 L. Brewer, L. Bromley, r. Tfi. Gilles, N. L. Lofgren, The Thermodynamic Properties and Equilibria at High Temperatures of the Compounds of Plutonium, PPR Vol 14B, Fa per 6 .40, 861-886 (id!;CD-2661)

1949-110 E. F. Westrum, Jr., H. P. Robinson, The Effect of Hydrochloric Acid Concentration on the Heat of Solution of Thoriwn Tetrachloride, I·TH Vol 14B, Paper 6.50, 887-888 (AECD~2554.)

1949-111 E. F. Westrum, Jr., H. P. Robinson, A Semi-iViicrocalorimeter for lre­ cise Thermochemical Measurements, Hit \' cl 14B, l a per 6. 51; 889-907 (AECD-2520)

1949-112 E. F. Westrum, Jr., L. Eyring, The Heat of Formatiun of Fiutonium Trifluoride, PFR Vol 14E, Paper 6.52, 90S·-913 (AECD-2529)

19/.9-113 E. F. Westrum, Jr., H. P. Robinson, The Heat of Formation of Plutonium Trichloride, FF.fi. Vol 14B, Paper 6. 53, 914-921 (;;.ECD-2526)

H. T. Robinson, E. F. Westrum, Jr., The Dependence oftheHeatofSollltion of Plutonium Trichloride on the Concentration of Hydrochloric .~cid, FFR Vol 14B, Paper 6.54, 922-925 (AECD-2238) .

1949-114 E. Fo Westrum, Jr., H. F. Robinson, The Heat of Formation of flutonium Oxychloride, PFR Vol 14B, Fa.per 6.56, 930-935 (li.ECD-2527)

E. F. Westrum, Jr., The Preparation and Properties of Flutonium Oxides, PFR Vol l4B, Paper 6.57, 936-944 (AECD-2528)

1949-115 B. ivJ. Abraham, N. H. Davidson, E. F. Westrum, Jr., Preparation of Plutonium i:Jitride, PFH Vol 14B, Paper 6.60, 945-948 (lviDDC-1640)

H. H. Hopkins, Jr., The Composition of Plutonium Peroxide, T:Tl{ Vol 14B, Paper 6o80, 949-951 (MDDC-1334)

H. P. Rotinson, Determination of the lv;elting loints of Plutcnium (III) Chloride and Plutonium (III) Bromide, FIR Vol 14B, Faper 6.150, 952- 956 UCRL-596 Page 16

Reprint Number

. · 1949-116 E. F. Westrum, Jr.~ An Improved Technique for Precise Alpha Radiometric Assay, PPR Vol 14B) Paper 16.2, 1185-1191 (AECD-2502)

B. B. Cunningham, A. Ghiorso, J. C. Hindman, Back-Scattering of Pu239 Alpha-Particles from F'latinum~ PFR Vol 14B, Paper 16.3, 1192-1196 (AECD-2026)

J. H. Farson, 0. Flatau, J. K. East, R. Dandl, C. J. Borkowski, Note on Back-Scattering of Pu239 Alpha-Particles from Platinum Sample Plates, Pf'R Vol 14B, Paper 16.4, 1197 (MDDC-1384)

1949-117 B. B. Cunningham, A. Ghiorso.: A. H. Jaffey, Apparent Specific Activity of Uranium in a 2rr-Geometry Chamber, FFR Vol 14B., Paper 16.6, 1198- 1205 (MDDC~l202)

1949-118 A. Ghiorso, A. H. Jaffey, H. F. Robinson, B. B. Weissbourd, A 48-Channel Pulse-Height Analyzer for Alrha-Energy Measurements, PFR Vol 14B, Paper 16.8, 1226-1306 (AECD-2508)

1949-119 H. W. Dodgen, J. Chrisney, G. K.' Rollefson, The Spectrum of Flutonium, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 17 .1, 1327-1336 (AECD-2256)

1949-120 C. W. Koch, The Quantitative lViicro Determination of Plutonium, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 17 .4, 1337-1338 (IVIDDC-1376)

1949-121 S. G. Thompson, L. 0. Morgan, H. 11. James, I. Perlman, The Tracer Chemistry of and Curiui'n in Aqueous Solutions, FFH Vol 14B, Paper 19.1, 1339-1362 (ii.ECD-2518)

1949-122 B. B. Cunningham, The First Isolation vf Americium in the Form of Pure Compounds; Microgram-Scale Observations on tLe Chemistry of Americium, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.2, 1363-1370 . 1949-123 S. Peterson, A. Ghiorso, Thermal Neutron Fission Froperties of Ac227, Ra223, and Ra228, lTR Vol 14B, Paper 19.4, 13Ll-l382 (AECD-2514)

D. Ames, A. Ghiorso, Thermal Neutron Fission Properties of Ra226, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.5, 1383-1384 (JVJDDC:-1360)

C. K. McLane, S. Peterson, Separation of tiCtinium from Rare Earths Using Ion-Exchange Resin, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.6, 1385-1387 (AECD-2498)

C. K. McLane, S. Peterson, Preparation of hAilioactively Pure Ac228 ·(MsTh2), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.7, 1388-1390 (I!fiDDC-1742)

~ S. Peterson, Preparation of Carrier-Free Ac228 (JVisTh2) Tracer, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.8, 1391-1392 (iVlDDC-1709)

1949-124 S. Peterson, Transmutation of Radium to (Ac227), FPR Vol 14B, Paper 19. 9, 1393-1394 (MDDC=l501) UCRL-596 Page 17

Reprint Number

19/+9-124 S. Peterson, A. Ghiorso, Alpha-Branching of Aetinium-227, FfR Vol 14B, Paper 19.10, 1395-1396 (MDDC-1743)

1949-125 S. Peterson, A. Ghiorso, Half-Life of Thorium-227 (Radio-actinium), PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.12, 1424-1425 (AECD-2501)

1949-126 G. T. Seaberg, J. VV. Gofman, H. W. Stoughton, Nuclear Properties of U233: A New Fissionable Isotope of Uranium, Hli Vol 14B, Paper 19.13, 1426 (NlDDC-787)

J. W. Gofman, G. T. Seaberg, Froduction and Froperties of U232 and Pa232, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 19.14, 1427-lltJO (td:;CD-2492)

E. K. Hyde, Determination of the Half-Life of U233, FFR Vol 14B, Paper 19.15, 1431-1434 (AECD-24.57)

E. K. Hyde, Determinution of the Half-Life of Ionium, PPR Vol l4B, Paper 19.16, 14.35-1438 (AECD-264.8)

1949-127 E. K. Hyde, !Vi. H. Studier, H. H. Hopkins, ,Jr., A. Ghiorso, A New Iso­ tope of Frotactinium - Pa229, PIR Vol 14B, rape:::· 19.17, 1439-1441 (AECD-2578)

R. C. L. Mooney, W. H. Zachariasen, Cr~stal Structure Studies of Oxides of Plutonium, PFR Vol 14.B, Paper 20.1, 1442-1447 (AECD-1787)

W. H. Zachariasen, The Crystal Struct11re of i'lutonium Nitride and Plutonium Carbide, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 2C·.2, 1~_.'.£:,-1450 (i .. iCD-2195)

W. H. Zachariasen, The Crystal Struct·ure of PuSi2, PF:tt Vol 14B, Paper 20.3, 1451-1453 (NJJDC-1394)·

1949-128 W. H. Zachariusen, The Crystal Structure of Np02 and NpO, FFB. Vol 14B, Paper 20.8, 1489-1491 (MDDC-1282)

G. T. Seaberg, Electronic Structure of the Heuviest Elements, PFR Vol 14B, Paper 21.1, 1492-1524 (AECD-2517 deleted)

194-9-129 G. S. Seaberg, R. A. James, L. 0. Morgan, The New Element Americium (Atomic Number 95), PPR Vol 14B_, Paper 22.1, 1525-1553 (AECD-2185)

1949-130 G. T. Seaberg, R. A. James, A. Ghiorso, The New Element Curium (Atomic Number 96), FFR Vol 14B, Paper 22.2, 1554-1571 (AECD-2182)

1949-131 G. T. Seaberg, The Neptunium (4n+l) Radioactive F'amily, FTR Vol 14B, Paper 22.3, 1572-1585 (.H.ECD-1806)

1949-132 L. B. Werner, I. Perlman, The Freparation and Isolation of Curium, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 22.5, 1586-1594 (AECD-1898) UCRL-596 Page 18 ·

Reprint Number 1949-133 R. A. James, A. E. Florin, H. H. Hopkins, Jr., A. Ghiorso, Products of Helium-Ion and Deuteron Bombardment of U235 and U238, PPR Vol 14B, Paper 22.8, 1604-1621 (AECD-24-95) . 1949-134 E. K. Hyde, M. H. Studier, A. Ghiorso, Products of the Deuteron and Helium-Ion Bombardment of U233, PFR Vol 14B, Paper 22.15, 1622-1633 (AECD-2572) 1949-135 R. A. James, S. G. Thompson, H. H. Hopkins, Jr., The Bombardment of Np237 with Deuterons and Helium-Ions, PFR Vol 14B.. Paper 22.16, 1634- 1638 (AECD-2511) A. Ghiorso, D. W. Osborne, L. B. Magnusson, Thermal Neutron Fission Properties of Np237, PPH ~ ol 14B, Paper 22. 26, 1639-1641 (AECD-2509)

1949-136 A. Ghiorso, W. C. Bentley, High Sensitivity Apparatus for Fission Counting, PPH Vol 14B, Paper 22.29, 1642-1650 (AECD-1847)

1949-137 I. Perlman, P. It. 0 1Connor, L. 0. Morgan, The Bombardment of u233 with 44-Niev Helium-Ions and the Formation of Pu234, Pl'R Vol 14B, Paper 22.30, 1651-1654 (AECD-2289) 1949-138 R. Loevinger, Fundamental Considerations in Vacuum Practice, NNES, Div I, Vol I, Chapter 1, 1-58 (AECD-1946) 1949-139 W. E. Bush, Elements of the ·vacuum System, NNES, Div I, Vol I, Chapter 2, 59-104 (AECD-2084) 1949-140 K. M. Simpson, Vacuum Gauges, NNES,·Div I, Vol I, Chapter 3, 105-145 (AECD-2186) 1949-141 W. E. Bush, Vacuum Materials and Equipment, NNES, Div I, Vol I, Chap­ ter 4, 146-189 (AECD-2206) 1949-142 R. Loevinger, A. Guthrie, Leak Detection Instruments and Techniques, NNES, Div I, Vol I, Chapter 5, 190-24.2 (AECD-2405) 1949-143 G. T. Seaborg, Place in Periodic System and Electronic Structure of the Heaviest Elements, Nucleonics ,2, No. 5, 16-36, November, 1949 1949-144 D. Bohm, Qualitative Description of the Arc Flasma in a Magnetic Field, NNES, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 1, 1-12 (MDDC-597) 1949-145 D. Bohm, E. H. S. Burhop, H. S. W. lV1assey, The Use of Probes for Plasma Exploration in Strong Magnetic Fields, NN.ES, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 2, 13-76 (AECD-2230) 1949-146 D. Bohm, Minimum Ionic Kinetic Energy for a Stable Sheath, NNES, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 3, 77-86 (MDDC-537) UCRL-596 Page 19

Reprint Number

1949-149 W. E. Berkey, E. H. S. Burhop, J.D. Craggs, J. Keene., H. S. W. Massey, Measurements of the Absolut€l Values of t}·,e Cress Sections for Ioniza­ tion of Uranium Tetrachloride and Uraniwn Hexafluoride hy Electrons, liliES, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 6, 127-144 (J~,lmC-564.)

1949-150 E. H. S. Burhop, H. S. W. Jv;assey, C. Watt The Ionization and. Dissocia­ tion of Uranium Tetrachloride and Uranium Hexafluoride by blectron Impact, NNES., Div I, Vol V, Charter 7, 1/,5-16~ (hJ)l:C-1529)

'1949-151 T. L. Hill, L. H. J..ller, The Ftate of Ion hucluction by an .t:lectron Beam, NNES, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 8, 16b-l72 (li,i.JDC-L.25)

1949-153 W. E. Parkins, Discharge Cathodes, NNES, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 10, 334-344 (lviDDC -660)

1949-154 J. Backus, Theory and. Operation of Fhilips Ionization Gauge Tyre Dis­ charge, NN.t:S, Div I, Vol V, Chapter 11, 345-3b9 (r1iDDC -1327)

1949-155 B. D. Eastman, N. C. J.liJelchoir, A. E. Sticldc:,::c, Investigations in the Liquid-Solid 1quilibria of the Two-Comt,mwnt Systems Composed of the Bromides and Iodides of Strontiwn and E;arium, NNES, Div IV \.'ol 19B, Paper 1, 1-5

1949-156 E. D. Eastman, D. D. Cubicciotti, C. D. Tburmonc~, Tel!lr.erature;··Composi­ tion Diagrams of Metal -- lv1etal Halide SJ~stcms, lU,;;:; Div I\!, iJol l9B, Paper 2, 6-12 (lV1DDC-438B)

1949-157 L. Brewer, The Thermodynamic and Jh;; sicCJ.l ~ rqertief: (;f the -"lomonts, NNES, Div IV, Vo119B, Faper 3, 13-39 (i';i.UL,C-l3i.,r~)

1949-158 L. Brewer, L. u. Bromley, F. W. Gilles, lL L. Lvfi]OD., TLGJ"mvd;ynamic and Physical Frvperties of Nitrides, Carbides. :.it.llfiC:.es, Silicides, and Phosphides, NNES, Div IV, Vol 19B., Iaper i.l /.C-59 (iviDDC-l38D)

1949-159 L. Brewer, The Thermodynamic l'rq.erties of Cur:;,;:un Gases, NNJ~S: Div IV, Vol 19B, Paper 5, 60-75 (lViDDC-438~)

1949-160 L. Brewer, L. lJ.. Bromley, l. W. Gilles, N. L. l,c,fgren, The Thermody­ namic Froperties of the Halides, NNES, Div IV, Vol 19B_. Iarer 6, 76- 192 (MDDC-438F)

1949-161 L. Brewer, The Fusion and. vaporization Data 0f the l.lcc1ides., ri.N:i.~SJ Div IV, Vol 19B, Paper 7, 193-275 (iVlDDC-438G)

194-9-162 L. Brewer, L • .::.. Bromley, F. YL Gilles, N. L. Lofgren, The Thermody­ namic Froperties of Molybdenwn and Ha1ides and the Use of These lv;etals as Refractories, NNES, Div IV, Vol 19B, Iar;er 8, 276-3ll (1\llDDC -~38H)

1949-163 M. W. Evans, The Heats of Formation of CeS, Ce3S4, and Ce2S3 at 250 C, NNES, Div IV, Voll9B~ Iaper 9, 312-320 (MDDC-.<3f3I) UCRL-596 Page 20

Reprint Number

\ .... 1949-164 B. J. Fontana, The Heat of Reaction of the Cerous-Ceric Couple in 0.5 Molal Perchloric Acid at 25° C, NNES, Div IV, Vol 19B, Paper 10, 321- 329 (MDDC-438J) . 1949-165 K. A. Brueckner, M. 1. Goldberger, The Excess of Negative over Posi­ tive Mesons Produced by High Energy Fhotons, Fhysical Review 76, No. 11, l.725, December 1, 1949 (UCRL-468) 1949-166 E. H. Huffman, R. C. Lilly, The Anion-Exchange Separation of Zirconium and Hafr:ium, Journal of the American Chemical Society 71, 4147 (1949) (UCRL-411) 1949-167 S. Aronoff, V. A. Haas, B. Fries, Degradation of Glucose-l-Cl4 and a . Possible. New Step in the hliechanism of Fermentation, Science 110, No.

2862 1 476 .. 477, November 4, 1949 (ISC-42) 1949-168 M. Calvin, The Path of Carbon in Photosynthesis, VI, Journal of Chemi­ cal Education 26, 639-657, Decernl:::er, 1949 (UCRL-387, AECU-433)

Information Division 2/7/50 md