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Emergencies and Critical Issues in Parkinson's Disease

Emergencies and Critical Issues in Parkinson's Disease

Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from Emergencies and critical issues in Parkinson’s disease

Cristina Simonet,1,2 Eduardo Tolosa,2,3 Ana Camara,2 Francesc Valldeoriola2,3

1Preventive Neurology Unit, Abstract complications, especially in the inpatient Wolfson Institute of Preventive Complications from Parkinson’s disease may setting. Medicine, London, UK 2Neurology Department, develop over the disease course, sometimes Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, unexpectedly, and require prompt or even Emergencies with prominent Barcelona, Spain urgent medical intervention. The most common 3Neuroscience Department, aggravation of or are associated with aggravation of motor Institut d'Investigacions symptoms; serious non-­motor complications, Biomediques August Pi i Sunyer, Severe parkinsonism () and Barcelona, Spain such as , orthostatic hypotension generalised hyperkinesia are common in or sleep attacks, also occur. Here we review Correspondence to people with Parkinson’s disease. These such complications, their clinical presentation, Professor Eduardo Tolosa, disabling motor syndromes usually precipitating factors and management, including Neurology, Hospital Clinic de develop in advanced disease, manifesting Barcelona, Barcelona 8036, those related to using device-­aided therapies. as prominent fluctuations associated with Spain; etolosa@​ ​clinic.ub.​ ​es Early recognition and prompt attention to these chronic levodopa therapy.3 Motor compli- critical situations is challenging, even for the Accepted 19 July 2019 cations are usually managed initially in an Published Online First Parkinson’s disease specialist, but is essential to outpatient setting but if severe may need 19 August 2019 prevent serious problems. hospitalisation. Rare cases can progress to fever and rhabdomyolysis, resembling neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and Introduction requiring intensive care unit treatment. People with Parkinson’s disease may develop acute and subacute complications Severe levodopa-related motor that are serious or even life-­threatening, complications 1 and require prompt medical attention. Recurrent offs Some emergencies are intrinsic to the Almost everyone taking levodopa may http://pn.bmj.com/ disease, while others result from an inter- develop response fluctuations.4 They action of various medical and surgical typically appear after the so-called­ treatments with the disease process. These ‘honeymoon’ period, characterised by a conditions often present a diagnostic and favourable and stable levodopa response.5 management challenge. Motor fluctuations comprise recurrent Emergencies may result from motor episodes of parkinsonism (off periods) of on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. deterioration, or there may be non-­motor variable intensity that occur at different issues such as neuropsychiatric problems, times in relation to levodopa intake autonomic dysfunction syndromes and (wearing off, delayed-on,­ no-on,­ unpre- sleep disorders. Occasionally patients dictable off).3 need to be hospitalised and to receive In some patients, especially those with multidisciplinary care.2 Boxes 1 and 2 younger onset or those taking higher provide illustrative examples, drawn from doses of levodopa, motor fluctuations the literature and our experience. become severe, causing great discom- We also discuss complications relating fort.3 Severe off-­related parkinsonism can © Author(s) (or their to device-aided­ therapies, such as deep-­ manifest with a wide range of symptoms, employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use brain stimulation, levodopa-­ especially severe tremor and unmanage- permitted under CC BY-­NC. No intestinal gel and subcutaneous apomor- able freezing of gait. These episodes are commercial re-­use. See rights and permissions. Published phine, since these are now frequently frequently associated with pain, profuse by BMJ. used in advanced Parkinson’s disease and sweating and tachycardia, abdominal To cite: Simonet C, Tolosa E, can have potentially serious complica- discomfort, and also psychiatric mani- Camara A, et al. Pract Neurol tions. We also make recommendations festations, particularly depression and 2020;20:15–25. to help clinicians minimise or prevent anxiety.6

Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 1 of 12 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from

Box 1 Illustrative case of parkinsonism-­ Box 2 Illustrative case of acute psychosis hyperpyrexia syndrome An- 80-year­ ­old woman with Parkinson’s disease was A- 73-year­ ­old man with a 15-year­ history of Parkinson’s brought by her caregiver to the hospital emergency room disease was admitted for neurosurgical evacuation of trau- because of marked agitation and paranoid ideation. She matic subdural haematoma. His parkinsonism had deteri- had physically attacked a staff member at the nursing orated in the last 3 months despite high daily levodopa home where she had been recently placed. One year dosage (1200 mg). During the postoperative period, his earlier she developed visual , initially well bradykinesia and rigidity markedly worsened. There was controlled with (75 mg two times per day). In no clear improvement despite increasing the levodopa in the last 6 months she had developed frequent delusions combination with in several presen- with loss of insight. On admission to the Neurology ward tations (oral, transdermal and subcutaneous). He became she was taking 300 mg per day of levodopa and quetiapine confused, febrile and diaphoretic. On examination, he had (125 mg per day). Her cognitive state was normal. Other marked generalised rigidity and bradykinesia. CT scan medical conditions known to cause acute psychosis were of head was normal. Other factors that may aggravate ruled out. Several treatment changes were tried. First, parkinsonism, such as addition of blockers, levodopa dose was halved without any significant motor and concurrent medical conditions, were ruled out. Blood worsening or improvement in hallucinations or delusions. tests showed high muscle enzyme levels and markers of In consequence, quetiapine was switched to acute renal failure. Response to dopaminergic therapy (12.5 mg per day), prompting improvement in psychiatric remained minimal. He later developed shortness of breath symptoms. In the end, levodopa was raised back to 300 mg and tachycardia. Pulmonary embolism was diagnosed and a day and clozapine was maintained. A few months later he was admitted to the intensive care unit. Levodopa was she had developed cognitive decline and rivastigmine was administered via a nasogastric tube and intense physio- added. therapy implemented with gradual improvement of his Learning points: Psychosis exacerbation after nursing home health status although daily functioning was still signifi- placement; loss of insight and delusions as severity markers; cantly impaired despite continuous dopaminergic therapy. before adding therapy for psychosis consider dopa- Learning points: Risk (advanced Parkinson’s disease taking high minergic drug reduction, especially in advanced disease stages; dose of levodopa) and contributor factors (recent surgery and after acute episode resolution check cognitive status. hospitalisation) to develop parkinsonism-hyperpyrexia­ syndrome; benefit of nasogastric levodopa administration in cases with an inappropriate oral intake; the relevance of paying attention to systemic complications. distribution, they can sometimes become generalised and interfere with sitting, walking and basic activities of daily living. This is more common in people with

3 http://pn.bmj.com/ The treatment aims to reduce off time and severity young-­onset Parkinson’s disease. Patients then need by providing a more constant delivery of dopami- urgent interventions to prevent consequences, such nergic drug to the brain.6 By the time these prob- as falls and other injuries (ie, bone fractures). More- lems develop, patients are taking multiple doses of over, severe dyskinesias, both peak-dose­ or diphasic, levodopa and most have tried adjunctive treatments can occur at the end of the day in people taking slow-­ aiming to prolong levodopa effect: such adjuvant release formulations of oral levodopa, or in those

8 on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. treatments include dopamine agonists, catechol-­O-­ receiving levodopa-­carbidopa intestinal gel infusions. methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors, and mono- Treatment of is based on adjusting dopa- amine oxidase B (MAO) inhibitors. Changing the minergic treatments. Peak-dose­ dyskinesias usually levodopa dose through the day and adjusting the adju- improve with redistributing the total daily levodopa vant medications can minimise the fluctuations and intake into more frequent but smaller doses. Some make them more predictable.5 However, about 10% of patients need a lower total dose of levodopa (or patients have severe medically refractory fluctuations; lower dose of adjunctive therapies such as dopamine such patients require referral to specialised centres for agonists, COMT inhibitors or MAO inhibitors). If consideration of device-­aided therapies.3 However, these measures fail, then it is worth considering aman- 7 age, cognitive status and the presence of psychotic tadine (300–400 mg daily). symptoms frequently limit the use of these therapies.7 Managing diphasic dyskinesias is a major clinical challenge in advanced Parkinson’s disease.6 Modifying Dyskinesias treatment, as would be done for peak-­dose dyskinesias, Involuntary movements (dyskinesias) can develop may in fact worsen diphasic dyskinesias; sometimes at different times in relation to the antiparkinsonian the only suitable alternative is an intermittent ‘rescue’ effect of levodopa (peak-dose­ and diphasic dyskinesia, subcutaneous injection of immediately or off-­period painful dystonia).3 Although levodopa-­ before an on/off state transition.6 9 In patients whose induced dyskinesias are usually mild and focal in dyskinesias do not respond, it is worth considering one

2 of 12 Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from

Table 1 Precipitant factors of severe off and the parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia syndrome Dopaminergic treatment related Non-­dopaminergic treatment related Abrupt withdrawal or medication switch Concurrent conditions: Decrease of absorption: ►► Infection ►► Enteral and parenteral nutrition with high protein diet ►► Trauma ►► Gastrointestinal problems (severe , paralytic ileus) ►► Stress Dosage reduction: ►► Dehydration ►► Loss of compliance ►► Excessively hot weather ►► Psychiatric problems (, hallucinations) ►► Severe dyskinesia ►► Postoperative period Addition of dopaminergic blocker

of the available continuous dopaminergic treatments How to manage? or deep-­brain stimulation.9 Early diagnosis is essential. Besides searching for and These strategies for managing wearing off and correcting the underlying cause, levodopa is the core unpredictable on/off fluctuations also apply to off-­ of its management.11 14 If the syndrome was provoked period dystonia. Baclofen or injecting botulinum toxin by a decreased dose of dopaminergic treatment, the into dystonic muscles can occasionally help.10 previous regimen should be immediately reinstated, and the oral levodopa dose gradually escalated. In Parkinsonism-hyperpyrexia syndrome patients with swallowing problems, a nasogastric Some patients develop an acute ‘akinetic attack’ tube can facilitate giving dopaminergic treatment. If (known as parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia syndrome), a increasing the levodopa dose fails, it is worth trying severe complication with an incidence of 0.3% and apomorphine (intermittent injections or continuous mortality of 4%.11 12 It may follow an abrupt change in infusion), transdermal or intravenous aman- dopaminergic medication although there are various tadine sulfate (only available in Germany, Austria and 13 other possible precipitant factors (table 1). Hungary). The most refractory cases may be consid- ered for nasogastric levodopa-­carbidopa gel infusion Clinical picture with titrated dosing. Other treatments such as oral dantrolene sodium and oral are recom- This syndrome was first noted in people with advanced 12 Parkinson’s disease undergoing ‘drug holidays’ to try mended but have no firm evidence of . Pulsed to limit their levodopa-­induced motor and neuro- corticosteroid therapy (1 g daily of methylpredniso- psychiatric complications.12 Patients deteriorated lone until amelioration of symptoms) may help but 15 into an akinetic ‘off’ state, usually over a few days. again with only limited evidence of its effectiveness. http://pn.bmj.com/ The syndrome may also follow changes in dopami- Some patients need intensive care unit admission, nergic treatment or be provoked by trauma, surgery, for close monitoring of vital signs and supportive and pulmonary, gastrointestinal and urinary tract measures such as antipyretic treatment, fluid and infections; although sometimes there is no apparent electrolyte replacement, and prophylactic anticoagu- 2 trigger.11 In severe cases, patients do not respond to lants. Patients need routine checking of serum muscle dopaminergic rescue medications, with their parkin- enzymes, renal function (to identify deterioration) and on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. sonism deteriorating rapidly and becoming progres- clotting function (figure 1). sively more immobile and rigid. The prognosis is usually good with early treatment, On examination, patients may be confused with although many patients do not return to their previous delirium, prominent global slowness and generalised baseline level of function.12 muscle rigidity. They may develop hyperthermia and elevated serum muscle enzymes, following muscle Dyskinesia-hyperpyrexia syndrome damage from marked rigidity. Some patients develop Levodopa-­induced dyskinesias can be severe and occa- dysautonomic features, such as tachycardia, unstable sionally even life-threatening,­ presenting as a dyski- blood pressure and diaphoresis, resembling the clinical netic storm (also known as dyskinesia-­hyperpyrexia picture of neuroleptic malignant syndrome.13 syndrome).13 Systemic complications may develop as the akinesia rapidly progresses, including aspiration pneumonia from decreased level of consciousness and rigidity; Clinical picture acute renal failure from rhabdomyolysis and dehydra- Patients typically present with prolonged episodes tion; and thrombotic events such as deep vein throm- of generalised and exhausting dyskinetic movements bosis, pulmonary thromboembolism or (in severe that eventually cause motor collapse with consequent cases) disseminated intravascular coagulation (box 1). dehydration and rhabdomyolysis.16 17

Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 3 of 12 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from

Figure 1 Management of parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia syndrome. DA, dopamine ; LCIG, levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel; LD, levodopa.; PHS, parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia syndrome

This condition shares features with parkinsonism-­ these treatments, putting them at an increased risk to hyperpyrexia syndrome: acute or subacute presenta- develop the syndrome. tion, external trigger factors (infection and trauma) and systemic impairment (hyperthermia and rhabdo- Clinical picture myolysis).2 Some patients may be refractory to treat- Although syndrome shares many features ment (limited response to reducing the dopaminergic with parkinsonism-hyperpyrex­ ia syndrome and neuro- medication or adding ) but this is clearly leptic malignant-­like syndrome (mental status decline less important than for parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia and autonomic dysfunction; table 2), its onset is more syndrome. Reducing dopaminergic drugs almost rapid after starting or increasing the medication, 2 http://pn.bmj.com/ always improves dyskinesias in a short period of time.6 usually within 6–12 hours. Its clinical manifestations 17 vary but in addition to agitation and confusion there are four features that may help with the diagnosis: How to manage? Besides promptly reducing the dopaminergic medica- tion, patients may need general measures such as rehy- dration and electrolyte monitoring and repletion. In on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. extreme cases, they may need sedation with propofol. Table 2 Parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia and serotonin syndromes Deep-­brain stimulation may be a feasible long-term­ Parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia 13 treatment. syndrome Muscle rigidity, prominent Tremor, myoclonus, akathisia, Serotonin syndrome akinesia hypertonicity Serotonin syndrome is a rare but preventable adverse Altered mental status effect of agonist treatment; it culminates Hyperthermia in a hyperserotonergic status due to overstimulation Rhabdomyolysis of postsynaptic serotonin (5-HT­ or 5- hydroxytrypt- Trigger factors 18 amine) in the central nervous system. Infection, trauma, medication Drug combinations: MAO The syndrome can be potentially induced by drugs changes inhibitor, SSRI, tricyclic frequently used in Parkinson’s disease treatment, , including MAO inhibitors (, and Treatment ), selective-serotonin­ reuptake inhibi- Escalating dopaminergic Stopping the causative drug tors, tricyclic and opiates.4 Because treatment patients with Parkinson’s disease often have pain and Supportive intensive care management depression, they may be taking a combination of all of MAO, ; SSRI, selective-­serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

4 of 12 Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from mixture of movement disorders (akathisia, tremor and challenging behaviour constituting a serious psychi- myoclonus), hyperreflexia, mydriasis and diarrhoea.18 atric emergency. In the most severe cases, when the patient’s physical How to manage? integrity is compromised, patients need acute psychi- The cornerstone of treatment is to identify and with- atric admission. The management includes intensive hold all drugs that could contribute to the hyperse- antipsychotic treatment, such as bucodispersable rotonergic state. Prompt and appropriate supportive or intramuscular , although care can be important for recovery, and adding non-­ worsening of parkinsonism must be expected. Benzo- selective 5-HT­ receptor antagonists ( diazepines can help if anxiety dominates the clinical and ) may help.18 picture. Containment measures are a last resort.21 In addition to reviewing medication changes, it is Selected non-motor emergencies important to exclude external precipitant factors. Neuropsychiatric complications Patients with suspected urinary tract infection or Neuropsychiatric disorders are common in Parkinson’s pneumonia require urine analysis and chest X-­ray. It disease. They can be life-threatening­ and invariably is important to try to reduce antiparkinsonian medi- are distressing for patients and caregivers. Psychosis, cation. Drug changes must be implemented cautiously anxiety, panic attacks, depression, impulse-control­ and gradually, as motor symptoms may deteriorate disorders and dopamine-­dysregulation syndrome significantly. A common strategy is first to reduce are among the most disabling neuropsychiatric drugs, then MAO inhibitors, aman- complications. tadine, , COMT inhibitors and eventually levodopa, but the order of dose reduction Acute psychosis or withdrawal may need to be individualised.22 It is Psychotic symptoms occur in up to 30% of patients also important to minimise polypharmacy, if possible with Parkinson’s disease who take long-term­ dopa- reducing mainly tricyclic antidepressants, opioids and minergic treatment throughout the disease course; dopaminergic drugs. their occurrence suggests a poor prognosis and high If significant psychotic symptoms persist, and drug mortality.19 Psychotic symptoms are well known to be reduction is not advisable or poorly tolerated, it is an integral part of Parkinson’s disease, frequently trig- worth considering an drug gered or aggravated by antiparkinsonian medications (box 2). Typical should be avoided and a predictor of imminent cognitive decline.20 as they can precipitate a significant deterioration Hallucinations (mainly visual with well-formed­ of motor symptoms, and a neuroleptic malignant images and rarely auditory) and delusions (commonly syndrome.4 Clozapine and quetiapine are the most paranoid, implying negative beliefs, especially towards frequently used antipsychotics for treating psychotic relatives) are the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease symptoms in Parkinson’s disease; both improve psychosis.20 Loss of insight, particularly when having psychosis without motor worsening. , http://pn.bmj.com/ delusions, is very stressful for caregivers, and increases a selective-serotonin­ inverse agonist, has recently the likelihood of nursing home placement. In addition, been approved by the Food and Drug Administration hospitalised patients with Parkinson’s disease often (FDA) for treating psychosis in Parkinson’s disease develop other psychiatric symptoms such as confu- but there is only limited experience with this drug.23 sion/delirium, typically accompanied by a fluctuating 24 level of attention, disorganised speech and behavioural In routine clinical practice, quetiapine is often the on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. changes.19 first-tried­ drug, owing to its easy dosing and low rates Dopaminergic treatment, advanced age, visual of adverse events. Its most common adverse effects problems and concomitant dementia are important are excessive sleepiness, orthostatic hypotension and factors that contribute to psychosis in Parkinson’s metabolic syndrome. In severe cases, and if symptoms disease. Psychotic symptoms may appear in relation persist despite quetiapine dose exceeding 200 mg/day, to underlying systemic conditions such as infection, clinicians should consider clozapine (12.5–50 mg) toxic-metabolic­ derangements, surgery and other and pimavanserin, if available. Clozapine’s adverse neurological disorders (ie, subdural haematoma related effects include sedation, drooling and orthostatic to falls). Changes in antiparkinsonian drugs frequently hypotension; it occasionally causes neutropenia, trigger psychotic symptoms; importantly, drugs such and so requires intensive blood monitoring, its main as antidepressants and painkillers can also trigger or drawback.25 aggravate these symptoms. Cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil and rivastig- Psychosis usually presents gradually, allowing for mine) were shown to reduce Parkinson’s disease hallu- gradual implementation of treatment changes (reduc- cinations and was effective for psychosis tion in dopaminergic medication, and/or addition of in Parkinson’s disease in two small studies (open-­label antipsychotic drug). However, sometimes psychosis and a case series), but an exacerbation of parkinsonism evolves subacutely with prominent agitation and can be expected.22

Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 5 of 12 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from Impulse-control disorders and dopamine-dysregulation syndrome levodopa and immediately withdrawing ‘booster’ Impulse-­control disorders are a sort of behavioural doses of medications, such as apomorphine subcuta- addiction. Patients do not often report them because neous boluses and rapid-acting­ levodopa formulations. of embarrassment or cultural barriers. They include Deep-­brain stimulation may help to facilitate dose pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, abnormal reduction of levodopa.26 sexual behaviours or binge eating.26 Patients with this disorder are compelled to repeat these actions exces- Dysautonomic complications sively in ways that can be dangerous for themselves Complications related to autonomic dysfunction that and others, frequently causing devastating economic, may require prompt medical intervention include legal and personal repercussions. symptomatic orthostatic hypotension and gastrointes- These symptoms are a frequent of tinal tract complications, such as dysphagia and intes- dopamine-­replacement therapy. A recent study found tinal pseudobstruction. a cumulative incidence of impulse-control­ disorders in Symptomatic orthostatic hypotension 46% patients taking dopamine agonists; the associa- Orthostatic hypotension can result from both neuro- tion between this drug and impulse-control­ disorders 27 genic (failure of the autonomic nervous system relates to both dose and treatment duration. Since from postganglionic sympathetic nerves) and non-­ its treatment is challenging, minimising the use of neurogenic disorders (dehydration, dopaminergic and dopamine agonists is the best approach to lessen the antihypertensive drugs, and cardiac dysfunction such problem, especially in those people at particularly high as arrhythmia). Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension in risk for developing impulse-­control disorders, such Parkinson’s disease results from a lack of the normal young men with histories of obsessive-­compulsive 28 compensatory released from sympa- disorder, impulsive and addictive personality traits. thetic postganglionic nerves that causes vasoconstric- Reducing dopamine agonists is the first (and usually tion and maintains blood pressure in the standing effective) treatment. In refractory cases, adding an position. In Parkinson’s disease this compensatory atypical antipsychotic, such as quetiapine, sometimes mechanism is attenuated or absent.34 helps this reduction.26 Deep-brain­ stimulation of the 29 Orthostatic hypotension causes symptoms in subthalamic nucleus and levodopa carbidopa intes- 35 30 about 10% of cases. Patients usually describe light-­ tinal gel can help by allowing dopaminergic dosage headedness with blurry vision on standing or walking. reduction. Concentration difficulties, postprandial head/neck Rapid reduction or suppression of dopamine agonists discomfort, and even a frozen posture akin to a may lead to a serious condition known as dopamine 35 31 levodopa-­related off episode may also occur. In the agonist withdrawal syndrome. Its clinical picture most severe cases, typically when the blood pressure resembles a psychostimulant withdrawal syndrome, drops abruptly, patients may lose consciousness. Such with combined psychiatric symptoms (panic attacks, cases require exclusion of anaemia or an underlying http://pn.bmj.com/ depression, agitation and drug craving), autonomic cardiac disorder. features (diaphoresis, orthostatic hypotension) and Syncope caused by orthostatic hypotension can have motor worsening due to the reduction in dopami- serious consequences, including falls and injuries.36 nergic therapy. Besides the prior diagnosis of impulse-­ Identifying the drug that might be contributing is not control disorders, other risk factors are a high baseline easy since almost all dopaminergic treatments can dose of dopamine agonist and a high cumulative drug induce or trigger orthostatic hypotension: MAO inhib- exposure. Other dopaminergic drugs, antidepressants on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 32 itors, dopamine agonists and, less so, levodopa. Other or benzodiazepines typically do not help. medications, such as antihypertensives, or A less frequent psychiatric complication related α-blockers also need to be considered. to levodopa is ‘dopamine-dysregulation­ syndrome’. Appropriate steps to avoid symptomatic orthostatic It comprises a levodopa dependence syndrome and hypotension involve hygienic dietary measures, mainly involves all the typical symptoms of craving, with 33 high-­salt diet, plenty of isotonic fluid and elastic stock- impulsivity, compulsivity and mood changes. Its ings. When symptoms persist, medications can be prevalence is probably underestimated because less 6 tried, including pyridostigmine (25 mg two times per severe cases are rarely reported. It can coexist with day), fludrocortisone (0.1 mg one to three times a day), impulse-­control disorder and should be suspected (10 mg three times a day), when patients indiscriminately increase their levodopa (300 mg three times a day), and , a selec- dose without medical authorisation and exceed the tive α- agonist that induces vasoconstriction required dose to restore their motor functionality. and increases blood pressure, (2.5–10 mg three times Patients may increase their levodopa dose to avoid a day). unpleasant feelings, typically non-­motor symptoms 33 related to off episodes. Gastrointestinal complications The management of dopamine-dysregulation­ Dysphagia is common in Parkinson’s disease, typically syndrome typically involves gradually reducing the in its late stages.1 It results from the loss of coordination

6 of 12 Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from in the normal steps of deglutition as well as oropharyn- geal bradykinesia. Dysphagia may cause malnutrition with weight loss, high levels of anxiety during each meal for both the patient and carer, impaired medica- tion intake and reduced social contact. It is associated with a high rate of mortality, mainly because of aspira- tion pneumonia.37 Early suspicion is essential to avoid these complications. Signs of neurogenic dysphagia Figure 2 (A) Arm contusion in a patient with Parkinson's include frequent coughing, choking or nasal regurgita- disease with REM-­sleep behaviour disorder after falling out of bed while enacting a dream during REM-sleep.­ (B) Protection tion during meals, as well as frequent respiratory infec- measures during the night to avoid falls and injuries during the tions and drooling. When present, video fluoroscopy episodes. (Courtesy of Dr. Alex Iranzo [42]). PD, Parkinson's and fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing disease; REM, rapid eye movement. should be considered.2 Management of dysphagia involves a personalised swallowing therapy, depending on the severity. Percutaneous gastrostomy may be a adverse effect of dopaminergic treatment before possibility, but it has to be implemented with caution. starting these. A recent review showed how to manage dysphagia Clinicians should try to identify the main precipi- that interferes with oral intake of medication. Further- tant for excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep attacks. more, alternative methods of oral levodopa are Obstructive sleep apnoea and other causes of poor provided with conversion rates to rotigotine patch nocturnal sleep need to be considered. Management is from other dopamine agonists and levodopa.38 usually to reduce or withdraw those drugs likely to be Intestinal pseudo-­obstruction, also known as para- causing the problem. lytic ileus, is a serious condition that sometimes accom- panies severe constipation. It seems to be relatively REM-sleep behaviour disorder uncommon (2.4%).39 Abdominal distension, pain, Rapid Eye Movement (REM)-­sleep behaviour and characterise intestinal pseudo-­ disorder is characterised by unpleasant dreams (eg, obstruction, but in advanced patients with cognitive being attacked or robbed) and vigorous behaviours in deterioration it can be difficult to diagnose, presenting which the patients appear to enact their dreams (eg, punching, jumping out of bed, shouting). It occurs in with a prominent confusional state and poor response 41 to levodopa. 25%–65% of patients with Parkinson’s disease. During the acute phase, urgent endoscopic reposi- Protective measures such as bed rails or chair barri- tioning will be necessary. More severe cases may be cades may help to prevent falling from bed during complicated by intestinal perforation requiring surgical vigorous dreams. Figure 2 illustrates the consequences treatment.37 Preventive treatment of constipation with of vivid dreams and their subsequent protective http://pn.bmj.com/ prokinetic drugs may help to prevent recurrences. measures. Some patients hit their partner during sleep. Clonazepam is the treatment of choice for this sleep disorder despite the lack of randomised, placebo-­ Sleep-related complications controlled trials to evaluate its efficacy and safety. Excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep attacks The starting dose is 0.25 mg or 0.5 mg at bedtime, Excessive daytime sleepiness is inappropriate and increased progressively to a usual dose of 1–2 mg per undesirable sleepiness during waking hours even after night. It can aggravate sleep apnoea and so must be on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. adequate night-­time sleep. It occurs in about 30% used with caution. When clonazepam is ineffective or of patients with Parkinson’s disease, frequently in not well tolerated, melatonin may be considered.42 those with cognitive decline, and rarely in untreated 40 patients. It can manifest during a conversation or a Falls meal. Depending on when patients fall asleep, it can be Falls are a hallmark of disease progression in Parkin- a potential source of caregiver distress. son’s disease, occurring in 50%–60% of cases, resulting Sudden-onset-­ ­sleep or ‘sleep attacks’ comprise in reduced mobility and functional regression.43 They abrupt episodes of unplanned sleep during activities usually result from impaired postural reflexes and can of daily living (ie, eating, driving). They can have be triggered by events such as freezing of gait, severe disastrous consequences, particularly when they occur dyskinesias and orthostatic hypotension.36 Because of during activities that involve a risk for them and/or nocturia, patients may fall at night when walking to others, as with driving. Car accidents, falls and traumas the toilet. may occur in the context of sleep attacks. Reports in Fractures are the most common complications the literature cite a prevalence of 13% for sleep attacks of falls. They take the patient to a reduced mobility in patients under dopaminergic drugs, typically dopa- state and subsequently increase the risk of death.43 mine agonists and less commonly levodopa.40 Patients Subdural haematoma can also be a major consequence need to be warned about sleep attacks as a common of recurrent falls but they are surprisingly uncommon,

Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 7 of 12 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from

Table 3 Complications in the setting of device-­aided therapies Deep-­brain stimulation Levodopa-carbidopa­ intestinal gel Apomorphine Procedure Surgery Percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy Subcutaneous infusion Intracranial haemorrhage Pneumoperitoneum Not described Venous infarction Peritonitis Pneumoencephalus Gastrointestinal haemorrhage Dyskinesia storm Air embolus Device Hardware-related­ Gastrointestinal pump Pump Infection of external system Breakdown of connexions Subcutaneous nodules Skin erosions at the level of the Unintentional removal Pump dysfunction neurostimulator Obstruction of the intraduodenal tube (eg, kinking) Fracture of extension wire Pressure ulcers of intraduodenal tube on intestinal wall End of life battery Bezoar Accidental stimulator switch off (eg, Pump dysfunction environmental factors such as magnetic forces) Treatment Stimulation Levodopa-carbidopa­ gel Apomorphine Dyskinesia storm Unpredictable offs Nauseas Gait unsteadiness Biphasic dyskinesias Hypotension Worsening of dysarthria Confusion, hallucinations Daytime Behavioural changes, hypomania, Malabsorption (B12, B6 vitamin deficiency), Confusion, hallucinations depression polyneuropathy, Guillain-­Barré-like syndrome Unpredictable offs Dyskinesias Haemolytic anaemia Eosinophilic syndrome

considering the frequency of falls in Parkinson’s Deep-brain stimulation disease. Many patients with recurrent falls develop This comprises an implantable neurostimulation a fear of walking, markedly affecting their personal system that modulates a pathological brain network autonomy. using a guided, non-­ablative and reversible technique. Essential measures to avoid recurrent falls include: After the surgery patients are invariably instructed home-­prevention measures (removing obstacles), to contact the implanting centre or a predetermined physical support (walking stick, walking assistant and movement disorder team with experience in this tech- wheelchair) and addressing potential triggers such as nique in case of sudden unexplained re-emergence­ http://pn.bmj.com/ nocturia, orthostatic hypotension, off periods, dyski- of parkinsonism, severe dyskinesias or appearance of nesias.2 Patients at high risk of falls should receive unexpected abnormal behaviours. special attention, including those with freezing of Table 3 and figure 3 illustrate common complica- tions related to surgery and the implanted material. gait, cognitive impairment and poor postural reflexes. There is some evidence to support exercise,44 but most of the studies showed inconsistent benefit for falls on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. prevention.

Emergencies and complications of device- aided therapies Device-­aided therapies include deep-brain­ stimula- tion, levodopa-­carbidopa intestinal gel, and apomor- phine subcutaneous injections and infusion. These are indicated to treat response fluctuations, such as recurrent disabling offs and dyskinesias refractory to standard therapy.9 Deep-brain­ stimulation is also used for drug-­refractory tremor. Emergencies and complications related to device-aided­ therapies are not uncommon, and require prompt medical atten- tion since they are generally associated with signif- Figure 3 Hardware complication of deep brain stimulation: icant aggravation of Parkinson’s disease symptoms skin lesion induced by electric current after break of extension (table 3). cable connecting with the subcutaneous pacemaker.

8 of 12 Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from

Figure 4 An algorithm approach for DBS efficacy loss. DBS, deep-brain­ stimulation; LD, levodopa.

Complications can also relate directly to the effects of Levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion stimulation on neural structures. Changes made in the The levodopa-­carbidopa intestinal gel was designed to stimulation parameters, for example, can lead to severe solve the pulsatile dopaminergic stimulation after oral problems that take the patient to the emergency depart- levodopa administration. By a continuous delivery ment. Most frequent of such problems are dyskinesias, of levodopa via percutaneous endoscopic gastros- sometimes ballistic, worsening of parkinsonism, gait tomy into the jejunum, it can provide steady plasma problems, and behavioural changes such as disinhibi- levodopa concentration. Each package contains 2 g of tion, depression and hypomania.45 Patients with post- levodopa and 500 mg carbidopa, generally enough for surgical depression may have an increase suicide risk, patients’ daily requirements.9 Adverse events related especially during the first year after the surgery.46 Thus, to this procedure are not uncommon.48 They can be clinicians need to be cautious with postoperative depres- related to procedure (gastrostomy), infusion system http://pn.bmj.com/ sion management and refer patients for psychiatric eval- and administered drug (levodopa/carbidopa) (table 3). uation to achieve a better and close approach from the Although 95% of patients present an adverse event beginning. over the course of the therapy, this proportion decreases The general neurologist attending an implanted over time.8 Fortunately they are usually reversible events patient with a subacute or sudden worsening of their that do not result in permanent treatment interruption. clinical condition should rule out non-­deep brain stim- Most frequent are those complications related to the on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ulation causes (as described earlier) and then refer infusion system, such as dislocation of the jejunal tube the patient to an expert centre, where appropriate and catheter migration. An infrequent but potentially measures such as determining battery life or imped- dangerous complication related to the infusion system ance of the implanted system can be implemented. If is a bezoar formation, a retained concretion of indigest- there is a suspicion that the cause of the motor aggra- ible material located around the jejunal catheter that vation relates to malfunctioning of the implanted can cause an intestinal obstruction.48 Abdominal pain, material, then clinicians should obtain plain radio- flatulence and constipation are the main symptoms. If graphs along the system to locate loss of integrity, such suspected, patients need a gastroduodenoscopy to verify as electrode migration or lead fracture. In addition, its location and proceed to its extraction. oral levodopa may have to be increased while awaiting Proper education of patients and caregivers is a more thorough evaluation (figure 4).47 Among other crucial on how to maintain daily care of the stoma and serious consequences, interruption of stimulation can measures to avoid prolonged constipation to prevent lead to rhabdomyolysis due the recurrence of severe long-­term complications. tremor or aspiration pneumonia because of dysphagia An acute/subacute polyneuropathy resembling related to worsening of parkinsonism.45 Prolonged Guillain-Barré­ syndrome has been rarely described severe parkinsonism should at all costs be avoided or among patients under levodopa-­carbidopa intestinal a parkinsonism-­hyperpyrexia-­like picture may ensue. gel.49 After ruling out other treatable causes of acute

Simonet C, et al. Pract Neurol 2020;20:15–25. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 9 of 12 Review Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-002075 on 19 August 2019. Downloaded from controversial. Reductions may occur after a few weeks Box 3 Key measures for the prevention of or months of continuous therapy and mostly if large complications reduction in levodopa dose can be achieved.51 1. Parkinson’s disease nurse specialists should support Both apomorphine subcutaneous injections and patients and caregivers by clarifying concerns and infusion are safe in terms of procedure but can implementing a treatment plan. cause adverse events related to the drug itself. These 2. Patients, caregivers and medical staff are responsible include nausea, hypotension, excessive somnolence for bringing all the medication updated, and paying and neuropsychiatric problems, such as confusional state, impulse control disorder and dopamine dysreg- attention to medication timings. 50 3. If at all possible, avoid changing abruptly or changing ulation syndrome. Subcutaneous nodules develop in more than one antiparkinsonian medication at a time. 37% of cases treated with infusions; although these 4. Patients and caregivers should be provided with a list are usually not severe and can be managed with non-­ pharmacological measures, the treatment may need to of drugs capable of worsening parkinsonism. 52 5. Patients taking dopamine agonists should be informed be stopped. about sleep attacks and risk of impulse-­control Prominent motor complications such as severe dyski- disorders before starting treatment and regularly nesia or offs in the context of apomorphine infusion during follow-­up. are rare in comparison to other advanced therapies. 6. Periodically, at least annually, review falls, sleepiness, Sudden offs can be explained by a pump malfunction, and dyskinesias by a medication overdose or erratic cognition, autonomic disturbances and psychiatric 52 symptoms. infusion timings. 7. Disease rehabilitative therapy should be proposed to minimise complications such as falls and swallowing Strategies to prevent complications problems. Prompt diagnosis and intervention are the basis to 8. In case of elective admission, it is important to plan guarantee a good prognosis for most complications. in advance how to make medication changes. If oral It is important to note that medication changes cause medication intake is limited, consider transdermal the large majority of these problems. agonists, enteral administration of usual medication, Based on the quality standards for Parkinson’s and levodopa-carbidopa­ intestinal gel infusion. disease published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence53 and the American Academy of Neurology,54 we suggest several measures for polyneuropathy (ie, endocrine, metabolic, immu- preventing or, at least, minimising serious complica- nological, infective disorders), such cases require tion in Parkinson’s disease (box 3). stopping treatment infusion, followed by prompt The prevention of complications in hospitalised medical treatment based on intramuscular B12 and patients is also important. Problems generally relate to oral folate supplementation. As a preventive measure, dopaminergic medication prescription. It is easy to get http://pn.bmj.com/ it is important to maintain a close control of weight and monitor B vitamin and folate levels during this 12 Key points therapy.9 In addition, in those patients with previous polyneuropathy, vitamin supplementation should ►► Most emergencies in patients with Parkinson’s disease be taken into account before starting this treatment,

are caused by changes in dopaminergic therapy. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. therefore neurophysiological studies will be useful to ►► The most common emergencies relate to aggravation rule out any pre-existing­ nerve damage before patients 49 of motor symptoms, but serious non-­motor start the treatment. complications (such as psychosis, orthostatic hypotension or sleep attacks) may also occur. Apomorphine subcutaneous injections and infusion ► Implanted device-­aided therapies (deep-­brain Apomorphine is an alternative therapy for patients ► stimulation, levodopa-­carbidopa intestinal gel, with disabling motor and non-­motor fluctuations apomorphine subcutaneous infusion) may have poorly controlled with conventional treatment. It is potentially serious complications, mostly relating to a potent dopamine agonist with a short-­acting effect the device itself. that makes it effective in complicated situations such ► Prevention requires that clinicians recognise the most as off dystonia episodes or unpredictable disabling ► common precipitating factors for serious complications off.5 9 Subcutaneous injections are used as a rescue in Parkinson’s disease (abrupt therapy changes and therapy when a rapid on is needed. The effect is quick underlying systemic disease). and lasts 45–90 min. Patients needing more than three ► Prompt attention to the earliest signs by caregivers to six injections per day are best treated with a contin- ► and health professionals, and early intervention by uous infusion therapy.50 Parkinson’s disease nurse specialists, will minimise Overall, studies report improvement of off time serious consequences. of 50%–80%. Its effect on dyskinesias is more

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