J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from



MAY, 1907.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS.-GAZETTE NOTIFICATIONS. Lieutenant·Colonel William Dugdale retires on retired pay, dated March 16, 1907. He entered the Service July 31, 1880, was promoted Surgeon. July 31, 1892, and Lieutenant·Colonel, July 31, 1900. His war service is as follows: South African

War, 1881.-Transvaal Campaign. by copyright. Lieutenant-Colonel George Scott, M.B., retires on retired pay, dated March 20, 1907. He entered the Service July 28, 1886, was promoted Major July 28, 1898, and Lieutenant-Colonel July 28, 1906. His war service is as follows: Burmese Expedition, 1887-9. Medal with clasp. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains, dated February 28, 1907: Arthur C. H. Gray, M.B. ; Douglas P. Watson, M.B.; Thomas S. Dudding ; John E. Powell; Francis M. M. Ommanney; Osburne levers, M.B. ; Robert H. MacNicol, M.B. ; Hugh H. J. Fawcett; Santiago L. Pallaut; Charles R.. Sylvester-Bradley; Stanley E. Lewis, M.B.; Gerard A. Kempthorne; James T. McEntire, JliI.B.; Norman E. Dunkerton; Patrick J. Hanafin; John D. Richmond, M.B. ; Ernest M. Glanvill, l\L.B.; Marma­

duke C. Wetherell, M.D.; Harold C. Hildreth, F.R.C.S.Edin.; William MacD. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ MacDowall; Reginald T. Collins; Thomas J. Wright; Arthur C. Osburn. Captain Frederick F. Carroll, l\1.B., is seconded for service with the Egyptian Army, dated March 19, 1907. The name of Lieutenant Ernest B. Lathbury is as now described, and not as stated in the Gazette of March 5, 1907. COMMANDS AND STAFF. Lieutenant-Colonel William Babtie, V.C., C.M.G., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps, to be Inspector of Medical Services, dated March 12, 1907.

ARRIYALS HOME.-From India: R. J. W. Mawhinny and R. S. F. Hen­ dersou, Captains B. B. Burke and G. Baillie. From West Africa: Captain J. Cowan. ARRIYALS HOME ON LEAYE.-From India: Lieutenant-Colonels J. R. Dodd aud A. L. F. Bate; Majors J. W. Jenuings, D.S.O., and B. J. Inniss; Captains C. Bramhall, E. B. Knox, J. E. Powell, and E. S. Worthington. From Egypt: Major on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected J. C. Jameson ; Lieutenants J. S. Pascoe and J. M. B. Rahilly. From South Africa: Captain T. S. Dudding. From Gibraltar: Colonel J. McNamara. EMBARKATIONS.-For India: Major St. J. B. Killery. For Malta: Lieutenant A. D. O'Carroll. POSTINGS.-Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Brazier-Creagh, C.M.G., to . Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Austin; Major R. J. W. Mawhinny; Captains G. Baillie, W. H. S. Nickerson, V.C., and D. J. F. O'Donoghue to Irish Command. Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. F. Henderson to Netley. Major G. A. T. Bray and Captain B. B. Burke to Eastern Command. Captain A. W. N. Bowen to Western Command. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


APPOINTMENTS.-Lieutenant.Colonel R. S. F. Henderson appointed Registrar and Secretary at Netley; Captain G. E. F. Stammers, Sanitary Officer in Southern Command; and Captain H. C. R. Hime as Specialist in Ophthalmology at Aldershot. TRANSFERS.-Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. O'Connor, C.B., from Aldershot to York as Principal }\[edical Officer. Lieutenant '1'. W. O. Sexton from London District to Irish Command. EXCHANGES.-Lieutenant-Colonels W. H. Allstin and :B'. P. Nichols. Lieutenant­ Colonels Sir A. A. Brooke·Pechell and G. H. Barefoot. Majors St. J. B. Killery and G. A. T. Bray. Lieutenant-Quartermasters T. Exton and A. Morrison. SELECTED LIEUT.-COLONEL-Lieutenant-Colonel A. M. Davies has been selected for increased pay from April 5, 1907, inclusive. ' DIPLOMAS, &c,-Captain W. H. Nickerson obtained the D.P.H., Victoria University of Manchester. Lieutenant G. de h Cour obtained the degree of M.B" BS., London University .. RETIRED PAY APPOINTMENTS.-Major G. W. Dobson has resigned the retired pay appointment at Lincoln. Captain J. H. P. Graham, R.A.M.C. (Militia), bas been appointed to the retired pay post at Brecon .. EXTENSION OF TOUR OF SERYICE ABROAD.-The following officers have been permitted to extend their tour of service at the stations named; Lieutenant­ Colonel M. L. Heam at North China for one year. ,Majors J. p, Silver and 8. :b', St. D. Green at Bermuda for one year.


Transjer to other Corps.-18052 Private H. W. Scott to 4th Dragoon Guards. by copyright. Tranfers to Army Reset"ve.-12270 Sergeant J. Simmons, 12354 Private E. Burchall, 19009 Private A. Gibb, 19156 Private R. J. 'l'emple, 18077 Private A. Porter, 12359 Private G. Lalor, 12368 Private J. Brown, 19018 Private H. K,'mp. Dischal'ges.-7292 Sergeant-Major G. Jackson, termination of second period; 2581 Staff· Sergeant A. Bright, having reached t.he age limit; 7342. Staff· Sergeant C. Perry, termination of second period; 6309 Sergeant J. Goggin, medically unfit; 19222 Sergeant C. H. Barnes, after eighteen year,;' service; 8074 Lance-Sergeant U. Steel, medically unfit; 8088 LancecSergeant 'vV. Law, termination of second period; 9438 Corporal \V. S. G. Ooleman, free after fifteen years' service; 7343 Corporal F. Blatchford, termination of second period; 13472 Lance Corporal S. Mineely, medically unfit;

15291 Lance-Oorp'oral J. M. Goodman, termination of engagement, A.O. 106; http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 648 Private T. Francis, medically unfit; 7302 Private W. Smith, termination of second period; 7306 Private A. Hawkes, termination of second period; 691 Private W. Tagg, medically unfit; 14823 Private E. C. A. Harris, on payment of £25; 10415 Private J. Baker, free after twelve years; 15086 Private J. Hannah, on payment of £25. Deaths.-285 Private G. F. Crowe, at Aldershot, March 13, 1907; 771 Private E. T. Harvey, at Ourragh. March 14, 1907. Arrivals Home from Abroad.·~From Malta, per s.s. "Sicilia," March 11, 1907: 9438 Corporal W. G. Coleman, 10727 Private H. Dickenson. From Malta, per s.s. H Braemar Oastle," April 2, 1907; 16402 Sergeant 'r. R. CoIls, 15957 Oorporal J. W. Wildish, 14224 Oorporal G. H. Johnson, 18979 Private T. R. Bushnell. From Jamaica, per s.s... Port Royal." April 10, 1907; 10711 Sergeant F. W. Sharpe. Departures for Abroad.-To Malta, per s.s... Braemar Castle," l'vIarch 13, 1907; 18307 Sergeant F. H. Barker, 10555 Private G. C. Martin, 237 Private J. E. Flavell, 19646 Private N. T. S. Gosling, 19605 Private M. Nairn; 18904 Private T. AaronR, on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected 17974 Private F. V. :Moon, 18174 Private A. Jacques, 19989 Private A. Finlay, 67 Private W. Carey. To Jamaica, April, 5, 1907; 17644 Sm'geant H. E. Hart.

THE FOLLOWING HAVE QUALIFIED IN THE VARIOUS CORPS EXAMINATIONS FOR PROMOTIONS, &c. Fat" Qua.rtermaster-Sergeant.-9709 Staff· Sergeant H. 'Muggleton. For StafJ-S~rgeant.·-9709 Staff-Sergeant H. Muggleton, 11554 Sergeant R. Spencer. . For Sergeant.-9818 Staff-Sergeant G. R. Baynes, 11082 Sergeant J. Fraser, 14609 Corporal W: P. Oldridge, 12155 Corporal A. McKay, 17576 Corporal J. R. Ireson, 15670 Oorporal F. W. Goodread, 16811 Corporal O. White. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


l?or Oorporal.-11763 Privat.e J. T. G. W. Green, 18417 Private J. Knight., 16997 Private W. H. Youlton, 19641 Private W. M. Hardie; 17051 Private W. E. Potts, 18734 Privat.e S. Wilson, 18865 Private J. Ward. As Oompounders.-15670 Oorporal F. W. Goodread, 15484 Oorporal O. Jones, 12155 Oorporal A. McKay, 16811 Oorporal O. White.

NOTES FROM GIBRALTAR (April 11, 1907).-" Oolonel J. McNamara has pro: ceeded home on sick leave for six months; Lieut.-Oolonel R W. Ford, D. S.O., acts as Principal Medical Officer during his absence. "The Fortress has been mobilised for t.en days. Majcr H. V. Prynne, Oapt.ain E. W .. Marriott and Lieut.enant H. E. Priest.ley took part in the mobilisation. "MaJor H. A. L. Howell has heen appointed editor of the Gibraltar Ohronicle, a post formerly held by Lieutenant.-Oolonel W. G. Macpherson, O.M.G." NOTES FROM MALTA.-Major O. E. Pollock, R.A.M.O., writes (April 12, 1907): "The annual meeting of the Officer's Entertainment Fund was held on tile 10th inst., when the account.s for the past year were present.ed and passed. The Oommittee for last year was re-elected for t.he ensuing year, Lieutenant J. St.. A. Maughan was elected Corps represent.ative ou t.he garrison cricket club. A graut of £10 wa~ voted to the recreation club, No. 30 Oompany, R.A.M.O., for the ensuing season. The meeting was t.hen closed. " At the officers' monthly meeting Lieutenant-Oolonel J. J. Gerrard .read a most interesting paper on the work of t.he Oommittee appointed to investigate the question of exterminating mosquitoes in Malta. If t.his is to be accomplished, two problems must first be solved,viz., how to deal effectively with the breeding places of the Acartomyia Zammittii on t.he seashore without crippling t.he important. salt indust.ry, and secondly, how t.o obt.ain t.he co-operat.ion of t.he civil populat.ion in prevent.ing the breeding of t.he Oulex variet.y in t.anks, shallow pools, &c., sit.uated within t.he court­ by copyright. yards and gardens of private dwellings. "Lieutenant F. E. Roberts has returned from leave, while Lieutenants P. A. Lloyd Jones and R G, Meredith have proceeded on leave to England." NOTES FROM NAFADA, BORNU WEST, NORTHERN NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA.~Sergeant W. J. Webster, RA.M.C., writes (February 1, 1907): ~'We arrived at Fayados on July 12,1906, per s.s. 'Karina,' after a very pleasant journey of nearly a month. It was like moving in a new World, calling in at the different ports along the West Ooast, and everything-·from the musical chant of the Accra boat­ boys to crossing t.he bar-was immensely int.eresting. It is t.hen, when we have left.

the ocean steamer for the river boat en route for Lokoja" a journey of about five days; http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ that several things occur which might have been prevented had one but received a few further part.icula.rs previous t.o leaving England; for instance, during these five days you have to provide your own messing, and although at Burutu there is a Niger Oompany's Provision Store, it is not always convenient to call, and again, had you known, a few tinned things (not necessarily American) might have been brought out from home, thereby saving at least 35 per cent. Of course, there are"always a number of good-natured people on the boat who are perfectly wiJling to share and share alike, but knowing the independimt spirit of our non-commissioned officers, perhaps the following advice regarding this trip up the Niger will not be out of place. Pack in a separate box a little tea, sugar, milk, .cabin-bread, and a few potted meats, with condiments, &c., sufficient for your own use; it will prevent. t.hat feeling of discomfort which overtook me when I found myself dependent on t.he charity of comparative strangers. "In order t.o make t.he t.our out. here more palat.able I need hardly remind you to bring shot gun and sporting rifle, with a good supply of ammunition for each­ on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected shooting, of course, is the chief recreation in this country, and there is plent.y to shoot. You have your choice, if you like to pay for it, ranging from elephant down to small diuka, while, if you offer any attraction in' the shape of keeping goats in or near your compound, plenty of lion and leopard will offer themselves for your sport; personally speaking, I never deliberately look for eit.her of the latter class of animal; I am not proficient in' the gentle art of catching t.hings,' but probably there are some to whom the extermination of these beasts might be interesting. If such do exist, and intend serving out here, allow me to advise the careful perusal of the latest sporting hand-books. Buy your pots and pans, cups and saucers, &c., in England, and do not forget a good hurricane lamp, but for goodness sake do not buy anything t.hat will J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


easily break; the first thing your' boy' will do, when the eye of the white man is no longer on him-will be to see whether his master's chattels will bend or bounce; and in choosing your 'boy' at Burutu do not hire the youth witlJ the meek and lowly expression, or you will come home as poor as you went out. Remember also to bring a few pieces of cloth with you for patching purposes, you may be in the saddle for months together; never mind any particular shade, there are no nasty remarks passed out here; and please do not forget a revolver and electrio torch, they come in very handy indeed at times, for these natives are awfully fond of visiting, and very often, in spite of the conventions, will creep into your tent in the middle of the night. "The eternal chicken forms the chief article of diet in West Africa, so if you can afford it, spend ten or fifteen pounds in an assortment of tinned' chop' in England, you will never rue it, and even if you are never sent into the bush you will still be saving somewhere about 50 per cent. "Having accomplished this most fascinating of river trips we begin to forget the beautiful vegetation of Southern Nigeria-the wealth of creeping plants hanging gracefully, from palm to mahogany, are things of the past-and we arrive at Lokoja; here we stayed about six weeks before starting, via the rivers Niger and Benue, for Gwani, situated on the left bank of the Gongola in the Province of Bornu. It took us just over a month to reach our destination, and many and strange were our experiences; my companion, a colour-sergeant, when he lost his tent and part of his baggage during a fierce tornado, used language that we never hear in our Corp·s. It was a terrible journey, and even now, as I sit outside my tent enjoying the cool breezes of the Harmattan, I have very vivid recollections of clinging to sandbanks and sleeping in wet clothes. We were both fairly sick by the time we entered the Gongola-and that reminds me, bring a few bottles of Florida water or eau-de-cologne, it helps one to forget, to some extent, the horrible smells connected with these swamp­ bound rivers. Having to keep to our beds we saw little of the country about that part;

in any case, had we been well, the high reeds on either bank would have prevented us. by copyright. Occasionally we caught sight of a savage face leering with hate, for the majqrity of the savages infesting these banks have never seen a white man, and the hnman soup expression they wear makes one positively uneasy. " Having reached Gwani, famons for its great Holy Hill of Bima--the Mecca of the West-where the legends predict the final overthrow of the white races, the native Soldiery were almost immediately despatched to operate in the Tangali Districts, in command of Captain H. R. Utterson, 2nd N.N.R. The operations were very success­ ful; a new small breed of cattle was discovered and seized in lieu of tax. A fresh route connecting Debba Habba with the interior was brought to light, whilst not amongst the least interesting of sights was to watch the Tangali women with huge baskets,

waiting to carry away the slain, cut up in small pieces. The country about these http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ districts is very bare, and during the December month offered few delights to the eye: nothing but forests of skeleton trees set in a tangle of fire-stain~ bush. The palaver season has nearly finished now, and some of us are looking forward to returning south; being out in the wilds without proper supplies is not' all honey,' and although some days one might feel exceptionally fit, these high spirits are only the signs of an equally bad time. There was a slight increase of blackwater fever, and one case_of sleeping sickness occurred in Zungeru during 1906, but, on the whole, the death statistics, I think, are considered favourable. ' "In conclusion, I would strongly urge non-commissioned officers not to come out here uuder the idea of having a long holiday. At headquarters, in some respects, the clerical and general work of the department is very similar to that of our own Corps, while in the bush there is rather more responsibility, created by your being, in nearly every case, in medical charge of the unit to which you are attached,and it is in the· performance of the latter duty that mistakes are liable to be made. So long as he has sufficient tact to understand that he owes his position to the absence of qualified on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected professional aid, so long are his services a success, but immediately he forgets his real status and begins to abuse the confidence placed in him, his tour is made up of failures and disappointments. Yes! with all its disadvantages, one can be happy, even in West Africa; but I have only heard others whisper of that exquisite sense of exhilaration which almost overwhelms one in boarding the ocean liner bound for England and civilisation." NOTES FROM SIMLA..-Heutenant-Colonel H. B. Mathias, D.S.O., R.A.M.C., Officiating Secretary to the Principal Medicai Officer, His Majesty's Forces in India, writes (March 21, 1907) ;-;-' , J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


"Appointments.-Lieutenant-Oolonel L. T. M. Nash, to command Station Hospital, Barrackpore, vice Lieutenant-Oolonel J. B. Buchanan, tour-expired; Major F. Smith, D.S.O., to command Station Hospital, Benares,vice Major H. P. Johnson, tour­ expired; Lieutenant·Oolonel M. W. O'Keefe is appointed Officer Oommanding Station Hospital, Karachi; Lieutenant-Ool<)nel S. Westcott, O.M.G., is appointed Officer Oommanding Station Hospital, Mhow; Lieutenant-Oolonel J. R. Stuart is appointed Officer Oommanding Station Hospital, Neemuch; Lieutenant·Oolonel G. E. Hale is appointed Officer Oommanding Station Hospital, Hyderabad; Lieutenant-Oolonel T. Blackwell is appointed Officer Oommanding Station Hospital, Belgaum; Lieutenant­ Oolonel J. R. Forrest; to command Station Hospital at Delhi, vice Major Tibbits, transferred; Major J. Hennessy, to command Station Hospital, Poonamallee; Lieu­ tenant J. Oampbell, charge of 8th Divisional Laboratory, vice Oaptain Douglas; Lieu­ tenant-Oolonel D. O'Sullivan, on reversion from the 9th (Secunderabad) Division, to the command of the Station Hospital, Rawal Pindi; Lieutenant-Oolonel F. H. Treherne, to command Station, Hospital Sialkote; Major N. Tyacke, to command Station Hospital, Dalhousie; Oaptain L. W. Harrison, to medical charge of Head­ quarters Staff and Establishments, Northern Oommand. The following hill station appointments have been approved for the summer season of 1907: Major O. R. A. Julian, O.M.G., to command of Station Hospital, Oherat; Oaptain J. M. H. Oonway, to command of Station Hospital, Kalabagh; Oaptain R. L. Argles, to command of the Station Hospital, Khyra Gali; Oaptain R. Storrs, to command of the Station Hospital, Oamp Barian; Lieutenant-Oolonel D. M. O'Oallaghan, to command of the Station Hospital, Kuldana; Major H. N. Dunn, to command of the Station Hospital, Gharial; LiE!utenant M. Sinclair, to command of the combined Station Hospital for Khanspur and Ghora Dhaka; Oaptain W. D. O. Kelly, to command of the Station Hospital, Upper Topa; Lieutenant W. Benson, to command of the Station Hospital, Lower Topa; Lieutenant J. A. Turnbull, to command of the Station Hospital, Bara Gali; Major G. St. O. Thom, to command of the Station Hospital, Solon.. The following officers by copyright. have been confirmed in the commands of the Station Hospitals specified against their names: Lieutenant-Oolonel G. Wilson, Ferozepore; Lieutenant-Oolonel H. D. Rowan, Lahore Oantonment; Major W. Hallaran, Amritsar; Lieutenant-Oolonel A. Kennedy, to command of the Station Hospital, Pachmarhi; Major F. W. Begbie, appointed Oon­ suIting Surgeon, Rajputana-Malwa Railway. "Arrivals.-Major T. H. J. O. Goodwin, D.S.O., arrived at Quetta for duty in the Station Hospital; Oaptain J. S. Gallie arrived at Ahmednagar on February 25, 1907, for duty at the Station Hospital; Oaptain H. A. Davidson arrived at Bombay on January 31, 1907. " Departures.--Oaptain F1. B. Knox sailed for England on duty with troops by the hospital ship' Plassy,' on March 6, 1907. The following officers will embark from http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ England on February 16, 1907: Lieutenant-Oolonel J. Battersby, Major T. ,H. J. O. Goodwin, D.S.O., Oaptain D. Ourme. Lieutenant-Oolonel R. G. Hanley sailed for England, tour-expired, on February 20, 1907; Lieutenant-Oolonel R. S. F. Henderson proceeded to England, tour-expired, on March 6, 1907. "Examinations.-Oaptain G. H. J. Brown has passed in lower standard Burmese; Lieutenant H. O. M. Beadnell passed in h (i) on February 20, 1907. "Leave.-Leave out of India to the following officers has been concurred in: Lieu­ tenant-Oolonel F. W. G. Hall, from May 28, 1907, to December 28, 1907; Oaptain E. B. Knox, granted seven months' combined leave out of India from March 6, 1907 ; Major F. McDowell, granted seven months from April 1, 1907, to October 31, 1907 ; Oaptain R. H. Bridges, granted six months on medical certificate, from February 8, 1907; Lieutenant-Oolonel H. Oocks, extension of sick leave from February 12, 1907, to May 11, 1907; Oaptain T. Biggam, extension of sick leave from February 18, 1907, to May 17, 1907; Oaptain W. F. Tyndale, seven months on private affairs, from February 4, 1907, instead of six months as already published; Lieutenant-OoloneIO. O. Reilly, on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected six months on medical certificate, pending retirement; Lieutenant-Oolonel B. L. Mills, seven months on private affairs, from March I, 1907; Lieutenant-Oolonel A. L. F. Bate, seven months on private affairs from March 12, 1907; Oaptain W. M. Power, three months privilege in India from March 1, 1907; Oaptain B. H. V. Dunbar, six months on private affairs, from February 28, 1907. The following officer has been granted extension of siok leave: Major L. A. Mitohell, from February 19, 1907, to August 18, 1907. "Postings.-Lieutenant-Oolonel M. B. Skinner, M.V.O., on arrival from England will be posted to Nowshera and appointed to the command of the Station Hospital there; Lieutenant-Oolonel M. W. O'Keefe to the 4th (Quetta) Division ; Lieutenant- J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


Colonel S. Westcott to the 5th (Mhow) Division: Captain J. S . .Gallie to theeth (Poona) Division ;. Captain E. W. Powell to the 6th (Poona) Division; Lieutenant M. J. Cromie to the 5th (Mhow) Division. . "Retirement.-Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. Molesworth has been permitted to retire from the Service. from March 6, 1907. "Tmnsfers.--Lieutenant-Colouel C. T. Blackwell, from the 4th (Quetta) Division to the 6th (Poona) Division; Lieutenaut-Colonel A. Kennedy, frOI)l the 6th (Poona) Division to the 5th (Mhow) Division; Lieutenant·Colonel J. J. O'Donnell, from the 5th (Mhow) Division to the 6th (Poona) Division; Lieutenant·Colonel F. R. Newland, from the 6th (Poona) Division to the 5th (Mhow) Division; Major R. C. Thacker, from the Aden Brigade to the 4th (Quetta) Division; Captain T. Biggam, from the Aden Brigade to the 6th (Poona) Division; Captain M. F. Foulds, from the 6th (Poona) Divisiou to the Aden Brigade; Lieutenant F. J. Turner from the Aden Brigade to the 4th (Quetta) Division; Lieutenant-Colonel P. C. H . .Gordon, from Secunderabad to Burma Division, where he arrived on March 3, 1907; Lieutena.nt.G. Ormrod, from Eastern Command to Burma Division, where he arrived on March .12, 1907; Captain J. F. Whelan, to Aden for duty in the Station Hospital; Captain J. W. Seccombe, from Rawal Pindi to Ambala for charge of Brigade Laboratory; Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Stuart, from Mount Abu to Neemuch; Major F . .G. Faichnie left Pachmari for Aden on March 1, 1907; Captain E. W. Powell, from Poona to Kirkee on February 13, 1907; Captain M. F. Foulds left Deolali for Aden on March 6, 1907; Lieutenant O. D. M. Holbrook, from Kirkee to Poona on February 16, 1907; Major M. Boyle, from Meerut to Bareilly for duty in Station Hospital; Lieutenant E. L. Moss posted to Station Hospital, Agm, for duty on completion of course of instruction in sanitation at Lucknow. " Transports. - The following officers are detailed for duty on 13th transport 'Assaye,' leaving Bombay on April 10, 1907: Major E. W. Slayter, Captain J. B. Meldon, Captain F. E. Rowan·Robinson." by copyright. NOTES FROM UGANDA.-Captain A. C. H . .Gray, R.A.M.C., writes from Fort Portal (February 17, 1907): "I have been ordered to go on tour with the Commis­ sioner and incidentally to look for fiyand sleeping sickness. We have rea.ched Fort Portal a.nd a.re now a.t the foot of Mount Ruwenzori. To-morrow we depart for the Semliki river; I am enjoying the trip very much and am seeing a lot of the country. There is a big segrega.tion scheme on foot. The natives all along the lake shore are being sent inland. All the infected people go to segregation camps and are treated there with atoxyl, the healthy people go where they like so long as they leave the lake shore. Only one of these camps is at present working, but the sites of several others have been chosen; they will start as soon as the money is granted.

" I have not been able to. see Professor· Koch or his laboratory and patients; I note http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ that several of the papers comment on his work. His method consists of giving 2 cc. of a 20 per cent. solntion of atoxyl into the muscles of the back on two consecutive days, and to repeat the same in fourteen days time; if on examination of the glands a week later (twenty-first day) trypanosomes are still present, a further two injections of atoxyl are given on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth days respectively, but accord­ ing to him this third series of injections is but rarely necessary; in fact, he claims that four injections of 2 cc. each of this 20 per cent. atoxyl will cure the disease. I only hope that some steps will be taken here to identify Koch's old cases, as we hear he is to leave very shortly, and perhaps a year hence some of his' cures' may not be quite so well as they apparently now are." (Atoxyl is a compound of arsenic, and it is to the arsenic in it that the effect on the trypanosomes is due. Arsenic in various preparations has been tried in the treat­ ment of various forms of trypanosomiasis for the past fifteen years, and with the same result. The parasites are driven out of the blood and remain ont pf it sometimes for a long time, but sooner or later they return and the case ends fatally. The statements on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected at present. going the round of the newspapers that cures of sleeping sickness have been effected must therefore be received with caution.-ED) QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S IMPERIAL MILITARY NURSING SERVICE. The following ladies have received appointments as Staff Nurses: Miss E. Fraser, Miss M. H. Graham, Miss F. Macpherson, Miss N. Parke. Postings and Transfers.-Matrons: Miss M. Russell, R.R.C., to Military Hospital, Colchester, from Military Hospital, York; Miss E. J. Martin, to Military Hospital, Chat­ ham, from MiIitR,ry Hospital, Hounslow. Sisters: Miss M. Mark, to Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich,on return from Malta; Miss C. K. E. Steel, to Royal Herbert J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


Hospital, on return from South Africa; Miss G. E. Larner, to Military Hospital, York, from Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich; Miss A. Nixon, to Military Hospital, Houns­ low, from Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley; Miss E. A. Oox, to the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank, London, from trooping duty, S.s. "Plassy"; Miss M. Smith, to Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, from trooping duty, S.s. "Plassy"; Miss A. L. Walker, to Oambridge Hospital, Aldershot, from trooping duty, S.s. "Plassy"; Miss K. Pearse, to Military Hospital, Wynberg, South Africa, from Military Hospital, Pretoria; Miss A. A. Wilson, to Military Hospital, Pretoria, South Afrioa, from Military Hospital, Wynberg ; Miss W. G. Massey, to Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, on return from Egypt. Staff Nurses: Miss E. M. Rentzsch, to Malta, from Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich; Miss H. Hartigan, to Malta, from Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich; Miss M. Brown, to Malta, from Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank, London; Miss S. Richards, to Malta, from Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank, London; Miss M. B. Williams, to Malta, from Oambridge Hospital. Aldershot; Miss M. J. Hepple, to Malta, from Oambridge Hospital, Aldershot; Miss E. Fraser, to Oambridge Hospital, Aldershot, on appointment; Miss O. M. MacRae, to Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, on appointment; Miss S. O. Beamish, to Military Hospital, York, from Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich; Miss M. Davis, to Egypt, from Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank, London; Miss O. G. Lees, to Egypt, from the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank, London; Miss M. Antrobus, to Egypt, from Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley ; Miss G. A. Aitchison, to Military Hos­ pital, Oolchester, from Military Hospital, York; Miss K. Roscoe, to Military Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt, on arrival from England ;.Miss H. M. E. Macartney, to Military Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, on arrival from England; Miss M. S. Williams, to Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich, from Military Hospital, Colchester; Miss E. M. Lovel!, to Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, on appointment; Miss F. Macpherson, to the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, Millbank, London, on appointment.

Arrivals.-Sisters: Miss L. E. O. Steen and Miss W. G. Massey, from Egypt; Miss by copyright. M. K Neville, Miss B. F. Perkins and Miss M. Mark, from Malta. P1·onwtions.-The following Sisters to be Matrons: Miss A. S. Bond, R.R.O.; Miss J. Hoadley, R.R.O. ; Miss E. J. Martin; Miss S. L. Wilshaw, R.R.O. Appointments confirmed.-Staff Nurses: Miss M. Byerley, Miss M. E. Medforth, Miss 1. J. Pooley. . ARMY MEDICAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Surgeon-Lieutenant James O. Herbertson, M.D., to be Surgeon-Oaptain, dated March 19,1907. THE ROYAL MILITIA. OF THE ISLAND OF JERSEY.

Staff: Surgeon-Major W. Falla, M.D., Principal Medical Officer, to be Surgeon­ http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Lieutenant-Oolonel, dated February 6, 1907. IMPERIAL YEOMANRY. Fifeshire and Forfarshire.-Alan Leonard Smith Tuke, M.B., to be Surgeon­ Lieutenant (extra), under the conditions of paragraph 28, ImperialYeomanry Regula~ tions, dated February 27, 1907. Worcestershire (The Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars).-Surgeon-Oaptain J. H. Beilby, M.B., resigns his Oommission, dated February 28, 1907. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS (VOLUNTEERS). London District, London Companies.-Harold Arthur Thomas Fairbank, F.R.O.S. (Eng.), to be Lieutenant, dated March 1, 1907. Scottish Command, Glasgow Company.-Oaptain D. Ohristie, M.B., resigns his

Commission, dated March 14, 1907. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected David Shannon, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated March 15, 1907. The Sussex and Kent Bearer Company.-Lieutenant-Oolonel J. Turton (Brigade­ Surgeon-Lieutenant-Oolonel, Senior Medical Officer, Sussex and Kent Volunteer Infantry Brigade), is granted the honorary rank of Oolonel, dated February 18, 1907. OTHER VOLUNTEER CORPS. 1st CinlJ.ue Ports Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers).-Surgeon-Lieutenant J. W. Harrisson resigns his Commission, dated January 1, 1907, 1st Volttnteer Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.-Howard Henry, M.D., to be Surgeon-Lieutenant, dated January 21, 1907. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


19th Middlesex (St. Giles's and St. George's, Bloomsbury) Volunteer Rifle Corps.­ Surgeon.Captain W. N. Evans resigns his Commission, dated Febrnary 25, 1907. 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment.-Alfred Heathcote Copeman, Gent., to be Surgeon-Lieutenant, dated February 23, 1907. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment.-Surgeon.Captain John Elsdale Molson, M.B., from the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Essex Regiment, to be Surgeon-Captain, dated February 12, 1907. 1st Ayrshire and Galloway Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers).-Jobn Aitken, M.D.• to be Surgeon-Lieutenant, dated March 15, 1907. 4th Volunteer Battalion, The Queen's (Royal West Sun'ey Regiment).-Charles Spencer Palmer, Gent., to be Surgeon-Lieutenant, dated February 15,1907. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).-Supernumerary Sur. geon·Captain J. G. Martin. M.B. (on ceasing to do duty with the Liverpool Bearer Company, Royal Army Medical Corps Volunteers), is absorbed into the Establishment, dated February 1, 1907. 8th (Scottish) Volunteer Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment).-Surgeon­ Captain W. S. Henderson, M.B., resigns his Commission, dated February 15, 1907. 5th Volunteer Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment).-Surgeon-Major J. Mill, M.B., to be Surgeon. Lieutenant· Colonel, dated February 20, 1907. 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment.- Surgeon-Captain C. Y. Flewitt resigns his Commission, dated March 6, 1907. 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regime"tt)-Surgeon­ Lieutenant-Colonel H. G. Thompson, M.D. (Brigade Surgeon.Lieutenant-Colonel" Senior Medical Officer, Royal Fusiliers Volunteer Infantry Brigade), is granted the honorary rank of Surgeon-Colonel, dated March 4,1907. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.-Surgeon.Major and Honorary Surgeon.Lieutenant·Colonel W. Nettle, to be Surgeon-Lieutenant­

Colonel, dated July 3, 1906: by copyright. 19th Middlesex (St. Giles's and St. ,George's, Bloomsbury) Volunteer Rifle Corps.­ Surgeon-Lieutenant W. F. Roe, to be Snrgeon-Captain, dated March 9, 1907. VOLUNTEER OFFICERS' DECORATION. The King has been graciously pleased to confer the Volunteer Officers' Decoration upon the undermentioned Medical Officers of the Volunteer Force, who have been duly recommended for the same under the terms of the Royal Warrant, dated July 25, 1892 :- Southern Command: 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.-Surgeon-Major and Honorary Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel William Nettle.

Eastern Command : Royal Army Medical Corps (Volunteers) Sussex and Kent Bearer http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Company.-Lieutenant-Colonel James Turton (Brigadier-Surgeon-Lieutenant·Colonel, Senior Medical Officer, Sussex and Kent Volunteer Infantry Brigade.) Western Command: 5th Volunteer Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment.-Surgeon­ Major Charles Averill, M.D. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Welsh Regiment.-Surgeon.Lieutenant-Colonel David Hepburn, M.D. 4th (Donside Highland) Volunteer Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders.-Surgeon_ Major Alexander Nicol, M.D. London District: Royal Army Medical Corps (Volunteers): London District, London Companies.-Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel Valentine Matthews.

UNITED SERVICES MEDICAL SOCIETY. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected IT has long been thought by many that it would be of great advantage to the several public Medical Services if some means were afforded by which their members could meet, and, if possible, collaborate. The building of the Royal Army Medical College at Millbank has given the necessary opportunity for reducing these aspirations; to concrete form. A provisional committee, consisting of three officers of the Royal Naval Medical Service and of three officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps, was therefore assembled in February last with a view to discussing the question, under the presidency of Deputy­ Inspector-General May, R.N. As a result of these meetings, a provisional Constitution J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


for such a society was drawn up, and as the next step a circular notice, printed below, has been sent to all Principal Medical Officers and Administrative Medical Officers in the United Kingdom, with a covering letter, also printed below. Copies of the circular and letter were sent at the same time to the Medical Director·General of the Navy, and to the President of the Medical Board at the India Office, for circulation to the officers of their respective Services. Copies were also sent to Sir James Clark, Bart., C.B., as representing the Royal Army Medical Corps Militia, and to all Officers Commanding Companies of the Royal Army Medical Corps Volunteers, Officers Commanding Bearer Companies, and Senior Medical Officers of Volunteer Infantry Brigades, for communica­ tion to the officers serving under them. A meeting to further discuss the matter and elect a Council will be held, as stated in the printed notice, at the Royal United Service Institution, on May 2, at 3 p.ni. Further information as to the proceedings of this meeting will be published in the next number of the Journal. " War Office, " Whitehall, S. W. " April 11, 1907. "DEAR SIR,-I am sending you by this post, in the hope that you will be able to communicate the same to all the officers serving under you, a proposal to form a United Services Medical Society. The meeting at the Royal United Service Institution referred to in the printed paper will no doubt approve, in general, of the Constitution which has been drawn up for submission to the meeting, and a President and Council will be elected. The latter will consist, as proposed in the provisional Constitution, of eight members, selected as follows: two medical officers from each of the following branches of the Service, viz., the Royal Navy, the Army Medical Service, the Indian Medical Service, and the medical services of the Auxiliary Forces (of these last-named, one shall belong to the Militia and one to the Volunteers, or the corresponding branches

of the Territorial Army). It is hoped that the officers of your branch will be in a by copyright. position to nominate their representatives. "Should you be unable to be present in person at the meeting, I shall be glad to hear from you if you approve of the formation of the proposed Society, and also of any suggestions that you may have to make on the subject. " Yours truly, "A. KEOGH, " Director-General." " It is proposed to establish in London an ' United Services Medical Society.' It is felt that there are so many points where the work and the aims of the Medical Services of the Navy and of the Army touch, and so many where their interests are identical,

that any means which will facilitate communication between the medical officers of http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ the two Services, and those also of the Indian Army and the Auxiliary Forces, cannot fail to be of benefit, not merely to these Services, but also to the other branches of the Navy and Army, and through them to the Empire as a whole .. The great problems of the prevention of disease, more especially of those forms of disease which are more peculiar to, or more dangerous in, tropical climates, affect equally the officers of all Services. Wounds received in action are the same, whether inflicted by land or on the sea, and the questions involved in the transport of sick and wounded interest. equally the medical officers of a battle fleet and those of a field army. Till now the study of these problems has been pursued by each Service on its own lines, and much time has been lost and much work wasted which a co-operation between the different Services might have saved. It is to afford a means for such co-operation that the estab­ lishment of the above-named Society is suggested. " The work of such a Society would consist in the furtherance of the sciences which bear upon the preservation of the health of naval and military forces afloat or on shore, in all parts of the world, and under all conditions of war or peace; the study of on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected diseases and injuries incidental to the life of sailors and soldiers under the varying con­ ditions of climate, &c., to which they are exposed in the performance of their duties, and the treatment of the same; the study of organisations, methods, and apparatus for the amelioration of the position of the wounded in war. " It is felt that the present moment is peculiarly fitting for the inception of such a Society, since for the first time the Medical Service of the Army has gained a home in London, and the opening of the new Royal Army Medical College, with its library, o laboratories, &c., will supply the new-made Society from its very beginning with the accommodation and the machinery necessary for successful work. " "Preliminary steps towards the formation of such a Society have already been J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from

104 taken, and a mixed Oommittee of medical officers of the two Services, under the presidency of Deputy-Inspector-General May, R.N., has drawn up a provisional Oon­ stitution. It is proposed to call a meeting of medical officers of the Navy and Army, the Indian Army alid Auxiliary Forces, to further consider this matter and the suggested Oonstitution, at the Theatre of the Royal United Service Institution on May 2, at 3 o'c~ock. "The Director-General of the Naval Medical Department will take the Ohair."

EXAMIN ATIONS. THE following results of examinations are notified for general information:­ Passed in (h) i for the rank of Oaptain: Lieutenants E. O. Whitehead, M.B., W.McOonaghy, M.B., and E. H. M. Moore.


EXAMINATION OF OAPTAINS FOR PROMOTION TO MAJOR. Hygiene.-(For class). (Written). Tuesday, March 26, 1907. From 10 a.m. to

1 p.m. (Only four questions to be answered, of which No. 5 must be one). by copyright. (1) When doing duty as medical officer in charge of troops in quarters at a home station, you are to some extent concerned with their feeding arrangements. State what you consider to be the scope of your duties, and to what points in particular you would direct your attention. (2) What plan do you adopt in making periodical inspections of barrack rooms in regard to their accommodation, ventilation,and satisfactory sanitary condition? (3) Discuss fully the causation of Mediterranean fever. State briefly the preventive measures you w.ould recommend· to be taken. (4) The cleanliness of a camp is of great importance for the health of the troops, especially in a tropical or sub-tropical climate. State in detail what you would do, and

recommend to be done, in order to keep the camp clean. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ (5) The water samples 1. and n. yield the following analysis in parts per 100,000:-

I.--Moorland Rtream. Source No obvious source of pollution n.-Filtered town supply ------Total dissolved solids 13 9 Vola tile solids 3 2'5 Total hardness 7 2'5 Fixed hardness 1'5 0'5 Ohlorine 0-7 1 Oxygen absorbedin fifteen minutes 0-15 0-07 Free ammonia 0'003 0'006 Albuminoid ammonia 0'02 0'008 Nitrites Nil. Nil. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Nitrogen as nitrates 0'04 0'03 Total bacterial count on gelatine, 450 per cc. 200 per cc. after three days at 22° O. Organisms of intestinal type Ooli-like organisms were B. coli communis was isolated from 5 cc. of isolated from 10 cc. of water, not from less water, not from less. B. sporogenes was isolated B. sporogenes was isolated from 200 cc., not from from 100 cc., not from o less less.

Give an opinion on these two samples as to their suitability for drinking or domestic purposes. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


Hygiene.-(For Class). (Practical). Friday, March 22, 1907. From 10 a.m. to 1. p.m. (1) Make a qualitative chemical examination of the water sample before you, and estimate in parts per 100,000 the free ammonia and the oxygen absorbed by organic matter in fifteen minutes. . (The strengths of the standard solutions are given on the blackboard).! (2) In the medium before you, estimate the acidity, and make the return as grammes per litre of sulphuric acid. Bring the medium to a reaction of + 10. (Normal and decinormal alkaline solutions are available). Pathology.-(For Class). (Written). Wednesday, March 27, 1907. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (1) Discuss the various conditions which have to .be observed in order to secure the free development of bacteria in artificial cultures. (2) Describe the chief characteristics of the micro-organism which is the cause of the epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis. What is supposed to be the probable channel of infection in this disease? (3) Give a short account of the more important experiments which were carried out at Bombay by the recent Plague Commission with a view to determine the probable manner in which the disease is conveyed from rats to man. (4) Describe the sexual cycle of development of the parasite of quartan malaria. Pathology.-(Practical). Thursday, March 28, 1907. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (1) Make an examination of the plate culture provided, and describe shortly in your paper the appearance of the various colonies and the characters of the micro­ organisms which compose them. Leave one stained film of each organism beside your microscope, properly labelled. (2) Stain the unfixed blood film so as to demonstrate any protozoal organisms that may be present. Write a short account of the results of your examination of the film, and label your specimen as before. (3) Mouut ·aud stain the paraffin section by Gram's method and leave it in focus by copyright. nnder your oil immersion lens. Describe what you have noted as to the nature of the tissue and the presence or absence of bacteria. (4) Oral examination.

REGISTER FOR INDIAN SERVANTS. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ FEW officers on going to India have .not experienced the difficulty of getting good servants. The discomforts on arrival and of a long journey up country, unprovided with a bearer, or, what is worse, provided with a hastily selected man, taken haphazard from the crowd of indifferent or bad characters who congregate in Bombay, have fallen to the lot of most of us, whilst the period of trial and vexation until a proper .staff of· servants is secured is familiar to us all. In our Corps, with regular annual reliefs, it should not be difficult to arrange for an interchange. Officers leaving India would then be able to provide places for the good and tried retainers they are relinquishing, and new arrivals would, by taking on these men, be spared many of the worries and troubles which now befall them. Further, good servants would not be lost to the Corps, and the prospects of continuous employ­ ment could not fail to have attraction for the better class of men. With these ends in view, officers due home from India are requested to communicate to the Journal particulars of servants whom they can recommend, so that officers going out in relief may have an opportunity of securing these men. The particulars on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected required are ;- (1) Class of servant. . (2) Whether for bachelor or married officer. (3) District or station to which he belongs. (4) Any special recommendations. NOTE.-The date the officer leaves India should also be stated, and when and where the servant will be available. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


ROYAL SCHOOL FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF OFFICERS, BATH. JUNE ELECTION, 1907. VOTES are earnestly solicited for Eileen Stella Oassidy, aged 11 on June 27, 1907, only daughter of the late Surgeon.Oaptain Ohristopher Olemons Oassidy, I.M.S., 1st Sikhs, who was treacherously shot, together with Oolonel Bunny and three other officers, on June 10, 1897, at Maizar Tochi Valley, and succumbed from wounds then received on June 22, 1897, aged 32, leaving his wife and two children in straitened circumstances. This case is strongly recommended by Field-Marshal Right Hon. Earl Roberts, V.O., KG., K.P., &c.; General Sir Alfred Gaselee, G.O.LE.,K.O.B.; Surgeon-General Sir Alfred Keogh, KO.B.; Major-General Sir F. J. Goldsmid, K.O.S.L, O.B.; Sir Philip Hutchins, KO.S.L (Member of Viceregal Oouncil of India at the time of the occurrence); Oaptain Sir Brook Kay, Bart.; Colonel C. H. Stoddart (Retired Indian Staff).

MILITARY FAMILIES' HOSPITAL, CHAT,HAM BARRACKS. REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1906. In charge-Major E. Keeble, RA.M.O. Head Nurse-Miss Schliemann, L.O.S., Army Nursing Service (Reserve). Nurses-Miss O'Neill, L.O.S., A.N.S.(R.), Miss by copyright. Stevenson, L.O.S. A Committee of officers appointed by the Commanding has charge of a Oharitable Fund connected with the Institution, and all unofficial financial matters are to be referred to them. President and Hon. Treasurer-Major A. E. C. Keble, R.A. M.O. All women and children on the strength of their Corps, including Royal Marines, are treated free of expense. Oopies of the Rules can be obtained on application to the Officer in Oharge, or to the Head Nurse. The wives of soldiers married without leave are admitted to the hospital on payment of 6d. per diem. In very special cases the

whole, or part, of this payment maybe remitted on the special written recommendation http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ of the Officer Commanding the Corps to which the husband belongs. I.-The hospital has now become most popular, and the various Corps seem to have fully availedthemselves of its advantages. The total admissions were 340, against 233 in 1905. There were 112 children admitted, being an increase of 62. The maternity cases in 1905 were 123, but during the past year they fell to 92, due to two regiments having left the district on reduction of strength. 2.-The Out. patients' Department has well maintained its popularity, 2,050 patients having attended 5,743 times. 3.-During the year 111 operations were performed, being an increase of 66. List of operations :- Operation No. Result Operation No. Result Amputation of breast 1 Recovered Radical operation for Removal of uterine fibroids 2 hromorrhoids 3 Recovered

Oolporrhaphy 1 Removal of adenoids and on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Parson's operation for pro. tonsils .. 43 lapse of uterus .. 2 Tenotomy .. 3 Radical mastoid operation, Removalofvarious tumours 3 performed by Major Operation for cleft paJate 1 R F. E. Austin 1 Excision of large nrovus .. 1 " Trephining for central Sequestrotomy 1 abscess, performed by Oircumcisions 5 Major R F. E. Austin .. 1 Died Various, minor I unclassified 29 Exploratory laparotomy .. 1 Recovered Curettings .. 13 111 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


4.-Admission by Corps;- Women ~ Children Total Parturition Other Diseases Royal Engineers 28 35 45 108 Royal Marine Light Infantry 35 59 40 134 Royal Artillery 7 12 4 23 Army Service Corps.. 6 12 11 29 Welsh Regiment 6 6 1 13 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 3 3 6 12 Army Ordnance Corps . . . . 3 3 5 11 Army Pay Corps 2 3 5 Royal Army Medical Corps 1 2 3 Military Foot Police 1 1 2 92 136 112 340 January 1, 1907. E. KEBLE, Major, R.A.M.O.

BALANCE SHEET, 1906. Receipts. £ s. d. Expendit1lre. £, s. d. Balance in hand .. 19 4 11~ . Matron's Expenses 19 15 6! Institute Royal Engineers 25 0 G Drapery 611 2 Royal Marine Light Messrs. Goose & Sons .. 23 2 9 Infantry .. 21 0 0 Messrs. Down Bros. 24 4 7 Royal Artillery 7 2 0 Messrs. Homan .. 10 7 8 Welsh Regiment 5 0 0 Balance with Messrs. Down A. & S. Highlanders 5 0 0 Bros. 0 0 9 Army Service Corps 4 0 0 Balance in Bank .. .. 27 1 7 Royal Army Medical by copyright. Corps .. 1 0 0 Christmas Grants from Corps 3 8 2 Proceeds of R.E. Band Concert 20 0 0 Cash Refunded from Messrs. Down Bros. .. 0 811 £111 4 O! £111 4 O!

Audited and found correct, E. KEBLE, Major, R.A.M.O., COLIN L. MAC NAB, Major, President and Treasurer. D.A.A. & Q.M.G., T. & M. Defences. March 11,1907. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/

XIV. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR HYGIENE AND DEMOGRAPHIE, BERLIN, 1907. The Committee of Organisation and the Local Committee have resolved to give opportunity to the members of the Congress to make themselves acquainted with the numerous hygienic institutes of Berlin and its environs. The scientific meetings will not extend longer than 2 p.m. daily, in order that the afternoons may be reserved for sight-seeing. In agreement with the Presidents of the different Sections more than a

hundred establishments have been chosen, which can be visited personally during the on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Congress days and in groups under special guides. A" Hygienic Guide" will be issued giving a short description of the institutes in three languages, so that the members will be able to choose which would be of interest for them to visit. The Local Oommittee, under the presidency of Dr. Eilsberger, Privy Councillor in the Ministry of Public Worship and Education, is composed of representatives of the interested Imperial and State officers of the Oouncil of Berlin, of members of the Faculty of the Ohamber of Physicians, and of Directors of the different hygienic societies, physicians, &c. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS ANNUAL DINNER. THE Annual Dinner of the Oorps will take place on Monday, J~ne 17, at the ." Empire Hall," Trocadero Restaurant, Piccadilly Oircus, W., at 8 o'clock precisely, the Director·General in the Oh air. Officers intending to dine are requested to inform the Hon. Secretary as soon as possible, in order that the probable number attending may be known and that t,ickets may be sent. H. O. THURSTON, Major, B.A.M.C. 66, Scarsdale Villas, Hon. Sec. Sub-Committee, R.A..M.C. Dinner Fund. Kensington, W.

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS FUND. NOTICE OF FIFTH GENERAL MEETING. THE Fifth General Meeting of the subscribers to this Fund will be held in the Theatre of the Royal United Servioe Institution on Monday, June 17,1907, at 3 p.m. The Director-General will preside. It is hoped that officers will freely express their views on any points connected, with the Fund which they may wish discussed. Those officers who may wish for informa­ tion on any special point are asked to communicate with the Secretary, Lieutenant­ Oolonel F. W. H. Davie Harris, at St. George's Barracks, W.O., in order that facts and figures may be furnished in response to any question asked. by copyright. ARMY MEDICAL OFFICERS' BENEVOLEN1' SOCIETY. THE Annual General Meeting of subscribers to the above Society will be held in the Theatre of the Royal United Service Institution, at 2 p.m., on Monday, June 17, 1907. The Director-General ,will preside. Those officers who wish for information on any special point are requested to communicate with the Secretary, Lieutenant-Oolonel F. W. H. Davie Harris, at St. George's Barracks, W.O., so that information may be furnished in response to any question asked.

AGENDA. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ " To consider new rules for the Society."

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS FUND. THE TWENTy-NINTH MEETING OF THE OOMMITTEE. The Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Oommittee was held at the War Office on Friday, April 19, 1907, at 3.30 p.m. Present. Surgeon-General Sir Alfred Keogh, K.O.B., in the Ohair. Surgeon-General Sir Oharles Ouffe, K.O.B. Oolonel Sir James Olark. Bart., O.B. Oolonel A. T. Sloggett, O.M.G. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Lieutenant-Oolonel E. M. Wilson, O.B., O.lVLG., D.S.O. Major H. O. Thurston, O.M.G. Major O. G. Spencer. Oaptain A. Bruce. (1) The Minutes of the Twenty-Eighth Meeting were read and confirmed. (2) The report of the Dinner Sub-Oommittee was read and is appended to the Minutes. (3) It was noted that the sum of £400 has been placed on deposit for the Mem6rial Fund. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


(4) It was noted that the following sums have been paid from the Memorial Fund during the quarter ending March 31, 1907 :- £, s. d. For photographs of V.C. portraits 10 4 6 " framing ditto 3 3 4 " expenses incurred by Chairman 8 0 2 " oil painting of Colonel Reynolds, V.C. 15 15 0 " incidental expenses 2 0 5 (5) Letters of thanks were read from the following recipients of photographs of V.C. portraits: Lieutenant-Colonel Babtie, V.C.; Captain Inkson, V.C.; Captain Nickerson, V.C.; Oolonel O. E. P. Lloyd, V.O.; Mr. E. P. Landon; Mr. J. O. Farmer. Sanction was given for Mr. Farmer to have a photograph of Surgeon Landon, V.C. (6) The accounts of the Aldershot Sub-Committee for the quarter ending March 31 were read and approved as follows:- (a) Widows' and Orphans' Fund.-The sum of £90 was voted for the current quarter's expenses. Statements of the accounts arid of the cases receiving relief are appended to these Minutes. (b) General Relief Fund.-The sum of £25 was voted for the current quarter's expenses. Statements of the aecounts and cases receiving relief are appended to these Minutes. (c) Band Fund.-The sum o~ £75 was voted for the current quarter's expenses. Statements of accounts for the last quarter .are appended to these Minutes. (7) On the proposal of Sir James Clark, seconded by the Ohairman, it was resolved: "That relief may be given for a period not exceeding six months; at the end of this time a special report should be sent to the Oommittee if it is wished to continue the relief." Major Thurston and the Secretary were asked to draw up a form for reports. (8) It was noted that the following local Honorory Secretaries have been appointed: Singapore, Captain C. B. Martin; Pretoria, The Sanitary Officer; Bulford, Major H. A. Bray; Bermuda, Lieutenant·Colonel G. E. Weston; Lahore, Oaptain M. by copyright. Crawford. (9) Correspondence was read.£rom the following officers referring to the appoint­ ment of local Secretaries: Surgeon-General W. L. Gubbins, C.B., M.V.O.; Surgeon­ General F. W. Trevor; Lieutenant·OoloneIM. L. Heam; Lieutenant-Colonel C. G. D. Mosse. (10) It was noted that child Adelaide C. W. Laws was rejected as medically unfit for admission to the Royal Soldiers' Daughters' Home. (11) Colonels A. T. Sloggett, C.M.G., and H. E. R. James were appointed Auditors for the current year. (12) It was noted that the following amounts have been received for the General Relief Fund, for the quarter ending March 31, 1907 :- http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ £ s. d. Colonel J. J. Morris 1 0 0 Surgeon-General W. Donovan, C.B. 1 1 0 " Sir T. Gallway 0 5 0 Colonel Rainsford .. 010 0 Lieutenant.Colonel G. E. Weston 010 0 Major G. S. Mansfield 010 0 Major J. P. Silver 010 0 Major S. F. Green 010 0 Major N. Marder 010 0 Captain D. P. Watson 0 5 0 Lieutenant R. T. Collins 0 5 0 Lieutenant and Quartermaster J. Audus 0 5 0 W. Duncan 0 0 5 on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected J. B. Conolly 0 5 0 No. " 6 Company, Port~mouth 5 0 0 7 Devonport 3 0 0 11 Dover 1 8 0 " 12 Woolwich (Balance for 1906) 5 0 0 " 15 Belfast 5 10 0 22 Pretoria 47 10 0 25 " Bermuda 3 3 0 D~tachment at Harrismith 5 0 0 " Tipperary 3 3.0 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from by copyright. ROYAL ARMY MEDIOAL OORPS OOMPASSIONATE FUND-GENERAL RELIEF FUND.



Date. From whom received. On what account. £, s. d. Date. To whom paid. On what account. £, s. d. 1907. 1907.

Balance from last Quarter 5 12 11 Jan. 1 Various http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Disbursement~ to 4 Jan. 1 Staff-Sergt. Oarnell Part refund of grant to cases requiring made to wife 1 0 0 Mar. 31 montbly relief 17 0 0 22 Sec.,R.A.M.C. Fund Grant .. 25 0 0 Jan. 9 Mrs. Barnes Grant .. 1 0 0 24 A.M.O., Portsmouth Grant made for cbild 22 0.C.28 Co.,Gibraltar Grant for Lance-CpI. Laws not issued " 3 0 0 Irving 2 2 0 Feb. 1 Staff-Sergt. Carnell Part refund of grant 23 A.M.O., Woolwich .. Grant for Mr. Davies 2 12 0 made to wife 1 0 0 Feb. 20 P.M.O., London For urgent cases 5 0 0 ::Vlar. 1 0 0 Mar. 25 E.M.O.,Southampton Grantfor Mr. Franklin 0 0 1 " 31 Staff-Sgt. H. Cassell Clerk. , 010 0 Postage 0 2 0 on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Balance at Bank 4 611 ---- Total £36 12 11 Total £36 12 11

Audited and found correct. Aldershot, C. E. NIOHOL, Lieut.-Ool., RA.M.O., 0.0. Dep6t. April 8, 1907. E. T. F. BIRRELL, Oaptain, Hon. Secretary. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from by copyright.



RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Date. From whom received. '£ On what account. s. d. On what account. s. d. Date. To whom paid. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ £ 1907. 1907. Balance from last Quarter 23 16 10 Jan. 1 Various .. Monthly Disbursements Jan. 22 Secretary, R.A.M.O. Fund Grant 80 0 0 to to 16 Widows and one Mar. 31 Orphan 75 ~ 1 13 Mra. Hopkins Grant 3 0 0 " 31 S .. Sergt. H. Oassell Clerk 010 0 Postage 0 3 8 Feb. 26 Bank Oheque Book o 10 0 Balance atllBank 24 9 1 ------

Total £103 16 10 on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Total £103 16 10

Audited and found correct. Aldel'shot, (Signed) E. T. F. BIRRELL, Captain, Hon. Secretary. April 8, 1907. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Date. Date. 1907. £ s. d. 1907. £ s. d. Jan. 1. Balance Oredi~ from last quarter 146 12 3 Jan. 1. Hawkes and Sous, Music and Repairs (last 22. Grant from R.A.M.O. Fund 80 0 0 quarter) .. 21 211 Officers' Subscriptions, R.A.M.O. Mess, Gale and Polden, Printing (last quarter) o 10 0 Aldershot :- " Postage http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ " 0 5 1 15. For December 9 15 0 17. Boosey and 00., New Instrumeuts and Music 121 10 2 Feb. 14. " January 9 10 0 25. Serg~. Oolstou, Experimeutal Band Music 1 0 6 Mar. 13. " February 4 17 6 3I. Boosey and 00., Music .. o 13 0 Jan. 2 Three Officers' Subscriptions per Holt and 00. o 15 0 Bandmaster's Salary, January .. 10 0 0 and 3. Band Pay •. 12 8 0 Jan. 26. Proportion to Fund from Band Fees, Alder. Feb. 23. Bandmaster's Salary, February 10 0 0 shot Oamp Masonic Lodge .. 010 0 Band Pay .. 11 1 8 Mar. 25. Proportion to Fund from R.A.M.O. Volunteers' Mar. 27. Bandmaster's Salary, March 10 0 0 Ball 3 16 0 Band Pay .. 0 " 12 8

Gale and Polden, on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Printing o 10 0 " Painting Music Stands .. " 0 3 0 Baosey aud Co., Instruments and Music 17 2 3 Hawkes and Sons, Music and Repairs 9 12 1 31. Balance Credit " 17 9 1 ----- Total .. £255 15 9 Total .. £255 15 9

Aldershot, E. T. F. BIRRELL, Captain, April 8, 1907. Band P1'esident, R.A.·.l1.C. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


The following have received relief during the Quarter ended March 31, 1907 :-


Hin Total Number receipt Monthly amount Name of recipient Age of of a grant Remarks children pension. from Fund received Amount from Fnnd

Mrs. K., London 40 2 None £2 £14 Widow of a Private, who died at Mauritius. Oannot ob- tain employment. Mrs. B., London 79 2 None £1 £16 Widow of No. 8 late Sergeant. Major. Is too old to work, and two sons cannot afford more than 3s. weekly between them. Mrs. K., London 68 .. None £110s. £57 Widow of a pensioner; is too old to work. Mrs. S., London 59 .. None £110s. £66 Widow of a pensioner; can· not work owing to ill-health. Mrs. S., London 38 3 None £1 £96 Widow of a Private, and has heart disease. Grant reduced from £2 from Oct. 1, 1906.

Mrs. V., N etley 30 3 None £11Os. £2510s. Widow of 10407 Sergt. Ohild- by copyright. ren all young and require at- tention of mother. Theeldest I is registered for a school. Mrs. M., Dover 44 5 None £1 £36 Widow of a Sgt.-Major. Four of the children are in homes, and one, aged 8, is with her. Mrs. H., Dublin 59 2 None £11Os. £2910s. Widow of 1721 Private. Isun- able to work; children both grown up and unable to assist her.

Mrs. G., Dublin 50 4 None £110s. £42 Widow of 2737 Private; young- http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ est child 12 years. In receipt of variable sums from two sons, sometimes nothing. Mrs. I., Dublin 63 1 None £11Os. £611Os. Widow of a pensioner; daugh- ter is unable to keep her, and she cannot work. Mrs. S., Dublin 62 .. None £110s. £79 Widow of a Oorporal; decrepit and blind. Mrs. R, Dublin 46 3 None £2 £82 Widow of 2512, A. H. Oorps; is in delicate health. Two eldest children have signs of tubercular disease. Mrs. G., Dulwich 39 6 None £11Os. , £27 Widow of a Oorporal. The two eldest children assist her.

Remainder are under 8 years. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Child P., Cahir 8 .. None £15s. £5211s.1d . Ohild of the late 7150 Staff- Sergeant. Grant now dis- continued, child has now been placed in Royal Hiber- nian Military School. Mrs. C., Norwich 41 2 None £2 £91 Widow of a Private, and suffers from rheumatism. One child is in a school; girl, aged 10, is home, and is delicate. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


If in Number receipt Monthly Total Name of recipient Age of of a grant amount Remarks children pension. from Fund received Amount from Fund

Mrs. C., Alder- 63 .. None £llOs. £12 Widow of 608. Is too old to shot work. Mrs. D., Dnblin 55 .. None £1 £3 . Widow of 1603, A. H. Corps. Is nnable to work. Mrs. S., Wool- 50 .. None £1 £1 Widow of 2296 Private. Is wich unable to obtain any em- ployment. Grant of a tem- porary nature only. Mrs. H., West .. 5 None .. £3 Widow of a Qmr.·Sergt. Was Ham granted £3 to assist her in paying off her debts.


If in I INumber receipt Name of recipien t Age of of a .'"'""grant Iamo~nt ",W re· Remarks I children pension. frOIn Fund cClved Amount from Fund by copyright. I Mr. N., London 46 4 None £2 £33 Late 5270. A widower. Chil- dren are being cared for by relations. Has only one eye, and vision defective. Can- not work. Mr. A!, Netley .. 50 4 1s.6d. £1 £15 Late 2938 Corporal. Has a day Bright's disease and is un- able to work. Wife is deli- cate. Mr. P., Netley .. 40 3 Is. a £2 £18 Late 7223 Private. Has tuber- day cle of lUng, and is unable to http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ work. Mrs. H., Carn- 32 2 None £2 £14 Wife of . a Private in civil forth prison. Children are young. Grant discontinued, man re- turned to duty. Mrs. B., Aldershot 35 1 None .. £1 Wife of late 9237 Pte. Was given to assist while husband was out of employment. Lance.Corpl. I., 39 6 None .. £22s. Was granted to assist him at Gibraltar the confinement of his wife, and to meet expenses. Mr. D., Wool- .. .. None .. £212s. Late Corporal, R.A.M.C. wich Was granted to defray the

cost of his subsistence in on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich. Mr. }:I'. , South- 40 2 None .. £85s. Late 7298 Private. Granted ampton £4 to enable the family to proceed from Southampton to Cork to get employment.

Aldershot, (Signed) E. T. F. BIRRELL, Captain, April 8, 1907. Hon. Secretary. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


(13) As the replies received to the circular arIsmg from Minute 10 of the last Meeting were unanimously in favour of paying the subscription to the Union Jack Club out of the General Relief Fund, sanction was given for this to be done annually, and the Oommittee of the Union Jack Olub to be informed that we are prepared to pay a subscription on a three unit basis, viz., £3110s. (14) An application for a subscription from the Birmingham Branch of the National Association for the EmpIoyment of Reserve and Discharged Soldiers was rejected, as the Oommittee already subscribe to the parent fund. (15) It was resolved that the Secretary should ascertain how many Royal Army Medical Oorps men are employed in the Oorps of Oommissionaires, and report at the next Meeting. • (16) A sum of £10 was sanctioned towards the expenses of supplying office furni. ture, in conjunction with a similar grant from the Army Medical Officers' Benevolent Fund. (17) An application from the local Honorary Secretary at Portsmouth, for the Oommittee to guarantee a surety of £25 for an ex-private of the Oorps, was considered. The Oommittee was of opinion that the man should apply to a Guarantee Society, for which they would bear the expense. F. W. H. DAVIE HARRIS, Lieutenant.Colonel, Secretary.

REPORT OF THE R.A.M.O. DINNER SUB-OOMMITTEE IN AOOORDANOE WITH THE RESOLUTION OF THE GENERAL OOMMITTEE, R.A.M.O. FUND, PASSED AT THEIR MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17, 1903. THE Sub-Oommittee of the Royal Army Medical Oorps Dinner Fund reports :- (1) That Lieutenant-Oolonel M. O'D Braddell having been transferred from the Woolwich District,Oaptain J. V. Forrest has been nominated by the Administrative Medical Officer to replace him. by copyright. (2) That they consider the Dinner for 1906 (held at the Empire Hall and Alexandra Rooms, Trocadero Restaurant) was satisfactory, and have therefore arranged that the Dinner for 1907 be beld at the same place on the Monday in Ascot week (June 17). (3) Tbat the number of members who still subscribed to the old Dinner Fund and not to the Royal Army Medical Oorps Fund during 1906 was 53, against 57 in 1905. (4) That 189 past and present officers of the Oorps dined at the Trocadero Restaurant on June 19, 1906. The number of tickets taken and the number actually dining exceeded the total of any previous year. (5) This Sub-Oommittee having been informed that the estimated receipts of the Dinner Fund will probably reach at the time of the Dinner some £400, recommend that the price for the year 1907 be reduced, viz., that the cost of tickets be 7s. 6d. to http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ subscribers, and £110s. to non· subscribers, a grant being voted froin the Royal Army Medical Oorps Fund to defray the amount. Whitehall, S. W. February 19, 1907.

ARMY MEDICAL OFFICERS' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. REPORT OF A OOMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE WAR OFFICE, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Present. Surgeon-General Sir Alfred Reogh, K.O.B., in the Ohair. Surgeon-General Sir Obarles Ouffe, R.O.B. Oolonel A. T. Sloggett, G.M.G. Lieuteuant·Oolonel J. Martin. Lieutenant-Oolonel A. M. Davies. Major McSbeeby. (1) The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from



RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward, January 1, 1906 50 0 7 By Donations granted at the Annual General Meeting, Oash Subscriptions and Donations 168 11 8 June 18, 1906 .. 485 0 0 " One Year's Dividend on £6,667 3 per cent. Deben­ " Special donations granted by the Oommittee on :- ture Stock, London and North Western Railway January 19, 1906 ,£40 0 0 (less Tax, £10) .. 190 0 2 April 20,,, 45 0 0 One Year's Dividend on £6,666 3 per cent. Deben­ July 20,,, 146 0 0

ture Stock, North Eastern Railway (less Tax, £10) 189 19 8 October 19, " http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 73 5 0 One Year's Dividend 011 £6,400 2~ per cent. Deben­ 304 5 0 ture Stock, Midland Railway (less Tax, £8) 152 0 0 " Secretary's Salary, from October 1, 1905, to Septem­ " One Year's Dividend on £2,7804 per cent. Debenture ber 30, 1906 50 0 0 Stock, Oaledonian Railway (less Tax, £5 11s. 2d.) 105 12 10 " Postages, Stationery, &c., from October 1, 1905, to One Year's Dividend on £222 lls. Id. 2! per cent. September 30, 1906 5 18 3 Oonsols (less Tax, 5s. 8d.) 5 5 8 " Balance carried forward to January 1,1907 .. 123 14 1 " Rebate of Income Tax, 1903-5 .. 104 4 1 " Refund by ARMY MEDICAL JOURNAL 3 2 8 ----- £968 17 4 £968 17 4


L. and N.W. Railway, 3 per cent. Debenture Stock £6,667 0 0 on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Midland "2!,, " 6,400 0 0 N.E. ,,3 6,666 0 0 Oaledonian ,,4 2,780 0 0 Oonsols 2! " 222 11 1 £22,735 11 1

AUDITORS' OERTIFICATE FOR ACCOUNTS OF 1906. We certify that we have examined this account and find it correct, the balance in favour of the Society on January 1, 1907, being £123 14s. Id., which corresponds with the banker's book, and that we have inspected the Oertificates of the Society's various securities in the hands of the bankers, Sir Oharles McGrigor, Bart., and 00., and find the same to agree with the last Report of the Society. ORAS. McD. O-UFFE, Surgeon-Geneml (Betd. A.M.S.). J. WRIPPLE, Lieutenant-Colonel (R.P.). J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


(2) The replies emanating from Minute 9 of the last meeting regarding homes for aged and decrepit old ladies were noted, and were directed to be retained by the Secretary for reference in the event of any suitable case arising. (3) A statement of the Income and Expenditure for last year, together with the Auditors' Oertificate and Annual Report, were approved for submission to the Annual Meeting, and were directed to be printed in the OORPS NEWS accompanying these minutes. (4) As a special case a grant of £5 was sanctioned for the orphan daughter of Inspector·GeneraL B. (5) An application from the widow of the late Staff· Surgeon B. for a grant was refused, as she does not come within the rules of the Society. (6) A grant of £10 was sanctioned for office furniture, in conjunction with a similar grant from the R.A.M.O. Fund. (7) The Oommittee considered the question of appointing permanent Trustees to the Society, in the names of the Director-General, Army Medical Service, and Oommandant, Royal Army Medical Oollege. It was resolved that before taking any action, the views of the present Trustees should be obtained. (8) The Oommittee considered Sir Oharles Ouffe's resolution, together with a general revision of tha rules of the Society. It was resolved to refer the matter to a sub. committee consisting of Sir Oharles Ouffe, K.O.B., Lieutenant-Oolonel A. M. Davies, and the Secretary, with instructions to report thereon as soon as possible. (9) The Oommittee then adjourned pending the receipt of the above report. F. W'. H. DAVlE HARRIS, Lieutenant-Oolonel, ~ecretary. DONATIONS GRANTED AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 1906.

2 orphans of W. D. £50 3 orphans of O. F. M ... £20 by copyright. Orphan daughter of D. 15 2 " M. Q. 30 " " J.F.B ... 20 3 " B ... 35 2 orphans of E. W. K. 20 2 " J. H. B ... 20 Orphan of A. J. S. 25 4 " "C ... 30 " "J, K. O. , 20 Orphan daughter of J. F. 20 2 orphans of J. R. 30 J. O. 25 2 ,. "W. L. S ... 25 " F. S. 25 Orphan of R. W; T. 20 F. 20 McG.'s pension 10 2 orphans of J. H. H ... 25 £485 http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ DONATIONS GIVEN BY THE OOMMITTEE SINCE THE GENERAL MEETING. 2 orphan daughters of Q. £18 Orphan daughter of W. £14 Orphan son of E. 10 M.W. 37 Orphans of S. W. A. M. 10 " de O. 25 S. 20 10 " " " H. ." "H... 15 4 orphan daughters of O. .. (extra) 10 ,,:e. .. 15 Orphan daughter of R. (since dead) 10 "B... 20 " "W. A. £2510s. £25110s. Orphan daughter of McO. .. £12 £ s. d. 485 0 0 251 10 Total for the year .. 0

----- on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected i £73610 0 ----- J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


ARMY MEDICAL OFFICERS' BENEVOLENT FUND. SUBSORIBERS FOR THE YEAR 1906. £ s. d. £, s. d. Mrs. E. Davidson 100 Oaptain F. H. Hardy .. 1 1 0 Lady Longmore 1 1 0 Lieut.-Col. R. J. D. Hackett .. 1 0 0 Oaptain S. A. Archer .. 010 6 Oaptain A. E. Hammerton .. 010 6 " G. J. S. Archer 010 6 Lieut.-Oolonel T. W. O'H. Lieut. ·001. J. Battersby 100 Hamilton 100 W. Babtie, V.O., Major W. E. Hardy .. 1 1 0 O.M.G ... 100 Captain H. Hurricks .. 1 1 0 " J. F. Brodie 110 Major E. M. Hassard .. 1 1 0 Major J. M. Buist 110 " R. Holyoake 1 1 0 W. T. Black 110 Lieut. G. W. G. Hughes 110 " E. T. F. Birrell .. 100 Surg.-Gen. O. A. Innes 1 1 0 " J. B. Black 110 Lieut.-Ool. J. M. Irwin 1 1 0 Oaptain O. A. J. Balch 110 Oaptain A. W. Irwin .. 1 14 8 Oolonel G. D. Burke .. 110 Lieut. -Col. R. J ennings 100 Major F. W. Begbie .. 110 " H. H. J ohnston .. 1 1 0 Oaptain J. H. Campbell 110 Major W. H. Jackson .. 100 Surgeon R. U. Cash man 220 Lieut.-Col. J. M. Jones 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen. A. F. Churchill 100 F. W. O. Jones .. 1 1 0 Lieut.-Ool. A. F. S. Clarke 110 M. Knox .. 1 0 0 Captain A. Chopping .. 1 10 R. Kirkpatrick, Lieut. C. B. J!'. Churchill 110 O.M.G... 1 1 0 Captain O. W. W. Coekrane .. 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen.SirA.Keogh,K.C.B. 1 1 0

Lieut.-Ool. G. Cree 110 Lieut.-Col. W. A. Lane' 1 0 0 by copyright. Captain J. F. Clapham 110 Oolonel T. Ligertwood, C.B. .. 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen. J. Sarsfield Comyn 100 " G. D. N. Leake 1 1 0 Sir Charles Cuffe, Captain P. S. Lelean .. 1 1 0 K.C.B. 110 " H. W. Long •. 1 1 0 Lieut.-Ool. H. E. Cree 100 Lieut.-Col. H. S. Magill 1 1 0 Captain E. Chandler .. 050 Oaptain A. M. McLaughlin 1 1 0 Lieut.-Col. A. B. Cottell 110 A. J. MeDougal 1 1 0 Colonel T. M. Corker .. 100 ,. F.O.McKenzie,D.S.O. 1 1 0 Major A. J. Chambers 100 Major G. S. M. MeLaughlin, Captain S. L. Oummins 110 D.S.O. 1 1 0

" F. W. Cotton .. 110 Lieut.-Col. C. W. S. Magrath 1 1 0 http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Lieut.-Col. A. M. Davies 110 Major C. E. Martin .. 1 1 0 " J. R. Dodd 110 Oolonel W. B. Martin 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen. G. J. H. Evatt 100 Oaptain A. H. Morris.. 1 1 0 Major P. Evans 220 Surg.-Gen. W. MeNamara, Lieut.-Col. H. P. J. Elkington 100 O.B.,O.M.G. 1 1 0 Colonel P. M. Ellis 1 1 0 Colonel J. F. MeNeece . 1 1 0 Major A. O. Fitzgerald 110 Lieut.-Ool. H. J. R. Moberley 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen. T. W. Fox 100 " R. M. MePherson' 1 1 0 Lieut.-CoL R. H. Firth 110 Surg.-Gen. D. R. MeKinnon 1 1 0 Sur.-Gen. W. Faweett, C.B... 100 Lieut.-Col. W. G. Maepherson, Major E. O. Freeman .. 1 1 0 O.M.G. 1 1 0 Captain M. F. Foulds .. 110 Oolonel W. T. Martin .. 1 1 0 Lieut.-Ool. J. R. Forrest 110 Major E. L. MeSheehy 110 " H. J. Fletcher 110 W. T. Mould 100 Major E. O. P. Fowles 100 F. N. Mangiu .. 100 on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected Colonel W. Graves 110 " J. Moir .. 100 Surg.-Gen. C. H. Giraud 110 Lieut.-Col. H. W. Murray 200 Major J. J. Gerrard .. 100 Lieutenant A. A. MeN eight •• 1 1 0 " J. Girvin 110 Oolonel W. A. May 1 1 0 Lieut .. Col. J. S. Green 110 " J. Lane Notter 100 G. F. Goggin 100 Captain G. S. Niekerson 1 1 0 " R.J.Geddes,D.S.O. 110 MajorF. J. W. Porter, D.S.O. 110 Major W. H. Horroeks 110 " H. I. Poeoek 100 Lieut.-Ool. R. H. Hall 220 Major C. E. Polloek 1 1 0 Colonel F. W. Hodder 2 10 0 Major O. W. Profeit .. 1 1 0 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from


LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS-Continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Lieutenant J. E. Powell 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen. Sir Edmuud Towu- Surg.-Gen. S. B. Roe, O.B. 1 1 0 send, K.C.B ... 110 Major H. D. Rowan 1 1 0 Oolonel F. W. Trevor .• 110 Lieut.-Ool. E. J. E. Risk 1 1 0 Lieut.-Ool. O. J. W. Tatham .. 1 1 0 Lieutenant G. F. Rugg 1 1 0 Major W. J. Trotter ' .. 100 Lieut.-Ool. O. O. Rsilly 100 Lieut.·Ool. G. m. Twiss 1 1 0 OaptainE. P. Sewell .. 1 1 0 " H. O. Trevor 1 1 0 Major E. Scott .. 1 1 0 Oaptain A. D. Waring 1 1 0 Surg.-Gen. E. M. Sinclair 2 2 0 " W. J. Waters .. 1 1 0 Oolouel A. T. Sloggett, O.M.G. 100 " B. Watts 1 1 0 Surg .. Gen. H. F. Smith 110 Lieut.-Ool. J. H. O. Whipple .. 1 1 0 I MajorO. G. Spencer .. 1 1 0 E. M. Wilson, C.B., H. E. StaddGn .. 1 1 0 O.M.G ... lOO " E. E. Steele 1 1 0 " G. E. Weston 1 1 0 Oaptain F. B. Stephens 1 1 0 Lieutenant W. G. Winder 1 1 0 " M. Swaby 1 1 0 Lieut.·Ool. D. Wardrop 1 1 0 Lieut.·Ool. B. Skinner, M. V.O. 1 1 0 " J. G. Williamson .. 1 1 O' " J. T. Y. Symons .. 200 " J. Wilson .. 1 1 0 Oaptain H. G. F. Stallard 100 Surg.. Gen. Sir J. Woolfreyes, Lieut.-Ool. O. Seyrnour 1 1 0 K.O.B. 1 1 0 Major A. E. Smithson 110 Lieut. ·001. R J. Windle 100 Colonel W. E. Saunders, O.B. 1 1 0 T. P. Woodhouse .. 110 Lieut.·Ool. A. A. Sutton 1 1 0 " H. R. Whitehead .. 110 Oaptain O. R. Smith " 100 Oaptain A. H. O. Young 1 1 0 by copyright.


OOLLINGWOOD.--At Hong Kong, on April 1, the wife of Captain P. H. Oolling­ wood, R.A.M.O., of a son. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ OONNOR.-On April 12, at "Wolverton," Newport, I. W., the wife of . Major J. C. Connor, RA.M.O., of a daughter. FAWOUS.-On .March 28, at Elm Lodge, Teddington, the wife of Captain H. B. Fawcus, RA.M.O., of a daughter. THOM.--On April 5, at Simla, the wife of Major G. St. O. Thorn, RA.M.C., of a son.

DEATH. on October 3, 2021 by guest. Protected

SWANZY.-On April 10, at Naini Tal, India, Captain Henry Hubert Swanzy, of plague, aged 28 years. He entered the Service on January 21, 1903 (having previously served as a Civil-Surgeon in South Africa), and was promoted Captain, July 31, 1906. He received the Queen's medal and five clasps for the South African War (1900-1902). J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-08-05-20 on 1 May 1907. Downloaded from



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