The following account of the state of the Diocese of C!oyne was compiled by the Rev. James Hingston, father of the late Rev. James Hingston, LL.D. for many years Vicar-General oftha.t diocese, of whose judicial decisions it has been said that not one of them was ever reversed on appeal. The voluminous manuscripts left by the father show him to have been a man of most patient application. In particular, he compiled an abridge• ment of the statutes in three large quarto volumes for his own use, as a justice of the peace of the county of , the most curious feature of which is the penmanship. It is throughout written in roman characters of great neatness, to resemble ordinary typography.· His usual writing was in imitation of italic print. We cannot recollect the number or subjects of all his compilations, which have been lately distributed in his own family. There was, however, a list of the Students matriculated in Trinity College, Dublin, with all the particulars :relating to them, as entered in the college books; but in this there is a large interruption from about 1690 to 1720. He left also a prose translation of the Odyssey of Homer. In his collection (but by another hand) was a volume con• taining a history of the great family of Fitzgerald, in all its branches. The chief outlines however of this subject, so far as relating to the principal branches, are already published in the general history of and Lodge's Peerage. This MS. is chiefly valuable fo:r the accounts which it contains of those eminent though illegitimate branches called the White Knights, Knights of Kerry, Knights of Glyn, Seneschals of Irnokilly, &c. Of the White Knights, surnamed FitzGibbon, this work contains a very ample history. From the entry of his own matriculation it appears that Mr. Hingston entered college as a pensioner on the 10th of November, 1729, aged sixteen; that he was born at Aglish, in the county of Cork, was the son of ,vmiam Hingston, gentleman, and received his school education at Cork under the Rev. Edmond Molloy, who appears to have been the principal schoolmaster there at that period. His birthplace, Aglish, was an estate acquired hy his grandfather in 1703. Smith, writing in 1749, says, " Aglish is on the south side of the (Lee), where there is a good house and plantations of Mr. Hingston," vol. i. p. 207 ; and at p. 310, he mentions the Rev. Mr. Hingston as residing at Kilpadder. He was instituted in 17 51 to the vicarage of Clonmeen, in the diocese of Cloyne, and in 1772 to the prebend of Donoghmore, and died in 1776. He was uncle of the learned and eminent Doctor Hales, formerly Fellow 304 STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF CLOY-SE

_ of Trinity College, author of the Chronology, &c. A genealogical account of the family of Hingston will be found in Burke's History of the Commoners.


THE EPISCOPATE. Besides the manors of Cloyne and Donoghrnore, and sundry other possessions which belong to this See, the collegiate church of St. Mary of , value 1501. per ann. is united in perpetuity thereto, the Bishop being warden thereof. The church is in repair. It is taxed in the King's books 100 marks. To serve it his Lordship keeps two curates. The Rev. Jeremiah Pratt, A.M. The Vicarage of Garanifecky, or Garanifeby, otherwise Rath, with the particle of Trabulgan, belongs to the Bishop's mensal, 'The church is in ruins. It is taxed in the King's books ll. sterl, The Rectory is irnpropriate, and formerly belonged to Chore Abbey. The present impropriator is \Villiam Tonson, Esq. The Bishop holds also in commendam the union of Aghadda, value GOO l, per ann. consisting of the following parishes, viz. the Ree. and Vic. of Corkbeg, the Ree. and Vic. of Agha

\'OJ •. !rJ. 306 STATE OF nu: DIOCESE Of CLOY?,;E

The Archdeaconry is taxed in the King's book J l, 5s. sterl. Inc, :Michael Da,·ies, A.M. Curate, John Connor.

PREllENDS, Do~oOIIMORE. It lies part in the of Barrels, and pnrt in that of ; value 400/. per ann, Church at present in ruins, hut to he repaired, Patron, the Bishop. Glebe, 20A, En. with a house and improvements. Proxy, ll. 2s. 'faxed in the King's hooks, 2l. ster. Iucumb. James Uing~ton, A.M. B meows, in the barony of Condon nnd Clangibbon. Church in ruins, but a chapel of case in repair at ;\J itchclstown, value 300l. per ann, Patron, the Bp. Glelic, ~LI .. 30P. plant, Proxy, 12s. 'I'he Rect, taxed in the King's book, 6l,; am! the Vic. 6l. ster, Incumb. Thomas Bushe, A.B. KIL~ ACDONOGH, in the bar. of l mokilly, value l OOl. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bishop. Glebe, 9A. ht.32P. En.: also two glcbcs in Cloyne, one containing IH, 1P. En., and the other In, 171'. En. Proxy, 5s. Taxed in the King's books 4l. ster, lncumb. Clrnrles Perceval, A.1\L Ao11i:LTI E, otherwise llallyhooly, to which is annexed for ever the Vic. of Kilathy, in the bar, of , value 80l. per ann, Church of Ballyhooly in repair ; that of K ilathy in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy His. Taxed in the King's books 3/. 6s. 8d. ster. l ncumb. Crowther Dowding, A.M. lNISCAURA, part in the bar. of Bnrretts, and part in that of Muskerry, to which is annexed for ever the Rect. and Vic. of Mattehy, otherwise Mnthoba, otherwise Matha, by the name of the par isb of Iuiscarra, value l60l. per arm." Church of Inis• carra in repair, that of Mattchy in ruins. Glcbe nt Iuiscnrra, 15A. lit. 22P. En., with a house and improvements; glebe at Mnttehy, 11 A. l 1L. 7P. En.; glebe at Kilmurry, formerly a chapel of ease to Iniscarrn, 24A. 2n. 28P. Proxy, 18s. The prebend is taxed in the King's book 2/. JOs.; and the Vic. of Mattehy, by the name of Matholm, 2l. ster, The Rect. of' Mat• tchy formerly belonged to the preceptory of ;\J ourue, and p~ys II. Ss. crown rent. Incumb. Henry Agar, A.B. Cur. Richard Davies, A.B. CAHIRULTO~, in the bar. of , to which arc annexed for ever the Rect. and Vic. of Kilinmartery, otherwise Bnllyrnartyr, • Jn margin, (;OOl. IN THE YEAR 1774. 307 otherwise Ballyoughtra, otherwise Ballintra, and the Vic. ot Mogealy, otherwise Mngoly, otherwise Moyellie, by the name of the parish of , value 250l. per ann, The church of Castlemartyr is in repair, the rest are in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Glebe at Cloyne, ; at Cuhirulton, Bn. 14•1'. En.; at Hallyoughtragh, 3A. 25P. En.; and three glebes at :Mogcaly, one containing 3R. 38P. En., the second 3A. En., and the third 16A. 21t. 20P. En. Proxy, ll. 2s. 4d. The Vic. of Ballyrnartyr is taxed in the King's book ll. 5s. stcr.; the Vic. of Cahirulton 6s. 8d. stcr.; and the Vic. of Mogealy 2/. ster. lncumb. George Chinnery, LL.D. Curate, Thomas Cooke, A.R. Krr.F.:~tnrnR, in the bar. of Condons and Clangibbons, value 10{. pet· ann, Church in ruins. Put. the Bp. Proxy 4s. ln• cumb, Thomas Frankland, A, ~I. GLANORE, with the particle Lcgane, It lies part in the bar. of Fcrrnoy, and part in that of Condon and Clangibhon, value ,t,00/. per ann, Church in repair. Pat. the Bp. Glebc IA. 3n. plant. Proxy ls. 6d. stcr, Taxed in the King's books 61. stcr, lncumh. James Stopfonl, A.M. DALl,YUAY, consolidated with the Vic. of the same. It lies part in the bar. of Orrery and Kil more, and part in that of Fer· moy, value lOOl. per mm. Church in ruins. Patron the Bp, Glebe lA. 2it. 8P. plant. Proxy, 9s. Taxed in the King's hooks by the name of Bellagbathye, 13.y. 4d. ster. Incumb, Joseph Stopford, ,\..:\1. Cur, George Monroe, A.M. CooLB, otherwise Cow1LL, in the bar. of Kilnntaloon, value 60!. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Proxy, 2s. Taxed in the King's books ll. ster]. lncumh. Richard Purcell, A.M. Kn.lfACLENNY, otherwise K1L?!1ACI.ESDiE, in the bar. of Orrery and Kilmorc, value 4,0l. per nun, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy, J2s. Taxed in the King's books by the name of Kilrnaclernyne, 1311. 4d. lncumb. John Barry, A. M. SunuLTER, in the bar. of , value 20l. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat the Bp. Proxy, Zs. Taxed in the King's book, 10s. ster, Incnmb. James Mockler, LL.B. Coor.rxr a, otherwise CuLLI:-.Y, in the bar. of Orrcry and Kilmorc, value 20l. per aun, Church in ruins, Pat. the Bp, Proxy, 3s. 'Taxed in the King's books, lOs. Incumbent, Jere• m iuh King, A.~1. X 2 ., 308 STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF CLOYNE

LACKEEN, in the bar. of Orrery and Kilmore, value JOl. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, No proxy. Taxed in the King's books, 10s. Inc. Nathanael Boyce, A.B.


AGHABGLLOGUE, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Muskerry, value 1-00l. per aim. Church in repair. Pat. the Bp. Glebe, 5A. l n, I r-, En. Proxy, IOs. Bd. The Vic. is taxed in the King's books by the name of Agabolighe, 3l. stcr. Incurnb. Henry Agar, A. 13. Curate, Edward \Vight, AiB. Another Rect. in this parish is appropriated to the archdeaconry of Cloyne. AGHACRoss, Hect. in the bar. of Condon and Clangibbon. See the Chancellorship. AGHADDA, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of lmokilly. See the Jfohop's parishes. AG11ER1s, an irnpropriate H.ect. in the barony of Muskerry. AG H.ERN, Rcct, in the bar. of Kilnataloon, value 701. pci· ann. Church in repair. Patron the King. Proxy, 2s. 6d. It formerly belonged to the College of Youghal, and is taxed in the King's books by the name of Aghrnl'cn, P.l. ster. Incumh. Stephen Rollesron, A.H. The Vic. is in the Collation of the Bp, Value 701. per ann. Proxy 2s. 6d. Taxed in the King's books by the name aforesaid, ll. lOs. ster. Incumb, William Vowel, A.M. Ac.Hn'AGH, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Muskcrry. Value 3001. per arm. Church i11 ruins. Patron the Bp, G!cbc 2·1- A, 1 R. 27 P, En. with n house. Proxy ll. Ss. Taxed in the King's books by the name of Aghnrngh, the Rect, fit. and the Vic. the like. Incumb. Michael Davies, A.M. AonRAREN, Hect. and Vic. See Aghern. AGHULTIE, a Prebcnd, which sec. AGLISHDIUDYNAGH, Sec Bullynornne, ARDAGH, Rcct. in the bar. of lmokilly. Value 150l. pe1· nun, Church in repair. Pat. the King. G lelx-, 5 A, 2 11. 35 I'. En. Proxy, 6s. It formerly belonged to the College of Youghall. lncumb. John Kollen, D.1J. Curate, lVn.lter Giles, A.M. AN.DSKEAGH, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Condon and Clangibbon, Value lOOl. per a1111. Church in ruins. Pat. the IN THE YEAR li74, 309 Bishop. GJebc 4 a. 31 p. En. Proxy 6s. The Rect. formerly belonged to the preceptory of Mourn, and is subject to 'ls. per arm. Crown rent. Incumbent, Joseph Stopfortl, A.M. BALLAGHA~'Y, Vic. the scite is unknown; it is taxed in the King's books, ll. IOs. ster, Qu. if it be not Bohillon ? BAJ,LINTEMPLE, Hect, and Vic. in the bar. of Irnokelly. Sec the Chantorship, BALU:-.TRA, Rect. and Vic. See the Prebend of Cahirulton, IlALLYBEG, Sonagh, in the bar. of Orrery and Kilrnore, An impropriatc Rcct. Church in ruins. The impropriator, Denham Jephson, Esq. BALLYCA~A:sY, llcct. in the bar. of Hari·ymol'e. See the Chantorship. BALLYCLOGn, otherwise Lehan, Vic. it lies part in the bar. of Duhallow, and part in that of Orrery nnd Kilmore, Value 70l. Church in repair. Pat. the Bishop. Glebe l n. 11, P. En. Proxy 3s. Tuxed in the King's books LOs.stcr. Incumb. Atkin Hayman, A.M. Curate, Charles Coote, A.B. The Rect, is impropriate. John Longfield, Esq. Irnpropriator. Proxy 4,s, 6d. HALT,YDELOGY, otherwise Ballylogh, Vic. in the bar. of Fenney. Value 5(Jl. per ann, Church in ruins. Patron the Bp, Proxy Ss. Incumb, James Stopford, A.M. The Rect. is impropriate. Impropriator, John Hely Hutchinson, Esq. Proxy 3s. IlELLYGOURNEY, llect. aud Vic. in the bar. of lmokitly. See the Chantorsnip. BALLYGREOrn, a particle in the bar. of Fermoy. See Cus... tletown, IlAT,LYIIAY, a prebend, which see. BALLYIIOOLY. Sec Prebcnd of Aghultie. BALLYLOGH, Vic. Sec Bullydelogy. BALLY:.tARTYR, Hect. and Vic. See Prchcnd of Cahirulton, llALLYNRCURitAGII. Sec the 'I'rcasurership, BALLY:"IOE, otherwise Villn-novn, Rcct. in the bar. of Kilna• taloon, Value 80/, per unn, Church in ruins, Patron the King. Proxy 5s. It formerly belonged to the College of Youghal. Incumb, Stephen Holleston, A.Il. The Bp. collates to the Vic. Glebe, l R. 30 P. En. Proxy 5s. Incumbent, Stephen Rolleston, A.B. IlALLY~OJ.tA:"iE, otherwise Aglishllradynagh, Recr. in the bar. 310 STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF CLOYNE of Orrery and Kilmore. Value 80l. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy, 3s. Taxed in the King's books by the name of Ballyvorane, the Rect, ll. ster., the Vic. lOs. ster. Incumb. Joseph Stopford, A.~f. . BALLYOUTRAGII, Rcct, and Vic. See. the Prebend of Cahir• ulton. BALLYSPELLANE, Vic. in the bar. of . See the 'I'reasurership, The Rcct. is impropriate, George Lukey, Esq. Irnpropriator. BALLYVOVRNEY, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Muskerry. Value IOO!. per arm, Church in ruins, Pat. the Bp. Glebc 4 A. plant. The Rcct. formerly belonged to the Preceptory of Mourne, and is subject to 7s. per ann. Crown rent. The Vic. is taxed in the King'shooks 2/. ster. Incumb. Nicholas Foster, A.M. Another Rectory in this parish belongs to the Chancellorship. BEALAVODDY, See Nathlash. BEGHAWERE, Church of. Site unknown. Taxed in the King's books 2!. ster. BELLAGH, Church of. See Temple-Belagh. BgLLAGA'l'HY~, Vic. See Ballyhay. BELLYGORY, Vic. See Bi1liygourne.r. BoHILLO:-:-, otherwise Kilboal!y, otherwise Boghclane, Reel. in the bar. of Imokilly. Value 801. Church in ruins, Pat. the Bp. It has three glebes, viz. the Church glebe, containing 3 A. 1 R, 9 P. En.; the North glcbe, 5 A. l R. 39 r. En.; and the South glebc, 4 A. 3 R. 18 1•. En. Proxy 2s. It formerly be• longed to the prcceptory of Mourne, and pays 7s. per unn, Crown rent. Incumb, Francis Atterbury, LL.D. Bo r-nox, otherwise , otherwise Kilnamullagh, a per• petual Curney in the bar. ofOrrery and Kil more, value 13/. 6s. Stl. Church in repair. Pat. the Bp, Curate, Henry Newman, A.H. The Rect. is impropriate. Mrs. Elizabeth Newman, Irnpro• priatress. Proxy, 15s. The Rect, is worth 300!. per ann, BREGOGUE, Vic. in the bar. of Orrcry and Kilrnorc, value 20/. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy, 4s. Taxed in the King's books 2l. ster. Iucumb. I Icury Newman, A.B. The Rect. is impropriutc. :\Irs. Elizabeth Newman, Improprintrix. Proxy 4s. BRIDGETOWN, Rect, nud Vic, in tl1,: lwr. of Fermov. Sec Castletowu. IN THE YEAR 1774. 31 l

IlRIGOWN, a Prebend, which see. BRI'l':\'AY, Vic. in the bar. of Barrymore. Vnlue 80l. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Proxy 4s. Incumb. William Vowel, A.1\1. The Rcct, is improp, 'l'he present Impropriator is the representative of Mr. Henry Harrison. Buowssx, a Prebend, scite unknown. It is the taxed in the King's books us such St., and the Vic. 41. ster, Probably Bru• henny. BauIJE:\'NY, otherwise Ballintemple, or Church-town, Rect. in the barony of Orrery and Kilmore. Value 200/, per arm, Church in repair at Church-town ; the scite being change

Preceptory of Mourne, and pays !)s. (id. per non. Crown rent, lncumb. Jeremiah Pratt, A.M. CARRIGTownu., Vic. with the particle Kilcurfin, in the bar. of' Barrymore, value 150l. per ann, Church in repair, Pat. the Bp, and the Earl of Barrymore alternately. Glebe 6 A. En. Proxy l Os, Taxed in the King's books 2t; ster, Incumb. Thomas Frankland, A.M. The Rect. is imp. George Lukey, Esq. Imp. Proxy 12s. CASTLEJ,EHA~, otherwise Custlelyon, Vic. It lies part in the bar. of Fermoy and part in that of Condon and Clangibbon, value 150/. per unn, Church in repair. Pat. the Bp, Glebe 2 A, 3 a. 12 P. Proxy 6s. 8d. Taxed in the King's books 5l. l2s. ster. Incumh. Joshua Brown, A.M. The Rect. is imp. John Hely Hutchinson, Imp. Proxy 10s. CAS'l'l,E-MAG~ An., otherwise Monymandragh, Vic. It lies in the bar. of Duhallow, and part in that of Orrery und Kil more, value l :?Ol. pet· ann. Church in repair. Pat. the Bp, Globe 2 n. l 2 P. plant. Proxy 5s. Taxed in the King's books by the unme of Cnstlemayne 2{. stcr. Iucumb. Atkin Hayman, A.M. Curate, Charles Coote, A. U. The Rect, is imp. John Long• field, Esq, I mpropriator. Proxy 7 e. f>d. CASTLE l\L, RT\'R, Union. See the Preheml of Cahirulrou. CASTLEMAY:-;E. See . CASTI.E'l'OW"1, Rect, and Vic. in the bar. of Fermoy, to which are united for ever the Hect. and Vic. of Wallstown, the Rect. and Vic. of Monanimy, the Rcct. and Vic. of Kilcummer, the Rect. and Vic. of Bridgetown, and the particle Ballygregin, oll under the name of the Parish of Castlerown, value 800/. per ann, The Church of Castletown is in repair, the rest are in ruins. Pat. the Bishop. Glehe at Wallstown lO A, plant. The Rcct. of Cusrlctcwn belonged to the Abbey of Bridgetown, and pays ll. '1s. per ann. Crown rent. Proxy 2/. 6s. The Vic. of Castletown is taxed in the King's books 6l. and the Vic. of Wallstown (U. stet'. Incurnb. Richard Purcell, A.M. Curate William \Va\ke.1·, A. B. CAs·1'ROCHu1rn, Rcct. and Vic. in the bar. of Imokilly. Sec the Treasurership. CeAR(.EVILJ,i:. See Rathgogan. CHURCHTOW~, Rcct. St)c Bruheuny. CLA;-.;co1n.:, Vic. in the bar. of Orrer} mal Kilurore, value IN THE YEAR 1774, 313

60l. Church in ruins, Pat. the Bishop. Proxy 6a. lncumb . .loseph Stopford, A.M. The Rect. is improp. and the Bp. of Limerick Impropriator, Proxy 12s. It is taxed in the King's books by the name of the Church of Clanrore 5l. os. ster, CLANKERKYN, Vic. The scite unknown. Taxed in the King's books 6s. 8d. ster. CLEl\'"OllF., Rect. and Vic, in the bar. of Fermoy. See the Chancellorship. CLOGHA~E. See Kilroe. CLON [)llETHE, Sec Clondrohid. CLONDHOHID, ats Clondrort, ats Clondrethe, llcct, and Vic, in the bar. of Muskcrry, value 3601. Church in repair. Pat. the Bishop, Glcbc SO a. 2 It. 3 I'., half whereof belongs to the (Economy, Proxy 6s. The Rect, formerly belonged to the Preceptory of Mourne, and pays Jl. 5s.· per ann. Crown rent. The Vic. is taxed in the King's books J l. lOa. ster. Incumb, Joseph Stopford, A. M. Curate, Edward Synge Townsend, A.B. Another Rectory in this parish belongs to the (Economy. CLOND\JLT,A:\'E, Vic. It lies partly In the bar, of Fermoy and partlj in that of Condon and Clan gibbon, value I OOl. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bishop. Globe 1 A. I n, 17 P, En. Proxy 4s. Taxed in the King's books 6l. ster. Incurnb. Tobias Adams, A.B The Rect. is improp, The Hon. and Rev. Robert Bligh, Irnpropriaror, CLONFERT, ats Trinity Christ Church, Newmarket, Vic. in the bar. of Du hallow, value 250[. per ann. Church in repair at Newmarket, that of Clonfort in ruins, Pat. the Bp. Glcbe 9 A. I n, plant, Proxy 2s. Taxed in the King's books 51. I Os, ster, Incurnb, Nathaniel Boyce, A.B. Curate, Henry Weston, A.B. CLox:1-fEE:\1, Vic. in the bar. of Dnhallow, value 1601. per · aun, Church in repair. Pat. the Bp. Proxy 2s. The Hect. formerly belonged to the Prcceptory of Mourne, and is now c11joyed by \Villinm Ilolrnt;s Pomeroy, esq. who pay~ 12s. per mm. Crown rent. Proxy ,Js. A nether Hect, in this parish be• longs to the (Economy. . Incumbent, James Hingston, A.M. Curate, Redmond Morres, A.13. CLON)1EL, Vic. in the in the bar. of Barrymore, to which is united for ever the Recr, and Vic. of 'I'emplc-Robin, under the name of the parish of Clonmel, value :2901. per ann, 314 STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF CLOYNE

Church of Clonmel in repair, that of Temple-Robin in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Glebe at Clonmcl, lOA. In. 16P. En., with a house and improvements. Globe at Temple-Robin, 8A. 2R. 2P. En. Proxy, 12s. 6d. 'l'he Ree. of Clonmel belongs to the CEconomy. Proxy, 6s. The Vic. of Clonmel is taxed in the King's books I/. stcr.j and the Vic. of Temple-Hobin 1 l. ster. Incumb. Robert Bullen, A.M. Curate, H.ichard Moore, A.il. CLONMULT, Ree. end ,~ic. in the bar, of Barrymore, value 801. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Glebe, 5A. 2n. 321'. En. Proxy, 7s. Incurnb, John Kempston. CLoY:--E. Rectory in the barony of lmokilly, value 500[. pel' ann, lt belongs to the (Economy and to the Vicars Choral, who arc five, viz., George Dunbar, Esq., John Shaw, David Burk, Henry Cornelius, and Michael Angelo Brunetti, Gent. Church, the cathedral, in repair. Pat. the Bp. Taxed in the King's books, 13/. 13s. 4,d. ster, Curate, James Mockler, LL.B. Coo LE, a Prebend, which see. Coor.ixrz, a Prebend, which see. CoRK-BJW, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Imokilly. See the Bishop's Parishes. DENGA~DONAV A;,;, uts DANEGr~, Hect, and Vic. in the bar. of Imokilly, value 1001. per arm. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy, 4s. Incumbent, Jeremiah King, A.M. D1mn1v1LLA:irn, Vic. It lies part in the bar. of Ferrnoy, and part in that of Condon and Clangibbon. Value, 80/. Church in ruins. Pat, the Bp, Proxy, 2s. 6d. Inc um b. James Stop• ford, A.:\f. This Rcct, is improp. John Hely Hutchinson, Esq. irnpropriatorj his proxy, ls. 3d. DrsERT, Hect. and Vic. See the Archdeaconry. Doxnxrr.s, ars Do~ERAL, a perpetual curacy, in the bar. of Fermoy, val. 13[. 6s. 8d. Church in repair. Par. the Bishop. Curate, Gethin Crone, A.B. The Rect. is Impropriate, James Giles, Esq. lmpropriator. Proxy, 15s. Do» scrx. See Dcngan-Donavan. DoNGOURXEY, Rcct. It lies partly in the bar. of Imokilly, and partly in that of Barrymore. Church in ruins. Pat. the King. Glebe, 3n. 20P. En. Proxy, 6s. Taxed in the King's books, by the name of Dongory, ll. ster. Inc. Hon. Hichard Southwell, A.B. Doxsrx nox, an impropriate Rectory in the bar. of Condon IN THE YEAR 1774. 316 and Clangibbon. Church in ruins. John Nason; Esq. Impro• printer. Dor..-oGnl'IORE, a Prebend, which see. DowNAGIIGIHIE, Vic.; scite unknown. Taxed in the King's books 6s. 8d. ster. DRo~l\10YRE, Vic. See Templetodane. Dnuxnowxv, Vic. ; value 51. per ann. It lies in the bar. of Orrery and Kilrnore, Church in ruins. Patron the Bp. Proxy, ls. 6d. Taxed in the King's books 2l. lOs. ster, lncumb. Atkin Hayman, A.M. The Rect. is imp. Mrs. Elizabeth Newman, impropriatrix. Proxy, Is. 6d. FER:\toY, an extraparochial, in the bar. of Condon and Clan• gibhon. It formerly belonged to the Cistertian monks. Church in ruins. lmpropriators, the heirs of\Vm. Forward, Esq. FRJSKE'l'II, Vic.; the scite unknown. It is taxed in the King's books 13s. 4-d. sterl, GAnn•FEKY, Vic.; lies part in the bar. of Imokilly, and part in that of Barrymore. See the Bishop's Parishes. GA1to·1•·1·£~. See Gnrrycloyne .. GA1tRIVOE, Vic. in the bar. of Imokilly, value 60l. pet· ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the King. Proxy, 2s, It formerly belonged to the College of Youghal, Inoumb. Hon. Richard Southwell, A.H. The llect. is Imp. John Bugge, Esq. Imp. Proxy, 3s. Taxed in the King's books, by the name of Gar• ribove, 4./. stcr, GARRYCLOYNE, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Barrets, to which the Rect. and Vic. of Grcnagh is united for ever by Act of Parliament, 9 Anne, c. 12, under the name of the parish of .Garrycloyne, value 4,501. per ann. The church of Garrycloyne is in repair, that of Grenagh in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Glebe al Garrycloyne, 5A. En., at Grenagh, 16A. 21t. En. Proxy, 17s. Ad. The Rectories of Gru-rycloync and Grcnngh formerly belonged to the Preceptory of Mourne, and pny l /. 8s. per aun, Crown rent. The Vic. of Garrycloyue is taxed in the King's books by the name of Gar<>tl1m, 11. ster., aud the Vic. of Grcnagh by the name of Grckenaughc, 1 /. 13s. 4d. ster, Incumb. James Stop• ford, A. M., Curate, Thomas Davies, A. :VL GLANOitE, a Prebcnd, which sec. Uo1tTlt0E, Hect. and Vic.; see the ArchJe:1co11ry. Gru.~KE:-:A1:

htPHRICK, Rect. and Viet., in the bar. of Fermoy. See the Chancellorship. INCH, Hect, and Vic., in the bar. of lmokilly. See the Bishop's Parishes. lxcmNEBACKY, Rcct, and Vic., lies partly in the bar. of Irnokilly, and part in that of Barrymore. See Trcasurership. lx1SCAR.R.A, a Prebend, which see. lN1snCULLEN, Hect. and Vic., in the bar. of Imokilly. See the Bishop's Parishes. Irarorcnnooa, Recr. in the bar. of lmokilly, value 150[. per ann. Church in repuir. Pat. the Kiug. Globe, 4A. 2R. 21 P. Proxy 6s. It formerly belonged to the College of Youghal. lncumb. Hon. Ricbd. Southwell, A.B. Curate, James Pratt,A.B. K1LATTY, Vic. See the Prebend of Aghultie. The Reel. is appropriated to the Vicars Choral of Christ Church, Dublin. Proxy, 4,s, 1,Rect. and Vic. See Magoumey. K1LC01tNY, Hect. und Vic. in the bar. of Musketry, value 70/. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the Ilp. Glebc, l3A. 381'. Proxy, Is. 6J. The Rect, formerly belonged to the Preceptory of Mourne, and pays I) s. per mm. Crown rent. Incumbent, Redmond Morres, A.B. IN THE YEAR 1774. 317

K1LcouSSEY, Vic. the scite unknown. Taxed in the King's book, lOs. ster. K1LCREJJAN", Vic. in the bat'. of Imokilly, value 190[. per ann. Church in repair. Pat. the King. Proxy, 5s. It for• merly belonged to the College of Y oughal. Incumb. Hoo. Hich. Southwell, A.B. Curate, James Pt·att, A..B. For the Rectory see the Chantorship, Ku.CRU"MPER, Vic. part in the bar. of Fcrmoy, and part in that of Condon and Clangibbon. See Macrony. K1LCUMMER, Rect. and Vic. See Castletown, K1LCURF1x, a Particle. Sec Carrigtowhil, KILDORRERY. Vic. in the bar. of Condon and Clangihhon, value 50/. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy, 2s. 6d. Incumbent, \Yilliam Stopford, A.M. The Ree. is imp. John Nason, Esq. Imp. Proxy, 2,~. 6d. K1LE:-;E~rnR, a Prcbend, which see. K11.FELA~, see Nolan. K1LGARVA:-J, an imp. Ree. in the Great Island, in the bar. of Barrymore, Church in ruins. George Lukcy, Esq, lmpropriator. Ki LGROGA:\", Hee. Sec Kllbrogan. KtLGULLA~F.. Ree. It lies part in the bur. of Fermoy, and part in that of Condon and Clangibbon, value lOOl. per aun. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Gleb«, GA. 21t. lOP. Proxy, 10s. Taxed in the King's books, the Ree. 6/., the Vic. 6/. ster, Incumb . .Iames Stopfonl, A. M. K1LK01tKYil.A:'liJ•1. Ree. and Vic. in the bar. of Duhallow. Church in ruins. Proxy, ls. The Ree. is taxed in the King's hooks, ll. ster, and the Vic. l0.9, ster, It is appropriated to the {Economy. KtLI.EAGH. Ree. in the bar. of Imokilly, value 200/. Church in repuir, Pat. the King. Glehe, 16A. l n, 91'. En. Proxy, JOs. It formerly belonged to the college of Youghul. Incumb, George Chinnery, LL.D. Curate, Francis Atterbury, LL.D.. KILLIGROIIANUEG, see Carrigrnhnnbeg. KIJ,MACLR::-iI:i:E, a Prebend, which sec. Kn,~rACCLO:":OGH. Vic. in the bar. of Imokilly, value 100[. per ann. Globe, SA. 3tt. Si', Taxed in the King's books, 3l. ster. Church in ruins. It formerly belonged to the college of Youghal. lncumh. lion. Richard Southwell, A.B. The Ree. belongs to the prebeud, which sec. 318 STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF CLOYNE

KILMAHON, ats Shnnagan, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of lmokilly, value 160/. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Glebe in two places, 12A. In. 29P, En. Proxy, 12s. The Hect. formerly belonged to the Preceptory of Mourne, and pays 'ls, 6d. per ann. Crown rent. The Vic. is taxed in the King's books 5l. IOs. Incumbent, Francis Atterbury, LL.D. K1L~IA::-Loc, nls Scrulane, Rectory Imp. in the bar. of Duhallow, Church in ruins. Proxy, 1s. John Longfield, es11. I rnpropria tor. K1LIXMARTERY, See the Prebcntl of Cahirulton. KrLNF.:i.1ART1my, Rect. in the bar. of Muskcrr.r, value lOOl. per aun, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Glebc, 37.A. l n, 13v. En. Proxy, 6s. lncumb. Richard Bullen, A.M. KrLXEM u r.LAGII. Sec Buttevant. KrLSHANNIG, fleet, and Vic. in the bar. of Duhallow, value 400l, per ann, Church in repair. Pat. the Bp, Glcbe, 4A. IR. 12P. En. Proxy, 5s. 4d. The Rcct, formerly lwlungcd to the Preceptory of Mourne, and puys I 18, per ann. Crown rent. The Vic. is taxed in the King's books by the name of Kilshane ll. IOs. 51Cl', Incumb. Edmund Lombard, A.:M. Curate, Richard Bourne, A. lVI. K1LTESKrx. See Titeskin. K1LWOHTH, ats Killard, in the bar. of Condon and Clangibbon, value 50l. per ann. Church in repair. P11t. the Bp. Glebe, 4A, l R. 3P. plant. "Ko proxy. Incumbent, Crowther Dowding, A.M. KNOCK~totiRNE, Vic. lies partly in the bar. of Kiluatnloone, and partly in that of Condon and Clangibbon, value 80l. per arm. Church in repair. Pat. the Bp. Glcbe, 3A, lOP. En. Proxy, 4s. Taxed in the King's books ll. lOs. stcr, Incumb, Stephen Rolleston, A.B. The Rect. is imp. and belongs to the Corporation of \.Vaterford. Proxy 4a. KNOCK1'EMPLE, ats Mullowny, Rect. in the bar. of Du hallow, value 50l. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Proxy, 2s. lncumb. William King, A.M. LABAJ:1.:, Vic. See Ballyclogh. LACK.F.EN, a Prebend, which see. LEGANF,, a Particle. Sec the Prebend of Glanore, LETHIM, Vic. Sec Macrony, L1scAHlWf,, Vic. in the bar. of Orrery and Kilmore, value

320 STATE OF THE DIOCESE 01: cr.ovx s

2A. la. 16P. plant. Proxy, 6s. Taxed in the king's books 6l. sterl. Incumb. \Valter Giles, A.M. The R{'Ct. is imp. John Mason, Esq. Irnpropriator. Proxy, 6s. MA'l'THOHA } • . u ' Rect, and VIC. See the Prebend of Iniscarra, iuAT'f'EHY, ME:-sHYE, Hect. and Viet. the scite unknown. The Hect. is taxed in the Kinrr'sv books Jl. IOs. stcrl. and the Vic. the like sum. MrnDLETON, Union of. Sec the Treasurcrship. MrTCHEL$TOW:-.'. See the Prebend of Brigowne. MoGALLOWE. See Magourney. MoGEALY, Vic. Sec the Prebend of Cahirulton. The Rect. is appropriated to the Vicars Choral of Christ Church, Dublin. MoGEASAGU, Hect. Sec the Trcasurership. , ats Mogealy, Rect. and Vic. in the bur. of Kilnata• loon, value 250{. per ann. Church in repair. P,1t. tile Bp. Glebe, 5A, Sn. 36P. En. Proxy, 4s. The Reel. is taxed in the King's books 2l. ster. the Vic. the like sum. Incumb. Charles Percival, A.l\J. MoNANnIY, Rect, and Vic. See Castletown. l\fo.'lY:OIA:-.DRAGH, Vic. See Castlemagnar. Mou nxz, uts Temple Michael, Hect. lying part in the bar. of Barrers, and part in that of Muskerry. Church in repair. Pat. the King. Glebe, near the Church in Castle Lehan, 5A. lit. 34-P. En. Proxy, I Os. This Rcct. formerly belonged to the Pre• ceptory of Mourne, and pays I l. per anu, Crown rent. Incum• bent, Robert Neules, A.B. Value 250/. per ann, MoY ALLOW, Rcct, in the bar. of Fermoy, value 300l. per ann. Church in repair. Pat. the King; tho' Anthony Jephson and Denham Jephson, esqrs. have presented to it since the year I 702. It formerly belonged to the College of Youghal. Proxy, 8.i. Incumb. James Mockler, LL.B. Curate, Samuel Monsell, A.M. MoYELLIE, See Mogeely. MoY ESSIE, Hect. in the bar. of Barrymore. Sec the Treasurership. Mur.r.owxzv, Rect. Sec Knocktemplo. N'ATHLASII, nis Nenthlash, ats Beslavoddv, uts Temple un A unlaunogh, Hect, and Vic. in the bar. of Condon and Clnn• gibbon, value 60!. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Proxy, 8s. Inc. William Stopford, A.:\-1. IN THE YEAR 17]4. 321

NELAN and Phelan, ats Kilfelan, an imp. Rect, in the bar. of Condon and Clangibbon, Church in ruins. The Hon. and Rev. Robert Bligh, Imp. NEWMARKE'l', Vic, See Clonfert. N1NCH, Rect. and Vic. See the Bishop's parishes. NoHANNE, Vic.} . See the Chancellorship. N ON,DIE, R ect. sq. Imp. RosKEEN, Vic. in the bar. of Duhallow, value 30l. per ann. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bishop. Proxy, 3s. Taxed in the King's books by the name of Roskrync ll. lOs. ster. Incumb. Redmond Morrcs, A.H. The Rect. is imp. William Holmes Pomeroy, Imp. Proxy, 3s. RossAGH, an imp. Rect, in the bar. of Fermoy, Church in ruins. Mrs. Elizabeth Newman, Impropeiatvix. VOL. III, y 322 STATE OF THE DIOCESE OF CLOYNE

RosT!LLIAN, Rect. and Vic. in the bar. of Imoki!ly. See the Bishop's Parishes. SczwLANE, See Kilmanloc. SttANAGAN, Rect, and Vic. See Kilrnahon. SuA:-.DRUi\l, afs Shandrome, Vic. in the bar. of Orrery and Kilrnore, consolidated with the Rectory, value 200/, per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Glebc, 3A. l a. plant. Proxy, I6s. Sd. The Rect. is taxed in the King's books 7l. 6s. Bd. sterl, and the Vic. 3l. 13s. 4d. sterl, Incumb. Joseph Stopford. S1'1'ESK1N. Sec Titeskin, SPIKE lsLAN"D, a Particle imp. in the bar. of Imokilly. Church in ruins. George Lukey, csq. Irupropriator. Sum;LTEH, a Prebend, which sec. TEMPLE-BELAGH, ats Beallugh, a Particle in the bar. of Ki!• nataloon, value 20l. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp, Glebe, 2A. 3R. 16P. En. Proxy, 5s. Taxed in the King':; books by the name of the Church of Bellaghe 31. stcr. Inc. Charles Perceval, A.l\1. t TEMPLE-BoDAN, ats Dronmoyre, Vic. in the barony of Barry- more, value 80l. per ann, Church in ruins. Pat. the Bp. Glcbe, 9A. 2R. 20P. En. Proxy, 3s. Taxed in the King's books 2l. sterl. Incumb, Tobias Adams, A.B. The Rect. is appro• priated to the Vicars Choral of Christ Church, Dublin, and pays 5s. 6d. per ann. Crown rent. Proxy, 3s. TEMPL'E-BnEEDY, au Imp. Rect. in the bar. of Orrery and Kilmore. Church in ruins. Mrs. Elizabeth Newman, Irnpro• priatrix, T1<::uPr,F.-GALL, ats Whirechurch, Rect. and Vic. It Iles partly in the bar. of Barrets, and partly in that of Muskerry, value 3001.per. ann, Church in repair. Put. the Bp. Proxy, 6s. The Rect, formerly belonged Lo the Preceptory of Mourne, and pays Il. per ann, Crown rent. lncumb. George Berkeley, A.M. TEMPLE MrcIIAEL, Rect, See Mourne, TE.MPLE MOLAGGY, Rect, See the Chancellorship. TEMPLE NI CARRIGGY, Rect. See the Treasurership. TEMPLE-ROAN, Rcct, in the bar. of Fcrrnoy, value 100!. per aim. Church in ruins. Pat. the Bishop. Proxy, 6s. It was formerly imp. and pays 68. per ann. Crown rent. Incumb. Gethin Crone, A.B. IN THE YEAR 1774. 323

TEMPLE-Ronrn, Rect. and Vic, See Clonmcl. TE:\fPLE TnEOOA~E, Rect. nnd Vic. See Litter. TEMPLE ux AuxLAlJXAGII, Rect. and Vic. See Nathlash. TrTESKIN, Rcct. and Vic. See the Bishop's Parishes. TRABULGAN, Particle, See the Bishop's Parishes. TuLLELEASH, als Tullaleth, Vic, in the bar. of Duhallow, value 50{. per mm. Church in ruins. Patron the Bp, Glebe, 8A. 3P. En. Proxy, 3s. Taxed in the King's books by the name of Tyrileshe 2/. ster. Incumb, Thomas Davies, A.M. The Rect. is imp. Proxy, 3s. 6d. Mr. Antony Ankettle, lmpropriator. VI CARS Cnnn» r.. SeP. Cloyne. VILLA CAsTnt, Rect. and Vic, See Custletown. VrLLA Novx, Rect, See Ballynoc. VILLA PoNTIS, ors Bridgetown, Rect, and Vic, Sec Castle• town. VILLA SYLVESTRIS, ars Wallstown, Rect, and Vic, See Castletown. W ALLSTOWN", Rect. and Vic. Sec Castletown, WmTECHURCH, Rect. and Vic. See Temple-Gall. YouGHAL, Church of, in the bar. of Irnokilly. See the Bishop's Parishes, The respective Incumbents and Impropriators pay also a sum amounting to one moiety of their proxys, towards the support of a diocesan schoolmaster in Cloyne, appointed by the King. The present schoolmaster is James Mockler, LL. B. By an ancient constitution this diocese was divided into five rural deaneries or districts, viz. Cloyne, Castle-lehan, Castletown, Bothon, and Muskerry ; which constitution, after a disuse of divers years, was revived by Bishop Berkeley in the year J 746, and hath been continued ever since. 'I'he duty of the Rural Deans is to visit annually, as often as they shall see fit, the several parish churches within their respective districts, and to inquire of and inspect into their state anrl condition, and of the church-yards, communion tables, pulpits, reading desks, pews, vestments, books, parish register hooks, and of and into all other things necessary, required by the Canons of the Church of Ireland, for the decent cclchration of divine service, an

A list of the several parishes in each Rural Deanery of the diocese of Cloyne, from Dean Davies' state of that diocese in the year 1682. • l. CLOYNE. 37. Dysert. I. Cloyne, eh. 38. Liscowel, eh. 2. Yougbal, eh. 39. Carrigtohill, eh. 3. Garrivoe. 40. Kilcurfin. 4. Bohillon, 41. Britway. 5. Kilmahon. 42. Temple-nl-Carriggy. 6. Ballygoumey. 43. Coolc. 7. Inch. 44. Gortroe, cb. 8. Aghadda, eh. 45. Clonpriest, eh. 9. Rostillian. 46. Ardagh, eh. 10. Corkbeg. 11. Garranifeeky. 3. CASTLE TOWN. 12. Moyessie. 47. Moyallow. 13. Temple Robin. 48. Raghan, eh. 14. Castrochore, eh. 49. Cahirdowgan. 15. Incbinabacky. 50. Clcnore. 16. Ballymartyr, eh. 51. Monanimy. 17. Moyellie. 52. Carrigleamleary. 18. Dengandonavan 53. Kilcummer. 19. , eh. 54. Aghulty, eh. 20. Cahirultou. 55. Kilathy. 21. Kileredan, eh. 56. Kilcrumper. 22. Kilrnacdonagh. Kilwortb, eh. 23. Titeskin. 57. Litter, eh. 24. Clonmel, eh. 58. Letrim. 25. Itermurrogh, eh. 59, Clondillane. 60. Macrony. 2. CASTLE-LEHAN. 61. Brigowne, eh. 26. Rathcormaek, eh. 62. Kilgullane. 27. Castle-lehan, eh. 63. Kilenemer. 28. Aghern, eh. 64. Ballydelogie. 29. Knoekmourne, eh. 65. Marshallstown 30. Mogeely, eh. 66. Aghacrosse. 31. Villa Nova. 67. , eh. 32, Clonmult. 68. Kiidorrery. 33. Dongoumy, eh. 69. Temple Molaggy. 34. Ballyspellane. 70. Nathlash. 35. Ballycarany, 71. Derrivillane. 36. Temple-Bodane. 72. Carrigdownan. rs THE YEAR 1774. 325

73. Glanore, eh. 87. Ballyhay. 74. Pharihy, eh. 88. Carrigloghcr. 75. Sonagh. 89. Ardskeagh, 76. Ballygreggin. 90. Coolinie. 77. Wallstown. 91. Shaudrum. 78. Castletown, eh. 92. Kilbolane, eh. 79. Rosdouk. 93. Tullyleash. BO. Rossagh. 94. Ballynorane. 81. Bridgetown. 95. Kilbrony. 82. Legane. 96. Kilmaclenyne. 83. Imphriek. 97. Drumdowny. 98. Castlemagnar, eh. 4. BOTHON. 99. Subulter, 84. Bothon, eh. I 00. llogcri Calvi. 85. Clancore, 101, Kilbrin, eh. 86. llathgogan, eh. I 02. Liscarrol.

Noie.-Where ck. occurs in Italics, it appeaT~ as if subsequently added, in 11. dif• ferent ink.


EX'l'RAC'l'S :FROM 'l'HE PARISH REGISTERS OF HORNBY, CO, YORK. Homby is a small village situated about four miles to the south of Catterick in the north riding of the county of York. Within the parish are the hamlets of Holtby, Hackforth, Arrathorne, West Appleton, and Ainderby-:Wyers, containing, together with Hornby, about 400 inha• bitants. The castle, situated on a gentle eminence near to the church, was erected by William first Lord Conyers, who was summoned to Parlia• ment in the year 1509, and died in 1524. It consists of a large quadrangle surrounded by spacious apartments long since modernized to suit the taste and convenience of after times. It has descended from the Lords Conyers, through the Lords Darcy and Earls of Holderness, to the house of Osborne, and is now possessed by the Duke of Leeds. In the church are several memorials of the ancient families of Conyers and Darcy, which are described, aud the epitaphs printed, in Whitaker's History of Richmondshire ; but the registers furnish a long list of these names, as well as those of others, who anciently possessed lands in this parish. The entriesin the first book are much confused, the baptisms, marriages, and burials having been originally placed several leaves apart, and the spaces left between them having been subsequently filled up -I- f .fJ ,~~1- /tt1.Ar,.1lt-kw ,:__ 1t,;...j,. 9' Ca.,//"r£en-