View of Kirk Carrion, Grassholme Triathlon Competitor Race Day information

Sunday 25th June 2016 Event Start time 8.30 am

Grassholme Reservoir Middleton-in- Barnard Castle DL12 0PW

Please take some time to read all the event information, it will make it far more enjoyable for you and reduce the need to ask questions on the day.

Good luck and have a great day! If you have any questions, please email at [email protected].

Many thanks

Paula Jamieson (Race Director)

Gr8events Competitor Race Day information Event Information


Welcome to the Grassholme Triathlon. This will be the first year of the event. Here at Gr8events, we like hilly courses, so that is what we are aiming for with the Grassholme event! We want this to be a fantastic experience and for you to enjoy every moment of the race. If there is anything we can do to make this event better for you on the day or improve the event in the future, please tell us and we will endeavour to make it happen.

The Event

The format of the event will be a 1500m, 2 lap open water swim, followed by a 1 lap cycle ride of approximately 40km on surrounding public roads, finishing with an 11km road run.

The Venue Grassholme Reservoir Middleton-in-Teesdale Durham DL12 0PW

Grassholme Reservoir is a large reservoir in County Durham, England. It is situated in the Lune Valley which is a side valley of the , about 2 miles (3.2 km) south of Middleton-in-Teesdale. It supplies water for Teesdale and Teesside and is owned by .


There is free parking at Grassholme Reservoir Visitor Centre. The main car park will be open throughout the event. All competitors are asked to respect the car park and venue leaving it clean and tidy, as we could not run the race without the support of Northumbrian Water.

Changing Facilities / Toilets

There are toilets on site, within the visitor centre, where showers are also available. We have been given permission to use the facilities by Northumbrian Water.

Gr8events Competitor Race Day information Event Information

Registration—outside the visitor centre, opens at 7.00am

All race information will be on display; please familiarise yourself with the course and schedule.

Race Bag At registration you will receive your race bag, containing the following items: Swim cap Race numbers x2 Safety pins Bike sticker x1 Timing chip

BTF members must show their race licence. All non-members must have paid the Day Licence fee (£3-00) included in the race entry fee.

Detailed maps of all elements of the event including swim and bike routes will be available on the day on display at registration.

Transition—opens at 7.00am

Important! You cannot enter the cycle transition area without your race number and your bike sticker attached to your bike.

 Only competitors are allowed in transition.  Once registered you can rack your cycle and lay any equipment you require for the cycle and run. You will rack at your allocated numbered position, each point is marked with a numbered label  Although we allocate marshals to specifically watch the transition area please note that we cannot be responsible for any items lost or stolen.

Race Numbers

 Race numbers must be worn. If you are not using a race belt ensure that your race number is visible from the rear on the bike section and the front on the run.  It is good practice to write your name, blood group and any allergies you may have on the back of your race number in the unfortunate case of an accident.

Gr8events Competitor Race Day information Event Information

The Swim (1500m)

The swim takes place in the reservoir. Full safety cover is provided by the kayak safety team. Start time is at 8.30 am and is a deep water mass start. It is advised that if you are new to open water swim events then you should keep to the side or at the back of the pack when starting.

The course will be marked by large orange inflatables and will be in a clockwise direction.

Bike (approximately 40km)

The bike course is on public roads in the surrounding area. The course is fully marshalled at main turning points and signed but make sure you familiarise yourself with the maps at briefing. It is your responsibility to know the course. Marshalls are all volunteers and are there to advise and provide help if required. We would advise you to recce the course prior to the event to familiarise yourselves with the course.

When you finish your swim, change into your cycling gear in the cycle transition area unless you are wearing a tri-suit, with race numbers clearly displayed front and back.

After collecting your cycle, walk or run to the cycle mount line where you commence the cycle section of the race, you cannot mount your bike until you have crossed the mount line. You must dismount your bike at the end of the cycle course and before the dismount line.

You will not be allowed to take part without a cycle helmet.

All competitors must obey the highway code at all times. It is better to sacrifice a few seconds for the safety of you and fellow competitors. We have the full cooperation of the local community, police and authorities and would like to retain their goodwill for the benefit of the event in future years.

Run (10km)

The run is a 10km course, all on roads surrounding the reservoir. Please familiarise yourself with the run course maps. The roads will still be in use by local traffic so please take care. There will be limited drinks at the start/finish and one point on the route. Dropping of litter will incur a time penalty, please carry until next available marshal point or bin at the finish.  when you finish the bike course, rack your cycle and change into your running kit in transition if you are running in different clothing).  make sure your race number is clearly visible to your front.

Finish and post race

A presentation will take place at midday near transition. Prizes for 1st and 2nd Male and Female overall.

Complete Results will be available within 24 hours of the end of the race and will be posted at

A selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks will be available in the visitor centre shop.

Gr8events Competitor Race Day information Event Information

General Information

This will be BTF sanctioned event and is being held under the BTF competition rules which are available at Please familiarise yourself with the rules of triathlon before the race.

BTF general advice for swimming

Whilst water quality tests provide an indication of the suitability of a venue for open water swimming they do not mean that there is a complete absence of potential pathogens. There are simple practises that swimmers should be advised to adopt to minimise the risk of infections further:

 Cover all cuts and abrasions, however minor, with sticking plasters. You should not consider swimming if you have deep cuts.  Wash hands in fresh water before eating after you have swum.  Take a full shower at the earliest opportunity.  Try not to ingest water whilst swimming.

In addition all swimming kit (wetsuit, costume, goggles, hats etc.) should be washed in clean water and thoroughly dried before the next session/event.

If you are unwell, do not start the race. If you have immune system issues, make sure you take appropriate care.

Medical Conditions and Cover If you have any medical condition, please provide details on the entry form and you must write this on the reverse of your race number as the medic team will check before any emergency treatment is performed. We take medical cover very seriously and full medical cover will be available on site and ready to respond to any incident on the race route, before, during and after the event.


 Cyclists must maintain a forward distance of 5metres between each other at all times except for when overtaking.  It is the responsibility of the overtaken rider to drop back and maintain this distance  Offending cyclists will receive a time penalty in the first instance, and disqualification on the second.

Note – drafting will not be tolerated. Experienced marshals will be posted around the course. Please ensure your number is visible from behind so we can mark your split times.

Penalties and Complaints Procedure

All complaints will be addressed by the race referees. Penalties applied by the race referees will be posted at the finish on the Penalty notice board before the awards begin, any appeals must be written and presented to the race referees (with a £5 fee, if upheld, this will be refunded) before results awards commence.

Gr8events Competitor Race Day information Event Information Maps

Swim route (1500m)

Bike route (approximately 40km)

Gr8events Competitor Race Day information Event Information Run (11km)