Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 64 (2014), No. 1, pp. 13–45 DE DE GRUYTER OPEN DOI: 10.2478/agp-2014-0002 G Rugosa (Anthozoa) from the Serpukhovian (Lower Carboniferous) of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin JERZY FEDOROWSKI1 AND IWONA MACHŁAJEWSKA2 1Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Maków Polnych 16, Pl-61-606 Poznań, Poland. E-mail:
[email protected] 2Institute of Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2, PL-41-200 Gliwice, Poland. E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT: Fedorowski, J. and Machłajewska, I. 2014. Rugosa (Anthozoa) of the Serpukhovian from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Acta Geologica Polonica, 64 (1), 13–45. Warszawa. Two species, Antiphyllum sp. nov. 1 and Zaphrufimia sp. nov. 1, the first corals found in Štur horizon of the up- per Malinowickie Beds, Upper Pendleian (E1), are here described. Additional study of the subspecies of Za- prufimia disjuncta show them to be more similar than previously thought. Although they occur mainly in the Enna and Barbara horizons, one specimen of Z. d. serotina comes from the Gabriela horizon. Biozone Zaphrufimia disujncta disjuncta/Z .d .praematura is proposed for the Enna and Barbara horizons. The subzone of Zaphru- fimia/Triadufimia of that Biozone, defined by the presence of Triadufimia gen. nov., is restricted to the Enna hori- zon. As confirmed by the occurrence of Cravenoceratoides edalensis, the new subzone roughly corresponds to the E2b1 ammonite Zone. An Antiphyllum/Ostravaia/Variaxon assemblage Zone is proposed for the coral as- semblage of the Gaebler horizon. Cravenoceratoides nitidus present in the Roemer band (Ib) shows it to corre- late with the E2b2 ammonite Zone.