International Women's Volleyball Tournament VI BARCELONA

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International Women's Volleyball Tournament VI BARCELONA International Women’s Volleyball Tournament VI BARCELONA CUP Barcelona is always fashionable. Located about 120 km south of the Pyrenees mountain range and the French border, a plain surrounded by the sea to the east, the Mountain of Collserola to the west, the Llobregat river to the south and the river Besos to the north. On the shores of the Mediterranean, Barcelona’s location is unbeatable. It has many riches: architectural, monumental, cultural, historical, tourism, natural... Barcelona is the most European city in the Iberian Peninsula, open to all the new trends and new discoveries. It is a city of vanguard and this is noted in its development and the way of living and thinking of its people, a of Barcelona is the History and Modernity. very cosmopolitan city. If there is one word that defines the city of Barcelona is “modernity”. The city FC Barcelona is a multisport organization founded on 29 -11 -1899. With more than 180,000 mem- besides being the most representative sports institution of Catalonia, it is also the best ambassador forbers its and values. 1,800 “peñas” spread around the world, the club for its fans is “more than a club”, because The leading exponent of women’s volleyball in Barcelona city, is the CVB Barça. The club, with over 270 players, is composed of several teams playing in different age categories and competitions. The the Spanish Women’s Super League. CV Barcelona is associated with FC Barcelona, as the female volleyball section and the first team plays CVB Barça objectives are: EDUCATE in personal and collective commitment. PARTICIPATE, ENJOY- MENT of sport, and develop values such as effort and PERSEVERANCE. - ned itself as a leader in training and performance in the Spanish state. After a long history filled with determination, perseverance and good manners, the club has positio promoting women’s volleyball, strengthening its work with youth and revalidating the character of BarcelonaThe CV Barcelona open to wantsthe world. to celebrate this achievement with an event to reconfirm its commitment to That is why we have the honor to present the 5st edition of: Barça CVB“International Women’s Volleyball Tournament IV BARCELONA CUP” 2 [email protected] VI Barcelona CUP 2019 Competition Rules • Games are played two sets to 25 pts. In case of a tie at 1, a tie break to 15 points will decide. • The sets are won with a minimum difference of 2 points. • 1-2, and 0 points for a loss 0-2. • Scoring system for classification: 3 points for a win 2-0, 2 points for a win 2-1, 1 point for a loss 1. Sharpe sets won and lost. In2. case Sharpe of a tie won on pointsand lost for points. defining pools will be taken into account: Match each other. • - 3. • Balls:Schedule The of organizer matches: will Teams provide have game to be balls.present Each 45’ team before must the have first theirgame. own For ballsthe rest for ofwarm-ups. the mat ches will have 5’ for official protocol at the net.. Competition Formula • • A minimum of 4 games for each team is guaranteed. • The matchesfinal competition Schedule draw will be will published be determined on June by 14. the number of participant teams. Dates & Competition Categories • JUNE 25 – 26 – 27 : U12 - ALEVÍ (2007 – 08) Volley 4 x 4 • U14 - INFANTIL (2005 – 06) JUNE 28 – 29 – 30 : U19 - JUVENIL (2000 – 01 – 02) U16 - CADETE (2003 – 04) Golden Álbum 2014 - 1º EDITION - PARTICIPATION OF 28 TEAMS OF 8 COUNTRIES U-14F U-16F U-19F 1º OTC KOURTAINE 1º CVB BARÇA 1º CVB BARÇA (FINLAND) 2º BRÚKL HOTVOLLEYS 2º RTC GRONINGEN 2º PONTECAGNANO (AUSTRIA) (HOLLAND) (ITALY) 2015 - 2º EDITION - PARTICIPATION OF 36 TEAMS OF 11 COUNTRIES U-14F U-16F U-19F 1º AEC VALLBONA 1º AIF 1º RTC GRONINGEN (CATALONIA) (BELGIUM) (HOLLAND) 2º CVB BARÇA 2º CVB BARÇA 2º AS ACADEMICA (PORTUGAL) 2016 - 3º EDITION - PARTICIPATION OF 34 TEAMS OF 8 COUNTRIES U-14F U-16F U-19F 1º CVB BARÇA 1º CVB BARÇA 1º CVB BARÇA 2º YLÓJÁRVI 2º RTC GRONINGEN 2º LIEDO PARMA (FINLAND) (HOLLAND) (FINLAND) 2017 - 4ª EDITION - PARTICIPATION OF 16 TEAMS OF 4 COUNTRIES U-14F U-16F 1º RTC GRONINGEN 1º RTC GRONINGEN (HOLLAND) (HOLLAND) 2º CVB BARÇA 2º CVB BARÇA 3º CEV L’HOSPITALET 3º CV CIUTADELLA MENORCA 2018 - 5ª EDITION - PARTICIPATION OF 36 TEAMS OF 6 COUNTRIES U-12F U-14F U-16F U-19F 1º CVB BARÇA 1º IN VOLLEY 1º RTC GRONINGEN 1º CVB BARÇA (ITALY) (HOLLAND) 2º CEV L’HOSPITALET 2º CVB BARÇA 2º FAMALIÇAO 2º FAMALIÇAO (PORTUGAL) (PORTUGAL) (HOLLAND) (ITALY) (PORTUGAL) 3º RTC GRONINGEN 3º CVB BARÇA VERD 3º IN VOLLEY 3º ESPINHO Barça CVB 4 [email protected] VI Barcelona CUP 2019 Sport Facilities Qualifying Phase Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña Avenida del Estatuto, 12 Barcelona Qualifying Phase CCTE Joaquím Blume Avenida de los Países Catalanes, 12 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona Qualifying Phase Pabellón de la Illa Diagonal Avenida del Estatuto, 12 Barcelona Final Phase Polideportivo La Marina Calle del Cobre, 5 Barcelona Barça CVB 6 [email protected] VI Barcelona CUP 2019 VI Barcelona CUP 2019 Accommodation proposal for athletes Price per person for two days on full board. PricesCheck in Friday June 28 (12:00 hs) and Departure Sunday June 30 (09:00) Residence of Athletes: 120€ Accommodation price details Breakfast € 5 Lunch € 10 Dinner € 10 These prices will apply for requests for extra days of the tournament Night room € 35 Important: Limited places granted by order of registration. Barça CVB 8 [email protected] VI Barcelona CUP 2019 Transportation Proposal Prices BUS 29 PAX. Airport - Hotel: 120€ BUS 55 PAX Airport - Hotel: 150€ Inscription Registration will be formalized by completing the form available at the following link: of the bank transfer, Team photo, club / federation shield and team roster to the followings emails addresses:The registration will be confirmed upon receipt of the corresponding form, accompanied by a copy [email protected] The registration fee is € 250 per team If done before April 1, the registration fee will be € 150 per team. Deadline for payment of accommodation: June 5. After that date the organization does not guarantee the place in the competition. Transfers of the amounts corresponding to registrations and accommodations must be made to the following account: BIC/SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX IBAN: ES28 2100 0941 2202 0028 La Caixa – C/ Cami Ral, 48-50 – 08940 – Tordera (Barcelona) The cost of accommodation must also be entered Important: Places are limited and are granted in order of registration. Barça CVB 10 [email protected] VI Barcelona CUP 2019.
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