At a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held in the To be held remotely on Friday, 19th March, 2021 the following Members were

P r e s e n t:

Metro Mayor S Rotheram Chairperson of the Combined Authority (in the Chair)

Members of the LCR Combined Authority Councillor D Baines, Portfolio Holder: Digital Connectivity and Inclusion Mr A Hamid MBE, Portfolio Holder: Business and Brexit Councillor Janette Williamson, Portfolio Holder: Inclusive Economy and Third Sector Councillor I Maher, Portfolio Holder: Culture, Tourism and the Voluntary Sector Councillor G Morgan, Portfolio Holder: Housing and Spatial Framework Councillor R Polhill, Portfolio Holder: Low Carbon and Energy Renewables

Co-opted Member Rt Hon J Kennedy, and Crime Commissioner

Deputy Portfolio Holders Councillor G Wood, Low Carbon and Energy Renewables Councillor C Thomas, Policy, Resources and Reform Councillor S Powell, Culture, Tourism and the Visitor Economy Councillor N Nicholas, Transport and Air Quality

Mayoral Advisor L Collins, Chair of Fairness and Social Justice Advisory Board (FASJAB) Gideon Ben-Tovim, OBE, Natural Environment


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of:

Members of the LCR Combined Authority Councillor W Simon, Portfolio Holder: Education, Employment and Skills

Co-opted Member Councillor L Robinson, Portfolio Holder: Transport and Air Quality

Associate Members Councillor R Bowden, Leader of Warrington Borough Council

Deputy Portfolio Holders Councillor K Groucutt, Inclusive Economy and Third Sector Councillor P Sinnott, Education, Employment and Skills Councillor T Hardy, Housing and Spatial Framework

Mayoral Advisors Reverend Canon Dr Ellen Loudon, Community and Voluntary Sector Councillor E Spurrell, Tackling Violence against Women and Children

The Metro Mayor, Steve Rotheram, on behalf of the Combined Authority sent his best wishes to Councillor Emily Spurrell who was unable to attend the meeting due to a family tragedy.


No declarations were received.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the LCR Combined Authority held on 26 February 2021 were approved as a correct record.


Metro Mayor S Rotheram provided Members with an update on his recent activities and key developments since the last meeting of the LCR Combined Authority.

The Metro Mayor referred to the forthcoming elections and how he hoped for a return to Office in May 2021. He also mentioned the difficult year following the pandemic and paid tribute to the fantastic work of Local Authorities, NHS and frontline workers during that time.

The Metro Mayor highlighted that it was the last Combined Authority meeting for some Members and took the opportunity to pay tribute to the Members concerned.

Firstly, he referred to Councillor Polhill, one of the founding fathers of the Combined Authority and the LCR devolution deal. He explained that Councillor Polhill was standing down as Leader of Halton Council after the May elections. The Metro Mayor reported that Councillor Polhill was first elected to Halton Council in May 1988 and became Leader of the Council in May 2010. Under his leadership Halton had been through significant regeneration transformation and he had played a key role in projects such as the iconic Mersey Gateway, Sci-Tech Daresbury, 3MG & HBC Field and Runcorn Station Quarter.

Councillor Polhill had also contributed a huge amount to the progress within the City Region through his roles on the LEP and as Portfolio Holder for Low Carbon and Renewable Energy and went on to lead on clean green energy, hydrogen and supported the progress of Mersey tidal power.

The Metro Mayor explained that Councillor Polhill had worked closely with all the City Region Local Authorities to bring about significant improvement and make the region somewhere to be proud of. Stalwart of the CA, gardening a small token of appreciation

He concluded by thanking Councillor Polhill on behalf of everyone at the Combined Authority for all his hard work and that a small token of appreciation would be on its way to him shortly.

Secondly, the Metro Mayor informed the meeting that Jane Kennedy, Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) was retiring. He stated that Jane was first elected in 1992 as MP for what was Liverpool Broadgreen constituency and served in the house until 2010. She was then elected as the first ever PCC for Merseyside, so had given almost 30 years‟ service to the people of the Liverpool City Region. The Metro Mayor also reported that she was the first woman as a Minister in the Lord Chancellor‟s Office and had worked in various Government departments. She was also involved in the appointment of the present outgoing Chief Constable of Merseyside Police and in the appointment of the incoming Chief Constable.

He added that Jane Kennedy had joined the Combined Authority as a co-opted member in 2017 and had provided vital expertise on criminal justice. One behalf of everyone at the Combined Authority he extended best wishes for a long, happy and well-deserved retirement.

The Metro Mayor reported that Councillor Sinnott, Deputy Portfolio Holder for Education, Employment and Skills and Councillor for Halton Borough Council would also be retiring from public office. From May 2017, Councillor Sinnott served on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and then in 2018 became a Deputy Portfolio Holder. On behalf of the Combined Authority, the Metro Mayor thanked Councillor Sinnott for the time and dedication she had given to the Combined Authority and wished her well for the future.

The Metro Mayor explained that whilst Councillor Simon could not be in attendance today, this would be her last CA meeting whilst she was the acting Mayor of Liverpool.

He reported that Councillor Simon took leadership of Liverpool City Council at a time of great difficulty and in that short time had provided much needed stability and leadership. The Metro Mayor concluded by paying tribute to her and recognising the work she has done for the city region over the past few months.

The Metro Mayor explained that as this was his final Combined Authority meeting of his first term of office, he reflected on what had been achieved over the past four years. Explaining that at day one he walked into Mann Island with no staff and very little to speak of in terms of an organisation.

However, since then collectively the organisation has developed and funding has been accessed which will bring about significant improvements for the lives of 1.6m people in our great city region, including:

 Secured more than £200m in extra funding for transport, skills and tackling homelessness;  Received around £625m in devolved funding which has supported Transforming Cities Fund, Adult Education Budget, Households into Work, Housing First, Single Transport Port and Mayoral Capacity Funding.  Supported over 9,000 new jobs, 5,500 apprenticeships,15,000 new homes;  Invested more than £400m into growth projects in every one of our six local authorities;  Launched the borough of culture programme and committed 1% of our funding to cultural projects;  Begun Mersey Tidal Power – one of the largest renewable energy projects in the country;  Set up one front door and the growth platform to streamline our investment and business support  Launched our fair employment charter;  Invested more than £30m into local colleges;  Halved the cost of rail and bus travel for apprentices;  Launched the country‟s first UCAS style apprenticeship portal;  Opened the first new station on the Merseyrail network for 20 years;  Modernised our smart ticketing offer with the Metro Card;  Invested in 600km miles of new walking and cycling routes;  Begun the game-changing digital infrastructure project;  Introduced Deputy Portfolio Holders and Mayoral Advisors to address gender imbalance  Declared a climate emergency

The Metro Mayor took the opportunity to formally place on record his thanks to all of the Leaders, past and present for their commitment and support over the past four years. He also thanked all of the staff at the Combined Authority for all their hard work, particularly over the past 12 months which have been especially difficult due to coronavirus.

The Metro Mayor acknowledged that a significant amount of work goes in, by a lot of people, behind the scenes to turn the Combined Authority policies and visions into delivery on the ground, and so he thanked each and every one who had contributed for what they have done.

In conclusion, the Metro Mayor reported that his Political Advisor, Rich Durber, would be leaving after the election. He noted that Rich had played a pivotal role in supporting him during his first term, for which he was grateful for. He wished Rich every success in his new career.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Corporate Development and Delivery which:

(1) provided an update on the proposed appointment of a new Chief Executive, following consideration of this issue by the Appointment and Disciplinary Committee of the Combined Authority on 12 March 2021; and

(2) sought consideration of the recommendations of Appointment and Disciplinary Committee.

Liz Dean, Director of Corporate Development and Delivery informed members that the report detailed the process which had been followed for the recruitment of the Chief Executive post. She highlighted that the consultants had been asked during the process to apply the principles of the „Rooney‟ rule which required that there was at least one woman candidate and one person from an under-represented minority candidate considered. Liz Dean confirmed that this requirement had been met at all stages of the recruitment process.

Liz Dean added that following the final candidate interviews held on 12 March 2021, the Appointments and Disciplinary Committee agreed unanimously that a recommendation be made to the Combined Authority meeting to appoint Katherine Fairclough to the position of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

Members were advised that a conditional offer had been made within the agreed salary band and accepted by Ms Fairclough. Subject to ratification, discussions would continue immediately and once all conditions had been met, a date for commencement in the post would be agreed.

It was also reported that external communications was being developed and subject to ratification at the meeting, all staff would be informed that afternoon.

Lynn Collins, Mayoral Advisor and Chair of Fairness and Social Justice Advisory Board (FASJAB), commented and thanked the Metro Mayor for the inclusion of stakeholder panels in the recruitment process. This allowed members of the FASJAB alongside Trade Unions and community and voluntary organisations to meet all shortlisted candidates and provide feedback which was considered during the appointment process.


(i) the progress made regarding the appointment to the position of the Combined Authority Chief Executive, be noted; and

(ii) the recommendation of the Appointments and Disciplinary Committee at its meeting held on 12 March 2021 be agreed and that the preferred candidate be appointed to the position of Chief Executive of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Chief Executive and Metro Mayor which provided an overview of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) Race Equality Declaration of Intent, a public facing commitment to Race Equality.

Lorna Rogers, Head of Mayoral Programmes, reported that the LCRCA Race Equality Declaration of Intent was a public facing commitment to Race Equality

Members were advised of the background to bring about a catalyst to change to address racial injustice and inequalities in society and an evidence based approach had been undertaken to reduce the inequalities for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic residents across the region. Furthermore, the commitment to Build Back Better from the pandemic must include equalities for all.

The Declaration of Intent sets out clear targets to address racial inequalities and goes beyond the Combined Authority‟s statutory duty to promote equality under the Equality Act 2010.

Lorna Rogers reported that significant work had been undertaken with partners and stakeholders to reduce economic disparity that already exists. Examples of work already undertaken included the positive action and change initiative and working with the LCR LEP to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic businesses to open up business and supply chain opportunities.

Lorna went on to explain that the time frame for implementation was 5 years, however, there was a long term commitment to this work and the Declaration of Intent enabled the City Region to take the first step in driving sustainable and positive change for the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. There had been significant support from organisations and partners from across the City Region and this provided a real opportunity to make a difference.

Members were informed that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had reviewed the Declaration and were very supportive of the intent and work being done on the race equality programme.

Metro Mayor Rotheram placed on record his thanks to Lorna and colleagues for their hard work in driving this forward.

Asif Hamid MBE, Chair of the LCR LEP, endorsed the Declaration of Intent and explained that the LCR LEP had contacted the wider business community to bring the Declaration to their attention and seek to achieve its ambition.

Lynn Collins, Chair of FASJAB, welcomed the work being done on the Intent and the three workstreams. She explained that FASJAB had been actively involved in the project and which required long standing commitment and collaboration to turn the statement of intent into real change.

Councillor Nathalie Nicholas, welcome the Declaration of Intent and thanked the Metro Mayor for leading on this work. Furthermore, she acknowledged that with the support of Lorna and the team the Declaration was real commitment for a positive change for this and future generations.


(i) the proposed Race Equality Declaration of Intent, be endorsed and adopted; and

(ii) the publication of the Declaration of Intent and future performance against the targets as set out in Appendix One to the report, be approved.


The LCR Combined Authority considered the report of the Portfolio Holder: Inclusive Economy and Third Sector and the Director of Commercial Development and Investment which sought Combined Authority (LCRCA) approval to award Investment Funding (SIF) to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (WMBC) to support the development and delivery of the Port City Innovation Hub Accelerator („the Project‟) which would pilot accelerator activities to enable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and early stage companies to develop new products, services and processes in the maritime sector.

Councillor Williamson, Portfolio Holder: Inclusive Economy and Third Sector, provided a detailed summary of the Port City Innovation Hub Accelerator, including the five core elements of the project, which were set out at paragraph 3.5 of the report.


(i) the provision of up to £748,145 grant funding to WMBC from the SIF for the Port City Innovation Hub Accelerator project, be approved;

(ii) the funding conditions set out in paragraph 5.3 of the report, be noted; and

(iii) delegated authority be granted to the Director of Commercial Development and Investment to finalise negotiations of detailed funding terms and associated agreements for the Project specified at (a) above in consultation with the Combined Authority Monitoring Officer and Combined Authority Treasurer.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Portfolio Holder for Inclusive Economy and Third Sector and Director of Commercial Development and Investment which advised on the progression of proposals from scheme promoters for the Transforming Cities Funding.

Councillor Nicholas, Deputy Portfolio Holder for Transport and Air Quality informed the Combined Authority that this ask was for £46m which covered four exciting projects and committed the Transforming Cities Funding with two years left of the programme.

Councillor Nicholas reported that the first project was the St Helens Southern Gateway which centred around Lea Green Station and was a multimodal project. Six walking and cycling corridors would be created linking the station to the surrounding neighbourhoods and a new CYCLOPS junction at Marshalls Cross would see active travel users given priority at the junction. The station itself would see public realm improvements, including an increase in parking capacity and a new station building. The highways interventions would be delivered by St Helens Council and the station works by Merseytravel.

Councillor Nicholas reported that St Helens MBC should be commended for their commitment to active travel via this progressive project that would benefit station users and local residents alike.

Councillor Nicholas explained that through the Department for Transport‟s Access for All programme, Merseytravel successfully bid for 5 stations to receive funding for new lifts that would serve platforms at the following stations:  Broad Green;  Birkenhead Park;  Hillside;  St Michaels;  Hunts Cross Councillor Nicholas reported that the Urban Traffic Control project would see the widescale replacement of Halogen bulbs on traffic signals across the key route network with LED bulbs. The bulbs were more efficient and had a longer lifespan, reducing maintenance costs for our Local Authority partners.

Additionally, 37 sites across the city region would see air quality monitors installed to allow real-time monitoring of pollution levels. This data would be key to informing policy interventions in the coming years and improve the health and wellbeing of our residents.

Councillor Nicholas reported that Hydrogen Bus proposal would see Merseytravel purchase 20 double decker hydrogen-fuelled buses for use on the 10 and 10a bus routes between Liverpool and St Helens, leasing the buses to existing operators. If successful and commercially viable, it was hoped that this trial would be expanded with the purchase of further buses.

Metro Mayor praised the work of officers in achieving the delivery of these projects and noted the inclusive nature of the projects and that they supported the climate emergency declared by the Combined Authority.

Councillor Morgan welcomed the improvements to the stations as part of the Access for All programme and in particular those at Broadgreen Station. With regards to the Hydrogen buses he explained that they would service residents of Huyton and Prescot who were looking forward to their arrival.


(i) the provision of grant funding from the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) – Transforming Cities Fund be approved for each of the following projects up to the amounts specified (£46m in total):

(a) Urban Traffic Control (phase 1) - £8.9m; (b) Access for All - £9.8m; (c) St Helens Southern Gateway Package - £14.8m; and (d) Hydrogen Buses - £12.5m.

(ii) authority be granted to the Director of Commercial Development and Investment to finalise negotiations of detailed terms of the funding and associated agreements in consultation with the Combined Authority Monitoring Officer and Combined Authority Treasurer and to release funds to the Lead Officer for TCF.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Portfolio Holder: Transport and Air Quality and the Interim Director of Strategic Delivery which:

(1) recommended how the Combined Authority should best redistribute the 2021/22 Single Transport Pot of £31.3M received from the Department for Transport; and

(2) sought agreement of the principles by which pre-development expenditure on the priority transport pipeline projects would be approved.

Councillor Nicholas, Deputy Portfolio Holder for Transport and Air Quality informed the Combined Authority that the Transport Settlement was a funding pot to support the delivery of small-scale works in local areas and the Combined Authority had received a total of £31.3million from the Department of Transport. Table 3 and 4 in the report set out the proposed allocation of the 2021/22 Transport settlement.

Councillor Nicholas explained that the allocation of the Integrated Transport Budget to constituent Local Authorities remained consistent in total value and distribution to that in the financial year 2020/21. Furthermore, the Integrated Transport budget retained by the Combined Authority were consistent with that in the financial year 2020/21, with the expectation of an increase to Mayoral Priorities which had increased to just over £2.6m. Councillor Nicholas noted that the Mayoral Priorities would be used to fund expenditure on transport pipeline pre-development.

Councillor Nicholas reported that the allocations of the highways maintenance and re-allocation of the KRN top slice was per the existing formulae and consistent with the approach taken in the 2020/21 financial year and that the KRN top slice had been reduced from £5.5m in 2020/21 to £3m. Furthermore, should the Combined Authority agree with the proposals in Table 2 of the report this would establish a „thematic pot‟ of £4.5m to manage the expenditure on the transport pipeline.


In respect to the Single Transport Pot “the settlement”:

(i) the single year (2021/22) funding settlement of £31.3 from DfT, be accepted;

(ii) the distribution of the settlement to Constituent Authorities and the Combined Authority as per Table 3 of the report, be approved;

(iii) the re-allocation of the retained KRN element to Constituent Authorities as per Table 4 of the report, be approved;

(iv) allocation of £2.637m of the settlement to the Combined Authority for Mayoral Priorities, for the pre-development of the transport pipeline priorities identified in the report, be agreed; and

(v) the risks in perpetuating the formulaic approach to the distributing the settlement and resolves to undertake a review of evidence led approaches as early as possible in the forthcoming financial year, be noted;

With respect to the pre-development funding of the transport pipeline:

(vi) the recent refresh of the transport pipeline outlined in this report and the priority schemes (Appendix B) that have been identified for pre-development funding in 2021/22, be noted;

(vii) the establishment of a “Transport Pre-Development” Thematic Fund of £4.5M to cover pre-development expenditure on the transport pipeline projects set out in Table 2 of this report and in line with the Combined Authority approved 2021/22 Budget, be approved;

(viii) in agreeing recommendation (vii) above, it be noted that officers will therefore be authorised to make expenditure decisions in excess of the key decision threshold (£150,000). When such decisions occur, it would be in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Air Quality and be the subject of a published officer decision;

(ix) it be noted that should any additional/new projects be identified, the Interim Director of Strategic Delivery will consult the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Air Quality to determine their inclusion in the refreshed Transport Pipeline and therefore able to secure funding from the Transport Pre-Development Thematic Fund. Such determinations would l be periodically reported to Members of the Combined Authority; and

(x) progress on the development of projects identified within the refreshed transport pipeline be reported periodically to the Combined Authority.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Portfolio Holder: Culture, Visitor Economy and Tourism and the Lead Officer for Culture which sought approval of the Liverpool City Region Cultural Compact Strategic Action Plan (2021 – 2026).

Councillor Ian Maher, Portfolio Holder: Culture, Visitor Economy and Tourism reported that this was a significant and important document and thanked those who had been involved in its development.

Councillor Shelley Powell, Deputy Portfolio Holder: Culture, Visitor Economy and Tourism explained that the Cultural Compact Strategic Action Plan was a commissioned piece of work, funded by Arts Council England as one of the national Cultural Compact pilots, a recommendation from the UK Cultural Cities Enquiry. The original remit of the Cultural Compact initiative was to create a strategic partnership bringing together local authorities, business, education, cultural and community leaders, to co-design and deliver a vision for culture in the city region.

The LCR Cultural Compact Strategic Action Plan has been developed through extensive research, sector engagement and consultation with key stakeholders including local authorities; the cultural, education and community / voluntary sectors, national funding bodes and was aligned to local and national strategies and priorities.

The Compact Strategic Action Plan acknowledges and reflects both the impact of Covid 19 on the cultural and creative sector, the immediate issues of survival and recovery, and details a longer-term future facing ambition.

The LCR Cultural Compact Strategic Action Plan outlines 3 key priorities:  Cultural Communities - prioritising community-led transformation and developing assets within communities across Liverpool City Region.  Creative People – supporting and facilitating greater artist, practitioner and community led cultural/creative interventions within city region cultural programmes.  Creative Places - recognising the contribution made by the commitment to 1% for Culture programme, which builds upon the influence and role of arts and culture in the regeneration and recovery of the city region, in the years following 2008.

The Strategic Action Plan also included reforming and strengthening the governance and membership of the Cultural Partnership. Councillor J Williamson supported the Strategic Action Plan and noted that culture and creative sector are drivers for economic change. She referred to Wirral‟s year as of Borough of Culture and the benefits this had generated.

RESOLVED – That the Liverpool City Region Cultural Compact Strategic Action Plan as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be agreed and endorsed.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Interim Director of Strategic Delivery and Portfolio Holder for Education, Employment and Skills which sought approval for:

(1) the indicative Adult Education Budget funding allocations for all providers for the academic year 2021/22;

(2) the acceptance of the remainder of the grant and subsequent allocations for delivery of the new Lifetime Skills Guarantee Level 3 Adult Offer funding that has been delegated to the Combined Authority for the period 1 April 2021-31 July 2021 and the academic year thereafter; and

(3) changes to the AEB Assurance Framework to reflect the additional Adult Offer funding, continuation of the Facilitation Fund and a revised Scheme of Delegation.


(i) the funding of £928,387 from Department for Education for the Level 3 offer for the financial year 2022/23 as outlined in the letter dated 3 February 2021, be accepted;

(ii) the indicative funding allocations to Liverpool City Region AEB providers, as summarised in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved;

(iii) the methodology applied to calculate the Level 3 Lifetime Skills Guarantee allocations for the period April-July 2021 outlined in section 4.5 be noted;

(iv) the changes to the AEB Assurance Framework to reflect the additional Lifetime Skills Guarantee Level 3 Adult Offer funding and changes to structures within the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority included as Appendix 2 to the report, be agreed;

(v) the continuation of a Facilitation Fund using AEB in 2021/22 academic year as set out in section 4.4 of the report, be agreed; and

(vi) the Scheme of Delegation outlined in section 6 of the report regarding both the management of the AEB funding, and the academic year 2021/22 allocations to providers for the Level 3 Adult Offer, be agreed.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policy and Strategic Commissioning which provided a further update on the work being done in each of the constituent authorities and at a city-region level to action the Dementia Friendly Pledge, following the previous update provided in the summer of 2019. It was highlighted that the Dementia Friendly Pledge was originally signed by the Metro Mayor and Combined Authority members at the LCR Health and Wellbeing Summit in February 2018.

The report also sought approval for the changed governance arrangements required to progress with a formal application by the Combined Authority for Dementia Friendly Community status, as accredited by the Alzheimer‟s Society.

Metro Mayor Rotheram welcomed the inclusion of the LCR Dementia Pledge on today‟s agenda, especially as this represented the fulfilment of a manifesto commitment on this issue.

He explained that in welcoming this report it was vital to recognise how tough the pandemic has been for those living with dementia, which served to underline the importance of this work. Furthermore, the report also represented a fine example of the benefits of working collaboratively together across the city region towards a common goal and sharing best practice.


(i) the contents of the report and attached appendices, be noted;

(ii) officers be requested to provide a further update report on a regular basis;

(iii) the Dementia Pledges Working Party currently convened under LCR auspices be renamed the Dementia Advisory Group (DAG);

(iv) the Metro Mayor‟s Deputy Portfolio Holder, Cllr Carla Thomas, be nominated as the LCRCA Dementia Champion to link into the DAG‟s work; and

(v) DAG develop a co-ordinated action plan to raise awareness of dementia across the city region and to provide regular progress reports accordingly.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policy and Strategic Commissioning and Portfolio Holder for Low Carbon and Renewable Energy which:

(1) Provided an update on progress to address the Climate Emergency declared by the Combined Authority in 2019; and

(2) highlighted key activities and sought approval for the Liverpool City Region Year One Climate Action Plan 2021-2022, which creates a clear framework for further rapid action.

Councillor Rob Polhill, Portfolio Holder for Low Carbon and Renewable Energy explained the City Region vision for climate change. It was recognised that the preparation of an evidence based action plan to meet the 2040 goal would take some time, therefore it was proposed that a Year One action plan would set out short term actions and targets, to ensure that actions commence rapidly. Councillor Polhill paid tribute to the work of officers and Councillor G Wood and Gideon Ben-Tovim OBE for their commitment to the Climate Partnership and the development of the Year One Climate Action Plan.

The Members of the LCR Combined Authority welcomed the report and provided examples of how each of their Local Authorities were investing in energy efficient LED lighting across the highways network.

Councillor G Wood, Deputy Portfolio Holder: Low Carbon and Renewable Energy welcomed the report and explained how the Climate Partnership and Action Plan was a truly collaborative forum. She placed on record her thanks to Councillor Polhill for his leadership in this Portfolio.

Gideon Ben-Tovim OBE, Chair of the Climate Partnership, explained that the Partnership has been working hard since the Combined Authority declared the Climate Emergency, and there had been significant engagement from a broad range of stakeholders which was reflected in the Action Plan.


(i) the progress made to achieve the climate commitments of the Combined Authority, be noted; and

(ii) the Liverpool City Region Year One Climate Action Plan as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.


The LCR Combined Authority considered a report of the Metro Mayor and the Director of Policy and Strategic Commissioning which provided:

(1) A factual update on the announcements from the Chancellor in his budget speech on 3 March 2020; and

(2) Details of the initial headline implications of the announcements for Liverpool City Region.

RESOLVED - That the briefing on the initial, headline implications of the Budget announcements, be noted.


RESOLVED – That the Committee Timetable 2021/22 be approved.


Metro Mayor S Rotheram reported that no public questions had been received.


Metro Mayor S Rotheram advised that no petitions or statements had been received.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 14 January 2021 were received as a correct record.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Audit and Governance Committee held on 20 January 2021 were received as a correct record.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Transport Committee held on 13 January 2021 were received as a correct record.


RESOLVED – That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1985, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.


The LCR Combined Authority considered the report of the Portfolio Holder: Inclusive Economy and Third Sector and the Director of Commercial Development and Investment which provided an update on the outstanding loan Liverpool Airport (Intermediate) No. 3 Ltd, the ultimate owner of Liverpool John Lennon Airport (“the Airport”) and the financial position of the Airport as a result of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.


(i) the report be noted; and

(ii) a further update be provided to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority by 4 June 2021 or earlier, should the financial position of the Airport materially change.

Minutes 127 to 148 be received as a correct record on the 4 day of June 2021.

Chairperson of the Combined Authority

(The meeting closed at 2.29 pm)