Rok / Year: Svazek / Volume: Číslo / Number: Jazyk / Language 2017 19 2 CZ Generátor kybernetických útoků Generator of Cyber Attacks Jakub Frolka, Peter Halaška, Jan Hajný, David Smékal
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií VUT v Brně DOI: - Abstract: The article deals with the security of computer networks based on TCP / IP protocol suite, in particular, testing the resistance to DDoS attacks and tools for generating malicious traffic. In the article the selected tools Hping3, Mausezahn and Trafgen are analyzed. For these tools the results of comparative measurements are presented. Based on the results of the experimental tests, the main contribution of this paper is design and implementation of the new tool for generation of DDoS attacks and its subsequent performance testing for individual attacks. The tool also has a unique web interface for its easier usage. VOL.19, NO.2, APRIL 2017 Rok / Year: Svazek / Volume: Číslo / Number: Jazyk / Language 2017 19 2 CZ Generátor kybernetických útoků Generator of Cyber Attacks Jakub Frolka, Peter Halaška, Jan Hajný, David Smékal
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií VUT v Brně DOI: - Abstract: The article deals with the security of computer networks based on TCP / IP protocol suite, in particular, testing the resistance to DDoS attacks and tools for generating malicious traffic. In the article the selected tools Hping3, Mausezahn and Trafgen are analyzed. For these tools the results of comparative measurements are presented.