THE GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0)

Vol. LXXIII-No. 49 , 22nd October, 1971 Prlce Sh 1/50


The Land Adjudication Act-Appointment 1056 (Pubhshed as a Specla1 Issue on 15th October, 1971)

The Tax Reserve Certificates Act-Loss of Certificates 1056 The Registration of Persons Act-Appo~ntment 1056 , Loss of Cash Bail Receipt Book 10T6 SUPPLEMENT No 82 - BINS 1971 The We~ghtsand Measures Act-Notice to Traders 1056

Loss of L P 0 No C 706342 1056 The Methods of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws 1968- Fuel 011 Prices 1056 SUPPLEMENT No 83 Transport Licensing 1060-1062 Legislative Supplement The Agncultural Finance Corporation Act-Sale Notice 1063 21 7, 21 $-The Land Control Act-Exemptions 399 Liquor Licensing 1063 I Probate and Adm~nistration 1063-1 064 219 220, 221, 222, 223, 224-The Immigration Act-Certain Non citizens of Kenya Revocation of Power of Attorney 1064 Required to Apply for Entry Permits and Dependants Passe? 400-402 Bankruptcy Junsdiction 1064-1066 225-The Metric Conversion ( Distnct) The Cornpanley Act-Not~ce of First Meetlng, erc 1066-1067 Order 1971 403 The Societies Act, 1968-Furnish Proof, etc 1067 22CThe Metric Convers~on(Nyandarua District) Order, 1971 403 The Afncan Christian Marriage and Dlvorce Act- Ministers Licensed to Celebrate Marriages 1067 227-The Metrlc Conversion ( Distnct) The Co operative Soc~etiesAct-Order 1067 Order 197 1 404

Kenya Co operative Creamenes Ltd --Not~ce 1067 22%-The Metric Convers~on ( Dlstr~ct) Order. 1971 404 Loss of Policies 1068 South African Mutual Llfe Assurance Socitt)-Notlce 229-The Landlord and Tenant (qhops, Hotels to Members 1068 and Cateiing Estabhshments) (Tribunal) (Forms and Procedure) (Amendment) Tender 1068 (No 2) Regulations, 1971 405

Business Transfers 230-The Local Industne3 (Refund of Customs Duties) (Long term) (Amendment) (No 5) Change of Name Order, 1971 406 1056 TH E K EN Y A G AZEH E 22nd October, 1971

CORRIGBN DU M GAZBR'TB N or cE N o 2850 IN Gazette N otlce No 2765, dated 8th October, 1971- THE W EIG HTS AN D M EASU RES D EPARTM ENT The word %llûebuxa'' appearmg zn the thlrd colum n of the Schedule should tead v%ltebuha' N oTlcs To TRADERS IT IS notllied for general lnform atlon that an Inspector of W olghts and M easures w1ll vlslt tho places m ontloned horeundor for the G AZE'I'TE N on cy N o 2846 purposç of verjfylng and stam plng tradors welghlng and m easurlng apparatus on the dates shown THE LAN D A DJU D ICATION A CT 2 A l1 traders wlthln a radlus of twelve mlles from the places m en- (No 35 o! 1968) tloned wlll be requlred to produce to the Inspector all welghts, measures and wolghlng lnstruments so that they may be verlfiod, A PPOINIMENT converted to lndlcate ln m etnw umts and stamped IT IS heroby not/ied for general m formatlon that m exerclse 3 After the completlon of thls programm e an Order prolnlbltlng the of the powers conferred by scctlon 4 (1) of the Land Adludlca use for trado of non-m etnc eqm pm ont w1l1 be lssued and any person tlon Act, 1968, the M m lste.r for Lands and Settlement has found uslng or havlng ln possesslon for use for trade the prohlblted appomted- equlpment wlll be hable to prosecutton under the M etrlc System A IJGUSTINE K IRIKA M UNGAI A ct, 1968 to be an Adludlcatlon Ol cer for any adludlcatlon area wlthm W est Pokot D lstnct, wlth esect from 1st Septem ber, 1971 Cotrsfx 1 COLUMN 2 Dated thls 12th day of October, 1971 Place at whlch apparatus ls to be produced Date on tvhlch appara- tus ls to be ptoduced J H AN GA IN E, M lnuter jor Lands and Settlement Angural 231-d Novem bez M alaba 24th N ovom ber Amakura 25th N ovem ber N am bare 26th N ovem ber GAZE'I'I'E N olqcB N o 2847 Butula 29th N ovem ber Busla 30th N ovem ber TH B TAX RESERVE CERTIFICATES A CT Port Vlutona (M ornlng) 1st Decomber S1o Port (Afternoon) 1st December Lcap 418) Punyula 2nd Decem ber Bum ala 3rd D ecem ber IN PU RSUAN CE of the provlslon of regulatlon 13 of the M allndl 22nd to 26th N ovember Tax Reserve Certé uates Regulatlons, notlce ls hereby glven that G odl 30tb N ovem ber the undermentloned certé cates have ben lost and that lt ls pro- M am brul 1st December posed to lssue dupltcates of such certlficates after the exptry of G ongonl 2nd D ecem ber 30 days from the date of thts adverttsem ent - M akonenl 3rd D ecem ber F R C No Date tssued Amount (A'f) 31200 4 1-64 10 P A AYATA , 31797 5 2 64 10 for Supertntendent of W'elpà/y and M easuren 32372 5 3 64 10 32941 4 4 64 10 held by M lchael A nthony Spmks Gu srns N oerlcs No 2851

P N DEG W A, M IN ISTRY OF ED UCATION Pelm anent Secl e/tp,y to the Zrt-fulzr)z KEN YA IN STITUTE 0F ED UCATION Loss OF LocAL PURCHASE ORDER lfo C 706342 GAZETrE lkoRlcE 'fo 2848 IT IS notlfied for the pubhc mform atlon that the orlgmal REG ISTM TION OF PERSON S A CT L P O quoted above whlch was lssued m the name of M ossrs Lcap 107) Internatlonal Aeradlo on 7th June, 1971, ls reported lost A PPOINIMBNT OF REGISTRATION OFFICER Thls L P 0 haq now been cancelled and no llablllty wlll be accepted by the K enya Instltute of Educatlon ln respect of the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 4 (2) of SCCWCCS rendered agalllst lt the Reglstratlon of Persons Act, the Prm clpal Reglstrar, wlth effect from the 28th September, 1971, hereby appolnts- J O OW lN 0 for Secretary ToBlAs TAMBO A W INO Kenya Instltute of Educatlon to be a Reglstratlon Oë cer for the purposes of the A ct Dated thls 6t11 day of October, 1971 ElAzeTrs 'foTlcE ';o 2852 P M OKU M U , Prmcw al Regtstrar THE M ETHODS OF CHARGE (EAPL) BYELAW S 1968 FUEL O IL M ccs Gxzr.rrE N orlcE No 2849 PURSUAN T to byelaw N o 6 of the M ethods of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws 1968, notlce ls hereby gwen of the vanatlons V ICE PRESID EN T'S OFFICE AN D to the pnce of fuel o1l dehvered to the com pany on or before M IN ISTRY OF H OM E AFFAIRS the 1st day of August, 1971 Loss oF CASH BAIL RSCEIPT Boox Delkverto to //26 Fuel Storage Tanks at N OTICE ls hereby glven that Cash Batl Recelpt Book N os 325751 to 325800 lssued to the Oë cer-m Charge, Songhor Pollce N alrobl South No charye Statlon under the N andl Pollce D wlslon, has been reported lost Klsum u No change At tht, tlm e of the loss the book had beon used from Serlal N o change N os 325751 to 325766 m cluswe N anNuk: Sh 0 78 mcreasc The balanl,e of the unused recelpts, l e fl om Serlal N os Coast (Klpevu Fum ace 0t1) Sh 0 85 decrease 325767 to 325800 have now been m vahdated M em bers of the publlc aye hereby m form ed that the G ovem m ent will not accept M eru Sh 0 26 mcrease hablhty for any m oney that may be collected on the strength of K encho N o change these mvalldated recelpts Anv m em ber of the publlc who m ay M ombasa Sh 1 97 m crease com e across any of the m valldated recelpts should report the H om a Bay Sh 0 14 m crease matter to elther the underugned or to the nearest Pollce Statlon Lam u Sh 1 94 decrease Dated thls 11th day of October, 1X 1 M allndl N o chango N akuru N o change J M W M IJLERA, jo' CWIe/ Accountant A N N G U GI, P O Box 30083, N alrobl Secretaty 22nd October, 1971 TH E K EN Y A G A ZE'IV E 1057

GAZis'I-rE N o'rlcE N o 25* any of the requlrem ents of tlus condltlon lt shall be lawful for tlze Comm lsmonor of Lands or any person authortzed by hlm TH E GOVERNM ENT LAN D S AG on behalf of the Prosldent or the Com mTssloner m respeot of (Cap 280) any antocedent breach of any condltlons herem contam ed NAIROBI INDUSTRIAL Pl-oTs, SHAURI M ovo 3 'rhe grantee shall mam tam m good and substantlal repalr - LIGI.IT and condltlon a11 bulldm gs at any tlm e orected on the land THE Com m lssloner of Lands m mtes appllcahons for plots of Iand at Shaun M oyo, N alrobl, for llght m dustnal purposes as 4 Should the grantee glve notlce m w rltm g to the Com m ls descrlbed ln the Schedule hereto A plan of the plots m ay be sloner of Iwands that ho/she/they ts/aro unable to complete the seen m the Lands D epartm ent, or m ay bo obtam ed on paym ent butldm gs m ltlnn the ponod aforesazd the Com mlsmoner of of Sh 4 from thw Publlc M ap Oflice, P O Box 30089, N alrobl Dands shall (at the grantee's expense) accept a surrender of the land com pnsed heroln t-4â' p'evtoltsly pttbltshed para 1 wcâ' tncorrectly shown lt ls now repubhshed In tts correct Jt/l?n, as above ) Provlded further that lf such notlce as aforesm d shall be glven (1) wlthm 12 months of the commencement of the term, 2 Appllcatlons m ust be sent to the Com nussloner of Lands the Comm lssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per not later than noon on Fnday, 29th Ootober, 1971 centum of the stand premlum pald m respect of the land, or (2) at any subsequent tune pnor to the explratlon of the sald 3 Appllcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlons a sum of bulldm g penod the Com mlssloner of twem ds shall refund to the Sh 1,000 m cash or send a postl order, m oney order or grantee 25 per centum of the sxetld stand prem lum In the event banker's ordor m ado payable to Com mlssloner of Lands as of nohce bem g gw on after the explratlon of the sald bulldmg deposlt N o cheques w1ll be accepted n e deposlt w111 be pemod no refund shall be m ade dealt wlth as follows - (c) If rthe applloant ls ofered and takes up and pays for the 5 n e land and bulldlngs shall only be used for m osenslve plot wlthm the penod of 14 days as requlred by Condltlon kght mdustnal purposes tand accom modatlon not exceedm g 100 N o 5 the deposlt w1l1 be credlted to htm square feet m ay be provlded for a carotaker or m ght watchm an (b) If the appllcatlon ls unsuccossful the appllr-qnt's deposlt w1l1 be returned to hlm 6 The land shall not be used for the purposes of any trade or busmess whlch the Com mlssloner of Lands conslders to be (c) If tho applleatlon zs suocossful and the apphcant falls to take up and pay for the plot osered to hlm wlthm a dangerous or ofenmve penod of 14 days as requlred by Condltlon No 5 below, n e grantx shall not subdlvlde the tland the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay declare the deposlt forefolted and the apphcant shall have no further claun 8 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublot, charge or part thereto w'th tho possesslon of the land or any part thereof except wlth 4 Each appllcataon should bc accompanled by a statement the pnor consent m wntm g of the Promdent no appllcatlon for lndlcatm g- such consent (except trl respoct of a loan requlred for bulldmg purposes) wlll be consldered untll Spemal Condmon No 2 has (c) the amount oapltal ls proposed to spend on the been perform ed project, (bj the amount of actual camtal avallable for development 9 The grantee shall Ila,y to tho Com m lsnone,r of Lands on wlth a banker's letter, or othgr evldence of snanclal gtatus dem and such sum as tho Com m lsmoner m ay esttm ate to be the m support, proportlonate cost of constrtzctmg all roads and dm m s and (c) the manner ln whlch lt zs proposed to ralse 'the balance of sewers servmg or adlom mg the land and shall on completlon of the m pltal requlred for developm ent, lf any, such oonstrtzotlon and the ascertamm ent of the aotual propor @) full dotmls of Ithe proposed tradels) should be submltted, tlonate cost elther pay (wltlzm seven days of demand) or be (e) whother Ithe ttpphcant runs an establlshed busmess or refunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportlonate cost whethor zt ls proposed t'o start a new busmess or sell/ exceeds or falls short of tlzo nm ount pald as aforesald sublet prem lses 10 The grantee shall f rom ttme to tune pay to the Comm ls sloner of Letnds on dem and such proportlon of the cost of 5 n e successful allottee of the plot shall pay to the Comm ls malntam mg a11 roads and dram s servm g o'r adlom lng tlle land sloner of Lands wlthm 14 days of noté catlon that h1s appllcatlon as the Com m lssloner m ay assess lms been succossful the stand prem m m and proportlon of the annual rental togother wllth survey, conveyancmg, stamp duty and 1 1 Should the Comm lssloner of lmnds at any tune requlre reglstratlon fees, contnbutlon m keu of rates and provm onu.l the sald roads to be construoted to a hlgher standard the gm ntee sorvlco charges In default of paym ent wlthm the specdied tlme shall pay to the Com m lssloner on dem and such proportlon of the Comm lsslonor of Lands m ay cancol the allotm ent and the the cost of such constructlon as the Com m tssloner may assess appllcant shall have no claun to the plot 12 The gm ntee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutlos, General Condtttons assessm ents or outgom gs of whatever descnptlon as may be 1 'lnhe grant wlll bo m ade under the prowslons of the G overn lm posed, charged or assessed by any G overnm ent or local ment Lands Act (Cap 280 of the Laws of Kenya), and tltle authonty upon the land or rtlze bulldm gs erwcted thereon, m clud m l1 be lssued under the Reglstratlon of Tltles Aot fceap 281) 1ng any contnbutlon or other sum pald by the Presldent m lleu theroof 2 The grant m 11 be lssued m the nam e of the allottee as glven m the letter of apphcatlon and wl11 be sublect to the 13 The Preasldent or such person or authonty as m ay be Spemal Condlhons set out below appom ted for the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon the land and 1ay and have access to water m ams, servlce plpes 3 'I'he torm of the grant wtll be for 99 years from the 1st day and dram s, telephone or telegraph m res and olectnc m am s of of tho month followm g the lssuo of the letter of allotment all descnptlons whother overhead or underground and the grantoe shall not erect any bm ldlng m such a way as to cover Speaal Cbntflatprl.ç or mterfore wzth any exlstm g allgnments of m am s or sel-vlce plpos or telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc m nm s 1 N o bm ldm gs shall be ereoted on the land nor shall addl tlons or oxtornal alteratlons be m ade to any bmldm gs otherwzse 14 The Com mlssloner of Lands reserves tlze 'nght to revlse than m conformlty wlth plans and spemscatlons premously the annual ground rent payable horeunder after tlw explm tlon approved m wrltm g by the Comm lsnoner of Lands and the of the 33rd and 66th year of the term hereby granted Such local authonty rn e Comm lssloner shall not glve h1s approval rental w1ll ibe at the rate of 4 per cent of the ununproved unless he ls satlsfed that the proposals are such as to develop freehold value of the land assessed by the Com mlssloner of the land adequately and satlsfadonly Lands 2 'The grantee shall wlthm mx m onths of the com mencement SCHEDULE of the term subm lt m tnphcate to the looal authonty and the Commlssloner of Izands, plans (mcludmg block plnnA showmg Area the posltlon of the bulldm gs and a system of the dmm age for Plot No (Approx ) Stand Annual Road Survey the dlsposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), drawlngs, Premtum Rent Charges Fees elevatlons and spectlicatlons of the bulldlngs the gm ntee pro poses to erect on the land and shall wlthm 24 m onths of the H ectares Sh Sh comm encement of the term complete the erectlon of such butld- A 0 036 5,000 1,000 3848 70 On demand B () 036 5,600 1,120 3848 70 :, lngs and the constnzctlon of the dramage system m oonformlty C 0 041 8,200 1,640 4383 20 ,, wlth such plans, drawmgs, elevatlons and spectticatlons as D 0 061 15,000 3,000 6521 40 ,, amended (1f such be the m se) by tho Commlssloner E 0 141 10,800 2,160 15074 05 ,, F 0 101 10,200 2,040 10797 70 s. Provlded that notm thstandm g anythmg to the contrary con- G 0 095 10,200 2,040 10156 25 ,. tamed tn or lmphed by the Government Lands Aot (Cap 280), H 0 097 10,600 2,120 10370 05 ,, lf default shall be m ade 'm the performance or observance of los: 'r.u's X EX V'A (n zsv rs 22nd o aober, 19,1

GAZBTIE NOTICE N O 2665 ZIW Of the refllltrom cnts Of thls contktlon tt shall be lawful f or tho Com m lssloner of Lands or any pelson aulthonzed by h'lm on behalf of the Presldent Ito re enter lato and upon the land TH E GOVERN M ENT LAN D S AC T Or any part thereof m the nam e of the whole and thereupon (C&# 280) nthgeh t eormf ahootlroenb yo rc rereamteedd ysh oalfl tcheea seP rbesultd ewnrtt hooru t hpe reCluodmlcme lstsol oanneyr N m resnect of any antecedent breach of any condltlon herem ANYUKI- PLOT FoR PRIVATB RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES conIta mX-ed THE Com mlssloner of Lands on bohalf of the Premdent of :J n o gm rjtee shall m alntam ln good and substantlal repalr the Repubhc of K enm glvos notlrce that the plolt m Nanytzkl and condltlon a11 bm ldm gs at any tlme erected On Ithe land Town as doscnbed m the Schedule heroto ls avallable for ahena t4on and apphcatxons are m vpted for the dlrect grant of the 4 should the grantee glve notlce ln wrltm g to Ithe Com mls P1Ot sloner of Lands that he/ she/ they 1s/ are unable to Icomplgte the 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at Ithe Pubhc M ap Office bulldm gs w:thm the perlod aforesald, the Com m lssloner of Mttzated m the Letnd Department Bulldmg Clty Square, Nabrobj, lbands shall (at the grantee , s expense) accept a surrender of tj je or at the oflice of the Clerk , and com pnsed hereln , N anyukl, or m ay be obtalned from the Pubhc M ap Ol ce, P O Box 30089, N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3 post free Provldod further 'that lf such notlce as aforesald shall be glven (1) wlthln 12 m onths of the commencement of tjlt; torm, the 3 Appkcatlons should be submltted to the Comlnlssloner of Com mzsstoner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per Lands, Nalroh, through the Clerk, Nanyukl Applleatlons must contum of the sltand premlum pald m respect of the land, or (2) be on prescnbed form s whlch are avallable from Lands Depalrt at any subsequent tlm e prlor to the explm tlon of the sald bulld ment, the Olerk, P O Box 4, N anyukl lllg perlod, the Com mlssloner Of Lands shall refund to the grantee 25 per centum of the salld stand prem lum In the event 4 Appltcattons m ust be sent so as to reach the Clerk not of notlco bom g gwen after the exm m tlon of the sald bm ldlng Iater ithan noon on the 5th N ovember, 1971 perlod no refund shall be m ade 5 Appkllatlons m ust not be sent dlrect 1to the Comm lssloner 5 The land and the bulldm gs s jja jj only be used for pnwate Of l-antls rosldentlal purposes and not m ore than one dwellm g house shall 6 Appllcants m ust enololse wyth thelr applleatlons thelr cheque be erected on the land for Sh 1,000 as a doposlt, whlch w11l be dealt wrth as follows - 6 The bmldlngs shall not cover m ore than 50 per centum of (t0 If the appllcant ls offored and Itakes up and pays for the gw area of the land or such lesser area as may be lald down plot wzthim a ponod of seven days ras irequlred m para by the looal authorlty m :ts by-laws graph 5 bolow, the depomt wlll be credlted to h1m (bj lf the apphm tlon ls unsuccessful 1he apphmn't,s depomt 7 The land shall not be used for the purposes of any trade wlll be rotunled to hmz or buslnoss whlch the Com mlssloner of Lands conslders dangerous or ohenswe (c) If the applfm tlon ls successful and the appllcant falls to take up and pay for the plot offered to hzm wytlun a 8 anhe gmnte shall not subdwlde the Iand penod of 14 days as requlred m paragraph 5 of the G eneral Condltlons, the Com m lsaloner of Lands may 9 'rhe grantee shall noit soll tmnsfer, sublot, oharge or part declare tho deposlt forfmted and the appkcant s'hall have wlth the possesslon of the land, or any part theroof except wlth no further clalm thoroto the pnor consent ln wntm g of the Com mlssloner of Lands no appkeatlon for such oonsent (except m respect of a loan requlred General Cbndlfltpn.î fOr bmldmg purposes) w11I1 be consldered untll Speclal Condltlon N o 2 has bten porform ed 1 'I'he 'ordmary condttlons apphcablo to townshlp grants of thzs nature except 'as vaned hereby shall apply to thls glhant 10 'rhe gm ntee shall pay to the Com mlsslone.r of Ivands on 2 Th dem and such sum as the Comm lssloner may estlm ate to be the e grant w1ll be made under the provlslons of the G overn- proportlonato oost of construetlng a1l roads and dram s and ment lvands Aot (Cap 280 of the Laws of Kenm ), and tltle sewers servlng or adlormmg tho land and shall on complotlon of wdl be lssued under the Reglstratlon of Tytlos Act (Cap 281) sucj.j constructlon and the ascertalnment of the adual propor 3 Tho grant wtll be lssued m the namo of the allohttee as tlonate cosf eathe.r pay (wlthm seven days of demand) or be stated m tho letter of apphoatlon refunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportronate cost exoeeds or falls short of lthe am ount pald as aforosald 4 The term of the grant w1l1 be for 99 yoars from the Iirst day of lthe m onth followm g the noté catlon of the approval of 11 The grantee shall from tune to tlm e pay to the Com mls- tlze grant Sloner of Lands on dem and such proportlon of the cost of mam talm ng all roads and drams servm g or adlomm g rthe land 5 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Comm lssloner of as the Com mlssloner m ay assoss Lands wythm 14 da'ys of notz catlon that h1s applloatlon has been approved, the lnltlal estlmated am ount for the constructlon 12 should the Comm lssloner of Lands at any t'lm e reqm re of roads and dram s to serve fhe plot, the assessed stand premlum the sald roads to be construoted to a hlgher standard rthe grantee and proportlon of annual rent, togdher wlth lthe survey fees shall pay to the Comm lssloner on dem and such proportlon of payable m resped of the preparatlon and repstratlon of the the cost of such construdlon as the Com mlssloner may assesg gmnlt (Sh 225) and the stamp duty m respect of the grant (approxlmately 2 per cent of the stand premlum and annual 13 'rhe grantee shall pay such rates tu es, charges, dutles, rent) In default of paymeat wtthm the specttled ttme the assessments or outgomgs of whatever , descnptaon as may be Com rm smoner of Lands m ay cancel the allocatlon and the Imposed charged or assessed by any Governm ent or local autho apphm nt shall have no further olalm to the grant of the plot mty upo,n the land or the bulldmgs ereoted thoreon , m oludm g any contrlbutlon or o'ther sum pald by the Presldent m lleu Speclal Condttlons theroof 1 N o buûdm gs shall be erectcd on the land nor shall addl 14 The Presldenlt or suoh person or authonty as m ay be tlons or external altoratlons be m ade to any bm ldlngs otherwlse appolnted for the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon than m conform lty wlth plans and spooé catlons prevlously the land and 1ay down and have access to water m alns , selvlce approved m wmtmg by the Com mls

GAzEl 11s N o'rlcs N o 2666 ln rospect of any antecedent breach of any condttlcn herem contalned THE GOVERNM ENT LAN DS AC'T 3 The grantee shall m am taln m good and substantlttl repalr (Cap 280) and condltlon a11 bulldlngs at any tlmo erected on the land G ILGIL Tow NsHIl= PLoTs FOR Low D ENSIR RFSIDENTIAL 4 Should the grantee glve notlce ln wntm g to fthe Comm ls- Ptm posEs sloner of Lands 'that he/she/ they ls/are unable to complete the TH E Com mlssloner of Lands on behalf of the Presldent of bm ldlngs wlthm the penod aforesald, the Com m jssloner of tho Republlc of Kenya glves notlce that the plots m G llgll Lands shall (at tho grantee's expense) accept a s'urrender of the Townshlp as doscnbed ln the Schedule heroto are avallable for land com prlsed hereln allenatlon and appllcatlons are m vlted for the dlroct grant of Provlded further that lf such notlce as aforerm d shall be mven the lndlvldual plots w lthln 12 m onths of the com m encem ent of the term , the Com 2 A plan of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap Oë ce m lssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 por centum sltuated l'n the Lands D epartm ent Bulldlng, Clty Square, N alrobl, of the stand premlum pald m respect of the land, or (2) at any or at the office of the Clerk, Central Rlft County Councll, or subsequent tlm e pnor to the explratlon of the m ld bulldm g m ay be obtalned from the Pulyllc M ap Oflice, P O Box 30089, pemod, the Com m lsslloner of Lands shall refund to Ithe gm ntee N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3 post free 25 per centum of the sald stand prcmlum In the event of notlce betng gwen after rthe explmtlon of the sald butldmg 3 A ppllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Com mlssloner of perlod, no refund shall be made Lands, N alrobl, through the Clerk, Central m ft County Councll Appkcatlons must be on presctlbed form s whlch are avallable 5 The land and the bulldm gs shall only fbo used for pnvate from Lands D epartm ent, and at the oflice of the Clork, Centm l resldontlal purposes and not m ore than one dwelllng-houso shall m ft County Councll be erocted on the land 4 Appllcatlons m ust be sen't so as to roach the Clerk to 6 The bulldlngs shall not cover m ore than 50 per cenmm of Counml not later than nolon on the 5th N ovem ber, 1971 the area of the land or such lesser area as m ay be lald down 5 A pplleeatlonls m ust not be sent dlrect to the Comm lssloner by the local authonty m ,ts by laws of Jvands 7 The land shall not be used for the purpose.s of any trado 6 Appllcants m ust enclose w11th tholr applhoatlons thelr cheque or buslness whlch Ithe Comm lssloner of Lands conslders danger for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt, whlch wlll be dealt m th as follows - ous or oienswe (c) If lthe appllcant ls offered and Itakes up and pays for the 8 The grantee shall not subdw lde the land plot wlthln a ponod of seven days as reqm red m pam 9 The gmntee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charr or Fart griph 5 below, Ithe deponlt w1l1 be oredlted to h1m wlth ithe possesslon of the land or any part Ithoreof excepit wlth (bj lf the appkoatlon ls unsuccgssful the applloant's deposlt the pnor consent ln w plttng of tho Com m llssloner of Lands no wdl be roturned to h1m appllcatlon for such eonsent (except m respect of a loan requlred (c) lf the appllcatlon ls successful and the applluant falls to for bulldlng purposes) w1ll be oonsldered untll Spemal Condltlon take up and pay for the plot offered to hjm wztlun a N o 2 has been performed penod of 14 days as requlred ln paragraph 5 of the 10 n e grantee shall pay Ito the Comm Asmoner of Dands on G tmeral Condl'tlons, the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay dem and such sum as the Comm tsalonor m ay estlmate to be the declare the deposlt forfelted and Ithe appkcant shall have proportlonate cost of conNtructm g a11 roads and drams and no furthor clalm thoreto sewels selvm g or adlomlng the land and shall on complehon of such consltl-uctlon and the ascert&lnmcnt of the adual propor- General Condïtlons tlonate oost e4ther pay (wlthln seven days of demand) o,r I)e 1 'Ihe ordlnary condltlons apphcable to townshlp grants of refunded the am ount by whlch ithe actual proportlonate cost thls nature except as varled hereby shall apply to tlus grant exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesald 2 'lhe granrt wll1 be m ade undor tho provlsfons of the Govern 1 1 The grantee shall from tlme to tlm e pay to the Com m:s- ment Imnds Act (Cap 280 of the Laws of Kenya), and tltle w111 sloner of Lttnds on dem and salch proportlon of the oost of be lssued under the Reglstratlon of Tltles Aot tG p 28 1) m aintam mg a1l roads and dram s servmg or adlom m g the land 3 The grant wl11 be lssutd m tho nam e of the allottee as a% th= COm m l9S1OnCr m ay aSSCSS stated ln Ithe letter of appllcatlon 12 Should the Com mlsmoner of Lands at any tlm e reqm re 4 'I'ho Itonn Iof the grant wlll be for 99 years from the first the sald roads to 1be constructrd to a hlgher standard tlle gm nrteo day of tho m onlth followlng the notlhcatlon of the approval of shall pay to the Com milssloner on dom and such proportzon of tlze grant the cogt of such constnx tlon as the Cornm lskslonor m ay assoss 5 Flach allottee of a plot shall pay to Cthe Com m lssloner of 13 'l'he grantee shall pay such rxtcs, taxcs, charges, dudes, Lands wlthm 14 days of noté catlon that hls appllcatlon has assessments or oultgolngs of whatevor descnptlon as may be been approved, the m ltlal esltlm latod am ount for the oonstruotlon unposed, cha'rged or assossed by any G overnm ent or local autho of roads and dralns to serve the plot, the assessed stand prem lum nty upon the land or the bulldmgs erected thereon m oludm g and propo'rtlon of 'annual rent, togother wlth the Isurvey fees any contllbutlon or other sum pald by rthe Presldent m lleu payable m respect of the preparatlon and Tegtstratlon of the thereof gmnt (Sh 225) and the stamp duty Im respoot of the granlt (approxlmately 2 per cent of the stand premlum and annual 14 'Fhe Presldent or such person or authonty as may be rent) In dofault of payment wlthm the speclfied tlme the appolnted for ptlze purpose shall have the nyht to onter upon tlze Comm rssfoner of Lands m ay cancel the allocatlon and the appll land and 1ay down and have access to wator m am s, sorvlce m pes caat shall have no furlher dlalm to the grant of 'the plot and dralns, telephone or Itelegraph wlres and electrrc m ams of a11 doscnptlons, whother ovorhezad o,r underground, and the Specfal Ctlnll/ftp/l5' gm ntee shall not eroot any bulldm gs ln such a way as to cover 1 N o bm ldmgs shall be erected on the land nor shall addl or m terfere wlth any exlstlng akgnm ents of maln, sormce plpes, tlons Ior external alteratlons be m ade to any bulldlngs o'them lse Itolephone or Itelegraph wlres and oleotrlc m am s tharl lzz conform lty wlth plans and spectficatlons prevlously 15 'Fhe Com mlssloner of Lands reserves the rlght to revlse approved ln wrltm g by the Com mlssloner of Lands and the lom l the annual ground rental payable hereunder aftor the exm mtlon authonty The Comm lssloner shall not glve hIs approval unless of the 33rd and 66th years of tho term hereby granted Such he ls satlsfed that the proposals are suoh as 1to develop the land rental wt11 be a't a l'ate of 4 per cent oi the unlm pm ved freehold adequately and satlsfactorlly value of the land as assessod by the Comm lssloner of lmnds 2 n e grantee shall wythln sm months of the com mencem ent of the term submlt m 'tnpllcate to the local 'authonty and the SCHEDULE Commlssloner of Lands plans (m cludm g block plans showmg the posltlon of the bm ldm gs and a qystem of dralnage for the dlsposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), drawmgs, Area Stand Annual Road Survey elevatlons and speclscatlons of the bulldlngs the grantee pro Plot No (approx ) Premtum Rent Charges Fees poses to eroct on the land and shall wlthm 24 m onths of the Z # Iro Ilectares Sâ Sh Sâ com mencem ent of the tenn com plete the ereotlon of such bulld 1317/130 0 0748 480 96 On 460 mgs and the constructlon of the dralnage system ln conform lty 131 0 0484 314 62 denzand 460 wlth suoh plans, drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons as 132 0 0464 300 60 ,, 460 133 0 :464 300 60 ,, 46û amended (1f such be the case) by the Commlssloner 134 0 0464 300 60 ,, 460 Provldod that notwllthstandlng anythlng to Ithe contrary con 135 0 0464 300 60 460 talned ln or lmplled by the Government Lands Act (Cap 280) 136 0 0464 300 60 460 lf default shall be m ade 'm the perform ance or obsew ance of 137 0 0409 260 52 460 any of the requlrem ents of thls condltlon lt shall be lawful f or 139 0 0506 320 64 460 140 0 0464 300 60 460 the Com mlssloner of Lands or any person autltortzed by h1m 141 0 0464 300 60 ,, 460 on behalf of the Presldent to re enter m to and upon the land 142 0 0464 300 60 ,, 460 or any part thereof m the nam e of the wholo and hthereupon 143 0 0464 300 60 ,, 460 the torm hereby created shall cease but wltllout preludlce to any 144 1 0 0464 300 60 ,, 460 nght of actlon or rem edy of the Presldent or the Comm lssloner 145 I 0 0464 300 60 ,, !j0 @ 1060 'ITIE K EN YA G A ZET IE 22nd October, 1971

GAZEI'I'B N oTlcE N o 2853 TH E TM NSPORT LICENSIN G ACT (Cap 404) THE underm entloned appllcatlons were approved by the Transport Llcensm g Board m eetlng held at N yen M unlclpal Councll H all, N yen, on 11th and 12th October, 1971 M M M ULW EYE, Executtve O'cer Transport rlccrlylng Boald P O Box 30440, N atrobt ROAD SERVICE LlcBNcEs N Y/R/l/7l- losephat Karurl, P O Box 501, Nyerl Route 10753- K1hara Klumun, P O Box 139, M urang'a (2) To lhururu Nyerl-Klganlo (KCP 673, 7 passengers ) m crease the passenger carrylng capaclty from 13 to 2/71- Joseph W altlkl Ndegwa, P O Box 272, Nyen 60 passengers Present route K ahutl-K angema- Route Nyen Nalrobl (Two vehlcles, 6 passengers Kahutl-M urang'a (KM H l 1b, 42 passengers ) each ) No mcklng up or settmg down passengers wlthm the Clty boundaly 8305- G 1chuh1 M acharla, P O Box 12086, N alrobl Varlatlon of route to add N alrobl Present 1 oute TLB 2565- Francls M ulru M arugu, P O Box 289, Thlka (2) Gacharagmnl - Fort Hall - M aragua - Thlka To m crease the passenger-carrym g capaclty from (KNP 460, 57 passengers ) No plcklng up or settlng 39 to 62 passengers Present route G achlka- down passengers wlthln the Clty boundal y M undoro - K lgam o - G atundu - Rm ru - Tluka - Nalrobl (KNM 750, 39 passengers ) No mcklng 10024- H ome Bus Servlce, P O Box 396, 'Thlka Route up or settm g down passengers wlthm the Clty (1) Nalrobz - Thlka - Nyerl - T/Falls - Nakuru boundary (One vehlcle, 67 passengers ) No plckmg up or 6423- 1111.u Central F'arm ers Bus Servlce settlng down passengers wlthm the Clty boundary , P O Box 50, Fort Hall (2) To lncrease tlle passenger-carrylng capaclty frcm 62 to 70 passengers Present route 1555- M atara G eneral Transport, P O Box 292 Thlka Km alnl - Fort H all Thlka - N alrobx - Chlnga (1) Varlatlon of route to add M urang'a-Nyen- Gaklndu-Nyerl-Karatlna IKNN 212, 62 passengers ) N anyukl M elu Present route M atara-M urang'a (4) To replace vehlcle K GS 576, 7 passengers wlth Thlka (KM G 963, 52 passengers ) Pl esent route a new vehlcle of 66 passengers Present route M atara - N alrobl - Thlka - M urang'a - Em bu Knlalnl - Kangema - M ukangu - Fort Hall (KGS (KM Y 204, 62 passengers ) Present route Gatel- 576, 7 passengers ) N o pzckmg up or settlng down Thlka-Nalrobl (KNL 924, 49 passengers ) (2) passengers wlthm tlle Clty boundary for Part Two Route M atara-Thlka-Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 62 only passengel s ) No plcklng up or settlng down passengers wltlun the Clty boundary 182- G+ son M bo1th, M unym , P O Box 470, Nyen To m crease the passenger-carrym g eapaclty from 7 15/71- Henry W ahome Thuku, P O BoJ 1582, Nall ob1 to 30 passengers Present route Barm go Parm - Route N yen - M ukurwelnl - M urang'a - Thlka - Chanty-M welga-Nyen (K MD 460, 7 passengers ) Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 62 passengers ) No plcklng (2) To mcrease the passenger-carrymg capaclty up or settmg down passengers wlthm the Clty from 7 to 16 passengers Present route Chanty- boundary Barmgo Farm - M welga - N yerl - Klganlo - lhururu (KKY 344, 7 passengers ) 17/71- W 1l11am Klnyua Ngure, P O Box 500, Nyerl 4235- G 1c1a M woga, P O Box 417, Thlka To m crease Route Kabage-lhururu M arket Nyen (KGZ 969 the passengel-carrylng capaclty from 50 to 62 10 passengers ) passengers Present route W atta) - Karakara 19/71- N gugl Kagecha, Gatugl Vlllage, Othaya v1a Nyerl Klslmanl-rfhzka (KNA 1 19, 50 passengers ) Route Othaya-Nyen (One vehlcle, 32 passengers ) 4825- Evan M abu M lsheck, P O Box 59, Vanatlon of route to add &Ia Fort H all Present 20/71- K1amar1ga Farmlng Co Ltd , P O Box 13 1, Kara- route M ukarara - Embu - Samson's Corner - tma Route K lam arlga - Unllru - Ruthagatl - Thlka-Nalrobl but not v1a Fort Hall (KM J 463, Ngorano Kablrulnl (KEB 504, 10 to 15 passengers ) 51 pasqengers ) No plcklng up or settmg down passengels wlthln the Clty boundary 9873..-4::1c111: Chtlba, P O Box 45, Saba Saba, v1a rlnluka 10724- M /s Klandu Bus Servlce, P O Box 602, Nyerl Vanatlon of route to add lthanga-Thlka-Nalrobl Vallatlon of route to add T/Fa11s and Ngarua Present route Kaguzu Thlka IKNL 397, 57 Present route Othaya-Klandu Nyerl (KNK 205, passengers, K M X 208, 46 passengers, K HL 342, 22 passengers ) (2) To lncrease the passenger- 41 passengers ) (2) Vanatlon of route to add catrylng capaczty from 22 passengers to 42 N alrobl Present route K alrlua-Thlka-lthanga passengers Present route Othaya-Klandu-N yerl (KHL 342, 41 passengers ) No plckmg up or settlng (KNK 205, 22 passengers ) down passengers wlthln the Clty boundary 5/71- G M Ngarl, P O Box 30095, Nalrobl Route 1638- M uch1na Brothers, P O Box 67, M aragwa To Nalrobl - Nyen - Nanyukl - T/palls - Ngarua m crease the passenger-carrylng capaclty from 7 to (One velllcle, 14 passengers ) No plckmg up or 52 passengers Present route Icham ara K ahetl- settm g down passengers wlthln the Clty boundary Gaklndu - M ukurwelm - M thutl - K aworo - 11487- K enya Talfa Bus Co , P O Box 12748, N alrobl Sagana-Nallobl (KAV 619, 7 passengers ) No Varlatlon of route to add Klserlanl Present route plcklng up ol settm g down passengers wlthln the Between Langata - Rongal - M agadl Road Clty boundary Nallobl IKND 665, 42 passengers ) N o plckmg up or settm g down passengers wlthm the Clty 22/71- Akamba Tours Ltd , P O Box 6466, Nalrobz Carrl boundary age of tourlsts only wlthln Kenya t.Rve vehlcles, ll/e/l- M tlhoro M mal, P O GTtugl V llage, Othaya, v1a 7 passengers each ) Nyerl Route Othaya Nyen - T/Falls (One 24/71- Theresa W amlru, P O Box 457, Nyen Route vehlcle, 52 passengers ) Otbaya - K abaru - K landu N yerl - K lganlo 12/71- Kangarl Transporters, P O Box 20381, Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 32 passengers ) Route Kangare - Nalrobl (Two vehlcles, 62 passengers each ) No plekmg up or settlng down 6413- Um ted Peugeot Servlces, P O Box 3940, Nallobl passengers wlthm the Clty boundary Vanatlon of route to add M eru Present route 13/71- Kehoya General Store & Transporters, P O Nalrobl Nyerl-Nanyukl (KJJ 300, KM R 937, K angem a, M urang'a Routo Nyagatugu Kangema- KM J 557, KM X 401, KD Q 231 and KM X 402, M urang'a - Thlka - Rulru - Nalrobl (KHJ 525, 52 6 passengers each ) No plcklng up or settmg down passengers ) No plcklng up or settlng down passengers wlthln the Clty boundary passengers wlthm the Czty boundary 25/71- W anden Kanyenye, P O Box 496, Nyerl Route 14/71- M rs M ary W ambm M athenge, P O Box 276, K lhum e - K angonye - N dunyu - K agere - Nyen Route Nyerz (Othayal-Klganlo-Nanyukl- Gachatha-fhakanla-Nyen (KM Q 320 10 to 15 T/Falls-Nakuru (One vehlcle, 52 passengers ) passengers ) 3006- Ukamba Bus Servzce, P O Box 287, Thlka (1) Route Yatta-M wala-rlnhlka N alrobz (One vehlcle, 27/71- Geolge M uchm W angware, P O Box 6535, Nalrobl 62 passengel s ) (2) Route Klbaa-Embu-M wea- Route Gum ba - M lhutl - M ukulwelnl - G aklndu - Thlka (One vehlcle, 52 to 62 passengers ) Route N yen - K aratlna - Fort H all - Thlka - Rulru Thlka-M asmga (One vehlcle, 52 to 62 passengers ) Nall ob1 (One vehlcle, 60 passengers ) No plcklng N o plcklng up or settm g down passengers wltlun up or settlng down passengel s wltlun the Cyty the Clty boundary for Part O ne only boundarv 22nd O ctober, 1971 TH E K EN YA G M ET TE 1061

ROAD SsRvlcE Ljcw œ s- lcontd )

TLB 4419- W arazo Kabaru Bus Servlce, P O Box 33, K lganlo NY/ R/28 /7l- Bedan Klhara Klunlurl, P O Box 139, Fort Hall Varlatlon of route to add K alhurttra-Nanyukl- Route G lthlga - K ahutl - K angem a - Kahuhla Rumurutl T/Falls Present route W arazo-Nyen- Fort Hall (KM B 404, 12 passengers ) Karatlna (KFP 29, 7 passengers ) (2) Varlatlon of route to add M akuyu Thlka Present route W arazo - Nanyukl - Sagana - Embu (KHT 446 29/71- Domen1c Klhurl, P O Box 457, Nyerl Route 41 passengers ) Othaya - Gaklndu - Jam bo Bwana - Fort H all 2652- K1b0 Safarls Ltd , P O Box 2518, N alrobl Route Thlka - Rulru - Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 40 passen Kenya for carrlage of tourlsts only (Fjve vehlcles, gers ) No plcklng up or settlng down passengers 7 passengers each ) wlthln the C lty boundary 13336- Nyangongo K lru N yen Bus Servsce, P O Box 58, N yen Varlatlon of route to add Nyerl Othaya- 4242- Travel1ers Bus, P O Box 423, Thlka Route (1) M utblga M uhlto - K lru Present route Chlnga- Klndaruma - Thlka - Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 67 Kalro - Klrlalnl - M urang'a (KM X 478, 31 passengers ) (3) Route Chanla-rl-hlka-Klndaruma- passengers ) (2) To lncrease the passenger-carrymg M wlngl (One vehycle, 67 passengers ) (2) Route capaclty from 31 to 52 passengels Present route Nanyukl-Nyel l Thlka Nalrobl (One vehlcle 67 Between Chlnga - Kalro - Klrlanl M urang a passengers ) N o plcklng up or settlng down (KM X 478, 31 passengers ) passengers wlthln the Clty boundary The followlng appllcatlons were refused - TLB 2565- F1anc1s M ulru M arugu, P O Box 289 Thlka 10024 H om e Bus Servlce, P O Box 396, Thlka 6423- K1ru Central Farm ers Bus Servlce, P O Box 50, 21/71- W a1noga M akara & M rs Prlscllla W anRul P O Fort H all Box 163, N yerl 6069- G eoflley M ungas, P O Box 1808, N alrobl 'NY/1U4/71- Franc1s Nglgl M uthangl, P O Box 632, Tluka 23/71- Franc1s Joseph Kmyanlm Chege, P O Box 7/71- Ephra1m Kabm , P O Box 34, Karatlna U plands 8/71- M rs W aceke Nyanlul & Peter Nyanlul P O 26/71- NJabla Gakure, P O Box 10 Nanyukl Rulru 4843- M ulugu K llua & Co , P O D o1 D ol, v1a N anyukl 11739- K andune Bus Servlce, P O Box 32, Nalo M oru 11988- W M & Company W atuku Bus Servlce, P O 9/71- K Ndonyo, H M wangl & Co , P O Box 297, Box 209, N yell Thjka 29/A/71- Daud1 Njogu W aweru, P O Box 264, Thlka lo/7l- Barlcho Transporters, P O Box 47, Karatlna 32/71- Dav1d Gachuga, c/o Kamwen Hubulnl Bus Servlce, 10753- K lhara Klunlurl, P O Box 139, M urang'a P O Box 589, N yerl The followlng appllcatlons were deferred N Y'/R/3/7l- M ohamed Aslam & Kagw, Kagutha, P O Box 12441- Karat1na Hlghlands Bus Servlce, P O Box 1522, 5616, N alrobl N akuru 6/71- Gjtuto W anlengl Bus Servlce, P O Box 128, Fort 30/71- Henry Ndlga Klhlka, Sub-post Oflice, Ngecha, P O H all Llm uru TLB 11487- K enya Talfa Bus Co , P O Box 12748, N alrobl 16/71- E11sha Ndeda Kadukl, P O Box 786, Thlka 31/71- Jonah Gathama Klbe, Gethlnonl Vlllage, P O Box 18/71- Roh1o Klhura Peugeot Servlce, P O Box 30414, 47, Uplands N alrobl 33/71- Patnck Ndungu Klron, P O Box 408, Thlka

KEB'' CARIUERS' LICENCES The follow lng appllcatlons w ere approved - TLB 7112- H M K lbe, P O Box 33s M urang'a Varlatlon of 8/71- M rs D W ambm , P O Box 236, Rulru Carrlage loute to add Coast Provlnce Present route of al1 goods Route Rulru, Central Provm ce, Central Provlnce, N alrobl, M achakos and Kltul Eastern Provlnce, N orth-Eastern Provlnce, N alrobl, Dlstrlcts (KM T 714, 20,000 lb , KM P 39, m ft Valley, W estern and Nyanza Provlnces Cfwo 20,190 lb ) Present route Central Provlnce and vehlcles, 10 tons each ) Nalrobl (KNB 303, 19,815 lb ) W7l- Development Constructlonal Transoort Co Ltd , 3362- Da11 M acharm, P O Box 11097, N alrobl Varlatlon P O Box 264, M urang'a Carrlage of all goods of route to add m ft Valley Provm ce Present Route N alrobl, Central Provm ce, Eastern and m ft route Central Provlnce, Eastern Provlnce and Valley Provlnces (Two vehlcles, 8 to 12 tons Nallobt (KM H 288, 18,390 lb , KKE 673, each ) 6,750 lb , KM Q 397, 20,005 lb ) Present route 5235- R1chard M athu M ucal, P O Box 219 2 M urang'a Central, Eastern Provlnces, N alrobl and M om basa Carnage of all goods, and to convert c,, to xçB,, (KM P 963, 23,975 lb ) Llcence Route N alrobl, Central, Eastern, m ft 13772- Nathan M wangl, P O Box 10234, N alrobl Vana- Valley and Nyanza Provlnces (KNJ 455, 10,720 lb ) tlon of route to add M om basa Present route 10/71- Peter M arl s/o Daudl, Gatura M arket, P O Box Nalrobl, Nakuru D lstrlcts, Central and Eastern 275, Thlka Carnage of al1 goods Route Central Provlnces (KM A 672 21,720 lb , KKV 74, Provlnce only (One vehlcle, 9 tons ) 15,230 lb ) 12/71- Barlcho Transporters Ltd , P O Box 47, Karatma NY/B/2/71- J M G Transport, P O Box 24, Rulru Carrlage Carrlage of all goods Route W lthln Central Pro- of all goods Route Eastern, Central Provlnces vlnce, N alrobl, N akuru, Lalklpla Dlstncts t'Two and Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 8 to 10 tons ) vehlcles 7 to 10 tons each ) NB/B/34/71- Lo1se W anllku & M lchael Ngunllrl, P O Box 13/71- N N Rukenya, P O Box 8852, Nalrobl Carnage 4322, N alrobl Calrlage of a1l goods Route of all goods Route N yerj , Central Provm ce, Cuntral Provlncc, N alrobl, M ombasa and N akuru N alrobl, Lalkm la, G anssa, K ltul, M achakos and Dlstrlcts rrwo vehlcles, 9 to 15 tons each ) M allndl Dlstrlcts ffhree vehlcles, 22 tons each ) 3439- Stephen Thuku, P O Box 1076, N akuru Carrlage 4206- Northern Frontler Transporters Ltd , P () Box 86, of a1l goods and convert C:C'' to KCB'' Llcence Thlka Varlatlon of route to add Nakuru, K encho, Route N alrobl, Central Provm ce, m ft Valley, Dlstrlcts (Two vehlcles KJF 819, Eastern Provlnces IKN .N 992, 18,070 lb ) 24,205 lb , KJG 111, 22,175 lb ) Present route 15243- Henry Gachwe, P O Box 57, South Klnangop N alrobl-M om basa Carrlage of a11 goods Route N yandarua, Central 8335- 1-1aJ1 M oham ed H alz K asslm , P O Box 15, M an- Provlnce, Eastern, m ft Valley Provm ces, N alrobl dera Varlatlon of route to add Central m ft and M ombasa (One vehlcle, 10 to 12 tons each ) Valley, N yanza Provm ces Present route Eastern (2) Varlatlon of route to add Central Provmce and Provlnce, N anyukl, Athl m ver, Galole, M almdl N alrobl Present route Rlft Valley Provlnce M om basa, N orth-E astern Provlnce, M andera, (KNK 733, 15,470 lb ) W allr, Garlssa, Thlka, N alrobl and to M ombasa NY/ B/6/7l- Francls M uthm & Bros , P O Box 292, Nyerl (KM W 356, 15,805 lb , KNK 955, 16,530 lb ) Carnage of all goods and llvestock R oute N yen, 9815- Jam es K lhara, P O Box 7048, M ombasa Varlatlon K lrlnyaga, Fort H all, Em bu Klam bu, N alrobl of route to add K lsumu, Bldoret D lstncts and Dlstrlcts (One vehlcle, 10 to 12 tons ) Central Provlnce Present route M ombasa, 6413- John N loroge M ubl, P O Box 65, N yerl Carrlage M achakos, N alrobls n lka, N anyukl to Ethlopla of al1 goods Route N alrobl, Central Provlnce, border (KM S 503, 18,190 lb , KJD 727, 18,530 lb ) Nakuru, Lalklpla Dlstrlcts (One vehlcle, 10 to 15 3348- Great Rlft Transporters (K) Ltd , P O Box 8, tons ) Eldoret Carnage of a1l goods Route Eldoret , W7l- Geofïrey Karugu Charles, P O Box 23071, Lower Rlft Valley Provm ce, W estern N yanza, Central Kabete Carrlage of a1l goods Route N alrobl Provlnces, Nalrobl to M ombasa (Three vehlcles, and wlthln Central Provlnce (One velllcle, 15 tons ) 12 tons each and three trallers, 15 tons each ) 1062 T'ISE K EN YA G AZE'IT E 22nd October, 1971


of the Corporatlon by sectlon 33 (1) of the Agrlcultural Flnance TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlons havmg been mado m. thls Corporatlon Act (No 1 of 1969), notlce ls hereby glven that thr Court ln - undermentloned farm w111 be oflkred for sale by M essrs Eastern Provm co A uctloneers and Court Brokers on Saturday, 6th N ovember, 1971, at 10 a m , at K utus Tradm g Centre (1) CAusE No 247 oF 1971 By Laura M avls Blggs of P O Box 4429, N allobl m Kenya D escrlptton , the sole executrlx named m thc w1l1 of the deceased, through A1l that plece or parcel of land sltuate at N ganam a Locatlon, M essrs Daly & n ggls, advouates of N alrobl, for a grant of Glchugu Dwlslon m the K lnnyaga D lstnct of the Republlc of probate of the w1ll of H azel Verdyne Davls of N alrobl afore- Kenya contamlng by measurement seven (7) acres or thereabouts sald, who dled at D qndenong m Australla, on the 7th day of that ls to say Parcel No Ngarlama/lfabare/sg bemg the plece N ovcm ber, 1970 of land com pnsed m a Certl cate of Freehold Tltle dated the 16th Januaçy, 1965, lssued m the Land Tltles Reglstry at Embu and ls held by D am ben W anyaga as propnetor for an ostate m (2) CxtlsE No 252 oi7 1971 fee slm ple By (1) Pyarall Jafferall M ohamed Nathoo, (2) Azlz Jafferah Condtttons M ohamed Nathoo and (3) Dlamond Jafferall M ohamed Nathoo, 1 The hlghest bldder shall be the purchaser a1l of P O Box 4097 N alrobt m Kenya, three of the sons of 2 The purchaser shall lmm edlately after the sale pay to the the deceased, through A zlz M oham ed, Esq y advocate of A uctloneer 't depomt of at least 25 per cent of the am ount Nalrobl, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratlon lntestato of the of the purchase m oney and slgn an A greem ent to complete estate of Jafferall M oham ed N athoo of N alrobl aforesald, w ho the purchase and pay the balance agam st reglstratlon of the dAed at Natrobl on tlw 6th day of Janual'y, 1970 transfel of the tltle m to hls or her nam e 3 The tltle deed relatlng to the plece of land referred to herem above may btz m spccted at any tlme at the Embu (3) CxusE No 255 O17 1971 oë ces of M essrs Eastern Provlncç A uctloneers and Court By Ohve Teodolm da Fernandes of P O Box 9844, N alrobl m Brokerq and also at the tlm e of the sale and the purchaser K enya, the wldow of the deceased and the execm rm nam ed m qhall be deem ed to have full notlce of each and evcry con- h1s w111, for a grant of plobate ot the w1ll of Jose M atms dltlon thermn contalned A lfredo D e Pledade Fernandes of N alrobl ln Kenya , who dled 4 The descnptlon of the falm m the partlculars ls beheved to at N alrobl on the 22nd day of February, 1971 be correct and no clalm s shall be valld lf any error of descnptlon should be found 5 The purchaser shall be solely responslble for ensurlng that (4) CxtlsE No 257 oe 1971 a11 beacons are properly sltuated and for replacmg such By Cassam Suleman Sumar of P O Box 81021, M om basa m beacons as m ay be m lssm g K enya, one of the sons of the deceascd, through M essrs Akram 6 That Agncultural n nance Corporatlon through 1ts autho & Com pany, advocates of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of rlzed representatlve has tho nght to bld admlnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of M rs Bachlbal Suleman 7 The purchaser or purchasers shall be responslble for Sum ar of N alrobl m Kenya, who dted at N alrobt on the 1st day obtamlng the Land Control Board consent and ln the event of January, 1969 of such consent bem g wlthheld or refused the A gncultural Flnance Corporatlon shall not be llable for com pletlon of the sale (5) CAIJSE No 253 oF 1971

8 The prospectwe purchaser or purchasers shall be responslble By N evllle Patrlck Glbson W al len of P O Box 34, N alrobl m for obtalnm g vacant posseqslon of the property dlrect from K enya, one of the duly constltuted attorneys of Ehzabeth H ervey tlte prevtous owner and that the Corporatton does not Clay of Bexhlll On Sea, Sussex m England, the executlvx named accept any llablhty whatsoever ln respect thereof m the wlll of the deceased, through M essrs Daly & Fzgps, 9 Sublect and m addltlon to the foregom g the condltlons of advocates of Nalrobl, for leseallng ln Kenya, the grant of pro the sale usually prescnbed by the Auctloneers m the dlstrlct bate glanted on 22n4 July, 1971 , by the Prm capal Probate shall apply Reglstry of the H lgh Court of Justlce ln England at London of the w11l of Venetla Harrlet Lepel Irvlne of Bexhjll On Sea, BY ORDER OF THE BO XRD 0F aforesazd, who dled at Bexhlll on the 13th day of N ovember THE AG RICULTUM L FINAN CE CORPORATION 1970 ,

CIAZETTE '4OTICE 'fo 2855 (6) CxtlsB N o 254 os 1971 THE LIQUOR LICENSIN G ACT By Kenneth Stanley D acle Ennlon of P O Box 286 N alrobl Lcap 121) ln K enya, as the attolney of Sarah Osborne of H, adlelgh Benqeet m the County of Essex ln England , M IJRANG'A LIQUOR LICENSING COURT , the wldow of the deceased, through M essrs Shapley Balret Etm lon M arsh & Co TH E second statutory m eetm g of M urang'a Llquor tacensm g , advocates of N allobl, fo1 reseallng m K enya the grant of letters Court wlll be held ln the D lstnct Comm lssloner's Board Room of admlm stratlon m testate lssued by the , Pl lnolpal Probate on M onday, 8th N ovem ber, 1971, at 10 a m Reglstry of the H lgh Court of Justlce m England at London A 11st of a1l apphcatlons to be conmdered can be seen on the of thc estate of Edpard Charles Osbom e of Hadlezgh aforesald. , notlce board at the Dlstnct Com m lssloner's ofhce, M urang'a, who dled at H adletgh on tlte 15th day of Janttary 1971 and dwtslonal oflkes at K angema, K lharu, K lgum o, M akuyu and , K andara Dated tlus 11th day of October, 1971 (7) CAIJSB No 259 oF 197 1 J K A K IRU I, By Barclayq Bank D C O (through jts attorneys J0lm Graham Preskdent M lles and Ronald W atkms, 170th of P O Box 30356, Nalrobl ln M urang'a M quor D censtng Court Kenya), the executor named m the wlll and two cothclls of the deceased, through M essrs Shapley Barrct Ennlon M arsh & Co , advocates of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratlon tIAZETTE 'loTlcE Flo 2856 'wzth a oopy of an authentlcàted copy of w 1l1 and codlclls annexed of the estate of M olly Lllllan H am lyn of Umkom ass THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT Natal ln South Afllca , , who dled at Um kom ass aforesald, on the (Cap 121) 4th day of M ay, 1971 AQYANDARUA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the next m eetm g of the Thls Coult w11l procecd to lssue the sam e unless cause be N yandarua Llquor Llcensmg Court w1ll be held on M onday, shown to the contrary and appearance m thls respect entered on 8th N ovem ber, 1971, m the Urban Councll Hall, Thomson's or betore 5th N ovem ber, 1971 Falls, at 10 a m V IJAY K APILA , A 11st of applxcants m ay be seen at the D lstrlct Oë cers' oflices, Ag xsenlt?r Resldent M aglstrate, 0 1 K alou, Km angop, 01 Joro Orok, K lplplrl and Dlstrlct Com- N alrobl, /(?? Deputy Reglstra, m lssloner's ol ce, Thom son's Falls 18th October, 1971 Srg/t Court OJ Kenya Xcrrolu J K ETEM ESI, Thom son's Falls, Prestdent, N B -dTehpeo sltwedll lsln and acIeo dolcpllesn mentloned above have been 12th October, 1X 1 N yandatua Llquol Talcen&lng Coult to lnspectlon at the Court 1064 T HE K E NYA G AZET TE 22nd October, 1971

GAZBITE N oTlcE N o 2858 GAZBTTE N oTlcE N o 2861

ESTATE OF M ISS M A RGARET BLA CKW OOD PROBATE A Nl:l AD M IN ISTILATION AN Y person havmg any claun agam st ol m terest m the estate TAK E N OTICE that after fourteen days from the date of of the above nam ed who dled at Kltale on 20th September, thls G azette, I m tend to apply to the Hlgh Court at N alrobl 1971, ls reqm red to notlfy me of the sam e m wntm g by 30th for representatlon of the estates of the persons nam ed ln the N ovem ber, 1971 , after whlch date the txecutors wlll dlstrlbute second column of the Schedule hereto, who djed on the dates the estate havm g regard only to any clauns so noté ed respectwely set forth agalnst thelr nam es A nd further takc notlce that all pkasons havlng any clamas R F J LIND SELL, agam st ol lnterests ln the estates of the sald deceased pelsons Advocate /or the Executors are requlred to proxe sut,h clalm s or Interests before me wltlljn two m onths from the date of thls G azette, after whlch date the clatm s and m terests so proved w1l1 be pald and satlsfed tlAzsTrE '4oTlcs l:o 2862 and the several estates dlstnbuted accordm g to 1aw REVOCWTION OF POW ER OF A W ORNEY SCHEDULB NOTICE ls hereby glven that the G eneral Power of Attorney datcd the 16th day of June, 1971, gwen by m e tho tm derslgned Publkc Bwana Ad1 Som oe Bwana B1n M oham ed, to Kasstm M ohamed Trustee's D ate Testate lrel also of M ombasa, ls heleby cancelled and revoked and that Cause of or as from the date hereof Kasslm M oham ed Irel has no authonty No Name of beceased Address Death Intestate to represent m e or to act f or m o and on m y bvhalf m any m anner under and by vlrtue of the sald General Power of 88/71 Zephanla M arongo Seme 27-3-7 1 lntestate Attornty A dholla Locatlon, K lsum u D lstrlct Dated at M om basa thls 9th day of October, 1971 89/71 Ndlrangu W ambugu M uhlto, 16-4-70 Intestate N yerl BW AN A A DI SOM OE BW AN A BIN M OHAM ED 90/71 M 'mlthln Mumwlro- M ltuntu, 6-10-66 lntestate bua M eru 91/71 Stephen Onseno Nalrobl 6-9-71 Intestate 92/71 Rlchard Onguto Box 141, 16-7-69 Intestate GAZB= F, N olqcs N o 2863 A w edhl Y ala 93/71 C h a r l e s G 1 t a u Kandara 1 1-1-70 Intestate K am au D lvlslo n, TH E BAN KRU PTCY A CT M urang'a (Cap 53) 94/71 G 1 a d y s R o m o Nalrobl 10-8-71 Intestato Rebello N olqcs oF D lvlDBNo 95/71 W ashlngton Oyundl Essab a , 23-8-69 lntestate Om ulele K akam ega Debtor s rltwle - lzdward M eerloo D lstrlct Address - P O Box 1375, N alrobl 96/71 Charles Ndarathl M athlra 29-7-70 Intestate K lnguru D w lslon, D escnptton - M anager N yeri ( Court - H 1gh Court of K enya at N alrobl D lstrlct N o (7/ matte - B C 12 of 1961 97/71 Samuel Opwapo East 30-12-70 Intestate A m ount per f - cents 75 Alego, Ftrst or Jrlcl o' otherwue - Th1ld alld flnal Slaya W hen payable - 26th October, 1971 D lstrlct W here payable - At m y offlce, H aram bee Avenue, P O Box 98/71 Zacharla W adende Uholo 1 1-7-71 Intestate Ochleng Locatlon, 30031, N alrobl P O Ugunla N alrobl, M L H AN DA , 15th October, 1971 Deputy OJJcIcl Recekvet

N alrobl, D J COW A RD , 15th October, 1971 Pubhc Trustee ûlàzslœE ifoTlcE llo 2864

THE BAN K RUPTCY A CT (Cap 53) G kzsrrs N oncB N o 2859 N OTICE oiz INTENDED D IVIDEND Debtor s ntw lc .-r ahyabhal Gordhanbhal Patel, tradmg as HEN RY LION EL GRON ER, D ECEASED B D Joshl Address - Folm erly Rlver Road, N alrob! TA KE N OTICE that all persons havmg any clauns agam st D ezcrtptton '- rfm der the estate of the above nam ed deceased late of P O Box 41553, Court - H1gh Court of K enya at N allobl N alrobl, who dled on the 22nd Septem ber, 1971, at N alrobl, are No OJ matter - B C 28 of 1951 requested to lodge and prove detalls thereof wlth the under Last day /t)? recetvtng proojs - 8th November, 1971 slgned on or before tho 26th D ecem ber, 1971, after whlc,h date T? ustee s rltm îe .- officlal Recelver the executrlx w11l dlstnbute the estate havtrlg regard only to Address - P O Box 30031, N alrobl vahd clatm s then notlfied N alrobl M L HAN DA , Dated thls llth day of October, 1971 15th October, 1971 Deputv Omctal Recetvo

H AM ILTON HA RRISON & M ATHEW S, Advocates J()r the Executtlx GAZEU E 'qoTicB è;o 2865 P O Box 30333 N altobt THE BAN K RU PTCY A CT W ap 53) N orncE OF INTENDED D IVIDEND G AZB'I'I'E N o'ncB No 2860 Debtors nam es - 1 Hassanah Hussem S Verlee 2 Rahem tulla Hussem S Verlcc 3 Saleh Verjce 4 Sultan Verlee ESTATB OF PERCY BOOTH Addtess - Plot N o 19, Sectlon X , Rasum H oad M ombasa D eso m tton - Em ployees AN Y person ha4m g ezny clalm agam st or m terest m the estate Coul l - H1ah Court of K enya at M om basa of the above nam ed who dled at K ltale on 14th July, 1970, ls No t# matter - M ombasa B C 1 of 1967 requlred to nottfy m e of thc sam e trl wntlng by 30th N ovem ber, Last day for t ecelvlng p? oofs - 8th November, 1971 1971, after whlch date the executors w111 dlstllbute the estate Trustee s ncrne .- ofliclal Recewer havmg regard only to any clalm s so notz ed Addtess - ? O Box 30031, N alrobl R F J LIND SELL, Nalrobl, M L H AN DA , Advocate /or the Executor% 15th O ctober, 1971 Deputy O#2c/l/ Recetvel 22nd October, 1971 TI'1E K RN YA G A ZE'IT B 1065

GU BTTE N oncB N o 2866 GAZETI'E N oTIcE N o 2871 TH E BAN KRU PTCY ACT THE BA NK RU PTCY ACT (Cap 53) (Cap 53) N o'rlcE oE INTENDED D IVIDEND è4oTlcE oF RzLexsE og TRCSTEB (Under Compontlon, Debtoî s nclue - M alek Sultan d/o Hablb Altbhal Debtot s rlcz?tc - M erah N athoo Address - Clo P O Box 7176, Nalrobt Add' câ'xç .- .P O lknnga vla K ltul Courf - Tho H lgh Court of Kenya, Law Courts, P O Box 30041, Dt sotptton - rfrader N alrobl Court - Hlgl1 Court of Kenya at Nalrobt No OJ matter - B C 2 of 1969 No o/ nïattet - B C 37 of 1956 Trustee s nam e .- rl'he Oë cml Reuewer Last day jor recetvlng proojs - 8th November, 1971 Date ol release - 23rd August, 1971 Trustee s nam e .-official Recmver Addîess - ? O Box 30031, N auobl M F PATEL, Deputy Reglstrar N alrobl, M L H A N D A , Slgà Court ol K enya, Nalrobl 15th October, 1971 Deputy Omctal Recetvet

GAzsrrs N orncs No 2867 G AZBrl's N orncB N o 2872

THE BAN K RUPTCY ACT TH E BAN KRU PTCY A CT (Cap 53) (Cap 53) N oTlcE oF RZLSAqE os TRUSTBE NoTlcE oF RELEASE oF 'lxusl'EL Debtor s nam e - Abdulla Ism all Charfare D ebtor s nam e - lzak Andnes M outon Address --c/ o P O Box 2032, Nalrobl Address - Clo P O Box 11, Thomson's Falls Court - n e H lgh Court of K enya, Law Courts, P O Box 30041, Court --rf'he Hlgh Court of K enya, Law Courts, P O Box 30041, Nalrob! N alrobl No oj p?Tftf/e? - B C 14 of 1962 No ()/ mattel - B C 9 of 1967 T? ustee s name - rf'he OK clal Recelver Truîtee s name - The Oëclal Recelvel Date of lelease - 23rd August, 1971 Date tp/ lelease - 23rd August, 1971 M F PA TEL, M F PATEL, Deputy Regutrar, Depufy Rsgtstrar, àftg/l Court of Aznm , N atrobl Slg/l Court OJ Kenya, Nturol?l

GAzcrrs N on cE N o 2868 EJAZEITE èçoTlcE èfo 2873 TH E BAN KRU PTCY ACT TH E BAN KRU PTCY ACT (Cap 53) (Cap 53) NorlcE oF REI-EASE or 'YRIJS-I'EE D ebtor s ncluc - charles Ollm gton, tradm g as Pop ln N oTfcB or RZLBASB op TRVSTEE Addtess - CIo P O Box 30332, Nalrobl Box 30041, D ebtor s nmzle - France Herm anlus D e Jongo Court - The H lgh Court of K enya, Law Courts, P O Address - Clo P O Box 138, Nakuru N alroh Court .- rjahe H lgh Court of K enya, Law Courts P O Box 30041, No oj lllc//er .-B C 125 of 1960 N alrobl Trustee s nam e --ri'he Olliclal Recew er No oj lnatter - B C 8 of 1962 Date oj ? elease - 23rd August, 1971 Trustee s nam e - Tho Officml Recelver M F PATEL Date oj release - 23rd August, 1971 , f:f/g/z Coutt (#D Kepeuntyya , RNegatlsrtorbart M F PATEL, D eputy R egtstrar, J.fig/t Court of Ikenya, A'tzlrtplv CIAZET:E YIOTICE ';o 2869 TH E BAN K RU PTCY ACT GAZE'ITE NoTlcs N o 2874 (Cap 53) IN TH B H IG H COU RT 0F KBN YA AT N A IROBI NOTIt.E ot7 REI-U SE (M rjnptlsàF,E IN BANKRIJN CY AND W INDING UP CAUSE N o 1 oF 1971 Debtor s rlfwlo - D hlIaJ1a1 Bhtm ll Shah, fonnerly tradm g as Shah Groçers IN THE M AW ER OF H Y OUN G & COM PAN Y Addl ess - CIo P 0 Box 3737, Nalrobl (EAST AFRICA) LIM ITED Coult - The Hlgh Court of K enya, Law Com ts, P O Box 30041, (/n h qutdahonj N atrobt No (7/ nlattel ,-.B C 12 of 1966 N oerlch To CREDITORS Trusteç s ntzm e - The Offiulal Recetver THE Schem e of A rrangem ent approved by Order of the H lgh bate (7/ release - 23rd August, 1971 Court of K enya, dated the 30th July, 1971, has becom e operatwo wlth effect from the 7th October, 1971 M F' PA TEL, Deputy Regtstral Tho ordmary credltors of the com pany are accordm gly entltled Htgh Court ()/ Kenya Nclrobl to recewe 52 per cent of thelr clauns, as aclm ltted by the com - pany or as adjudlcated by tlle Court, by two m stalm ents of 26 per cent each, the first such m qtalment becom lng payable on the 6th N ovem ber, 1971 Clazsrrs 'qoTlcE 'fo 2870 A ny persons havlng any clalm agam st tlle above company, TH E BAN KRU PTCY A CT who have not already submltted proofs of debt to the Olliclal Recelver, are requested to send partlculars m wntm g of thelr (Cap 53) clamzs to the underqlgned on or before the 29th October, 1971, NoncE og ltEtEAss oF TRUSTEE fallmg whjch they m ay be excluded from the dlstnbutlon to bo D ebtor s nam e .- N arshl Parbhu, tradm g as Settlers Footwear m ade on the 6th N ovem ber, 1971 Address - C! o P O Box 962, N alrobl Persons who have already proved m the hqutdatlon need not Court - '1''he H lgh Court of K enya, Law Courts, P O Box 30041, subm lt further clauns as they wlll be recew mg st-parate com - Nalrobz m um catlons from the com pany No t# matte - B C 18 of 1961 Tru%tee s name - The Officml Recewer Dated at N alrobl thls 12th day of October, 1971 Date ol releaïe - 23rd August, 1971 HAM ILTON HA RRISON & M ATH EW S, M F PATEL, Advocates 1or the Contpany, Deputy REw /rar Esso H ouse, Htgh Court ol Kenya, Natrobl P 0 Box 30333 N alrobl 1066 'IR'IE K EW A G A ZE'IT E 22nd O ctober, 1971

G AZBTI'E N on cB N o 2875 GAZEI'I'B N olqcE N o 2878 TH E COM PAN IES A CT IN TH E H IGH COU R f OF K ENYA AT NA IROBI (Cap 486) IN BANKRUPTCY N orlcE N o 2 og 1971 N o-rlcE otz INTBNDBD D IVIDEND Re Peter N xj'l/l/ratz, debtor (Rule 107 (l) (4)) and IN BàxltltkTm 'cY AND W INIMNG tlly CAusE N o 2 oF 1963

H ughes Ltmtted credftor Re Dean Brothers flrai/tltf (tn JJt.gJfI#tz/I()n) Name ()/ company .-o ean Brothers Lmuted In the m attcr of a Bankruptcy N otlce lssued on the 28th day of Address 0/ regtstered cF ce - Plot No 8, Sectlon XXVII, Ogada Apnl, 1971 Street, Klsum u Reglstered postal address .- P O Box 134, K lsumu To Peter N Stlunla, Kttale Nature (7/ bustness - plumbers, samtary englneers and electrlcal TA KB N OTICB that a Bankruptcy N otlce has been lssued contractors agamst you m tlus Court by H ughes Llm lted of P O Box 30060, Court - H 1gh Court of Kenya at N alrob! Nalrobl, and tlze Court has ordered that the pubhcatlon of thls No OJ matter - Bankruptcy and W m dmg up Cause N o 2 of notlce m the K enya Gazette and m one edjtlon of E X Standard 1963 newspaper shall be deem ed to be servlce of the Bankruptcy Last dav ftlr ?ecelvlnr proojs - 9th November, 1971 N otlce upon you D qutdatot s nanle - olJiclal Recewer Address --state Law Oëce, H arambee Avcnue, P O Box 30031, The Bankruptcy N otlce can bo m spected by you on apphcatlon N alrobl at thls Court M L HAN DA , N awobl, Deputy O#iclc! Recelver Dated at Nalrobt thls 12th day of October, 1971 15th O ctober, 1971 and fylgffltfc/or

D eputy Regkstrar, G AzsrrE Norlcs No 2879 .r:Dg/) Court 0/ K enya THE COM PAN IES ACT (Cap 486) PURSUANT to sedlon 339, subsectlon (3) of the above Act, lt ls hereby notéed that at the exm ratlon of three m onths from GAzm q's NoucE N o 2876 the date hereof , the nam es of the underm entloned com pam es w111, unless cause be shtm n to the contrary, be struck ofï the THE COM PAN IES ACT Reglster of Companles and the com panles w111 be dlssolved Lcap 486) Reg N o N zw ze N oencti otz Fmsr M EBTING 1264 Outspan G eneral Servlces Lum ted (RuIe 110) 4704 M arshall Anderson lnvestments Llmzted IN BANKAUPTCY AND W INDING UP CAUSE N O 3 OF 1970 4880 Pedoma Llmlted 5511 East Afncan Exhlbltors Lunlted Re New xd/rlcc Press Ltmtted (/n ltquldattonj D ated thls 15t.h day of October, 1971 Ntmle oj co//lrtzrl.p - Ncw Afnca Press Ltmjted Address (?J îegkîtered (p/lce - P1ot No L R 209/2713, Campos O M SAM EJA , Rebelro Avenue, N ailobl Asststant Reglstrar OJ Compantes Regtstered postal address - T O Box 4010, N alrobl Natut e of èuslnes': - prlnters and statloners G U ETTE N orncr No 2880 Court - H 1gh Court of Kenya at N alrobl No (:/ matter - Bankruptcy and W lndmg up Cause No 3 of THE COM PAN IES A CT 1970 (Cap 486) O edttors - PURSUAN T to sectlon 339, subsection (5) of the above Act, Date - 10th N ovember, 1971 lt ls hereby noté ed that the undtarm entloned com pam es have H our - 2 30 p m thls day been struûk off the Reglster of Compam es, and the Place .- rrhe Conference Room , ol ce of the Ofliclal Recmver, companles are dlssolved - state Law Oflice, Haram bee Avenue, N alrobl Reg N o Nam e M L HAN DA , 5165 Klrlnyaga Development Corporatlon Lmuted 7/67 Kenya Afncan Fnendshlp Press Llmlted N alrobl, Deputy O/lc/tzl Recelver 6514 K jganlo Klam bu Agent Supply and Partners Llmlted 15th Odober, 1971 and Promstonal rlt/ulcltzfor 8104 Kenya Overseas Im porters Lum ted 8182 Nyen Plumbers (Kenya) Lum ted 8451 Lel Teret Fann Com pany Lm uted 8527 Bazaar Im porters and W holesalers Lum ted 8648 N aram an Sm gh Bros Lum ted GAZEI'TE NtlrfcE No 2877 8766 Slmon Gtthukl and Company Lmuted D ated thls 15th day of October, 1971 THE COM PAN IES ACT O M SAM FJA , W ap 486) Anlstant Regtstrar 0/ Compantes N oTlcE OF IINITENDBD D JVIDEND (Rule 107 (1) (4)) GAZBTTE N OTICE N O 2881 IN M OMBASA BANKRIJPTCY AND W INDING UP CAUSE NO 1 OF 1963 IN TH E M AU ER OF THE COM PAN IES ACT Re Granmlle-Ross D ZAU//J (Jn hquldatton) (Cap 486) Name oj company - Granvllle-Ross Llmlted AND Address OJ regtstered c# ce - ottoman Bank Bulldmg, Kenyatta IN TH E M ATTER OF CROPS LIM ITED Avenue, N alrobl NOTICE ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 293 of the Com Regtstered postal address - P O Box 150 N alrobl panles Act (Cap 486), that a general mcetmg of members of the Nature 0/ buslness - M anufacturers' representatwes and general above named company wl11 be held at the second lloor, Quetns- m erchants way House, York Street, Nalrobl, on the 23rd N ovem ber, 1971, Court - H1gh Court of K enya at M ombasa at 9 45 a m , to bo followed at 10 a m by a general meetm g of No 0/ matto --Bank) uptoy and W lndmg-up Cause N o crechtors for the purpose of recewm g an accotm t of the 1963 hqm dators' acts and deallngs and of the conduct of tlte wm dmg Last dat ktpr recel% lng proojs - 9th N ovembel y 1971 up to date I It.?rzldt//(7r s ncrzle - ol1lclal Recen er A ddress .- state Lap Om cc, Haram bee A&enue, P O Box 30031, A person entltled to attend one or both of the aboye m eetm gs N alrob! m ay appom t a proxy to attend and vote m stead of h1m A proxy need not be a m ember or credltor of the com pany M L HAN DA , IAN R LESLIE, N alrobl, Deputy OMc'fzl Recetver N alroh , M H PEDLOW , 15tN October, 1971 and Ltqutdator 13th Odober, 1971 Jom t D qutdators 22nd O ctober 1971 r nv M KN'Y A G AZ-ET'I'B 1067

GAZE:I'II NOTICE N o 2882 GAzErl'B N orlcE N o 2885 IN THE M ATT'ER OF THE COM PAN IES ACT THE SOCIETIES RULES, 1968 (c (L N 62 0/ 1968) c, 486) PURSUANT to rule 14 of the Socletles Rules, notlce ls hereby ANo glven of the reglstratlon of change of name of the soclety Ix 'TH B M AT TBR og vx ll'so H lRs &, Fm xNcc- exem pted flom regjstratjon nam ed m the schedule hereto LIM ITED scusout,s M sxnsxs, vot,vvrwp.v w zxoïxs up swedlsh Free M lsslon m K enya, to Evangehcal y'ree M lss,on m K enya N OTICE 1s hereby gtvea that at an cxtraordlnal'y general meetlng of the m vm bels of U mted H tre & Fm ance Lum ted held D ated thls 15th day of October, 1971 at M om basa on the 11th day of October, 1971, the followm g J M KYEN DO, spemal I'esolutAon was zuly passed - jor Regtstrar OJ Soctetles & That the com pany be wound up voluntarlly and that Vlrendra Vallavbhal Patel, accountant and audltor, P O Box 80789, M ombasa, be and ls hereby appom ted hquldator for CORRIGENDIJM the purporses of tlte wtttdm w up '' Gazctte N otlce N o 3729, dated 18th Decem ber, 1970, m so Credltors of the com pany are reqm red on or before 1 1th far as lt relates to Busam la W elfare A ssoclatlon ls cancelled Decem bter, 1971, to send full partlculars of a1I clalm s they m ay have agamst the sald com pany to the undelslgned, the llquldator D ated thls 15th day of October, 1971 of the company, and If so requlred by notlce ln wntmg from tlle saAd lAqmtlator, perrsonally or by tltetr advocates, to come to J M K YEND O, prove thmr debts or clatms set out m such notlce, or m default jor Regtstral oj Soctettes tllereof , thoy may bo exduded fl om tlle benofits ot any dlstn- butlon m ade before such debts are proved C;AZETTE lTorzcs 'fo 2886 Dated at M pmbasa thls 12th day of fktober, 1971 TH E AFRICAN CH RISTIA.N M ARRIAGE AN D V V PATEL, DIVORCE ACT Lïquldator, (Cap 151) P O Box 80789, M ontbasa N OTICE ts herebv glven that ln exerctqe of tlte powers con ferred by sectlon 6 (1) of the Afrlcan Chrtstlan M arnage and Dlvorce Aut, the M m tster nam ed m the Schedule hereto has been ltcznsed to celebrate m açrtages under tlle provlslons of suell Act SCHBDULB ElAzeTrs 'loTlcB llo 2883 Denomlnatton .-f athollc D locese of M achakos, P 0 Box 344, M achakos THE SOCIETIES A CT, 1968 M tniste s nam e - Rev D esmond O 'Sullwan (No 4 o/ 1968) Dated at N atrobt tlus 15G day of Odober, 1971 PURSUANT to sectlon 14 (1) of the Socletles Act, 1968, havm g reason to beheve that the çocletles llsted m the Schedule M L H AN DA , hereto have ceased to exlst the Repstrar of Soctetles hereby Deputy Reglx/rc?-tD notzl eealls on the sald sometles to funush hAm wlth proof of thelr exlstence wztlun th'ree m ontlas of tlïe; dato hereof GAZS'I'I'S N oaqcs N o 2887 SCHEDULE K m Nyaga Independent Cultural Olgamzatlon R'H B CO OPERATW E SOCIBTIF,S ACT Sluee Jam Y outb Leaguo, Tluka (Cap 490, secttons 65 and 69) Indlan A ssoclatjon, Thzka ORDBR K ongowea Somal Club W HEREAS pursuant to sectlon 61 (1) of the above Act, I Abaslkhale Brotherhood ordered an m qulry m to the by-laws, worklng and financlal con- dltlon of the Butsutsu Co opelatlve Savlngs and Credlt Soclety D ated tlns 15th da'y of Odobe'r, 1971 Lum ted A nd whereas I am of the opm lon that the sald socldy should J M K YEINDO , be dlqsolved Ior Regt îtrar oj Socletles N ow, therefore, pursuant to sectlon 65 (1) of the sald Act, I hereby cancel the reglstratlon of the sald soctety and order that tt be ltqutdated A ny m em ber of the sald socmty may, wlthm two m onths of the date of t'hls Order, appeal to the M lm qter for Co opcratwes tIAZETTE '4oTlcB 'fo 2884 and Somal Servlces agalnst thc Order lf no such appcal ls presented wlthm the tjm e the Order shall take effed upon the THE SOCIETIES RULES, 1968 explry thereof (f, N 62 of 1968) And fuçtller pursuant to sectlon 69 of tlle qald Xct, I llereby appom t the Dlstrlct Co-operatwe Ol cer, N aArobl Alea, to be PU RSUA NT to rule 14 of the Socletles Rules, notlce ls hereby lm m dator and authonze h1m to take m to h1s custody a11 the gtvea that- propeœty of the sald somety m dudm g such books and docum ents (a4 the soclety hsted m the Flrst Schedule hereto has been as are deem od neceqsary for completlon of the llquldatzon reglstered, and D ated at Natroh tlu 13th. day of October, 1971 (bj the soclety llsted m the Second Schedule heleto has been refused rerstratlon, W D M W ASI, under the provlslons of the Sometles Act, 1968 A cttng Deputy Corllrns,çsloner for C'tp-tlpelcflve Development IRIRST SCHBDIJI.B Date o! Name 0/ soctet.v Reglstratlon G Azh-l'rE N o'ncs N o 2888 $ Olken Orthodox G roup Assomatlon, N gong 11-10-71 1 KEN YA CO OPEM TIVE CREAM ERIES LIM ITBD , SEcoAœ SCHEDIJI-E N on cE D cfe N OTICE ls hereby gwen that any Local Purchase Order m Name o/ Somefy o/ Refusal the name of K enya Co operatwe Cream enes Iam uted slgned by U njted Afrlcan Rlghtq Organlzatlon 11 10-71 J D G ow , should not be met as he ls not authonzed by K cnya Co-operatwe Cream enes Lgnlted to lssue Local Purchase Orders Dated thjs 15th day of October, 1971 of the com pany - P R SEARLE, J M K YEND O, Secretary, f0r Rsw %ten.' of Srryi7.y',a /t7z Kenya Co-operattve Creamertes Ltd 1062 'IH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 22nd O ctober, 1971

GAZETI'E N tm cs No 2889 GM BTTB N O7ICB N o 2893

LIFE IN SU RAN CE CORPOM TION OF IND IA TH E TM NSFER OF BUSIN ESSES ACT (W estern Zonej (Ccp 500) (lncorporated m lndla) N OTICE ls hereby gw en Ahat the busm ess of Teady-m ado P O Box 740, N alrobt garm ents carrled on by M unywe K vburutlm , D am el K ague M urokl, Esrom N gugt M lrlnga, Francls N degwa Gltuturl, Loss ov Ptx lclss Kanyugl M uturl, M buru N loro, N dungu K lnlku, W akaba Llje Policy N os 2602424, 2603882 and 2615697, Jn the ntanc of W akahla, Gacm W awtru and N gugt M unza under the name and a&bzm /c/ Odhanl Thakkar style of H eshlm a Traders at premlses sltuated on Land Refer ence No 209/ 1482/2 m ver Road Nalrobl, has wlth eiect from N OTICE havm g been gwen of the loss of above-num bered the 1st day of October, 1971, been sold and transferred to pollcles on the llfe of K antllal Odhavlz Thakkar, lssued by Llfe Jayantllal N arsh Borkhatma., Chhotalal N arshl Borkhatlla, Tnsurance Corporatlon of lmdaa D upllcate pohcles wlll be ls%ued A shokkumar N arsh, Borkhrttna Jmd D evendra N arshl Borkhatna unless oblectlon ls lodged wlt.h us wlthm one m onth from thls who w111 carzy on the sald busm ess m tlle sam e place tm der the date nam e or style of V anza Garm ents The address of the transterors ls P O Box 9829, Nalrobl Klsumu, The address of the tvansferees zs P O Box 7962, N alnd mcludmg thc 30th day of Septem ber, 1971, and the same w4ll be patd and dtscharged by G e transferors, and hkewlse a1l G- T'I'E N tyrlcB N o 28O debts due to the transferors m respect of tho sald busm ess up to and m cludm g the 30th day of Septem ber, 1971 , wjll be reûm ved SOUTH AFR ICAN M U TUAL LIFE ASSU RAN CB SOCIETY by the transferors N oTlcs To M EMBERS FRAN CIS N DEGW A GITUTU R 1. TH E 126th nnnual gtneral meetm g of m em bers of the South lop zzes/pznc l'riders, A fltcan M utual Llie Assurance Soclety wlll be held at M utual- Transjerors park, Jan Sm uts D rwe, Pmelands, Cape, on W ednesday, 1st Dectm ber, 1971, at 11 30 a m JAYA N TILA L NA RSH I BORK HATRIA , jor Ftmza Garments, Bustness Transfel ees (1) To recelve tlle Dârcdors' Rcport and Fmanclal Statcments (2) To transact such other busmess as may be transacted at an annual general m tetm g GAZETTE N olqcE No 2894 By Order of the Board

J C PIJPER, THE TM N SFER OF BU SINESSES A CT General M anager (Ccp 500) NOTICE As hereby glven that the busm ess of Smart's H alr 5ty11st carned on by Ram nlklal Odhavp R tangla and Suryakant Odhavjl Jotnpa on Plot No L R 209/4377, Ngara Road, GAZETI'E N oT1cB N o 2891 N alrobt, has been, as from the 15th day of October, 1971 , transferred to W m fnd W alnmu of P O Box 45922, N alrobl, who wtll carry on the busm ess m the sam e premlses under a THE NIOATBA SA DISTRICT dd erent nam e XYNDBR FoR THE SUPPLY oF FUEL FoR THs CALSNDAR YEAR 1972 The address of the transferors ls P O Box 28082, N alroln TEN DERS are mvlted for the supply of dlesel, petrol, o!1 and f'he addrcss of the transferee ls P O Box- 45922, N alrobl lubncants to all G overnment D epartm ents wlthm M om basa D1s tnct for the calendar lear 1972 A1l debts due and owm g by the transferors m respect of the sald busm ess up to and m cludm g 15th October, 1971, wzll be Quotatlons m plam sealed envelopes marked ttrfender for recelved and pald by tbe transfcrors Fuel'' slachuld bfz subrzlltted so as to zrach the Dlstnct Cozmnls sloner's oske, P O Box 90430, M om basa, on or before 30th The transferee ls not assumm g nor does sho m tend to assum e October, 1971 habthttes m curred by tl'te transferors m the satd busm ess up to and mcludmg the 15th day of October, 1971 ELIUD N JEN GA , Dtçtrfct Cor/lpllssftlrldr M ombastl Dated at N atrobt thts 13th day of October, 1971

R O JOTAN G IA , S O JOTAN G IA , Tranderorï GAZ-ETIE NoTzcE No 2892 W m FRID W AIRIM U , THE TRAN SFER OF BU SIN BSSES A G Transleree (Cap 500) N OTICE ls hereby glven that the busmess cam ed on by Sayed H asqan on Plot N o 52, Kallado m G e Repubhc of K enya, has, as from the 5th day of O ctober, 1971, been sold G AZETTE No4qcE N o 2895 and transferred to Joseph K nnanl W am ama, who wtll carry on the sald busmess on thc sam e Plot N o 52, under hls own zmm e N OTICE OF' CHAN GE OF N AM E The address of b0th tho transferor and transferee ls P O Box 53, Kaljado afoTeqald 1, M maxl d/o Harjl M aml of Nalrobl m Kenya, hereby gwe pubhc notlce that by a deed poll dated the 14th day of June, A11 the debts due to and owm g by the transferor m respect of 1971, duly executed by me and heretofore called and known by the sald buslness pnor to and up to 4+ Ootober, 1971, wlll be the name of M anlben d/ o Harj: M anll, formally and absolutely recewed and pald by the transferor The trrm sferee does not renounced the use of the sqld form er nam e of M am ben and m assum e any hablhtv, whatsoever, m curred by the transferor m heu thereof assum ed and adopted the nam e of M maxl for all the sald busm ess prlor to and up to 4th October, 1971 purposts, and 1 hereby authorlze and request all persons to dengnate, descnbe and address m e by such assum ed nam e of Dated at N alrobl thls 1 3t11 day of Octobcr, 1971 M maxl

J H SAM PAT, Dated at Nalrobl thls 11th day of October, 1971 Advocate /or the Trcpa/eror and the Transferee M IN AX I 22nd O ctober, 1971 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 1069 IM PO RTANT N O TICE TO SUBSCRIBERS N oW ON SAEE TO TH E KEN YA G AZ ET TE TH E followlng notes are for the guldance of persons sub m lttm g ''copy'' for m cluslon ln the Kenya Gazette Supplements B U D G E T SP E E C H etc -- (1) Kenya Gazette contam s notlces of a general nature and whlch do not affect leglslatlon, and m ay be subm ltted 1971 dlrect to the Government Prlnter Speech dehvered to the N atlonal A ssem bly on (2) Legkslatlve Stmplem ent contalns Rules and Regulatlons 17th June, 1971, by the H on M wal K lbakl, whlch are lssued by the Central G overnment, and m ust be subm ltted through the Oflice of the Attorney-General M lnlster for Fm ance and Econom lc Plannm g. (3) BllI kî'ddpp/67?pt.?1/ contalns Bllls whlch are for lntroductlon R epubllc of K enya, w hen presentm g the Budget m to the N atlonal Assem bly only for the Flscal Y ear 1971/72 (1st July to 30th (4) Act Supplentent contalns Acts passed by the Natlonal June) Assembly A1l t copy'' subm ltted for publlcatlon should be prepared on one slde of a foolscap sheet no m atter how sm all the nottce Prlce Sh 2/ 50 (postage 50 centss or A ct, each page belng numbered, and should be typewrltten wlth double spacm g Copy should be clear, leglble, and contaln a m mtm um of alteratlons Partlcular attentlon should be pald to the followlng pom ts -- (1) Slznatures must be clarzed by means of rubber-stamplng or typmz the nam e of the slgner m capltal letters (11) Dates must be correct and filled m where necessal.y (111) Care should be taken to ensure that all headmgs to K EN Y A E C O N O IH C notlces and references to leglslatlon are up to date and conform wlth the Revlsed Edttlon of the Laws of K enya SU R V EY , 1971 Extract from the Code of Regulatlons sectlon D- Prepared by the Statlstlcs D lvlslon K enva G azette D 41 (1) Communlcatlons for tho Kenya Gazette should M m lstry of Fm ance and Econozm c Plamung reach the G overnm ent Prm ter not later than 12 noon on Tuesday of the week that publlcatlon ls deslred The June, 1971 Govcrnm ent Prm ter w1l1 not publlsh com m unlcatlons recelved after that hour untll the next subsequent lssue of the Gazette (2) lt w11l facllltate work at the Press zf Permanent Secrdanes w11l folward Gazette notlces to the G overnm ent Prlce Sh 10 (postage Sh 2) Prlnter when ready It ls em phaslzed that these notes are for guldance only, but lt ts requestt,d that persons subm lttm g copy for publlcatlon lirst satlsfy them selves that such copy ls com plete m every respect R EP O R T

SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISEM ENT CHARG ES O F Tc W 1th ehkct from 1st January 1971, rates of subscrlptlon to the K enya Gazette and advertlsem ent charges wlll be as follows - C O M Y SSIO N Sh cf, Annual Subscnptlon (Includmg postage ln East Afrlca) 120 00 O F Annual Subscnptlon (lncludlng postage overseas) 130 00 Half-yearly Subscrlptloa (mcludlng postage ln East Afrlca) 60 00 Half-yearly Subscnptlon (lncludlng postage overseas) 70 00 Slngle copy wlthout Supplements 1 50 G Q U G Y Slngle copy of any supplem ent to the Kenya G azette - Postage tn (PUBLIC SERVICE STRUCTURE AND E ,4 REMUNERATION COMMB SION) Sh cts Sh cts U p to 2 pages 0 25 0 15 1970-71 U p to 4 pages 0 50 0 15 U p to 8 pages 1 00 0 15 Chalrm an U p to 12 pages 1 50 0 15 U p to 16 pages 2 00 0 20 U p to 20 pages 2 50 0 25 D . N. N D EG W A, C.B.S. U p to 24 pages 3 00 0 25 U p to 28 pages 3 50 0 25 U p to 32 pages 4 00 () 25 U p to 36 pages 4 50 (dependlng U p to 40 pages 5 00 Second R eprm t- M ay, 1971 Each addltlonal 4 pages or part thereof 0 25 On Welght) ADVBRTISEMENT CHARGES- Sh c/, Prlce Sh 20 fpostage Sh 2) Full page 180 00 Full slngle colum n 90 00 Three-quartor column 70 00 H alf colum n 50 00 Quarter column or less 30 00 Thls report exam m ed and m vestlgated m atters Subscrlbers to the Kenya Gazette before publlcatlon of thls notlce and whose subscnptlons are stlll runnmg on 1st January 1971 asectm g the Strucm re and Remuneratlon of the wl11 contlnue to recmve cople,s of the Kenya Gazette at the presenl rates tmtll thelr current subscrlptlon explres Thereafte rz renewal Publlc Servlces lncludlng the dally pald w orkers, wl11 be at the new rates Subscrlbers after publlcatlon of thls notlce teachers, Local G overnm ent stas, Pollce and w111 be charged at the present rates up to 31st December 1970 and at the new rato as from January 1971 * Pnsons, Judlclary and Statutory Boards and Subscrlbers and advertlsers are advlsed to rem lt subscrlptlons excludm g the A rm ed Forces and expatnate or advertlsem ent chargos by chequo, postal order or mpney order drawn m favour of ':ef'he G overnment Prlnter, N alrobl'' Revenue oë cers stam ps cannot be accepted Subscnptlons and advertlsem ent charges must be pmd m advance S W S M UCHILW A , G overnm ent Prlnter O btalnable from the G overnm ent Pnnter, N alrobl 1070 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 22nd October, 1971


The followm g books have been publlshed smce 1st January, 1971, and can be obtalned from G ovqrnm ent Press, Publlcatlon D epartment, P O Box 30128, N AIROBI- K ENYA For otller pubhcatlons see Catalogue of G overnm ent Publlcatlons, January, 1971 lssuo C Dat e of ode riflc of Publlcatlon .szue Postage Prtce Sh cts Sh cts A#, R EPOR TS 651 Agrlculture Departm ent annual report Volume 1, 1968 M aroh, 1971 1 Q0 5 00 674 Approprlatlon accounts: other publlc accounts and the accounts of the funds ror the year 1969/70 by Controller and Audltor-Goneral M arch, 1971 4 00 40 00 760E Dlrectory or D lplom atm Corp February, 1971 by Protocol Department of M lnlstry of Forelgn Affalrs Febraary, 1971 0 50 5 00 771 Econom lc Survey 1971 by Statlstlcs Dlvlslon, M lm stry of Flnance and Economlc Plannlng Juno, 1971 2 00 10 00 787 Educatlon M m lstry annual report 1969 by M lnlstry of Educatlon Aprll, 1971 1 00 5 0û 839 Estlmates of Revonue 1971/72 June, 1971 0 50 2 00 839A Estlmates of Dovelopmont 1971/72 Jue , 1971 1 50 7 50 8398 Estlmates of Recurrent Expendlture, 1971/72 June, 1971 2 û0 15 00 857 n shenes Report!K enya, annual roport for the years 1967 and 1968 by M lmstry of Tourlsm and W- lldllfe Fobruaty, 1971 0 50 4 00 1082 lndex of M anufactunng Productlon Revlsed, 1969 by Statlstlcs D lvlslon of M lnlstz'y of Fm ance and Econom lc Plannlng Aprll, 1971 0 50 l 50 N I V Kenya StatlstlcalDlgest andouarterly Economlc Report, M arch, 1971 lssue W ol IX No 1) by M lnlstry of Flnance and Economm Plannlng M ay, 197 0 50 2 50 1272A Populatlon Census Keny a t1969 Volum e Il, D ata on Urban Populatlon, by Statlstlcs D nlslon of M m lstry or n nance and Econom lc Plannlng June, 1971 1 50 7 50 1300 Pubho Accounts Comm ltte of the Governm ent of Kenya Accountsy Report for tho year by Publlc Accounts Com m lttee M arch, 1971 0 50 5 00 1300A Publlc Accounts Comm ltte of the Government of Kenya Accounts, Report for the year 1968/69 by Publlo Accounts Commlttee M arch, 1971 0 50 5 00 1328A Reglstrar-General annual report 1969 by Reglstrar-General Aprll, 1971 1 00 5 00 1400 Statlstlcal Abstract 1970 by M lnlstry of Pm ance and Economm Plannlng February, 1971 2 00 15 00 14178 Survey of K enya annual report 1969 by D lrector of Surveys M aroh. 1971 0 50 4 00 1418A Survey of Selvlces, 1966 by Statlstlcs D lvlslon, M lmstry of n nance and Economlc Plannlng June, 1971 0 50 1 50

GEN EQM , PUBLICAID N S 1085 Industrlal Productlon Surveys of Large Scale Flrms 1964-1966 by M mlstry of Flnance and Econormc Plannm g January, 1971 0 50 5 00 ' 231 M odel Departmental Stores Regulatlons (Revlsed Edltlon 1971) by Kenya Treasury Aprll, 1971 0 50 5 00 410 Report of tbe Commlsslon of Inqmry (Pubho Serwce Structure and Remunoratlon Com- mysslon) 1970-71 by D N Ndegwa, C B S M ay, 1971 00 20 00

M INES AN D GEOEOGW AT, PUBLIrATIONS 108C Geologlcal Bulletm No 1 1, M m erals of Koaya by C G B Du Bcus and rewsed by J W alsh Apnl, 1971 50 10 00

FO R A O F TR OPG EAST A FRICA 8658 Flora of Trom cal East Afrlca, A nnonaceae by B Verdcourt February, 1971 2 00 20 00 8688 Flora of Troplcal East Afrlca, Cabom baceae by B Verdcourt Fobruary,1971 0 50 2 00 877A Plora of Troplcal East Afrlca, Plagellarlacoae by D M N apper February. 1971 0 50 2 00 879C Flora of Troplcal East Afnca, Geranlaceae, by J O K okwaro, B Sc , M Sc , F1l 11o February, 1971 1 00 5 00 ABGB Flora of Troplcal East Afrlca, H am amehdaceae by B Verdcourt February, 1971 0 50 2 00 883A Flora oî Troplcal East Afrlca, Lecythldaceae by G R W Sangal February, 1971 0 50 2 00 8908 Plora of Troplcal East Afrlca, Oxalldaceae by Cllnstlne H S K abuye February, 1971 0 50 - 5 00 892C Flora of Trop/cal East Afrlca, Phytolaccaceae by R M Polhlll February, 1971 0 50 3 00 892D Flora of Troplcal East Afrlca, Plantagm aceat by B Verdcourt February,lg7l 0 50 3 00 901A Plora of Troplcal East Afrlca, Typhaceae by D M N apper Februarys 1971 0 50 2 00 881C Flora of Tropmal East Afrlca- luncaglnaceae by D M N apper February, 1971 0 50 2 00

T,AW G APTERS N I V Am endm ents to the Labour Laws of Kenya, reprm t of 1968 revlslon Reprm ted 2 00 15 00

n e followm g publlcatlons whlch were prm ted m the Catalogue of Government Publlcatlons, 1971, are now not avallable

Code ri/le ofpudhcatlon Code Tlle ofpubltcatton 53458 Agnculture Department annual report- pt 2, 1955 ! 1246 Nmrobl Azrport annual rlport 1966 648 Agnculture Department annual report- pt 2, 1966 l 1399 Statlstlcal Abstract 1969 837 Dovelopment Estlmates 1970/71 8668 Flora of Troplcal East Afrlca Arahaceae 773 Educatlon M lnlstry Trlenm al report- 1961-63 8768 y'lora of Troplcal East Afrlca Dlpsacaceae 91 n nanclal Orders 1962 g76c n ora ot Troplcal East A fnca Elatlnaceae 1140 Labour Departm ent annual report 1960 261 A Notebook on Pathology m Kenya Forest Plantatlons Banklng Act, 1968