Notice on Outer Continental Shelf Oil
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 212 / Wednesday, November 2, 2011 / Notices 67759 Comments Invited for a rolling three-year period. TSA has FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For In accordance with the Paperwork temporarily suspended an additional questions concerning SHOP Program Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 requirement for air carriers with over awards, contact Ginger Macomber, et seq.), an agency may not conduct or 50,000 passengers to submit annual SHOP Program Manager, Office of sponsor, and a person is not required to audits of its fee collections and Affordable Housing Programs, U.S. respond to, a collection of information remittance; this requirement may be Department of Housing and Urban unless it displays a valid OMB control reinstated in the future. This Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., number. The ICR documentation is information collection request covers Washington, DC 20410–4500, telephone available at both the quarterly reports and the (202) 402–4605. Hearing or speech- Therefore, in preparation for OMB annual audits. impaired individuals may access this review and approval of the following Number of Respondents: 196. number via TTY by calling the toll-free information collection, TSA is soliciting Estimated Annual Burden Hours: An Federal Information Service at (800) comments to— estimated 2,884 hours annually. 877–8339. (1) Evaluate whether the proposed Issued in Arlington, Virginia, on October SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The SHOP information requirement is necessary for 27, 2011. program provides grants to national and the proper performance of the functions Joanna Johnson, regional nonprofit organizations and of the agency, including whether the TSA Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, Office consortia that have experience in information will have practical utility; of Information Technology.
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