He’s gonna put on his spats and aim for town# Rainbow

DARE, 242--birdies: dust rolls that collect under beds (in my AF days,

woollyburgersI) Rainbow

What the hell you think, we're just here dimping around? crunchers: military who don't fly (source: John Roden)A yJKiOlr t\) CXJ^\,Slrrr

C “T ( 5—^.jsA/vN^ /A cO/Ot£^ /YVvO^A-ta-A^ CL^O-^O t. - ^/orw ‘6i4^ J~MAct^) {j^Siold UW^' "f \ A-I^/ cyvJLy A GO G> £- „ *y ovJ JL£ ^ ^ C> £-.

CO K-xtlA LA. 5 MAJC cu^ Sf^Jr Gn*^ G. JUO^.

*/f cJofoi/uj JLAO/ («JL M 'Z~or*i*

,£> tt ~ * ( ( QjULA >* ‘-*-v<^ .' UjftA'v'f ^ Q^c/yv^c^'^••^ ■-^4 j h tjbi £L/\>5 ^ ^judLoV LO^V\ V/t-%^

QA..^ ^*-^7°v^ OJUw>(o/W\ <& c/U^/v &j ^ . . _ ' Ow^vc^jL^t CCAXA^ ^ ~f c> AxA^r-^Xtujtx. ^cA jjxiAjLj/) t c.eLQ cxA4 j (jutaud AHS\Kr*^cf . 7^ w$ .Aa LCHL\A. ^

iX/H*>C<-^ C^y CCAAA-A. ^-LCA^O^A^J , from lingo notebk

thick as ants on a meat skin

(possible use: to desc. marching flights of troops on drill pad) "Troop, you will clean that latrine." (mannerism, rampant at Shepard AFB) Rainbow

Why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, (insult common in my high school days) squarer than shit in a box Xou*d better the hell be right What do you know for sure? Yahyahyahyah (as I s’times say). Maybe clearer, yeah-ye ah-yeah-ye ah. lights- (slang for over with; in another sense, unconeious, at in "lights-out ") You bunch of poops Midwesterner: "That*s different earlids (heard on NPR from adman Tony Schwartz) possible use: The guy had his earlids closed* (or apply it to Mariah?) nervous in the service Rainbow

Got a match?--Yeah, your face and my ass. Rainbow

He'll wax your ass for you. Rainbow

happy horseshit (Air Force term, as saying "Don't give me your

happy horseshit.") Rainbow

Well, I dunno, she looks plenty fuckulent to me. Rainbow

O'heard between Shoreline students: "You lightbulb head." Get with the program, troop. 00 was a piece of work, A He'll have our asses fried in butter "Something I still don't get*"