THOMAS L STOKES LOUIE —By Horry Honan THE EVENING STAR A-5 Washington, D. C. ** Nixon Defends President ¦ATPEDAT, NOTXKBIS t, ISM Nixon's Role in the G. 0. P. hit campaign, took on Mr. Ste- venson at every point. Vice President Is Viewed as 'Bridge' party which now Is the Eisen- On Middle East Action He said Mr. Stevenson, in crit- hower wing. By MARY icizing the for perhaps McGRORY dle East with so many close ties administration re- Between Taft Wing and Regulars But. more than his ¦Mr Staff Correwondtnt fusing to give any guarantee to record, it is the hard-bitten, to the United States.” Nixon, party organization local, “But Americans,” Israel, Ignores two clear facts: Vice President who at the orthodox 0.0. P. instinct that EN ROUTE WITH NIXON, we he went less of a on, “also believe deeply in the 1. The maintenance of the has been controver- grass roots level still is in the comes out in the Vice Presi- Nov. 3.—ln the 11th hour of his independence sial figure in this campaign campaign. provisions of the United Nations’ of Israel has been hands of the one-time Taft dent’s slashing attacks on Vice President Nixon and remains than was expected before it the Democrats has assumed the role of spokes- Charter under which all member a fundamental wing in many sections and its in campaigns, matter of United States policy began, has also aided the Re- notably his and derision man for and defender of the nations renounce the use of way co-operation get scorn under this, as under the publican Party in another is needed to for that party’s New Deal-Fair administration's foreign policy. armed force as an instrument of A>re- has been overlooked national policy. say ceeding administration. which out the vote. Vice President Deal components. That is the Departing from the generali- We that 2. The Eisenhower generally. please regular force is wrong when it is used admin- Nixon, incidentally, is popular stuff to old-line ties which have marked his istration has repeatedly special Republicans. by our enemies, and it is just re- He has become the with the G. O. P. organiza- It is relished by speeches to date. Mr. Nixon spe- affirmed its to the A. Taft as wrong when it is used by adherence favorite of the Robert those regular Republicans who cifically answered charges lev- our 1950 agreement with Great wing Republican tion. privately express friends.” of the Party, the fear that eled at the White House by Ad- Britain and France which obli- which has come to look on He has been a help to the President Eisenhower is "a lai Stevenson and called “It was during the Truman our ac- administration, gated its signers to come to the him as their "man” in the party and to his President by New Dealer.” tion in the Middle Eastern cri- not the Eisen- giving wing hower assistance of Israel and Israel’s 0.0. P. dispensation. He has the conservative Temporarily, for the cam- sis “a declaration of indepen- administration, that the neighbors of the party of be- Soviet Union moved in the case of unpro- been the appeaser and the a sense paign, the Vice President has dence” toward Anglo-French co- into the voked aggression.” representative at court, so to longing and the feeling that it abandoned, as we have ob- lonialism. Middle East. When this admin- speak, for that group. has a sympathetic ear in the served, some of his more ir- That he did so with the full istration came into office Soviet agents had penetrated This element still is some- top command. responsible oratory, though his blessing of the President was Iran to «herr tu Butt—. what skeptical of the Presi- Why the old Taft wing of tactic of belittling Adlai 'made clear in telegram such an extent that the hope of a sent saving dent who defeated their idol—- 'he party should look to Dick Stevenson with a condescend- by Mr. Eisenhower to Represen- Iran for the free world Did Club 32: s** the late Senator Taft—at the Nixon may be puzzling at a ing sneer is clue enough for tative Simpson, Republican of seemed remote. But it was saved 1952 convention. Its stand- casual glance. For he was ac- the Old Guarders that Pennsylvania, land Soviet influence was elim- Restaurant he is cr* iiae Ne » ’ \ 1-3-56 in which the Pres- oflish attitude is partly be- ive against Senator Taft and still the same Dick Nixon ident indorsed Mr. Nixon as inated.” j At.xandrio, V.. £»»«• his Nixon, cause of the less conservative on behalf of Gen. Eisenhower underneath. “representative literally in the Mr. in this most sig- ' Cool Drinks. Air Cond. Closod Mon.. nificant 1 • Parties- Banquets. Receptions——* Eisenhower views on domes- in the 1952 convention. He The Vice President’s real four corners of the world” and; and specific speech of tic and foreign policy, and antagonized some of his fellow test—if the G. O. P. ticket poTomac as one “well equipped to bring Californians, including Sen- Tever partly because the President should win next Tuesday—- to our people the significance of William F. Knowland and does not have a long identity ator would come in the tug of war FLCTCHCR KNEBEL the events which are daily of with the Republican Party, as in particular then Gov. Earl that will develop in the next such great concern to our peo- did Senator Taft. Nor does Warren, by his maneuvers. four years for control of the Republicans say Ike ple.” Though pledged deserves to be elected because he’s the he have a political back- to Gov. War- party between the Eisenhower only everlasting peace The telegram Republican candidate of who has a battle Jacket was read to an ground, as did the Ohio Sen- ren for the 1952 wing and the Old Guard wing. hanging in his closet. enthusiastic, but less than presidential * ator, which makes him less nomination, he Unless he is wary, the Vice * * e capacity crowd in the Hershey privately swing understanding of their pecu- worked to Cali- President could get caught Stevenson is expected to make Sports Arena which holds fornia's delegation to Gen. thousands of votes with an liar problems. between them. It is going to election-eve promise: *T shall not go to Cairo.” about 8,100 —by Mr. Simpson, - Eisenhower and thus break a But the Old Guard conserva be hard to please both. That * * * * just before Mr. Nixon made his looming - tive group has found a substi- Eisenhower Taft is what he is expected to try Politicians’ glossary: Landslide—Any appearance. upon election in which no tute in the Vice President. Hi- deadlock which Warren to do, as that has been his more than 49 out of every 100 people against your According to his f counting open vote side. aides, the presence in the administratior orces were to course up to now. * * * * decision to have way Mr. Nixon as- makes the Eisenhower regim he for the The conservative wing is The war in the Middle East helps Ike’s election chances. sume the burden of one of the it: 'omination a compromis' palatable. It also makes as ’ominant in Congress. The Makes him a man of . For once the guy in the major speeches of the campaign 1 continuation palatable, sine mdidate. lisenhower wing is entrenched street figures he knew much about going was made ago. course, as what was on abroad a week The the Vice President is in the di But that was, of n the executive end of govern- as his Government did. basic format of what turned out; 1 ’ay politics * * * rect line of succession, that in and it was lon' ment. The President, him- * to be an important foreign policy if the Eisenhower-Nixon tick( -to—and has been forgottei self, would in the event of his says Stevenson will win. As the sailor pronouncement took shape Tuesday. y wing. said, wins next the Taft re-election have only such hold there's always one guy on every ship who never gets the word. Thursday. Just before he went It is important that thi The attraction which the on his party as his popularity • * * * to the hall last night for his wing party 'ice President holds for the people upon of the be satisflec with the confers If the current boom in babies continues, eventually one may nationally televised speech, Mr. for two reasons. One is that conservative and Old Guard him. For the Inherent power be born who looks as though he deserved the honor. Nixon with Secretary chiefly partly formerly implicit conferred it is numerous, in the dements is due to their in the threat of State Dulles from his hotel 88 of oppor- Local Lawyers Middle West. Its active sup- belief that, though an that a President might seek a in Harrisburg. tunist. he is basically aligned port at the polls is needed. third term is denied to Presi- From these conferences came The Eisenhower-Nixon ticket with them. His record in Con- dent Elsenhower by the con- a justification gress Stevenson of our break with is not strong enough to stand has that general direc- stitutional ban against more Says U. S. Hid our British and French sizable stay-at-home defec- tion, though occasionally he than two terms. allies a He is the over the Israeli invasion of tion among the Taft following. deflected toward the moder- first President to which this Egypt. Montgomery County The other reason is that the ately progressive wing of the has applied. Own Fear of Radiation Replies to Stevenson By a Star Staff Correspondent j Stevenson, | Dr. Graham said he Mr. Nixon said that . supported pro- j Mr. Ste- CHICAGO. Nov. 3—With the the candidate's venson, who called backing posal ending the Eisen- Kefauver in Minnesota Minor Parties of one of the Nation’s -5 for H-bomb tests howers foreign policy “abysmal foremost medical experts. Adlaii because of possible contamina- Endorse and catastrophic.” would have of E Stevenson has charged the tion the country 's milk supply better applied the adjectives to Given Free Eisenhower administration with i and an increased incidence of his own performance. Tour concealing from the public bone tumor and other forms Whistle-Stop As For itss of for Mr. Stevenson's charge I own fears of the dangers, partic-, . cancer among children, By ROBERT K. WALSH that the United States was Time on TV ularly for children, of strontium He said the Government “was BtpfT Correspondent i i standing alone in an unfriendly Judge Star Thomas M. Anderson , 90 fallout. sufficiently alarmed early: 1 NEW YORK, Nov. I (JP).—'The to consider world, Mr. Nixon said: LACROSSE. Wis., Nov. 3.—Puffing out of this station Mr. said he an enormous undertaking started hours and miles, ; major radio and net- Stevenson has s as the “The lie to this preposterous today. Senator Estes Kefauver 16 400 television ' received “direct evidence” ( large-scale purification of from oni 1 our charge was given within a few of railroad whistle-stopping to deliver Democratic blows works have granted free equal this score from Dr. Evarts A.. milk supply.” He said the under- end Minnesota the other. l hours when 64 nations in the - Thomas one of to time to four minority political 1 Graham of St. Louis, a past presi taking was considered after a General Assembly WHEREAS M. Anderson, Esquire, has morning training talk was at Kasson, Minn. ¦ of the United; A scheduled parties . dent of the International Society 1954 H-bomb explosion caused Nations gave unqualified ; hardly to set foot in the community where he to answer President Ei- r their been a practicing attorney in Rockville, Montgom- He could wait ( of Surgeons. a sharp rise of strontium support position recalls President Eisenhower senhower's speech on the Middle 90. to the which support In a letter released by Mr. In spite of this, Dr. Graham was taken by ery County, Maryland, for over twenty-eight promised four years ago to keep result of high prices East crisis. our Government years, . . wrote, the administration with respect to the price supports per which caused a burdensome “has Middle East and farm at 100 surplus. NBC, CBS, ABC and Dumont persistently denied the existence crisis. It is significant that only cent of parity. ("The surplus arose out of last night offered 15-minute of any serious problem.” five opposed our resolution.” He flew in from Pittsburgh. spots at varying the policies of the previous j times today and “The continued insistence by Mr. Stevenson’s charge that WHEREAS during said period he has become era presidential Mr. 1 County to fill a vacancy with what he charged was the tic vice candi- Eisenhower. Adlai Stevenson about a 1954 i health and the future of their friendship of Israel—a coura- as Judge of the Circuit expects get . administration's abandonment off date to his second FCC Decision Awaited Atomic Energy Commission children." geous democracy in the Mid- wind, and hop a new Court for Montgomery County, and a Government claim against a s motorcade for study of ways purify a rally at Hibbing, Minn. He NBC said it could not act on to milk wheat storage concern. the request . contaminated by FREEDOM RALLY . will remain overnight and most Hall until the Fed- radioactive Senator Kefauver said this ac- eral . fallout. WHEREAS he was appointed Associate Judge of banks including of tomorrow in Duluth and then Communication Commission tion favored 13 5 1 decided whether legal. the Commerce Trust Co. of Kan- .¦fly to St. Louis, Mo„ for a big it was The White House released an the Circuit Court of Montgomery County by the Democratic meeting Mr. Hall the AEC statement said FREEDOM sas City. Arthur Eisenhower, a i 1 tomorrow contended Presi- which it; RALLY Governor of the State of Maryland on orother of the President, is execu- . night. dent’s speech last Wednesday was “untrue” that the adminis- To Voice Support and Moral Solidarity With Hungarians, December tive vice president and a director r On the way back to Washing- night was not political but “a ,’tration was so concerned about Poles and other Captive Peoples. 9th, 1954, and has brought honor and dignity to of the Kansas City bank, he ex- . ton for a Nation-wide broad- completely1 nonpartisan report in i fallout from H-bomb tests that plained. cast on election eve he will keep his role as President.” it considered, in AEC's words, TOMORROW (NOV. 4) that office. The story, reported to have B in trim by dropping into Akron, Mr. Stevenson, the Democratic , "large scale purification of our AT 4:30 P.M. been given some previous circula- . Ohio, for a speech. That will be presidential candidate, asked and I milk supplies.” Ballroom, Sheraton-Park Hotel NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned tion in this section of the coun- . his fifth visit to Ohio, which he got equal time to answer Mr. ‘ Chairman Lewis L. Strauss of Speakers IT ill Include members try. began about two years ago 3 considers a major battleground Eisenhower the following night. the AEC, who signed the state- Msgr. Joseph Kozi-Horvath and of the Bar of Montgomery County, Maryland, en- „ in the campaign, Finally, actually Irving Brown, European v hen the Burrus Mills. Inc., the four minority • merit. said a study was representative of who dorse the of stored about 35 million bushels of 200 Miles parties also won time. It was i made "to determine the feasibil- the AFL-CIO, have just returned candidacy THOMAS M. ANDERSON, ’ f in Pennsylvania from Europe. Government wheat in tents in- The Tennesesee Senator's- believed to be the first time ity of purying milk if it ever ESQUIRE, for election as Associate Judge of the stead of elevators. The wheat t Minnesota version of the “Chat-! minority parties were granted I were contaminated by fallout Also was spoiled and the mill company y nooga choo-choo” followed a time under FCC regulations. should we be attacked by an Most Rev. Philip M Hannon, Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. which already owed the banks s full day and evening of hard Candidates Listed enmy using atomic weapons." Rev. Lawrence D. Folkemer, former Ambassador Joseph *7.7 million estimated it would Mr. Strauss i driving and hard hitting for al- Presidential candidates for also described as Lipski; and Dr. Peter Zenkl, former mayor of Prague. have to pay the Government be- - most 200 miles “false” Mr. in western Penn- the minority parties include Dar- Stevenson's charge l The talented Hungarian tween *4.5 and *65 million, i. sylvania yesterday. lington Hoopes. Socialist Party; that the project was kept secret. Actress Ilona Massey will appear. C. Senator Kefauver W. WOODWARD DAVID MacDONALD recalled. He attracted crowds almost as , Socialist The AEC chairman said the The Freedom Kelly it sponsored by the FOUNDATION FOR RELIGIOUS surprise of great Workers study ACTION DAVID E. BETTS JOHN "To the a t large and enthusiastic as those Party; Eric Hass, Socialist Labor ! has been available to the IN THE SOCIAL AND CIVIL ORDER and numerou. religious, M. MeINERNEY many people In the grain trade,” ’in Rhode Island and Massa- Party: public since last year, having: national and community groups. SUMNER WOOD, SR. J. stated, T. Coleman Andrews, In- DOUGLAS BRADSHAW he "the Government did -1 chusetts Thursday. He was dependent Party. been distributed by the Com- Public Cordially Invited C. W. PRETTYMAN not impound money it owed helped by unusually mild merce Department and placed in, DONALD K. STALEY Burrus Mills to protect its i In rejecting Mr. Hall's request in- • weather, outpourings of hun- equal the AEC's 49 libraries throughout ! J. HODGE SMITH PLUMMER M. SHEARIN terest. Instead of that, after dreds for time, CBS President the r of sejiool youngsters along Frank Stanton country. THOMAS C. KELLEY JOHN three days of negotiations with the said the network ! James C. Hagerty, White W. NEUMANN > line, and the fact that most not expressing House Burrus and the creditor banks, was an opinion on press secretary, LEO BENDER G. GREGG • of the places he visited had whether Mr. handed out the EVERNGAM the Eisenhower team entered Eisenhower had or AEC paper. » never before seen a presidential had not He described Mr. HARDOLD C. SMITH DAVID R. into a contract that was sup- made a political address. I statement, WOLVERTON ¦ or vice presidential candidate of He said the CBS decision Stevenson’s issued SMITH, posed to take care of everybody. • was 1 yesterday HAROLD C. JR. JAMES C. either party. previous in Cleveland, as "amaz- CHRISTOPHER It obviously has been awlully based on a FCC ruling ing" and TYLER, ' He spoke at such manufac- "that it is said he had asked the FRANK A. JR. WILLIAM R. RICHARDS good for the banks, including immaterial whether a AEC to detail the turing centers as Youngstown. talk by an office holder who also, facts. ROBERT W. BEALL WILLIAM PERRY Arthur Eisenhower's Commerce : Ohio, and The Democratic presidential DOING $510,000 Sharon. Newcastle happens to be a legally qualified II Trust Co. which was a ’ and City. candidate had said he received D. A. DeLASHMUTT EWDARD L. FOSTER creditor.” Ellwood Pa. In 1952 candidate is or is not political.” those Pennsylvania cities went, "direct evidence” from Dr. Ev- GLEN J. GOLDBURN CHARLES W. RISHER Senator Kefauver criticized the strongly arts A. Graham Only for of St. Days Mr. 3 transaction as "one of a grow- ; Eisenhower. He Louis WILLIAMV. BOUIC WILLIAM S. STANLEY ' chose the stronghold ithat "in August. 1954, the I give- Democratic Ohio ing list of exmaples of of Rivals Differ Atomic Energy KENNETH LYDDANE H. away, favoritism, cronyism” in ' Beaver Falls for his major Commission un- ELIZABETH ALLEN address last night. dertook to investigate the administration. ‘ Gov. George On methods JAMES H. PUGH ROBERT L. MeCLOSKY Leader and Pittsburgh Mayor Middle East's of removing radiostrontium from Replies ALBERT M. BOUIC JAMES R. MILLER Arthur Eisenhower pavid Lawrence, the Pennsyl- Effect on Voters milk.” (At Kansas City today Ar- vania Democratic National Com- Mr. Btevenson said Dr. Gra-i WM. F. PRETTYMAN LEE C. MILLER Bv ih*Associated thur Eisenhower said: mitteeman, went all the way with Press ham had Informed him “the El- 1 JOHN E. OXLEY WALTER W. DAWSON ("Kefauver doesn't tell all him. Representative Brown, Repub- , senhower Administration con- A principal sidered danger to LEON CHAMPAIN R. DUNCAN CLARK of the facts. The Commerce theme in most of lican of Ohio, said today the the from stron- Election Trust Co. is only one his daylight speeches tium 90 In our food serious of 13 was that "outstanding and JAMES G. HOLLIS R. EDWIN BROWN banks in the case. the Eisenhower leadership” Presi- j worthy or urgent attention, but administration dent L. A. WIDMAYER, JR. J. WILLARD i "As a matter of fact I has left a long trail of broken Eisenhower has shown in j jkept this fact from the Ameri- NALLS, JR. promises public.” 1b tit withdrew from the bankers' to labor, farmers, small the Middle East crisis “has, can JAMES H. MURDOCK RICHARD B. LATHAM committee as soon as I knew ousiness. school teacher, and gained him the support of many i they had to make agree- children, and high ROBERT E. BULLARD BROCKETT MUIR an cost-of-living who did not now how they ment. with the Commodity sufferers since 1953. were New WM. K. COPENHAVER JOHN C. KEATING going Talks Slated Credit Corp. I had nothing to In his Beaver Falls speech, he 1 to vote.” JAMES R. MILLER, JR. ROBERT B. MYERS do with the CCC. said he hoped President Eisen- i But Representative Kirwan, In Cleveland Strike ("Why doesn't hower Democrat Ohio, JOHN R. REEVES J. S. McAULIFFE, JR. Kefauver would be able to keep of said what he Nov. 3