No. 422 February 2019

Parish Contacts

The Rural Dean Revd. Rosamund Seal 01406 424989 [email protected]

Authorised Lay Ministers

Ms. Maggie Ball 01406 490384 Mr. David Smith 01406 363388


Fleet Peter Graper 01406 423803 [email protected] Geoff De Roux 07826 843611 [email protected]

Holbeach Hurn

Mr. David Baker 01406 362420 [email protected] Mrs. Kay Jenkinson 01406 424428

Gedney Mr. William Webb 01406 363673 [email protected] Mrs. Jill Duffey 01406 365586

Holbeach St. Marks Doris Johnson 01406 701250 [email protected] Nick Worth 01406 701459


Useful Community Contacts

The Pilgrim Hospital ………………………….. 01205 364 801 Queen Elizabeth Hospital …………………… 01553 613 613 Holbeach Hospital ……………………………… 01406 422 283 Johnson Community Hospital Spalding.. 01775 652 000 Peterborough City Hospital…………………. 01733 678000 Long Sutton Medical Centre ………………..01406 362 081 Boots Chemist Long Sutton ………………… 01406 362 331 Samaritans ………………………………………… 08457 90 90 90 National Rail Enquiries ………………………. 0845 748 495 Registrar Long Sutton ………………………… 01522 782 244 M. P. John Hayes ………………………………… 01775 711 534 NHS Direct …………………………………………..0845 46 47 Cllr Nick Worth …………………………………….07866 415688

South Holland Parish Volunteer Car Service (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:30)Call Sharon: 01406 366820 or 07834 634336


Editor’s note Hello everyone, my name is Mark and I am looking forward to hearing from you all and editing this beautiful magazine. If you have a story or something you want placing into the magazine please send it to me at [email protected] and tell me what it is, some information and the location along with any dates or contact details required.

MAGAZINE EDITOR: MARKY ELSOM [email protected] Copy for the magazine should be with Mark by 18th of the previous month, marked Mid Elloe Magazine. ADVERTISING EDITOR: GILL GRAPER [email protected] 01406 423803 We are very grateful to all our advertisers for supporting the production costs of the magazine. All advertisers should have been contacted and subscriptions run from January 2019 for the whole year. Please make sure you have paid for this year by sending a cheque made payable to 'Parochial Church Council of Fleet' to Gill Graper, Diamond House, Roman Bank, Holbeach Clough, PE12 8DJ. Full page: £120 Half page: £60 Quarter page: £30



The Magazine and details of services will be put on the new church website every month so please do check there for details of what is going on in your Parish and in the Benefice. Fleet: Gedney: Holbeach Hurn: Holbeach St Marks:

From the Rectory

Dear Friends Maria and I would like to say a very big thank you for the great send off you gave us on Sunday 13 January. Many people attended the Eucharist and joined in that worship. The lunch provided afterwards was fit for the five thousand! Your gifts to us were very generous in- deed including the original Geoff DeRoux painting of our four churches, a handsome cheque and various cards and individual presents. Thank you all very much for that great event and for the last few years amongst you. We have loved it and will miss you all. As ever, with every blessing Adrian and Maria January 2019

5 RECTOR’S RETIREMENT We hope everyone is aware that our dear Rector, Father Adrian, retired from office on January 13th. A farewell Eucharist was held at Gedney on that day and almost 100 friends and family formed the congregation to say goodbye to him and his wife, Maria. Adrian has been with us for only three and a half years but in that time he has made an enormous contribution to the life of the four parishes in his care and has become well-known and loved throughout the area. He gently modernized the pattern of worship to make it more accessible for all. His influence in our lives will continue long after his departure. We are going to miss him very much and we send him our grateful thanks and good wishes for a long and happy retirement.

CANDLE-LIT CAROL SERVICE It was lovely to welcome so many people to our Carol Service in December. It is thought around one hundred and eighty people came to hear again the story of Christmas and sing the wonderful carols. We were sorry not to be able to light the church path due to the weather. Thank you to everyone who helped in the preparations for the Carol Service and those who came on Monday to tidy up. Definitely a case of many hands make light work!

6 TABLETALK LUNCH December and January lunches were both very well attended. Those attending the December meal enjoyed a traditional Christmas lunch. The children from Gedney School then came and entertained us with some carols. January diners were served a fish in parsley sauce followed by plum loaf pudding. The lunches are held monthly and are an opportunity, particularly for those who live alone, to have a chat whilst enjoying a meal. If you know anyone who might be interested then please do contact any of the numbers below. The next Tabletalk Lunch will be held on Wednesday 13th February at the usual time of 12 for 12.30 in Gedney Church. Please book your place by contacting one of the following:- Jill Duffey -01406 365586 or Jane Webb 01406 363673

WREATHS, FLORAL TRIBUTES AND VASES On behalf of the Parochial Church Council could we please remind everyone that Christmas wreaths and floral tributes should be re- moved from the Churchyard by 2nd of February, which is Candlemas and marks the end of the Christmas season. It is then that all decora- tions are dismantled and put away. As mentioned in the December newsletter, the Churchyard grass seems to start growing earlier each year and it would help considera- bly if tributes were removed before the grass cutting season com- mences. Please note that vases and other ornaments should only be placed in line with the gravestones so as not to obstruct the mowers, nor become damaged. Thank you for your help in this matter.


Mid-Elloe Worship Rota



Sunday 3rd 9.00 11.00 Sung Morning Eucharist Prayer

Sunday 9.00 11.00 11.00 10th Sung Sung Morning Eucharist Eucharist Prayer

Sunday 9.00 11.00 11.00 17th Sung Morning Sung Eucharist Prayer Eucharist

Sunday 11.00 9.00 24th Morning Sung Prayer Eucharist

Sunday 3rd 9.00 11.00 March Sung Morning Eucharist Prayer

Ash 19.30 Wednesday Communion 6th March with Ashing

During Lent ( from 13th March) there will be a Compline service at Fleet on Wednesday evenings


Will you be part of The Holbeach Community Bookshop?

Set up for those of us in , who love books, we began to trade in Sep- tember at 3 Park Road in Holbeach, with the poet and author, Benjamin Zephaniah, officially opening the shop for us on Tuesday 16 October.

The Bookshop is run by the community for the community with volunteer Trustees and helpers. Books are donated by the people of Holbeach and surrounding areas and are then sold at affordable prices. The profits will be donated to good causes. All tastes, ages and pockets are catered for, ranging from children's books to the latest novels, 'hard to find' books and First Editions. We also run a story time session for the local pre-school and we hope very much that University Academy Holbeach will be able to help us build more shelves.

Would you like to be part of this venture, either as a customer or a volunteer?

As a customer, come, chat, browse and find something enjoyable to read. Our opening hours are 10.00 to 16.00 every day except Wednesdays and Sundays.

Or perhaps you could help us as a volunteer in the Bookshop for a session or so a month? We would be very grateful and offer you full training, new friends and plentiful tea, coffee and biscuits! If that sounds appealing, please ring Carolyn on 01406 422700.

Either way a warm welcome awaits you at Your Community Bookshop.

Happy New Year and hope to see you soon!


Your Mobile Library carries a selection of adult and junior fiction and Non-fiction books, large print and talking books, local history, books on Prescription and much more. Wheelchair access.


Holbeach St Marks -St Mark's Road 10.30-11.30 Thursday 14th

South Gedney - Church End 14.45-15.15 Thursday 14th

Gedney Dyke - Roman Way 12.15-12.45 Wednesday 13th

Fleet Hargate—Hargate Close 12.00 - 13.00 Thursday 14th


Long Sutton Library Address: Trafalgar Square, Long Sutton, Spalding PE12 9HB Tel: Customer Service Centre (Libraries) 01522 782010 Opening hours: Monday – 2pm – 6pm Tuesday – 10am – 5pm Wednesday – CLOSED Thursday – 2pm – 6pm Friday – 10am – 5pm Saturday – 10am -1pm

We offer: IT facilities, printing/scanning/photocopying, Local His- tory books and information, Children’s Library, Teenage Library, DVDs, Talking Books, Large Print Books, Self Service, Library Shop and a Family History Buddy.

Regular Groups: Arthritis Care, U3A Reading Groups, Creative Writing, Storytime for under 4s, Craft Group, Knit and Natter, Men’s Group, Genealogy, Walkers Group, Board Games for All, Mindful Colouring, Scrabble and Housebound Library Service. NEW Every other Friday Family History Buddy, one hour sessions (started th 19 Oct)




1. Sue Jarrett £25 No. 47

2. Mrs E Chapman £15 No. 43

3. Jill McDonald £5 No 138

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the 2019 list. Names and numbers of winners will be published each month in the magazine.

Gill Graper


Will be reopening after a winter break on MONDAY 11th FEBRUARY Please check sign for opening hours Any enquiries call Sam: 07850080217



You might think that Christmas ends when you take the Christmas decorations down - but it doesn't! After both Christmas and the season of Epiphany, the end of the Christmas celebrations come on February 2nd, with Candlemas. February 2nd is exactly 40 days after the birth of Jesus Christ and it is on this day that Mother Mary along with Joseph brought their newborn son, Jesus, to the Temple. Mother Mary was cleansed on this day. Jesus was presented to the Lord in the Temple on this day. During this time, an elderly holy man named Simeon was staying in Jerusalem. Simeon was told by the Holy Spirit that his death would not come until he saw the Messiah. When Simeon held the baby Jesus, he knew that Jesus had come for the salvation of all. Simeon stated that Jesus was “A light to the revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of thy people of Israel. These famous words form part of the Nunc Dimittis which is said or sung at every Evensong service. At Fleet we will be welcoming Revd Kate Plant on Sunday 3rd February at 9.00 a.m., to celebrate the Eucharist and remember this very special day in the Christian calendar.



Fleet is a very large parish and it has become increasingly difficult to deliver magazines to individual houses in the parish. Copies of the magazine are always available in church and copies are put in the Post Office area of the Chestnut Tea Rooms and in the Fleet Road Garage. We will continue to deliver magazines to as many houses as possible, but we apologise if you are not receiving the magazine regularly.

The magazine will, however, be put on the new website for the Benefice of Mid Elloe, which can be accessed by entering: A Church near you and then putting in the postcode of your church. We do hope you will look regularly on there for information about services and events in the four parishes.


There is always a good selection of birthday cards and cards for special occasions at Fleet Church. Just give a donation if you choose to take one or more.

In February there will be some Valentine cards on offer.


New Electoral Roll - FLEET

Every six years the Church has to scrap its existing Electoral Roll and create an entirely new one. This is to ensure that the roll is as accurate as possible.

The Electoral Roll is the list of Church members who are eligible to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. To be on the Electoral Roll you need to be a baptised member of the Church, over 16 years of age.

One other important thing is that if you wish to take part in the government of your Church as a representative of the laity on PCC or Synod you must be on the roll.

Application forms will be available in the Church or from Anne Corke, 18 Haven Close, Fleet. Telephone 01406 426038.

There is also an application form printed in the magazine if you wish to use that.

Please complete the application form with your full name and address and two ticked boxes and return it to me, or leave in the church, ideally by the end of February.



Full Name______

Preferred title (If any ______Full address ______Postcode ______1: I declare that (please tick only one box from options A or B)

1A I am baptised, am a lay person, and am aged 16 or over

1B I am baptised, am a lay person, and become 16* on ______*Those who become 16 in the next twelve months may complete the form and become eligible to be entered on the roll on their sixteenth birthday. 2: I declare that (please tick only one box from options A, B or C)

2A I am a member of the Church of (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and am a resident in the parish.

2B I am a member of the Church of England (or a Church in communion with the Church of England) and, not being resident in the parish, I have habit- ually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment. 2C I am a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the Church of England and I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment. I declare that the above answers are true and I apply for inclusion on the church electoral roll of the parish.

Signed ______Date: ______16


1. The only churches at present in communion with the Church of Eng- land are other Anglican Churches and certain foreign Churches. 2. Membership of the Electoral Roll is also open to members in good standing of a Church not in communion with the Church of England which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity where those members are also prepared to declare themselves to be members of the Church of England. 3. Every six years a new roll is prepared and those on the previous roll are informed so that they can re-apply. If you are not resident in the parish but were on the roll as an habitual worshipper and have been prevented by sickness or absence or other essential reason from wor- shipping for the past six months, you may write “would” before “have habitually attended” on the form and add “but was prevented from doing so because” and then state the reason. 4. If you have any problems over this form, please approach the clergy or lay people responsible for the parish, who will be pleased to help you. 5. In this form, “parish” means ecclesiastical parish.


Holbeach St Mark’s

Regular Worship at St Mark’s Church

Each first Sunday of the month an informal act of worship “First Sunday at St Mark’s” at 11.00

Each fourth Sunday of each month Eucharist at 9.00

18 ‘What's On’

Gedney Victory Hall Auction - Every Friday from 6 p.m. - To enter items in the auction please contact Annette on 01406 371024 or 07936 109884

Keep Fit Classes - with Karen - Monday 6:30 p.m., Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. - contact Karen on 07957 440333.

ABC dog training classes - Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - contact Jackie on 01553 278894 or 07756 600676

Zumba keep fit classes - last Thursday of every month, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - contact Helen on 01406 330565

For more information regarding any of these events, please call 07715872464

Gedney Dyke Village Hall Coffee Morning & Book Swap— 1st Saturday of the month 10am-12.30pm

Keep Fit Classes - With Karen. Tuesdays: 6.30pm - Zenga Wednesdays: 9.30pm - Zenga & Fridays: 9.30pm - Yoga

Bingo — Wednesdays eyes down 6.30-7.30pm (not the 1st Wednesday of the month)

Line Dancing — Thursdays 10.00—11.00am

Choir — all ages and abilities every Thursday 7pm-9pm

Every Friday — Social Night from 7pm with open bar.


ADVERTISING EDITOR: GILL GRAPER [email protected] 01406 423803 We are very grateful to all our advertisers for supporting the production costs of the magazine. All advertisers should have been contacted and subscriptions run from January 2019 for the whole year. Please make sure you have paid for this year by sending a cheque made payable to 'Parochial Church Council of Fleet' to Gill Graper, Diamond House, Roman Bank, Holbeach Clough, PE12 8DJ. Full page: £120 Half page: £60 Quarter page: £30


SIMON’S ROOFING Holbeach Roofing Contractor Community Larder ~~~ Food Bank & Café

Phone 01406 490262 / 07742 173058 Food Bank Email: 11.00-2.00pm every Friday

[email protected] Hot Lunches ~~~ Served from 12.00 - 1.00 (Free or for a small donation) Over 30 years experience Holbeach Reading Rooms All types of Roofing work (next to the library on Church Street)

undertaken Do you …... Specialist in Flat Roofing and Lead Work • Live alone Will cover all areas of South • Have poor cooking facilities Lincolnshire • Have limited cooking skills • Feel lonely & prefer company All work fully guaranteed • Have nothing much in the fridge Very Competitive Prices • Need a hot meal

Please call for a no-obligation quote! Come and see what is on the menu and make some new friends.


EXCELLENT VENUE FOR - Wedding receptions, Parties, Meetings, Clubs etc.

For more information

Phone: Chris Pearson on 07715872464

(located just off the A17 Gedney roundabout )





Laurel Handmade

Lined and interlined Curtains and Blinds

LADY GARDENERS Soft furnishings and other WORKING IN YOUR AREA! bespoke items Contact Jane on 01406 821425 Mob: 07516305015 Email [email protected] Specialists in Designing/Planting & Maintaining Soft Landscapes Over 25 years experience in the Call to discuss your requirements gardening industry. Creating New and renovating existing areas of Your 01406 420163 Garden 07958 366721 Plant Supplies Plant Advice or email Fully Insured [email protected] ladygardenershome



Tel: 01945 700433 or 0772 9385166

Email: [email protected] Professional Arboriculture & Landscaping Services covering all necessary care and treatments for trees and hedges. 24 hour Emergency tree care team available Full garden maintenance including lawn care, planting, weeding, turfing and grass seeding. Conversion to low-maintenance Installation of stone drives & parking areas Patios and drives power washed Fencing work including repairs and painting Full landscaping offered and much more Don’t hesitate to give us a call. Free quotations & advice. Discounts to senior citizens, NHS and Emergency services workers.


Holbeach Community Larder & Café

Food Bank 10.00-1.00 every Friday Food parcels available for those in need Hot Lunches Served from 12.00 - 1.00 (Free or for a small donation) Holbeach Reading Rooms (next to the old library Church Street) Do you …... Live alone Have poor cooking facilities Have limited cooking skills Feel lonely & prefer company Have nothing much in the fridge Need a hot meal Come and see what our team of volunteers have on the menu today and meet some new friends.

27 Styles & Styles Mobile Hair Stylist Holbeach & Surrounding areas


JEWELLRY & GIFTWARE Call Joanna Silver and fashion jewellery to suit all 07932-409917 tastes; range of gifts; scarves and purses. VTCT Level 2 Hairdressing FREE POST, LOCAL DELIVERY Qualified Fully Insured

What we offer:

Hot tubs Pool & Spa chemicals Swim spas Saunas Swimming Pool Builds Equipment & Accessories

Swimming Pool sales Servicing & Repairs

Showroom open 7 days a week! Call today to

discuss your requirements 01406 424504




SHEILA’S HERE TO HELP The Meadows Day Centre Spalding Could you do with a little extra help? Formally Age Uk Washing & ironing. Vacuuming or mop- Please donate your unwanted ping floors. Gardening. furniture What about getting out and about? And help local elderly people Shopping, Dentist, Doctor’s or hospital. Everyone welcome to purchase CALL SHEILA ON 07796457723 FREE DELIVERY/COLLECTION Fleet Road Industrial Estate Covered by updated DBS check and in- surance. Mon to Friday 9.30 to 3.30 079 468 371 33


Welcome to Spire Dental where we offer a different type of dentistry - we aim to make every visit as professional and pleasant as possible and we are here to offer personalised, high quality care.

7 Market Street, Long Sutton, Spalding, PE12 9DD

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01406 364600


Home visits - Regulated & Insured - Fixed fees

No VAT Face to face professional advice

For a sympathetic service telephone 01205 355229

Lincolnshire Will Company


Defibrillators in Fleet & Knit & Chatter Gedney 1st Friday of every month There are now two defibrillators in Fleet. from 2pm - 4pm at The first is on the outside of the Rose and The Crown, Fleet Hargate, and the second is at the Branches Lane side of the Fleet Road Garage. Sheltered Housing Hall in Hocklesgate, Fleet Hargate A defibrillator now exists outside Victory Hall, Gedney. All monies raised goes to

They also exist at the Co-Op food stores of charity. Holbeach, Long Sutton and . If interested phone Norma Bell 01406 421806

The new branch is now open at The Chestnuts, Topsgate, Gedney.

Opening hours: 9am to 4pm Monday through Saturday, and 10am to 4pm on Sunday. (Post Office closed on Sunday)

Services include: Mail - Travel money - Cash withdrawals and Telecoms

Available on site: Farm Shop, Garden Centre and Tea Rooms


The original oven cleaning specialists Ovenclean will transform your oven and put the sparkle back into your kitchen!  Friendly, professional and reliable  Completely safe, eco-friendly clean system  No fumes, no mess, no bother

Call today to book your oven clean Darrel Baxter 07935903884

David Osborne – Bathrooms

Complete Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations

Plumbing & Heating Repairs

Showers, Ceramic Tiling, Building Maintenance.

Bathrooms for the Disabled

Telephone: 01406 423715

Mobile: 07715084249 or 0797965851



Contact Number: 01406 490429. Sutton Bridge Food Bank

St. Matthews Church, Bridge Road PE12 9SD The new Sutton Bridge Food Bank is open on Tuesdays and Friday’s each week, from 1-3pm. Donations are most welcome and can be left in the church at the indicated place.