SUFFOL . THis is a maritime county, bounded on the north by , from which it is separated by the Little Ouse and the Waveney livers; on the south by Essex, the liver Stour forming the divtsion; on the east by th~ German ocean, and on the west by . Its figure is an irregular oblong-from Aldborou~h, o~ the east, to Newmarket, on the borders of Cambridgeshire, on the west, about forty-seven miles ir. length; and from north to south the extent is about twenty-seven miles: its circumference has been estimated at one hundred and furty-four miles, and its area to comprise 1,512 square miles, or 967,680 statute acres. In size it ranks as the eleventh county in , and in population as the seventeenth. NAME and ANCIENT HISTORY .-In the time of the Romans the inhabitants of this part of the country were called the Iceni or Cenomanni, descended from the Cenomanni of Gaul. Under the Roman dominion it was included in the province of Flama Cmsariensis. Under the Saxons it formed a part of the kingdom of , and was designated from Sud-folk literally 'southem folk' or 'people.' The whole of this and some of the adjacent counties experienced little respite from foreign and domestic depredators till !lome time after the death of Edward the Confessor: this county, in particular, suffered much from Sweyne, King of Denmark, who spared neither churches nor towns, unless redeemed by the people with lru·ge sums of money; though, to compensate in some measure for this cruelty, Canute, his son and successor, shewed it particular kindness. When William the Conqueror was settled on the throne of the kingdom, he divided the manors of Suffolk among his officers. Suffolk was one of the eastern counties that were associated in the cause of the parliament against Charles I, and placed under the command of the Earl of Manchester: there were a few mfluential gentlemen of the county who endeavoured to raise a force to secure it for the king~ but were sur~ prised and reduced to obedience by Cromwell. In 1665 the memorable engagement between the English and Dutch fleets, in which tl1e latter was defeated, occurred off ; and in 1667 the Dutch landed three thousand men under Felixstow cliff, but were put to flight, after an ineffectual attempt upon an adjacent fort. bay was the scene of an obstinate conflict between the united fleets of England and France, on the one side, and the Dutch fleet on the other; the French soon left the English to bear the brunt of the action, which terminated without any decided advantage being obtained by either the English or Dutch. Some of the towns of this county are of great antiquity, and the remains of its once massy castle:5 possess high interest with the antiquary. Dunng the intestine broils between King Stephen and the barons, castle, erected by the Bigods, Eru·ls of Norfolk, was so strongly fortified by Hugh Bigod (a turbulent nobleman) against his sovereign, as to be rendered almost impreg-nable. Bury St. Edmunds is supposed to have been the Villa Faustinii, or ~the seat of Faustinius ;' by the Saxons it was called Beoderic IVeord, or 'the Court of Beodericus :' this town is famous for its abbey, which, when in its splendour, is said to have exceeded all other establishments of the kind in England, Glastonbury excepted. (or, as it is written in Domesday-book, Gyppeswiz,) was originally fortified, and enclosed by a rampart and ditch, which was broken down by the Danes when they pillaged the town in the years Y9l and 1000. Dunwich, now an inconsiderable village, was once a most Important Roman station: in 630 it was an episcopal see; and it is recorded by tradition that at one time it haajifty-two churches and monasteries-all of which, but one, have been swallowed up by the sea! SOIL and CLIMATE, PRODUCE and MANUFACTURES.-There is in this COUnty a very great variety of SOIL; the whole, howel·er, may be conveniently divided jnto four sorts clay, sand, loam and fen. The first descrip­ tion of soil comprehends the whole midland part of the county, through nearly its entire extent from ea..<:t to west, and forms about two-thirds of the land; the district over which this soil prevails is ca1led 'High Suffolk/ 'Ihe next sort of soil consists chiefly of sand, and lies in opposite sides of the county-some in the maritime part; much of this district is highly culth·ated, and is one of the most profitable; the rest of the sand district lies on the western side of the county, and comprises nearly the whole of the nm·th-western angle; it contains a kw spots of such rich sand-lands as are found on the coast, but abounds with warrens and poor sheep-walks; towards the borders of Norfolk it is very light and blowing. The third district, that of loam, forms but a small portion of the county, and is not so clearly discriminated as the others; it is composed of a vein of friabl~ putrid, -regetable mould, of extraordinary fertility. The fen dh·ision is merely the north-west corner; its .-;mface, to some depth, is common peat-bog, and in different places is under water, though much expense has. been incurred for draining. The CLIMATE of this county has lons: been noticed as the driest in the kingdom; the frosts, also, are severe, and the north-east winds, which prevml in spring, are generally sharp: but though, like the western extremity of this island, Suffolk is not calculated to favour the weak and consumptive stranger, it is upon the whole extremely healthv, which has been proved by calculating the average mortality of the county for ten years. The roads in evei·y part of Suffolk are excellent, the impmvements on them within the last few years being almost inconceivable. 1\Iany modern enclosures have been made by acts of parliament. and these examples will no doubt be followed in favomable times, the success having been such as to encourage the practice; and as to landed property, there is no estate in Suffolk that can be considered as overgrown. "The agriculture of t!Jis county approaches more nearly to perfection than, perhaps, any other in the kingdom; in the lighter lands the Nortolk system is pursued; and in the heavier, beans and wheat, cabbage and other vegetables, are grown in rotation. The farming st(){'k is highly valued-the cows being excellent milkers, and the horses strong, active, and capable of vast exertions. By a spirited cultivation, and the free use of clay, much valuable land has been reclaimed in the noith-west part of the county. The woods of Suffolk hardly deserve mention, except for the fact that in general they pay but indifferently; and nothing but the expense and trouble of grubbing prevents large tracts of land, thus occupied, from being applied much more beneficially. Hemp is cultivated in the district extending from Eye to , spreading to the breadth of about ten miles-s­ which oblong part of the country may be considered as its seat: land for the growth of this useful article is in the hands ofboth fanners and cottagers; but it is very rare to see more than five or six acres in the occupation of any one person; it is singular that no weeding is ever applied to it, the hemp destroying every other plant: the fabrics wrought in this county from its own hemp have!rea.t merit. The MANUFACTURES of Suffolk are not extensive or various light stuffs, buntings, crapes an yarns being the principal under this head, with hempen cloth for home consumption; the combing and spinmng of wool likewise prevail to some extent. The sea-ports depend much on the exportation of malt and corn: some are noted for making fine salt, burning lime from fossil shells, &c.; other maritime towns derive considerable advantage from the mackerel and herring :fisheries, and in the Orford river there are considerable oyster beds. The curing of fish employs ~eat numbers of the inhabitants, of both sexes, in several towns on the coast, especially at Lowestoftt upon wh1ch branch the prosperity of that town may be considered almost entirely to depend. RIVERS, CANALS and RAILWAYs.-Water is very plentiful all over this county; for there are not only rivers in every part, but a great number of fine springs and rivulets. The principal RIVERS are, the STOUR, the LEssER OusE, the WAVENEY, the ORWELL, the ALDE, the BLYTHE, the DEBEN, the GIPPEN and the LARKE. The Stour rises from two sources, at and at 'Vethersfield; it passes Haverhill, Clare and Sod­ bury at the latter town it becomes navigable; thence pursuing its course to , and afterwards meeting the Orwell at Harwich, it falls into the German ocean : during its whole course the Stour forms the south boundary of the county. The Lesser Ouse rises on the north boundary of the county, near the source of the Waveney, from which it is separated only by a causeway; it passes the towns ofThetford and Brandpn, and forms in its course the north-west boundary of the .county, till it empties itself into the Great Ouse. The WaveneJ pw·sues a north-eait direction, and is the boundary on that side of Suffolk; it watecs the towns of . 527 •

~uttnllt. t~tgot ~ ~o. 'S -- .Har1eston, Bungay and Beccles, meets the Breedon water near Yarmouth, below wl1ich town the German -ocean receives the united streams. The Orwell rises at Broad Green, and, flowing east, becomes navigable at , and after visiting Needham and Ipswich, joins the Stour at Harwich. The Aide has its spring at Brundish, and, flowing past Aldborough, falls into the German ocean at Orford bay. The Blythe is formed of 11everal sp1ings; when united it passes , and mingles with the oceau at Southwold. The Deben rises above Debenham, flows past W1ckharn and Woodbridge, and unites with the sea near :Felixstow. The Gippen is a rh·er of this county that empties itself into the Orwell between Stowmarket and Ipswich. The Larke nses in the south~western pa1t of the county, and flows northward to Bury St. Edmunds, within a mile of which town it is navigable; below 1\Iildenhall it becomes the western boundary of the county, and afterwards joins the Little Ouse. The only ARTIFICIAL navigation is that tormed in the channel of the G1ppen from Stow market to Ipswich, opened in 1793, and rather more than sixteen miles in length. RAILWAYS :-The Eastem Counties' ·will pass through Ipswich, run within two or three miles to the west or left of Debenham, and thence, through Eye, on to . From Ipswich a railway is projected to join the and Bitmingham: this line will pass near to Stowmarket, through Bury St. Edmunds and Cambridge; and, running a little to the south of , will join the London and Birmingham railway near Newport Pagnt:ll. ECCLESIASTICAL and CIVIL DIVISIONS, and REPRESENTA110N.-Suffolk is in the province of Canterbury .and diocess of Norwich, and is included in the Norfolk circuit. The most general division of the county is into "two parts one denominated ' the Franchise or Liberty of St. Edmund ;' tile other, containing the eastern ·portion, called ' Gildable Land :' each patt fumishes a distinct grand jury at the county assizes. There is .another general division of the county, mto 'High Suffolk' and 'Low Suffolk;' and it is further divided into 'twenty~one hundreds, and subdivided into five hundred and four parishes and five parts of parishes: these ~ontain one county town (Ipswich), and twenty other market towns. REPRESENTATION :-Previous to the passing of the reform bill Suffolk returned sixteen members to parliament, two of whom represented each of 'the boroughs of Aldborough, Bury St. Edmunds, Dunwich, Eye, Ipswich, 01ford and Sudbury, and two sat for ·the county. The new bill disfranchised Aldborough, Dunwich and Orford; it restricted Eye to the return of -one member, but bestowed tw~. additional ones upon the county-so that the entire number of representatives for the shire is reduced from sixteen to eleven. The county, under the new bill, is divided into two electoral parts, the 'Eastern Division' and the 'Western Division;' the return of members to represent the former is '1Ilade at Ipswich, and the western at Bury St. Edmunds: the eastern division polls also at Beccles, Framling­ ham, Halesworth, Needham, and Woodbridge; and the western at Botesdale, Hadleigh, , Mildenhall and Wickham Brook. The present members sitting for the eastern division are Lord Henniker and Sir C. Broke Vere; those for the we~tern are Colonel Rushbrooke and H. S. Waddington, Esq. PoPULATION, &c.-By the census for 1831 Suffolk contained 145,761 males, and 150,543 females-total, ·296,304 : being an increase, since the returns made in the year 1821. of 25,762 inhabitants; and from the ot'ensus of 1801 to that of 1831, the augmentation amounted to 85,873 persons. The total annual value of Real Property in this county, as assessed April, 1815, amounted to £1,127,404.

Index of Distances from Town to Town in the County of SufFolk. 'The names of the respective towns are 011 the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distance. Distancefrom London. AlcillOf(}Ugh...... • ...... • . • . . . • ...... • ...... 94 Brccl~s ...... 22 Beccles...... • ...... 108 £ildeston ...... 36 46 Bildesto11...... • ...... • ...... • ...... • ...... 63 Botesdale ...... 38 28 2 Botesdal e ...... ~ ...... , ...... " ...... SS llrandon ...... 59 49 ;~o 21 Bt·andorl ...... , ...... 80 Hu11gay ...... •.•. 25 6 41 21 38 Bun gay ...... 108 Hury St.Edmuuds.. ~0 43 15 16 15 38 Bury St. Edmunds . • .. • .. • ...... • • • ...... • ...... • .. .. 72 <;Jare ...... 50 55 10 30 3151 18 Clare ...... • ...... 56 iDebenham •••...... 25 31 20 15 3.3 20 22 2Y Dt'henhan1...... 83

fi:yl· ...... 30 23 23 8 29 li 19 34 7 r:ye ...... ' . ' . ' ...... t • • • • • • • • 90 +'ramlingham •.•. 16 23 2.'i 21 41 22 30 35 8 14 l"ram1ingham...... 87 iiadleigh ...... 34 48 5 28 36 43 20 20 19 27 28 Hadleigh.... • ...... • ...... • . .. • ...... • . .. 64 Halt>sworth •••••. 16 10 38 26 47 9 42 50 20 1913 39 Halesworth ...... lOO Have rh ill ...... 58 62 22 33 32 55 18 7 37 40 43 25 56 Hat'erhill...... • • • ...... • .. . 59 Ipswich ...... 24 40 11 27 41 40 2fi 26 13 20 18 9 31 34 Ipkwich .. • • • • .. • ...... • • • ...... • • . • . 69 Laveuham ...... 40 49 5 22 26 49 8 10 24 26 30 I 0 4:~ 17 16 LavelllJam ...... , • , • • • ...... • . • • 63 {.owestoft ...... 31 10 54 37 59 16 52 64 36 3::130 54 18 72 45 59 Lowe:stoft ...... , ...... 114 .Mendlt>sham •••.•• 32 3113 9 30 24 18 27 6 7 13 18 20 33 15 20 38 Mt>ndlt>:sham .••••••.•. , • ...... 81 Mildenhall ..... I.. 62 52 27 24 9 4512 22 35 314132 50 22 38 22 61 30 Mildenhall...... • 72 Nay laud ...... 42 56 1132 38 47 22 16 2fi 35 33 8 46 22 1612 60 26 4J Nay laud.... • • .. • ...... • . 57 N~t>dha.m •...•••. 32 43 8 16 :10 31 18 21 12 16 15 10 28 29 912 44 8 29 18 Ne~dham l\1 arl•et ...... • . • . 7l .()rford ...... • • • . 5 32 30 33 54 31 43 44 19 2514 29 21 52 19 36 34 24 55 36 2.')J0rford...... 88 :Saxmondham • . • . 7 20 31 28 48 19 37 44 12 20 71:~0 11 51 21 35 24 18 48 37 21 10 Saxmunrlham • . • . • • • • 89 "Southwo1d .••••••• 18 12 46 33 5318 46 52 25 27 21 4610 60 :-!6 48 U 32 57 50 34 24 14 Southwold ..•••.•• 105 Stow market •••••• 36 36 9 14 26 31 14 20 10 12 17 14 30 21:i 12 13 46 7 26 22 3 30 23 35 Stowmarket • • . • • 75 Sudbury ...... 46 f)0 12 29 32 54 16 7 27 32 ~5 12 47 14 22 7!65 24 27 915 40[42 55 191Sudbury ...... 55 Wood bridge •••.•• 16 32 19 28 49 31 34 34 13 2111Jl8 24 41 8 25 37 18,46 24 16 12 13 28 20 29 I Wo(ldbrdge 77 ALDBOROUGH OR , is a small sea~port, market town, I the shore is admirably adapted bf its el·enness, and borough and parish, in the hundred of ; 94, gentle regular declivity for the bathmg-machines. For miles N. E. from London, and 24 N. E. by E. from Ips- the amusement of visiters there are libraries, a neat

'Wich. It is pleasantly situated in the valley of Slaogh- 1 theatre and billiard rooms, and assemblies are held oc­ dell, having the sea on the east, and the nver Alrle on 1 casionally at one of the principal inns. The trade of the south-west. The town at one time consisted of t.he port consists iu its fisheries, and the curing of her­ three streets, but the encroachments of the sea have i rings and sprats for the home and Dutch markets in reduced them to two, which are of considerable lengtht the exportation of corn and wool, and the importation :and contain some well-built modern houses. Aid- of coal. The harbour is safe and commodious, and is borough is reckoned by physicians one of the most protected by a battery ; and near the quay is the custom· healthful places along the coast, being benefited hy house, a com·enient' building. Charles I granted the cooling and refreshing breezes from the sea. Of late inhabitants a chat·ter, which vested the ~overnment iB years it has been the resort of many genteel families in two bailiffs and ten capital and twentv-fourinferior bur­ the 11ummer, for the purpose of sea-bathing, for which gesse.s. The bailiffs ace justices of the peace, and hoJd 1>2S ALDBOROUGH. ;;utf.olft. a seMion annually in September. Elizabeth conferred the Rev. William Scurr, and his curate the Rev. - upon the borough the prh'ile~e of returning two mem- Dowlan. There are places of worship for baptists, in­ bers to parliament, of which 1t was deprived by the Re- dependents, and Weslevan methodists, and a national form Bill. school, supported by "subscriptions. A neat market The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, place was founded a short time since in the centre of ~ituate on the summit of a hill, is an ancient structure of the town: the market was held on Wednesday, and flint and free stone, with a square embattled tower which had fallen into disuse, has been revived, and 11urmounted by a turret, affording a conspicuous land- another now is held on Saturday. Fairs are held on mark for mariners. The living is a vicarage, in the gift the 1st March and 3rd May. Population ofthe bomugh of Vemon Wentworth, Esq.; the present incumbent is and parish, in 1831, 1,341 POS'J:' OFPICB, Robert Leigh, Post Master.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched every evening at half-past six in winter and seven in summer. GENTRY AND CLERGY, Fletcher Frederick (coal and lime) Melles Robert, painter Adair Sir Robert Shafto Osborne & Fox (timber) Miller Robert, chymist aud druggist Bagnall Captain-, Blackheath Walford Henry (and fish curer) Nee"·e Philip, baker Dowlan Rev.- SURGEONS Ollerton Henry, rope&twinemaker James William Rhodes, esq. Freeman & BeJl • Osborne William, plumber, glazier, Johuson Prior, esq. King & Newbold grocer and draper Morgan Mrs.- SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Page Henry, brewer Muller Lieut. Henry, R. N. Beart James, grocer and draper Podd William, blacksmith Osborn Lieut. John, R. N Heart John, grocer and draper Read James, gardener Read Mrs. Ann Broodbank Thos. boot & shoe maker Redgrave Henry, tailor Swindells Rev. John Collis James, boot and shoe maker Revett Joseph, tailor Wentworth Vernon, esq. Felgate Thomas, blacksmith Rudland Charles, chymist & druggist W ombwell Sir George Felgate Thomas, jun. blacksmith Rust Mary A_nn, milliner ACADEMIES AND SCROOL!!I. Fisher Frederick, boot & shoe maker Salton Hot;a~w, boot and shoe maker Carter Mary Jane Fisher John, black5mith Sa~er Willmm, shopkeeper Jo'ox l\Iary [tei 1 Fletcher Frederick, miller ~mith Ja~~s, carpenter FREE ScHoOl., William Taylor, mas- Fryer John, blacksmith Smyth W Ilham, C?rpenter SwindellsRev.John(boarding&day) Garrard John brewer and maltster Sparrow Mary, mllhner Woods Elizabeth Garrod John,'cooper Stanton Joseph, ha~erdasher INNS a PUBLIC HOUSJ:S. Groom Sarah, shopkeeper ThuiTell George, tailor Cross, Jol':!eph Revett Hammond William, coach maker Todd James, bake~ Cross Keys, Elizabeth Catmore Hawke Charles, watch & clock makr Turner R~bert, hrur dresser King•s Head, Mary Riches Hinds Emily, straw hat maker Woods El!z~beth, l~aberdasher Mill, William Hart Hunt William, ship builder Woods W!ll!am, miller and baker New Inn, William Gayford Johnson & Co. grocers and drapers Wo.ods W!ll!am, boot & shoe m~ker Three Mariners, Ann Easter KerseyThomas, bricklayer and brick Wnght Wilham, carpenter& b~Jildt'r Whl'te Hart WI'Iliam Thurrell and t1·1e maker CUSTOM HOUSE. ' K • I bo d h k Collt'Ctor-Thomas Underwood. White Lion Inn, Joseph Nunn !uvett Abe.' . ot an s oe ma er Comptroller-Edward Leigh. MERCHANTS. Lm~ln B!!nJ8!f11D, watch maker and CARRIER, Barnes Benjamin (coal) ~trculating library. To JPSWWH, James Smith, every M'on- Fennell Richard (coal, and agent to M Nab Crawford, tailor day, Wednesday and Friday in aummer, Lloyds) Marjornm John, Mddler and twice a week in winter. BECCLES lfS a well-built market town, and corporate borough, The church, which is dedicated to St. Michael, is a 108 miles N.N.E, from London, 40 N.N.E. from Ipswich, tine old Gothic structure, with a noble tower, contain­ IS s. E. from Norwich~ and J4 s. s. E. from Yarmouth, ing an excellent peal of ten bells; its being detached deli$htfully situated on the river Waveney (which is from the church presents a very singula•· appearance: naVIgable from hence to Yarmouth), and surrounded the living is a rectory, in the gift of the Earl ofGosford; by a most fertile and beautiful wooded country, in a the present incumbent is the Rev. Dr. Owen. The 1ine state of agriculture. The town consists of seYeral view from the church-yard is much admired; it is one well-paved streets, which centre in a spacious area, of the most expansive, and embrace~ a beautifully where the market is ht>ld. It has a town hall, a corn- verdant country, rich in woods, with the prospect modious building, and a gaol; the latter enlarged, valied and enlivened by the windings of the Waveney repaired and improved some years since. Elizabeth river. There are places of worship for baptists, inde­ ~nted to the inhabitant.'! a charter of incorporation, pendents and W esleyan methodists. The charities are, which remained in force until the passing of the muni- a frt>e school for forty-eight boys, fQunded and well cipalreform act of 1835, which vested the government endowed by Sir John Leman, knight, in 1631; a in a portreeve or mayor, four aldermen, and twelve free Latin and Greek grammar school, founded by a councillors, under the style of the 'portreeve, survey- Dr. Henry Fauconberg m 1712, and national and Bri­ ors and commonalty of the Fen of Beccles, in the tish schools; and a certain land, called 'feoffment county of Suffolk.' A court of sessions is held here, land,' producing a rental of about £250. per annum, quarterly, and the lord of the manor (the Earl of1 which is distributed amongst decayed tradef!meu and Gosford) holds a manorial court occasionally. Beccles poor persons residing in the town. The principal seats is a pollin~ station at the election of members for the are, 'Worlingham hall,' belonging to the Earl of Gas­ eastern d1vision of the county. A very considerable ford; 'Ravenin~ham Hall,' Sir E. Bacon, Bart.; ' Gil­ tl'ade in corn and malt is carried on; and, by the navi- lingham hall,' 1\lrs. Schutz, &c. The market, a large gatiou, coal, groceries and other commodities are sup- one for corn and every other marketable commodity. plied to a populous Qeighbourhood. Races arc held is held on Saturday: the principal annual fdir is ou the annually on the c()mmon; they are well attended, Monday in Whitsun week, and there is a statute for and the course, it is said, Ui not surpassed by ally o~er hiring servants held on the 11th of October. The in the kingdom. 1population of Beccles parish, in 1831, was 3,862. POS'l' OFFICB,. Smallgate street, JohnCrickmay, Post ..Master.-Letter:~ from all pru1s arrive every morning at a qua11er past ten, and are despatched every afternoon at a quarter pa.~t four. NOBILITY., GENTRY AND Carter Mrs. Mary, Smallgate st Dashwood Rev. Garrett, Saltgate st- CLERGY. Chalker Mrs. Aun, Saltgate st Day John, e!OIJ. Hungate st Amold Rev. Richard, Ellough Clarkl' Mrs. Anu, New marke~ Delt William, esq. St. Mar)"'~ hill Bacon Sir Edmund, bart. Ravening- Cooper John, esq. North Cove hall Dowson Mr. Beujamin, Geldestone ham hall Cox Rev.-. Toil Flower Rev .•fohn, Hungate st Bardwelll\trs...... , Old market Crawfoot Mrs.-, Saltgate st frauds Rev~:Robt. John, Hungate ilt 67 529 ~uffuUt. BECCLES. '~fgot k Qio!J

NOBILITY1 &c.-Conti'llutd. BLACKSMITHS. COAL MERCHANTS. Garden John, esq. Redishatn hall Alecock William, jun. Smallgate !t (See also Corn ~Coal Merc!lanta.) Gibson Mrs. Mary, Hungate st Burwood Richard, Bridge st Buck Timothy & Edward (~wool), Gosford the Right Hon. the Earl of, Cutting Denny, Old market Saltgate st W orlingham hall Pleasant George, Hungate st H ursthouse Chas. Corporation wharf Ball Mr. Jarues, Hungate st Tripp John, Gillingham Maplestone Charles, Blyburghgate st f"lowman Mrs. Rhoda, Saltgate st Tripp William, Ingate st Mayhew John, Saltgate st Kerrich John, esq_. Geldestone hall BOAT BUILDERS. COOPERS. Kerridge Mr. Damd, Bnngay road Jones John, Saltgate st Collins Bamabas, New market Leman Rev. George, Brampton Wright Wiiliam, ~altgate st Haywa1 d Robert, Bridge st Lewjs Rev. John, Gillingham BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS Robet1s Jamt"s, Blyburghgate st Lillistone Mrs. Imi'-th. Ne'" market Cattermole Samuel, New mar.ket CORN & COAL MERCHANTS. Lillistone Rev. John, Bm·sham Gaze Edward, jun. (&binder), Bly· (See a/SQ Coal Merchant-s.) Montagu Edward P. ~sq. Saltgate st bnrghgate st Atkinson William 1\tilnes, Corpora- Nicholas Rev. -, Toft Grimwade William, New market tion wharf Oakes Rev. William, Wheatacre Loyns Simon, New market Boyden Jam ell, Saltgate st Oswald Mr. William, Salt~ate st Crickmer Robert, Salt~ate st BOOT AN'O SHOE MAKERS. Owen Rev. Hugh, L.L.n. lngate st Crisp John, Old market Schutz Mrs. & Miss, Gillingham hall Benns Philip, Sheepgate st Crisp John, jun. Bridge st Sloper Mrs. Mary An11, Huugate st Dennant Jeremiah~ Saltgate l!t Dowson Edward, Geldestone Smtth Mrs. New market Feltham James, :r-.;ew market CORN CHANDLERS, Stone Mrs. Elizabeth, Ballygate st Jermy Peter, Hungate lit (See alan tlte pr~ceding lut.) Taylor Mrs. Hervey, New market Mobbs James, Gillingham Green James, New market Tiptod Mr. William, H uugate at Rich Frnncis, Iu~ate st Reed Robert, Ingate st Wright Rev. George, Hu11gate st Smith Richard, Ballygate st Sayer Thomas, Bridge st (st Titshall Deverson, .Smallgate ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS, st Wmter Hny. (& seedsman), Saltgate Tooke John, Saltgate st Marked thus • are Boarding and Day. CURBIERS AND LEATHER W elton John, Saltgate st BRITISH ScuooLS, Perry's lan,e-e­ CUTTERS, oolner George, ~altgate st Sa.muel Denman, master ; l\Iary W Garrod Jno. ( & tanner), Sheepgate st Littlewood, mistress BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Smith Daniel, Saltgate st "'Copland Ann, Small~ate st Kent Joh-n, Hungate st DYERS *Cowles William, Saltgate st Taylor George, New market Pond Alice, Saltgate st •Crisp Emily, New market [ st BREWERS. Wi,:kham William, Old market Crowe lsabella (& musi.e), Ballygate Dowson Henrv Gibson, Geldestone FELLMOIIGE RS. Edmonds Robet-t, Saltgate st Farr Thomas & Son, Blyburghgate st Buck Timothy & Edward {& bone FREE ScHooL, Ballygate st-Chas. Thornton Richard, Blyburghgate st merchaot11), Saltgate st J. Sayer, master BRICK AND TILB DEALERS. FIRE, &r.. OFFICE AGENTS. •Fuller Jemima, New market Atkinsou William 1\'lilnes, Corpora.. ATLAS, Robert Henry Francis,Bally- INf'ANTS' ScHOOL, Smallgate llt­ tion wharf gate st [N.ew market Sarah Jarman, mistres.'> Fenn George (&maker)~ Ingate 5t CoUNTY ( fire),John BobbettBrooks, NATIONALSCHOOLS-Archibld.Wm· Haward Samuel, Bridge st M AN CHESTER, William W .Gamham, •Kain, Phwbe M master; M'Kain, BRICKLAYERS. Blyburghgate t~t mistress Barnes James, Smallgate st NoRWICHEQUIT.&BLE, HenryJame! •Winn Jemima, Saltgate st Pedgrift John, Saltgate st Kertison, New market ATTORNEYS, BUTCHERS. NoRWICH UNION, Abraham Clarke, Bohun & Rix, Ballygate st Codingham William, Ballygate st .Smallgate ~t; .and Jobu .M.ayhew, Fiske & Clarke ( & clerks to the com- Copeman Hannah (pork), Blyburgh- New market missioners of sewers), Ballygate st s-ate st [burghgate st PHmNIX (fire), John Crisp Webster, Francis Robert Henry, Ballygate st Cnckmore Mary Ann (pot·k)~ Bly· Old market Sharpin Edw.&Wm.Blyburghgatest George Rebecca, New market PROTESTANT DISSENTERs', Samuel Webster John Crisp, Old Market pl Holmes Thomas, Bridge st Wilton Rix, Ballygate st AUCTIONEERS &APPRAISBS. Jordan Henry, Saltgate -st RoYAL ExcuANGE, William Grim­ Brooks John Bobbett (appraiser), Jordan Robert, New market wade, New market Newmarket Malam & Chambers, Saltgate st SuFFOLK AMICABLE, Charles Bob­ Buck William, Smallgate st Nicholls Robert, New market bett, Blyburghgate st Nicker John~ Old Crowe George, Ballygate ~t market SuN, 1-:dward & William Sharpin, 011wald Robert, Saltgate lit Nicker Thomas, New market Blyburghgate st [gate st Stephens James, New market YoRKSHIRE, Ctickmay, BAKERS & FLOVR DEALERS. John Small- Marked thiMI* are also ConfeotiODel'&o CABINET MAKERS AND TRUITERERS. •Bil·d Benjamin, Saltgate st UPHOLSTEREilS. Copema11 John, Blyburghgate st •Bird John, New market (See also UphrJ/atereraJ Grant Sarcm ( & seed dealer), Gaol Ill Copeman James, Blyhurghgate st Aldous John, New market Thrower Beujamin, New market Frurweather John, 1ngate ~t Clarke Stephen, Smallgate st FURNITURE BROKERS. Knights George, Saltgate st Love John, Saltgate st Brooks John Bobhett, New market •Mayhew Jeremiah, Smallgate st M aplestone Charles, Blyburghgate st Love John, Saltgate st :Money James, Hungate st Woolnough George, New market Syder Georl;!e, New market Smith James, Saltgate st CARPENTERS. BUILDERS. GLOVERS. tl"fhrower Benjamin, New market Lark John, Ballygate st [st Page Rohert, Gaol st Vincent Henry, Blyburghgate st Maplestone Chas. juu. Blyburghgate Payne Elizabeth, London road BANKERS. Norman John, Hungate st GROCERS & 'rEA DEALERS. EAsT oF "ENGLAND BANK (Branch), W oodroffe Thomas, Saltgate st (See also Shopkeepers.)

Old market place (draws on the CHINA1 GLASS_, &c. D:SALERB, Andrew John, New market London and Wt>stminster Bank) Chenery Joseph, Hungate st - Bird Rohert, Saltgate st -John C. Webster, a'{ent Fiddes Jos. Hawkim~, New market· Rulwer William, Saltgate st GnFneys', Tunter, & Bri~htwen, Bal· Gooderham John, Saltgate st Chenet-y Joseph, Hungate st lygate st-( draw on Barclay & Co. Kerrison Henrv James,New market Collins Elizabeth, Smallgate st Lond.on)-Bohun & Rix, agents Money James, 'Hougate st. Gooderham Jobu, Saltgate st Lacon~, Youell & Co. Sheepgate ~t­ Smith Shepherd, Old market Hill Daniel, Hung-ate st (draw on Glyn & Co. Londou)­ CBYMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Kerrison Henry James, New maaket J ohu May hew, agent Nort()o Thomas, New market Smith Shephero, Saltgate st BASKE'l'" MAKERS. Taylor Robert, Old market place W ani & MD, Sbeepgate st Hobsou WilHmn, New market COACH MAKERS. GUNSMITHS, , Loug Charles, Saltgate st CrQ"'foot Henry, Hungate st . Sutton Edward, Blyburghgate $t Roberts James, BJyetnghgate at I Gilbert Thomat, ftungate st Walker Samuel, New market 5ii0 BECCLES. • .ff-ttftolft • HAIR DRESSERS. SILVERSMITHS. JEWELLRS Miscellaneous. Garrod John, Saltgate st Durrdnt Rd. (working), New market AssKMILT Rooxa, Small~t" 1t Layton Charles, New market Grimwade \Villiam, New market Beale11 Robert, jun. 10perintendent re­ Nicholls John, New market STONE & NARBI.E MASONS. gistrar. Saltgate st Haward Samuel, Bridge st :Bob belt Cbarles, clerk tn tbe eommlsslon- Smith William, Smallgoclte st e!'ll of taxes, Blyburghgate st (Beccles Wickham William, Old market Whitehead John Prior, Saltgate st Boby Rohert Nicholai!, clerk of the, HORSE DEALERS. STRAW HAT MAKERS. Carter Wm. cu:itom house offil"er, BridJ(e .llulwer Thomas, Rooke's lane Alecock Caroline, Smallgate st ClarkeAbrabam,joo.Embdeu groat maker, Warner Richd. Horse & Groom lane Hooke Mary Ann, Smallgate st Rooke•s lane [burghgate at INNS. Jarman 1\Iarv Ann, Ballygate st Cleveland J amn, veterinary snrgeon, BIJ­ King's Head, Robert Newman, New SURGEONS. Cudc1on John, turner, Blybu~h~ate st M. D. Darby Wm. coal & corn meter. Bridge 1t market [gate st Crowfoot William, Saltgate st UtSPIINU.IlY, Hunl{ate •t-John Crick- White Lion, James Ha"ey, Small- Crowfoot William Hiuchman & Son, may, •ecr~tary; ~~ rs. Atldns, matr• n IRONMONGERS. New market f'enn GeorgP, jun. animal and portrait Barker William Keer, New market Dash wood Chas. & Son, New market painter, lnJ~:ate lodge Harper William, Hnngate llt Oavey & Son, Old market GAS Woa.w;s-Mr. Malam, proprietor Hall James, rhief constable, Smallgate st .Kent John, Hun~ate st Tyson William Taylor, Saltgate st Harper Wllliam, rron & brass founder &; Taylor George, New market SURVEYORS. a~ricoltural implemet•t mkr.Hungate st LIME BURNERS. Beales Robert (taxes), Old market Hindes Edward, farriPr, Saltl!'ate Bl Chinery Charles, Old market Crickrnay & B eales (land), Sal tgate st Holdi'On W m.hatter & b· si er, New mllrket Maplestone Charles, Blyburghgat.e st TAILORS. Houn: OF CollRXCTJON-Samuel Dll'- LINEN a WOOLLEN DRAPRS. MarkPd thus • are also Drapers. well, governor; 'l'bos. Cuttin!r, sdJOol­ Bird Robert, Saltgate st Ayres William, Sheepgate st mast•r & turnkey [Smalh!ate st ln~ram GeorgP, rope and twine maker, Collins Elizabeth, ~mallgate st Barber Robert, Bridge st Love John, collector of taxes. Saltl(ale st Delf & Kent, New market Buck Robert Thomas, SmalJgate st Ll•dbrooke John, tallow chandlt>r,lugate st Garnham & Son (& ~ilk mercers), *Buck William, New market Martin Robert,millwright, In,ate •t Blyburghgate st *Cutting Wm. & Hemy, Smallgate st PoLICE STATioN, Smallgate st-James Larke, superiutendrnt *Garnham & ~on, Blyburghgate st Kerrison Henry J ames, New market Prime Jose ph, fishmonger, Dolphin row Mayhew John, New market *Holdron WUham, New market PUBLIC LIBt.un, Smallgate st-Jobn MALTSTERS. King William, Gillingham Crick may, librarian (Rate at Atkinson William Milnes, Corpora- Piper lsaac, Old market Pymar Thomas, profe11110r of mu,..ic, Salt­ tion wharf *Piper James, Saltgate st Reynnlds John, corn inspector, B~crles Spratt William, lngate st 81'.\!II:P 0FPIC:&, ISmallgate st-Abraham Boyden James, Bridge st Clarke, distributer [Saltl!atP st TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Crickmer Robert, Saltgate l!t Stanford Wm. registrar of' births & dcatb~, Crisp John, Old market Angel, John Rush, Ballygate st T.WE.&TRR, Smallgate st-Cbarles Fi5her, Crisp John,jun. Bridge Bear & Bell•, James I.awes, Old market proprietor Black Boy, Priscilla Barllf'r, lngate at COACHES. Dowson Henry Gibson, Geldestone CheqnPrs, Geor~t' YoueU. Small~te at MILLERS. Crou Keys, Sarab Goate, Hungate st To LONDON, the Star, from the Kinlf'• Head Inn, every n10rniur at a q01utmo Crown, Jamt>s Mills, Blybnrgh~tate et Balls Thomas, Gilli11gham before eight; joins the Yarmouth .Star Crown&Anchor,Tbs.Kni~hts,Ballygate st Bullock Samuel, Hungate st at Wanl!:ford. Crisp James, Ingate mill Dolphin. Jonatloan Gray, New market Duke ofCumberland,George CrDWe,Bally- To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, the Hope (from Yarmouth) calls at the Fal,·on, Devereux Joseph, Old market ~te elreet every morning during Slllnmer, & eo~ery Holdring Joseph, Hongate ~ Falcon, Ann. Fiddes, Nrw m~rket Tut>sday, Tbut~day and Saturdlly morn­ Leavold William Henry, Hungat~ lit Flef'Ce, \\' llliam {:opeman,Btyburghl!"llte 1t Georll"t>&Oraj!!on.J ohnPrt>s., H nn!fate lane in~ at eight rluring winter; goes thro• MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS0 Bungay and H arleston. -Bal'bt!r Mary Ann & Matilda, Sheey- Hermitage. Richard D.•rby, Brirlge st Horse and Groom, Ricbard Warner, New To LOWE~TOFT, thP Pilot (from Nor­ gate st Lst market [Saltg-ate st wieh) calls at the King's HPad Inn, Garnham Mary Ann, BJyburghgate Ma11.fness nf Granby, Samuel Atmeare, every Monday, WPdnellday & Sllturday One Bell, SamuPI Peck, Smallg11te •t eve11ing at sevf'n. Hooke Eliz.& Mary An n,Smallg-.Ue st To NORWICH, the Pilot (from Lowes­ Pickert'll, John Elim, Purldin~tuu•re•t Jarman Mary Ann, Ballygate st toft)calh• at the King's Head Inn, every Sayer Sarah, New market Plough, John Hatcher, Gaol st fst PlinceofWales, Sarah StimpsiJn, Saltgate M on. & Wed. morn. at 8, and Sat. morn. JfURSBRY AND SE£DSMI:N. Red Lion, Wm. Knights, Blybnrghl!'ate st at nine; gou throu11b Loddon. Fenn &. Laws, Shrublaud cottage To YARMOUTH, the HoPf!. (from Bnry Ship, William Oarby, Brid~re st [more at St. Edmunotr.) calls at the Falcon, every Gill William H. near the Bridge Three Pigeons, Mary Downinj!', Puddin~r­ evening during sumn•er, & every Mon­ PAiftTBRS, PLUMB£RS AND WhiteHorse,J onatloau Nobb~, 1'1 ew market WhiteRwao,Jobn Cleveland.Gillingham day, Wednesday and Frida, evening at GLAZIERS. eeven durinlf winter. Everett Edward, Blyburghgate s~ White Swan, Henry Cooper, New market Hall James, Smallgate st TIMBER MERCHANTS. CARRIERS. Hursthou~e Chas. Corporation wharf To LONDON, -Smith's Waggon, from Lark Henry, Brid~e st the White Horse, every Wed10ellday and Sayer Thomas, Ballygate st Maplestone Chas. Blyhorghg-.1te st Saturday-& - NoUer, from tbe White Swan Lionel, New market 'l'OBACCO PIPE MAKERS. Swlln, e'II"T"j Wt'dnesday. Copeman John, PetTy's lane To BUNGAY,- Page. from tl1e Whi&e Thompson John, Smallgate .st Kmghts William, Blyburghgate st PRINTERS-LE'l"rER-PRESS. Ho• se, every Monday, Thursday & SaL UPHOLSTERERS AND PAPER To EYE.- Noller, from theVVhite s~an, Jarman Robert Barnett, Ballyg-ate st HANGERS. eYI'ry Wl'dnesd·•y. Loyns Simon, New market (See olso Cabinet Jlfaket"B) To H ALESWORTH,- Smith, from tbe PUMP MAKERS AlfD WELL Brooks John Bobbett, New market White Hors~, I'Vf"ry Wt'd11e!!day & Sat. SINKERS. Buck William, Smallgate st To LOWESTOFT, - Smith'• Fly Van Edwards Noel, Gaol st Cutting William, Smallgate st (for pnssengf'rs a11d goods). from the Fal­ YooeU George, Smallgate st con, every Wednesdpy and S turday Syder Georgl", New market evening-and Rohert :\lann's Waggon, SADDLERS a HARNESS MKRS WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. from Smallgate st, Wed & Sat. n10rn. Allcock Robert, New market Ayers Edward, Blyburgbgate st To NORWICH, - Foystet>" Fly Yan Boon Alfred, HunWd l.ion, evPry Mon.Tbnrs. &, Maplestooe Ballygate To YARMOUTH,- Piper, from Hun­ 1\Iary, st Welch William, New market gate si, every Wedne~day & Saturday. Moor~ John, Blybur,ghgate st WINB .tJ SPIRIT lv.(ERCHANTS Norman Joseph, Ballygate st Buck Timothy & Edward (&porter CONVEYANCE BY WATER. To LO~DON, the London and B~cclu Redgon Fanny, Saltgate st aud ale) Saltgate st S tipping Compan,•s V~d1, every 8haw Hannah, Gillingham Farr Thomas & Son, W PdnesdnJ-Wm. Henry l.t"avold ,a. gent Thirtle Jarues, New market Ward RobCrt, juo. Sheepgate :st To YARl\IOUTH, Wh~rrits, daily. 531 ~utiolk. , BY some improperly spelled, and provincially pro- Charles Johnson. The baptists have a place of worship nounced, Bilson, is a village and parh,h in the hundred here. There was formerly a chapel dedicated to St. of Cosford; 63 miles N.E. by N. fmm London, 11 w.N.w. Leonard, in which was a chantry called 'Erdington's,' from Ipswich, and five from Hadleigh and Lavenham. where, long after the Reformation, divine service used to It was once noted for its manufacture of blue cloth and be performed, on account of the distance of the church blankets, which has dwindled awav to the mere spin- from the town. Formerly a market was held on Wed­ ning of yarn. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, and nesdar., which has ceru;ed to be observed, but two faira which stands on an elevation on the west side of the are sttll attended, viz. on Ash-Wednesday and A seen­ village, is a handsome structure; the living is a rectory, Ision-dar.. The parish contained, according to the census in the patronage and present incumbency of the Rev. for 183 , 836 mhabitants. POS'l' OPE' ICE:, Sarah Colman, Post Mistresa.-Letters from IPSWICH and all parts arrive every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched every evening at a quarter before six. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Bull Richard, boot and shoe maker Rcarfe Robert, boot and shoe maker Camae Col. John, Brettenham Bull William, shopkeeper Seaman Robert, butcher Edge Rev. William, Chenery William, maltster Squirrell William, wine and spirit Growes John, esq. Bilde:Jton [ton Coats Edward, wheelwright merchant and fire office agent Hartcup Thos. Wclson, esq. Bildes- Cooper George, shopkeeper Stow George, blacksmith Henslow Rev.-, Hitcham Emmerson Henry, maltster Syer Bumstead, butcher Johuson Rev. Chal"les, Bildeston Fayers Robert, carpenter Syrett John, cooper and turner Piueger Rev. -, Bildeston Farrow Jonathan, baker Tricker Leonard, saddler Pocklington Sir Robert, Grimwade Pilbro, carpenter Tydeman James, watch maker Randolph Rev.John,Bildestonhouse Haste Joseph, baker Ward Isaac, boot and shoe maker Williams Rev.-, Naughton Hearn Robert, saddler and porter dealer PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Hill Robert, boot and shoe maker Ward John, baker Cottingham Mary Ann, (mistress of Johnson .Mary Ann, grocer & draper Ward Jonathan, baker national school) Johnson Robert, grocer and draper White William1 butcher Growes Robert (surgeon) Johnson William, cabinet maker Woolard John, blacksmith Hobart Henry (schoolmaster) Luckey John, baker & confectioner Wright Samuel, baker Squirrell & Son (auctioneers) Marsh Thomas, plumber, painter CARRIERS. INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. and glazier [druggist To LONDON, John Broom calls at the Bull Inn (commercial, and excise Modlin William, grocer, draper and Kin~• Head, and- Dis.ey call• at the officef, Sarah Colman [wards Moss Jno. plum her, painter & glazier Bnll~ evl'ry Thursd!!Y· • . · l) J Ed Nunn Thomas butcher To IPSWICH,Jtorem•ahGoshng,from brs C rown nn ( commercia , no. - • • house, every Monday, Wednesday and King's Head, .Mary Simpson Osborn James, tailor and draper Friday and S11muel Wrixht from bb SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS, Osborne Hordce, painter & glazier bouse,enry Mnnday, Totsday & Fri. Abbott Charles, watch maker Peacock John, tai1or and draper To STOW MARKET, John Broom call• Abbott Jeremiah, boot & shoe maker Peacock William, hair dresser at the King's Hl'ad, every Monday. RatcliffWilliam miller To SUDBURY,- Dixey &ails at the Bull & Studd, coopers ' Bull, every Wednesday. BOTESDALE, HEUGRAVE AND RICKINGHALL. JBoTESDALE is a lillage and chapelry (formerly a • About two miles from Botesdale is the village of market town), in the parish of' Redgrave, 88 miles REDGRAVE, containing the chu1·ch of the parish ; it ii N. E. by N, from London, 26 N. N. w. from Ipswich, dedicated to St. Botolph, and is deserving the stran- 27 s. s. w. from Norwich, 16 N. E. from Bury St. Ed- ger's notice, a.~ containing some monuments, which, munds, and six s. by w. from Diss. It was formerly for beauty of marble and sculpture, are scarcely ex­ called Botufph.~dale, from St. Botulph"s chapel, and the ceeded by any in the kingdom : the principal are, one dale in which it is situated. The chapel was for many to the memory of Sir Nicholas Bacon and Anne his years disused, but afterwards substantmlly repaired and wife-date, 16161 and another to that excellent judge, fitted up for divine service, and is now the only place Sir John Holt-aate, 1709. The living is a 1·ectory1 in of WOI'shi{} here under the establishment, the mother the gift of George St. Vincent Wilson, Esq.; tqe pre­ church being at Redgrave. There are two meeting sent rector is the Rev. Marmaduke Wilkinson. A houses, one for independents, and the other for W es- free grammar school for six boys was founded by Sir lefl!n methodists; and a free grammar-school, founded Nicholas Bacon, and there is a trifling sum for the by Sir Nicholas Bacon (father of the chancellor), about education of children. Cardinal Wolsey was sometime the year 1576. There are no manufactures or particu- a rector of this parish. According to the returns made lar trade here, agriculture being almost iolely the sup- in 1831, Redg1-ave contained a population of 712. port of the inhabitants. Botesdale is a polling station RICKINGHALL, Inferior and Sl!J1erior, are two pa­ at the elections for . A mar·ket, entitled rishes contiguous to Botesdale. They have each their to be held here on Thursday, is not observed; but a fair parish church, both of which are dedicated to St. on Holy Thursday, and a statute for hiring agricultural Mary, and are alike discharged rectories. Inferior servants, three weeks after Michaelmas, are maintained. Rickinghall contained, in 1831, 465 inhabitants, and the The parish contained, in 1831, 655 inhabitants. Superio1· parish 774. POS'I' OFFICE, BoTE~DALE, Benjamin Taylor, Post llfaster.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at half-past seven, and are despatched every evening at half-past seven. • *• The names without address are ir1 BoTESDALE.

GENTRY & CLERGY. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. · INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Amys James, esq. Botesdale lodge FREE ScHOOL, Botesdale- Rev. Bell, James Phillips, Botesdale Blake Edwd. Patrick, esq. Redgrave William Hepworth, master Cherry Tree, Mary Carter, Botesdale Brooks Zachariah Patrick, esq. Wal- Haddock Rev. Joseph (boarding) Cock, William Havward, Botcsdale sham in the Willows Winter Catherine (day & boarding) Cross Keys,Jno.C1:acknell, Redgrave Bnrrough11 Rev. Thomas, Botesdale BANKERS. Crown Inn, Wm. Cull urn, Botesdale Cooper William, esq. Rickinghall Taylor and Dyson (Branch of Diss) Fox, Ann Holt, Redgrave Dawson Saml Taylor. esq. Botesdale -Benjamin Taylor, agent Gat·den House, James Gooderltam Flowerdew .Mr.-, Botesdale PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Greyhound, Wm. Fulcher, Botesdale Haddock Rev. Joseph, Botesdale I Cracknell Wm. (attoruey) Botesdale King'sArms,Jno. Broddle,Botesdale Hooper Thos. H. W. esq. Walsham Golding and King (attomeys), Wal­ Queen's Head, George Chapman Rogers Rev. Arthur, Walsbam sham [.Botesdale White Horse, John Greengm:~s Wilkinson Rev. Mannaduke, Red- Harris Robert Horner (surgeon), SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. grdve hall [grave .JacksonWm.K.(snrgeon),Botesdale Bru1ley William, shopkeeper Wilson George St. Vincent,esq. Red- Vincent 8aml. (surgeon), Rickinghall Bean John, boot and shoe maker a32 BOTESDALE, &c. j;utToUt.

Ben nett & Son, iron & brass founders Goddard John, baker COACHES. Bennett Mary, boot and shoe maker Greengrass Wm. veterynary surgeon To LONDON, the Pht!t!omma (from Nor. Bo.!lton John, tailor and hair dresser, Haddock John, chym1st and veteri- wicb) call• at the Bell, enry morning at tt.n -and the Times calls at the Grey­ Rickinghall nary surgeon hound, every Moaday, Wednl'l!day and Robert,"tailor, Rickinghall Hunt Gillford, painter and glazier Friday at the aame hour ; both go throt .Brook Elizabeth, straw hat maker Miller John, brewer, Walsham lxwortb, Bury 81. Edmunds, &e. Candler John, cooper Patrick Thomas, blacksmith To CAMBRIDGE, the Hopr (from Yar­ l~ann John, boot and shoe maker Pettit Robert, basket maker mouth) calls at the Gre)bound, e"e'J Clarke James, butcher [inghall Reduall Lockwood, carpenter Monday, Wed. &Fri.aftrrnooo at threr. To NORWICH, the Phenomena {from ClarkeThomas,cabinet maker, Rick­ Robinson William & Samuel, millers London) call• at the Bell, eTery evening Claydon John, saddler and maltsters at five-and tbe '1 ime6 calls at tbe GreJ­ Collins Richard, grocer, draper, and Savage John, baker [maker bound, every Tuesday, Thunday & Sa• agent to the Phrenix fire office Scarfe George, saddler and harness turday afternoon at half-put four. To YARMOUTH, the Hope(from Cam­ Collins Thos. watch & clock maker Shepp David, shopkeeper bridge) ealla at tbe Greyhound, enry Cooke Benjamin, dress maker Smith Baruard, tanner Tuesdey, Thunday and Saturday noon Cornish Richard, bricklayer Smith James, maltster at twelve. Crack J ames, boot and t~hoe maker Stiggles J no. bricklayer, Rickinghall CARRIERS. Crack John, tailor Street William, grocer and draper To LONDON, S)kes & Co 'a Waggons, Cracknell Henry, hair dresser Sword Robert, carpenter from the Greyhound, ne1y Tbnraday­ Crdsk Robert, baker Taylor Baker, shopkeeper & Noller & Co •s Wag.lfMU, every Wed. Cullingford Henry, wheelwright Taylor Benjamin,bookseller, & agent To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Jas. Nunn, from his hou11e, every Wrd. and Sat. Daines John, painter and glazier for the Norwich Union fire office To DISS, Sykes & Co.'s Waggon•, from Damont Catherine, straw hat maker Turner Philip, grocer and draper the Greyhound, every Wedneaday-and De ben ham & Son, gr()('ers & drapers Vine Henry, stone mason Noller & Co. every Tuesday. Denny Candle, boot and shoe maker Walker James, tailor To EY.Et Noller &. Co.'s WaggtnU pasa Dobsou Eliz.and Ann, dress makers Warren Samuel, blacksmith throu~h enry Tuesday. To IPSWICH, Robert Barbam, from his Dough ton My .patent medicine vendr Whitehead Reubeu, leather 11el1er house, every Monday. Doughton Vardon, baker WisemanJno.corn miller,Ricknghall To NORWICH, Sykes & Co.•s Waggon•, Gates Robert, spirit & corn merchant Wiseman Richard, butcher from the Greyhound, ner) Friday-and Gill William, maltster, Redgrave Youngman Benjmn. miller & baker Robert Barham, from l:is house. Wed. BOXFOllD AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. BoxFORD is a populous and respectable village and building, with a 11pire steeple; and the porch attracts parish-the latter being chiefly in the hundred of Ba- very general notice, from the richness of the carving bergh, and extending into Cosford hundred. The that ornaments it. The living is a rectory, in the pre­ village is situated in a highly cultivated and fruitful sentation of the Lord Chancellor; the Hon. and Rev. valley, between two brook8 (which unite a little below Philip Augustus Phipps~s the present incumbent. The it), and midway between Sudbury and Hadleigh, about free grammar school here was founded by Elizabeth. Bix miles from either town, and 16 west by south from Two miles hence is , the scene of the Red Ipswich. A considerable matting trade IS carrit>d on Barn tmgt>dy, where was murdered Maria Martin, and here; there is a manufactory for dressing leather with 'I for which William Corder was executed in 1828. Fairs oil, and a silk mill has been lately established. at Boxford are on Easter Monday and 21st Decem- The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a spacious ber. The parish contained, in 1831, 1,088 inhabitants. POS'r OFFICB, Robert Francis Swan, Po/Jt Maater.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched every evening at a quarter past six. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Boutell Robert, cabinet ma'ker Moye John, brewer Broadhm·stWilliam, esq.Edwardston Boutell Robert, baker Newman Thomas, miller Castley Thomas, esq. Edwardston Bragg George, boot & shoe maker Parmiter William, maltster Dawson Chas. esq. Edwardston hall Bmgg George, hair dresser Phillips George, ironmonger, &c. Dawson Rev. George Augustus, Coates James, butcher Scoffield John, boot & shoe maker Groton house Lage Cook Arthur, wheelwright Scoffidd William, ironmonger FearonRev. Daniel, Assingtou vicar- Cook John, blacksmith Scowen Christopher, maltster Freeman Rev. William, Boxfm·d Cooper Chat·Iotte, straw hat maker Scowen Elizabeth, dress maker Gurdon John, esq. hall Cooper Samuel, saddler Scowman John, grocer Hallward Miss Mary Ann, Assington Cordy & Hitchcock, maltsters Scowman Thomas, miller cottage rMilden Faiers John, bricklayer Sheaunan John, baker Hallward Rev. Nathaniel William, Gardener and Butler, curriers, tan- Smith Benj. wine & spirit merchant Moore Rev. Benjamin, Boxford ners and glue manufacturers Smith John, bookseller Phipps the Hon. and Rev. Philip Gat·dener John, maltster Smith John, druggist Augustus, Rectory Gibbs William, gunsmith Smith T-homas, grocer & draper Plume Rev. William, Boxford Gladwt>ll Elizabeth. dress maker Smith William, miller Shepherd Mrs. Boxford Gladwell Henry, tailor Stead Joshua, plumber, painter, &c. Studd Rev. Henry, Groton Gladwell Robert, coopt>r Street John, bOot & shoe maker Tyrrell Charles, esq. Polstead hall Good Daniel, basket maker Street Johu, juu. boot, &c. maker Wvnne Miss Mary Ann, Boxford Gosling John, miller StriblingCharles, blacksmith PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Grist Thm~as, groc~r, &c. Stribling Charles, tailor Broadhurst Louisa, ladies' school Hart T~.m:mgton, tailor Stribling Edward, brazier .Tu1ea Samuel, academy Hart \\ Ilham, maltst~r Swan Francis, wheelwright Lawton John, surgeon Hearn John, blacksmith Swan RobertFrancis,fire office agent Plume Rev. William, master of the H~rbert John, butcher Tiffen Benjamin, maltster grammar school [office agent Htll John.,. w~tch ~clock maker Tiffen Thomas, miller Rod well Henry, attorney and fire Howe & <;:o: silk t~Ist manufdCturers Tricker James, saddler Smith John aCademy Howe W!ll!am, bJ:'cklayer Waller Samuel, g:rocer & draper ' Howe Wtlham, tailor Watson John, bnck maker INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. KiddellShiloh William, plumber,&c. 1 Watson John, carpenter Chequers, John C~k Kinsbury Frederick, bricklayer Westley Charles, grocer & draper Fleece (&commercial) John Pegg Kinsbury Robert Bloss, blicklayer Swan, William Scoffield Kinsbury William brick maker C~RRIERS. White Hart, John l\Ioye L b S t,'b k To BURY 81. EDl\IUNDS~- Sontb- am art amue a er gate, evl'rv Tuesday and Fnday. SHOPKEEPERS, & TRADERS. Lambeth Samuel, grocer, &c. To COLCHESTER, John Scowman. Ardley James, tailor Lilley Mary, stmw hat maker every \\ ednesday nnd Saturday-and Ardley John, millwright Lungley Brook M. brick maker - Soutturate. every Wednesday. 'Ayres HPnrlJ N. maltster Marsh Joseph basket maker To IPSWICH, John M~~:nn, every rue~oo · · h J h' b k day & S11t.-& John Lmg, every Wed. Balaam Wd 1801, carpenter Mars O~.P ' a er To SUDBURY,Jobn~lann,neryTut'a· Bear George, baker Marsh Philip, 'lover clay & Sat.--& John Ling, every Wed. 533 tiuft'oUt. Utgot & eo.'J llH..ANDON Il S a ~mall market town, in the parish of its name and rived from the extensive rabbit warrens in the neigh• hundred of Lackfo~; 80 miles N. N. E. from London, boorhood, which contrihute largely to the supP.lY of the 41 N. w. from IpswiCh, and 6 w. by N. from Thetford; London market: one of these warrens alone Js eatd to pleasantly situated on the Little Ouse, which is uavi- furuish 40,000 rabbits a year; and the skins being gable to Lynn and Thetford: over the river is a bridge, dressed here, afford another source of employment to and, a mile lower down, a ferry for conveying goods to S''eat numbers of the poor. The transmisston of game the Isle of Ely. The town is well built, and its inha- m general to the London market is very great: some bitants enjoy two considemble branches of trade of a idea may be formed of the quantity sent, when it is as• peculiar uature. The one is the manufacture of ~un- certained that the firm of Merssrs. T. Garner & ~on flints, to such an extent, that the refuse, which is pay, for carriage, from £500. to £600. annually. The thrown together at the end of the town, forms such river Ouse abounds with fish, BS the country around heaps as would astonish a stranger from their magni- does with game. tude ; this article is exported to all parts of the world The places of worship are the parish church, dedica~ -and this is the only town in England, and indeed in ted to St. Peter, and a chapel for Wesleyan methodists. the world, where such a manufo:1ctory exists. This The benefice is a rectory, m the presentation of George branch is now conducted by a joint-stock company, St. Vincent Wilson, Esq.: the Rev. Richard Ward is who ha,·e raised £5,000. in £25. shares; the formation the present rector. A rent cl1arge of £30. given by of this company promises to be of considerable impor- Robert Wright, is applied to the instruction of childrea tance to Brandon, by keeping the tmde steady, and fur- belonging to Brandon and certain adjacent pariKhes. uishing constant employment to the poor. The break- The mat·ket is held on Thursday, but very little business ing and preparing the gun-flint is detrimental to health, is done, except iu corn, of which this town exports ana but few employed in the process attain a gr·eater some considerable quantities: the f.:1irs are 14th Febrn~ age than fifty. The other particular branch is that de- • ary, 11th June, and 11th November. Population 2,0 65. POS'l' O'FFIO B.,. Robert Webb, Post .Master.-Letters from NEWMARKET arrive (by mail cart) every tnorning at five, and are despatched e\·ery night at half-past eight. :NOBILITY,GENTRY&CLERGY Bretuall George, carpenter Webb Robert, stamp distributer and Angerstien John, esq. Weeting hall Clark John, bookseller, stationer, fire office ae;ent [baker Bliss Edward, esq. Brandou park perfumer, and fire office agent Webber Benfn. grocer, draper and Caldwell H. B. esq. Hilborough hall Clark Robert, plumber, painte•· and West George, wheelwright Cluffe the Misses, Feltwell glazier Willett Alice, china and glass dealer P'Chann Lieut. David, Bran don Clark Williatn, chymist and druggist Willett Robert, butcher Elliot Rev. James (curate), Brandon Daynes John, basket" maker Willett Thomas, butcher Eyre Rev. V. Cranwirh rectory [hall Daynes Wm. cooper & basket maker Wood John, tailor Newcomhe Rev. William, Hockwold DerisleyThomas, hoot & shoe maker COACHES Norman Rev.Chs. Northwold rectory Dickerson John, furrier [maker To LONDO~. the Regtllat"or(rrom Holf) Peel Col.Jonath. Buckingham hou11e Diggon Ann, saddler and harness and tbe Htro (from Fak~nbam) alteT- PowlettLordWilliam,Downham hall Diggon Fmncis, fellmonger natl'lf call at tbe Chequers Inn, every Sparke Rev. Edwd. Feltwell rectory Evered Wm. bakerandconfectioner m'?rnm~t at half-past ten; go through . R' 1 d b L' 1: d R b h k Mtldenhall, Newmarket & Chesterford. S utton S1r 1~ 1ar , art. lDtOr Farrow o ert, s o~ t;na er To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, the Hope Ward Rev. Rtchd. lrector), Brandon Foster Currey & Wdham, trap ma~ (from Lynn) ealls at the White Hart Wilson Hon. Henry, Didlington kers, blarksmithsandironnwngers lnn, every Tuesday, Thurllday and Sa- ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. GarnerJames, cabinet maker turday evening at half-past s~ven. GRAMMAR ScHOOL-John Notley, Garner Tyrrell & Son, game dealers to FA KEN HAM, the Hero (from Loo- master [day) GreenJas carpenter& cabinet maker !Ion) calls at the Chequers l~n, every . . ~ ·. Monday, WedoP.sday and Fnday afrer· 1\fasou Mary Sophm (boardmg and Harvey Ehzabeth, straw hat maker noon at half.paat four· goes through Notley .Mary (boarding and day) Holmes Thomas, gardener Swaffham. ' BANK. Hubbard Henry, boot & shoe maker To HOL T, the Regulator (from London) Oakes,Bevan & Co. (Branch of Bury) Jenuings John, grocer and draper calls at the Chequers Inn, every Tues- -~l"dWon Barclay Bevan&Co.)- Lingwoorl Ann furrier day, Thursday and Saturday afternoon . . ' . . ' . at half-pastfour; goes through Watton, - enJamm M. Shepperson, agent Malt Wllha~, _furner. Shipdham, Dereham, &e. PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Mm·tlock Wtlham, tailor To LYNN, the Hope (from Bury St.,E!I- Roberts John, surgeon, &c. Mulley John, furrier moods) calls at the White Hart Inn, Smythe EdwardJames, conveyancer Murton William, coal dealer every:tuesd~y, Tbutsdayand Saturday MERCHANTS. Olby Robert, bacon, &c. dealer mornmg at elght. BrewsterJohn (corn, coal, iron, salt, Osborne Robert Davey, painter, gla- CARRIERS. and timber) zier and plumber To LONDON~ Green & Archer's Vam, Clifton Robert (coal corn wine and Palm er Mark shoe maker from the Whtte Hart Inn, every Monday . . ' ' ' and Tlmrsday-a Van, eveTy Saturtlay spmts, and brewer and maltster) Palmer Mary, baker -and Bacon & Balls' Y11ns from the INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Palmer Wm. trap maker and smith Geor~e. e-very Tuesday and F~ilhy. Bell, Currer Foster Pepworth Richard, coal merchant To BURY ST. EDMUN os, 'fbom~1 Crown, Juha Wood PigottRichard,rhymistand druggist Jacobs and GeorgeA.~bman, from th .. tr Five Bells Dinah Olby Prestland Robert wheelwright bou1!es,ev.ery Wednesd<~;Y and ~aturday '. . ' c , -and Wllhaln Malt, from Jus house, G eorge, Wtlham Buckenham Ralph James, stone mason & butlder nery Wednesday. Ram, Sarah West Risbrook Charles, hair dresser To HOLT & WELLS, Green & Arclrer•s Star, Harvey Tilney Rix John, grocer and draper Vans, from the White Hart, every Mon- White Hart (commercial and post- Rix RobertJames, tailor, draper and daLyYaNndN1T'hursdar• _... fi h" .._ ing) George Craske auctioneer To , boma11.1 !;'Cou, tom rsnouse, . ' J h S d · ev .. rv Mon. and Frt.; goe,. thro Stoh. Wh!te H.orse, o n ymon s Rought Judd, furrier To NEWMARKE'r, theM-ailCart,trom Whtte Lwn, Thomas Jacob Rust Mary, leather cutter the Hell, every nigbt a.t half.past eight. SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Smith John, furrier [merchant To SHIPDHAM, Hacon & Balls' Vans, Harkway Arthur, carpenter SmithRobert, grocer draper &spirit from the George, every Mon. & Thurs. BRANDON JoiNT STOCK GuN FLINT Snare Sarah grocer ~nd ddper To STOKE, .the Mail CtJrt, from the ~E-11, · · 1\,1 Sh S Th ' & b kla eve1-y mormn~~t at a fJUarfd before srx. C OMPANV- B enJarnm n • ep- nare os.stone mason r1c yer To SWAFFHA M William Malt from person, clerk; James Read, soli- Tucker William, ~<~hoe maker his house, and GrePn & Archer•; Vma, citot·; Oakes, Bevan&Co. bankers Upcraft Wm. baker and shoe makrr from the White Hart,evt'ry Satnrday. BUNGA Y, . WITH THE VILLAGES OF DITCHINGHAM, EARSHAM AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. BuNGAY is a market town, comprised in the two and 14 s.s.E. from Norwich, pleasantly situated on the parishes of St. Mary and the Holy Tnnity, in the hun- river Waveney, which is navigable thus far for barges, ilred of ; )08 miles N.E. by N. from London, &c. The town was destroyed by fire in lli88, when 40 N.E. by N. from lpswir;h, 20 s.w. from Yarmouth, the loss was computed at .£30,000; after this period j& a34 ilfttrtorn. • BUNGAY, &c • was neatly rebuilt. The priucipal streets, which are a apot much resorted to by the inhabitants of Bungay broad, well paved, and lighted with gas, brclllch out in the summer timt". Between the two churches from the market place towards the great roads leading appear the ruins of a Benedictine nunnery, founded by to Norwich, Yarmouth, Bury, Ipswich, Beccles, and Robert de Glanvile, and the Countess Gundreda, hia Lowestoft; and each of these being terminated by a lady, in 1160, to the honour of the Blessed Virgin and handsome edifice, produces, at fi1·st sight, a very favour- the Holv Cross. His grace the- Duke of Norfolk ~ able impression. Many improvements have taken lord of the manor; and the municipal officers of the place here within, comparatively, these few years: the town are those appointed at his court leet and baron, county bridge has been rebuilt in a substantial man- held annually. ner; the market-house, situated on rising ground, is The places of worship are, the two churches of considered now one of the handsomest in the county; the par1shes already named, and cbapels for Wes­ the theatre is a neat edifice, and the assembly rooms leyan methodists, presbyterians, and Roman catholics. are fitted up in a most superior style. Upoo the Wa\'e- St. Mary's church is a very hand10ome structure, and, Qey, which nearly surrounds the town, a conside1·able with its fine steeple, is a great ornament to the town; tnide exists in corn, malt, flour, coal, lime, &c.; and the living is a perpetual curd.Cy, in the patronage of the severql capital flour-mills, maltings, and lime-kilns, ace Duke of Norfolk-the pre~ent curate is the Rev. R. very productive to their proprietors. Here are also a Cohh. The church of the Holv Trinity is a small manufactory of Suffolk hempen cloth; an extensive ancient edifice, with a fine round tower ; the benefice letter-press printing establishment and stereotype foun- is an impropriated vicarage, leased by the Bishop of dry, belonging to the Messrs. Childs (who have printed Ely to the present vicar, the Rev. Thomas Collyer. some valuable and beautiful works); a paper-mill, and The charities comprise a free grammar school, a lar~e at Ditchingham is a large silk manufactory. The day school, recently erected, and maintaiued by suhscnp­ town itself, standing on a sandy soil, has several mine- tions, national and infants' schools, a dispensary for the ml sp1ings; and one, at the 'King's Head,' is said to relief of the sick poor, and some almshouses. There possess medicinal properties of peculiar efficacy. Be- are a great number of beautiful seats, within a few hind this Inn (which 1s an excellent commercial and miles of Bungay, J>laced in delightful tJituations. The posting t>Stablishment) are the ruins of Bungay Castle, market is held ou Thursday; a considerable cattle fair supposed to have been built by the Bigods, Earls of 1 ou the 14th of May, and a statute meeting on the 25th Norfolk. During the intestine broils between King of September. By the returns for 1831 the parish of Stephen and the barons, it was so strongly fortified by the Holy Trinity contained 1,663 inhabitants, and that 1-lugh Bigod, and w~s, besides, so advantageously of St. Mary 2,071. situated, that this tlll'bulent nobleman is said to have Separated from Bungay by the Waveney is the vil­ boasted ofits impregnability in the following doggrel :- lage and parish of DITCHING HAM, in the hundred of "Were I in my Castle of Bongay, Loddon and county of Norfolk, containing a parish Upon the water of Wave_ney, church, dedicated to St. Mary, a silk mill, and a popu- l would ne eare for tbe King of Cockney.'' Iatioo of 962 inhabitants. The ruins of this castle are now disgraced by many Rather more than half a mile from Bungav, in the mean hovels being raised against its walls, and let out 1 hurnil'ed of its name and county of Norfolk, is the to the lowest sort of people. Within the walls are village and .parish of EARSHAM. The neat church gardens belonging to the inn before mentioned; and 1 hert~, dedicated to All Saiuts, contains some handsome part of these walls have .been converted into a terrace, 1 mural tablets of the Windham family, a font curiously from whence there is a fine and commanding prospect carved, aud windows are enriched with some beau­ of the town and fertile country surrot.tnding it: th1s is •itul stained glass. Population of the parish 759.

POS'r OFPICB1 Eal-sbam street, BuNG.AY, John Hollingdale, Poat Maater.-Lettersfrom LoNDON and all parts arrive -every morning at half-past nine, and are despatched every afternoon at five. Letters from Bt;CCLES arrive ~ery afternoon at jive, and are despatched eNery morning at half-p.ast nine. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Reynolds Mrs.-, Plough st AUCTION:E.:RS a APPBAJ&B.8 CLERGY. Safford Rev. Jas. Mettingham castle Baker George, ;Earsham st Adair S. esq. Flixton hall Sanby Rev. GeQF~e, Deuton Cuddon James (appraiser), Olland st Angel Mrs. M(ll"Y Ann, Earsham st Sanby Rev. Geo.1_un. Olland house Spall Henry, New road BarkwayRev. Frederick, Earshamst Scott Mr. John, ~ham .st BAKERS. Barnes l\lrs. Lucy, Earsham st Scott l\lr. Sml. Earsham st [land st Barnes Elisba, Broad st Bedingfield John, esq. Ditchingham Shuffiebottom Mrs. Ann, Upper-01- Bidwell Mark, Earsham st Berners Hon. Lord, Kil·by hall Suckling Rev. Alfred, Woodwu hall Chambers David, Lower Olland st .8ewicke Rev. Thomas, Trinity st Travis S1rEatoo, Ditchingham lodge Clarke John, Bridge st Blackie Rev • .John_, Upper Olland st Umphelby Charles, eSIJ· Deuton Drdper Francis, Bridge st Brettell Mr. John, Upper Olland st Utting Mr. Thomas, D1tchingbam Ecclestone John, Upper Olland st Briant Mrs. Harriet, Upper Oil and st Walker Mr. Pearce, Bun gay Fryer Jonathan, Marke'Jlace Bruce Rev. C. B. St. Cross Wood-, esq. Broom p~e Mayhew Jeremiah, Ear am st Burtsal Mr. Henry, Up.JJE:r Olland st .ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Redgrave Samuel, jun. Broad .st Butcher Miss Mary, Trmity st Marked thus • are Boarding and Day. Sayer Manning, Up~r Olland st Camell Mrs.-. Ditchingham "'Abel Matthias, Broad st Smith Elizabeth, Bndge st Cautley Rev. William, Earsham •Arnold Mary, OHand st BANKERS, Chamhers Rev. J. P. H edenham BRITISH ScaooL, Plough st ; - BANK, l3road st-- Cobb Rev. Robert, Thwaite Mr. Foreman, master (draws on the London & Westmin- Collett Mrs. Sarah, Earsham st Catchpole Elizabeth, Broad st ster Bank)-Samuel Smith, agent Collyer Rev. Thos. l_Tpper Olland st FREEGRAMMARScuooL,Earsham st Gurneys', Turner, Brightwen & Co. Cookesley Rev.-, Trinity st -Rev. Fredk. Barkwav, master Broadst-(drawon Barclay&.Co.) Dalling Sir William, Earsham hall Hapyard John, Upper o·lland st -James Taylor Margit8on, agent Dowson Mr. William, Ditchiugham •H1ckman Eliza & Fanny, Trinity st Harveys' & Huilsons',Market place-e- Dreyer Mrs.-, Trinity st INFANTS' Scuoor., near the Corn- (draw on Han.keys & Co.)-Grdy- Dullard Rev. Jas.(catholie),Ollandst mon-Eliz. Barrett, mistress stone Bucke Baker, agent Ethridge Mrs.-, Upper Olland st NATIONAL ScHOOLS, near the Corn- SAviNGs' BANK, Market place • Forster Major-, D1tchingham mon-John Abel, m~ter; Sarah Henry Reynolds, actuary Garden Mrs. Ann. Earsham st Stutter.s, mistress BASKET MAJ'[EB.S. Qooch Mrs. -, Plough st •Owles Harriet, Trinity lit Cudrlan James, Olland st Holrpes Rev. Adolphus, St. Mar- Spilling Mary Matilda, .Earsham st Glover Ch&rles George, lJridge st garet's, South Elmham ATTORNEYS. Turner Eleanor, Upper Olland st Hutton Rev. Henry, St. John'& Bellman Henry, Wailer Robert, Printing office lane Mann Richard, esq. Bridge st Drake Charles, Broad st m.ACKSMITHs. Packard Rev. John, Woodton Elswood Haziriah (and clerk to the Archer Peter, U~per Olland st Plowma11 Mrs. Thumas, Earsham st m~istrates), E&mham st Brightlef. Mary, Upper Ollaod s&

Prentice Mrs. - 1 U_pper Olland st Marg1tson & Hartcop, Brp~ st Cannell fhomas, Datchingham Rackham Mr~. -, Trmity lit S01ith Samuel, ,IJ~ ~t Duftield Robert, Bridge st 535 ~uftolit~ DUNGAY, &c. ======~==~======~======~' BLACKSMITH S-Continrud. CLOTHES DEALERS. MALTSTERS. Gardiner Simon, Bridge st Botwright Thomas, Upper Olland st Butcher & Barnard ( & lime burnerll), Girling Philip, Earsham Claxton Robert, Bridge st Bungay staith Jay George, Broad st Levy 1\lichael, Market place Cock William, Upper Olland st Le2:gett Robert, Eal"l!ham COACH MAKERS. Cuddon William, Ditchingham Linder Richard, Ditchingbam Dutt William, DitchiuRham Jennings William, Broom heath BOOKSELLERS & &TATIO.NRS Spall & Son, New road Mann Richard and William, Wain.. Dyball William, Market place CONt'ECTIONERS. fcrd mills Morris Joseph, Earsham st Mayhew Jeremiah, Earsham st Smith Samuel, Upper Olland st Smith George, Earsham llt Sayer Manning, Upper Olland st MILLERS. Stock Dauid, Olland st Smith Elizabeth, Bndge st Burtsal Robert, Upper Olland st COOPERS. Can·er Samuel, Broom BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Foreman Robert, Ditchingham Banham Robert, Earsham Cock William, Upper Olland st Godfrey George, Earsham Mann Richard and William, Wain.. Beare Robert, Qpper Olland st Harding Simon, Bridge st ford mills Beare William, Upper Olland st Hinsby William, Lower Olland st N arborough Richard, Earsham Cattermole Joseph, Lower Olland st Pulford George, Earsham Chal:!ton Ef"eritt, Earsham CORN & COAL MERCHANTS. Butcher & Barnard, Bungay staith Sayer .Manning, Upper Olland 11t Chaston Robert, Earsbam Smith Robert, Ditchingham Chittleborough & Son, Earsham Cuddon William, Ditchingham Mann Richard & William, Waiuford Smith Robert, jun. Ellmgham Claxton Robert, Bridge 11t Wright Robert, Upper Olland st Cock Chal"les, New road mills [land st Codling William, Lower Olland st Reynolds Henry (corn) Lower 01- MILLINERS &DRESS MAKRS. Copeman Job, Olland st Smith Samuel, Upper Olland st Bardwell Martha, Earsham st Cornaby Matthew, Bridge st WebsterJohn (corn dealer) Broadst Cornaby Elizabeth, Bridge st Cross William, Earsham st CURRIERS AND LEATHER Crickmort' & Brown, Earsham st Ebbage Robert, Earsham st CUTTERS. Collum Emma, Lower Olland st Gibbs James, Olland st Cross William, Earsham st Minns Sophia Ann, Btidge st · :M:ayhew John, Lower Olland st Hugham George William, Bridge st Palmer Emily, Lower Olland st Palmer John, Ditchingham Parker Samuel, Upper Olland st Sutton Lucy, Olland st Tilley Abraham, Bndge st Pitt Edward, Bridge st PAI:NTERS_, PLUMBERS AND Reeve John, Broad st DYERS. GLAZIERS. Rkha.rds George, Hay market Hallows Addington, Earsham st Brown William, Bridge st Scarlett Samuel, Ditchingham Kerridge William, Ditchingham Cattermole Richard, Bridge st Tibnam Samuel, Ditchingham I'IRE1 &r.. OFFICE AGENTS. Comaby John, Ditchingham Tilley Charles, Bridge st ATLAS, Charles Drake, Broad st Peirson Robert, Upper Olland st BRAZIERS & TINMEN. NoRWICH UNION, Margitson and Redgrave Samuel, Earsham st Booty William, Lower Ollaud llt Hartcop, Broad st [Olland st Sims James, Earsham st Norman John, .Market place PROTECTOR, Jer. Botwright, Upper S pooner John, Upper 0 lland st [fit SuFFOLK AND GENERAL CouNTY, Winter J no. ( & glass stainer), Bridge BREWERS. Hogg William, Earsham Butcher & Barnard,Bungay staith PORTER DEALERS. Howes & Bumpstead, Bridge st SuN, George Baker, Earsham st Burtsal & Smith, Earsham st Howes & Bumpstead, Bridge st BRICKLAYERS. GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. (See al&o Shopkeepers, ~cJ PRINTERS LETTER-PRESS. Betts Robert Coates, Broad st Cane Abel, Bridge st Ashby John Saml. Uppt>r Olland st Bull & Aldis, Broad st Cock Gilbert, Earsham st Childs John & Son (and stereotype Jo'enn William, near the Castle Cock William, Earsham st founders), Printingoffice lane Holsworth Robert, E3r8ham Durrant George, Olland st Morris Joseph, Earsham st Nunn Robt>rt, Plough st Farrow Sarah, Upper Olland st Smith George, Eal"l!ham st Ramus JaQJ-es, Upper Olland st Fisher Samuel, Market place SADDLERS AND HARNESS Rope Charles, Earsham Knights Daniel Thos. Ditchingham MAKERS. .BUTCHERS. Owles Thomas, Trinity st Archer John, Upper Olland st Aldons Richard, Upper Olland !t Peaa-ce Maria, Market place Cattermole Alfred, Upper Olland st Chase George, Ollaud st Pratt Henrv, Upper Olland st Reynolds James, Broad st Chase Henry, Olland st White Rob"ert, Market place Walesby Edmund, Earsham st Chase Robert, Bridge st HAIR DRESSERS. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS llf Fisher George (P.?,rk), Marketplace Blackbon Aaron, Haymarket GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Girling John Wllliam, Earo;ham st Colb_y George, Olland st Borrett William, Bridge st Girling Philip (pork), Earsham Ife Charles, Bridge st Buck Susan, Market place Hunting Harley, Lower Olland st Taylor John, Earsham st Cattermole .Minns, Upper Olland st Reeve William (pork), Earsham st Watty James, Lower Olland st Ecclestone Robert, Lower Olland et CABINET MAKERS AND HATTERS. Farrant Benjamin, Broad st UPHOLSTERERS. Clarke Jeremiah, Eaa·sham st Francis William, Lower Olland st Cuddon James, Olland st Levy .1\lichael, Market place Godfrey George, Earsham Mayhew Edward, Upper Olland st Lusher Randal, Market place Gosling George, B1·idge st Taylor Nathaniel, Earsham st Sutton John Groom, Olland st Goslin~ George, Priutingoffice lane Wailer John, Printing office lane INNS. More Robert, Olland st CARPENTERS & BtJILDERS. COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. Mullinger William, Ditchingham Boatwlight Richd. Lower Olland st King's Head, Samuel Todd, Market Scarnell John, Earsham Boatwright Richard!jun. Staith place [Market place Smith Thomas, Earsham Botwright Jermh. Upper Olland st Three Tuns, Wm. G. Buckenham, Spink Thomas, Earsham Darhy Robert, Printingoffice lane IRON a BRASS FOUNDERS. SILVERSMITHS & .JBWELLRS Ebbage Francis, Earsham st Cameron Daniel, Earsham st Carley Enoch, Earsham Fowler Joseph, Mill lane Garrood John, Bridge st Cuddon James, Olland st Morris Isaac, Ditchingham Dyball William, Market place Richmond James, Earsham IRONMONGERS. Bobbit John, Market place STONE & MARBLE MASO:NS. Smith William, Printingoffice lane Delf Robert, Broad st Stockdale John, Market place Farrow Joseph, Lower Olland st LIMEN & WOOLLEN DRAPRS Nursey James, Lower Olland st CBINA GLASS &r:. DEALERS. 1 1 A:ND HABERDASHERS, STRAW HAT MAKERS. Durrant Gt>orge, Olland st Fi~her Samuel, Market place Cattermole Martha, Bridge st Smith Richard, Olland st Grigg Thomas, Market place Clarke Louisa, Earsham st CHYMISTS AND DR'OGGISTS. Pells Thomas, Market place Collum Emma, Lower Olland st Chardyard William, Olland st Riches John, Earsham st Minns SoJ?hia Ann, Bridge st Parkinson Samuel, Market place Thomas Charles Johnson, Market pl More Lomsa, Olland st 536 • BUNGAY, &c. Suffolft.

Prime Harriet, Brldfl"e sa WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. COACHES. Sayer Thos. (& furner)t Olland st Bullock Robt. Henry,Lowr. Olland st '!'o LONDON, the Star, from tbe Three Smith Rachael, Earsham st Carley Enoch, Earsham st Tuns, every morning at seven; goes tbro' SURGEONS. Mills Edwm·d, Bridge st H arleston, Scol e, Eye, Ipswich, &c. Poll Robert, Trinity st To BECCLES, s~eYARMOUTH,tbe Hope. Currie John, Trinity st [st To BURY ST. EDMU!'IIDS and CAM· Fisher Nathnl. Biggs, Upper Olland WHARFINGERS. BRIDGE, the Hope (from Yarmouth) Garneys Charles, Trinity st [st Butcher & Barnard, Bungay staith calls at the Kinjt's He11d Inn. every Webb John Raphael, Upper Olland Manu Richd. & Wm. Wainford mills Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn­ Webh Thomas J<~rnest, Tnnity st WHEELWRIGHTS. ing at nine ; ~oes through Harleston, Goodwin Samuel, Ditchingham Scole, Botesdale, and h.worth. TAILORS. To HALESWORTH, the Eclipse (from Marked thus " are also Drapers. Haward William, New road Norwich),ralls at the King's Head, every Baker Jonathan, Earsham Jay George, Earsham Monday, Wednesday, Thunday & Sa­ J<'elby John, Haymarket King Michael, Ditchingham turday evening at six. Martin Robert, Earsham WHITESMITHS AND BELL- To NORWICH, the Eclipsl'{from Hales. Mayhew Amos, Broad st HANGERS. worth), calls at thl' Kin~~;'s Head, every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday morn­ •Palmer Robert, Earsham Balls John, Market place ing at sPven & Saturday morning at six. Reeve Samuel, Trinity st Booty William, Lower Olland st To YARMOUTH, the Ho]H' (from Bury ""Riches John, Earsham st Cameron Daniel, Earsham st St Edmunds), calls at the King's Head *Smith James, Market place Garrood John, Bridge st [Olland st Inn, every Monday, Wednesday & Fri. *Sutton Samuel, Market place Ratcliffe Wm. (& gas fitter), Lower evening at six ; goes thro' Beceles, &c. Woolnough John, Upper Olland st Shuckfm·d Thomas, Olland st CARRIERS. To I.ONDON & JPSWJCH,- Smith'• TALLOW CHANDLERS. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS Burtsal & Smith, Earsham [st Waggon, from the Queen's Head, every Pearce Maria, Market place Wednesday & Saturday-and- Reeve, White Robert, Market place Ling & Butcher( spirit), U ppr. Ollaud from the King's Head, and Nollar aud TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Sexton Robert Athow, Broad st Boswood, from the White Lion, everJ Angel, James Clamp, Lower Olland st Miscellaneous. Wednesday. Brilisb Oak, Henry Spall, New road Adkin William, gun maker, Earsham st To BECCLES,- Page, from Broad st, Butchers• Arms, Robert Read, Bull lane Baker George, land surveyor, Earsham st every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Chequers, Edward Pitt, Bridge at [mon Burgess Charles & George, paper makers, To BURY ST. EDMUNDS,- Motter­ Cherry Tree, Danl. Spink, near the Com­ Dungay staith aolt>, from the FlePce, every Tueselay. Crowu, Charles Battelle, Market place Carley Enoch, pawnbroker, Earsham st To HALESWORTH,- Sawyer, fr0111 Duke, Edward Capon, Earsham [ham Clarke Johnf cattle dealer, Trinity at the .Fleece, every Wednesday & Satur­ Duke of York, Susan Hopkins, Ditcbi&g­ Crosskilll\largaret,stay maker,Earshalllst day-and Rohert H{)gg, frwn Bridge st, Falcon, William Godbold, Ditehiughaua DISPENSARY, Broad st every Monday and J.<'riday. Fleece, George Chase, Olland st Earl Richard, sheriff's officer. Earsham To HARLESTON, RobertPrenUce, from Green Dragon, Mary bale, Bridge st Edwards William Camden, historical en- the White Lion, daily. Horse & Groom, Isaac Sadd, Broad st graver, Upper Olland st [st To NORWICH, Robert Hogg'a Van (for .J oily Butchers, \V illiam Gibbs,Haymarket Everson Rnbert, millwright, Upr. Olland pas~~engers and goods), from Bridge st, King's Arms, lsaac August, BridJ?;e st Fisher David, teacher of music, Plough st every Monday and Wednesday morning Pickerel, William Mullinger,Market place GAs WORKS, James Malam, proprietor at .eight and Saturday morning at seve~ Plough, \Villiam Watson, Plough st Grout & manufcturs. Dit.ebingham and his Waggon, every Tuesday, Thurs­ Prince of Wales, Ja~.Rant, Upr. Olland st Holt James, rope & twine maker, Lower day and Saturday-- Sawyer,from the Queen's Head, Robert Chase, Trinity st Olland at [Market place Fleece, e!Very Tuesday and Friday and Rose & Crown,Saml.Smith,Upr.OIIand st Lusher Randal, glover & breeches maker, - Meen, from the Queen'a Head, everJ Ship, Robert Woodrow, Lower Olland st Marsden Thomas, bookbinder, Mill lane Wednesday. Thatched Housi',Rbt.Godbold,Cross ways Minm Chas.travellingtea dealer, Bridge st To SA.XM UNDHAM, RobertHo~tg,from Two Brewers,Hannah Cllllingford,Print- Palm er David, well sinker and pump ma- Bridge st, every Monday and Friday­ ingoffice lane ker, {J pper Olland 11t and - Sawyl'r, from the Fleece, every Watch House, John Pearse, Beccles road Prime Elizabeth, fishmonger, Bridge st Wl'dnesday and Saturday. White Horse, William Roe, Staith Rant James, bide, skin and wool dealer, T<, STRADBROOK, - l\Jeen. from the White Lion, Robert Ebbage, Earsham st Upper Olland at Queen's Head, e'l'ery Thursday. To WOOD BRIDGE,- Sawyer, from the 'White Swan, J no.Stockdale,Market place READING AND NEWS Roo:Hs,Earsham at Sewell Bloomfield, registrar of birth8 and Fleece, every Wednesday and Saturtlay. TIMBER MERCHANTS. ToY t\RMOUTH,James Nl'ave's Van(for .Cnddon William, Olland st deaths., New road Smith Richard, hempen cloth manufac. passengers and goods), every Monday, Farr.,gw Joseph, Trinity st turer and tobacconist, Olland st Wednesday and Saturday morning. VETERINARY SURGEONS. STAMP OFFICE, Market place-Samuel CONVEYANCE BY WATER. Archer Peter, Upper Olland st Fisher, distributer [Bridge st To YARMOUTH, Whmies, from Wain­ Duffield Robert, Bridge st Winter John, animal portrait painter, ford )l ills and Bungay staith, daily. BURY ST. EDl\1UNDS AN.D NEIGHBOURHOOD. BuRY ST. EDMUNDS is a market town, and bo- has been conceded by every- historian, and in the spring .rough both corporate and parliamentary (comprised in of 1783 the fact was placed beyond uncertainty, by the the two parishes of St. James and St.l\Iary), having se- discovery, where the botanic garden (formerly the ~r.. parate jurisdiction-locally in the hundred of Thingoe; den o1 the abbey) is now laid out, of some ancient 72 miles N. E. by N. from London, 26 N.w. from Ipswich. sculptures, which proved to be representations of Ro- 14 E. from Newmarket, 27 E. by s. from Cambridge, and man divinities. Of the magnificent abbey all that now 42 s.s.w. from Norwich; delightfully situated on a gen- remains is the western gate, which formed the grand tie eminence, on the w-estern bank of the river Larke entrance; this venerable remnant, still in a state of pre­ (or Bourne), in the centre of an open and richly culti- servation almost pe1fect, was built in the early part of vated district, abounding with interesting scenery. The the fourteenth century. A tower that stands opposite to streets are spacious and clean, the houses f(}r the most the west end of the abbey church, to which in former part uniform and handsomely built, and t~re are many r.ges it served as an appropriiite J>Ot'tal, is considered elegant and well-furnished soops; the town is lighted one of the noblest specimens of what is tem1ed Saxon with gas, and the inhabitants are am plv tmpplied with architecture in the kmgdom; it is eighty feet in height, water. The origin of Bury has formed what may be of a ~uadrangular form, and remarkable for the grand termed the 'debatable ground' of antiquaries: by some simplicity and massive ~;olidity of its construction: this it is held to be the Villa Faustini, or the seat of Faus- tower, though thirty feet distant from the church of St. tinius; others adopt the Saxon designation, Beoderic James, serves as a steeple to that edifice. In its present Weord-the villa of Beodericus, his court or farm: the state, the west end of the cmwentual ehurch exhibits a latter appears to he the more natural derivation, this very singular appearance: an octagonal tower is still place having been the seat or residence of Beoderic, standing, the lower part of which has been converted who was proprietor of the land where the abbey and into a stable; three arches, once the stately entrancea town were subsequently erected. In sucreeding years to the aisles, have been filled o p with modern brickwork, it received the name of Burgh, signifying 'a strong hold and transformed into suitable portions of neat dwelling­ or town,' which in time was modulated to Burg: Beo- houses. The ruins of St. Saviour's hospi~ fonnerly deric bequeathed it to St. Edmund, the king and martyr, the most celebrated establishment of the kind in Bury, and thus it gradually acquired its rresent appellation. are near the North-gate: this building is alleged to have 'That BwJ was a Roman .lJtation o some consequence been the place selected for the murder of H umphrey the 68 537 ~uffolft. BURY ST. EDMUNDS, &c. Dfgot St ~o.'~

Good, Duke of Gloucester, and for some time Regent court for the recovery of debts under 40s. is held under of England, in 1446. There are many other vestigt>s of 1 the chief steward for the liberty of Bury, and a comt ancient structureS!, to which the antiquary will attach leet annually under the lord of the manor. The borough considerable interest. The following are the principal! has uninterruptedly returned members to parliament publk buildings, exclusive of those appropriated to i:li- from the 4th of James I; the present representatives 'Vine worship. The shire-hall is a modern erection, are Lord Charles Fitzroy, and the Earl Jermyn. The comprising two convenient courts for the trial of civil return of members to sit for the western division of and criminal causes. The guild-hall is for the town court the county is made from Bury. ()f sessions, and the transaction of the general business The places of worship are the two parish churches, ()f the borough. The concert-room is an elegant fabric, and chapels for baptists, independents, unitarians, Wes­ and there is a handsome corn-exchange. The county leyan and primitive methodists, the society of friends, gaol, erected in 1803, at an expense of £30,000., is cal- and Roman catholics the chapel of the latter recently culated to contain one hundred and forty prisoners, with erected. St. Mary's church is an elegant stmcture, di· a separate bed for each; it stands on the London road, vided into three aisles by two rows of beautiful slender nearly a mile from the centre of the town, and presents columns; the roof particularly excites admiration by its a handsome stone front. The borough bridewell is si- tasteful lightness. St. James's is a fine specimen of the tuated in the Market-place the age of its erection is Gothic style-the west end is peculiarly handsome: the ()bvious from its circular windows. The theatre, a neat interior consists of side-aisles, a nave and chancel, and structure, in the southern part of the town, was opened a gallery m•er the west entrance : the window of the for dramatic performances in October, 1819. The sub- chancel, formerly an ornament of the abbey church, is scription rooms were completed in 1804, in a superior of beautiful stained glass; and the organ is sweet-toned ~tyle of elegance, at an expense of nearly £5,000.; they and powerful. The benefice of each parish is a do native, ()CCupy the south side of Angel-hill, and comprise ball, in the gift of the corporation. Amongst the charitable billiard, card, coffee, supper and reading rooms. The institutions of Bury are, the Suffolk general hospital, Suffolk public librarr., in Abbey-gate-street, has about before mentioned, respectably supp01ted by voluntary one hundred subscnbers, and contains many valuable contributions; Clopton's hospital, a neat brick edifice, books. The botanic garden, the entrance to which is founded and endowed, in 1730, as an asylum for twelve under that magnificent ruin, the Abbey-gate, is an im- poor men and women, widowers and widows; and se­ pottant acquisition to this branch of scientific study, as veral other munificent charities that are blended into well as a most agreeable and favourite promenade. The one trust, called 'the guildhall feoffment,' the annual general Suffolk hospital is a handsome structure, in an income of which exceeds £1,200. Contiguous to the open and healthful situation. Two weekly newspapers I Suffolk hospital is the poor-house of the Thingoe union, are published in Bury, on Wednesday-the 'Bury and comprising forty-six parishes; the building was erected Norwich Post,' and the 'Bury and Suffolk Herald.' in 1837. The borough of Bury is not comprised in the The spinning of yarn was formerly the principal means union, its parochial affairs being mana~ed under the pro­ of employment for the poor, and the halls in which the visions of a local act. The scholasttc institutions are wool was deposited are yet standing; no particular numerous. The free grammar school was founded by branch of manufacture is now carried on: the local bu- Edward VI, for the sons of all inhabitants; there are at siness of the place is in general flourishing, being well present nearly one hundred scholars on the foundation, sustained by a large and respectable population and the and the number of private pupils is considerable. There numerous wealthy fumilies in the immediate neighbour-! also are a free school for forty boys, and two others for hood. The town is also one of considerable thoroughfare, fifty girls, besides schools on the national and Lancas­ and sustains no fewer than seven principal inns. tenan systems, and for infants. The markets are held James I granted to the inhabitants a charter of in- on Wednesday and Saturday; the former, the most con­ corporation, which was extended by several succeeding siderable, is for corn and cattle-but both are amply monarchs. The corporation, under the new municipal supplied with every necessary commodity. The advan­ reform act, consists of a mayor, six aldermen and eigh- tages arising from a cattle market, purchased by the old teen c011ncillors, witk the usual assistant officers; and corporation and renewed by the new, have rendered the corporate body is styled • the mayor, aldermen and this, as a market town, superior to any in the eastern burgesses of .Bury St. Edmnnds, in the county of Suf- district, Norwich only excepted. The fairs are on the folk:' the same act divided the borough into three wards, Tuesday and two following days in Easter week, the 2nd and provided for it a commission of the peace. Sessions of October and the 1st of Decemb~r; the October fair for the borough, and also for the county, are held quar- is the principal one, and continues about three weeks. terly; assizes f()r the liberty and county twice a year; a Population of the borough and parishes, inl831, 11,436. POS'l' O:E"E":ZCB, I Crown street, John Deck, Post Master.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morn­ ing at half-past four, and are despatched (with the Northern letters) every night at half-past nine.-Letters from IPSWICH arrive {by mail cart) every night at half-past eight, and are despatched every morning at five.-Letters from BECCLE-s, Bu:NGAY & HARLESTON arrive every night at half-past nine, and are despatched every morning at five.-Letten; from SunBURY arrive (by mail cart) every morning at ten, and are despatched every afternoon at nve. The box doses for London letters every night at nine; for Sudbury and Essex every afternoon at th·e. NOBILITY"' GENTRY AND Bridge Mrs. Phrebe, 18 Whiting st Cook Mr. John, 79 Northgate st CLERGY. Bridgeman E. esq. Weston hall Cook 1\lr. Wm. I St. Mary's square Ailleck Sir Robt. Bart. hatl Bristol the Marquess of, pk Cowran Capt. J as.Saml.l9 Whitmg st Anderson Rev. T. Felsham Bromley Badmonstieldhall Creed Mrs. and Misses, 18 Guild- Barnwell Rev.. Frederick Turner, fi3 Brook the Misses, Westgate st hall st [Hardwick house Whiting st · Brooke Arthur, esq. Horrin~er Cullum Rev. Sir Thomas Gery, hart. Belgrave Mrs. Fanny, Westgate st Brooks .l\lrs. Sarah, 26 Crown st Dalton William, esq. Northgate st Bennett Capt. Philip, Rougham hall Buck R~bert, e~q. Newton hall Davers Rev. Robert, Bradfield Bennett Philip, esq. Rougham Old Buck Samuel, esq. Ha.wstead Deck John, esq. 1 Angel hill hall [hall Bullen Mi&S Elizabeth, 47 Garlandst Deve J. N. esq. Benyon de Beau~·oir R. esq. Bullen Mrs. Mary Eliz.47 Garland st Dewhirst Rev. Chas. 63 Risbygate st Berry Miss Harriet, Union terrace Bullock Ma~r Henry, 5 Westgate st Dicken Rev. Dr. Norton Bevan Robt. esq. Rougham rookery Bun bury ~ir Hny. Edwd. Barton hall Dingle Mr. John, Nmthgate st Bid well Mrs. Eliz. 34 Churchgate st Bussell Captain-, Westgate st Eagle Francis King, esq. (barrister) Bid well Rev. G. Stanton .Calthorpe LordGeorge, park 20 Crown st Blake George, esq. Chapel house Cambridge Mr. Robt. 43 College st Elvin Rev. Cornelius, 3 Whiting st Blake Sir Henry, bart. Rarton .Carrigham Rev. G. Saxham Fennell Mr. Samuel, 2 St. Mary's sq Blake Rev. W. R. Canigham Rev. J. Banow Franklyn Henry, esq. Drinkstone Blomfield Mrs. -, Angel hill <:artwright Rev. J. Southgate green Friend Mrs. Susan, 75 Guildhall st Boldero Mrs. Susan, Angel hill Carss R. M. esq. Great Welnetham Frost Mrs. Ann, 71 Guildhallst Bradhury Miss-, 15 Westgate st 'Casborne Rev. W.J.S. Pakenham Gallant Mr.-, Westgate st Bramle! Rev. Thomas Jennings, 73 Cholmeley Rev. H. Gallant Mrs. Mary, Westgate st Guildhall st Cole Miss Susan, N orthgate st Goate Captain Wm. Angel hill Brand Mr. George, 3 Westgate at ColvUe Mrs. M. Tostock Goodcbild Mis.'i Mary, 1 Risbygate st M8 • Dirtttor»• BURY ST. ED.l\IUNDS, &c. Gold Mrs. Maria, Angel hill Quayle T. esq. Barton mere Steggles Maria(brdng.)3Chequerssq Green John, esq. Guildhall st Quayle Rev. Thomas, Rougham Thompson Rev. HenryThos.lboard.. Grigby Mrs. -, Drinkstone Quavle W. H. esq. Barton mere ing), Northgate st Groom Miss Mary, 79 Whiting st Ray 'Lieut.-Colonel, El do house Wailer Robert Plume (boarding), 15 HaggittRev.Geo.Jno.5 St.Mary's sq Rickards Rev. S. Stowlangtoft Risbygate st [ga~e st Hall H. esq. Northgate st Ridley John, esq. Low Baxter st White Elizabeth (boardng),24 We~ Hall Mrs. Margaret, 81 Northgate st Robinson Thos. esq. 17 W estgate st Wink field ~arah Ann (boarding and Hallifax T. esq. Chadacre hall Rodwell J. M. esq. Livermere day), 185 Long Brackland Harrison Charles, esq. Grange farm Rushbrook Lieut.-CoL Robert, M.P. ATTORNEYS. Harrisonl\1issHarriet,4 St. Mary's S«J Rushbrook hall Bacon John Edward, 38 Crown st Hasted Rev. Henry, Northgate st St. Croix -, esq. Bradfield Borton James & John Henry (John Hayward Mr. Robt. 60 Churchgate st Sams Rev. John B. 52 Whiting st Borton, clerk of the peace), 5 Hearn Miss Mary, iO Southgate st Scarlen James, esq. Honinger Hatter st Heigham HeDl'y, esq. H unston Scotman Rev. Thomas, Rougham Cambl'idge John (and clerk to the Hervey Rev. Lord Arthur, Ickworth Seaber Mrs. -, Botanic gardens board of guardians),. 30 Brent Hickman Rev. Thomas, 26 Church~ ~impson Miss Ma1-y, iS Whiting st Govel st [st gate st [Churchgate st Skater Mrs.-, Union terrace Case Philip Jas. & Son, 81 Whiting Hickman Rev. Thomas George, 26 Smith Mrs. Susan, Sparhawk st Dun-ant Richard, 6 Hatter st Hilll\Ir. John, 54 Churchgate st Soame Mrs. Elizabeth, Northgate st Hinnell Charles (and vestry clerk Hodson N. S. esq. Priory Sparke Gregory, esq. Hatter st for the parish of St. James's), 7 Hogg Rev. E. Fornham St. Martin's Sparke Mrs. -, Hatter st Brent Govel st Houghton .l\Ir. John, 69 Guildhall st Spinks Mr. Geo. Fredk. Union terr Holmes, Jackson, Sparke & Holmes Howard Miss Ann, High Baxter st Steel Mr. Robt. Risbygate st (and town derk), Hatter st Hunt Rev. George, Barningham Steggall Mrs. Rebecca, 77 Whiting st Leech Charles Denton, 22 Crown si Hunter Mr. Arthur, 2 Honey hill Steggall Rev. Wm. Hessett Le Grice Henry, 21 Butter market Hustler Mrs. Ann, College st Steggles l\Ir. Humphrey, Field lane Nunn and Sams, Meat market and Image Rev. Thomas, Stocking Mrs. Eliz. 58 Abbeygate st l3Jt1Jorth [gate st lngram Rev. Geo. Chadburgh Stone the Misses, Robinson Thomas Henry, 11 West­ Ion Mrs. Sarah, Risbygate st Stutter Mrs. E. St. Andrew st Wayman and Greene, Church yard Johnson Mr. Christr. 49 Southgate st Sotton l\Irs. Ann Malia, Union teu Wayman Henry (and coroner for the Jones Rev. C. Pakenham Symond:il Brent Govelst borough and liberty, and clerk tO< J ones Mr. Evan, Union terrace Tate Rev. Joseph, 23 W estgate st the magistratesh Chtu·cb yard Kent Mrs. Charlotte, 20 Crown st Taylor Major Jas. 35 Southgate st Wiug Frederick (andsllperintelldent Kynaston Rev. Sir Edwd. bart. Risby Thomps•n Rev. H. T. Northgate st registrar), 18 Hatter st LanchesterMrs. Charl.69 Risbygate st Thurlow Rt. Hon. Lord,Ashfield hall AUCTIONEERS & APPRA:fSRS. Lathbury Mrs. -, Angel hill Twinn Mrs. Catherine, 70 Whiting st Bullen Thos. Geo. 20 Butter markd Lawton Rev. J. T. Elmswell Vaughan Wm. esq. Deck John, I Crown st Lloyd Rev. M. J. Wastell Miss Isabella, Southgate gm Gudgeon Robert, 51 Risbygate st Lock Mrs. Sarah, Field lane Watson Captain, St. Edmund's hill Hunter John & Son, 24 Abbeygatest Lock wood Edward, esq.1 M us tow st Wayman Mrs. Jane, Church yard Lock Nathan, Brent Govel st Lumley Thomas, esq. 9 Crown st Webb Mrs Susan, Field lane Nmfolk Thomas, 1 Chequers square M'Leroth :vlr.Alex.Hope, Union te1T West Rev. Thomas, 9 Westgate st BAKERS. M'Leroth Lieut.~Col. T. Guildhallst White Rev. J. Chevington [Saints Bacon Samuel, 18 Brent Govel sl Mallows Mr. George William, 99 Williams Rev. J. W. l<~ornham All Baker Robe1t, 3 Whiting st Risbygate st [Mary's sq Wilson Henry, esq. Stowlanp;oft Ballam Charles, 10 Hatter st Mapletoft Miss Charlotte, 6 St. W ollastonAd miralChas.NOJ1hgate st Bateman William, Cannon place Mapletoft R. esq. Stanstead hall Woodward Mr. James, 9 Whitingst Billinghurst William, 10 Eastgate st Marriott Mr. Benjamin, Risbygate st Young Miss-, Bradtield Botw1ight John, 10 Angel bill Martin C.C. esq. Livermere park Youngman Mr. John Mallows, 16 Candler William, 81 Southgate st Martin Mrs. M. A. Crown st Hatter st Caney Maria, 8 Bl'ent Govel st .1\laulkin 1\Irs. -, St. Mary's square ACADEMIES AND PUBLIC Chapman Robert, 80 Guildhall lt SCHOOLS. Merest Jas. Drage, esq. 34 Angel hill Not otherwise described are Day Schools. Clark William, 33 Churchgate st Metcalfe Henry, esq. Aldham Alfred, 3 College st Cockell Wm. 145 Long Brackland Metcalfe Mrs.-, Tostock Arm strong Thomas, Whiting st Crack John, Crown st l\Iiddleditch Mrs. Eliza, 24 Crown st Bevil Marr Ann (brdng.) Mustow st Crick John, 6 Guildhall st Miller Mr. James, Crown st Bull Sophm (boarding and day), 12 Crick Thomas, Angel lane .Mills Mrs. Susannah, Angel hill Crown st [Northgate st Death Daniel, 97 Southgate st Moore George, esq. Butter market Burroughs Chas.(boarding & day),90 Death Mary, 224 Long Brackland Munro Hector, esq. "\Valsham Chapman Dav. (brdng.)6Risbygatest Feek John, Raingate st M uskett John, esq. Fomham St. Cook Martha (brdng.)S St. Mary's sq Fordham Hannah, Eastgate st Genevieve Dakin Susannah, 3 Guildhall st Frost William, 31 St. Andrew st Neal Geor~e, esq. Churcbgate st De Carle Mary & Jane (boarding and Grange William, 31 Guildhall st Norfolk h1s Grace the Duke of, day), 7 Sparhawk st Harvey Robert, 45 Guildhall st Foruham St. Genevieve FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Northgate Head Charles, 3 Northgate st Norgate Rev. B. T. Ashtield st-Rev. John Edwards, master; Jackson Charles, 5 Sparhawk st North .l\lrs. Rebecca, 65 Whiting st Rev. John Kempe, second master J ackson George, Prospect row N1llm Mr. Robert, Churchyard Hinnell Mary Sophia, 80 Whiting st Limmer James, Field lane Oakes Rev. A. N owton INFANTs' ScHooL, Westgate st­ Limmer John D. 30 Risbygate st Oakes Henry Jas. esq. 74 Guildhallst William Tillman, master; Sarah Limmer William, !11 Risbygate st Oakes Rev. James, Tostock Tillman, mist1·ess Monro Mrs. Mary, 9 Northgate st Oakes Captain 0. R. Walsham Jay MariaEliza(brdng.) Southgate st .i.\1oyse Henry, 213 Long Brackland OrbellJohn,es9; Fornham St. Martin LANCASTERIAN ScuooL, College st Pawsey William, 58 Chnrchgatc st Ord J. T. esq. Fomham St. Martin -J. Williams, master Pryke John, 50 Southg-dte st Pack Mr. Talbot, 49 Guildhall st Lease Charles J. 48 Garland st Robinson William, 39 College st Page Rev. L. F. Woolpit Rectory Leech Rachael (brdng.) Angel hill Stebbing John, Northgate st Pate Mrs. Eliza Lloyd, 8 Guildhall st Lockwood Rev. Charles lboarding), Sturgeon James, 26 Guildhallst Paul Miss Esther, 3 St. Mary's sq Low Baxter st Watts George, 4 Shakers' lane- Payne Mr. Jno. Harvey,23 Hatterst NATIONAL ScHOOL (boys'), Field W ebb M aria, St. Andrew st Petre the Hon. Charles, Northgate st lane Wm. Henry Fuller, master Wright David, Long BrackJand Philips John, esq. Great Ba1ton NATIONAL ScHooL (girls'),Elephant W right Richard, 4 Risbyg-dte at Poley G. W. esq. Boxtead hall court-Serena Simmons, mistress BANKERS. Poole Mr. Fuller, 5 Whiting st Newman Hannah&Elizabeth(gent.'s EAST OF ENGLAND BANK, 10 Meal Pmtway Mr. George, 46 Garland st preparatory), Loom's lane market-(draws uo the London Powell J. H. esq. Henl!"ran· hall Reach Benjmn. 223 Long Brackland and Westminster Bank)-Franeis Pyman .Mrs. Sophia, 75 Whitiug' st Rigg Jane, 62 Whiting st George Hamilton, manager 539 BURY 8T. EDl\IUNDS, &c. Utgot & ~o/J

BANKE RS-C~ntin•ed. BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE CARPENTERS AND .JOINERS. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF WORKERS. Barton Henry, St. Andrew st ENGLAND, Cornhill- (draws on Ashen Charles, 30 Southgate st Bull Benjamin, 13 Angel hill Hanburys' and Co. London)­ Beard Charles, 'l Corn market Cafe Samuel, School hall st Alexander Fairweather, manager Brabrooke John, 11 Long Brackland Cm·liell Charles, 15 Crown st Oakes, Bevan, Moor and Bevan, Brabrooke Thomas, St. Andrew st Dark in John, 48 W estgate st Buttermarket--(draw on Barclay, Brand 1\lark, 126 Eastgate st Emerson James & Son, 22 Wells st Bevan and Co. London) Goldsmith David, 4 Corn market Frost Henry, 4 College st Worlledge and Le Blanc, 11 Meat Groom William, 8 Meat mru·ket Garwood Daniel (and trunk maker), market-(draw on Bat·clay, Bevan Hart John, Cannon place 49 Whiting st and Co. London) Lowes William, Honey hill Golding Simon, 31 Field lane BASKET MAKERS. Munro Alexander, 29 Mustow st Pettit Edwardt 39 Whiting st [ st Braybrook James, 29 Risbygate st Paul George & Son, 1 Meat market PlumptonChas.Pleasance,~t.Andrew Cook Jacob, 39 Long Brackland Ridley Samuel, 25 Abbeygate st Raven James, Church walk Harrold William, /0 Whiting st Thompson Sarah, Field lane Reed Henry,. Northgate st Major William, 6 Trave1·se BREECHES MAKERS AND Trevethan John, St. Andrew st Stevens John, Well st GLOVERS. Wamer George, 41 Guildhall st BLACKSMITHS. Brown Frederick, 10 Abbeygate st Wat~on Robert, Church yard (See atso Farriers.) Chapman John (clothier), 212 r... ong Wright Reuben, Field lane Bowle Henry, Northgate st Brackland CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Downs Benjamin, High Baxter st Firman John, 35 Eastgate st Bowers William, 26 Butter market Eliza, l\1 us tow st Frost Richard, J. Whitmg st Grayston Eliza, 14 Buttif'r market Mortlock Henry, St. Andrew st Har~·ald Wm. Henry, 41 Abbeygate st Major William, 6 Traverse Moyse Elizabeth, W estgate st Ranson John, 7 Eastgate st Thompson & Son, 14 Meat market Neave Thomas, Bridewelllane [st BREWERS. CHYMISTS & DRtJGGISTS. Wheldon Robt. Stockdale, Southgate Braddock Henry, 80 Southgate st Baldwin & Sabine, 8 Corn market BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS Everard Henry, Westgate st Dakin William, 32 Abbeygate st AND BINDERS. Greene Edward, W estgate sf Dalton Charles, 9 Meat market Marked thus* are also Printers. BRICK MAKERS. (See also Printers.) Gall & Cubitt, 52 Abbeygate st Steggles and Sons, 16 Whitin~ st Harvey Charles, 34 Butter market *.Birchinall & Son, 20 Churchgate st Trevethan John, Standford bndge •Cole Alfred, 53 Abbeygate st N unn John Vincent, 13 A bbeygate st Deck and Co. 1 Crown st BRICKLAYERS. Paine William, 19 Meat market •Lankester Fredk. 11' Abbeygate st Deasley John, 6 Sparhawk st Rumley Newcomb Bloomar (and oil •NewbyThomasCautley (&libraJ:!), Earl Samuel, 59 Guildhall lit and colourman }, 56 Abbeygate st Angel hill Lst Harvey Benjamin, Hogg lane CLOTHES DEALERS. *Pechey Robt. Jesse, 3 Brent Govel J errold Francis, 66 Risbygate st Creamer John, 21 Northgate st Reach Thomas (for the society for King Henry William, 1\lustow st Hyam Lawrence, 30 Butter market promoting chnstian knowledge), Kirrage George, 32 Churchgate st Sawer Edward, 15 Com market 4 Abbeygate st Lomax George, 214 Long Brackland COACH BUILDERS, •Robinson John, 2 Cornhill Rohinson Jas.169 Long Brackland Browne John Philip, 10 Cl'Own st Thompson George, 45 Abbeygate st Steele Thomas, 27 Risbygate st Clark and Frost, 17! Whiting st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Steggles and Sons, 10 Whitin~t st Crane Francis, 20 M ustow st Adams John, 32 Risbygate st Steggles Thomas, N orthgate st De Carle Thomas, Sparbawk s~ Barton John, 41 Churchgate st Warren William, St. Andrew st Howe James, St. Andrew st Bliton John, 21 Long Brackland BUILDERS. COACH PROPRIETORS •. Briton John, 92 Risbygate st Billinghurst William, Garland st Beeton J oseph. Wells st Browne Fred. Edwd. 37 Abbeygate st Dudley William, 23 St. Andrew st Edwards John, Risbygate st Butler William, Mustow st Emerson James, 22 Wells st Hayward Samuel, 93 Eastgate st Challes John, 18 Garland st Harvey Benjamin, Hogg lane Palmer George, 77 Guildhall st Clark Fraucis, 87 Northgate st Reed Henry, Northgate st Wiggins Joseph, 14 Low Baxter st Clarke & Syrett, 46 Abbeygate st Steele Thomas, 27 Risbygate sf. COAL MERCHANTS. Clarke Wm. jun. 7 Butter market Steggles and Sons, 10 Whiting st Beeton George (&malt & hop), 1() Cobbing James, 33 Abbeygate st Steggles Thomas, N orthgate st St. Mary's square Curry James, 40 Guildhall st BUTCHERS. Braddock Henry, 80 Southgate st Fordham Wm. 201 Long Brackland Baker B. 61 Churchgate st Cooper Samuel, 26 Long Brackland. Goodwin J ames, 7 Eastgate st Betts Samuel, 25 Churchgate st Fenton William, Southgate st Gurney :Frederick, Prospect row Bird James, 1 Shambles Golding Thos. 82 & 83 Southgate st Head Richard, 21' Hatter st Clarke Isaac, 5 Shambles Greene Edward, Westgate st Head Samuel, 4 College st Cowlin Martha, 46 Guildhall st Harm er Thomas, 70! W estgate st HoughtonWilliam, 15 Butter market Farrow Isaac, 6 Shambles LeaseEdw.Eugene, 184 Lg. Bracklnd HowJames, Westgate st Garman lsaac, 11 Southgate st Lee James, Risbygate st [st Hughes Mary, 12 Long Brackland Gocher Thomas, 23 Angel hill l\1'Leroth Thos. Moore, 64 Guildhall Irons Mary (&leather seller), Meat Green John (pork), Eastgate st Maulkin Robert, Horse market market [Brackland Head .John, 68 Northgate st Naylor & Jennings, 3 Meat market Lockwood Henry John, 229 Long King Thomas, 13 Hatter st Ridley John, jun. Eastgate 1St Mayes Abraham, Churchgate st Mullinger Henry, 2 Shambles Steel John, 9 Risbygate st Murrell James, 209 Long Brackland Nunn Frederick, 3 Shambles Steggles & Sons, 10 Whiting st Noon Edmund, 2 Guildhall st Potter Ambrose, 4 Shambles Steggles H umphrey,51 Churchgatest Perfect Epton, 31 Sonthgate st Ransom Betty, Shambles Tompson Edw. jun. 2 Church walks Prigg John, 4 Churchgate st Ransom Thos. 7 Shambles [land CONFECTIONERS &; PASTRY- Quant Henry, 29 Abbeygate st Raynham Saml.43 & 44 Long Brack­ COOKS. Reach Thomas, 46 Southgate st Webb John, 19 Long Brackland Caney Richard, 11 Corn market Reynolds Thos. 222 Long Brackland Wheeler Joseph, 10 Brent Govel st Carley Samuel Green, Abbeygate st Rist John, 22 Mustow st CABINET MAKERS AND Debenham and Son, Market hill Scott Stephen, 47 Abbeygate st UPHOLSTERERS, Kirrage George, 32 Churchgate st Smith Grace, 11 Hatter st Bradburv John, 103 Risbygate st Peck William, 3 Traverse Syrett Abraham, 15 Guildhall st Bullen Thos. Geo. 20 Butter m~ll'ket Steel Lydia, 42 Churchgate st Svrett William, Guildhall st Ely James, College st Stutter Ann Mary, 15 Abbeygate st Ward William, Hog-g lane Fenton Thomas, 6 Meat market Taylor Letitia, Angel lane Watson John, 13 Guildhall st Hammond William, St. Andrewst W estrup Charlotte, 26 Angel hill Whiting William, School hall st Hunter John & Son, 24 Abbey gate st COOPERS. Whiting William, 46 W estgate it Matthews Edwd. John, 27 Angel hill Cooper John, 4 Guildhall st Wright William, Field lane Sale William, 5 and 6 Guildhall st Howe John, 86 Southgate st Youngman J obn, Rain gate st Simper Robe11, 42 Guildhall st ~eakeu Joseph, 11 Ris~te st 540 iitirtctorn. BURY ST. EDl\IUNDS, &c. ~utroU't.

Sea'kens William, 70 Ri!!bygate st King Thomas, 17 Meat market [st LINEN PBAPERS. Sore Samuel, St. Andrew st Lawrence Eliz.&Maria,6 Brent Govel Burrell Jos. Brooks, 9 Abbeygate st Wiseman George, Northgate st Oliver George John ( & Italian ware- Fyson George, Abbeygate st CORK CUTTERS. house), 12 Abbeygate st Harvey James, 40 Abheygate st Ba.'!:ter William, 82 Whiting st Pattle Thomas, 1 Traverse Hilder Alfred, 35 Abbeygate st Ward Edmund, 19 Westgate st J1man Jonathan, 51 Guildhall st Jannings William, 48 Abbeygate st CORN MERCHANTS. Ramsey and Son, 79 Guildhall st Kin-age Jas. John, 46 Churchgate sfl Clarke Robert, 2 M eat market Ridley Thos. & Son, 36 Abbeygate st Mountain and Pickering, 32 Abbey- Cooper Samuel, 26 Long Brackland Steel John (and stamp office), 13 gate st Golding Thos. 82 & !33 Southgate st Butter market Parke1· Benjamin, 5 Butter market Lanham George, 13 Risbygate st Tricker Edmand, 28 Brent Govel st Portway George, jun. 59 Abbeygate st Naylor and Jennings, 3 Meat market Tricker Mary, 97 Risbygate st Richardson Geo. 27 Butter market Nunn James, 95 Southgate st Ward William, 14 Angel hill Roper Henry, 23 Butter market Steel John, 9 Risbygate st Wateriall John & Edward,57 Abbey- Smith William, Prospect row Steggles Humphrey,51 Churchgate st gate street Thirtle John, 83 Wh1tlng st Lket Tompson George& Edward Richard, Watling Richard, 75 Southgate st Williams Jas.& Thomas, 5 Corn mar- Church walks Watson John, 27 Churchgate st MACHINE MAKERS. CURRIERS AND LEATHER GUN MAKERS. Gilbert Joseph (and engineer), 16 CUTTERS. Bilson William, 10 Abbeygate st Adams and Ridley, 19 St. Andrew st Eastgate st Parker Benjamin, 30 Churchgate st Rockham Henry, Long Brackland Brett John, 57 Whitin~ st Parker Charles, 18 Abbeygate st Elven Cornelius, 4 Wlnting st MALTSTERS. Young William, 17 Meat market Beeton George, 10 St. Mary's square }'rost John, 5 Crown st Young William, 85 Risbygate st Graves James, 27 Abbeygate st Braddock Henry, 80 Southgate s' Head and Everrard, Southgate st HABERDASHERS & HOSIERS. Clarke John, 74 Risbygate st DYERS AND SCOURERS. Sullen J on. Francis, 55 Abbeygate st Clarke Robert, 2 Meat market Clod and Cobb, 34 Crown st Cook Benjamin, 33 Butter market Cooper Samuel, 26 Long Brackland Sexton William W. Cwwn st Harrold Samuel, 38 Guildhall st Fenton William, Southgate st ENGRAVERS AND COPPER- Hine Thomas & Co. ( & hardware- Greene Edward, W estgate st PLATE PRINTERS. men), 50 Abbeygate st Harmer Thomas, 70! W estgate st Last William Nelson, 3 Abbeygate st Leech Thomas, 26 Hatter st Lease Edward Eugene, 184 Long Legden Robert, 221 Long Brackland Paul Thomas, 24 Butter market Brackland [hall st Priest Jno. (hosier) 59 Churchgate st M 'Leroth Thomas Moore, 64 Guild­ FIRE, &r. OFFICES & AGENTS. HAIR DRESSERS. Steel John, 9 Risbygate st CROWN, Alex. Fairweather, Cornhill Marked this • are also Perfumen and StegglesHumphrey,51Churchgatest EAGLE,Chs.Hinnell, 7 Brent Govel st Toy De11.ler1. MERCHANTS. EssEx EQUITABLE, Geo.John Olli- Bla'ke Charles Boyd, High Baxter st ver, 12 Abbeygate st •Channing Peter, 11 Butter market Cooper Samuel, 26 Long Brac'kland FAMILY ENDOWMENT SOCIETY, Hy. '*'Clark and Son, 31 Churchgate st Grayson Matthew, Mar'ket hill Wayman, Church yard Folkerd Samuel, 57 Westgate st Lock William (hop), 96 Risbygate sa HAND IN HAND, Frederic Lankester, Mann Charles, 236 Long Brackland Ridley John, jun. Eastgate 17 Abbeygate st rl\Iustow st "'Nice George, 26 Abbeygate st MILLERS. NoRWICH UNION,Edwd. Lock wood, Sore John, 24 Churchgate st Cockerell William, Wel!tgate road PALLADIUM, FrancisGeo. Hamilton, Veres Rohert, 1 Abbeygate st Cook John, South mill 10 Meat market [ter st Winkup Thomas, 10 Corn market Golding John, Field lane PROMOTER, Richard Durrant, 6 Hat­ HATTERS. Limmer J ames, Field lane PROTECTOR, Thomas King, 17 Meat Armstrong William, 24 Meat market 1\laderson John, Out Southgate market [30 Guildhall st Channing Peter, 11 Butter market Plumb Jeremiah, South mill RoYAL ExcHANGE, John Haddock, Cutter Henry, 20 Abbexgate st Wright David, Fornham road SuFFOLK (Western division), 2 Hat­ Ramsey Robert, 79 Guildhall st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. ter st-Gedge &Barker,secretaries Scholes John, 6 Butter market Baxter Mary, 62 Whiting st FISHMONGERS,POULTERERS Thirtle J ames, 38 Abbeygate st Chalmer Sarah, 4 Crown st AND DEALERS IN GAME. Cooper Sophia, 3 Guildhall st Clarke John, 54 Abbeygate st HORSE AND GIG OWNERS_, FOR HIRE. Dic'kerson Frances, 49 Abbevgate st Clarke John Wm. 29 Butter market Drew Harriet, 39 Abbeygate "st Mouutain Robert, 60 Abbeygate st Burrell Thomas, 6! College st Kemp Richard, High Baxter st Graves Elizabeth, 44 Whiting st FRUITERERS. l\leggs Thomas, Wells st Hand Ann, 11 Angel hill Lofts Thomas, 12 Guildhall st Hennell and Pearce, Northgate st Mostran Wm. Jas. 32 Butter market HORSE DEALERS. Cox Edward, 7 Shakers' lane Holden Maria, 31 Westgate st Peck Peter, 4 Traverse King Ruth, Churchgate st 25 Parish William, Eastgate st 11 Rushbrook Samuel, Hatter st Lowrie Hannah, 15 Whiting st FURNITURE BROKEBS. INNS AND HOTELS. Butler William, Mustow st Angel and Family Hotel (and posting) Pearson Clarissa, 78 Guildhall st Crick Robert, 101 Southgate st Thomas Bridgman, Angel hill Reeve Sarah, 1 Guildhall st Doe John, 21 Angel hill Bell Hotel,J no.Bridgeman,Meat mkt ScholesMaryAnn,28 LongBrackland Globe, Francis Clark, Angel hill Smith Susan, 3 Butter market Fenton Joseph, 59 Northgate st Stocking Frances, 58 Abbeygate st Fenton Thomas, 6 Meat market Griffin, Geo. Andrews, Corn market W allike1· George, W estgate st Half Moon, Henry Gardner, Butter Turner Eliza, 6 Crown st Walliker Samuel, 13 Corn market market [gate st MUSIC SELLERS. Whiting James, 15 Angel hill SixBells,Rbt.WayteRamsey,Clmrch­ Last James (and organ builder), 2 GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Suffolk Hotel (and posting), Henry Traverse (See also Nursery and Seedsmen.) Everard, Butter market [markt Newby Thomas Cautley, Angel hill Lomas John, 186 Long Brc1ckland Wool Pack, Robert Clarke, 2 l\Ieat Reeve John (and instrument), 61 Petitt Robert, Cotton lane IRONMONGERS AND OIL AND Abbeygate st Steed John, Eastgate st COLOURMEN. NEWSPAPERS. GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Beard Charles, 7 Corn market BURY AND NORWICH PosT AND (See aLso Shopkeepers; and ab;o Tea Goldsmith David, 4 Corn market EAST ANGLIAN (Wednesday), Dealers) Groom William, 8 Meat market Johnson Gedge, proprietor and Adams John, I Butter market Paul George and Son (and bar iron publisher, 2 Hatter st Adams Martha (and dealer in British warehouse) 1 Meat market BURY AND SUFFOLK HERALD1 wines), 3 Hatter st Ridley Samuel (and iron and brMs (Wednesday), Samuel Donaldson, printer, 4 Bridewell lane Cooper George, 6 Corn market founder), 25 Abbey~ate st Dare William l& cheesemonger), 12 LIME BURNERS. NURSERYMEN. Butter market Steggles and Sons.z. 10 Whiting st Lines William, 51 Risby~ate st Higb James, 28 Abbeygate st Warren William, ~~. Andrew st Lord Wm. (&florist) 70 Nortbgate st a4I tiutfolft. BURY ST. EDl\IUNDS, &c.

PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Pace John, 19 Abbeygate st Chequers, Thomas Drew 34 Risbygate 11' GLAZIERS. Thompson and Son, 141VIeat market Coach & Horses,Joseph Frost, Honey hill Buckle Edward, 67 Whiting st ValeJno.lworking), 1VIeatmarket Cock, Geor!(e Chinnery, 1 Brent GoTelat Coe William & Frederick (painters), 23 Cricketers, ThomaB Loftes, Field lane 25 Guildhall st [gate st STATUARIES & STONE AND Dog, Frederick Clark, Churchgate st MARBLE MASONS. Dog & Partridge, Mary Ann Risbrock, Copping Robert Harrison, 7 South­ Elmer James, 17 Risbygate st De Carle Benjamin, Sparhawk st D~~h~n~ ~avid Stall', Short Brackland Frewer and Son, 4 Meat ma1·ket Emerson James, 22 Wells st Fleece, Robert Storey, 50 Churchgate st Goodwin George, 84 Nmthgate st Reed Henry, N orthg-dte st Fox, Waiter~ Rbt.Burrougbs,l Eastgatest Kitson George, Cornhill Steggles and Sons, 10 Whiting st George and Dragon, Thomas Poyke, 18 STAY MAKERS. Meat market [bygate st Spanton William, 28 Cromw"'n st Lusher Mary Ann, 1 Churchgate st Hare & Hounds,Samnel Middleditch,Ris- Stebbing Noah, 32 Whiting st Hope, Wm.Bellman,Westgate st [gate at Thompson Mary, 13 Brent Govel st N eale Elizabet h ' 23 Abbeygate st King of Prussia, John Foreman, 1 South- Whitaker Thos. (ornamental painter Plowman Sarah, 19 Brent Govel st King's Arms,Jontbn.Armes,Brent Govelst and glazier), Whiting st Smith Harriet, 3 Crown st King's Head, Robert Jelfes, Brent Gonl1t Ill Winkup Hannah, 26 Brent Govel st Magpie, John Lolts, Cburcb yard Wicks George, 104 Risbygate st sTRAW HAT MAKEBS. MarquessCornwallis,Robert'Seweli,Long PATTEN MAKERS...... ,. L Brackland Betson John, 50 Guildhall st Armes ucy, 19 College st Masons' Arms, Robert Borrett, Whiting st Reach Thomas, 46 Southgate st Austin Mary Ann, 22 Chorchgate st Plough, Ann Sterue, 61 Soutbj:ate st Clarke and Syrett, 46 Abbeygate st Queen's Head,.JolmCocksedge,.19Chorch- PAWNBROKERS. Cooper .Maria, 42 Abbeygate st [st gate st Haddock John, 30 Guildhall st HagreenJas.(&furrier),7 Abbeygate Ram, Mal'y Middlediteh,Eastgate st Last and Hogg, 24 Guildhall st H ft M A 43 Abb Red House, Wm. Double, Honinger roacl Weston Robert, 93 Long Brackland uscro ary nn, eygate st Rising Sun, Sarab Last, Risbygate st [1t Mountain Elizabeth, 37 Crown st Saracen'sHead, Thos.Gardiner,Guildhall· PHYSICIANS. Smith H arriet, 3 Crown st Seven Stars,Chas.Downs, Brackland Probart Francis George, Church yard Spink Harriet, 29 Brent Govel st SpreadEagle,Ths.Bishop,Standfordbrdge Ross Dr. Northgate st SURGEONS. Star, Dt>borah Bolder & Son, Mustow st Smith Thomas, St. Mary's square d G 72 G 'ldh 11 t Swan, Edmund Baker, Wells st [st Wharton Dr. Bury Cree eorge, Ul a s Sword in Hand, William Gooch Southgate PBINTERS-LETTEB·PRE SS, Dalton John, 11 Low Baxter st ThreeBulls,Henry Brewster,Meatmarket Dalton Rowland, 20 Hatter st Three Crowns, Humpbrey Steggles, 6. (See also BooksellersJ Day Robert, 4 Chequers square Soutbgate st [Guildhall st Donaldson Samuel, 4 Bridewelllane Hubbard George, 98 Brent Govel st' ~bree Goats' Heads,Henry Lock. wood, 14- Frost W alter Biddell, 19 Hatter st Imaue William E Honey st 11 hree Horse Shoes, Peggy aod George Gedge and Barker, 2 Hatter st Q • • C Dowos, Northgate st [market Jackson William Thomas, 1 Crown st Macmtyre PatrJCk, 36 rown st Three Kings Heury Rudland 13 Meat Mullis John, 21 Hatter st Three Tuns, Samuel Clements,'crownst PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS Smith Charles, 81 Guildhall st Two Brewers, John Green. Westgate at Marked thus* are Teachers of Music. Ward William, 90 Northgate st Unicorn, W_illiam Parish, E.astgate st Anthony Bernard (French), 23 But- Wing Henry 76 Guildhall st Wa\(gon, RICh~rd Reeve, R1sbygate st ter market [Northgate st ' White Hart, R1cbard Rolfe, South I(& le st •Harrington John (and organist), SURVEYORS-LAND, &c. WbiteHorse,Ann Bndbrook, Buttennrkt •Noverre -, Angel hill Blake Fras. ( oftaxes),95 Risbygate st I White Lion, Seth Rolft', Hrent Govel ., •Nunn Robert, Church yard Dudley William, 28 St. Andrew st TEA DEALERS. •Nunn Alfred, Church yard Lenny & Cmft, 28 Angel hill Batley John, 30 Crown st •Nunn \Villiam, 3 Honey st [hill Lock Nathau, Brent Govel st Bowen George, 10 Wells st Thomas Charles (drawing), Honey Payne Richard, 68 Guildhall st Edgar James, 51 ~estgate st SADDLERS. Steggles & Sons, 10 Whitiug st Edgar Ro~e~, 34 F•eJd lane Brown and Son, 16 Abbeygate st TAILORS. H~mter W1lham~ 5 R1sbygate st Goodrich Thomas, 6 Abbeygate st Marked thus* are also Drapers. Kmg Ruth, 11 Churchgate st Haslop Thomas, 12 Corn market '*AndrewsJno.&Son,58Abbeygatest Locke Joseph, 65 Westgate st Hastea William, 49 Churcheate st '*Best John, 12 Churchgate st Morrin John, 227 Long Brackland- Miller William, 24 Angel hill '*Betts John, 28 Churchgate st Rae John, 68 Risbygate st Partridge Richard (and rope maker), Byford George, 47 Churchgate st Ward John, 81 Risbygate st 7 4 South gate st '*Clark James, 19 Comhill TIMBER MERCHANTS. Watson John, 238 Long Brackland "'Clark John, ll Sparhawk st Burroughs & Co. School hall st SEED MERCHANTS. "'Coe William, 14 Hatter st Cawston George, 8 Eastgate st Cooper Samuel, 26 Long Brackland Creamer John, 21 Northgate st Lee James, 76 Rishygate st Grayson Matthew, 16 Market hill Gartou William, 23 Churchgate st TOBACCoNISTS. Naylor and Jennings, 3.Meat market "-'Graves Robert, 30 Abbeygate st Sexton William Watling, 2 Crown st SHOPKEEPERS lie DEALRS IN Grimmer Nathan, Ea~tgate st Young Hy.Shaddow,8Buttermarket GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Hagreen Charles, 62 Whiting st TURNERS IN GENERAL. Bartield Ashear, Westgate st >~~'Hyam Lawrence, 30 Butter market Bentley Thomas, High .Baxter st Brewster John, 3 Southgate st Keeling Samuel, 89 Northgate st Kemp Robert, 228 Long Brackland Brewster Robert, W estgate st >~~'Last John, 2 Southgate st Petitt John, 53 Churchgate st Childs George, 76 W estgate st '*l\1ajor Henry, 5 Abbeygate st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Clark Thomas, 37 Guildhall st *Pawsey & Main, 10 Butter market Cotton Richard, 29 Crown st Graham William, 47 Southgate st ""Prigg Henry, 45 Abbeygate st Nunn Jolm Vincent, 13Abbeygate st Green Thomas, 202 Long Brackland "-'Salmon William, 24 Hatter st Taylor Robert, 127 Eastgate st Hogg Frederick, 25 Southgate st *Sawer Edward, 15 Corn market WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS Mays James, Bridewelllane ~p~rke James, 8 Southgate st Adams Geo. Burke, 16 Corn market l\lower Sophia, Northgate st 1'!pple James, 27 Brent Govel st Fuller Thomas, 3 Churchgate st Payne Noan, 61 Westgate st Wmkup Joseph, 9 Brent Govel st Garl'ard Robert, 55 Guildhall st Raoson James, 68 Whiting st TALLOW CHANDLERS. Gudgeon George, 14 Abbeygodte st Rose John, 17 Long Brackland Cooper George, 6 Corn market Last William Nelson, 3 Abbeygate st Sargent Isaac, 29 Guildhall st Pvrnan Jonathan, 51 Guildhall st Pace John, 19 Abbeygate st Smith John, 31 Westgate st R1dlev Thomas & Son (and soap Ray William, 2 Brent Govel st Sparke John, St. Andrew st makers), 36 Abbeygate St WHEELWRIGHTS, Tricker Ann, Long Brackland Watson John, 27 Churchgate st Clarke Robert, 74 Risbygate st Tricker William, Northgate st TANNERS. Ellis George, 56 Southgate st Turner Robert, 10 Mustow st Head & Everrard, Southgate st Manning John, Northgate st Winn George, 15 Eastgate st Ridley John, jun. Eastgate st Mayhew George, Northgodte st Wright Reuben, Field lane TAVEBNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Porter William, B1idewelllane Yoongman John, Raingate st<"l & Crown, George Scalfe Double, Spall Edward, St. Andrew st SILVERSMITHS lie JEWELLRS 37 College st WHITE SMITHS Black Boy, James Holden, Guildhallst Ch'ld J s 1 3 C 11 t' (See also Watch and Clock llfakersJ Bull, George Kerrige, jun, 20 Angel hill ' I S (l~ep 1, 0 ege S Glew Ann, 44 Abbeygate st Bushel John Kin~ 38 Long Brackland Crowe James, Butter market [l'lt Gudgeon George, 14 Abbeygate st Castle,'Joha Matth~ws, Cornhill .Mitchell John(coach),45Churrhgate 542 Dfrtrtorn. BURY ST. EDl\iUNDS, &c. ~ttf£Allft.

Pechey Elisha (and gas fitter and COACHES. To BAYTO~.- Brown, from Ea~tgate bellhanger), 18 Long Brackland sheet, daily-and - Firman, from the To LONDON, the Royal Mail(fromNor­ Mason•8 Arms, every Wedne!lday. Perkins Henry, Short Brackland wich) calls at the Suffolk Hotel, every To BILDESTONE, - Southgate, from Syrett Robert, 55 Whiting st ni!(ht at half-past nine; goes through the Wool pack, every Wednesday. Newmarket, Hockerill & Epping-and WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS To BOTESDALE and HEDGRAVE,. the Marquess of Cornn•allis,every morn­ - Newdiek,every )londay and Thurs. Beeton George, 10 St. Marfs square ing (Sunday excepted) at half-past nine; day; - Nuno, from tbe Griffin, every Braddock Henry, 80 &mthgate st !:Ol'S tbro• Newmarket, Bishops Start­ W edne!lday and Saturday-and - Bid­ Brooks Stephen, 20 Meat market ford and Epping. well, from the Wbite Lion, every Wed.

• ~ttffolft. BURY ST. EDMUNDS, &c~

CARRIERS-C011tinued. turday-and - Tutf, from the Griffin, To SICLESMERE, - Gladwell, from To , - Morley, from the every Wednesday. the Half Moon, every Wed. and Sat. Woolpack,everyWedne!lday&Saturday. To LANGHAM,-Palmer,fromtheHalf To SIXMILE BOTT0!\1,- Fitch,from To GllZLEY, - Bell, from the Castle, Moon, every Wednesday. the Castle, enry Wednesday. every Wednesday and Saturday. To LARLINGFORD, - Hutson, from To SOH AM,- Staples, from the Wool. To GISLINGHAM, - Elmor, fi'Om the the Half Moon, every Wednesday. pack, every Wednesday. Wot~lpack p - Hates, from the Castle; To LAVENHAM,- Springett, from the To STANTO N,- Bales, from the Wag. - Goodhall, from the Half Moon, and White I. ion, every Wednesday & Satur­ gon, and -West, from the While Lion, - Osborne, from the Cock, nery Wed. day-&- Good, from the Castle, Wed. every Wednesday. ToGLEMSFORD, - Clarlre, frorn the To ,-Gill, from Bridewell To STOKE BY CLARE, - Goldin!', Black .Boy, every Wednesday & Satur­ lane, daily; - Knop, from the Griffin, from the Castle, every Wednesday. day-and- Goulding, from the Castle, t'Very Wednesday and Saturday-and -­ To STOKE FERRY,- Steward, from every Wednl'sday. Firman, from the Mason's Arms, Wed. the Wool pack, nery Wednesday & Sat. To HADLEIGH, - Springett, from the To ,- Pettit, from the Wag­ To STOWLANGTOFT, - Lambert, White Lion, and-Southgatf', from the ~ton, every Wed. & Sat.-&-Charvel, from the Cock, Pvery Wednesday & Sat. Wool pack, every Wednesday. from the WoolpaC'k, every Wednesday. To STOWMARKET,- Wilding, from Tn HARGREVE, - Pettit, from the To LINTON, -Filch, from the Castle, the Doll' and Partridge, every Wednes­ Waggon, every Wednesday & Saturday. every We!lnesday. day.-St'e also IPSWICH Carriers. To H AR Ll N G,- Fiske, from the Castle, To LIVERJ\10RE,-Shinner,from Gar­ To , - Murrell, from every Wednesday. land at, daily-and - Fordham, from the Black Boy, every Wedne~day and To , - Gill, from Bridewell the Waggon, Wed. & Sat. [Wed. Saturday-and - Kates, from the Half lane, daily; - K nop, from the Griffin, To LOPHAM,- Fiske, from the Castle, Moon, every Wednesday. and - Snazel, from the Woolpack, To LYNN, - Jacobs, from the Griffin, To SUDBURY, Thomas Elliott, from the every Wednesday and Saturday. every Wednesday and Saturday. Suffolk Hotel, and-Ruggles, li:om the To HAUGHLEY, - Firman, from the To MELFORD, the Mail Cart, from Half Moon, every Wednesday and Sat. Mason's Arms, every Wednesday. Guildhall st, every afternoon at tive; To SWAFFHAl\'1,- Malt, from the Half To HAVERHILL,- Golding,fi'Om the - Ambrose, from the White ),ion; - Moon, every Wednesday. Castle, evf'ry Wednesday. Elliott, from the Suffolk Hotel, and­ To THETFORD, - Hutson, from the To , - Payne, from the Puwell, from the Half 1\J oon, Wed.& Sat. Half Moon; William Stone, from the Black Boy, and - Taylor, from the To lUILDENHALL,- Folkes., from the Castle, and - Woolsey, from the Wag. Saracen•s Head, every Wednesday. Three Kings, and - Powell, from the gon, every Wednesday. [every Wrd. To HAWSTEAD,- Gill, from Bridewell Half Moon, every Wednesday and Sat. To THORPE,- Fiske, from the Castle, lane, daily. To MUMFORD, - Steward, from the To THURLOW,-Pattl~,fromthe Half To HENGREVE,- Skinner, from Gar­ Wool pack, everyWednesday&Saturday. Moon, every Wed. & Sat.-&- Fitcb, land Mt, daily-and - Malt, from the To NAYLAND, - Southgate, from the from the Castle, every Wednesday. Half Moon, every Wedne~day. Woolpack, every Wednesday. To THURSTON,- Brown, from East­ To HEPWORTH, - Mothersole, from To NEEDHAM, - Wilding, from the gate st, daily-and - Knight, from the the White Horse, and- Walton, from Dog & Partridge, every Wednesday.­ Cock, every Wednesday. the Castle, every Wednesday &Snturday See also the IPSWICH Carriers. To ,-Skinner,fromGar­ and- Bales, from the Waggon, Wed. To NEW BUCKENHAM,-Fiske,from Jand st, daily; and -Fordham,from the To HESSET, - Hubbard, from the Half the Castle, every Wednesday. Wagg-on, every WednPsday & Saturday. Moon, every Wednesday & Saturday. To NEWMARKET and CAMBRIDGE, To TOSPOCK, - Firman, from the To HOCKHAM, - Hutson, from the - Osbourne, from the Wool pack, every Mason's Arms, every Wednesday. Half Moon, every Wednesday. Wednesday and Saturday-and Thomas To TROSTON,- Polly, from the Com­ To HOCKWOI.D, - Wells, from the Smith, from the Castle,everyWednesday. wallis, daily; and- Gerking, from the Three Goats, every Wednesday and Sat. To NORTHWOLD, - Steward, from same house, and - N uno, from the To HOPTON,- Bale~, from theWag!(on, the Woolpack, every Wednesday & Sat. Griffin, eTery Wednesday & Saturday. and - Fiske, from the Castle, every To NORTON, John Bradbrook, from the ToTUDDENHAM,-Lennard,fromthe Wednesdav and Saturday. Cock, every Wed. & Sat,-& William Cock, and - Snazel, from the Wool­ To ,-~Iurrell,from the Black Stilt, from the Castle, every Wednesday. pack, every Wedne•day & Saturday. Boy, every Wronesday & Saturday. To NORWICH, William Sykes•s Vans, To WALSHAM,- Fenn,from the King•• To HUNSTON,- Lock, from the Half from Risbygate st, every Monday, Wed­ Arms; George Finch, from the Cock, Moon, every Wednesday & Saturday­ nesday & Friday-Newdick & Co. from and- Goodhall, from the Half Moon, & - 'f'horogood, from the Fleece, Wed. Long Brackland, every Mon. & Thurs. every Wednesday and Saturday. To ,- Folke, from the -and - Fiske, from the Castle, Wed. To WATI'ON,-Woolsey,fromtbeWag. Three Kings, and - Levett, from the To NOWTON, - Gill, from Bridewell gon, every Wed. [Castle, Wed. Griffin, every Wednesday & Saturday. lane, daily. [the Castle, Wed. To WESTHORP, - Hates, from the To INGHAM,- Skinner, t'rom Garland To OLD BUCKENHAM,- Fiske, from To WESTROW, -Skinner, from Gar­ street, daily. To OUS DEN,- Pettit,from the Waggon, land st, daily-and - Powell, from the To IPSWICH, tbe Mail Cart, from Guild­ every Wednesday and Saturday. Half Moon, every Wednesday and Sat. ball st, every morning at five-James To PAKENHAM, - Goodhall, from the To WHEPSTEAU,- Clark, from the Garrod, from Risbygatest, and William Half Moon, and - Leader, from the Black Boy; - Snazel, from thP. Wool­ Simpson, from Soutbgate st, every Mon­ Star, every Wednesday & Saturday. pack; -Wells, from the Three Goats, day, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: - To POLSTEAD, - Soutbgate, from the & - K nop, from the Griffin, Wed. & Sat. Eurrows, from Bridewell lane, every Woolpack, every Wednesday. To , - Pettit, from Monday and Thursday-and - Os­ To , - Murrell, from the Waggon; - Pattle, from the Half borne, from the Castle, and- Spring­ the Black Boy, every Wed. & Sat.-and Moon; - Whiteroil, from the Wool­ ett,from the WhiteLion1everyWednes­ - Grindley, from the Half Moon, Wed. pack; - Simpkin,from theHalfMoon, day and Saturday. To RATTLESDEN,- Poole, from the and- Tay I or, from the Saracen•s Head, To ISLE HAM,- Audus,from the Griffin, Half Moon, every Wed. and Sat.-and every Wednesday & Saturday-and­ every Wednesday. Robert Moore, from the Castle, Wed. Fitch, from the Castle, every Wednesday To ,- Bales, from the Wag­ To RETHAM, - Hotson, from the Half To WOOI.PIT, - Nunn, from the Half gon; - Fiske, from the Castle, and - Moon, every Wednesday. Moon, and - Wildinsr, from the Dog N nnn,from the Griffin,eVI'TY Wlldnesday. To RICKINGHALL, - Bidwell, from and Partridgl', every W t'dnesday. To KENNlNGHALL,- Fiske, from the the White Lion, and- Sheppard, from To WORLINGTON,- Folkes,from the Castll', every Wednesday. the Half Moon, every Wednesday. Three Kings, and- Powell, from the To , - Audus, from the To RIDDLEWORTB,- Bales, from the Half Moon, every Wed. & Sat.-and­ Griffin, and - Wilson, from the Cock, Wag-gon, every Wednesday. Turner, from the Wool pack, every Wed. every Wednesday. To RISBY, -Atkin,from the Rising Sun, To WYCOMBE,-Leader,fromtbeStar, To , - Sonthgate, every Wl'd. & Sat. [gate st, daily. every Wrdnesday and Saturday. from the Woolpack, every We,6nesday. To ROUGHAM, - Brown, from East­ To WYVERSTONE,- Locke, from the ro , - Beeton, from the To SHlMPLil\G, -Pettit, from the Dog Half Moon, every \\'ed. and Sat.-&­ Castle, and - .1-'olke, from the Three and Partrid~;"e, every Wednesday & Fri. Baker, from the sa111e bouse,every Wed. Kings, every Wednesday. To SHROPHAM, - Hutson, from the To YARMOUTH, the Mail Cart, from To ,- Avey, from the Half Moon, every Wednesday. the Suffolk Hotel,every morning at Ove. Kings Arms, and- Newdick, from the To SIDLE HEDINGBAM, - Golding, To YELDHAM, - Golding, from the King's Head, every Wednesday & Sa- from the Castle, eyery Wednesday. Castle, every Wednesday. CLARE lis a small market town, in the parish of its name, remain, does not appear to have been inferior in gran­ and hundred of Risbridge; 56 miles N. E. by N. from deur to any of the feudal mansions in the kingdom: a London, and 18 s.s.w. from Bury St. Edmunds, situated narrow path, winding mund a bill, leads to this relic on the river Stour, which separates this county from of antiquity, which, when surrounded with verdure, Essex on the south. It was formerly a place of consi- forms a picturesque object. Clare is a place that derable note and extent, having a collegiate church and cannot boast buildings of modern architectural merit, monastery of regular canons, and a strong castle. The nor is it a town of manufactures or particular trade; latter edifice, once so celebrated, stood on the south there is a little traffic on the Stour in corn and coal, side of the town, and, from the few vestiges of it that and several mills are worked by its stream for grinding 544 Dirtttorn. CLARE.

the former commodity. There has been lately erected a son of Roger l\lmiirner, Earl of Ma~·ch, and next heir )lalldsome corn exchange. The principal inn here, the to the crown after Richard II. The living is a \"it"fficers are two headboroughs and two bailiff.~ for the baptists and independents. The charities compnse a honour of Clare; the former are appointed at the courts free-school for ten boys, with a small endowment leet and baron of the lords of the manor. There is a under the will of William Cadge, who also bequeathed eout"t held here fur the Dutchy of Lancaster, and the a sum toward-s the maintenance of ~ight poor widows; magistrdtes meet in petty sessions for the division. a Sunday school for children of both sexes, and several The parish church, dedicated to St. John, is an an- bequests for distribution amongst the poor. The market cient and beautiful structure, with a square tower; is held on Monday; and two fairs, for toys, on Tuesday in and is at present the principal ornament of the town. Easter week and the 26th of July. The parish of Clare Among other persons of note interred here is Edmund, contained, by the returns for 1831, 1,619 inhabitants.

POST OFPIGE:1 George Hammond, Post .MtUter.-Letters from all parts anive every morning at half-past eigh~ and are despatched every evening at six. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Steed John PAINTERS 61 QI.AZIERS. Barker Mrs.-, Priory Walliker John Armstead William Brise John Ruggles, esq. Spain hall BIUCKLAYEBS. Steed William Conyers Miss-, Priorr Candler Francis SADDLERs. Crought.on Mrs.-, Pnory How John Foulger Benjamin Elwes Rev. F. Clare Taylor Abraham Hewson Thomas Elwes J. P. esq. Stoke cottage Webb William SURGEONS. Fisher Rev. C. Ovington BUTCHERS. Barnes John Gent G. W. esq. Moynes park Ambros_e Matthew Martin Hill Captain, R.N. Ashen Goodcbdd Thomas Smith James Hopkins Rev.-, Stambourne Hammond James SURVEYORS. Hurlock Rev. William, Stoke CABINET. MAKEBS. lsaacson & Tattersall (&auctioneers Hyde Major Thomas, Clare Mortlock Charle11 and land agents) Ingram Rev.-, ~ain John H. Perry William Jardine J. H. esq. Stoke :Smoothy John TAILORS. Matbew .Miss- Clare CARPENTERS a BUILDERS. Alston Stephen (and hatter) Mathew Mrs. --: Clare Ambrose Joseph Blomfield William Nottidge Josiah, esq. Rose hill lve Robert Jolly James Pemberton Rev. Edward Belchamp Martin Joseph Robinsou WHliam (and glover) St. Paufs ' Perry William WATCH MAKERS. Squire Rev. E. Ashen CORN DEALERS. Hammond Ann Suttaby Rev. W. F. Poslingford Gunn Robet"t Mortlock William Terrett Mrs.-, Chilton hall Suttle Samuel (and coach maker) Palmer William Territt Mrs. Capt. Clare D.RUGGISTS. TI"Oughton Rev.-, Hawkedon Andrew John Betts {&stamp office) WHEELWRIGHTS. Weston Colonel , Poslingford Farrand Joseph ~m: ~~~~ge Wightman Rev. George, D.D. Clare Fenner James ACADEMIES AND SCHOOL. FIR~ &c.. OF:t"I~E AGENTS. Miscellaneous. Brown Sarah [master AMI CABLE, J oseph Farrand Brown Ed w~ tallow ebandler N U N J R Ra & S Brown Thomas, soap maker FREE ScHOOL-Benjamin Pratt, ORWICH NIO ' as. · Y 011 Duke Elizabeth, dress maker Fuller Henry RoYAL ExcHANGE, lsaacson and EI~ar James, cooper Heward Mary T«ttersall Fulcl1er & Pratt, boolm•llt-rs and print... a Laws Fredenck GROCERS1 DRAPERS~ 'AND Hammond George, basket maker ATTORNEYS. DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Pearson Richard, nurserymau Burleigh & Ermtt Fenn Robert Jay (grocer) Robinson Cornelins, currier [colourmaft Stevens Samuel Goody Samuel Sadler John Henry, ironmonger & eil &: BAKERS. Hemsted Henry K. COACH. Dyson John Rar James R. & Son Tt"l LONDON, the 7'imes, frl)lft the Half Flanders John Sp1cer Lewis Moon, eHry morning (Sunday escep. Lewis Samuel HAIR DRESSERS. ted), at nine. Pearson George Perry George CARRIERS. Welding James Spurge Richard To LONDON, Jno. Janis, every Thurs.. BANKERS. INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. 1lay and Saturday- and .lotio Pottl, Oakes, Bevan, Moore and Bevan Bear & CrQwn, James Bridgmao every Tuesday. b ) (d B ll M" h l\1 ll To BURY ST. EDl\fUNDS, John Gold- (B cane h O f S U d ury - raw on e • tea e or ing and William El mer. every Tuesday. Barclay, Bevan & Co. London) Cock, Susan Shelly To COLCHESTER, John Golding, Fri. BLACKSMITHS. Halfl\1oon(eommercial, posting, and To HAVERHILL, William El mer, every Bowyer Henri exciseoffice),JohnRobertBrowne Monday and Thursday-John Ja"i•, Ellingham Wi liam Swan, Edward Star every Wedne8da,. and Saturday-and Sparks Thomas White Hart, Samuel Bowyer J-ohn Goldin~, every Monday. BOOT ..,.... SHOE MAKERS. MALTSTERS & MILLERS. ToToe8day IPSWICH, and Saturday. William Elmer, evel"J Crow Josiah GayferThomas To SUDBURY, John Goldin~ and Wi1. Deeks John Ray Charles Jiam Etme.-, every Saturday. DEBENHA.l\1, Jls a small market-tnwn and parish, in the hundred of Lord Henniker,- Mills, Esq. and the corporation of "Thredling, 83 miles N. E. by N. from LondQn and 13 N. Ipswich. The government of the town, is vested in a from Ipswich; situated on a rising hill, near to the magistrate, assisted by three constables. The church, -source of the river Deben, upon which stream are se-re- dedicated to St. Mary, is rather a handsome structure, ral corn mills. It is a very clean little town; the spacious and in good n•pair, and contains some ancient count~ around is exce~din~ly picturesque, and the land monuments ; the living IS a vicarage, in the patronage of in a htgh state of cnltil'atwn. The road!'! leading to Lord Henniker; the Rev. GMrge Smalley is the pre­ Debenham have, of late years, received CQnsiderable sent incumbent. There is also a place of worship for improvements; and the one through it, being the near- independents. a public free-school, founded by Sir est from Norwirll to Ipswich, is the cause ofsome Robt.Hiteham,fortwentypoorchiJdreu,audanational traffic, but the chief support of the inhabitants is agri~ school. The market is held on Friday, and the fairs culture. The F.asteru Connties' Railway will pass on the 24th June, for toys, &c. and on the 8th of Au­ between two and three miles to the west of the town. gust, for cattle, ~beep and Jambs. The populatiou of lj,'he manor is divided property, in the possession of the paiil::!h, in 1831, wa.'l 1,629. 69 545 •~uffolft. DEBENHAl\f•

POS'l' OE'PlOZ:1 John Roberts, Post Master.-Lettcrs from all parts arrive every morning at half­ pkst seven, and are despatched every evening at six. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Gooding Thomas SADDLERS. CLERGY. Gooding William Clemence Henry Chevellier ~ev. John, Aspell BUTCHERS. Fulcher Charles Dove the Misses Mary & Sarah Amass Ann Poole Robert Dysart the Countess of, Helmingham Amass George SMITHS. Freeman Miss Lydia, Debenham CARPENTERS. Bennett William Jame::1 Rev. Thomas, Debenham Cook Edward Last Samuel Marden George, esq. Debenham Pollard Samuel Spall George Peck Mrs. Debenham DRUGGISTS. Thurkettle William Shorting Rev. Chas. Stonham Aspell Cunnell Henry STRAW HAT MAKER& Simpson Rev.-, Mickfield Etches James E Etches Mary Smalley Rev. George, Debenham . ~~RD NERS. Fisk Rebecca Wood Rev. Nicholas, Kentou Banett W!ll~am • suaCEONS. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Barrett Wilham, JUn. Canett Frederick FREE ScHooL, John Pal mer, master . GLOVERS. Lock Edward NATIONALSCHOOL - Nichols mastr Cm ter Thomas TAILORS. Pretty Miss (boardiug & day)' Hurn Chenery Amass Samuel Rands Israel GROCERS, DRAPERS AND Curtis George Ruddock Eli DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Curtis Robert • ATTORNEYS. Abbott Henry H S l Norrts James Andrews John (grocer) an-ey amue Powell Arthur (&fire office agent} Andrews Robert WATCH MAKERS. AUCTIONEERS. Dove Samuel (& !!pir·it mercl1ant) Ludbrooke Daniel Abbott Joseph Etches James Percy John Wythe & Palmer HAIR DRESSERS. WHEELWRIGHTS. Field Edward:QAKERS. B e d we11 R o b ert Bendell Ezekiel 'll'am Howes Charles Smith James Beecro ft W1 1 Summers John Carter Thomas Miscellaneous. Thurkettle Samuel INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. FairwPatherJohn, brazier aad tinmaa Thurkettle Widow Angel, John Summers Fisk William, cabinet makf'r BANKERS. Cherry Tree, Edmnnd Tydeman · Hou~:hton Mary, milliner & dress maker . h B 11 J S 'th Jacobs lsaac, parish clerk. Bacon an d Co.(draw on Glyn & Co. EIg t e s, ames In! Jessop Devereux, retail brc:wer London)-Samuel Dove, agent King's Head, Thomas Bedwell Last Willinm, cooper Oakes & Co. (draw on Barclay & MALTSTERS. M ann John, basket maker Co. London)-Jas. Non-is, agent Corner William (&corn merchant) Noller Samuel, sheriii's officer BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Simpson Robert J Pal mer John, collector oftaxe!l Arnold Francis MILLERS. Pettet Thos. timber mercbant, Winston Arnold Widow Chevellier Charles Pooley John, f<~rrier Corner John Py~tt Lot, ironmon~er. Gardner William F t A b 8m1th Charles, turner m wood Hyde Henry ros m rose PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. CARRIERS. Ludhrooke James 'To LONDON, Samuel Nollier, every BRICKLAYERS. Gullll Fenn Wednesday. Blazby Samuel Wythe John To IPSWICH, JobnAbbott,every Tue~ Gooding John Wythe John, jun. day and Saturday. EYE, WITH THE VILLAGE OF SCOLE (NoRFOLK) AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. · JE YE is a market town, and borough both corporate by the municipal reform act of 1835 under which the ~nd parliamentary, in the r,arish of its name and bun- corporation consists of a mayor (or bailiff), four alder­ dred of Hartismere-90 miles N. E. by N. from London,' men and twelve councillors, with the usual assistant 20 N. from Ipswich, and 5 s.s.E. from Diss; situated in! officers, styled 'the bailiff, burgesses and commonalty a valley, 1mrronnded on all sides by streams of pure of the town and burgh of Eye.' The county magistrate!f water. The Eastern Counties' railway will pass through have concurrent jurisdiction within the bomugh, for Eye, on its route from London to Norfolk. That this whieh sessions are held. The corporation have power was a station of the Romans is more than probable: in to hold a court of record for the recovery of debts to 1781, in digging up a field near this place, some labou- any amount, but no process has issued of late years· rers discovered a leaden box, contaimng some hundreds courts leet are held twice a year, about Lady-day and of Roman eoins and medals, all of the purest gold, chiefly Michaelmas. The elective franchise was conferred in of the emperors Honorius and Arcadms, well executed the thirteenth of Elizabeth, since which time until the and in high preservation; their value was about eleven passing of the reform bill it returned two members, but shillings each; nf'ar them lay a quantity of human by that measure it was deprived of one; the present re­ bones. In July, 1818, a considerable nuaber of Roman presentative is Sir Edward Kerrison, Baronet. urns were dug up, of different size, shape and ornamen- The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is a tal marks, all filled with calcined bones. Prior to the large and commodious structure, with a very handsome ~oppression of religions houses some importance was and lofty 8quare tower; the benefice is a vicarage, of attached to Eye: it had a Benedictine monastery, with which Sir Edward Ken·is011 is the patron. There are large possessions, founded by Robert Mallet, a Norman places of worship fnr baptists and Wesleyan methodists, baron, who also built the castle; the monastic ruins are a free school (with two exhibitions to Cambridge), a to be seen on the east side of the town, and the dilapi- national school, and alms-houses for poor widows or dated walls of the castle stand near the east end of the aged unmarried women. The market day is Tuesday, church. Like most other towns in a district entirely and a fair is held on the 30th May. In 1831 the borough agricultural1 this has no pretensions to manufacturing and parish contained 2,313 inhabitants. eelebrity; its business is of a domestic nature, and some About three miles from Eye is the village of ScoLE, of the humbler class of females exercise their industry a }!lace of great thoroughfare, situated ou the confines in lace-making. Some of the shops are well furnished; o. the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, oo the mail roads thereisanextensivebrewerybelongingtoMessrs.Ethe- leading from Ipswich to Yarmouth and Norwich, and ridge and Co., and an exeellent commercia! and posting at the point where the two branches diverge, and lead inn, the 'White Lion.~ The town-hall is a spacious edi- to the latter towns. The onll business establishment fice, in the eentre of the town· and the new gaol is a deserving mention i:5 the wel -known ' Scole Inn,' by iofty aud ronve~aient building. The inhabitants received which name, indeed, the villa/Se itself is frequently de­ a charter from King John, which was confirmed by signated by travellers: the inn wa8 erected bv a mer­ Queen Elizabeth, au(l rewained in force until superseded chant of London in the 17th century, at a cost exceeding 546 13irtctorn. EYE, &c. $uf£olk.

£1,400. at that period an enormous sum to expend . the same presentation as that of Eye. The population on such an undertaking. The church is dedicated to of the pansh of Scole (which is also called' Osmonde­ .St. Andrew; and the living is a discharged rectory, in 1ston,') amounted, in 1831, to 617 persons. POS'Z' OE'FICB EYE, Tobias Cloutin~, Post llfaster.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morning at half-past six, and are ifespatched every evemng at eight.-Letters from NoRWICH anive every night at half-past nine, and are despatched every morning at half-past five.

NOBILITY, GENTRY AND BOOKSE'LLERS1 STATIONERS Scole Inn, Henry Haynes, Scole CLERGY. AND PRINTERS. Star, William B'ntton, Castle st Baylis Captain Philip, Stoke Bishop Robert, Broad st Swan, John Lake, Back st Bayning Lord -, Broome rectory Nurse Richard, Broad st Three Horse Shoes, Lydia Ward,. Bediugfield Rev. James, Bedingfield BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Castle st [tle market Blakeley Captain-, Stoke Feannan John, Church st Victoria Arms, John Lake, jun. Cat- Campell Rev. William, Church yard Forman Jesse, Scole White Lion Inn (posting and com- Chenery Thomas, esq. Lambseth st Harold Samuel, Scole mercial), William Alien, Broad s• Chenery.Mr. 'fhos. jun. Lambseth st Mallows Samuel, Scole IRONMONGERS & BRAZIBRS. Cook Miss Elizabeth, Castle st Page Edward, Castle st B b W'll' B d t Cotton -, esq. Oak lawn Roper James, Church st ar e.r 1 mm, roa s Cox Rev. Dr.-, BREWERS. Burle1gh Samuel, Church st Creed Rev. Henry, l\1ellis Etheridge, l'lowerdew and Gowing, LEATHER CUTTERS. Denny Mrs. Harriet. Lamba;eth st Back lane Aldous Robert, Castle st Eade Miss Hannah, Castle st Mudd George, Church st [st Page Edward, Castle st Farrow Mrs. Mary, Lambseth st Tacon Richard & Charles, Lambseth LINEN & wooLLEN DRAPER& Frank Mrs.-, Oakley house BRICKLAYERS. Cason William, Broad st Havers Thomas, esq. Thelton hall Arboum Isaac, Scole Nayler and Gissing, Broad st Henniker Hon. Lord, Broome hall Lawrence William, Church st Sewell George, Lambseth st Howes Rev. Thomas, Thorudon Maniott Henry, Magdalene st MALTSTERS. Ken·ism1 Sir Edwd. bart. Oakley park Penning Daniel, Lambseth st Etheridge, Flowerdew and Gowing• Kirby Rev. Henry, Broome Tye l\lark, Church st Back lane Knevett Rev. John, Hoxne BUTCHERS. Short George, Church st J..,ee the Misses, Scole Chase Robert, Broad st Tacou Richd. & Charles, Lambseth et. Leeke Mrs.-, Yaxley hall Gissing Anthony, Church st MILLERS. Moon Mrs.-, Church st Jessup John (pork), Church st Aldridge -,Eye Notley Rev. Charles, Church st Lake John, Cattle market Foulser William, Eye Pearl George, esq. Hoxne Sturgeon Samuel, Castle si Cooper James, Eye Press Miss, Scole CARPENTERS. Otford and Son, High mill Pretyman Robert, esq. Church st Day Daniel, Church st Thrower Willam, Scole Scott Captain N. D. Hoxne Day Joseph, Back lane MILLINERS & DRESS MA.KRS Sherman Mrs.-, Castle st Jesst;, Scole Penning Martha, Church st Sprigg Rev.-, Yaxley Penmng Damel, Lambseth st Woolnough Mary Church st Walker Rev. George, Scole Rayner Thomas, Scole MUSIC T~ACHERS Wallis Reuhen, esq. Eye Stannard and Brooks, Castle st Pashley Joseph, Lambseth st Ward Rev. John, Stoke CHIN At GLAss, &c. DEALERS., Weaman Owen (and dancing) Eye Whittaker Mrs. Jane, Scole Church John, Broad st ' W'-"the John, esq. Chandos lodge Collings John, Church st PAIN'l'ERS AND GLAZIERS. J Neale John, Castle st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. CHYMISTS AND DR'OGGISTS. Sturgeon William, Castle st FREE GRAMMAR ScHooL, Church st Bishop Robert, Broad st SADDLERS. -Rev. Charles Notley, master 1 Nurse Richard, Broad st l\farsh William, Lowgate st Garneys Sarah & Charlotte (board- Rush John Castle st Remington Richard, Lambseth st ing and day), Castle st I CORN MERCHANTS. Tricker William, Lowgate st NATIONAL ScHooL- David King Etheridge, )<,lowerdew and Gowing, sURGEONs. Haslop, master I Back lane Ashford Seaman, Castle st Pretty Elizabeth (boarding & day), Wilkinson Charles John, Castlt> st Edwards George, Lambseth && · Lambseth st [seth st 1 FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Lewis Henry, Scole Sewell Henry,(brdng. & day),Lamb- ALLIANCE, John Bishop, Broad st l\foore Richard, Magdalene 8& 1 - ARTIST. • • I EQUITABLE, Richd. Nurse, Broad st TAILORS. Mendham Robert (portrait painter), IMPERIAL Edgar Chenerv Castle st Bond Josehh, Magdalene M Church PALLADIUM,' Thos. F rench' ~ cast 1 est Borrett Jo n, Lowgate st ..Chenery Edgar Castle st NoRWICH UNION, John Bishop and Candy William (and draper}, Scole French Thoma~ Castle st William Barber, Broad st Gissiug George, Church st Lawton George'Warner, Castle st RoYAL ExcHANGE, William Tbur· Pretty Robt. (and draper}, Castle st Syer Edward, Lambseth st low, Back st Read William, Magdalene st BAKE-RS, SUFFOLK, Thomas Frencht Castle st WATCH AND CLOCK MAKE Bt. Denny William, Church st [st . GLOVERS. Barber William, Broad st Gissing Jno. (&confectioner) Castle Robmson James, Castle st Batchelor Henry, Lowgate st Leathers Frederick, Church st Sadd Lancelot, Castle st Calver Susan, Broad st Mouncer Clement (&confectioner), GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS Skinner Mark, Castle st Broad st Bishop John, Broad st Rampling Jesse, Back st Catt John, Church st WHEELWRIGHTS. Sadd Lancelot, Castle st Collins John, Church st Bass William, Scole BANKERS. Rix John, Scole Day Joseph, Back lane EAST OF ENGLAND BANK, Castle st s~well George, Lambseth st Girling Daniel, Ca8tle st (draws on the London and West- HAIR DRESSERS. Rodwell Widow, Scole minster Bank)-Thomas I<'rench, Bickers Henry, Castte st Miscellaneous. agent Gooderham Daniel, Magdalene st Church John, furniture brt~ker, Broad et Gumevs' and Co. Broad st--(draw INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Dykes Robert, cooper, Church at . 1 B & C L d B 11 R b t R L b th t Etherid~~;e8olomau,basket makr,Churebllt on Barc ay, evan o. on on) u • 0 er eeve, am se 8 FisherJuo.landagent8tsorveyor,Brot!.dat -John Bishop, agent . Crown, William l\loss, l\lagdalene st Garrod Racbael, iroa founder, Low~ate SAVINGS' BANK, Broad st-John Grapes, Geo.l\fudd, jnn. Church st Harvey Josepb,sllopkerJH!r, Low~tec&t Bishop, secretary Greyhound, James Cracknall, Scole Lait Robf'rt, coaeb maker, Church st BLACKSMITHS. King's Arms, William Churchyard, Lawrence Ro~rt.mace bearer, Eye Rodwell Widow, Scole Castle st l\Iendbam Rb!.Yarnisb maouftr. Church st · h Th & J h Cb h K" • Id S I M oore John, collector of rate., Church 1t S m1t omas 08ep , urc st mg s Head, James A ous, eo e Mudd Gf'o.registrarofmaniage11,£'hureb .t Thurlow William, Back l!lt King's Head,FrancisSmith,Churchst Pittick John, clerk to the llOJDmiaaioM•• Waterman John, Ca~tle ~t Red Lion, Mark Tye, Church st oftaxtos, :Eye 547 ;eutioUt. EYE, &e.

MISCELLANEOVS-Conl'in"ed. ing at ninej goes through lp;;wich, &c. To BUN GAY, Noller &; Boswood'a Wag~ Prentiee Daniel, gunsmith, Lambsetb at To BUNG AY, the Star (from London), gon, every Tuesday. Rod well Robert, veterinary surgeon, Scole calls at the White Lion, every afternoon To BURY ST. EDMUNDS.- Motter­ Se\'ille George, cooper, Lambseth st at five; goes thro' 8cole, H arleston, &c. sole,from the Three Hone Shoes, every Strutt .Joseph, shopkeeper, Church st To NORWICH, an Omnibus, from the Friday. TH BATRB, Charles Fisher, proprietor Victoria Arms, every Wednesday and To IPSWICH, Francis Smith, from the UNION WORKHOUSE, John Tbornton, Saturday morning at five. King's Head, nery Monday & Thur&­ master day, & Frederick A rey, from the King's COACHES. CARRIERS. Arms, every Tuesday and Friday. To LONDON, the Star(from Bun~ay), To LONDON,Noller& Boswootl's Wag­ To NORWICH,Francis Smith, from tblt calls at ihe White Lion Inn, every rnorn- gon, from Castle st, every Thursday. King's Head, every Tuesday & Friday. FRAl\ILINGHAl\1 AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. FRAMLING HAM is a market town and parish, in vaders. To this castle Qneen Mary, of-ruthless memoryp the northern extremity of the hundred of Lowes; 87 retired on the death of her brother, Edward VI. The miles N. E. from London, 18 N. E. by N. from Ipswich, town contains several res2ectable and well built houses, and 8 from Debenham, pleasantly situated on an emi- and two principal inns. is a polling sta­ nence, near the source of the river Ore. The town is tion at election of members for the eastern division of of great antiqui~y-its name being composed of the the county. . Saxon words fremdling and ham, meaning the habita- The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is a stately and tion of strangers or foreigners. Its principal ornaments capacious structure, built entirely of black flint, with a ,are the church and the ruins of its ancient castle ; the square tower, ninety feet high, embattled and iittrength­ latter situated on a clay hill, on the north side of the ened with buttresses, and contains a clock and musical town, ha\·ing on the west side a mere, or marsh, for- chimes. The interior is kept in excellent condition, merly a lake. Of the outer wall, yet standing, it has and there are many monuments, of great antiquity and been justly remarked that it still looks more like a castle interest, in a fine state of preservation ; some of these ~n the ruins of one. It is Stlpposed to have been are to the memory of the earls and dukes of Norfolk, erected by Redwald, the most powerful king of the East and others of the nobility. The living is a rectory, in Angles; 1ts form is rather an irregular curve, ap~roach- the gift of the master and fellows of Pembroke Hall, ing to a circle. The walls are forty-four feet high and Cambridge. There are places of worship for inde­ eight thick, flanked with thirteen square towers, four- pen dents, unitarians, and W esleyan methodists, and a teen feet higher than the ramparts; and these, together chapel of ease at Saxtead, in this parish. The charities with the battlements, remain in sufficient perfection to are. some almshouses founded by Sir Rolilert Hitcham, afford a tolerable idea of the whole. It was one of the and others by Thomas Mills, a free school, established seats of St. Edmund, the king and martyr; and to this by the first named gentleman, for forty poor children; fortress he fled, in the year 870, from the relentless and an apprenticeship fund, attached to the school. Danes; from whence, bemg hard pressed, and without The market is held on Saturday, in a spacious area. hopes of succour, he endeavoured to escape, but was Tht:: fairs are held on Whit-Monday and the lOth Octo.. overtaken in his flight, and put to death by these in- ber. The parish contained, in 1831, 2,445 inhabitants. POS'l' O'E'FZCB~ Samuel Bloss, Post .11/aster.-Letters from all parts arrive every mooing at eight. and are despatched every evening at half-past six. NOBILITY GENTRY AND BAKERS. CARPENTERS. Gi:NTRY. Leek Spencer (and confectioner) Clarke James .Attwood Rev. George, Framlingham Middleton Robt. B. (&confectioner) Clutten Henrv (and stone mason) Clubbe James, esq. Earl Soham Newson Charles (and confectioner) Dallestone Daniel Cooper Mrs. , Parham [ham Walker Robert (and confectioner) Dallestone Henry Darby Rev. John Warren, Framling- Whayman David Gostling Benjamin Fmer 1\Irs. Sophia, Framlingham Whayman David, jun. Thompson Abraham Gooch John Nance, Brun~ish hall BANKERs. Wailer Daniel Good ~ev. Tlwrnas, Framlingl_lam Gurneys & Co. (Branch)-(draw 00 CHYMISTS AND DRVGGISTB. Goodw~n Mr.Edwd.G. F~mhnghm Barclay, Bevan & Co. London)- Clutte.n Henry • Goodwm Mr. John, Fram~mgham Charles Edwards, agent l\Iaunmg Sarah (drugg1st) G01ton Rev. Rober~ Baddmgham SAVINGS' BANK-George Edwards, COACH MAKERS. GroomeRev.J .N. H mdes,EarlSoham secretary Hart Samuel Groome Rev. J. N. H.jun.EarlSoham Wightman Samuel Groome Rev. Robert, Earl Soham BOOKSEL~:.::Rs a PRINTERS. COOPERS. Hardy Rev. Alfred, Framlingham Freema~ W1lliam D. Waters Charles Henchman Rev.-, Earl Soham Green Richard Whayman David Hindes l\lrs. -, Framlingham BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. CWickham Market & Woodbridge. Bridges John Fruer Darling John To ~ORWICH, the Union (from lpswicb), MALTSTERS. Farrow Joseph (and hatter) calls at the Crown & Anchor Inn, n-ery Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning Edwards George Garlett William at a quarter before twelve; goet thr~ Keer George Hrooke (and brewer) Measures John Stradbroole,Harleston,&LongStratton. Lancaster Edward (and wine and Newson Stephen CARRIERS. ~pirit merchant) Rowland James WATCH MAKERS. To LONDON,- Holmes, from his house, "Wightman J eptha every Monday & Thursday, & Samuel Wightman J onathan Barker Samuel Keer Noller, from the Waggon and Horses, MILLERS. Barnes every Wednesday. Kindred John WHEELWRIGHTS. To HALESWORTH, Josepb Sawyer, Smith John Bridges John from the Crown & Anchor, every Tues. Leggett John day and Saturday. Woods Samuel To IPSWICH, Robert Wightman, from MILLINERS. Moore John his boose, every Thnrsday-lsaac Roll:• Barker Eliz. (and straw hat maker) Miscellaneous. by, from the Bare and Hounds, everr Capon Mary (and dress maker) Bald win 'l'hos. W. auctioneer & appraiser Wednesday and Saturday- Wm. Smith, Blmnlield Stepben, fellmonger from the White Horse, nery Tuesday PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS. Bridges Job, saddler and harness maker and Fridav, & Roger Hart, every Tues. :Fisk William Harding William, brazier and tinman To WOOD BRIDGE, Rohert Wigbtman, Wooloough Constantioe (&painter) Leek Ann Do•Jghty, straw bat maker from his house, daily. HADLEIGH AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. HADLEIGH is a neat market-town and parish, in by a lofty spire. Dr. Wilkins, one of the late rectors, the hundred of Cosford ; 64 miles N. E. from London, was at the expense of a very tine altar-piece in tha and about 9! w. by s. from Ipswich; seated in a valley, chancel; and the edifice was greatly improved by the on the river Bretoo. It was formerly a corporate town, Rev. Dr. Tanner, his successor. Th1s church is said to governed hy a mayor, aldermen and common council; be the burial-place of Guthrum, a Danish chieftain, but, a quo warranto bein~ brought against them, they who, being defeated by King Alfred, embraced christi­ surrendered their charter in the reign of James 11, and anity. Dr. Rowland Taylor, a rector of this living, in no other has since been granted to the inhabitants. The the reign of the cruel bigot Mary, was burnt on the ad­ town is now within the jurisdiction of the county magis- j oinin~ common for his adherence to the doctrines of trates, who hold petty sessions; and courts baron are the Reformation. The living of Hadleigh is a rectory, held for the manor. Hadleigh is a pollin~ station at in the gift of the see of Canterbury ; the venerable the election of members for the western division of the Archdeacon Lyall is the present incumbent. There are county. The woollen trade, that once flourished in places of worship for baptists, independents and Wea. this town, has lon~t been confined to the spinning of leyan methodists. The charities comprise almshouses, yarn; and the only other branch existing under the founded bf Dr. Pykenham in 1497, for twenty-four aged head of manufactures is that of silk throwinJt by one persons o both sexes; other almshouses, of ancient establishment. :Malt is made here to a considerable foundation, foreightpoorinhabitants; British, national extent, and there are three or four corn mills. and infants' schools, and some bequests for the benefit The jrincipal ornament of Hadleieh is its church, of the poor. The market is held on Monday, and the situate in the middle of the town; it is dedicated to fairs on the Monday in Whitsun-week and the 11th St. Mary, and is a handsome spacious structure, chiefty October. The parish contained, by the census taken in the later style of English architecture, surmounted in 1831, 3,425 inhabitants. POST OFFICE., High-street, HADLEIGH, John Patmore Ellisdon, Post Master.-Letters from LoNDON, IPSWICH, &c. anive every morning at seven, and are despatched every evening at seven. LetterJ (by ~ penny post), arrive from BILDESTON every evening at a quarter before seven, and are despatched every

mormng at a quarter past seven. • lfOBILITY,. GENTRY AND Pritty Mr. Thomas, High st *Jaynes John, Benton st CLERGY. Raven Rev. John, Benton st •Neville & Thorne, HadleiRh bridi{S Baker Mrs. Elizabeth Haste, High st Reeve Rev. Thomas, Reydon NATIONAL ScuooL, Church yard- Baker John, esq. Waterhouse hall Rowley Charles, esq. Holbecks John Norford, master Beeton Mrs.-, High st Rowley Dowager Lady, Holbecks '*Tovell Edward Ribbans, High st Bowley Charles, esq. Holbecks Ruflles Mr. Benjamin, Hieh st Bryer Mr. William, Church yard ATTORNEYS. Sheldrake Mrs. Robert, High st Bunn Edward, High st Carrington Rev. Arthur, Church st Spear Rev. James, Elmset Cook Rev. James, Semer Last & W allace (and clerk to the Strutt l\liss Ann, Benton st [age magistrates and to the Casford. Cook the Misses, Market place Studd Rev. Henry, Groton parson­ Dawson Rev. GeorgeAugustus, Ed- union), Church st Terry the :Misses, Market place Offord Henry, Hadleigh ball wardstown hall Wade Mrs.-, HiRh street Drake :Mrs.-, High st Wallaee Rev. Arthur C. J. Church st BAKERS. Hughes Rev. Henry Hunter, Whishaw Mrs. Elizabeth, High st Brown Jas. ( & confectionr.) High at Keymer Miss-, High st Gardiner TiUett, Brid!(e st LyallVenerableArchdeaoon,Rectory ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Green William, Benton st Maskall Mr. Edward, Hieh st Marked thus • are Boarding and Day. Norfolk Gregory, Church st [st Moo re Rev. Benjamin, Boxford BRITISH ScHOOL, High st-J ere- WellsGodfrey(&confectioner),High Newman Richd. esq. miah Buck, master BANKERS. Phipps Rev.-, Boxford '*Grimwade John, Bridge st Alexanders & Co. High st-(draw Pickess Mrs.-, High st '*Hasell Mary, High st on Barnett, Hoares & Co. London) Piper Mrs. Frances, High st INFANTs' ScHoot., Hi2h st-.-Mary MilLs, Bawtree & Co. Church st­ Powell Rev. William, George st Fidgett, mistress - (draw on Hankeys & Co. London) 549 ;uttolft. HADLEIGH, &c.

BLACKSMITHS. FARRIERS. SURGEOl'fS. Brownsmith John, High st Grimwade John, Angels& Growes John, High st Cook John, Market place Long Robert, High st Mudd William, High st Godbold John, Benton st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGEl'fTS. TAILORS. Lingley John, Benton st Marked thu&" are also Drapers~ Payne John, Bridge st CoUNTY, Caleb Simpson, High st Howard John, High st LAw AssuRANCE, Last & Wallace, *Sage Edward, High st BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS Church st [ st AND PRINTERS. Staines John, Benton st NoRWICH UNION, Thomas Lait, High •Staines Matthew, High lit Hardacre Henry (and stamp office), SuFFOLK, Hy. Offord, Hadleigh hall *Webb John, High st Hi~h st *Webb John (& hattel'), High st Piper John Dixon, George st GROCERS# DRAPERS & DEAL- ERS IN SUNDRIES. TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSESr BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Ansell & Co. High st Barley Mow, Jn.Scriviner, Benton st Chisnall Thomas, George st Botten James (&clothier), High st Cock, Wm. Hurrell, George st [st Cook John, High st Harvey Daniel Horton, H1gh st Kin~'s Arms, Ann Edmonds, Benton Death Matthew, Church st Howchin William, High st King's Head, Robert Long, High st Ellisdon John Patmore, High st Pettitt Levi (grocer), Angel st Ram, Ann Larter, Market place Gardiner Tillett, Bridge st Sallows Robert, High st Shoulder of Mutton, John Mott, Hart Wm. (& leather cutte~·), High st INNS, High st May James, High st Wheat Sheaf, David Pratt, High st Salmon Henry, High st George (&posting house), Richard Tozer, High st White Hart, Thomas Mott, Had.. Smith John, Church yard leigh bridge .Spooner John, High st White Horse (commercial) Thomas Spooner William, George st Clubbe Column, High st WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS White Lion (commercial, posting & Al'fD SILVERSMITHS. BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. excise office ),J os. Stevens, High st Gurdon George, High st Deeks William, An~el st IROl'fMONGERS, Payne Ann, High st Simpson Henry, Hieh st Pritty & Clavden ( & oil and colour• Simpson Caleb, High st Simpson Thomas, High st men), High st Simpson William Henry, High st WHEELWRIGHTS. MALTSTERS. Gardiner Thomas, Hadleigh bddge­ BREECHES MAKI:RS AND Chisnall Thomas, George st Herbert Peter, High st GLOVERS. Clark Joseph, Benton st Gullen John, An11el st Cross Wilham, Angel st Miscellaneous. Oxford Thomas, Hilth st Elsden High st Branch Henry, basket maker, Angel si lsaac, Brown & Moy, silk throwster, Duke st Pri!!g William, Angel st Fenn Charles, Bridge st Coeksedge Henry, ,gun maker, High st BRICKLAYERS Al'fD BBICK Feun J osiah, High st Cork Charles, supervisor, Market place Frost Shadracl1, High st Cosl"ORD UNION, Semer-Thomas Pat- MAKERS. Grimsey William, Angel st terson, governor; George Scott and Brook Robert, High st Godbold John, Benton st Thomas Stow, relieving officers. Derrick Jas. & Wm. iron founders, High at Clarke John, Benton st Maskall Edwd. jun. Hadleigh bridge Cooke Edward, Benton st Downs .Edward, stone mason, High st Pettitt Levi, Angel st Flack John, hempen cloth manufacturer, Wilkinson Henry & Son, George st Pratt David, High st George st [HiJ!:h at BUTCHERS. Rand Joseph, High st Goldin~t Wiiliam, tanner & fellmooger, Syer Abraham, Windmill GrimwRde William, juu. wiDe and spirit Brown Thomas, George st merchant, H i~rh st [Hi~h st Day George, Benton end Syer John, Hadleigh bridge H ardll.('re Henry, inspector of corn rP.turns, Day John, High st White John, Angel st LoveleyWm. nursery & seedsman,High st Dunningham Isaac, Angel st Wilson Thomas, George st Nunn Samuel, millwright, Market place MILLERS. Offord Robert, cutler, High st Frost Henry, George st Robin son John Smith, auctioneer, High st Hasell BenJamin, High st Baker Henry, Toppesfield mill Scrivener Charles, currier& lenther aeller, Mott William, High st Deeks Robert, B riage st Duke Rt W elham Ran son, High st Syer Abmham, Windmill . Stow Thomas, ltritisl1 wine dealer, High st Wbelham John, gardener, Angel sl CABINET MAKERS. Vmceut James, Aldham mill Clark J oseph, Benton st MILLil'fERS & DRESS MAKRS. COACH. Lamb William Henry, High st [st Long & Groom, High st • To LONDON, the Wellington, from the Geot·~:e every morning (Sunday ex­ Underwood Lawr. (&mason), High Parson Sarah & Susannah, High st eepted), at half-past six; goes through Piper Frances, High st Stoke, Nayland, Colchester, &c. CARPEl'fTERS. Pntty Elizabeth, Benton st Bantock John, Benton st Salmon Amelia, High st CARRIERS. Cordel' Joseph (&builder), High st To LONDON, John Warren & Samuel Driver Thomas, Angel st PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Steward from Angels!; and John Broom, Parson Clark (& bmlder), High st GLAZIERS. from the Shoulder of 1\'1 utton, every Reeve Sarah, High st Gardiner Benjamin, High st •rhorsday; and Bennell & Co. f, o~ the Hawkins Joseph, High st King's Head, every Tuesday & Fnday. CHil'fA# GLASS~ &c. DEALERS. To BILDESTON, the Mail Cart, from Lloyd Sarah, Hig-h st the GPorge, every morning at seven. Lewis Thomas ( & clothier), High st Reeve George, New st To COLCHESTER, John Warren, from Pritty & Clayden, High st Stow Thomas, High st Angel st, every Saturday; ar11l Stanbury and Porch, from the White Horse,.Mon. CHYMISTS & DRUGGISTS. PERFUMERS AND HAIR To IPSWICH, 11. Mail Cart, from the Storey Henry, High st DRESSERS. George, every evening at seven-John Wick James, High st Bare Benjamin, High st Warren, from Angel st, daily-Jobn Ray John, High st Sp1ingett, from the Kin~s Head, and - COACH BUILDERS. Rush brook, from the Shoulder of Mut­ Verlander Samuel, High st ton, every Monday and Thnrsday­ Green Jacob, Benton st William Linl{, from the WhitP- Horse, Jolly Robert, High st SADDLERS AND H.&Rl'fESS every Tuesday and Friday-and William MAKERS. M ann, from the Heath, Momlay & Fri. COOPERS. Goodrich Joseph, Higll st To LAV£1\HAM, John ~pringett, from Faiers James Bransby, High st Kersey Robert, High st the Kin1(>sHead,and-Rtlshbrook,from Faiers Robert, High st tbe Shoulder of Mutton, Tn«>sday & Fri. Sexton Thomas, High st Tn STOWMARKET, John Broom, from Warren James, High st Wells John, High st the Shonliler of Mutton, every Monday. CORN DEALERS. STRAW HAT MAKERS. To SUDBURY, William Lin~, from the White Horse, every Wednesday and Chisnall Thomas, George st Bantock Sarah, Benton st Saturday-William l\1anu, from the Frost Henry (&hop), Highs~ Lloyd Sarah, High st Heath, Tuesday and Friday-11nd John Towns George, High st Palmer Sarah, Benton st Rug~l•s, from the White Horae, Tuu. Wittle James, High st Venn Selina, High st day aud Saturday. 550 ~uttollt. HALESWORTH Jls a market town and parish, in the hundred of Bly- present incumbency of the Rev.Joseph Badeley. There thing; lOO miles N. E. from London, and 31 N. E. by N. are places of worship for haptists, independents, unita­ from Ipswich; situated in a valley on the banks of the rians, and W esleyan methodists; an endowed fi·ee river Blyth, which is navigable for barges from hence school, one upon the national plan, and almshou8es to its mouth at Southwold. Though a place of consi- belonging to the parish for fourteen indi~ent widows. -derable antiquity, it contains nothing worthy of notice The principal seat in this neighbourhood is 'Heaven- -excepting its handsome church and a t~hantry. Malt- ingham hall,' belons:ing to Lord H untingfield; the ing is carried on here extensively, and a good business mansion is a magmficent edifice, being 200 feet in is aone in corn on the market days. The magistrates ot length, adorned with Corinthian columns and other the hundred hold quarterly meetmgs here, and mano- chaste ornaments; and, seated on rising ground, appears rial courts are held occasionally. Halesworth is a pol- to great advantage from various parts of the extensive lin~ station at the election of members for the eastern park; the latter is clothed with fine plantations, and -dinsion of the county. the avenue that leads to it from the porter's lodge is of The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a noble edi- great length and beauty. A fine sheet of water is fice, constructed of flint, with a low but handsome spreadoutinfrontofthebuilding,andtheinteriorisem­ tower, in which is a beautiful clock. The church, a bellished by a valuable collection of pictures, chiefty of few years since, received an addition of more than two the Dutch and Flemish masters. The market is held hundred sittings, the expense of which was partly de- on Tuesday, and an annual fair on the 29th of October frayed by the ch11rch society. The living is a discharged for cattle. The palish, at the census taken in 1831. rectory, with the vicarage of Chediston annexed, in the contained 2,473 inhabitants. POST OFPIOB, Thoroughfare, William Watson, Post Master.-Letters from all parts arrive (by tnail cart) from SAXMUNDHAM every morning at nine, and are despatched every evening at half-past six. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Gurneyr-.', Turner, and BJightwen, CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. CLERGY. Market place (draw ou Barclay, Clarke John, Queen st Atthill Rev. Lombe, Bt·idge st Bevan and Co. London). Gooderham Mary, Bridge st Badeley .Mrs. Elizabeth, Market pi NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF Rope1· Samuel, Quay st Badeley Rev. Joseph, Rectory ENGLAND (Branch), Thoroughfare Tippell Thomas, Thoroughfare Baker l\lrs. Lydia, Mill hill -(draws on the London Joint- CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Bence Colonel, Thorington hall stock Bank)-Jo11. Riches, agent Reynolds Thos. Thoroughfare [fare Cole Rev. William Grc~.ham, Walpole BASKET. & .si:t::VE MAKERS. RudlandGeo.Harrington Thomugh· .Cookley Rev. William Bond, Cookley Buller BenJam m, JUn. Queen st ' Crutwell Rev.-, Spexall Hopson Henry, Pounds& COAL MERCHANTS, Denuant Rev. John, Pound st King James, Pound st H.arvey Joseph, Thoroughfare Huntingfield the Right Hon. Lord, Took Adam Bridge st Rmgwood Hamment, Quay Heaveningham Hall BL~CKSMITHs. S~ead Patlick (and corn), Quay st Lemon Georg_e, esq. Brampton (See also 1f7hitesmiths.) T1ppell Thomas, Quay Lemon Rev. Thomas, Brampton Jarmy John, Queen st COOPERS. :Mason Rev.-, Bramfield l\Iudd William, Holton road Kent Thomas, Quay st 1\layhewRev.Jas.Wm.topofPoundst Rose James, llridge st Wade Denny, Thoroughfare Nunn Rev. Thomas, l\Iillst Smith George, White Hart yard CORN CHANDLERS. Owen Rev. Henry, Heaveningham Throwe1· William, Holton Barber Robert, Queen st Parkins George, esq. Chediston hall Tilney Henry, Pound st Boyden Johu (& seedsman), Mill st Reeve Richard, esq. Mill st Upton William, Holton L d W'll'1 Th hf: Reeve Robt. Richd. es~ Holton hall BOOKSELLERS & PRINTERS. an Iam, oroug are Page Thoma~, Bridge st Robiusonl\Irs. .Mary, ridge st Roper Samuel, Quay st Watson William, Thoroughfare Ross Rev.-, Holton road Tippell Thomas, ThoroUizhfare Thompsonl\lissesLeonom&Sophia, BOOT AN!) SHOE MAKBRS. CURRIERS AND LEATHER Holton road Bird William, Queen st CUTTERS. Turner Rev. Samuel Blois, Pound st Boniwell William, Quay st Gunter Thomas, Queen se TuthillMiss -, Holton road Chapman John, Pound st Hoggman Benjamin, l\lill st Worship Rev. William R. Holton Croft Daniel, Queen st FARRIERS. ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Cullingford Titus, Queen SI Neeve Thomas, Pound st Marked thus* are Boarding and Day. Fenn John, Market place Smith Sidney, Queen st •Clarke Emma and Ellen, Quay st Kindred Phineas, Holton road FREE SCHOOL, Holton-MarthaTut- Kindred Phineas Wm. Thoroughfare FELLMONGERS. hill, mistress Land William, Thoroughfare Clarke John (&tanner), Queen 81; •Harvey Joseph, Pound st 1\larkham William, Mill st J efferson Charles, Thoroughfare Ha.xell Ebenezer, Mill st Mingay James, Holton FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. INFANTS' ScHooL, Pound st--Lucy Newson Samuel, Market place ATLAs,SarahAllcock,Quay st [ Bird, misn·ess Sacret Thomas, jun. Thoroughfare EAGLE (life)J no.Crabtree, Thorough­ NATIONAL ScHooLs, Holton road- Sawing John, Market place NoRWICH UNION, Thomas Tippell, Henry Grumbold, master; Mary BRICKLAYERS. Thoroughfare Collins, mistress Juby James, Queen st PHt:ENix, John Read, Pound st •Wilson Caroline, Quay st Newson Stephen, Queen st RoYAL ExcHANGE, Daniel Forman, ATTORNEYS. Woodyard Charles, Pound st Market place Crabtree Robt.&John,Thoroughfare BUTCHERS. SuN, Charles Bryant, Thoroughfare Read John, Pound st Brown Joseph Moss, Thoroughfare White and Baas, Market place Collett James, Queen st FURNITURE BROKERS. AUCTIONEERS &SURVEYORS Fornian James, Quay st Gobbett & Sons, Thoroughfare Davy John, Pound st Keable Charles, Bridge st Jefferson Charles, Thoroughfare l:lowlett Jonathan, Whissett Keable John, Holton GROCERS AND DRAPERS. BAKERS & FLOUit. DEALERS. Simmous John, Queen st (See also Shopkeepers.) Marked thus • are also Confr::tioners. Winter Daniel, Queen st Aldis John, Pound st •Baker William, Market place CABINET MAKERS. Aldred James (draper), Queen se Cattermole James, Market place Davy John, Pound st Bayfield Augustine, Market place :Miller James, Queen st Godbold George, Market place Bum pstead Edmd. (grocer) ,Bridge se ""Sones Zachariah, Thoroughfare CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Emery James (draper), Pound st -Took Robert, Bridge st DavyJohn (&auctioneer), PQUnd st Foreman John, Thoroughfare BANKERS. Keable James, Holton Girling Mary, Bridge st EAsT OF ENGLAND BANK (Branch), King Charles, Queen st LincolneWilliam(&tallow chandler), Market place (draws on the Lon- Marshall John, Quay st Market place don &Westminster Bank)-Robt. Newson John, Mill st Long Thomas, Thoroughfare Baas, agem Suggett George, Holtoa road Marshall John, Quay st 551 ~uffollt. HAJ.JESWORTH.

GUN MAKERS. Kemp Samuel, Bridge st · WHITESMITHS AND BELL­ Carver George, Pound st Leader William, H olton I HANGERS, Culliugford William, Market place 1\lingay William, Holton Marked thus • are alao Machine Makers, '~~'Cullingford James, Pound st HAIR DRESSERS. Muttet William, Pound f!t Alexander William, Queen st Nicholson Robert, Queen st *Cullingford William, Market place Croft George, Thoroughfare Spore James, Queen st "'Newson Richard, Queen st Smith Thomas, Pound st Rayner Charles, Queen st SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Taylor Joseph, Thoroughfare Bumstead Edmund, Biidge st Miscellaneous. HATTERS, Aldred James, hempen cloth manufactu- Fan & Leman (and wine), Quay st rer, Qoet>n st Lst Gobhett Danl. & Sons, Thoroughfare STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Barker James, professor of music:, Queen Jt'ffersou Charles, Thoroughfare Branch Thomas, Holton road Booth William, land agent, Chediston London John, Thoroughfare Thurlow Thomas, Market place Huller Benjamin, pump maker, Pound at INNS. Cbilvers Ambrose, turner and patten ma. Angel, William Atmer, Thoroughfare STRAW HAT MAKERS. ker, Queen st Clarke Charlotte & Eliza, Bridge st Clarke Susan, stay maker, Quay st Three Tu us, Aldous Wade, Market pl Cullingford Amy, Queen st Eastersun Thomas, iron & brass founder, IRONMONGERS. Fenn Phrebe, .l\larket place Market place [Quay Dennant John, jun. Thoroughfare Farrow Samuel, stone & timber merchant~ Spall Elizabeth, Pound st Goodwin Robert, glover, Queen st Garrett Richard & Son (and agricul­ Twaites Mary, Market place tural implement, &c. warehouse); KT&N's PAT&NT 1'uut {for the preser- SURGEONS. vation of timber, &c.) Thoroughfaree-­ works, at Becles John, Thoroughfare Joseph Harvey, Jicen1ed proprietor Jarmy John, Queen st Haward Edwin, Walpole Newson Samuel, l1111t maker, Ma1·ket place­ JEWBLLERS-Ta.t.'fliLLIKGf Newson Stepben, brid:. and tile makery Pedgrift Hinchman, Beccles road Queen at [Bolton Canova Peter, Pound st Rudland Geo. Harrington, Thorofare Red nail Ephraim, nnnery and seedsman, Molinati Antonio, Queen st TAILORS, Rose James, coach maker, Bridge st Molinari Dominic, Queen st Marked tlms• are also Drapers. Rounce Thos. carver and gilder, Queen st MALTSTERS. "Bedwell John, Market place Smith William, clothes dealer, Queen st Botham Benjamin, Thoroughfare STAMP OFFICE, Tborougbfare-George Atmer William, Thoroughfdre Suggate, sub-distributer George Martin, Thoroughfare Butler Samuel, Thoroughfare Taylor Josepb, tinman, Thoroughfare Prime Edward, Beccles road •Corbyn & Son, Thoroughfare [fare Reeve & Cracknell (and brewers), '~~'Gobbett Daniel & Son, Thorough­ COACHES. ""Jeffersun Charles, Thoroughfare To LONDON, the Shannon, from the Market place Angel and Three Tuns alternately, every Self Samuel, Queen st ""Kindred George, Thoroughfare morning at half-past five, goes through Stead Patrick, Quay st Marshall William, Quay st 8a:z:mundham, Woodbridge, lpawich, MILL AND WHEEL GREASE Robinson William, Market place and Colchl:'ster. Wright John, Queen st To NORWICH, the Eclipse, from tbtt MANUFACTURER. Angel and the Three Tuns, every Mon­ Butcher Francis (and oil and colour.. TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES, day, Wednesday, Thursday and Satur­ man, & sack & tilt maker), Holton Cherry Tree, Jamel!! Everett, Holton day morning at seven. Duke, John Reubens, Holton [st MILLERS. l>nke ofWellington, lsaac Pinkney,Queen CARRIERS. Baker William, Market place Hawk, Thomas Woolnough, Bridge st To LONDON, R. R. & J. Smith, from Taylor William, Holton King's Arms, Sarah Cooke, Market plac:e Quay st, every Wednesday & Saturday. MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS King's Head, Josepb Waters, Quayst ToALDBOROUGH,JamesSawyer,from Lord Nelson, Wm. Thrower, Holton [st Pound street, every Thursday. Blowers Elizabeth, Mill st MarquisCoraw alii a, Jno.Seamans. Queen Clarke Charlotte & Eliza, Bridge st To BECCLES and BUN GAY, H. R. & Ro~e & Crown, WilliamPalmer,Queenst J. Smith, from Quay street,every Wed­ PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Ship, M ary Spalding, Bridge st nesday-and - Hogg, from the King's GLAZIERS. Sun, EIPanor Self, Pound at Arms, every Monday and Friday. Swan, Thomas Neeve, Pound st To IPSWICH, Jas. Sawyer, from Pound Chappell William, Thoroughfare Wherry, John Bryant, QuaJ [fare Rounce Thomas, Queen st atreet, every M on day and Friday-and White Hart, Jas. Bloomfield, Thorough­ -Smith, from Qnaystreet,eYery Wed­ Smith George, Mill st White Lion, Jamt's Mallett, Pound st nesday and Saturday. Wright James, Pound st WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS, To NORWICH, James Sawyer, from SADDLERS AND HARNESS Dowsing William, Market place Pound at, evPry Tue~. Wed. & Friday. MAKERS. Johnson John, Thoroughfare [fare To SAX MUN I> HAM,- Hogg, from the King's Arms, every Monday & Friday. Crisp William, Bridge st SuggateGeo. ( & silversmith), Thoro­ To SOUTHWOLD, Geo. Martin, from Hopson William, Thoroughfare Taylor Samuel, Market place the King's Head, every Tuesday-and Musk Edward Henry, Thoroughfare W~gg William, Thoroughfare John Bedingfield and James Newsom, from the King's Arms, every Wedneaday SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS IN WHEELWRIGHTS. and Saturday. [Carriers. GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Beckett William, Holton To WOODBRIDGE.- Set! IPSWICR Croft Daniel, Queen st Sadd William, Quay st To YARMOUTH, Geo. Martin, from the Goddard John, Thoroughfare Smith Nelson, Beccleii road .King's Head, every Wed. and Saturday.

HAVERHILL lis a market town, the parish of which is chiefly in The present church is a large and ancient structure~ the hundred of Risbtidge, Suffolk, and a small part in dedicated to St. Mary; the lil'ing is a licarage, in the the hundred of H inckford, Essex, being situated also gift of the lord of the manor. There are places of wor­ close to the border of Cambridgeshire; 59 miles N.N.E. ship for baptists, independents and the soctetyoffriends; from London and 34 w. from Ipswich. It was for- andanationalschool,erectedintheyearoftheJubilee, merly a place of much greater consequence than at pre- well supported by subscriptions. The land about here, sent, having had two churches and a strong castle, of as is the general portion of this part of Suffolk, is in a which but tritlinl!, if any vestiges, remain. The principal fine state of agriculture; the scenery is too little con­ street is spacious and nearly a mile in length, but the trasted, for the views to be considered striking, though houses are indifferently built. The principal trade and partaking of all the beauties to he discovered in well manufacture of the town is in the weaving of a coarse cultivated districts. There are several tasteful resi­ description of twilled cotton cloth, called drabbet, used dences in the neighbourhood of Haverhill, some of principally for waggoners' frocks; there is also a 8ilk which are in delightful situations. The market, now manufactory, upon a small scale. Sir Geor~e H. W. but a very small one, is held on Wednesday, and the Beaumont, Baronet, is lord of the manor, and holds fairs on the 12th of May and the 26th of August, for courts leet and baron ; at one of the former constables cattle, toys and pedlery. The parish contained, when and other officers are appointed annually. the last census was taken, 1,758 inhabitants. POST' OPFICZ:, John Turner, Post Master.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morning at nine, and are despatched every evening at half-past five.-Letters from the North an-ire every forenoon at half-past eleven, and are despatched every afternoon at four. 652 HAVERI-tiEL.

GENTRY AND CLERGY. CARPENTERS. STRAW HAT MAKERS. Barnard Miss -, Bridge Robert Ellis 1\laria lkdinsford Rev. Charles, Haverhill Cousens Matthew Perry .Margaret Bridge John, esq. Haverhill Hall William (and builder) SURGEONS. Crick Rev. Thomas, Hepher Edward (and builder) Eastcott Samuel S. Crick Rev. William, Little Thurlow Martin Thomas Martin Henry Davies Rev. James, Haverhill CLOTHES DEALi:RS. Robinson Thomas Eagle Thomas, esq. Little Thurlow Hawes George TAILORS. Gent George, esq. Moyn's park Scott Isaac Eldred James Guy James, esq. Haverhill COOPERS. Ellis Thomas Halstead .Miss-, Keddington Crick John Ellis William Halstead Rev. Thomas, Gt. Thurlow Lee Joseph Fairweather William (and draper) Hicks Rev. William, Sturmer DRABBET MANUFACTURERS. Lock George Hodgson Rev. Jno.Bumstead-Hilion Gurteen Daniel Sizer Thomas Smith Thomas JohnRon W. P. esq.Bumstead-Hilion and Son Webb Henry WHEELWRIGHTS. Lamprell Rev. Charles, Gt. Thurlow Norris Robert Webb Stephen Betts James Mayd Rev. William, Withersfield Notts Joseph WoollardWilliam Byford Joseph Motlock Mrs. -, Little Thurlow FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGE:NTSo Miscellaneous. Purkis John, esq. Stunner Boram John, collar maker ATLAs, William Burleigh l:lrook Thomas,registrar of birth a & deaths Roberts Rev. Robert, Haverhill NoRWICH UNION, Daniel GUl'teen Brown James, melter Stevens Ellis A. esq. Bower hall SUFFOLK, lsaac Wright Chater John, nurseryman Syer Rev. B. Keddington SuN, William Henry Jackson Clears William, millwright Syer Rev. Thoma!!, Cornell James, currier Syer Rev. William, Keddington GROCER~ DRAPERS~ AND Crick John, farrier Todd Rev. P. Sturmer DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Dearsley Matthew, stationer Bankes Jane (grocer) Haggar Josiah, saddler Townley Rev. T. Steeple Bumstead Hall Charles, timber mnehant Walton Mrs.- Haverhill Dennis William [buter) & Jaekson & spirit merehnl Wayman Rev. -, Dix Charles (grocer stamp distri­ Jolly Henry, upholsterer Hinds Thomas ATTORNEYS. Killingback Suuo, dress Lawrence John Kitcbling Charles, druggiat Burleigh William Peck James l\1 ills William, brazier Jackson Henry W. HAIR DRESSERS. Pal mer Harriet, watch maker BAKERS. Brewster William RJSBRlDGE UNION, Rev.- Hieks, chap Brown William I Crick Thomas Heckford John lain; J. H. Jardine, clerk; John King, Crick Elijah Woolard Thomas governo1·; Thomas J oily and Thomas Keddell Henry Edward Brooks, relieving officers; W m Dears­ BANKERS. INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. ley, schoolmaster Oa'kes, Bevan and Co.-( draw on Roberts Richard, silk manufacturer Barclay, Be\·an & Co. London)­ Bell (commercial and posting, and Scotclter J ames, bricklayer Henry William Jackson, agent excise office), Elias Ellis Sockland James, rope maker SAVINGS' BANK,HenryWilliamJack­ Bull, Joseph Parry COACHES. son, secr,.•ary GreyhouniJ, .Martha Scotcher To l.ONDON, the Teitgraph, from the BLACKSMITHS. Queen's Head, Samuel Eagle Bell, every Monday, Wednesday & Fri­ Albon Leonard Spicer Ellen Ram, William W oollard day morning at eight; goes tbro' SaH"ron I Rose and Crown, Charles Snape Waldl"n, Bishop Stortford, &c. Spicer Elizabeth Spicer James To CA M BRIDGE, the Accommodation BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Weavers' Arms, Jame!! Buckley (from Colcbester),ca1Is at the Greyhouud, Adams Thomas Starns Henry MALTSTERSo every Mond,ty, W~dnesoiay and Friday Albon William Turner John Boreham Joseph afternoon at three. Hales John Turner Thomas Purkis John To COLCHESTER, the Accomrrwdatit~n MILLERS, (from Cambridge), calls at the Grey­ BREWERS. hotmd, every Tuesday, 1 bltrsday hnd Major Cornelius Saturday fon•noon at half-past eleven. Boreham Josepb Ruffle Richard W1ight Ellington PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. CARRIERS. To BURYST.EDMUNDS, Wm.Elmer, BUTCHERS. Arch John every Wednesday and Saturday. Freestone Susannah }'inch Elijah To CAMBRIDGE,J. Cornell,every We.d­ Havers John Cole Scotcher John nesday and Saturday. IPSWICH AND NEIGI-IBOURHOOD. )ps WICH is a market town and port, a borough both with charming seats and elegant mansions: in England, corporate and parliamentary, the county town, and a perhap!l, there is not another river of its extent that can liberty of itself-69 miles N. E. from London, 54 s. s. w. equal It in beauty, being wooded on each side to the very from Yarmouth, 43 s. from Norwich, 24 N. N. w. from water's edge. The public buildings of Ipswich (exclu­ Harwich by land and 12 by water, and 18 N. N. E. from sive ofthe churches), are 11umerous; the following are Colchester; pleasantly situated on an acclivity, washed the principal. One of the most beautiful edifices, here on the Wt'St and south by the river Orwell, over which formerly, was St.l\lildred's church, once parochial; the is a handsome iron bridge, and another at the entrnnce principal part having been taken down, the remainder into the town from the London road. It derives its name was converted into a town-hall. The custom-house, on from the river Gyppen or Gipping, which empties itself the quay, is mm·e useful than ornamental. The corn­ into the Orwelljust above the town; and in Domesday- exchange, on Corn-hill, is conveniently fitted up with book is written Ggppeswid, Ggppesroiz and Gyppeswic, 1 stands. The king's barracks, situate on an eminence, which by dropping the guttural was pronounced rps- are healthful and commodious; this is the head-quar­ toiche, and subsequently Ipswich. The original defences ters of troops stationed in the eastern counties. Imrne­ ofthe town were destroyetl by the Danes, but were res- diately in the rear of the barracks is the ' East Suffolk tored by King John, and portions of the latter still exist. Hosprtal,' a handsome new structure; it is a l'llluable The walls were provided with four gates, named after institution, well sustained by voluntary contributions. the cardinal points; and from the gates the four wards In 1811 the present market-place was constructed, at a into which the town was dividt'd obtained their appel- short distance from the old one; it comdsts of an outer lations. The more ancient streets are not formed with and inner quadrangle, each of which is encircled by a regularity, and, being likewise rather narrow, do not 1 range of building8. :mpported by stone l'olumm ; the impart a fdmurable impression; but many of the sho'Ps entire undertaking cost about £10,000: adjoining is an are very elegant; the town is well paved, and lighted enclosed cattle market. The county gaol is judiciou~lv with gas ; and the erection of some handsome new arranged, as regards both the morals and health of the streets has added much to the uniformity of its general pl"isoners: near the same spot stands the borou~h gaol. appearance. The 1iver Orwell is navigable to the sea The new county ~ourt&, recently completed, are m fwnt at Harwich, and affords to the inhabitants a delightful of the county gaol, in St. Helens-street; and being con­ aquatic excarsion, through varied scenerr, abounding structed of white brick, in the Gothic style~ with towers 70 553 • ~utrolk. IPS'\;VICH, &c. Uigot & ~o.'~ and embattlements, form the most attracth·e object in and the corporation have an efficient police force. The the town. There are two assembly rooms, the new and assizes are held alternatrly at Ipswich and Bury St. Ed~ the old, and a small theatre. The antiquary, amongst munds; quarter sellsions for this district of the county the ruanv relics that mnflt arrest his attention in this are held in the new county courts, but the county ma­ place, wni feel peculiar interest in viewing a remarkable gistrates have no jurisdiction within the liberties of the dwelling, occupied by l\Ir.1'.lparrowe, in the Old Butter- borough; the quarter sessions for the borough are held market; it was built iu ~67 by Robe1t Sparrowe, Esq., in the old shire hall, at which the recorder presides, as­ and has nen.'l' been inhabtted by any other than persons sisted by the mayor and local justices. There is also a of that name; its exterior is ornamented with figures comt of requests, for the recovery of debts under £5.~ ~ymbolical of Europe, Asia, Afrira and America, and a held in the town-hall every Tuesday. The pti,•ilege of \·ariety of other emblematical decorations, rudely sculp- retuming members to parliament was first exercised by tut·ed; the myal arms of Charles II, executed in a better this borough in the 23t·d of Edward I; it has ever since style, are on the front of the hou~e: a tradition exists sent two representatives: the present members are Sir in the familv, that, for some time after the disastrous Thomas Cochrane, Bart., and Fitzroy Kelly, Esq.; the battle of Worcester, that monarch was secreted in an mayor is the returning officer. The return of members apartment in the roof of the house, the entrance into for the t'astern division of Suffolk is made from hence. which was ingeniouslv concealed by a sliding pannel. Ipswich comprises thirteen parishes, and there are as The ancient gateway; the only remaining portion of many churches: to ilome of them are attached interest­ Wolsey's college, likewise will attract the observation ing featnres, architectural or sepulchral-but our sface of the cmious: the cardinal was a native of Ipswich. will not admit of a detailed notiee of their severa at~ The pl'incipal commerce of Ipswich is in corn and tmctions. They are respectively dedicated to St. Clement, coal: all pat'ts ofth,e interior are supplied with the latter St. Hclen, St.l\largaret, St. Mary-at-Elms, St. Mat"}'-at­ artiele through the medium of the Stowma.rket canal, the-Quay, St. l\1m=y Stoke, St. 1\lary-at-the-Tower, St. and large quantities of grain and malt are forwarded to Matthew, St. Nicholas and St Peter; together with tl1e the metropolitan market. The most prominent manu- churches of Whitton and W estertield, within the pre­ factures of the town are those of tobacco and snuff, of cincts of the borough. Th{'re are likewise places of paper (made by steam), of patent ploughs, plough- worship for general and particular baptists, mdepen­ sh:u·es, and patent corn and seed drills; there are, also, dents, the society of frieuds and Wesleyan methodists, extensive imn foundries, ale and pm'tet• bt·eweries, a a Roman catholic chapel and a jews' synagogue. In its manganese ink manufactory, shil,l-building yards, &c.: charitable and scientific institutions Ipswich cannot be the \'essels built at this port sustam a very high charac- excelled by any place of similar prosperity and popula­ ter. Some extensive chalk-pits, adjacent to the town, tion. The grammar school, a munificent foundation, is belong to the corporation; but there are neither mines mentioned so early as the 17th year of Edward IV; the ' nor stone quarries in the nei~~;hbourhood. One of the grey-coat boys' and blue-coat girls' was established in $reatest improvements made to the port, of late years, 1709, for educating and apprenticing the pupils; there 1s the construction of the wet dock, for the completion are the red and green-sleeve and green-gown schools, uf which a very large outlay has been required. The also Lancasterian and infants' schools, and a school for communication with London by water is maintained by qualifying girls as useful servants. Tooley and Smart's both steam and sailing vessels ; and as the facilities of foundations, as they are called, are for the support of transport have increased, the trade and prosperity of the persons maimed in the kin~~;'s service or otherwise. town have been proportionably augmenting. The Eas- Christ's ho>~pital is for the relief of aged individuals and tem Counties' railway will pa~s by this town, forming children. There is an excellent charity for the relief of a direct line of connexion with London and Norwich. poor widows and Ol'phans of clergymen of the esta­ Two newspapers issue from the press here on Saturday, blished church; with various other charities of minor the 'Ipswich Journal' and the ' Suffolk Chronicle.' importance, all tending to alleviate the sufferings and King John, in the first year of hi~ reign, granted the diminish the wants of the indigent. A society for lite• original charterofincorpomtion to Ipswich, bearing date, rary purposes was formed by some gentlemen in 1818, May 25th, 1199; by it the burgesses were exempted under the name of the' philol;>gical society.' In 1824 a from the payment of tolls and customs iu the different mechanics' institution was established, wllich is very ports of the kingdom. Edward I, in the 13th of his reign, flourishing, and has a good library and a museum. The seized the borough; but afterwards, receiving some ser- literary institution occupies the first floor of the town· vice from tbe ships furnished by the town, confirmed hall, and likewise has a museum attached. The public the charters of King John and Henry Ill: these were library, an excellent selection, is at Mr. Pawsey'», renewed by succeeding monarchs; and Charles II, in bookseller, in the Old Butter-market. The markets consequence of some jealousies among the inhabitants, are held on Tuesday and Saturday: the first is for corn granted them another charter, which remained in force and cattle, in which very consirlerable business is tran· uutil the passing of the municipal reform act iu 1835, sacted; the latter for provisions of all kinds. Fairs 4th which vested lihe ~overument in a mayor, ten aldermen May, called St. George's fair, tor lean cattll.' and toys; and thirty councillot·s, assisted by a recorder, high stew- 22nd A ugnst, for lambs, and 25th September, for cheese ard and the other usual officers, under the style of 'the and butter. The lamb fair is the large, t of the kind in bailitrs, burgesses and commonalty of the town ot· bo- the kingdom; from 100,000 to 130,000 are annually ex­ rough of Ipswich:' the same act divided the town into hibited in the field, and the fair is attended by all the five wards, and provided for it a special commission of great dealers iu the surrounding counties. The popu­ the peace; under the latter there are nine local justices, lation of the borough, in 1831, amounted to 20,450. POST OFFICE. Old Butter market, 1\ir. William Stevenson Fitch, Post Master.-Letters from I.o:snoN arrire e\'et·y morning at twenty minutes past three, and are despatched every night at twenty-five mi­ tmtes before twelve.-(.. etters from NoRWICH, &c. arrive every uight at twenty minutes past eleven, and are despatched every morning at twenty minutes past three.-Letters from theNmth anive (by mail cart from BURY) every morning at nine, and are despatched every afternoon at fil'e.-Letters from YARMOUTH, LoWESTOFT, &c. arrive every night at twenty minutes past eleven, and are despatched every morniug at twenty minutes past three.-Letter~ from HADLEY, STOWI\IARKET, NEt:nHAM MARKET, &c. arri\·e every night at nine, and are des­ pate hed every moruir1g at a quarter befOI'e six. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Baker Simon, el'lq. Westgate st Bond Rev. John, Freston CLERGY. Bampton Jno. esq. St.Margaret's grn Boultou Lieut.Charlel", Whitton road Alderson Rev. Robert, Northgate Barker Mrs. Ann C. Orwell place Bray Mr.• Jaeob Peele, Greyfriars Aldrich Rei'. John, Nmthg-ate st Beckham Colonel Horatio, Queen st Hroadhauk Mrs.-, Soame st Aldrich Rev. William, Stoke cottage Beevor Re,.·. l\Iiles, Henley Broke Sir Philip Bowes Vere, hart. Alefoundt'r Captain Robert, Silent st Bell man Rei'. Edmund, H elmiugham Broke hall, Nacton Alexander Dvkes, esq. St.l\Iatthe~'s Bennett i\Ir. -,Brook st Brook Isaac, esq. ( ,.,.. ell place Alexander Mrs. H. St. George's ter- Bemers the Venerable Archdeacon, Brown :\1rs. Harriet, St. Nicholasst ra. ce [1\latthew st Woolverston hall Brown l\lr. Robert, London road Alexander Richard D}kes, e~q. St. Berners Rev. Hugh, Brown Rev. William, demingston Ales.mrler M rl'l. Samuel, Goldrood Berners Rev. John, Holbrook Brvant l\1rs. -, Gothic cottagli:, Hail~y .Mr.-, London road Bolton .Miss Han·iet, London road Woodbridge road L54 IPSWICH, &c. ~uffollt. ====~======~·==- Buck Miss Ann, Bramford Hamler John Dalton, esq. Nortb- Roope Captain George, Wes~ate st Bush Mr!l. Susan, Tower ditches gate t~t [rectory Ross Mr. Thos. St. Clement's Fore 8t Butcher l\lr. Robt. St.l\lar~ret'~ ter Harston Rev. Edward, St. Stephen's Rout 1\Ir. Pitcher, St. 1\latthew 1St Campbe1l Frederick Wilbam, esq. Head Mrs. lsabella, Hill cottage, Sage l\lrs. & Miss Ann, St. Peter et Birkfield lodge W oodbridge road Saxe 1\lr. Francis, Wbitton road Capper Re\', George, Worsted Head Jeremiah, esq. Hill house Schtibier -, esq. Woodhridgeroad Carter John, esq. Friary Head l\Irs. .M aria, St.Margaret's terr Selby l\liss Elizabeth, Providence st Caston Mrs. E. St. Helens st Hilll\lr. James, St. Nicholas st Sharman .1.\lrs.-, St. George's terr Caston Mrs. R. S. St. Helens st [quay Hill Mr. John, Globe lane Shaw Robt. Newton, esq. Keserave Charlesworth Rev. John, St. Mary's Hockley Major Thomas Henry, St. Shewell John Talwin, esq. Stoke Chene~ Mr. Joseph, King st Matthew st Simon Rev. L. Woodbridge road Chevalher .Miss Emma, Church st Holden Mrs. Elizabeth, Globe lane Smart Mrs.Sophia, St.Margaret's ter Clarke Mr. John, Bramford H ookerl\1 r.Fratwis,St.Margaret's ter Smithl\1 issAnna.l.\Iaria,Lwr. Brook st Clarke Mr. Thomas, Norwich road Howard Mrs.Eliz. SL\larl'aret's terr Smith Joseph Bm-ch, e11q. Stoke hall Clarke Mr. William, St. Clement's Howorth Rev. Wm. St. Matthew st Sparks Misses l\lary & Hannah, Fal.. Back hamlet [terrace Ibbotson Miss-, Henley hall con street ldon road Clayton Mr. Robert, St. Matthew's Innes the 1\lisses, St. .1.\latthew st Sparrowe Mr. John Newman, Lon• Cobbold Mrs. Henstredge, Tacket st Isaacs Harris (rabbi) Orwell terrace Sprigg Rev. Jas. St.Margaret's green Cobhold John, esq. Holywells Jeckell Rev.Robt. St.l\largaret's terr Squire!! Lawrence, esq. St. 1\larga- Cobbold Miss Mary Ann,Northgate st Johnson l\Ir. Samuel, London road garet's hill [place Cobbold, esq. St.l\latthew st Jos!!elyn John, esq. Stebbing .1.\liss Rachael C. Orwell Cobbold Mrs. Thomas, Carr st [road Keunedy Mrs. Esther, St Clement's Steward Rev.A.H. Whittou whitehse Colchester Mrs. Henry, Greyfriars Forest Steward the Misses-, Stoke park Collett l\lrs. Charlotte, Hospital st Kilbourn 1\lrs. Elizabeth, Falcon st Stokrs Mr.-, Bramford Collins M rs.Elizabeth, Bramtord hall Kilner .Mr. George, Tower ditches Studd l\lrs.- Northg-ate st Collius the Misses, St. Nicholas st l

BARRISTERS. ACADEMI:&Ii11• &c.-COfltinaed. Prettyman Charles, Silent st Long Daniel St. Helen si Rodwell, Steward & Bacon, Pro­ O'Malley Peter Fred. Gt. Coleman st •Mason Rev. Thomas, Carr st vidence st Ram J ames, Silent st :Middleditch Hannh.Eliz. Hospital st Sparrowe John Eddowes (and coro­ BASKET MAKERS. NATIONAL ScHooL tboys'), Thurs- ner), Old Butter market Jackson Wm. Bridge st, St. Peter's day lane-Samuel Pettit, master Steward Cbas. (and registrar of the Noble James, Woodbridge road NATIONAL ScHOOL (~iris'), Currier's Arch deaconry Court of Suffolk for Osborn Saml. St. Clement•s Fore st lane Elizabeth Franb, mistress proof of wills, grant of letters of Smith William, St. Matthew st Orriss John, Carr st administration, marriage licences, Yellup Robert, Key st Otzman Anna Maria, New st &c.), ProTidence st [terrace BLACKSMITHS. •Paul William, Whitton road Walford Desborah, 2 St. Matthew's Bacon Susan Read, St. Margaret st Payne Mary Ann, St. Peter si Yelloly Samuel T~ssen, Tavern st Barton Robert, Stoke st •Peglar Chm·Ies, St. Mary elms AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISRS. Betts ·Lot, St. Matthew st Purcell Richard, Lowe1· Brook st Berryman Thomas, Tacket st Blomfield Nimrod, St. l\Iargaret st ~almon Elizabeth, St. Matthew st Colchester Benj. St. Matthew st Chaplin Joseph, Back Church st •Smart Marv & Catherine, Church st Cordingley John, St. Clement's Cooper & Noble (general), St. Mar- •Smith Cha'i·lotte, Soane st Garrod Robert, Old Butter market garet's green ~p1igg Rev. James, Bolton lane Haill James, St. Matthew st Cundy George, Crown st Tempany Philadelphia, Lwr.Brookst M'Pherso» Donald, Whittoo road Durrant Henry, Tower terrace Thrower Robert, Barclay st Garwood John, Norwich road Nottage Geor~e, Cornhill turner Major, St. Matthew st Randall Wm. St. Helens st: [Forest Girling William, St. Margaret st '*Vertne Sophia, Beliuda & Helen, Ross Thomas Baldock, St. Clement's Knights Jam es ( & ship), Salthouse st Queen st Page John, Great Whip st Wat:'lon Charles, Hospital st BAKERS c!l FLOUR DEALERS. Tate Thomas, Friar's hine Woodcock Elizabeth, Oak lane Allstoa George, St. Mary elms Tydeman Wm. Bell lane, St. Peter'» W oolbert Matthias Thomas, Wood­ Bailey Thomai, Lady lane BOOKBI:NDERS. bridge road Black Edmund, St. Nicholas st Dowsing Daniel, Queen st AGErtTS. Bloowfield James, Duke st Parker Joseph, St. Stephen's lane Bransby Spencer Lazinby(land agent Bruce Westhorpe Copping, Dog's BOOKSELLERS 11 STATIONRS and valuer), Northg:ate st Head lane Burton Joseph Mumford, Cornhill Ellis HosatioThomas{land agent and Carter Jonathan, Stoke st Cowell Samuel Harrison, Old But- valuer), Soane st Chaplin Thomas, Norwich road ter market Ensor John Lott, Thoroughfare Church Joho, St. Helens st Dallinger William Henry, Silent st :Fenn Thomas, jun. (commission), Clarke James, Eagle st Deck Robert, Cornhill Tocket st f wharf Clements Thomas, Carr st Dorkin Anthony, Brook st Harbur C. A. (s~ipping), S'"mart•8 Colthorp Danl. St.Clement's Forest Hunt Edward, Tavern 8t 1\Ialley George sh1p), Duke st Farrell John, Crown st l\lorley David, Queen st Feek William, Tavern st Pask Charles Alfred (periodicals), Ross Thomas Baldock estate), St. Flory William, Duke st Norwich road [ket Clement's Forest Fuller William, King st Pawsey Frederick, Old Butter mar­ Williams Henry (& appraiser and }'nnnell James, Lower Orwell st Read James, Cornhill general agent), Globe lane Girling J ames, Upper Orwell st Roo1 Robert (and newspaper agent), AGRIC'OLT'ORAL IMPLEME.'.r Girling Robert, East st Westgatest AND PATEMT PLO'OGH Goreham Edward, New st Scoggins John, Orwell place MAN 't7 FACT'ORB RS, Hewes James, St. Matthew st Shalders Henry (and printseller), Bond, Turner & Hurwood, St. Pe­ Howgego Jeremiah, Soane st Westgate st ter's foundry Hurrell Samuel, Norwich road BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Ransome J. R. & A. Foundry st !Cent Abraham, Norwich road Bacon John, Cox lane Smyth George (& drill machine}. Maan Louisa, Bell lane, St. Peter's Bailey Robert, St. Nicholas st Tanner's lane Mathams Robert, Rope walk Bennett William, l<'riar st ARCHITECTS & S'ORVEYOI\8, Mayhew James, Borough road Blake Henry, St. Clement's Fore s1 (See also Surveyors.) Mixer Robert, Westgate st Brett Michael George, Tavern st "Backhouse Benjamin, Norwich road Norman Henry, Handford road Bristo J ames, Carr st ~ooding Gem·~e, Cox lane Oxborrow Edmund, Gt. Coleman st Buckingham Jonatban, Tavern st Harvey Fredenck, Carr st Page Robert, Key st Burch Jeremiah, College st Mason George, Lower Brook st Perryman Thomas, St. Matthew st Choat John, Old Butter market Ribbans William Parks, Norwich rd Rose Georg0, Thursday lane Clarke Henry, King st Whiting John, Crown e& Scarlett Charles, St. l\largaret st Clarke John, Upper Orwell st ATTORMEYS. Ship Charles, Black Horse lane Clarke John Stamford, St.Clement'& Brame Benjamin, Foundation st Shreeve Thos. St. Clement'~ Fore st Forest Bunn Henry, Tavern st Smyth George, St. Peter st Clarke Joseph, Steam mill place Bunn Reeve, Westgate st Snell Daniel, Mount Clarke Wi-lliam, St. Clement s Fore !)1 Burton Charles, Hospital st Snell John, Fore hamlet Clarke William, Tarket st Cobbold Alfred (¬ary), To"erllt Snell Robert, Barclay st Cole Benjamin, Upper Orwell st Cobbold John Chevellier, Tower st Todd Edwin, Stoke st, St. Peter's Cook George, St. Clement's Fore st Dani.el W oodruffe, St. Peter st Whitehead William, Rope walk Cook Robert, Cox lane Duningham John, Lower Brook :st Woods James, Albion hill Cooper J ames, Little Barclay st Fuller Horatio, St. Helens st W m·they Wm. Alfred, St. Margaret st Cooper John, Carr st Grimser, Thomas, St. Nicholas st BANKERS. Cresswell James, New Market lane Gross Charles, Lower Brook st Alexanders• & Co. Bank buildings Damant James, St. Matthew st Gross John, St. Nicholas st (draw on Barnetts & Co. London) Day Thomas, St. Mary elms Hammond William ( & county trea- Bacon, Cobbold, Duningham and Doust George, Carr st surer), Hatton court Cobbold, Tavern st- (draw on Garrard William, St. Margaret st Hunt Wm. Powell, St. Matthew st Glyn and Co. London) Gooding Ann, St. Peter st Jackaman Simon Batley, Silent st EAsT OF EI"GLAND BANK (Branch), Haill George, St. Matthew st Josselyn George, Lower Brook st King st-(draws on the London Hall William, College st Lawrence Eleazar ( & coroner for and Westminster Bank)-William Harrison Henry, Handford st the liberty), Northgate st Ingelow, manager Howard Charles, Carr st Long Peter Bartholomew, Queen st NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF Johnson Robert, Tacket st N otcutt Steph.Abbott,St.l\.latthew st ENGLAND (Branch), Old Butter Johnson Wm. St. Clement's Forest Notcutt Stephen Ahhott, jun. (and market-(draws on H an bury & Cp. Moore John, Queen :;t town clt'rk), St. Matthew st London )-DavidGavinScott,agent Osborn Roger, St. Lawrence st Porter Hd.Wm.St.Clem«>nt's Forest SAVINGS' BANK, St. Maryat Quay­ Osborn Samuel, St. Mary elms Pownall i.dvwu·d, Brook Rt ( open on Fridayfrom 10 tilll2)­ Parsons Charles, Brook !!t Preston Chas.Abbott, St.Matthew st Jeremiah Head, seeretary Pipe William, Tavern st oo6 Dirtctorn. IPS\VICH, &c. Stttfolft.

Richmond James, Upper Orwell st Chenery John, St. Matthew s' CHINA, OLASS1 &c. DEALERS. Sewell James, St. Clement's Fore st Cox John (pork), Handford st (8Pe also Earthenware .llfanufactra.) Sheldrake John, Carr st Curtis William, 'lhoroughfare Barton John Gib!!on, Brook 11t Simp~on John, St. Lawrence lit Death William, Newmarket lane Burrows Robert & Son (cut glass), Sporle James, Rope walk Farthing J ames, Carr st Old Butter market Sporle James, Tavern st Fisher John, St. M argaret st Greaves William, Old Butter market Sporle John, Stoke green Glading George, Ropewalk Samuel Muses, Brook st W ebsdale William, St. Matthew st Goodwin Robert (pork), Norwich rd Shalders Edward, King st Wilkinson Thomas, Church yard Hare Geor~e, New market Suthers William, Old Butter market Wilson John, Cook row Holder William, Curriers' lane Taylor & Son, St. Clement's Fore s& Wright George, St. Helens st Howes Thos. Salthouse st [Forest Watchan John, Woodbridge road BREWERS. Howland Sarah Ann, St. Clement's CHYMISTS & DRUGGISTS, Baxter Sarah, Crown st Kent William, St. Mary elms Alderson George Frederick, King st Bowman Robert, Falcon st King George, King st Chapman Samuel Belcher (and apo- Chaplin Wm. Jackson, Westgate st King Stephen, Tacket st thecary), Corn hill Cobbold John, Cliff brewery King Stephen B. St.Clement'sFore 1t Cook Arthur Bott, Brook st :Fisk Robert, Common quay Leech John, Crown st Eyre & Rumlev, Tacket st rmarket Paul Robe1't, Foundation st Marshall Edmund, Tacket st Fitch Wiliam Stevenson, Old Butter Ridley Henry, George, and William, Mower James, Bell lane, St. Peter's Hamilton William, St. Matthew st St. Clement's Fore st Orris Robert, Bell lane, St. Peter's Harmer & Ransome (and oil and Stearn Thomas, Barclay st Prentice Stephen, St. Mary elms colourmen), Carr st rmarket Whimper Nathaniel, Carr st Robinson Charles, Carr st Hooker James Francis, Ola Butter BRICK MAKERS. Saunders Samuel, St. Helens st Ridley Henry, jun. (and oil and co- Canham Noah, Back hamlet Seager Thomas (pork), St. Peter st lourman), St. Clement's Forest Cobbold John, Holywell Siggers Charles, Silent st Savage Charles, St. Matthew st Fisk Francis, St. Helens st [quay Simon Robert, Lower Orwell st Shearman Wm.St.Clemeut's I'ore st Fisk Robt. (&lime burner),Common Smith Edwd.(pork),UpperOrwell st Silverston W m.Arthur,St.Nicholas st Mason George, Woodbridge road Smith Jeremiah, Upper Orwdl st COACH BUILDERS. Nortou James, St. Helens st Smith William, East st Alderton Thomas, St. Nicholas st Thorndike Thomas, Stoke gt·een Sturgeon Richard, Norwich road Ben nett Henry,St. Clement's Forest BRICKLAYRS & PLASTERERS Tavlor Samuel, Key st Catt Samuel, St. Matthew st Bennett John, St. Clement's Back st Tehbenham Wm. Upper Orwell st Clarke Thomas, Tower terrace Bird James, Orford st Turner James, Soane st Hood James, Friar st Blomfield Stephen, Stoke st Tyrrell William, Barclay st [st Kent John, Tanner's lane Borrett William, Curriers' lane Wolsey Abraham, St. Clement's Fore Ottiwill Zachariah, St. Matthew st Canham Simon, Back hamlet Wood Thos. (pork), St. Stephen's la Page John, Great Whip st CABINET MAKERS AND Denham Daniel, Globe lane UPHOLSTERERS. Parke Joseph, St. .Margaret st Denham Robt. (&builder), Crown st Chapmau Edward, St. Matthew's Quadling Edward, St. Austin st Denham William, Tower terrace Chih•e1· Robert, Queen st COAL MERCHANTS. Ellis George, Friar st Collins James, Queen st [st Aldrich Henry, St. Mary at Quay l<'isk William, Coleman st Greenleaf Richd. St. Clement's Fore Alefounder Robert, Currier's lane Fisk William, Cox lane Howard William, East st Alexanders & Co. St. Mary at Quay Goddard John, Princes st Iron Mark Oliver,Old Butter market Archer Lydia, St. Clements Fore st Green Thomas, Dog's Head lan& Jetferv Jo~eph, Queen st Byles Jeremiah & Co. College st Jenkins William, St. Peter st Kenhigale Robt. Old Butter market Christie John, St. Clement's Forest Lake John (and builder), Soane st Leverett Henry, Westgate st Cobbold John, St. Clement's Fore s11 Lawrence Joshua, Star lane Mayes Edwanl, St. Matthew st Coe George (and salt), Salthouse st Murfey James, Stoke st Mullev John, Tavern st Cowell Abraham Kersey & Charles, Pells John, Borough road Setter"field Thomas, Falcon st St. Clement's Fore 8t Trew Thomas, Tower terrace Thurston Joseph, Queen st Duuiugham Thomas, Tavern st BRUSH MAKERS. Tidman Thos. (upholsterer and paper Fisk Robert, Common guay Barnes John, St. Peter st hanger) Northgate st Garrett Elizabeth (and fire brick Bentley John, Falcon st CARPENTERS. dealer), St. Margaret's green [st Brandon William, St. Matthew st (See also Builders Sr Carpenters.) Pollard William, St. Clement's Fore Kimble Thomas, St. Peter st Aldous James, Crown st Prentice Thos. & Co. Neptune quay BUILDERS & CARPENTERS. Davy Henry, Carr st Ridley Henry, George & Wilham, Bacon Samuel, Hospital st Day J ames, Tower terrace St. Clement's Fore st Ballliston Samuel, Stoke st Hayward William, St. Matthew st Rouse William Clarke, College st Catch pole.l no. N athaniel, Borough rd Hunt Geor~e, St. Margaret st Thorndike James, Common quay Farman Robert, St. Helens st Lawrence Chas. St. Clement's Forest Waspe Jonathan, St. Peter st Fisk William, jun. Hospital st Lawrence James, Mount WebsterJoseph, Whip st, St. Peter's Groom Samuel German, Rose lane Newson Richard R. Back Church st CONFECTIONERS & PASTRY· Hearsum John, Crown !!t Ringham Henry, Barclay st COOKS. Hunt Samuel, St. Margaret st Scrivener William, Woodbridge road CattermoleChas.St. Clement'sFore st Mason George, Lower Brook et Seager Joseph, Friar st Clarke James, Eagle st Oman Robert, Priory Skeet Elmy, St. Nicholas st elements Thomas, Carr st Palmer Samuel, Great Coleman et Webb John Davey, Upper Orwell st Feek William, Tavern st Pettit Joseph A. Star lane W elham Edward, Crown st Moyse Margaret, Tacket st Ribbans William Parks, Norwich rd Wright John, St. Stephen's lane Neeves Thomas, St. Nicholas st Roper Thomas Edwin, St. Clement's CARVERS AND GILDERS. Potter John, St. Lawrence st Forest Conder John G. Brook st Skoulding Joseph, Tavern st BUTCHERS, Jenninl{s Thomas, Tacket s& Thompson Robert, Tavern st Andrew John, Old Butter market .Joues William, Soame st Ward John, Cornhill Andrews Alfred, Soane st Noble Thomas, Foundation st COOPERS. Andrews Jacob, St. Peter st CHEESE & BUTTER FACTORS. Alexander Henry, St. Helens st Baker John, St. Peter st Abbott Samuel, Cornhill Barns John, St. Peter st Baker J ohu, Queen st Mason William, St. Stephen's lane Barns John, St. Matthew st Baker Richard, Silent st May John, Common quay Chaplin Joseph, Bell lane, St. Peter's Beard Ma!J, Tavl:'m st May William, Old Butter market Fisk William, Bolton lane Beard Phihp, St. Peter st Thorndike James, Common quay Hart John, Star lane Bel'an Edward, Carr st • Wretts & Hannah, Salt office quay Howe William, Foundry road Bevan James, New market CHEESEMONGERS- RETAIL. Ladbrook John, Lady lane Bush Ge()rge, Tavern st Ashford Charles, St. Matthew 11t Matt Jonathan, King st Caah3m William, Bmok st Baker lsooc, St. Clement st Patemo8ter HeMy, ~t. MaKbew st 557 ;euttolft. IPS'-'TICH, &c.

COOPERS-C'tmtinued. FELLMONGERS. Milbourn Rohert, Crown st Smith James, Back hamlet Alexander Edwd. Curriers' Arms la PaterRon Richard, Fliar st Warner lsaac, St. Clement's Forest Colley William, Friar's bridge Pratt Charles, St. 1\targaret st Whybrew William, Brook st Pugh Hugh, Hanford btidge Pr

HARDWAREMEN. Bvles Jeremiah and Co. Colle~e st NURSERY AMD SEEDSM:i:N Bloom field Jacob, Upper Urwell st Cobbold John, St. Clement's Forest AND FLORISTS. Dorling Edward, Brook st Fisk Robert, Common quay JeffE'Iies & Son, London road Rands Emanuel,St.Clement's Forest Gardener Edward, Star lane Laundy Henry, Norwich road Steggall Samuel, Old Butter market Paul Robert, Foundation st Lovely Benjamin, Whitton crown HATTERS. PollardWilliam, St.Clement's Forest Woollard William, Handford road Batley John Brooks, Old Butter mkt Prentice Thos. & Co. Neptune 9uay PAINTERS & GLAZIERS. Brothers Gilbert, Tavern st Ridley Henry, George and William, Bacon William, Old Butter market Butcher John, Old Butter market St. Clement's Forest Bird Charles, Varr st Butcher John, Tavern st Rouse William Clarke, College st Bloomfield Thomas, Cox lane Hat'ell Wm. Gascoigne (manufac· Webster Joseph, Whip st, St. Peter's Booth Robert James, Stoke st turer), St. Clement's Fore st Wileman Thomas, Thursday lane Cuthbert John, Carr st Jenuings John, Tavern st [gate st Worne Thomas, New st Cuthbert Wm. (&gilder), Stoke st Sewell Jas. (manufacturer), North- MERCHANTS. Day Joseph, Fakon st HORSE DEALERS. (S~ also Coal Merchants; anr/ also Keeble George, St. Mary at Quay Brooker John, St. .Matthew st Corn MerchantsJ Manning Gem·ge, St. Nicholas st: Shorten Thomas, St. l\latthew st Alexanders' & Co. St. Mary at Quay Miller Thomas, Back hamlet Smith John, St. Matthew st Cobbold John, St. Clement s Forest M inter Robert, Carr st INK MAKERS. 1\lay John (provision),Common quay Patrick Orlando, St. Nicholas s~ Pawsey aud Co. (manganese ink) St. May William (provision), Old But- Ribbans John, St. Matthew st Helens st ter market [l\1ouut quay Richardson Samuel, St. Matthew st INNS AND HOTELS. Seckamp Frederick Francis (seed), Scarlett William, Cook row Coach& Horses tcomlllercial),West­ MILLERS. PAPER HANGERS. rop William Wailer, Brook st Archer Robert, Woodbridge road (See also Cabinet Makers. &(cJ Crown and Anchor (commercial), Archer William, W oodbridge road Denny Henry, Norwich road Thomas Harrison, W estgate st Bedwell John, Lower Orwell st Tunmer J ames Robert, Orwell place Golden Lion (commercial & post­ Bird William Bishop's hill PAPER MAKERS, ing), Elisha Creasy, King st Codd William, Betstead Blyth Matthew, Branford Grt·at White Horse Hotel (commer­ Colby Kincey, Steam mill Ranson Robe1"t Gill, St. Clement's cial and posting house), William Cox William, Tudeuham road · PATTEN & CLOG MAKERS. Brooks, Tavern st Dalton Ezra, Hanford mill Bentley John, Falcon st Griffin, John Long, Westgate st Death Samuel, North Stoke mill Brown Samuel, Queen st King's Head, Geo. Garrod, King st Edwards Edward, Branford Garlic James (and boot-tree & last), Suffolk Hotel, James Rowell, St. Fayers Widow, Creeting Tavern st [Carr 111: Matthew st Goodchild John, Stoke hill Hill Arnold (and boot-treeaudlast), IROK FOUNDERS. Holmes William, Woodbridge road Ling John, Tacket st Bond,Turner & Hurwood, St. Peter's Howard William, Baylham PAWNBROKERS. foundry Lucock Thomas, Halifax Burrows Robert & Son, Silent st Ransome J. R. & A. Foundry st Mudd George, Woodbridge road Christie Amy, St. Clement's Fore st IRON MERCHANTS. Neve Henry, Sproughton Christie Geo. Angel la, St. Clement's Alexanders & Co. St. .i\lary at Quay Parker Chnstopher, Barrack mill Fraser Rodrk. Donald, St. Mary elms Garrett Eliz. St. Margaret's green Pollat·d William, W oodbridge road PERFUMERS. IRONMONGERS. Rouse William Tide mill See Hair Dre11sera. Sallows Robe1"t, Corn exchange Archer Thos. Tavern st [Forest PHYSICIANS. Christopher:iOn Rebecca. S t.Cle mn t's Smith Charles, Rushmore Symonds Samuel, Bolton mill Bailey John, Lower Brook st Cook Samuel, W estgate st Baird Andrew Wood, Lwr.Brooks~ Harcourt .l<'rederick, Old Butter mkt. Wood -, Blakanham .Beck Edward, Nortbgate st Meadows Charles, Tavern st and St. MILLINERS aJ DRESS MAXRS. Clarke William Barnard, Falcon st Clement's Block Sarah, North~te st Owen James, St. Matthew st Ridley John, Cornhill Bonner Susan, Northgate st Bristo Harriet, Carr st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND Rose Samuel, St. Matthew se GLAZIERS. Scrivener James, King st Clarke Elizabeth, Tacket st Burrows & Hardy, Orwell place Tydeman Wm. Bell lane, St. Peter's Denham Elizabeth, Globe lane Dennis Ann, St. Nicholas st Channing Benjamin, Lit.Colemans& J:SWELLERS-WORKING. Finch Mary, Hospital st Coleman John, Northgate st [st RobertsonAlexander,St.S tephen's la Fisher MatT, Old Butter market Gregory Alfred, St. Clement's Fore Robertson Ebenezer, Lower Brookst Foxl\ty.Aun& Sisters, Thoroughfare Haggar Edward, King st Warren John, Queen st Garrod Miss, Providence st King Robert, Brook st LAW STATIONERS. Goss Elizabeth, Great Coleman st Osboldstone John, St. Peter st Berryman Thomas, Tacket st Groom Rebah & Sarah, Providence st Root William, Lower Brook st Ensor John Lott, Thoroughfare Lock Maria, St. Clement's Fore st Scott William, St. Clement's Fore s& LINEN DRAPERS, SILK MER- Madder Maria, Old Butter market Woods James, St. Margaret st CERS, HABERDASHERS, &r.. Mays Lucy, St. Matthew st PORTER MERCHANTS. (See also Haberdashers.) Neal Elizabeth, St. Clement's Forest Chaplin Wm. Jackson, Westgate st BalfourEbenezr.(silkmrcr),Brook st Norton & Buffhams, Westgate st Cobbold John, St. Clement st Blagrove William, Brook st Parker Mary Ann, St. Stephen's lane Cowell Samuel Harrison & Charles, Bloxsome Samuel, Brook st Read & Aldred, Queen st Newmarket lane Coleman H. B. Cornhill Read Harriet, Great Coleman st Garrod Geo. & Co. (and ale), King st Corder Edward, Tavern st Sallows Jane and l\1aria, Tavern st Ridley Henry, George & William, St. Crow Jame!l, Cook st Smith Sarah, Tavern st Clement's Forest Footman John, Cornhill [vern st Watcham Harriet, Tower terrace POST MASTERS, Franklaod Richd. ( &undertaker),Ta­ Whybrew Harriet, Brook st AND OWNERS OF HORSES, GIGS, &c. Fruer John, St. Matthew st MILLWRIGHTS. FOR HIRE. Green J oseph, Tavern st Collins John, Woodbridge road Catling John, St. Stephen's lane Leavold Thomas, Tavern st Wright & Son, St. Helens st Cook Charles, Currier's lane l\tiller Henry, Old Butter market MUSIC&: MUSICAL 11\STRU• Crisp Joseph, Foundry road Prentice John, Old Butter market MENT SELLERS. Collum John, CJ"Own st R21y S. and Son, Tavern st Ball Mrs. & Son, Old Butter market Norbrook William, Tower terrace Roherts John, St. Clement's Forest Bianchi & Son, Tavern st Page John, Great Whip st MALTSTERS. Walker Charles William, Cornhill Peck John, Tower terrace Abbott Abraham, Park cottage NEWSPAPERS. PRJNTERS-LETTE R-PRESS. Aldrich Henry, St. Mary at Quay lPSWICHJouRNAL(Sat.) PostleJack­ Burton Joseph 1\lumford, Cornhill Alexanders & Co St.l\Jaryat Quay son, proprietor, Old Butter market Cowell Samuel Hauison, Old .But- Archer Lydia, St. Clement's Fore st SUFFOLK CHRONICLE (Saturdav), ter market Bowman Robert, Falcon st John Kin& pmpriet01·, Tavern' st Dec~ Robert~ Cornhill 559 ~uffolit. IPSWICH, &c.

PRINTERS---LETTER-PRESS Burch Robert, Lower Orwell st Elliston William, St. Peter st - Continu~d. Calver Thos.jun.Belllane,St. Peter's Francis James Ougham, Bank st Dorkin Anthony, Brook st Cattermole James, Cox lane Hammond Charles C. Foundation st Hunt Edwa•·d, Tavern st Chaplin Wm. Princes st, Borough rd King John, Lower Brook st Jackson Postle, Old Butter market Chappell Sophia, Duke st Mumford William, Waterloo passage King John, Tavern Rt Clarke Edward, Haudford road Sa m pson Geo. Green, St. Matthew st Page Joshua A. St. Clement's Forest Clarke Joshua, Curriers' lane Sanderson Wm. Bell, St. Matthew st Pawsey Frederick, OldButtermarkt Day John, Woodbridge road Shaw Jas. (lunatic a~ylum) Belle\'ue Piper Stephen, Old Butter market Dnver John, Mount Shearman Wm.St. Clement's Forest Root Robert, W estgate st Dun nett Thos. St. Clement's Forest Webster William Hy. Bailey, Carr st Scoggins Johu, Orwell place English James, New st Shalders Henry, Westgate st SURVEYORS, Frost John, St. Margaret st (See also Architects ~ SurveyorsJ PROFESSORS & TEACHERS, Garuham William, Halifax Marked thus* are 'Teachers of Music. Bransby Spencer Lazmby, North· Gooderham Harriet, St. l\Iary elms gate street '*Ball Mrs.&Son, Old Butter market Green Daniel, Bell lane, St. Peter's *Bianchi George Henry, Tavern st Ellis Ho ratio Thomas ( & surveyor Green Henry, Halifax and valuer to the Ipswich and ~~~'Bianchi Mary & Amelia, Tavern st Green Robert, St. Helens st Clamp Robert (writing & drawing), Plomsgate unions, Soane st [terr Harvey Daniel, Lower Orwell st Gower Steph. (& valuer)St. George's Elm st Hayward Robert, Upper Orwell st •Foster Robert William, Whitton rd Harvey Frederick, Carr st Hayward William, St. Matthew st Leggett William t taxes) Globe lane •Humfress James, Turret lane Hill Marv, Carr st *Levett Elizabeth, Providence st Nottage George, Cornhill Jackson James, St. Margaret st Orman Robe11: Henry, Friar5 road Smart John (drawing), Elm st Jacobs Robert, Norwich road •walker Ellen, Cornhill Parkes Samuel W. Queen st Jordan William, New cut Whiting John, Crown st ROPE & TWINE MAKERS, Lee William, W oodbridge road Bird Samuel, Silent st Leggett Philip, East st TAILORS. Brown Jeremiah, Queen st MarkP.d thus • a1eo also Woollen Drnpers. Lyons Samuel, St. Mary elms *Balls Edward, Queen st Cook Samuel, Back Church !lt Paine Sarah Page, 1 Orwell place Rands Emanuel, Common quay *Bare Frederick, Brook st Payne William, Norwich road *Bare Thomas, St. Stephen'5 lane Runting James (& sacking), Old Fowling Benjamin, Borough st Butter market Bell Robert, Norwich road Rose George, Upper Orwell st Brll William, St. .Mar·y elms Wood James (twine), Norwich I'oad Rudd Henry, Regent st '*Blomfield William, St. Lawrence st SADDLERS AND HARNESS Savage Thomas James, East st '*Brakenridge Thomas, Carr st MAKERS. Singleton Geo. St. Margaret's green *Clarke James, St. Stephen's lane Blasby Barnes, St. Matthew st Smith Jeremiah, Norwich road *Clarke John (and hatter) St. Ste- Burch Robert, Thoroughfare Stevenson Wm. Bridge st, St. Peter's phen's lane Dawson John, Woodbridge road Syer Isaac, St. Margaret st *Clarke William, Brook 15t Debenham Thomas, St. Margaret st Syer Isaac, Upper Orwell st *Collyer James, Cornhill Emerson Thomas, St. l\latthew st Thrower Henrv, Foundation st '*Cudding William, King st [st Frewer Isaac, Tavern st Upson Amy, New cut Cuthbert Edwd. Gibbs, St. Margaret Hamilton Andrew, Stoke green Waights & Hopson, Ropewalk '*Cunnold George,Old Butter market Howrs John, St. Matthew st Whitehead William, Ropewalk Edgley George, St. Stephen'~ lane King James, Currier's lane Wright Jabez, Little Barclay st Frost John, St. Margaret st Leigh George, Cornhill SPIRIT DEALERS. *Goldsby William, Newmarket lane Lyons David, W estgate st See Wine and Spirit Merchants. Goss Ebenezer, 7 Great Coleman st May William, St. Peter st *Hagg & Son, Brook st [st Norbrook Jas. St. Clement's Forest STAY MAKERS. *Hillvard John, St. Clement's Fore Paul Rohert, Crown st Clarke Mary & Lucy, St. Nicholas st Howes William, St. Clement st [st Ringe William, Carr st Cook Sarah, St. Matthew st '*H umphreys Jas. St. Clement's Fore Stockings Benj. Dock st, St. Peter'-s Denham Sophia, Globe lane '*Johnson James, Orwell place Terry William, Bridge st, St. Peter's Edwards Elizabeth, Crown st *Lawrance Henry, Brook st Wade Samuel, Cornhill Edwards William, Silent st *Leeks John Thomas, Carr st SAIL MAKERS. Howard Elizabeth, Carr st Lovewell Henry, Carr st Horn W. B. Duke st Ribbans Mary, :St. Matthew st '*Mallett FrdnCis, Brook st Pickess Jon. St Clement's Fore st Waspe Elizabeth, Crown st Manuing George, St. Peter st Shannan William, Lower Orwell st STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Mat thews Thomas, Queen st [ st SHIP BUILDERS. Backhouse Benjamin, Norwich road '*Nunn William, St. Clement's Fore Bayley William & Co. Duke st Tovell George (& cement and bone *'Nunn William, Tavern st Read & Page, Halifax dm;t manufacturers) Carr st '*Pearson James, Upper Orwell st SHIP CHANDLERS. Tovell Robert, Lower Brook st *Perry John, Carr st Barker Chas. St. Clement's Forest STRAW HAT MAKERS. Read Samuel, Great ColemaB st Christie William, Common quay Bass Eliza, Barday st Rogers John, St. Clement's Fore st Christorherson Rebecca, St. Cle- Boston John, Carr st Rope•· Thomas, Stoke st ment s Forest [ ment's Forest Burrage Elizabeth, Falcon st *Rush William, Brook st Mulley William Robinson, St. Cle­ Cole Ann, Barclay st *Seccull Arthur, Silent s~ Webb Robert, St. Clement's Forest Deward & Cook, Brook st *Shewell Thomas, Tavern st SHIPPING COMPANIES. Fisher Mary, Old Butter market Simpson Samuel, St. l\lary elms CROWN & ScEPTRE, Head, Dobson Howes John, St. Matthew st Smith Joseph, St. Clem~nt's F01·e st & Co. Crown & Sceptre wharf­ Juby 3ophia, Brook st '*Tetlow Robert, St. Margaret st J no. Dennington Leach, wharfingr Juby William, Old Butter market *Tunmer & Sou, Tack et st SuFFOLK AND NoRFOLK, Smart's Pearce Joseph, Tavem st & Tack et st *Tuumer George, Tavern st wharf-C. A. Harbur, agent Ringe Caroline, Carr st 11 Vesey William, St. Matthew st SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS IN Squirrel! Lydia, Silent st *\Velham John, St.l\.Jatthew st GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Wright Harriet, St. Clement's Forest Welham Joseph, Falcon st Whittle John, St• .1\lary elms Andrews James, Friar st SURGEONS. Bayley Edward, Silent st Adams Webster, St.l\Iary elms Warts Frederick, St. Nicholas st Benham Samuel, Upper Orwell st Atthill Hobert, St. Clement's Forest TALLOW CHANDLERS. Bird John, Woodbndge road Barker John, Coruhill Baker Isaac, St. Clement st Bloomfield Daniel, Barclay st Bartlett Alexander, Lower Brook st Clarke Joshua, Greyfriars road Booth Robert James, Stoke st Bartlctt Henry, Lower Brook st Colchester Charles& Co. Friars lane Brame Georg-e, St. Helens st Bullen George, Carr st Ennew & Porter, Queen !lt Brandon William, St. Matthew st Chamberlain Joseph, Globe lane Ramplen Stephen, St. Nicholas st Brewer John, Silent st Cowell George, St. Nicholas st [st Spurling Samuel, St. Mattbew stand Bristow Jobn7 St. Mary elms Davie & Pitcher, St. Clement's Fore St. Stephea's lane 560 DirtctotJJ. IPSWICH, &c. .Sttffolft.

TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. TEA & COFFEE DEALERS. l''isk James, Ropewalk Adrniral's He~~d, Richard Castoo, St.l\lar- Brewster Richard, St. Margaret st Turner William, Clay lane garet st Cook Joseph Lucas, Church yard WINE& SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Anchor, Hannah Hambling, Duke at CowellSamuel Harrison (and spice), An~ei,Jno. HaEelton,A ngella.St.Ciemnt•s Addison Ralph, King st Bee Hive, Thos. Crisp, Old Butter market Newmarket lane Bowman Robert. Falcon st [st :Bell,John Knock, Greyfriars Woods Jeremiah, Queen st Biisto Thos. & Son (spirit), Tacket .Bell, James MiiiM, Dock st, St. Peter's TIMBER MERCHANTS. ChaplinWm. Jackson,St.Matthew st Black Horse,.Jacoh l\t ills, Black Horsl' lane Brown William & Co. (and slate) Blue Bell, Thomas Gh·ling, Cornhill Churchman Jno.& Co.St. Matthewst lJiue Coat Boy, Samuel Bird, 8ilent st St. Nicholas st Cobbold & Son, Lower Brook st lJuck•s Head,Saml.Fortman, V pr.Urwell st Byles Jeremiah & Co. College st Cowell Samuel, Harrison & Charles, lJull, l\fartha Brooks, Key st [st Catt Benjamin B. Duke st New l\larket lane Bull & Dog, H,. Clarke,St.CII'ment•s Fore Colchester William & Co. (and slate Crawley Thomas, St. Peter st Bull•s Head, Robert V ngless, Or\\ ell place merchants, and agents for Kyan's Case Altered, Sol. Dynes, Woodbridge rd Elliston William, St. Nicholas st Chaise & Pair,Saml. Wilson, Woodbridgerd Patent),College st Garrod George & Co. King st Chequers, Anna Linsey, New st Cordingley John (and oil cake) St. Gower Thos. (spirit & concentl-ated Cock & Pye, Charlotte Powell, Brook. st Clement's Fore st punch manufacturer),Shirehall yd Coffee House, Robert Golding Osborne, Groom Samuel, Cox lane Manning John Spooner, Cornhill Tower street [liday, Corn hill Miller Rbt. (wine),Old Butter markt Corn Exchange CoffeeHouse,Henry Hoi­ TIN-PLATE WORKERS AND Cow & Gatr, Ann Howes, Key 1t BRAZIERS, Paul Robert, Foundation st Cow& Paii,Jno.CasperScbulen,Rope wlk. Barker William, V pper 01well st Ridley Henry, George& William,St. Cross Keys, Charles Robinson, Carr st Barnard William, Salthouse st Clement's }<,ore st Crown, Benjamin Lovely, Whitton Cook Samuel, W estgate st Turner John, Great Coleman st Crown, Thomas Middleditch, St. Peter st Harvey Joseph, Lower Orwellst Whimper Nathaniel (spirit), Carr st Crown and Sceptre, Daniel Dobson, St. Mary at Quay [lane Meadows Charles, Tavern st and WIRE WORKE:RS. Currier~>' Arms, William Holder, Curriers• St. Clement's Hill Joseph, St. .Matthew st Defiance, Joseph Laws, Stoke st Ridley John, Comhill Keeple Jeremiah (& dressing ma­ Dolphin,John Reynolds, St. Mary at Quay Scrivener Samuel, V pper Orwell st chine maket·), Old Butter market Dove,O badiah Barwick Lucas,St.Hel ens st Singleton John, Old Butter market WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Duke of York, Joshua Parish, Albion hill Elephant and Castle, Simon Bowman, Singleton William, Brook st (See also Linen Drapers; and also Handford street TOBACCO PIPE MAKERS. 1'ai/ors.) falcon, Robert Bowman, Falcon st Adams Webster, Curriers' lane [st Buck and.Fraser, Old Butter market Feathers, Loll Betts, St.. Matthew st Miller&Goodwin,St.Clement'sl<,ore BurrowsRobt.&Son,OldButter mrkt Fleece Thomu, Shorten, St. Matthew st Fox, Henry Haken, Brook st TOBACCONISTS. Miscellaneous. GalJiot Hoy, William (iaac.oinge Havell, Churchman William, W estgate st Alexander Edw. woolstapler,Curriers•lane St. Clement's Fore st [let Giles Edwiu, Tavern st Baillie mi.3siunary,St.Nicbolas st Gardeners' Anns,Samuel Webb,Fore ham­ Ranson Robert Gill, St. Clement's Boud John, tanner, SL Helens st Burbage Elizabeth, manufucturer o~ ho- Globe, Mary Baldry, Globe lane TOY DEALERS. Green Man, Josepb Whitehead, Key at siery, St. Step hen's lane [Can st G•tn, Harriet Carrington, Key at Dorling Edward, Brook st Choat Lucy, child-bed linen warehousP. Halberd, Mary Pilch, Norlhgate sl Stegg-dll Samuel, Old Butter market Christopherson Georgtt, cauvaas lactor, SL Half Moon, John Alltm, Foundation at TURNERS. Clem~ut•s Fore st Half Moon, John Bantoft, St. Matthew :st Alderton Thomas, l<,alcon st Clarke John, sherilf•s officer, Ea~tle st Horse and Groom, William Stephens, Bentlev John, Falcon st Clarke Thomas C. piano forte tuner, St. Woodbridge road • Hel~n!l street Lgrff'n Ipswich Arms,Nathaneal Garnbam,Hand- .Miller Matthias, Cox lane fst Cohball William, musician, St. Margaret'a ford bridge [Brook at Osborn Samuel, St. Clement's Fore Collins Wm.sheri~s officer,St. N icholas at Ipswich Arms, Philip Stephens, Lower Senton James, Carr st Du rant & Hammond, umbrella. and para- sol makers, Tavern st Joiners• Anns, Wm. Howe, Vpr. Orwell st VETERINARY SURGEONS. King•s Arms, Sarab Chap man, Corn hill Goodwin George,clo<"k caiJe maker, Carr st Leopard, Thomas Trew, Tower terrace Cage John Wm. St. Margaret'sgreeo Last Alfred, or~tau tunPr, Cook row Life Boat, Wm. Batley, R alifax [road Long John, Westg-c\te st Perry John, accountant, Carr st Lord Chancellor, Wm. }'oulgar, Greyfriars Smith Robert, 3 Great Coleman st Plan ten Edward, New market Lord Nelson, Jemima J obson, St. Cle- Warner John, Mount Pooley George, corn inspector, Tarket st ment's Fore at [Margaret st Seaman John, naturalist, Carr st l\farquess Cornwallis, John Stnens, St. WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. SmartJno.miniature painter,St.Mary elms !leptune, James Alt:xander, St. Clement's A blitt J no. ( & silversmith) Tavern st Smith Hy. Robt. & John, carriers, Carr st Fore street Ashford Wm. St. Clement's Forest Sparrow Charles, ornamental plasterPr, New Inn, Aothony Breckles, Duke st Bames Oavid, Handford st Norwich road [works, Church At Old White Hart,the Executors of the late Cansdale Solomon, Brook st [hill Thornbory David, contractor fur public Mary Sbeppard, St. Lawrence •t Turner William, Crown sl Orwell Inn, Jas. Adams, Lower Orwdl st ColeRichd.Stenton (&jewellr),Corn­ Wright David, shot founcler, Falcon 1t Ostrich, Sarah Sewell, Worstead Jaye Elizabeth, Lower Orwell st Plough, Jonathan Hobart, St. Peter's Levy Moses, CarT st PortoBello, Wm.l\Iortimer,Vpr.Orwell st Lintord John Tagg, Thoroughfare Public Buildings, Post Cbaise,Jobn Sargent, Woodbrid!:e rd Read Daniel, W estgate st l st Offices, &c. Queen•s Head, John Bacon, St. Matthew st Robertson Ebenr. St. Clement's Fore CUSTOM HOUSE_, CoMMON QU.t T. Queen's Head, John Lord, Fo1e hamlet Collector William Lane. Ram, Edward Swan, Key st Schulen Charles, Tack et st [st Swerer Geo. (clock) Upper Orwell C0111ptroller-A braham Cook.. Rose, Rachael Spaldin~, St. Peter at Colleeior"s Clt'Tk-S. Christopberson. Rose & Crown, Thos.Ciarkr,Whitton road W eston Jas. (clock) V pper Orwell st Landing Waite1· G. T. Soley. Royal Oak, John Rohinson, N orthgate st WHEELWRIGHTS, Tide SuTT!eyor-William Hooper. HoyalWilliam, Wm. W oollard,Handford rd Page John, Great Whip st Rnnning Buck, Mary Andrews, Soane 8l EXCISE OFFICE_, Cox L.uu. Safe Harbour, John London,Borough road Planten William Lewis, Church st Collector-James Cardew. Salutation, Wright Hunt, Carr st Quadling Edward, St. Austin st Supervisor-John Wild. S:uacen•s Head, Hobert Bedwell, St. Rose George, Foundry road Collector's Clnk-Edward Dobson. Margaret's green Singleton Geo. St. .Margaret's green Permit Writers-James Cummins and Sea Horse, David Worhy, College at Thomas Rand Leatb. WHITESMITHS AND BELL Ship, William Miller, Stoke j!reen RE:GISTRARS OF BIRTHS Ship, Richard Sturgeon, Back hamlet HAlliGERS. Avis Thoma.~, St. Matthew st AND DEATHS. Shipwrights• Anns,.las.C henery,Stoke grn Georsre Josepb Harmer (for St. Clement's Smack,.James Hardee, Common quay Avis Thomas, Pennit office court Distri

~uttolk. IPSWICH, &c.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS1 &c.-Contd. CARRIERS. To EARL SOHAM, Samuel Noller'e ASS.I!MBLY RooMs, Northgate st. To LONDON, William Smith's Waggon, Waggon, from the Saracen's Head,every BATHs(warm, cold and vapour), St. Mary from Carr st, every Tuesday, Thursday Monday-&- Watling, from the Cow at Quay-Jabez Hare, proprietor. and Sunday-and Samuel Noller, from and Gate, every Friday. IJoJloUGH BKIDEWELL, Sbire Hall yard the SalaCf'n's Head, and Broom & Co. To ,-Peek,fromthe -John Turner Baker, kt>eper. from the Griffin, every Thursday. Waggon and Horses, every Wednesday :BoROUGH GAoL, Ropelane-Robert Flet­ To ALDBOROUGH,- Smith, from the and Friday-and - Church, from the cher. II(OYernor. HaI berd, enry M on. Tues. Fri. & Sat. K1ng•s Head, every Saturday. CORN EXCHANGE,GilbertBrothers,clerk. To ARWARTON, - Smith, from the To ELM SETT, Daniel Podd, from the Coo NTY GAOL, St. Helens st-.Edward Rost",eVNY 1\londay, Wednesday & Sat. Waggon & Hor~es, every Wed. & Sat Amosd Johnson, governor. To ASH BOCKING,- B10wn,from the ToE VE,- Ormrod 1from the Sea Horae, CtHJRT OF REQUESTs, Town hali-Wil­ Saraceu•s Heail, every Tuesday, Thur~­ every Wednesday & Saturday-and - Iiam Hammoud, clerk. day and Saturday-and - 'l'almash, Dade, every Tues. & Fri.-and- Ray­ DocK OFFICE, Common quay-John trom the same Inn, every Wed. & Sat. son, from the Bull, every Mon. & Thurs. Hill, accountant. To ASHFIKLD, William Osbome, from To FAKENHAM,Jonathan Parker, from DocK OFFICE, St. Maryat Quay-Henry the Halht>rd, every Saturd~y. the Sorrel Horse, every Tuesday & Sat. R. Pal mer, engineer. To BATTISFURD, - Sharman, from To FRAMLINGHAM,-Smith,fromthe E.t.sT SuFFOLK HosPlTAL, Hospital st the Ipswich Arms, every Saturday. Cow & Gate, every Tuesday & Satur­ -Henry King Hawmond, house sur­ To BECCLES & BUN GAY, Wm. Smith•s day-Samuel Noller, from the Saracen•a geon and secretary; Mary Sl1eldrake, Waggon, from Carr st, Mon. aud Thurs. Head, every Monday;- Hart,fromtbe matron. To BEDFIELO,- Guyter, from theJps­ Sea Horse, every Tuesday-and Saml. Gu Woau, Duke street-Daniel Poole wich Arms, every Saturday. Whiteman, from the Halberd, Friday. Goddard, clerk and superintendent To BENTLEY, - Hassam, from the To FRAMSDEN, - Brown, from the HARBOUR MAST&R's OFFICE, Duke st Plough, Pvery Saturday. Saracen•s Head, every Tuesday and Sa. -Samuel Smith, harbour master To BILUESTON,- Wri~ht, from the tnrday-and- Tal mash, Wed. & Sat. HoRIII BARRAcKs, St.l\latthew's-Capt. Cow & Gate, every Monday, T!lesday, To FRESSINGFlELD,-Hart,fromt~ Rook, barrack mAster. Thursday & Friday-& .Jeremiah Gos­ Sea Horse, every Tuesday. LIBRARY, at Frederick Pawsey's, Old ling, from the Sea Horse, Mon. Wed.&Fri. To GISLJNGHAM,- Lincoln, from the Butt.. r To BOTESOALE, - Barhatn1 from the Hor,e, every Wednesday & Sat.-&­ LITERARY INSTITUTION 1 Town Hall-­ Cow & Gate, and - Talbot, from the Tal bot, from the Bull, every Tues.& Fri. Nelson Levett, librarian. Sea Horse, t'Very Tuesday & Friday. To GRUNDISBURGH, John Baxter, LUNATIC ASYLUM, Belle vue James To BOXFURD, John Mann, from the from the Waggon & Horses, every Toes­ Shaw, surgeon, proprietor. Bull, every Monday & Friday-and­ day & Saturday-and - Ramsey, from :MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, Tavern st­ Ling, from theW agp;on & Horses, every the Halberd, every Wednesday & Sat. Jonathan Carver, secretary. Wt"dnesday and Saturday. To H.~ OLEIGH, the Mail Cart, from the Jli EW MARKET, Wm. Townshend, clt>rk. To BROCKDISH, - Stel{gall, from the Blue Bell, and John Warren, from the STAMP OFFICR, Tavern st--'fhomas Ar­ Cow & Gate, every Tuesday & Friday. Waggon & Horses, daily; -Bond, from cher, sub-distributer. To BROCKFORD, -Quintan, from the the Royal Oak, daily (Friday excepted) THEATRE, T acket st. ~ea Horse, every Tues. &­ -Ling, from the Waggon and Horat>s, Tow .N HALL, Cornhill. Clay, from the Crown & Anchor, Sat. every Wednesday and Saturda~·. To BRUN DISH,- Smith, from the Cow To HALESWORTH, Joseph Sawyer, COACHES. and Gate, every Tuesday. from the. Post Chaise, Pvery Monday To ~ON DON, the Royal Mail(from Nor­ To BUCKLESHAM, John Sayer, from and Saturday-& - Smith, from Carr Wich) & the Telegraph(from Yarmouth) the Angel, every Saturday. st, every Monday and Thursday. l'all at the !\fail Coach office, Tavern st. To BURGH,-Baxter, from the Waggon To HA RKST EA D,- Alderton, from the every night at half-past eleven-the and Horses, and- Last, from the Ips­ Waggon & Horses, & -Holding, from Blue, from the Coach offici:', Brook st, wich Arm•, every Tuesday & Saturday. the King's Head and the Rose, everJ every morning at ni~e-the Shannon, T~> BURY ST. EDMU!Ii DS. James Gar­ Tuesday, Thursday aJid Saturday. every morning at ten-& tht> Star, from rod's Waggons, from the Sea Horse; To HARLESTON,- Stegg-all, from the the Golden Lion & Great White Horse - Osbornt", from the Cow & Gate, and C'ow and Gate, every Tuesday & Friday. Inns, every day at half-past twel' e; all -Burrows, from the Bull, every Mon- ToHELMLE Y,Page & Ball,fromtheShip, go through Colchestt"r, Chelmsford, In­ day and Thursday; - Simpson, from evt>ry 15aturday. gatesnne, Brentwood and Romford. the Gun, every Tuesday & Saturday­ ToHOLBROOK, WilliamHolding,from To BECCLES, tbeStar, from the GoldPo and - Lockwood, from the Waggon the Rose, every Monday, Wedue~day & Lion & Great White Horse Inns, e•ery and R on._.s, every Friday. Saturday-& Jnmes Alderton,from the afternoon at half-past two. To CAV EN DISH. Oavid Goodale, from Waggon & Horses, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. To BUNGAY, the Star, from the Great tht> Bull, Pvery Monday and Friday. To HOXNE, - Ormrod, from the Sea White Horse Inn, every afternonn at To CHARESFIELll,-Beaumont,from Horse, every Tuesday, Wednesday and half-past two; goes through £ye, Scole the Ipswich Arms, ev!"ry Wed. & Sat. Saturday-John Hawes, from the Cow and Harleston. ToCHELMONDISTON,-Ruflles,from and Gate, every Wednesday and Satnr­ To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, a Coach, the Ro~e, every Monday, Wed. & Sat. dav-and- Smith, every Tuesday. from the Mail Coach office, every morn­ To CHELSWORTH,- Snell, from the To IXWORTH,- Reeve, from the Cow ing (Sunday excepted) at ten-and the Sea Horse. every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. and Gat!', every Thursday. Regulator, from the Coach nnd Horses, To CLACTON, - Townsend, from the To KERSEY,- Warren, from the Wag­ every afternoon at fonr; both li(O thro' Bull. f'Very Tuesday and Saturday. gon and Horses, daily. Needbam Mark!"! and Stowmarket. To CLARE. David Good ale, from the Bull, To KIRTON, Henry Wright, from tbe To CAMBRIDGE, the Camb1·idge, from every Monday and Friday. Sorrell Hors!', every Tuesday & Satur­ the Coach and Horses, every morning To COCKFIELD, Robe11 Osborne. from day-and- Dunnett, from thPGarden• (Sunday excepted) at ten; goes through the Cow & Gate, e•ery .Mon. & Thurs. er's Arms, every W ednesday&Saturday. Needham, and To CODDEl'HAl\11, Jas. Chaplin, from To LAVENHAM, David Goodale, from Bury. the Crown and Anchor, every Monday, the Bull, every Monday and Friday; - To HALESWORTH, the Shannrm. from Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; - Springett, from the Cow and Gate, and the Coach office, Brook st 1 every after­ Meller, from the King's Head, every - Rusbbrook, from the Sea Horse, noon atfour; goes through Woodbridge Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday-and every Monday and Thursday. and Saxmundham. -Wells, from the Feathen,every Mon­ To LETHERINGHAM, - Beaumont, To NEEDHAM MARKET, st-e Coacltts day, Thursrlay and Saturday. from the Ipswich Arms, every Saturday. to BURY ST. EDMUNDS and STOW• To COLCHESTER. - Garwood, from To LEVIti!GTON,- Chapman,from the MARK.ET. the H11lberd, every Monday, Wedses­ Sorrell Horse, PVery1'ues. Thurs.&j:;at. To NORWICH, the Royal Mail (from day and Friday-James Rouse, from St. To LONG MELFURD, DavidGood11le, London) calls at the Mail Coach office Margaret•s ditch~"&, and - Hawkins, from the Sea Horse, every Mon. & Fri. l'Tery morning at four; goes through. from the Cross Ko>ys, ev'!ry Tuesday, To LOWESTOFT, Wm. Smith•sWaggon, Scole and Long Stratton-& the Union, Thursday & Saturday-and Benjamin frnm Carrst, every Monday & Thursday. from the Suffolk Hotel, every Monday, Heart, from St. Mar~aret st, every Sat. To MANNINGTREE, William Blyth,., Wednesday & Friday morning at nine; To COMBS,- Miller, from the Green from the Rose, every Tuesday, Thurs· ~-of'S tbro• Woodbridge, Framliugham, Man, daily. da), Friday and Saturday. Stradhrook. Harleston, &c. To CRETINGHAM,Jame~ Durrantanll To M END J,ESHA M,- Robinson, from To SAXMUNDHAM, see Coaches to - Beaumont, from tbe Ipswich Arms, the Green M11n, every TueAday & Sat. HALESWORTH. every W eo. & Sat.-and- Kettle, from To NACTON, William Whl'atley, from To STOWMARKET, the Shannon, from thl" Wa!!'gon & Horses, every Saturday. the Sorrell Hors~", Mon. Thurs. & Sat. the Coacb ol.tice, Brook st, every after­ To DEBENHAM, A11thony Alexander, To NAYLAN 0, Jonathan Parker, from noon at four. fmm the Cow & Gate, & Thomas Mark, tht> Wa~tgon, every Monday. To WOOOBRIDGE, see Coaches to from the Bull & Gate, every Tuesday, To NEEOHAM MARKET, Lazaros HALESWORTII and to YARMOUTH. Thursday and Saturday; - Forman, Griwwood, from toe Queen's Head and To YARMOUTH, the Royal Mail and from the Gun, every M ouday, W ednPS­ Gun, daily. Telegraph (from London) call at the day and Saturday; - Page, from the To NORWICH, - Smith, from the Mail Coach office, every morning at Sun, every Wednesday & Sat.-& Saml. Chaise, every Monday & Saturday; - four-and the Star calls at the Great NoliPr, from the Sara"en>s Hea

To OFFTON,JeremialaGotiling, from the To SUDBURY, John Mann, from the day and :.O:aturday-andJoha Ford,from Sea Horse, & - Wrigbt, fro on the Cow Bull, every Monday & Friday-and- the Green Man, ev~ry Saturday. and Gate, three times a week. Rnggles and- Ling, from the Waggon To WINSTON, AnthonyAiexander,from ToORFORD,Jno.Mann,fromtheChaige and Horses, every Tuesday. tbe Cow & Gate, every Tuesday, Thurs­ and Pair, and - Paed, from the Post To , William Blythe, day and Satnrday-and Thomas Mark,. Chaise, every Saturday. from the Rose, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. frnm the Bull, f'very Tuesday and Sat. To REDGRAVE,-Talbot,fromtheSea To THETFORD, - R<-eve, from the To WITN£SHAM,- Brown, from the Hone, every Tuesday and Friday-and Cow & Gate, every Thursday-and - Saracrn•s He~d,everyTues. & Sat-& - Barham, from the Bull, every Tues. Lambert, from the Green Man, Friday. - Mortimt>r. from the Halbeid, Sat. To SAX MUN DHA M, Jos. Rouse, from To THORN DON, Aldrich and Howard, To WOODBRIDGE, Joseph Rouse, from the Halberd, every Tuesday & Saturday. from the Green Man, evt>ry Tuesolay & the Tower ditches, daily-and \\ illiam To SHtLFANGER,- Websdale, from Saturday;- Robinson, from the Sea Green, from the\\- aggon & Hor!es,and the Bull, eVl'ry Tuesday & Friday. Horse, every Tuesday and Saturday- John Newson,from the Admiral's Head,. To S H OTLEY, Samuel Grim wood, from and - Clears, every Saturday. daHy (Wednesday excepted.) the Rrose, every Monday, Wed. & Sat. To TRORPE. - Townsend, from the To WOOLPIT, Abraham Wilding. from To SOMERSHAM, Jeremiah Gosling, Bull, every Tuesday & Saturday-and the Cow & Gate, every Mon. & Thur11. from the Sea Horse, & - Wright, from - Tye, from the Sea Horse, every Tues. To WORLINGWORTB, Samuel Noller, the Cow and Gate, three times a week. To THWAITE, Richard Annis, from the from tbe Saracen•s Head, every Monday To SOUTHWOLD, Wm. Smith's Wag- Half Moon & Star, every Saturday. -and - Watliug, from the Cow anll gon, from Carr st, every Mon. & Thurs. To TRIM LEY, John Ba.xter, from the Gatl'. every Faiday. To STON HAM,-H unt,from theQueen's Sorrell Hors.. , every M on. Thurs. & Sat. To YARMOUTH, William Smith•s Wag­ Head, every Tuesday, Thursday & Sa- -and - Palmer, every Wed. & Sat. gon, lrom Carr st, Mon. Thurs. aud Sat. turday~and William Higgins, from the To TUN STALL,- Stevenson, from the Salutation, and -Last, from the Rose, Post Chaise, every Saturday. CONVEYANCE BYWATEB. evPry Wednesday and Saturday. To WALSHAM, Geore:e Firman, from To LONDON, the Albion Steamt>r, from To STOW MARKET, Lazarus Grim- the Sea Horse, every Thursday. the Steam Packet quay, every Tuesday wood, from the Queen's Head and Gun, To WALTON, William Payne, James & 'I hursday morning at halt-past seven~ daily (Friday excepted); -Baker, from I Chaplin and- Cberrington, from the Henry Aid rich, agent-the Sufiolk. and the Green M an, every Tuesday, Thurs. Sorrell Horse, every Mon. Thurs. & Sat. Norfolk 8hi pping Co.'s Vessels, from day & Saturday-&- Robinson, everr To WEN HAM, William Moutle, from Smart's wharf, every Tuesday, Thurs- Tuesday and 8aturday. the Swan, every Saturday. day and Saturday • C. A. Harbur,ag~nt To STRADBROOK, - Smith, from To W ETHERil\GSETT, - Quinton, -and the Crown and Sceptre Shippin~t the Cow & Gate, Tuesday & Saturday from the SeaHorsl',every Tues. & Sat. Co.•sVtssf'ls,trom the Crown &Sceptre -&- Met"n,from the Bull, Mon. & Fri. To WICK HAM MARKET, 1\lichl. M ay- wharf, eveoy Thnnday and Saturday- To STUTTO N, John A'kew, from the hew, from Pnrto BPlln, I'Yf'ryTues.&Sat. J. D. I, each, wharlitlgPr. Waggon and Horses, every Wednesday To WICK HA M SKEITH, Philip Lin- 1To HA R\HCH, 7'raders, from the Crown and Saturday. coin, froon the Sea HorsP, every Tues- and Sceptre \11 hart, daily. IXWOR'fH, PAKENHAl\1, AND NEIGHBOURHOOJlS. lxwORTH is a small and neat town, formerly having structure: the benefice is a perpetual curacy in the gift a market, in the parish of its name and hundred of of the lord of the manor; the present incumbent is the Blackboume; 78 miles N. E. by N. from London, and Rev. Charles Jones. About one mile hence dweltAnne 7 N. E. from Bury St. Edmunds; pleasantly "ituated on Rayner, the distracted girl of , ccle­ the road from the latter town to Yarmouth. It is a brated in a poem by Bloomfield, with aH the pathos, place of little trade or note, and only remembered by and perhaps more native interest about it than e\·en the antiquary, from there having been a religious house characterizes Sterne's 1\laria. The market of I xworth founded here in 1100, in a pleasant valley by the river is now sca1·cely obsen·ed, but an annual fair is held ou side; the Norton family afterwards built a neat man- the 13th of May. The number of inhabitants iu the sion upon the site of the ancient priory, which is now parish, by the returns for 1831, was 1,061. occupied by Richard Norton Cartwright, Esq., the lord About two miles south from Ixworth, is the village of the manor, for which courts leet and baron are held and parish of PAKENHAM. The church i:;j dedicated to occasionally; and the magistrates sit in petty sessions St. Mary: the living is a diS<'harged vicarage~ in the here weekly. pre~entation of Lord Calthorp. Population of the parish The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a small neat m 1831, 979.

POST OFFICB1 IxwoRTH, Joseph Warren, Post .lllaster.-Letters from all Jlarts arrh·e (from BuRY ST. EDMUNDS) every morning at half-past seven, and are despatched every e\·eniug at five. *" •* 1'/te namPs without address are in IxwoRTH. GENTRY AND CLERGY. INN &; PUBLIC HOUSES. Hull Charles, boot and shoe maker Bassell Mrs. -, Langham Bell, Jolm Bridges, Pakenham H urrell J ames, hoot and shoe maker Burroughs Rev. Northgr.te, Ashfield Greyhound, Mary Dover, lxworth Jarman John, baker [auctioneer Cartwright Riehard Norton, esq. Pickerel Inn, Saml. Haddon,Ixworth Leman Samuel, cabinet maker aud Ixworth abbey Woolpack,Hy. Clemence, Pakenham Meadows James, cooper Casborne Rev. WilliamS. Pakenham SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. .)tiller Robert, painter, plumber, &c. Heigham Jno. Hy. esq. Hunston hall Bailey William, blacksmith Moyes Robert, baker James Rev. Norgate, Ashfield Batterby Barnabas, grocer and dra- Pitts Hannah, dress maker Jones Rev. Charles, Pakenham per, Pakenham Potter Amos, butcher, Pakenham Lowe John, esq. Ixworth Botwright James, groce1· & draper Potter Charles, tailor [kenham Matthew James, esq. Ixworth BoyceWm.painter,plumber & glazier Potter James, tailor and draper, Pa­ Sendall Rev. Sirnon, Langham Brookes Benjaruin, tailor Potter John, corn miller Steadman Gill, esq. Pakenham Brown W illiam, hair dresser Read John, carpenter Thornhill Thos. jun. esq. Pakenham Candler William, cabinet maker Rush Sarah, dtess maker Wakeham Mrs.-, Walsham Candler Mrs. Wm. dress maker Smith George, blacksmith Wells Rev. Edward Cornish, Ixworth Clark James, registrar of births and Warren Joseph,watch &clock makr. Wilkinson H. esq. Walsham [sham deaths [ham Wiseman James, grocer and draper Wilkiuson Capt. Thomas, H. Wal­ Cooper Edward, carpenter, Paken­ W oollardJ oseph, butcher, Pakeu.ham Wilson Henry, esq. Stowlangtoft Cmcknell Charles, tailor BANK. Dring John, saddler [fumer COACHES. EAST OFENGLAND,Ixworth-( draws Durant James, hair dresser and per­ To LONDON, thl' Plwnomenn (from Nor­ on the London and Westminster Farrow W alton, butcher wich), call~ at the Greyhound, enry morning at half-past tl'n-& the Ttm•s, Bank)-James Wiseman, agent Goldsmith Frances, grocer & draper rails at the Picl1erel, every JUonday, ACADEMIES. Go 1dsmithJ ohn, wine, &c. merchant WednPSda~ and Fri. forenoon at PleH'D; Blake 'l'homas, Ixworth Goldsmith 1\lary, str

COACHES-Continued. at a quarter past two ; goes through To DISS, Noller & Co.and Sykes & Co.'a ternoon at four-am! the Times, cans at Botesdale, &e. Waggon1, enry Tuesday & Wednesday. tbe Pickerel, every Tuesday, ThursdRy CARRIERS, To J<:YE, Noller & Co.'s Waggons, Tues. and Sat. afternoon at half. past three; From, and p<~ssing through lxWORTB. To IPSWICH, Joseph Reeve, from his both go th ron~h Botesilale, D iss, &c. To LONDON, Noller & Co. and Sykes house, every Thursday. To YARMOUTH, thP. Hope (from Cam­ and Co.'s Waggons, every Wedoeaday To NORWICH, Sykes & Co.eTeryWed. bridge),calls at the Pickerel.every Tues­ and Thnrsdav. To THETI:'ORD,JosPph Reeve, from hia day, Thursday and Saturday afternoon ToBURY ST. EDMUNDS,carriers daily. house, every Wednesday and Saturday. LAVENHAl\1, FoRMERLY a market town, is in the parish of its The principal, indeed the only ornament to Laven­ name, and hundred of Babergh, 63 miles N. E. from ham is its church; it is dedicated to St. Peter, and is London, between 16 and 17 w. by N. from Ipswich, accounted one of the most beautiful fabrics of its kind 10 s. from Bury St. Edmunds, and the like distance N. in the county. The greate1· portion is of freestone, the w. from Hadletgh, pleasantly and healthfully situated in remainder being of curious flint work; the steeple, a "·alley, nearly surronnded by hills, except on the 5louth, admirable both for its strength and beauty, is 141 feet and on a branch of the river Britt, from whence the 1 high; it contains six powerful bells, much admired by town has a gradual ascent. It consi~ts of nine small I the curious, particularly the tenor, which, though it divisionR or streets, the houses composing which are 1 weighs but 23cwt., in sound is equal to one of 40cwt. old and ill built; but the market place is spacious, and iThe roof of the church is finely carved, and the win.. has a stone cross in its centre. Lavenham WM once dows ornamented with beautiful stained glass. The fumous for its manufacture of blue cloths, and after- living is a rectory, in the patronage of the ma.stf'r and wards yarn from wool was principally made here, also fellows of Caius College, Cambridge. There are places says and calimancoes; at present the only manufacture of worship for independents and Wesleyan methodistsd· is that of worsted yarns. The town was formerly go- 1 a free grammar school, founded in lli47, by Rid1ar l'erned by !'!ix capital burgesses, who were chosen for 1 Peacock, Esq. aud almshouses sustained by some old life, assisted by mferior officers, but their municipal town lands. The market, which is entitled to be holden power has long since ceased, and the local and county ' on Tueilday, has almost fallen into disuse; there are, magistrates are now the chief authorities. Lavenham Ihowever, two annual fairs, one for butter and cheese, is one of the polling stations at elections of members i which begins October lOth, and lasts four days; the for west Norfolk. other for horses on Shrove Tuesday. Po]Julation, 2,107. POS7' OFFZCB, Mm-yEast, Post llfistress.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched every evening at six. GENTRY AND cLERGY. • Black Lion (and excise office},Eliza- Mills Thomas, bricklayer [glazier Brown Thomas, esq. Brent-Eleigh ' beth Mattham Partridge Robt. painter, plumbe! & Harrison Rev.-, Thorpe Moriux Cock, Henry Deat~ Peck Wm. grocer, draper and tailor Johnson Re\', Richard, Parsonage Greyhound (& postt~g),Susan Wabe Pe~ley Jo~n, ~oot and shoe maker Meeking William, esq. Lavenham One Bell,, J?hn Smtth Pnce BenJamm Poole, grocer,drapa Shelford Rev. w. H. Preston rectory f Sw~n, Wdham Stutter • and fire office agent Snape Rev. Richard, Brent-Eleigh IWhite Horse, John Ramplmg Ray Abraha!Jl• ca:penter SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Sca~·ffe Damel, tailor BANKERS, ~ AbbottWm.plumber,paiuter&glazier Smtth John, boot and sJ:toe maker Alexanders & Co. (Branch of Had- , Bullh·ant Thomas, saddler Sp~rk.s James, whe~lwnght leigh open on Tuesday)-(draw Burch Joseph, baker [glazier Str!bl!ng Hubbard, lmel! draper on Barnett, Hoares&Co.,London) 'Clements Chas plumber painter & Stnblmg John, blacksmith and has· 'lli · . ' ket maker PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. IC oote W1 am,, cmpenter Tiffen Mary Ann, straw hat maker Barber William, surgeon E~~r John, mt~ler,, Presto~ TurnerThos. worsted mannfacturer Burch Thomas, .surgeon G~ll~ngham BenJam!n, currier Turner William, bricklayer Pngh John, master of the free gram- Gllhngham Be~.1amm, bookseller Walby J ames, cooper mar school Green John, nul~r, Preston Webber Wm watch & clock maker Pye George, attorney Green John, butcher . Whiting Richard, saddler Ray Mary ladies' school Hogger Thom~s, wheelwnght . t p' t .· k Lee Robert, miller CARRIERS. Vmcen a uc 'surgeon Making Abraham, saddler To LONJ?ON, James Ablitt, from the INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Mattham William, butcher Blal'k Lton, Tuesday and Thur&~ay~ Anchor, John Ran.son Meekin~ Samuel baker To BURY ST. EDM UNDS, Jno. Sprm- 'l C l d' . & • gett, every Wednesday. A nge,J Thomas W oo 11 ard M1 es ar es, ruggtst statwner ToCOLCHESTER,Jos.Goodale,Friday. Blackbirds, Robert Johnson Mills John, boot and shoe maker To IPSWICH,Jno. Springett, Thursday. LONG 1\IELFORD 11 S a large and populous village in the hundred of Ba- century, but the small square tower is of later date. bergh, 59 miles N. E. by N. from London, 22 w. from In the church are several monuments to distinguished Ipswich, and 3 N. N. w. from Sudbury; situated on a individuals, who formerly resided here. One of these branch of the Stour, over which there is a hridge of is a most superb one to Sir William Cm·dell; he was three arches, and the stream propels several corn-mills. the speaker in the House of Commons in the reign of This village is seated in a district perhaps the most fer- Mary, and a member of her privy council. He founded tile in the county; and the scenery around is pleasingly the hospital here, and endowed it for the support of a diversified and picturesque. The inhabitants are chiefly warden, and twelve poor men and two women, old and engagt>d in agnculture, and silk weaving is also carried decayed housekeepers. The living of Me!ford is a rec­ on to a limited extent. Sir Hyde Parker, Bart. ofMel- tory, of which the ReY. Edwm·d Cobbold is the incum­ ford Hall, a fine old seat in tlais parish, is lord of the bent. There are places of worship for independents manor, and holds a comt baron annually; and the ma- and Wesleyan methodists, and an endowed free-school gistrates hold petty sessions once a fortnight. for boys and girls. A considerable cattle fair is held The church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, stands on the Thursday in Whitsun-week. The parish con­ upon an eminence, at the north end of the village ; it tained, by the census taken in 1831, a population of is a beautiful specimen of the architecture of the 15th 2,514. POS'l" OPPZCB, Charlotte Catchpolr, Post ]Uistress.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at a quarter before se,•en, and are despatched every evening at a quarter past eight. GENTRY AND CLERGY, Cobbold Rev. Edwd. Rectory house Parker Sir Hyde, bart. FaulknerRev. Hny.B. LongMelford Turner Mrs.-, Bence Colonel -, Ford Rev. Joseph, Long Melford Westhorp Mrs.-, Long Melford Chinnery Edward, esq. Long Melford Harris Robert, esq. Long Melford We~trop Oharles, esq. Long Melford &64 . LONG 1\IELFORD. ~utrolft.

ACADEMIESANDSCHOOLS. Burton John, corn t>handler Rumley Charlotte, milliner Bird Mary Ann, (boarding and day) Butcher Charles, hoot & shoe maker Scott Ann, baker Brausby Henry K. {boarding & day) Butcher John, wheelwright Spillinp; Charles, collar maker Faires William B. (boarding & day) Cater George, tailor ~facturer Steed John, plumber, painter, &e. FREE ScHOOL, Geo. Green, master Churchyard John, horse hair manu­ Steed Joshua, boot ana shoe maker PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Coates Thomas, plumber, painter, &c. Stewart Ann, baker Almack Richard, attorney Codlin Edward, blacksmith Stow Ann, baker ' Cream Robert, surgeon Constable Timothy, nurseryman W ebb Stephen, bricklayer J ones Robert, surgeon Corder Robert, maltster Wellum James, carpenter INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Cowey William, tailor W oodgate Thomas, cooper Black Lion, Robert Jarvis [Milam Crisel James, boot and shoe maker Woods George, shopkeeper Bull (commercial & posting), James surveyor&auctioneer W orters Robert, maltster Cock and Bell, Amore King Farrow William, wheelwright COACHES. George, Joseph Copsey Fordham William, bricklayer To LONDON, the Old BuTY (from Bnry Hare, James Harris Frewer Frances, milliner St. Edmunds),calla at the Cock &Bell, every forenoon at half-past ten-tbe Ram, Daniel Gooch Gardiner William, milliner Times (from Norwich), calls at the same Rose and Crown, James Abbron Girt James, boot and shoe maker Inn, every Monday, Wednesday & Fri­ Swan, Charles Poulter Groom William, hair dresser day afternoon at half-past one and tbe White Hart, Joseph King Hammond Thomas, blacksmith Phenomena, calls at tbe Rwan, daily at l1 .SHOPKEEPERS TRADERS. Hockley John, baker all ~tn through Sudbnry,Chelmsford, &e. ar To BURY ST.EDM UNDS, the Old .Bury Abery William, carpenter Hunt Samuel, grocer and draper (from London), calls at the Cock & Bell, Aldis Henry, drugg~st Jarvis Robert, bricklayer every aftPrnooo at half-past four. Alga.r John, baker Jay Wm. poplin, yarn, and bunting 'rn NORWICH, the Phmomena (from Alien William, butcher manufacturer, and fire office agent London), calls at the Swan, every after• Ambrose Thos. boot and shoe maker Jones John, butcher noon at llalf-past one and the Ti~-, Ardley Thos. jun. miller & maltster King John, baker calls at the Cock & Bell, every Tuesday, & Thursday & Saturday afternoon at one. Atkins Joseph, glm·er Larking Thomas, bookseller agent CARRIERS. Atkius Peter, gardener to the Norwich Union fire office To LONDON,Jobn C.Fake,eyeryTnell­ Bickmore Peter, grocer and draper Lyng William, carpenter day and Friday-William Sykes, daily Bigg J oseph, cutler Manning Wm. rope & twine maker -and John Rugftlt>s, every Thursday. Bixby Robert, baker Mayhew Charlotte, butcher To BURY ST. EOMUNDS, William Ostler Aaron, blacksmith Sykes,daily-Jobn C. Fake, every Mon­ Blandon Robert, blacksmith day and Thursday-John Ruggles,from Bligh Frederick, boot & shoe maker Ostler Patrick, butcher the Ram, every Wednes. & Saturday­ Blunden & Rolfe, builders & auctionrs Ostler Thomas, blacksmith and WilliamEimer and W illiam Golding. Bolingbrooke John, wheelwright Payne William, boot and shoe maker from the Black Lion, every Tu~sday. Bradbrooke Thomas, brazier Perry Peter, boot and shoe maker To CLARE, William Elmer, from the Prigg Robert, cooper Black Lion, every Tuesday & Saturday. Brooke Mary, grocer, &e. To COLCHESTER, WilliamElmer,from Bullock 1\lary, grocer, &c. Richold Peter, coach maker tbe Black Lion, every Tue11day & Fri. Bulmer J ames, hair dresser Rutfell George, miller To NORWICH, William Syles, daily. LOWESTOFT, WITH THE VILLAGES OF PAKEFIELD AND KIRKLEY. LowESTOFT is a market town, sea-port and pa- that render bathing on this part of the coast peculiarly rish, in the hundred of Mutford and Lothmgland-ll4 delightful. The air is eminently salubl'ious; and the ac­ miles N. E. by N. from London, 45 N. E. by N. from Ips- commodations and amusements provided for visiters, wich, and 10 s. from Yarmouth; situated at the most in reading rooms, assemblies, a new bath house, a the­ easterly point of land in England, upon the summit of atre, races, &c., are calculated to give satisfaction to the a cliff, commanding an extensive prospect of the Ger- most fastidious: the races are held on the downs north­ man ocean; and when beheld from the sea presents the ward of the town, which form an excellent course; th6 noblest and most beautiful appearance of any town upon cliffs, rising in a ~entle acclivity, present a natural am· the coast. It is chiefly composed of an extensive ar- phitheatre, sufficiently capacious for a great number of rangement of houses, whose line of direction is nearly spectators. The county magistrates hold petty sessions north and south, and consequently faces the ocean; the weekly, and the lord of the manor <'Ourts OCCW!ionally. soil upon which it stands is dry, and by skilful industry The chua·ch, dedicated to St. Margaret, is a large and has been converted into delightful gardens ; between handsome structure, with a tower terminated by a spire; these and the sea, an extensive line of fish-houses (in in the chancel is a fine window of stained glass; a large which the herrings are cured) are erected on the beach. brazen eagle, in this sanctuary, was formerly used as the The commerce of Lowestoft depends mainly upon the reading-desk. Lord Chief Justice Holt was buried in herring fishery; and the quantity of this fish cured here, this church, and there is an elegant monument to his for home consumption and exp01tation, is ve1great. memory. The benefice is a dischaa·ged vicarage, in the The London fishmongers are said to pa·efer the owe~ patronage of the crown; the Rev. Francis Cunningham toft herrings to those cured at Yarmouth, though they IS the present incumbent. There is a chapel of ease, are generally retailed uader the name of • Yarmouth and places of worship for baptists, independents, and herrings.' From the mackerel fishery, in which the Wesleyan methodists. There are two free schools: one Lowestoft boats participate, the principal advantage de- upon the national plan-the other founded by Mr. Thos. rived is the employment of the fishermen until the Amott, a merchant of this town, for tht education of herring season. TheNorwich and Lowestoft navigation fm'ty boys. The market is held on Wednesday, and the is of essential benefit to the <'ommerce of this port, as fairs on the 12th of May and lOth of October. The pa• it opens a direct water communication with the city of rish contained, in 1831, 4,238 inhabitants. Norwich, and the towns of Bungay and Beccles, to the About two miles south from Lowestoft, and in the sea, for vessels of moderate burthen; the construction same hundred as that town, are the two small fishing of a safe and capacious asylum harbour, to which ship- villages and parishes of PAKEFJELD and KJRKLEY, the ping resmt during adverse winds and stress of weather, latter not so distant as the former. Although mentioned mstead of being exposed, as formerly, to the difficulties as a distinct parish, Kirkley is generallr understood to and dan!l'ers of the open roadstead, is likewise a work be under Pakefield, the benefice of wbtch is a rectory, of the highest consideration to the port. The harbour in the presentation of the Earl of Go.'!ford, and incum­ is defended by a fort at the south end of the beach, bency of the Rev. F. Cunningham, whose ben~olence another at the north end, and a battery near the Ness. supports schools here for boys, girls and infants. The The shore graduallv descends to the sea; the water is population of Pake.field, in 1831, amounted to 472:­ clear, and covers a·firm pebbly bottom circumstances and that of Kirkley to 374 inhabitants.

POST' OFFICB1 High st, Thomas Pratt, Post llftute,-.-Lette~ from LoNDoN arrive every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched every evenin~ at six.-Letters from YARMOUTH and the North arrive every evenini at six, and are de!patchro every mornmg at half-past eight. 565 ~uffulk. LOWESTOFT, &c. ~fgot ~ (lto.'f ======~======GENTRY & CLERGY. Smith James, Crown st Goose William, Southend Anguish Geo. esq. Somerleyton hall Wright Michael, Pakefield Titlow William, High st Arnold the .Misses, High st BANKERS. CARPENTERS & JOINER$. Barlow Rev. Geor11e, Southend EAST OF ENGLAND BANK (Branch), Brown Robert, Chapel road Brown Rev. Wm. Gileshan [end Hi~h st--(draws on the London & Callow James, Cage green Carter Lieut. Saml.Thos. R.N.South­ Westminster Bank)-William R. Hillerd James7 Kirkley Cavell Mrs. Mary, Southend Seago, agent Neve Benjamin, Southend Cook Mr.-, Westend Gurneys,' Turner and Biightwen, Scarll William, High st Crowe Mrs. Matilda, Southend High st-(draw on Barclay & Co. W right Michael, Pakefield Cunningham Rev. Fraucis, High st Loudon)-John Chaston, a~ent CHINA GLASS &c. DEALERS. Darby Miss-, High st 1 1 Lacons, Youell & Co. High st­ Annis William, Southend Dennis Rev. Edwin P., Oultou (draw on Glyn & Co. London)­ Ellis Mrs. -, Southend Edward Seaman, agent Hill Elizabeth, High st Parr William, Duke's Head street Elph Mr. John, High st NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF Everard James, esq. Southend ENGLAND (Branch), High st­ CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, Farrer Mr. John, High st (draw on the London Joint-stock Balls Edgar, High st Fowler Mrs.-, Gunton hall Bank;-Jas. Wieg Hickling, agent Brame Samual Sbarman, High st Fowler Rev. Frederick, Gunton BASKET MAKERS. Morris Robert, High st Girdlestone Mrs. -, Kirkley M ears Tho.s. near the Queen's Head Snell Francis J oseph Hunt, High st: Gooch Rev.---, Benacre Shuckford Isaac, High st COAL ME RCHNTS & DEAL BB. Gooch Sir Thomas, Benacre hall BLACKSMITHS. Abrow William, Kirkley staith Henbury Rev. Alfred, Westend Aldis Robert, Belllaue Easter & W oodthorpe, Kirkley staitb Hodges l\lr. Henry, Chapel road Alien William, Kirkley H ursthouse Chs.(& timber) ,Harbour Jennan Rev. Edward, Cadton Baines Benjamin, Old Market place COOPERS. JohnRon Mr. Charles, Kirkley Royce Robert, Beach Allerton J oseph, Southend Jones Colonel William, Cliff cottage Cooper James, Bell lane Bmber John, Duke"s Head st Leathe Rev. Frederick, Herringfleet Durrant -, Beach Capps Samuel & Son, Southend Leathe John, esq. Herlingfleet hall Mills Francis, Duke's Head st Cornabv Samuel, Beach [green Leggett Capt. -, Kirkley BOAT BUILDERS. J arvis 1.'hos. ( & timber dealer), Cage Lettis Miss-, High st Barcham & Co. Beach Leabon James, White Horse st Lincoln Mr. John, High st Burwood Henry, Beach Nutman Samuel, High st Love Rev. E. M. Somerleyton Sparham Samuel, Beach Peek Williarn, Back of Theatre 1\lathews Lieut. Robe1·t Batts, R..N. Redgrave John, Beach BOOKSELLERS1 STATIONERS, Lowestoft harbour [end A:ND BI~DERS. Tripp Robert, Beach Matthias Lieut. James, R.N South­ CrisJl George Steffe, High st CORN ARD FLOUR DEALERS. Miller Mr. Richard, High st Gowing Stephen ( & library), High st Green James, High st Neslin Mrs. Susan, High st Salmon Robert Henry (and printer, Ives Sophia, High st Norris Rev. D. G. Kessingland and library), Southend Smith George, Chapel st Porcher Charles, esq. Normanston BOOT AND 8HOE MAKERS. Youngman William, High st Pratt Mr. William, Southend Burgess John, High st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Redhead Mrs.-, High st Cork John, White Hor5e st ATLAS, Thos.B.Bird,Back ofTht:atre Reeve Mrs. Laurina, High st [road Cork William, High st BRITISH (fire), Robt.Brown, High st Rendle Mr. William Bound, Chapel Cornaby Thomas, Nelson st GUARDIAN, John Chaston, High st Rump Rev. John, Pakefield Culley Charle~, Beach NORWICH U NION,James Wigg Hick- Russell Mr. James, Southend Durrant John, Duke's Head st ling, High street, and William R. Smith Mr.Jacob, R.N. Kirkley Edrnonds John, High st Seago, High st Squire Mr. Nathaniel, R.N. Pakefield Feltham James, High st PRoTESTANT DISSENTERs' and GE­ Steward Charles, esq. Blundeston Ling Job, Duke'8 Head st NERAL, Thomas Pratt, High l'lt Thurlow Rev. Edward, Lound Mickleburgh Edward, Chapel road PROVIDENT (life), William Vince Ward Mi~;s Mary, High st Mickleburgh James, Pakefield Bamard, Southend Watling Mrs. Mary, Bell lane Outon William, Bell lane SuFFOLK, Stephen Gowing, Higl1 st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Pack William, Pakefield SuN, Reeve & Norton, High st Bird Thomas B. BackofTheatre Porter Thomas, High st FISH CURERS. Coe Mary Ann (boarding and day), Rogers Waiter, Enginehouse st All on the 'Beach,• unless otherwise Pakefield Winyard Robert, High st tlXpressed. Edrnonds Elizabeth, High st BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE: Allerton .Toseph Leabon James Allerton Thomas Lincoln William FREE ScHooL, High st- Hobert WORKERS, Balls William l\lasterson Wm. N ewsom, ma:~ter rker, master Abbott John, High st FREE ScHooL, Pakefield-Jas. Wal­ Bishop John, High st Barber John Nicker Samuel Garwood .Mary (hdng. & day) High st Clark Samuel, Dove lane Brow ne Benjmn. Parker Samuel Greathead James Thomas, lii~h st Foreman John, High st Burgess William Porter Thomas Hubert & Smith (ladies' boarding & BREWERS. Burwood Henry Redgrave John day), High st Everitt George & William, High st Butcher John Roberts John INFANTs' ScHOOL, Pakefield-Han­ Thornton Richard, Southend CappsSaml.&Son SaundersWilliam nah Pearsons, mistress Youngman William, High st Carr John & Co. NATIONAL ScHooL, Lowestoft BRICKLAYERS. Chamberlin Eliz. SharmanShadch. Cleveland Wm. Rent's score ATTORNEYS. Newson John, l\lruiner's lane Pass John, Mariner's lane Cook John 8huckford lsaac Hiclding James Wigg, High st Cox George Simmons Richd. Reeve & Norton, High st Rix George, Mariner's lane Day John & Co. Seago William R. High st Simmonds James, High st Swatman Ann, Nelson st Elbs Charles Sparham John AVCTIONEERII & APPRAISRS. BUTCHERS. Freeman George Stannard Elijah Balls Thomas, High st Beecroft William, High st Gall Geo. ( execu- Sterry J ames Ha.ward Samuel, High st Branch John, Hieh st tors of) Sterry Jas. & Geo. BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Buffham Pryer, High st Gall John Sterrv John Marked thus" are also Confectioners. Chipperfield Thomas, High st Gall John, jun. Sterry Mary •Adams George, Nelson st Lane Robert, High st Gowing George Sterry Robert •Bal'ber James, Mariners' lane Martin John, White Horse st Sead TaylorBenjamin Cook Samuel, High st Rackham William, High st Hall Robert Tavlor JallJes Cook Samuel, Southend Smith George (pork), Chapel st Hammerslev Jos. Thirtlt: James •Ebbs Samuel, High st Smith John (pork), Cage green Hott John • Tillmouth Chas. Hott Rict.l. Tripp Robert Feek Joseph, High st CABINET MAKERS AND Rent's Kersey Aldis, Duke's Head st UPHOLSTERERS. score Ward Samuel Nevell Townshend, Bell lane B1·ewl!>ter Robert, High st JarvisJames Woods William *'Scarle Richard, High st Gill Henry, High st IKing & Culley Jones ~fj{j mtrtctorn. LOWESTOFT, &e. ~ttffolft. GARDENERS & BEEDSMEN. ROPE MAKERS. Gowing George, jun. llempland Ashman George, High st Gowing George Sead, Beach Gowing George Sead, Beach Cowles Benjamin, Beccles road l\lasterson William, Beach Hall Robert, Beach Edmonds Robert, Back St SADDLERS AND HARNESS Hammersley J oseph, Beach Howlett John, High st MAKERS. Jackson James, Chapel road GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. I Martin John, High st J ackson William, Chapel road (See also Shopkeepe1·s.) Prior Frankland Peter, High st Leggett James, Beach Abbott Samuel Freeman, High st SAIL MAKERS. Masterson William, Beach Annis William, Southend Brewster Brothers, Beach WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS• Blaxill John, High st Tilmouth Charles, Beach Crake Edmund, High st Brown Robert, High St SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS IN Dye John, Chapel st Capps William, High st GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Naylor Thomas, High st Cowling John, Chapel lane Barber Sarah, Pakefield Sharman George, Nelson st Curtis James, High st Butcher Samuel, Kirklev WHEELWRIGHTS. Devereux John, High st Clarke Samuel, Dove lane Benns William, Pakefield Fi~her :James, Hi~h st Cornaby ThomaR, High st Brown Robert, Chapel road Hill Elizabeth, High st Dann William, Beach Lovett Robert, Old Market place Parr William, Duke's Head st Ling Jeremiah, Beach Spurgeon Jacob, Chapel road Scales A braham, Pakefield Oldring Benjamin, White Horse st Miscellaneoua. Smith John, Chapel st Skeet .lames, High st Annis Wm. tobacco pipe maker, Southend Warner Thomas, High st Smith John, Cage green Balls James, stonemason, Southend BarnardWm Vince,conveyancef",Southend HAIR DRESSERS. Tungate lsaac, Crown st Bishop Mary, keeper of the high lighthouse Chambers Samuel, High st STRAW H~T MAKERS. Bogg Daniel, wood turner, Old Market pi Emms Joseph Robert, High st Cornby Ann, White J:forse st COAST GUARD STATION, Lieut. Richard Fisher Edward, High st Felstead Emanuel, J:ilgh st Joachim, R.N. commander [High at Crisp Geo. Stetfe, registrar of marriages, .Salter Roger High st Jones Mary Ann, High st Day John, fruiterer, Southend ' INNs. Long Louisa, Nelson st DISPENSARY, Globe plain [High at Crown, Susannah Balls, High st SURGEONS. • Evel'itt Geo.&Wm. wine & spiritmerchts. Queen's Head (commercial & post- Bram~ Sa~~el Sharman, H!gh st Felstend Emanuel, halter, High at [tor iug) Carnaby Ansdell, High st Francis Wilham Bransby, High st G.uWoaKs,Beach-Jas. Malam, proprie­ ' IRONMONGERS. Hodgkin & Chalk, High st Gawinj:Geo.Sead,agenl to Lloyds•,High ~~ Harvey George, veterinary surgeon, White Blaxill John, High st Hole John, Hig~ Bt Lion st [Beach Precious Robert High st Scott ~alter, High st • . Harvey John, keeper of low Iie:hthouse, ' Worthmgton Wm. Collins, High .st Hod~~~~ Wm. mast&:block maker, Beach LEATHER COTTERS. I TAILORS. Lincoln, Tripp & Mastersoo, fish sales- Freeman Thomas Tripp, High st Marked thus • are also Drapers. men, Beach Pearson Benj. Aldfred, l\larmer's la Ceiley Robert, Mariners' lane NEw B.t.TH & READING RooMs, South LINE:N &WOOLLEN DRAPRS '*Corbyn & Son, High st beach-Robert Jones, proprietor NoRWICH & LowESTOFT !lo.&VIG.&TIOlif Chaston John, High st • :Freeman ?-'homas, _High st H AllBOUII. OFPIC E, Lieut. R. B. 1\Ja. Coker John, High st Golder Michae_I, High st thews, a. N. harbour master; Geo. Ed­ Fuller Robert, High st H«?gg Henry! ~Igh st . wards,Pngineer&su perin tendent ofwrks Pratt Thomas, High st :htchells Willmm, BeJllane RatclliJe builder,<'hina factry Salter Robert, High st Panehard H 1gh st Scarll Willia.m, pawnbroker, High st .c~arles,. Scott Waiter, registrar of birth a & deaths, Sr.ales Abraham Pakefield S~rgent Wilham, ~1rkley High st ' Titlow Thomas, H1gh st Taylor Jamea, bookbinder, High st MARINE STORE DEALERS. TALLOW CHANDLEBS. Wrigbt William,dyer & scourer, Mariner's Allertou Bartholomew, Southend Abbott Samuel Francis, High st lane [Turnpike Balls William, Beach Woods William, High st Yaxley Hercnles, principal coast officer, Butcher William, Beach TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. COACHES. Hudgell William, Beach Blue Anchor, William Smith, High st To LONDON,tbeRoyal.llail(from Yar• MILLERS. Bowling Green, Thomas hrvis,Belllane mouth), calls at the Queen•s Head, every Cleveland James, Kirkleyo Compasses, Susan J erYis,Back of Queen's evening at six-and the Star, everj Dent Aai"On, near the Church Head, High :slreet morning at eight; both go through Ips­ Crown & Anchor, Thomas Balls, High st wich and Colchester. Foreman Emanuel, Pakefield Dove, Samuel HalifaJ{, Dove lane [st To NOR WICH,tbe Pilot,frnm the Queen's Green James, High st Duke's Head,Saml.A llerton, Duke's Head Head, every Monday, Wednesday and Peek Robeit, Kirkley Dutch Hoy, Joseph Allerton, High st Saturday morning at seven; goes thro' Beccles and Loddon. MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS FerryBoat, Eliz.Lane,Back of Queen•sHd. .Fox & Hounds, John Stanbm, Southend To YARMOUTH, the Royal Mail (from Adams Sophia, Chapel st George &: Dragon, Wm. N obbs, High st London), calls at the Queen's Head, Baxter Sisters, High st George & Dragon, Wm. Wyatt, Kirkley every morning at half-past ei~ht and Chilvers Susan, High st Globe, Edward Jauncey, High st the Star, every night at half-past eigM. :Fuller Mary Ann, High st Herring Fislu•ry, Thos. Porter, Southend CARRIERS. King•s Head, Robt.Holbrook,Mariner'a la Jenuer Mary, High st To LONDON and IPSWICH, Sarah Maltsten, George Cox, High st Martin, from the Blue Anchor, every Jones Mary Ann, High Mariners., William Loveday, Mariner's st Mon day & Thursday- and J amea New­ PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Mill, John Fuller, Kirkley son, enry Tuesday and Friday. Ship, Thomas Colby, Pakefield GLAZIERS. To BECCLES, Robert .Mann, from the Ship, David Spurgeon, High tt Crown, every Wednesday and Saturday. Barber William, Cage green Suffolk, John Welchman, Southend To.NORWICH, a Van (for passengers & Barratt Patience, Nelson st Three Herrings, Robert Utting, High at goods), from the Blue Anchor, every Barratt Robert, High st TWINE SPINNERS. Tuesday and Friday morning at nine. Collier George, High st Bly Abel, Chapel rodd To YARMOUTH, John Ball's Van (for Hicks William, Mariners' lane Folkerd Thomas, Chapel road passen~ters and goods), from Duke'S Johnson Samuel, High Francis John, Chapel road Head street, every morning at nine and st evening at six-James Newson, from Rackham George, Duke's Head st Francis John, jun. Chapel road the Blue Anchor, every Monday and Whincup George, High st Gall John, Back st Tbursday-&Sarab Martin, every Wed­ Winter William, Chapel st Gall John, jon. Chapel road nesday and Saturday. 1\lENDLESHAAt, FoRMERLY a market town, is in the parish of its prepossessing. The inhabitants are mostly employed name and hundred of Hartismere; 81 miles N.E. from m agriculture, the land in the neighbourhood produc­ London, and 15 N.N.w. from Ipswich; situated in ing heavy crops of beans, wheat, and oats. Charles a deep mh-y soil, near the source of the river Deben, Tvrrell, Esq. 1s lord of the manor : two constables, the and consists of two long and in·el!ular streets, the only municipal officers, are appointed at his court. houses of which are but ill-built; and the town in The church, dedicated to St. :Mary, was J!;iven by gt-neral, as well as the approaches to it, are by no means William Rufus to the abbot and convent of Battle, in 567 ~uttollt. 1\iENDLESHAl\1. Ufgot St eo.'J ; the benefice is a vicarage, of which the Rev. 17th century an ancient silver crown, weighing abou• Rohert Field is the patron, and the Rev. Thomas Henry 60 ounces, and supposed to belong to one of the kings Day is the vicar. There are places of worship for bap- of the Ea11t Angles, was found here. A fair is held on tists and Wesleyan methodists, and a free school with the 2nd of October and following day, for cattle. The a small endowment. Towards the conclusion of the population of Mendlesham parish, in 1831, was 1,233. POST OFEICB, David Fox, Post lJlaster.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at half-pa'lt . eight, and are despatched every afternoon at five. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Burch John, blacksmith Ling John, miller Brooks Rev. -, Wetheringsett Childs Edward, carpenter Percy Zepbaniah, collar and harness Cuthbert Mr. William (surj!eon), Clarke Alfred, boot & shoe maker maker 1\lendlesham [ham Clements Ishmael, blacksmith Pizzy Thomas, butcher [school Day Rev. Thomas Hoory, Mendles- Codd Jane, shopkeeper Poole & Sheppard, ladies' bOarding Francis Thomas, esq. M endlesham Crowe Peter, wheelwright Potter Robert, tailor Wilson William, esq. ~Jendlesham Edwards Robert, miller Reynolds George, boot& shoe maker INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Foster John, miller and baker Robinson Dykes, carrier Griffin, Mary Fox, Brockford Fox Charles, butcher, Broadtord Rodwell John, bricklayer King's Head, GeorgeReynalds,Men- Fox Nathan, blacksmith Rose John, blacksmith dlesham [dlesham Garrard Henry, tailor Speppard Edward, maltster [ford Royal Oak, Charles Gerrard, Men- Gissing Jeremiah, grocer and draper Skipping Wm. shopkeeper, Brock· SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Gissing Waiter, plumber and glazier Stephen!l John, miller Aldous William, plumber and glazier Goddard Robert, cooper Swan Alien, basket maker Arbourn Charles, wheelwright Groom William & Son, maltsters & Tye John, cattle dealer ArbournChas.collar&harnessmaker com merchants, Brockford Watchman William, wheelwright Arnold Benjamin, carpenter Haxell Owen, master of free school Wicks Robert, boot and shoe maker Ayton William, carpenter Hoo~ William, blacksmith & wheel· CARRIERS. Barker James, earner wnght, Brockford To IPSWICH, Dykes Robinaon, enry Bloomfield Josiah, bricklayer, &c. Jacob Edward, ironmonger Tuesday and Friday. Brett Bristo, baker Jacob Francis, collar and harness To STOWMARKET, James Barker, Buckingham Harriet, glover maker, Brockford every Tuesday and Thursday.

l\1ILDENHALL, WITH THE VILLAGE OF BARTON MILLS AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. MILDENHALL is a market town in the parish of some structure, with a roofofrichlycarved wood work, Mildenhall St. Andrew, and hundred of Lackford; 72 a spacious nave, two side aisles, and a chancel. The miles N. N. E. from London, 22 N. E. from Cambridge, entrance is through a fine Gothic porch, and the inte- 15 E. from Ely, and 9 N. from Newmarket; pleasantly rior contains several handsome monuments to the fa­ situated upon the river Larke, which, being navigable mily of the N orths: the living is a vicarage, in the gifl for barges to Lynn, has considerably added to the trade of the lord of the manor. There are places of worship and prosperity of the town, and glVeu to it a tolerable for baptists, Wesleyan methodists, the society of friends business in grain, for the supply of places inland. The and Lady Huntiugdon's connexion; a national school town consists of several streets, some of which form supporteil by subscriptions, and an almshouse for four detached portions from the main body, and extend widows, founded in 1722, by Sir Thomas Hanmer. The towards the fens in the east. Sir Henry Edward Bun- market is held on Friday, an annual fair on the 11th bury is lord of the manor, and holds a court as occasion October, and a statute for hiring servants in the be­ requires. A high constable is appointed annually, but ginning of the same month. The parish contained, at the town is within the jurisdiction of the county ma- the census taken in 1831, 3,267 inhabitants. gistrates, who meet here for the despatch of business. About a mile and a half south-east from Mildenhall, This place is one of the polling stations at the election in the same hundred, is the village and pruish of BAR· of members to represent west Suffolk; and it is the TON MILLS, containing a church, dedicated to St. Marv, centre of the 1\lildenhall union of thirteen parishes, and a baptist chapel. The living is a rectory in the gilt formed under the provisions of the new poor law. of the crown. The population of the pru·ish, in 1831, The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a large hand- consisted of 591 persons. POST OPPICB Mill street, MILDENHALL, Charles Brown, Post .Master.-Letters from LoNDON arrive (by mail cart from ~EWMARKET) every morning at four, and are despatched every night at half-past nine.-Letters from THETFORD arrive (by mail C'

• 1Jirtctorn. 1\IILDENI-IALL, &c. ,;;nff.o lft • • Spiuks Thomas, Kill st Large Fras. ( & china dealer), High st Isaacson W otton, fnpc:rintendent regill­ Starling John, Cock lane Mouncey William, Barton Mills trar, Mill street Stibling Nathaniel, Cock lane Wing William & Jobn (& tallow MtLDI!NHALL UNION PooaHo•sx, C'hurch yard-Thom::.s Cross,~overnor 0 BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. chandlers), .Mill st Geo. Campion Postans., relieving officer Ab bott J ames, Market place HAIR DRESSERS. Petley John. vete1inary surgeon, Mill st Cooper George, Bartonl\lills Blade Robert, High st Playford Samuel, printer and registrar of Graham Robert, Market place birtbs,deaths & marriages,l\ place Cornell John, Church lane !"cales i\lartha,straw bat makl'r, Market pi Folkes James, Barton Mills Hills John, High st Stibtim: '!llathaniel, coach maker & \\heel- Folkes Robert, Barton Mills INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. wright, Col'k lane [Co<'k lane Large Francis, High st Belli nu ( commercial),GeorgeGooch, Webb June, brick uoakerand lime burner, Stebbing Charles, Mill st High st WinnerJno.booheller& stationer,H ieh st Bull Inn (posting and commercial), Young William Henry, arcbitectaud sur- BRAZIERS & IRONMONGERS. veyor, ll igb street Clarke Gardiner, Market place Thomas Reeve, Barton Mills Dyson John, Market place Dog & Partridge, John Taylor, Bar-- COACHt:S. ton Mills (st To LONDON, the Regtdator(from Holt), BRICKLAYRS & BUILDERS. l\Iaid's Head, Clark Wrampling, Kill and the Rero (from Fakenham), call al­ Jolly Johnson, Barton Mills Ram, Robert Blade, High st ternately at the Bell lnn,daily at twelve 1 go thro> N ewmnrket. Cbesterfor.l, & ... Palmer Charles, Kill st Ship, Robert Frost, l\lill st (place Rutterford Thomas, Eriswell and return for fakenham and Holt the Ti2er's Head, Frs. H ammond,Market same afternoons at three, go in!(' through Young William, Mill st White Hart, LionelSimpson, Hiszh st Brandon and Swaftlmm, to Fakenham, BUTCHERS. MILLERS & MALTSTERS. and Brandon, Watlon, Shipdha.m a11d Balls John, Barton l\lills Fuller Philip, Barton Mills Derebam, to Halt. Hills Richard, High st Owers Samuel, l\lill st Towler Robert, Mill st CARRIERS. MILLINERS. To LONDON, Green and Archer's Van.(} Tyler Henry, l\lill st Hills Sophia & l\lary Ann, l\Iill st from tbei r wan:>·housl'", llarton 1\1 ills, Webb William, Market lane l\Iead Sophia, Hig-h st daily; go thro' Newmarket, Hockerbill Wiseman George, Bridewell st PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, &eo and Epping, to 26 Sun st, Bishopsgate CARPENTERS. Aves James, Market place si-Deacon, Mack & Co.'s Vans pas11 Blidgeman Joseph, Barton Mills Barton 1\1 ills, daily ( 1\-1 ond:ty excepled) Damant James, Mill st -and Hacon & .Ball's Waggons, from the Brooks Hy_. Barton Mills [l\lills Hills Charles, Poundgate Bell Inn, every 'l'uesday and Friday; Seeker W1lliam ( & builder), Barton Rolfe Samuel, Mill st go through Newmarket. Williams David, Bridewell st SADDLERS. To BURY ST. EDMUNOS,James 1\Jn~ CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Peacl1ey Richard, l\Iarket place !Py, Joseph Folkes & William Powell, Fletcher James, Market place from their hons•·s, every Wed. & Sat. Rolfe John, Mill st To HOLT & WELLS, Green & Archer'S Smith William James, High st SURGEONS. Vans, every Monday aml Thurso lay. COAL MERCHANTS. Aldrich Pellam, Kill st To NEWMARKET, a Mail Cart,enry Fuller Philip, Barton Mills Gedge Arthur, Mill st uight at halt-past nine-See also the Primrose Benjamin, Kill st London carriers. Owers Samuel, Mill st To NORWICH, Deacon. Mack & Co.'a COOPERS. Wilde George Reynolds, High st Van.•,from Barton Mill~,daily (1\Jon.ex.) Dye Nathaniel, Market place TAILORS. To SHIPDHAJU, Hacon & Ball's Waq· Goodrich John, Mill st Brightwell Johu (and draper), l\Iar- gons, from the Bell Ion, every Monday CORN MERCHANTS. ket place [Mill st nnrl Thursday; J!:O through Brandon. Ellington Saml.&Sons, BartonMills Brown Charles ( & draper & hatter), To STOKE & LYl'l N, Green & Archer's Vans, every l\1 onclay. Folkes John, Barton Mills Morley Jarnes, Poundgate To STOKE FERRY, a Mail Cart, every FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Scales Charles, Market place mornin~ at fottr. NoRWICH UNION, Wotton & Ed- WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. To SWAFFHAM,Green & Archer's Vans, mund Deuton Isaacson, Mill st Harris Henry, Mill st from BartnnMills,every Monclay,Thurs­ Sparke James, l\Iarket place day 11nd Saturday. SuFFOLK AND GENERAL CouNTY, To TH ET FORD, a Mail Cart, from the James Read, High st Miscellaneous. Bell, every morning at four. GROCERS AND DRAPERS. AveyChas.tea dPnler& haberdashr,H igh st Ball• John, carrier, llarton \\I ills CONVEYANCE BY WATER. Bell Thos. (&stamp office), Market pl ClarkeGardner,furniture bmker,Marketpl To LYNN and BURY ST. EDl\1UNDS, Chifney J acob Thomas, High st Dennis Francis, glover, Bridewell st - Chapman, fwm Worliugt Ill, occa­ Clarke George Daniel, Barton l\Iills Garvey Amy, coal dealer, Market lane sionally.

NAYLAND WITH STOKE, BURES ~ NEIGHBOUH.HOODS. N AYLAND, once a market-town, is in the hundred age, in the gift of the Rev. Joshua Rowley; the Rev. of Babergh; 57 miles N. E. fmm London, 16 s. w. by William Sims is the present incumbent. Sia· .Joshua w. from Ipswich, and about 6 s. s. w. from Colches- Rowley, Bart., ofTendring hall (a beautiful seat, near ter; seated on the north bank of the Stour, over which Stoke,) is lord of the manor, and holds a court leet is a large bl"ick bridge of one arch, leading into Essex. annually at Easter. The market, which was formerly This town was once famous in the clothing line, and held on Friday, has been long discontinued; there is had many wealthy resident manufacturers; but it has still a fair on the first W edncsday after the 2nd of Oc­ long since lost that trade, and is now undistinguished tober. Nayland contained, by the census taken iu by any other, agriculture being the general pursuit of 1831, 1,0 i7 inhabitants, and the parish of Stoke, at the the inhabitants. The White Hart, the principal inn same period, 1,447. here, is a comfortable commercial house. One Abel, BuRES is a village, ~ituate on the borders of Suffolk a cloth-worker, is said to have built tl1e handsome and Essex, in the parish of St. Mary, which is partly iu porch of the church, in the wall of which he has a Hinckford hundred, Essex, about four miles aud a half monument-and to signify his name, as also to make from Nayland. The making of malt at one time was up his coat of arms, the letter 'A' and the figure of a carried on here very extensh'ely, and it is now the lead­ ' bell' are cast upon the monument. The church, dedi- ing feature of its trade; the Stour, which is navigable, cated to St. James, stands in the middle of the town, and passes close to the place, is a material benefit to and with its spire steeple is the principal ornament of its commerce. The church, which is dedicated to St. it. Nayland is stated to be a chapelry under Stoke- .Mary, boasts high antiquity; the li\'ing is a vicarage, of juxta-Nayland, but, in the last government returns, it is which Osgood Hanbury, El'q. is patron, and the Rev. rendered as a distinct parish. The church of Stoke, ArthnrHauburythevicar. AfairisheJrlon HolyThurs­ dedicated to St. 1\lary, IS a spacious structure. with a day. The parish of St• .l\lary rontained, in IRH, 1,559 lofty tower, which may be seen as far off as Harwich, inhabitant.~, of which nu m her 9!l6 were returned for the a distance of 20 milf's. The living of Stoke is a vicar- Suffolk portion of the parish. POST OFFICE., NAYLAND, Thomas l\Iarshall, Post .iliaster.-Letters from all parts arrive e\·ea-y morning at se\·en, and are despatched every evening at halt".. pal't six. POST OFFICEJ BuRES, George Goody, Post il/aster.-Letters arri\'e from all parts erery evening at half-past fire, and are despatched every morning at half-past eight. 72 569

• ~utToUt. NAYLAND, &c.

GENTRY AND CLERGY. Pil)!rim Robert, Bures PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Alston Mr. Saml. (att.o1·uey),N ay land Smith John, Nayland Barber William, Nayland Brett Rev. John, Mount Liures COAL MERCHANTS, Steed Elizabeth & Son, Bures Hanbury Rev. Arthur, llures Dalton James (and com), Bures SADDLERS. Kemp 1\Irs. -, llmes Garred John (and tanner), Bures Gilbv John, Bnres Living Rev. Hemy, Polstead [hall Watson & Paris, Bures Gooilrich George, Naylaml Rowley Sil· Joshua, hart. Tendring COOPERS. SURGEONS. Sims Rev. Frederick, Nayland Faiers Robert & Henry, Nayland Cleghorn RalJ?h Willowby, Nayland ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Faiers William, Bures Daniel Jeremiah George, Nayland Hardy Ab1-aham (and agent to the CORN CHANDLERS. Duddle Richard, Bures Norwich union fire office), Bures Barber William, Navland Lh·ing Edward, Nayland Lawrence John, Bures Pott Thomas, Naylai1d Symmonds Benjamin I<"'. Bures Lewis Charlotte, BureR TAILORS. .ilills the l\Iisses, Nayland GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Cardy Henry, Hures Smith Alexander, Naylaud SUNDRIES. Elliot William, Nayland Stow Mary, Nayland Blyth Thomas (and draper and tal­ Steed Joshua, Bures low chandler , Nayland BAKERS, Wilson William, Nayland Cal'l'ington Samuel, Nayland Ffitch George (and dmper), liures VETERINARY SURGEONS. Goody Robert, Bures 1\lills William, Nayland Layzell John, Bures 1Layzell John, 13ures l\lalym Thomas, Nayland Vince Joseph, Naylaud Roberts William, Nayland WHEELWRIGHTS. Salmon Henry, Bures Roberts George, Nayland Roberts William, Nayland Hawkins William, Hures BLACKSMITHS. Salmon Henry, Bures Haywood Joseph, Bures Danzie William, Bures Sargeant Joseph, Nayland Death Isaac, Bures Winny Thomas Alsop, Nay land Death Samuel, Bures HAIR DRESSERS, Miscellaneous. Scott John, Nayland Stow Abraham, Nayland Cole Nathaniel, brazier, Naylanof Stow John, Burelil Lewis Henry, landscape painter, N ayJand BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Mitchrll Dagnett, cnrrier, Nay land Borritt Henry, Naylaud INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES, Moss John, brick maker, Bures Carnt John, Bures Anchor,Chas.KirbyBocking,Nayland Siggers John, fellmongc:-r, Nayland Gootlv Robert, Bures Angel, Charles H umphrey, Bures Winny John Trig~s, soap boiler, Nay land Hills Thomas, Navland Queen's Hcad,Wm.Baskett, Nay land COACHES. l\lole William, Bures Queen's Head, Geo. Hun·ell, llures To COLCHESTER, the Wellington(from Scowen William Bures Vine, George Davy, Nayland Hadleigh)calls at the Whit~ Hart, every mornin~ (Snnday excepted) at eight. W elby John, Nayland ·White Hmt (commercial, and excise To HADLEIGH, the Wellington (from BRICKLAYERS. office), John Seabrook .Mortimer, Colchester) calls at the White Hart, Deeks William, Bures Nayland every afternoon (Sunday excepted) at Mussett Joht1, Bures IRONMONGERS, half-past four. BUTCHERS, Good Elizabeth, Bures CARRIERS. Bacon James, Nayland Steed Elizabeth, Bures To COLCHESTER, a Mail Cart, from H olton Edward, Nay land MALTSTEltS. the Angtl, Bures, every mornin!!" at half­ Humphrey Charles, Bures Boggis George, Bures past eight, and one from the Queen's Head, Nay land, every evenin!C at half­ 1\Iiles William, Bures Brown John, Nayland past seven-Samnel Parker, from the CARPENTERS. Cuddon James, Nayland White Hart, Nayland, every Wedn.,s­ Cm·nt William llures Dalton James, Bures day, Thursd11y and S:iturday-and - Dupont John, Bures GarredJohn (&brick make1·), Bures Clark, from the Angel, Bures, every Hale John, Nayland Watson & Paris, Bures Tuesday, Thursllay and Saturday. To IPSWICH, Samuel Parker, from the Hammond Samuel, Nayland MILLERS. White Hhrt, every l\1 on day. Hill John, Nayland Stammers William, Nayland To SU DHURY, a Mail Cart, from the l\lortimer Henry, Nayland Stannard William & Robert, Bures Angel, every evening at half-past five. NEEDHAl\1 1\IARKET, As its name implies, is a market town, and, though' station at the election of members to repre~ent the locally situate in the hundred of llosmere and Claydon, eastern division of the county. in the county of Suffolk, is in fact a chapelry in the The places of worship are the chapel of ease, dedira­ hundred of Barking, Essex; it is 7l miles N. E. from ted to St. John, an ancient edifice, a handsome chapel London, and nine N. w. by N. from Ipswich; seated on for independents, erected in 1837, and a meeting house the river Gipping: the Stowmarket and Ipswich canal for the society of friends. The livin~ of Needham is a passes near to the town, and there is a lake called llos- perpetual curacy, and the appointment of the minister mere, which gives name to the hundred. It is a tole- IS vested in the inhabitants. The free grammar school rably well built place, the houses are in general neat and here was founded under the provisions of the will of many of them handRome; tbe surrounding conutry is Francis Thcobald, Esq. and endowed fo1· the education pleasan~ and abounds in agreeable walks. Needham of twenty-one poor children. An almshouse for ei~ht was formerly a place of conside1·ahle trade from its indigent widows or widowers is the only other char1ty. woollen manufactures : this branch has entirely disap- The principal seats in this nei~hbourhood are 'Barking peared, and the produce of the laud is now its staple. hall,' the property of the Earl of Ashburnham, and The Earl of Ashburnham is lord of the manor, and 'Shrubland park,' the seat of Sir Wm. F. F. 1\Iiddleton. holds, by his steward, cmtrts leet and baron annually, The market is on Wednesday, and a fair on the 28th when constables are appointed. Needhmn is a polling October and two following days. Population, 1,466. POST OFFIGE~ Jonathan Tydeman, Post llfaster.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every morning at • eight, and are despatched every evening at twenty minutes past six.-Letters from BURY ST. EDMUNDS and the North arrive every moming at eight, and are despatched every evening at six. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Hayward Mr. Frerlerick (attorney, Paske Rev. George Alcx. Needham CLERGY. clerk tothemagistratesandsuper- Phear ReL John, Earl Stouham Abbott Mrs.-, Needham Market intendent registrar), Needham Rawlins Rev. Charles, Creeting St. Abhott l\Iiss Ann, Needham Market Liugwood Edward, esq. Needham Olives Abbott l\liss Theodosia, Needham Long Rev. Robert, Codenham Squire Mrs. Jo1m, Needhaml\larket Ashbnrnham the Earl of, Barking hall l\farriott Mrs. Ann, N eedham Steward Re\-·. Francis, Harking BediugfieldMrs.S.Needham:\larket l\lartin Wm. CSC). Hemingstone hall ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Burroughes Capt. Thomas, N eedham .Middleton Sir William Fowel ]<~owel, Diggins l\lisses (boardin~ and day) Cane Mr. William, Needhaml\Iarket Shmbland park FREE GRAMMAR ScuooL, Waiter Catchpole Mrs. Snsan, Needham l\loore Kirby, esq. Badley Gray, master Davies Rev. Jas. Needham 1\Iarket Paske Rer. Edward, West Creetiug Taylor Ann (boarding) liiO NEEDHAl\I l\1ARKE'r. ~utrolft. BAKERS. INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Miscellaneous. Colchester Thomas Bull, Robert Mndd Abbot! Jonatban & Freeman, auctione41116 Overton Benjamin George Inn, Webster Adams and appraisers BANKERS. King's Head, John Knight Collins Jonatban, millwright Queen's Head, Richard Sage nearing Nary, straw hat mak~r Alexander& Co.-(draw on Barn ett1, Dickerson Sophia, conlectioner Hoare & Co. London) -Thomas Rampant Horse, John Mount (and Elsden Edward, tea dealer 1\law, manager maltster) H3ggar Joseph, rake and hurdle mak.el' BASKET MAKERS. Red Lion, William Codd, Barton Lovely 8arab, stay Potter Thomas Swan Inn, Samuel Ha~ger l\layhew Susan. dress maker Three Tuns, William 'Iydeman Over ton Benjamln, nursery & scedsman Simpson James (and cooper) Rl'eve Richard, confectioner BLACKSMITHS. IRONMONGERS. Reeve "illiam, carpent.•r Brown Edward Abbott Jonathan (and stationer and Scopes Gt'orge, bricklnyer Claxon Edward glue manufacturer) Steward George, maltster Tydeman Jonathan Sheming William (and brazier} Studd George, hair dress11r MILLERS. Vincent George, vet .. rinary surgeon BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Colchester Thomas Ward 8amnel and William, lim~bum~s Brook Richard Lucas Thomas pnd brick makers Hayward Edward Webber 1\1 atilda, dres11 maker Farthing Moses Page John Sheldrake William Garrard Jeremh. Read Robert South gate Abraham (& corn dealer) COA~HES. Groom Hobert Read Robt. jun. To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, the Regula­ PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, tor (from Jp:.wicl1), calls at lhe 8wan, Groom Robert, Read Thomas Coates William every afternoon (Sundtty excepted), at jun. Smith John Cooper Samuel five; goes thro' Stowmarket & Wool pit. BUTCHERS. Holt:liug Thomas Joshua To CAMBRIDGE,aCoach(fi·om Ipswich), Ben nett Thomas 11\Ioore John Lorick George calls at the George, every forenoon Hayward George Smith Ezekiel SADDLERS. (Sunday excepted) at eleven ; goes thro' Stowmarkt>t and Hurv St. Edmunds. CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Dearing James To IPSWICH, the Regulator (from Bur~ Heales Samuel Dearing Thomas St. Edmunrb), calls at the Swan, every Quinton John (and bookseller) SURGEONS. forenoon (Sunday excepted) at eleven­ a Coach {from Cambridge), calls at the FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Beck Edward B. Beck Henry GeorgP, every afternoon (Sunday excl'p• RoYAL ExcHANGE, John Abbott Pennington James ted) at half-past fo•n-and lhe Shomwn (from Stowmarket), every morning at SuFFOLK, Frederick Hayward, and TAILORS. and Thomas Maw half-past eight. Flatt William (and draper) To STOW MA RI\ ET, the Shannon (from GROCERS, DRAPERS AND Green John Ipswich), calls at the Gt'orge, every :DEALERS IN SUNDRIES, Habberton Thomas (and draper) evening at tive.-See also Coach.e.s to Coleman Edward Lambert Eleazer Bury SL Edmunds. Lambert John Studd John CARRIER. l\Ianistre George (and hatter) WATCH MAKERS, To IPSWJCH and STOWMARKET. Soundy Mary Beat·d Philip La:r;arus Grimwood, d.aily (Friday and Woodward John (and china dealer) Davey John Sunday exct'pted.) - ORFORO ]IS a corporate town, and parish, in the hundred of 1 Ill, and their privileges were confirmed by that mo­ Plomesgate; 88 miles N .E. hy E. from London, and 19 narch and by Elizabeth and J ames. The corporate E. by N. from Ipswich; situate on the N.w. side of the body consists of a mayor, eight portruen, and tweh·e Ore, and supposed to have derived its name from this 1 capital burgesses, ass1sted by a recorder and other river. At a former period' this place must have been of 1 officers. The mayor and two portmen are justices of much greater extent aud consequence than it is now,- the peace, and are empowered to hold sesbious for it is stated, by early historians, to have at one time twice a year, and a court of record for the recovery of contained twelve churches : at this day its appearance debts under 40s. The borough retunu:d two repre­ is nothing more than thatofa scattered fishingvillage; sentatires to parliament from the time of Hem-y VIII and the only objects attached to it, that can be likely to the passing of the reform bill, when it was disfran­ to interest the stranger and tourist, are some pleasing chised. Orford confers the title of earl upon the marine and land views, and the imposh1g mius of its family of 'Valpole. ancient ca.'ltle. Tl1is fortress is situated upon an enli- The church, or rather chapel (for tl10n~h a vicarage, nence westward of the town, and the spot is said to in the gift of the crown, it is under Sudbonm), wheu have been in the centre of the place; the ruins, as entire, was a very large and handsome buildmg. At tl1ey now stand, form a good sea-mark for ships coming Sudbouru, to the north of Orford, is Sudbourn hall,. from Hol1and. The decline of this place is ascribed to surrounded by a fine park, a seat helongiug to the the loss of its harbour from the retiring of the sea, 1\larquess of Hertford, and chiefl~ used by this noble­ and a dangerous bar thrown up at its mouth by that man as a ~porting residence. 1he market has lon~ m·erwhelming element. The inhabitants received a since fallen into ~suse: a fair for toys is held on the 24tlL charter of incorporation prior to the reign of Richard June. The borough contained, in 1831, 1,302 persons. POST OJ?J?ICE:, Jane Langward. P'}St .Mistress.-Letters from all parts arrive (by mail cart from WooDBRIDGE), every morning at nine, and are despatched erery en~ning at th·e. NOBILITY_, GE;NTRY AND Kine;'s Head, John Hammond l\Iingav George, corn and coal mer· CLERGY. White Hart, James Wood eha1it and hme burner Aldridge Rev. William W. Orford SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Kewson Henry, blacksmith Hertford the l\Iost Noble the l\lar- Ablett William, boat builder Osborne Elizabeth, stmw hat makcP quess of, Sudbourn hall [ford Billings Robett, saddler Oi~bm·ne Waiter, blacksmith Merrychurch Rev. \Vm. Thomas,Or- Bond Thomas, black~mith Pettit John, blacksmith Lbuildcr l\lingay l\liss 1\~ary, Otford Culham William, baker Read Geor(\"e, carpenter and boat O'Grady Captam -, Orford I Day Robert, boot and shoe maker Rope Samuel, shopkee1)er Randalll\lrs. l\lary, Otford Dennington Jno. boot & shoe maker Sewell William, painter aud glazier Rous 1\Irs. Sarah, Orford Dowsing Samuel, blacksmith Shave Thomas, saddler PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Field James, baker [dealer SimpsonJohn, boot and shoemaker- Brown William, schoolmaster Field William, miller, baker & coal Smith William, tailor Culham Mark, schoolmaster French Jame~, wheelwlight Till Jo~eph, grocer and draper Howard Haunah, schoolmistt·ess Grimwood John, tailor Turner Johu, hair dresser Last John, teacher of music Grimwood Thomas, tailor [wright Turner Robert, tailor Randall Samuel, SUI'geou Hammond John, carpenter & wl1eel- \Vade Barnaby, boot & shoe maker INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Hammond Samut>l, wheelwright Walfe .Elizabeth, butcher Crowu & Castle, Hobert Coo]Jer 1\indred l\Jatthew, butcher Wad~ Rohert, cooper Jolly Sailor, ~dmuel Fuller Mat tin Robcrt, miller Way man Da,·id, glm·er 571 ~uffollt. ' ORFORD. lPigot St <1o. 'f

CARRIERS. To SAXMUNDHAM, Williarn Culbam, To WOODBRlDGE, William Mano, To IPSWICH, William Mann and (:has. every Monday-& William Maon,every el'ery Monday, Wednesday and Satur­ Peed, every Saturday. Thursday. day~and Charles Peed, every Saturday. SAX1\1UN DHAl\1, WITH THE VILLAGES OF KELSALE, LEISTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. SAXMUNDHAM is a small and neat market town the town; the northern approach is also very fine, and and parish, in the hundt·ed of Plomesgate; 89 miles! the pat·k, river and plantations present themselves at N.E. from Loudon, 21 N.E. by N. fmm Ipswich, and 7 this point to great advantage, and are the means of 8.E. from Aldborough; seated in a valley, nrar a rivulet prepossessing the stranger in favour of the place. The that runs into the Alde. It consists chiefly of one street, market, which was granted in the 4th of Edward II, is running from north to south, the houses of which are held on Thursday, and is a tolerable one for grain and for the most part modern erections, the town having cattle : the fairs are held on Tuesday in Whitsun week, been much improved throu~hout within the last fifty i and the first Thursday in October. The parish con­ years, and nearly all the habitations rebuilt or new J tained, at the census taken in 1831, 1,048 inhabitants. ti·onted. Saxmundham is a polling station at the elec- About one mile north from Saxruundham, in the tion of members for the eastern division of the county. hundred of Hoxne, is the village and parish of KELSALE, The town is not enriched by any manufacture, unless both strictly of an agricultural character. It contains a the malting trade may be named, in which several per- church, dedicated to St. Mary, and a free school, sup­ sons are engaged. potted by various "rants. The living is a rectory, con- The church, dedicated to St. John, is a neat edifice, solidated with Carlton, in the patronage of the family situate a little to the south of the town, in a rural spot, of Bence. Population, in 1831, 1,103. cmbosomed in trees. ~ome few years since, it under- Four miles east from Saxmundharn, in the hundred went a thorough 1·epair, when nearly two hundred new i of Blything, is the village and parish of LEISTON, chiefly sittings were added, partly at the expense of the church I to be noticed as containing a large manufactory for commissionet·s. The living is a discharged rectory, in agricultural implements of all kinds, and an extensive the presentation of William Lon~, Esq. who is lord of I iron foundry: these works, which are spiritedly carried the manor; the Rev. L. Browne IS the present incum- on by the l\Iessrs. Garretts', employ many hands, and bent, and his curate the Rev. Rohert M ann. An endow-! have proved a source of great benefit to the indnsttious mcnt, by a rent charge, was made by William Cm·bold, classes. The church is dedicated to St. Margaret; the for the instruction of a limited number of poor chil- living is a perpetual curacy, in the presentatton of the (hen of the parish. The surroundiug grounds belonll'- Haberdashers' Company, London. The parish l with ing to the manor house are justly admired, and contri- SIZEWF.LL hamlet), contained by the census taken in bute highly to tllC beauty of the southern entrance to 1831, 1,070 inhabitants. POST OFE'ZCB • SAXMUNDHAM, Williarn Stopher, Post ~vaster.-Lettersfrom all parts arrive every morning at six, and are despatched every night at nine. POST OFFICE, LEJSTON, James Taylor, Post .Master.-Letters from all patts arrive every morning at six, and arc despatched every night at nine. GENTRY AND CLERGY. BA~ERS. BREWERS. Bae;uold Thoma~, esq. Friston Baldry Mary, Le1ston Rlanden Jonas, Saxmundham Baker Re\'. \Villiam, Friston Blake Jno. Bryant, Saxmundham Blanden Thomas, Saxmundham Hlaithwaite Rev. Juo. Chas. Leiston Crane John, Saxmundham FoulshamJohn, (andmaltster),Sax.. .Hrowne Re\', Launcelot, Kelsale Hows William, Leiston mundham Cauldwell Charles, esq. Leiston BANKERS. BRICKLAYERS. Clouting l\1r. Samuel, Kelsale EAST OF ENGLAND BANK (Branch), Cannell Henry, Leiston Cobbold R. Knipe, esq. Carlton Saxmundham- (d~·aws on the Harding William, Leiston J:t~arr John Lee, esq. Kdsale London and Westmmster Bank)- Kemp John, Leiston Fuller Edward, esq. Cal"lton Thomas 1\Iayhew, manag~r BUTCHERS. Gibson Thomas, esq. M. P. Theberton Gurneys', Turner and Bnghtwen Barber James, Leiston Hardin~e Rev. Henry, Theberton (Branch), Saxmundharn-(dr~w Barrett John, Saxmundham Hayle Francis, esq. Aldringham ~u Barclay & Co. Loudon)-Wll- Baxter Jose{'h, Sa.xmundham Holland Rev. Edmnd. Benhalllodge liam & John Flatt, agents Fenton Wilham, Saxmundham Johnson l\liss Ann, Saxmundham BLACKSMITHS. Fisher William, Kelsale Long William, esq. Hutt's hall Backhouse Ebenezer, Saxmundham Morling George, Leiston l\lann Rev. Robert, Saxmundham Baldry James, Leiston Plant Robert, Saxmundham Mat·tin Rev. T. Saxmundham B1iggs William, Saxmundham CABINET MAKERS. 1\Iitford Rev. John, Benhall [field Elmy James, Kelsale BrightJeromeDenny, Saxmuudham l\loney Rev. Jas. Drummond Stern- Fisher Joseph, Kelsale Sawyer Charles, ~axmundham Morgan Hev. Rowland, Rendham Johnson George, Lei11ton Wright James, Saxmundham Moseky John, esq. Glemharn house Welton Robert, Saxmundham CARPENTERS. Newson ,Jas. esq. Glemham magna Wyatt James, Leiston Cannell William, Leiston ~imeon Edward, esq. Carlton hall BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Rig~s John, Leiston Vialls Mrs.-, Leiston Robinson William, Saxmundham BrightlJJ Lewis I and printer), Sax- J L · t Wootton Thomas, es~. Aldtitwham \ ~s eamens onas, e1s on Wyld Rev. Charles Et ward, Leiston" mun ham [mundham w oo d s W"ll"1 tam, s axmundh am Pallant Thomas 1 & tea dealer), Sax- ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. \ CHYMISTS & DRUGGISTSo Adamson William, Leiston BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Dunn George, Saxmundham Cavell the 1\Iisses, Leiston Aldred John, Saxmundham Packett Henry, Saxmundham Foster Eliza, ~axrnundham Andrews Nathaniel, Leiston cooPERS. FREE ScHooL, ~axmuudham-Jo- Barnes Robert, Saxmundham Bedwell James, Kelsale sephAustin, master; l\lary Aldrcd, Briggs Thomas, Kelsale Berrett Robert, Saxmundham mistress Chmtdler John, Leiston Taylor Jonathan, Leiston Garrod John, Leiston Chapman Stephcn, Saxmundham CORN & COAL MERCHANT. SuBscRIPTION FREE ScHooL, Leis- Cousins Charles, Saxmundham Garrard Charles (and seed), Leistoo ton-Elizabcth Chandler, mistress Drew William, Kelsale FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT Hurren George, Sa.xmundham CLERICAL, MEDICAL AND GENERAL, MANUFACTURERS. Hurren William, Leiston Alexander Cavell, Saxmundham Garrett Bichard & Son (& manufac- Mills Shepherd, Saxmundham NoRWICH EQUITABLE, HenrySouth~ turcrs of all kinds of cast and Newman Gcor~e, Saxmuudham well, Saxmundham wrought iron goods), Leiston Scarce John, Saxmundham NoRWICH UNION, Jerome Bright, ATTORNEYS. Watling William, Leiston Saxmundham [mundham Cavell Alexander, Saxmundham BRAZIERS & TINMEN. SUFFOLK,William&John Flatt,Sax- Ma.yhew Thoma~, Saxmuudham Howes J ames, Saxmundham SuFFOLK AMICABLE, Guudry Neave, Southwcll Hy. & Jet~. Sa.'.:muutlh&m Packard J.une~>, Saxmundham. Leiston 572 SAXl\lUNDHAl\1, &c. ~uffolk. GARDEHERS. Skoulrling Thomas, Kelsale Miscellaneous. Aldridge William, Saxmundham Wells James, Saxmundham IN SAXMUl'IDHAM. Garrod George, Leiston PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Bnckbouse William, gun maker Smith William, Leiston GLAZIERS. Cousins William, basket maker GLOVERS. Crow W illiam, currier Beard John, Saxmundham Dale Henry, dyer and scourer Berrett Henry, Saxmuudham Garrod Henry, Leiston .Flick Samuel, tanner Palmer William, Saxmundham Westrup John, Leiston Neilson William, tea dealer Sawer Samuel, Leiston Whaley Samuel, Saxmundham Smith Jonathan, farrier GROCERS & DRAPERS. Smy James, land surveyor [tributers SADDLERS AND HARNESS STAMP OFFICE, W. & J. FJatt, sub-dis­ Backett Isaac; Kelsale MAKERS. Stopher Richard, auctioneer Cram pin John Chas. Saxmundham Bloomfield Henry, Saxmundham Tburlow John, builder & stone mason Debney Richard, Leiston Tuffield John, Leiston Wailer Jabez, porter dealer Flatt William &John, Sa.'{mundham Woods Jolm, Saxmundham COACHES. .All call at the Belllnn, SAXMUNDHAM. Holden Charles, Leiston SURGEONS. Neave Gundry, Leiston To LOJ\o DON, the Royal Mail and the Freemau Henry Lancaster, Sax- Telegraph (from Yarmouth) every nil(llt Seaman Jonathan, Saxmuudham mundham at nine-the Star,every morning at half­ Tungate John, Kelsale Freeman Robert, Saxmundham past ten-and the Shannon(from Hales­ Woods Robert, Saxmnndham King Robert, Saxmundham worth) every morning at half-put six 1 HAIR DRESSERS. all go through Woodbridge, lpswiclt Sewell Samuel, Leiston and Colchester. King James, Saxmundham TAILORS. To HALESWORTH, the Shannon (from Reeve William, Saxmundham Artis Benjamin, Leiston London), every evening at half-1•ast 7. Whiting William, Saxruundham Chandler Henry, Leiston To YARMOUTH, the Royal Mail and INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Chisnall William, Leiston the Telegraph (from London), eYery morning at six-& the Star, eyery afrer­ Anllel, Geo. Hurren, Saxmundham Daniels Richard, Saxmundham noon at five; both go through Yoxford Bell (commercial and posting), J olm Hilling John, Saxmundham and Lowestoft. Thompson, Saxmundham Taylor John, Saxmundham CARRIERS. Coach & Horses, J onathan Chandler, Walsingham Andrew, Leiston To LONDON,- Smith's Waggon, from Saxmundham [mundham WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. the Bell Inn, and the Queen's Head, every Wednesday and Saturday. Queen's Head, Thos. Cooper, Sax­ Andrews Potter, Saxmundham To BUNGAY, - Hogg, from the Bell, Six Bells, Lionel Sillett, Kelsale Bright Jerome Denny (& jeweller, every Monday. White Hart, James Whitehouse, and china and glass dealer), Sax­ To HALESWORTH,-Sawyer,fromthe Saxmundham [Leiston mundham Angel, every Tuf'sday and Saturday­ White Horse, George Gildersleeves, Garrod Edward, Saxmundham and - Smith's Waggon, from the Bell WHEELWRIGHTS. and Queen's Head, every Monday. IRONMONGERS. To IPSWICH, Joseph Rouse, from the Garrett Richard & Son (and agri­ Alexander Robert, Leiston White Hart, and - Saw~ er, from the cultural implement warehouse), Bedwell Richard, Kelsale Angt'l, every Monday and .Friday-and Saxmundham Blacksel Joseph, Saxmundham J ames Baldry, from Leiston, every Tues. Ridley & Wells, Saxmundham Scutts William, Leiston 'foORFORD,-Cullum,f•·omtbeQueen'8 Head, every Monday-and - Mann, MILLERS. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS every Thursday. Curtis William, Leiston Debney Richard, Leiston To SOUTHWOL.D and_l"ARMOUTH, Harvey J ames, Kelsale Foulsham John, Saxmundham -Martin, from the BeiT, every .Friday. SOUTHWOLD, DUNWJCH, WANGFORD AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. SouTHWOLD is a sea-port, borough, market town 1 the style of' the bailiffs, aldermen and burgesses of the and parish, having separate jurisdiction, locally in the borough of Southwold.' Sessions are held for the trial hundred of Blything-105 miles N. E. from London, 36 of felons and other offenders: a court of record, for the N.E. from Ipswich, 31 s.E. from Norwich, and 23 s. from recovery of debts to any amount, sits weekly; and there Yarmouth; seated on an eminence that overlooks the is a court of admiralty, at which the bailiffs preside. German ocean, and nearly encompassed by the Blyth The church, dedicated to St. Edmund, is a very ele­ river, over which a bridg-e leads into the town: althou~h gant edifice, with a tower steeple one hundred feet in thus environed, and subject to the flux and reflux of the height, composed offreestone tastefully intermixed with tide, yet the town is favoured with numerous excellent flint of various colours. It originally was a chapel of ease springs, from which a large fleet may at any time be to REYDON, but in 1751 was made a distinct curacy, and watered. The town obtained its name, probably, from endowed with Queen Anne's bounty; latterly it has be­ the wood near it, as the appellation of 'Wood's-end come a vicarage, and the benefice i::i in the presentation Creek' is still given to the western precincts. It for- of the Earl of Stradbroke; the Re\·. William Birch is the merly was composed of merely a few fishermen's huts; present vicar. There are places of worship for baptists, but in proportion to the prosperity of the inhabitants mdependents and W esleyan methodists. The market, l10uses were erected, until it ultimately attained a con- held on Thursday, is abundantl:y supplied with all kinds sequence equal to that of other places of more ancient of provisions; and there is a fmr held on Trinity-Moo­ significance upon the coast. From the eligibility of its day and the day following. The parish contained, by situation, and the beach being admirably fonned for the census taken in 1831, 1,875 inhabitants. sea-bathing, Southwold has for a considerable time be- DuNWICH is a sea-port and borough, and formerly come the resort of visiters for that purJlOSe in the usual was a market town, in the parish of its name and same season. It has a fine promenade, a reading room called hundred as Southwold, nearly five miles south from the 'Casino,' an assembly room, and two principal inns; that town; it is situated ou the summit of a loose cliff, and races are held annually. On the rldf named 'the and, from the encroachments of the sea, is reduced to Gun Hill' is a battery, mounting six IS-_pounders; and the rank of a mere fishing village. That it was a Roman under the cliff is a breakwater, extendmg upwards of station is evident from the coins and other relics of that three hundred yards into the sea. The public buildings, people found here, and in 630 it was an episcopal see. exclusive of the church, are the guildhall and the new Sir Henry Spelman, in his account of Dunwich, reports gaol. Some years since the trade of this place was li- that it once contained fifty-two churches and monaste ... mited to the exoortation of salt, herrings, sprats and ries; all these have been engulphed, except one church, beer; but the Blyth having been rendered navigable, an and that, from its deplorable state, must ere long fall a import trade of 5lome importance, chiefly for the surply prey to the resistless element that has recklessly swal­ of the inland towns, has been created; it also denves lowed up the other buildings. Edward I, in the 23rd material benefit from its connexion with the port of year of his reign, created Dunwich a parliamentary bo­ Yarmouth, of which it is a member. Several charters rough-but it was disfranchised by the reform bill. It­ of incorporation have been granted to the inhabitants; was established as a corporate borough by King John; that by William and Mary remained in force untill835, is now gm·erned by two bailiffs, two assistant justices, when the municipal reform act vested the government ltwelve capital burgesses and assistant officers; and the in a mayor, four aldermen and twelre councillo1·s, under corpo~tion are empowered to hold courts of as~ize and 573. ~uffolft. session, and a court of admiralty. The most anxious the borough and parish containing, by the returns for :solicitude was evinced by Colonel Barne, some few yem·s 1831, only two hundred and thirty-two inhabitants. since, to preser\'e from utter destruction what still re- About three miles and a half N. w. from Southwold, mains of this fallen city; and the cliff has been cmwned in the same hundred, is WANGFORD parish and village, with flourishing plantations by 1\lr. Robinson. For a the latter situated on the main road from Yarmouth to more detailed account of this interesting localitv we re- Ipswich. The parish church is dedicated to St. Peter; fer the readea· to 'Excursions in Suffolk,'-coiitenting the benefice is a perpetual curacy, iu the patronage of ourselves with repeating, that of this once magnificent' the Earl of Stradbroke. The population of the parish and wealthy ecclesiastical town, and prosperou:;~ sea- of Wangford (including that of the hamlet of HEN- port, all that remains is but an inconsiderable village NAM,) amounted, in 1831, to 792 inhabitants.

POST OPFIC:E:1 Gaol street, SouTHWOLD, John Bye, Post .Master.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched every evening at a quarter past six. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. IRONMONGERS. CLERGY. Barber William, W angford Backhouse Noah (and gunsmith), Alexander Capt.-, High st Beales John, High st High st [ket place llirch Rev. William, High st Benns Philip, Wangford ChildEdmund (& ironfounder) ,Mar­ Cal'los Rev. Thomas, Frossington Burgess John, High st LIME BURNERS. Churchyard Mr. Henry, High st Feltham John, High st Gavfer Samuel, W albei·swick Cooper Mrs. Margaret, High st Freeman William Robson, High st Suiton William, East lane Cottin~ham Mr. John, East green Hams Adam, Reydon MALTSTERS. }~His Lieut. Francis Wm. Gun hill Lincoln J ames, Gaol st Crisp William, West green ..Ewing John Leman, esq. Centre cliff WilsoB Robert, W an!(ford Gayfer & Riches, Meetinghouse lane J..'reeman l\Jr. Edward, High st Wells Francis, East st MILLERS. Gooch Rev. Richard, Frossington Welton Charles, Wangford Edwards Peregrine & Son, High st Gooch Sir Thomas, Benacre hall BREWERS. Gayfer Samuel, Walberswick Hopkins Rev.-, High st Cri~p William, East green Turner Robert, Wan~ford Jermyn Mr. James, Reydon Lloyd John, Church st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS Kni~ht the Misses, Back st Robson Jonathan, East lane Cooper Ann, High st Lilhngstone Alfred, esq. Gun hill BRICKLAYERS. Sawyer Elizabeth, High st Norton Mrs. Mary, High st Carter Benjamin Howard, Back st PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS AND Reeve Mr. Benjamin Wangford Carter William, High st PAINTERS• Robinson Mr. ~~rancis, Dunwich Newson James, Back st Boyce James, High st Robiuson Mrs. Mary, Gaol st Sutton William, East lane Herring John, Wangford Seaman Mrs. -, High st Tink William, High st Rouuce Thomas, Southend Sheriffe Rev. Thomas, Hoggis hall Stradbroke the Right Hon. the Earl BUTCHERS. ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. of, Henham Everett Charles, High st Goodwin Jasper, Barnaby green Super Mrs. Eliza, Meetinghouse lane Oldring James, l\Iarket place Oldring Henry, High st Syer Mr. Edward, Gaol st Palmer George, l\Iarket place SADDLERS. Reeve Rohert, Wangford Uhuthoff Reil.. Henry, South green Haken Henry, High st Turner Charles, W angford Terry James, Waugford ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. SHIP OWNERS. Cdckmore William, Waugford Baldry William, Long Island clilf Cdsp Matilda & Emma, High st Boniwell Richard Rufus, East st Fulcher Daniel, High st Chittleborou11h .John, New York cliff Everett Jas. Edwd. Hi~h st [green Crisp William, West green Haylett Robert Wilkms, .Barnaby Palmer Peter, East st Sawyer John, East green l\iagub John, l\Ieetingbouse lane Hudson Jane, High st Spicer Simon, High st Maggs James South green COAL & CORN MERCHANTS. Syer Ed ward, Gaol st [lane Peny Elizabeth, Wangford Cdsp William, East green [ st Wayth Samuel, jun. Meetinghouse Pleasants Ann, Back st Edwards Peregrine & Son (coal) High Welch James, East green Gayfer Samuel, Walberswick Syer Mary, Park laue SURGEONS. Wales Sarah Ann, Wangford COAL DEALERS. Bird Edward Charles, High st Wate1·s Robert, Wan11ford Goldsmith Edward, Green Lane Lagg Henry, Wangford AGENTS. King Daniel, Skilman's hill Rudland Miles, Wangford Candler Benjamiu, jun. (to court of CONFECTIONERS. SutherlaudJohn, M.A. High st admiralty) Gaol st Beales Sarah, High st Wake Robert, Gaol st Crisp William (to Lloyds') East green Strange Samuel, East st TAILORS. Ellis FrancisWilliam (to north ship­ COOPERS, Balls Thomas Gh·liug, High st ping clubs) Gun hill Crisp Bela, Church st Barfoot William, Waugford ATTORNEY, King John, l\Iarket place Botham Henry, High st Gooding Jonathan (and town clerk) FIRE &c. OFFICE AGENTS. N ewson Richard, Gaol st High st 1 BAKERS. NoRWICH EQUITABLE,JosephBerrv Siggers Richard, Pinkney's lane Allgar William, l\larket place Edwards, High st · TAVERNS &PUBLIC HOUSES. SuFFOLK, William Herbert, Hig-h st Angel, Robet·t Aldridge, Wangford Chapman Richard, South green Bear, Adam Hams, Reydon Grayston Benjamiu, High st WESTMINSTER (life), John Suther­ Fishing Buss, William Balls, Blackshore Oldring Susan, Camell's lane land, High st Joiners' Arms, Jonathan Button, High 3t Sones Elisha, East st GROCERS AND DRAPERS. King's Head,Jno.Crowford,Baroaby greeD Sones John, High st Bardwelll\lary, East green Lion, Ann Cox, Wangfnrd Terry William, W angford Calver Thomas, Green lane Lord Nelson, Thomas Penny, East st Debney RobertJohn & Son, Gun hill Pilot Boat, Sarah Palmer, East st BANKERS. Red Lion, JamPs .Martin, South green HarveyR' & H udsons', High st-(draw Gayfer Henry, High st [High st Ship, James Dix, Dunwich on Hankeys' and Co. London)­ Herbert Wm. (and tallow chandler) Swan, William Barber, Wangford Thompson & Eclwards, agents Perry William, Wangford TURNERS---WOOD. BLACKSMITHS. Read Ezekiel, Wangford Crisp Bela, Church st Andrews Sarah, Wangford Smith Henry, 1\Iarket place Fish Jonathan, High st Wales Charles, Wangford Blowers J oseph, Bartholomew green . l •r fi d WHEELWRIGHTS. Child Edmund, Market place W at I mg Jo m, .hang or Baxter Stephen, Wangford Cutts Robert, Wangford HAIR DRESSERS. Robson Jonathan, Skihnan's hill Downing William, High st Fish Jouathan, High st Smith Samuel, Wangford Nelson Melbourne, Wangford l\Iayhew Charles, Market place • 1VI1sce 11 aneous. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. INNS AN~ .PO~T.ING ~OUSES. Alien Robt. stontl mason,l-lil!h st [~reen Bardwell Sarah, l\larket place Crown, Hcmy Ganod, H1gh st nacl•house Jos. whitcsmith,llaltholomew Grayston Benjamin, High st Old Swan, Thomas Bokeuham, l\lar- BAT Us, Southend-Rbt. Wright,proprietr Skill & Mab11on, High st kct place 1Bye Jchn, letter-press printt~r, Gaol11t a74 i3irtctorJ1. SOUTH\VOI.JD, Stc. ~ttfl'olft. Cla.vering Robert, farrier, Wangford Storkey I.Uoses,Iapidary and fancy reposi­ Bedingfteld and James Newson, from Goldsmith John, shopkeeper, East st tory, High street their houses, every \\' ednesday & Sat. Housego Charles, gardener, Wangford Strange Samuel, sergeant at mace, East 1t 'fo NORWICH, BBcCLEs &LoDDIIN,Jo •• King John, watch & clock, Gaol st Foyster's Van (for passengers & goods), l\1 oney Williatu,basket maker,Chnrch lane CUSTOM HOUSE. from his house, every Tuesday & Fri. Palm er Benjmn. auctioneer, Market place Collector-.Benjamin Baswood, jon. To SAXMUlloDHAl\1, George ~larlin, Peirson Robert, game dealer, East st Comptroller-Henjamin Sadler Candler. from the Rt>d Lion, every Friday. Preston Edmund,saltmanufactr.Southend Harbour Master-Francis El.lis. To YARMOUTH, James Newson, from Sawyer Charles, cabinet maker and up- CARRIERS. bis boos!.', every Monday and Thursday holsterer, High street To H1\L ES WvRTH,Gt>orge Martin,from -& George Martin, from the Red Lion, Stannard Robt. sergeant at maco, Back st the Red Lion, every Tuesday-& John every Tuesday. STOWl\fARKET · Jls a flourishing and respectable market town in the meet every alternate Monday: a court baron is als() parish of its name and hundred of Stow, 75 miles N. E. held annually under R. 1\larriott, Esq. the l01·d of the (through SudbUI'y) from London, 14 E.s.E. from Bury manor. ~t. Edmunds, and 12 N. N. w. from Ipswich, situated The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. 1\Iary, \"ery ntmrly in the centre of the county, at the junction is a spacious and beautiful building, with a square tower, of the three rivulets which form the river Gipping ; and slendel' spire of elegant and light appearance, one two of these streams wash the east side of the town, hundred and twenty feet in height. In the church is a and the other meets them at the south end of it, near monument to Dr. "foung, once vicar of this place, and Combs Ford. A great source of tl1e prosperity of tutm· to the immortal Milton. The contiguous parish Stowmarket is the na\·igable canal from hence to lps- of Stow-Upland (which has neither church nor cha­ wich, opened in 1793, and which has been the means pel), is consolidated with Stowmarket, the living of of reducing the price of land carriage one half. A very which is a vicarage, in the gift of Miss Bevan : the considerable business is done in the corn, coal and present vicar is the Rev. Arthur G. H. Hollingworth. timbea· trades; that in barley, especially, is ,·ery exten- There are places of worship for baptists, independents sive; there are several large maltings; hops are culti- and \Vesleyan methodists, national and Sunday schools,. vated to material advantage in this vicimty, and the and several benevolent institutions for the relief of the market of this town is frequented by numerous farn1ers, poor. The seat in the neighbourhood is 'Great and well attended by purchasers, from a great distance Finborou~li hal ,' the residence of Lady Hotham,. round. Formerly hombasins and stuffs were woren standing m one of the most delightful situations in the lJCre, which have been succeeded by the manufacture county, and surrounded by a beautifully laid out park, of hempen cloth, sarkings, ropes and twine: there is comprehending upwards of two hundred acres. The also a considerable tannery in tbe neighbourhood, iron market, which is a large one for corn and cattle of all and brass fouuderies, and two extensive brick and tile kinds, is held on Thursday; the fairs are on the lOth of works. Being centrally situated the county meetings July for toys, and the 12th of August for lambs. At the are chiefly l1eld in Stowmarkd, and three magistrates census taken in 1831, the parish contained 2,672 persons. POST OFFICE., Market place, John George Hart, Post lJ/a.Yter.-Letters from LoNDON, BuRY ST. EDMUNDS and the North anive every morning at seven, and ar~ despatched every evening at half-past six.­ Letters fmm IrswicH, EsSEx and NoRFOLK arrive every morning at nine, and are despatched evenmg at five. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND • AUCTIONEERS. Orams Thomas, Crow st CLERGY. Dowmng HemyShuckforth, Crow st Palmer Robert, Stow-upland st I3it·ch Mrs.-, Tavern st Payne James, Butter market Ratfe James, Bury st Crawford Rev. Wm. Haughley park BAKERS. . Raffe James, Ta\·ern st Daniel Rev. R. Combs '* Mar~ed thus" are also Confectioners. Reddish Edward, Market place Elliott Mrs. Elizabeth, Ipswich st Aldndge, John, Stow-upland st Runneckles Robert, Bury st Hollingsworth Rev. Arthur G. H. Barnard Edward, Stow-upland st BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Ipswich st Blomfield Thomas, Bury st Fison William L. Bury st [road Hotham Lady,Great Finborough hall '*Greengrass Gem~e, Bui?' st Hart John George & Co. Ipswich Hunt Mr. James, Stow-upland st Mallett Joshua, Stow-upland st BRICKLAYERS. Lockwood Mrs. Elizabth.lpswichst Maybe"": J.ames, Co~•bs Andrew .loseph, Tavern st Marriott Mrs.-, Thorney hall Raife Wilhaw, Ipswlcl_I st Banyard Theodore, Regent st Marriott Rev. HenryS. One house *Tncker Robert, IpswiCh st Webb Richard (and mason), Bury st Mills Mrs. Sarah, Tavem st ,BANKERS. BUILDERS. Robinsou Rev. J. B. One house EAsT OF ENGLAND BANK, Market (See also CarpentersJ Rust Joha Edgar, esq. Abbott's hall place~( draws on the London a!'d Blomfield William, Bury st Sheldrake Miss-, Tavern st WestmmsterBank)-Jos. Antnm Dennis Charles, Bury st Smith Mr. William, Bury st Lankester, manager Lyas William Ipswich st Symonds 1\frs: -;-, Bury s~ Oakes, Bel'all, ~oor & Be~an, Mm·- Revett J:?aniei, Bury st Ward Rev. William, Jpsw1ch st ket pla~e-(diaw on Bruclay, Be- Wcbb Rtchard, Bury st Webb Mr. Holman, Ipswich st van&Co.London)-JohnGeorge BUTCHERS. Webb Mrs. Rebecca, Ipswich st Hart, manager Abbott Frederic.k .A. Ipswich st ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. . BA::;~ET MAKERS. Beaven Geo. Wdham, Market place Collms Wdham, Tavern st Cuthbert John Re.,.ent st BCetts 1'111\alry, Bury ~th [ d Stevens William, Stow-upland st Cuthbert Tho~as Bury st ,a~·tcr ary, lpSWIC ~t r~a BLACKSMITHS. Halls Edward, S~w-u land st Elhston l\hsses (bo~rdmg)~ Ipsw~ch Boon John, Combs Hayward George, Bur~ st lsaac James (boardmg)! Vwlet hill Clarke Jesse, Earl Stonham [st CABINET MAKERS. Larkha!Jl Lomsa (boardmg and flay) • Colson, Wilding & Co. Stow-upland Bailey Williaru, Bmy st Ipswich st Hart John, Stow-upland King William, Ipswich st NATIONAL ScnooL, Church yard- Orams Thomas, Ipswich st Payne James, Butter market Wm. Anne11s S~eppard, master; Purr John, Bury st Read John, Ipswich st Mary Frewer, m!stress Smyth William, Ipswich st Squirrell Rohert, 1\Iarkl't place Paul Sara~ (boardn~11;), Bury ~t Taylor William, Stow-upland CARPENTERS. Peck Hamet (boardmg), IpSWICh st BOOKSELLERS & STATIOl'~RS Blomfield William, Bury st Tydcman George, Stow-upland st l\lann John, l\Iarket place Dennis Charles, Bury st ATTORNEYS. Woolby Tho~. Brackett (&printer), Lyas Ambrose, Church yard Archer Edward Peter, Bury st Market place Lyas William, Ipswich st Gudgeon James, Bury st BOOT AND SHOB MAKERS. Pave Robe1t, Bury st Lyas George, Tavern st Barritt Edward, Stow-upland st Rednell Abraham, Ipswich st l\iarriott John (and clerk to the ma- Codd Williarn, Ipswich st Revett Daniel (and smith), Bury st gistrates, and clerk to the commis- Diaper George, Tavern st CHINA, GLASs, &c. DEALERS. sioners of tax&s), Stowmarket Gyfm·d Samuel, Bury st [ket Parmenter lsaac, Butter market Ransom William, Childer house Lawrence Jos. Hewes, Butter mar- Heeve John, 1.\ place 575 - ~uttotft.

CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Prentice,Thomas &Co. Stow-upland Feltham William, Tavern st Cutting James Bray (& colounnan), Thorns Robert, Butter market Scrivener Philip, Market place Market place Webb Bayley, Combs WHEELWRIGHTS. Simpson Thomas, Bury st MERCHANTS. Clarke J esse, Earl Stonham COACH AND GIG MAKERS. Marked thus* are Corn & Coall\ferchnts. Gladwell James, Regent st Clarke Edward, Stowmarket ""Byles & Co. (and timber and slate) Green John, Combs Hewitt William, Tavern st Stow-upland st Hart William, Stow-upland CONFECTIONERS. >~~'Cobbold John, Stow-upland Taylor William, Stow-upland Cracknell Maria, Market place *Cornell William Greengrass, Stow- WHITE SMITHS, Lucas Ann, Regent st upland street [land (See also Blacksmit!tSJ Stevenson.J ames, Corn Exchange '*'Cowell Abraham Kersey, Stow-up­ Cracknell Samuel, Market place COOPERS. Fison- (the executors of), Stow- Mothersole Henry, Bury st Lockwood John, Ipswich st market [Bury st Orams Thomas, Ipswich st Tricker William, Bury st Flowet·dew Thomas (corn & seed) Srnyth l''rancis, Tavern st CORN &; COAL MERCHANTS. Prentice & Hewitt (timber, slate & WINE & SPIRIT MERCHNTBo See .Merchants. iron, and steam saw mills) Stow­ upland street [land Aldrich Robert, Ipswich st CURRIERS AND LEATHER •Prentice Thomas & Co. Stow-up- Lankester Joseph Antrim, Market CUTTERS. place [upland st MILLERS. Drake Charles (leather cutter and Stevens & Co. (and brewers),Stow~ pawnbroker) Ipswich st [ket Baulay Thomas, Stow-upland Lawrence Jos. Hewes, Butter mar­ Boulter William, Ford mill Miscellaneous. DYERS. Felgate Fuller, Stow-upland AbbottJonathan, furnitnrtl broker, Bury st Barnard Henry, Church yard Fison William, Bmy st Anafar Robert, parish clerk, Ipswich st Clark James, brazier & tin-plate worker, Francis Harriet, Church yard Jay Samuel, Badley Bnry street FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Pyman Samuel, Combs Crabb Hahakkuk, hemp, cloth, twine and ALLIANCE, Jacob Green, Market pl Rands Joseph, Stow-upland sacking manufacturer, Ipswich s' ATLAS, Jas. Bray Cutting, Market pl Smith & Palmer, Bury roau Earthy Thomas, farrier, I p.•wich st GuARDIAN, J ohu George Hart, Mar- Webber George, One house EXCISE o~'FICE, King's Hend Inn GAs WORKS, Stow.upland-Benjamin ket place [geon, Bury st Whitehead Cornelius, Bury st Mal am, manager NoRWICH EQUITABLE, James Gud­ MILLINERS &DRESS MAKRS. Lankester William, survtlyor of the navi­ NoRWICH UNION, Thomas Shel- Aldred Ann, Crow st gation, Old Newton drake, Market place [place Diaper Elizabeth, Church yard May Edward, millwright, Bnry st PHc:ENIX, Thos. Sheldrake, Market READING RooMs, Corn Excbange-Jas. Freeman Sophia, Ipswich st Stevenson, superintendent SuFFOtK, Thomas Gross, Market pl Hearn Elizabeth, Cat's lane Rout Frederick, gunsmith, Bury st SuN, Thomas Simpson, Bury st Webb Sarah H. Ipswich st Simpson Edward, stone mason, lpswichst GROCERS & LINEN DRAPERS, NURSERY & S:EEDSMEN. Squirrell Harriet, stay maker, Tavern sl (See also Shopkeepers, S(c.) Felgate John Fuller, Bury st STAMP OFFICE, Ipswich st-Thomas B. Keen Ricl1ard, Market place . Woolby, distributer Girling Samuel (and florist), Dane­ STow UNION WoRKHOUSE, One house Lank ester JosephAntrim, Market pl croft nursery -Edw. Abbitt, governor; Eliza A bbitt1 Sheldrake Thomas, Market place PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND matron; Charles B. Law (for Stow mar.. Ward William Edwd. Stow-upland st GLAZIERS. ket), Edward Knevett (for Rattlesden), Whitmore William, Tavern st Holls Mary, Market place and Charles .M. Bircham (for Walsham­ Williams Robert, Stow-upland st Pearsons John, IpsWich st le-Willows), relieving officers; Samuel Rogers, schoolmaster HAIR DRESSRS &; :PERFUMRS. Rawlins Ashmore, Stow-upland st Waddingham John, supenisor, Bury st Lan gham Chas. (and clothes dealer) Rout James, Market place Webb & Son, tanners, Combs [wich st Bury st Wilson George, Stow-upland st Whayman Owen, veterinary surgeon, lps- Langham Chatles Samuel, Bury st SADDLERS & HARNESS MKRS COACHES. Manu John, Market place Bethell John Ward, Ipswich st To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, a Coach Parmenter Isaac, Butter market Frewer John, Market place (fromlpswicb)calls at the King's Head, INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. every forenoon at half-past eleven-and Barge, George Codd, Stow-upland st Wright Samuel, Tavern st the Regulator, every evening at! past 5, Crown, Robert Burch, Stow-upland SHOPKEEPERS&DEALRSIN To IPSWICH, the Shannon, from the Fox, Duke's Head,Jno. Haggar,Ipsw1ch st GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. every morning at eight (in time to meet Burton John, Bury st the Coach which leaves lPSWICH for Fox, John Lockwood, Ipswich st Mayhew James, Combs LoNDON)-the Regulator (from Bury Fox & Hounds, John Hunt, Bury st Race James, Stow-upland st St. Edmunds) calls at the King'>s Head, Greyhound, J on. H udgell, Market pl every forenoon at eleven-and a Coach Raffe John, Stow-upland st (from Bury St. Edmunds), every after• King's Arms, Hy. Cross, Ipswich st Simpson Susan, Ipswich st King's Head (posting & commercial) noon at four; all go through .Needham Nathl. Thurston Codd, Ipswich st STRAW HAT MAKERS. Market. Aldridge Maria, Stow-upland st CARRIERS· Magpie, Thomas Eastwick, Combs Blomfield Hannah, Bury st To LONDON, Broom & Co.'s Waggon, Pickerel,AnnRobinson,Stow-upland Fenton Harriet, Ipswich st from Cat's lane, every Thursday. Punch Bowl, Roht. Eastwick, Combs Greengrass Mary, Bury st To BACTON, Jeremiah Baker, from the Queen's Head, Jas. Quilter, Bury st Fox & Hounds, and James Page, from Rose, Robt. Thorns, Butter market Halls Mary, Market place the Queen's Head, every Tnes. & Fri. TytTell's Arms, Wm. Smith, Bury st SURGEONS. To RAOWELL-ASH, Thos. Dral;e, from White Hart, Robert Smith, Crow st Bedingfield James, Bury st the Queen's Head, every Thursday. Bree Charles Robert, Backs To BOT ESDALE, Richard Mintoa, from White Horse, Elizbth. Smith, Stow- the Pickrrel, every Wednesday. Bryan James, M. n. Bury st upland st [land st To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Robt Gar­ White Lion, Harris Mills, Stow-up­ Freeman Spencer, Market place rod•s Waggon, from the Duke's Head, Ward Samuel, Butter market IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS, daily-and the Mail Cart, from the Bewley Thos. ( & machinist) Crow st TAILORS. Queen's Head, every evening at! past6. Bewley Hunter, Crow st To COCKFIEJ.D, - Osborn, from the Woods James (and agricultural im- White Horse, Monday and Friday, plement maker) Bury st Garrard John, Ipswich st Girdestone James, Cww st [st To DEBENHAM, William Smith, from IRONMONGERS & BRAZIERS. the Barge, every Tuesday and Friday. Cracknell Samuel, Market place Langham Wm. Hemy, Stow-upland To EYE, William Ames, from the Barge, Gross Thomas (and colourman) Raffe Henry, Tavern st ev.-ry Tuesday and Friday. Market place Rust Thomas, Bury st To FltAMLlNGHAM, William Smith, Selman Thomas, Bury st from thf' Barg-e, every Tuesday & Friday. Orams Edward, Ipswich st To HAUGHLEY, John Finnan, from Rust Isaac Arnold, Bury st Squirrell John, Tavern st the QnrPn's Head, !\1on. Thurs. & Sat. MALTSTERS. TALLOW CHANDLERS. To IPSWICH, the Mail Cart, from tbe Byles & Co. Stow-upland st Bond Robert, Cat's lane [place Queen's Head, every mo•·ning at half~ Lankester Joseph Antrim, l\larket past seven, aud from the King's Arms, CGbbold John, Stow-upland every evening at six-Robert Garrod•s Cornell William Greengrasr!l, Stow- WATCH&; CLOCK MAKERS, Waggon, from the Duke's Head, and upland street [land Adams Robert Folkard (and tobacco J,azarus Grimwood, from the King's Cowell Abraham Kersey, Stow-up- pipe maker), Market place Arms, daily-\\ illiam Tudor, from the 576 I i'Jfrtctorn STOWl\IARKET. .$uf£olft.

Fox, every Tuesday, Thursday & Satur To IXWORTH, Josepb Reeve, from the To SUDBURY, Joeepb Dixey and - day-Robt. Barham, from the Queen's Queen's Head, every Friday. Wborlow, from the Greyhound, eTery Head, and Thomas Talbot, from the T "'"ENDLESHAM J B k f Tu.. sday and Thursday. King'~ Head, every Tuesday & Friday o.n. • as. ar er, rom ToTHETFORD,GeorgeLambert,from -Geo. Firmin and J os. Reeve, from the the Pickerel, every Thursday. I the Kin~'s Arms, every Saturday. Queen's Head, every Thur~.-and Geo. To NORWICH, RobertBarham, from the To WALSHAM-LE-WILLOWS,George Lambert,fwm the King's Arms, Friday. Queen'S Hea.d, every Wednesday. Firmin, from tbeQueen•sHead, Friday. STRADBROOK AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. ~TRADBROOK is a small market town and parish, nature. The places of worship are the cburcb, dt>di­ in the hundred of Hoxue, 7 miles s. from Harleston, cated to All Saints, and a baptist chapel: the lhing is 24 N. from Ipswich, 28 s. from Norwich, between 6 a discharged vicarage, in the patronage of the see of and 7 E. from Eye, and 9 N. from Framlingham; situa- Ely. The only chanties are some educational funds, of ted <>n the main road running to the latter tuwn, and small amount, by meant! of which a free scbool i8 main­ to Woodbridge, Ipswich, &c., and within about 4 miles tained. Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart. is lord of the manor. of the northern border of the county abutting upon IThe market is beld on Tuesday, a fair on the third Suffolk. There are no manufacture~ belonging to the Monday in June, and a statute for hiring se1 rants on place, and the little trade it enjoys is entirely of a local the 2nd October. The population, in 1831, was 1,527. POST OFFICE~ James Mayhew, Post .Master.-Letters from all parts arrive (by mail gig) every morning at ten, and are despatched every afternoon at four. GENTRY AND CLE~GY, Bayles Charles, tailor Lay Charles, tailor Allsop Rev. Thomas, Fress!ngfield Bayles Robert, miller . Markwell John, bask~t maker Rev. Edward, \Vorlin_gworth Beecroft John, wheelwnght May hew James, aucttoueer Bedmgfield Rev. James, _Bedmgfield Beecroft Richard, hair dresser Mills Si m on, boot and shoe maker Bolton Rev. Thomas, Wmgfield Betts Charles, bricklayer Muttit William, collar maker Cann Rev. James, Laxfield Betts George, bricklayer Newman Edwd. boot & shoe maker Chaston Jas. esq. Brnndish lodge Betts John, bricklayer Newman Thomas, brazier Cooper Rev. Augustus, Syleham Botwright Williarn, blacksmith Parsons Christopher, baker Exton Rev. Richard B. Athelington Bryant Robert, grocer and draper Percy James, watch maker Farrow Rev. Thomas, Laxfield Burgess John, baker Pipe John, builder Frner Rev. J. Bedfield Burgess John, blacksmith Riches Charles, -shoe maker Goldsmith Rev. Thomas, Stradbrook Capon William, butcher Robinson John, grocPr and draper Gooch J no.Nance, esq. Brundish hall Chase Robet·t, butcher Roper Anthony, farrier Mack Rev. Thomas B. Chase Thomas, furniture broker Sillett James, boot and shoe maker Mingaye Rev. George, Wilby Chenery John, bricklayer& plasterer Smith John, boot and shoe maker White Rev.Wm.Stradbrook vicarage Chenery William, bricklayer Smith Lot, grocer and druggist PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Cockrell William, blacksmith Stanton Thomas, saddler Cm·le~ Robt.Rowe, surgeon, Laxfield Copping John, carpenter COACHES. Gooc James, surgeon Creasy Thomas, baker ToiPSWiCH,tbe Union(from Ni!rwich), Mayhew George, surgeon Davy J onathan, miller and baker calls at the White Hart, every Tuesday, May hew James, auctioneer Davy Samuel, blacksmith Thursday & Saturday afternoon at half- May hew Jonathau, schoolmaster Edwards George, boot& shoe maker past three; goes through framlingbam PowellArthnr, attorney, Stradbrook, Farrow Robert, millet• and Wood bridge. and at Debenham Fosdyke Caleb, wheelwri&ht To NORWICH,tbe Union(from Ipswich), RussellJames, boarding &day school Green Matthew, wheelwnght calls at the White Hart, every Monday, Wednesday & .Friday afternoon at one; INNS. Holland William, plumber, glaziel" & goes thro• Harleston and Long Strattou. Queen's Head, John Pipe stonemason White Hart, James Aldri.dge Howes John, boot and shoe maker CARRIERS. SHOPKEEPERS TRADERS &c. Howes Joshua, maltster To IPSWICH, William Mean, from the Aldous Henry, hair1 dresser 1 HoXNE UNION WORKHOUSE, Geo White Hart, every Monday and Friday · -and Wm. Smith, every Toes. & Fri. Aldous Robt. saddler [office agent Wright, master To NORW JCH, Willia.m Mean, every Barnes Geo. grocer, draper and fire Jacob Garrard, watch maker Wednesday-&Wm.Smith,everyFriday.

' SUDBURY, WITH THE VILLAGE OF AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ~UDBURY is a market town, and borough both cor- this manufacture formed the staple for many years, and porate and parliamentary, having separate jurisdiction, was succeeded by those of silk goods, says, crapes and locally in the hundred of Babergh-55 miles N. E. by N. buntings, which branches still continue to exist. The from London, and 22 w. by s. from Ipswich; situated river Stour is navigable from hence to Manningtree, in upon the river Stour, over which is a stone bridge lead- Essex; large sums have been recently expended in the ing into Essex. It anciently was called South Burgh, improvement of this navigation, and the consequent in­ to distinguish it from Norwich, then designated North crease of trade promises a fair remuneration to the Burgh; and at that time, it is recorded, Sudbury was spirited proprietors. The inhabitants received their first the principal town of the county. The streets are irre- charter of incorporation from Queen Mary, which was gularly formed, and the greater part of the houRes have confirmed by Elizabeth; another was conferred by Crom­ an antiquated aspect; but within the last twenty years well, and a third by Charles 11; this latter remained ill the general appearance of the town has received con si- force until the enactment of the municipal reform bill, derable improvement; it is now well paved and lighted, in 1835, which vested the government in a mayor, four and a handsome building, in the Grecian style of archi- aldermen and twelve councillors, with the usual assis­ tecture, appropriated to the uses of a town-hall and gaol, taut officers; the same act provided a commission of the has been added to its public structures : the internal ar- peace, under which borough sessions are held quarterly, rangements of this edifice are admirably adapted to the and a. court of record is held every Monday for the re­ purposes for which it was erected, and its exterior is a covery of debts and damages not exceeding £20. The creditable ornament to the town. Symon de Theobald, borough has returned members to parliament from the archbishop of Canterbury, had a noble palace here, the first of Elizabeth; those at present sitting are Sir John gateway of which is still standing, but on the remainder Benn Walsh, Bart., and J oseph Bailey, jun. Esq. From of the site has been recently erected, at a cost of about the town of Sudbury his grace the Duke of Grafton in­ £10,000., an extensive union workhouse, Sudbury being herits the inferior tttle of baron. the centre, under the new poor law act, of a union em- Sudbury comprises the parishes of All Saints, Saint bracing forty-two parishes. This was one of the places Gregory and Samt Peter. The churches are all of con­ assigned for the residence of the Flemings, whom Ed- siderdble antiquity, and are commodious and handsome ward Ill induced to settle in this country, to instruct structures. That of St. Gregory was formerly collegiate; the English in the various branches of the woollen trade; it contains a superb font; and in the vestry room, be- 73 577 SUDBURY,&c.

hind an iron grating, is a human skull, said to be that clothing, &c., are the other charities. The market is of Symon de Theobald, before mentioned, who was be- now held on Thursday, and the fairs on the 12th March headed by the mob in the insurrection under WatTyler. and lOth July. The population of the three parishes, The free grammar school was founded in 1491 by Wm. and of the hamlet of BALLINGDON (annexed by the re­ Wood, and endowed with a farm in Essex; there are form bill to the borough), at the census taken in 1831, but few pupils on the establishment. A national school, amounted to 4,677 inhabitants-since which period it and some bequests by which the poor are benefited, in is computed to have augmented to about 6,000. POST O'E'FICB,~ F1iars st, Alexander Frost, Post Master.-Letters from LoNDON and the South arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched every evening at eight.-Letters from BuRY ST. EDMUNDS and the North anive every morning at seven, and are despatched every evening at half-past six:. NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND Sparrow Mr. William, Ballingdon BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. CLERGY. Syers Rev.Barrington,Gestingthorpe Fukher Geo. Williams ( & printer), Adam John William, esq. Church st Thresher Miss Mary, Friars st Market hill ' Adams Mrs. Charlotte, Stour st Tozer Miss, Stour st LargeJames (&printer),Markethill Allen Mrs. -, Ballingdon Wallace Rev. William, Friars st BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Andrews Rev.-, Bulmer [champ Wallis Rev. William, Liston Burton Joseph William (and leather Andrews Rev. Robert, Waiter-Bel- Warner Mr. John, Friars st cutter), Friars st • Badham David, esq. Bulmer [lodge Wamer Mr. William, Friars st Ely Thomas, .Ballingdon Nathl.Clarke,esq. Ryes Wilkinson Rev. -, Great Cornord }'awx Benjamin, Friars ::;t Bell Mr. James, Cross st Wilkinson Rev. Hy. Watts, Friars st French John, Church walk Bell Miss Mary Ann, Ballingdon Williarnson Mr. John, Stour st Goody Baker, North st Rence Colonel-, Kentwell hall Wyatt Mrs. Elizabeth, Curd's lane Goody ~h~mas, NBrundon hall Earl John, No'rth st Colhs Samuel, Market hill Johnson Rev. Richard, Lavenham Elliston John, Friars st Frost Jacob, Sepulchre st Jones Mr. James, North st Goody Joseph Church st Jones Henry, North st Jones Wm. Brazier, esq. Friars st Goody Joseph: Cross st Joscelyne lsaac, Church st Keeble Mr: Samuel, ~riars st Goody Robert, North st 1\lears Robert, Nmt~ st Lambert R:rchd. esq. L1ston hall .lst H arringtou John, Ballingdon Plumb Sa~u~l, Balhn~don Maclean S1r Lachlan,knt. M.D. Frrars King J ames, Borehamgate st R_uggles W1llmm, Ballmgdon Maud!! Rev.-, Belcha~p Otten King Thomas, North st Srggs Matthew, Cross st Meekmg Hemy, esq. Chrlton hall Sadler Thomas Mill lane CABINET MAKERS. Meeking Thomas, esq. Woodhall Sillitoe Frauci; Friars st Brand John, Church st Meyrick Co~. William Henry, Bul- Strutt John, G;.egory st IJserver, Friars street Scott .James Henry, Gregory st Bass William,tallow chandler, biR Edwards John, Market hill Davis Geo.nursery & aeedsmau,Acton grn Frost Alexander & Son, Friars st Twight James, Church st Durham Jas. glover, &ll. Borehamgate at Hale Samuel, Ballingdon Walpole William, Acton green Ellison William, tuscan and straw plat Syer, Fenn & Welham, King st Woods James, Gregory st dealer, Chnrcb ~t [Friars at Tovell, Robert Gray, Ballingdon SILK MB.IofUFACTURERS. Frost Alexander& Son,bar iron merchants. GAs WoR&s, Quay lane-Josepb Martin, Westrop Hale William, North st Duff Alexander, Sepulchre st manager Wright Edward (and porter dealer), Edmunds John, Cross st Head Joseph, hop merchant, Friarl!' st Market hill Hill James & William, Sepulchre st Uoldom Jos. carrit"rs• agent, Sepulchre at HAIR DRESSERS. STONE MASONS. Jones John, hardwareman, North st Bowers Enoch, King st Harding Charles, Balliugdon Ling Wm. gardener & seedsman, .Friars at Eulmer John, Church st Leaning John, Cross st Mauldon James, pawnbroker, Friars et Davis John, Market hill STRAW HAT MAKERS. Nichols Peter, boat builder, Wharf Overall Isaac, fellmonger, Cross st Rice Stephen, Ballingdon Barford l\Iary Ann, Friars st Rolfe John, whiting maker, North st Seagrave Joseph, Cross st Dansie Maria, Friars st Saxby James, dyer, Cross st Simkin William, Market hill Joscelyne Louisa, Ballingdon Simkin Sparks, haberdasher and bard- INNS. Mears Susannah, North st wareman, North st [School la Rose and Crown (commercial and SURGEONS. Tonrner William.J. professor of French, Tovell Robt.Gray, riveragent,Ballingdoll posting), William Baker, King st Anderson, Mm-ray & Bates, Sepul­ Ward Benj. surveyor oftaxes, Ballingdoo Swan & Commercial, Jas. Pleasants, chre st WarwickJohn,1imbermerchant,Borebam- .Market hill Mason Mamice, Sepulchre st gate st [Friars st IRONMONGERS. Smith William Bestoe, King st Woolby Rebecca, shoe & stay warehouse, Beard J oseph, Friars st [King st TAILORS. SUDBURY UNION. Harcourt Henry (and gun maker), Marked thus" are also Drapers. Clerk-Edmund Stedman. May William Oliver, Market hill Alston William, Nmth st Chaplain-Rev. Thomas Stafford. Purr John & James, Sepulchre st Andrews Thomas, Gregory st Govemor-William Fitzroy Fisher. '*Constable Goulding, Ballmgdon Relievillg Officers- Wm. Steggles, Wm. LINEN DRAPERS. King, Saml. Ramscar & Richard Pratt-. Barker Joseph, Old .Market place Driver Thomas, North st Boggis Edmund, North st '*Goldsmith Thomas, Friars st REGISTRARS OP BIRTHS, DEATHS AND liURJI.JAGES. Bridgman & Co. Market hill Hart John, North st Edmund Stead man, supmntendent. Euck George, Market hill Hart William Davis, Ballingdon James Durrell, registrar of marriages fo11 Cook William, North st Hitchcock John, North st all the districts. Rolfe William Rowland, Market hill '*King William, J<~riars st DJ!PUTY REGlSTRARS OP BIRTHS A:ND Spooner William, Fliars st '*l\Iills Robert, Market hill DEATHS. George Dring, for the Melford dmrict. MALTSTERS. "*Parsson John, Gregory st W illiam King, for tb11 d!Strirt. Adams William Cole, King st ""Pemberton J oseph, Sepulchre st Richd. Pratt,lortbeBuresSt.M•ry di.strict. Ginn Thomas, jun. Chilton lodge "Readv George, Market hill Samuel Ramscar, for the lhtlmer distrid. Mason William, Borehamgate st' '*Smitn John, Sepulchre st William Stegglea, for the Sutlbury diatri4;t. 579 ~tttfolk. SUDBURY, &c.

COACHES. (from London) calls at! he Rose & Crown, Friday-& John Ruggles, from the Bear, ToLONDON,the.Sudbury,from the Rose every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and Thomas Elliott, from Church st. and Crown, every Monday, Wednesday noon at half-past twelve; both go thro• every Wednesday and Saturday. and Friday mornin!( at ten-and the Bury St. Edmunds,Ixworth &. Botesdale. To CLARE, William El mer, from the Bear, Times (from Norwich), in the afternoons every Tuesday and Saturday. of the same days at two-the Old Bury CARRIERS. To CULCH ESTER, David Bray, from (from Bury St.Edmunds) every forenoon To LONDON, W illiam Sykt>s, from the Anchor, every Tuesday & Friday. (Sunday ex.) at a quarter past eleven­ Sepulchre st, daily-George G. Whorlow, To HADLElGH, John Manu, from the and the Phenomena (from Norwich) calls from Church st. and J. C. Fake, from Bear, and William Ling, from Friars st, at the Swan,every afternoon at a quarter North st, every Tuesday and Friday­ every Tue,.day and Friday. past one; all !(O th ro' Chelmsford, &c. and John Ruggles, from the Black Boy, To IPSWICH, William Ling,fromFriars To BURY :;T.EDMUNUS,the OldBun1 every Thursday. st, every Tuesday & Friday-and Joha (trom London) calls at the Rose and To BURES, Wm. Sykes, from Sepulchre Rnggles,fr()mthe Black Boy,every Mon. Crown, every afternoon(Sunday except­ st, daily-and John Laizf'l, from the To LONG MELFORD, William Sykes, ed) at four. Royal Oak, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. from Sepulchre street, daily-and J. C. ToN ORWICH,tbePitenomena(from Lon­ To BURY ST. EDMUNDS, William Fake, from North st, ever} Tues. & Fri. don) calls at the Swan, every afternoon Sykes, from St. Sepulchre st, daily­ To NORWICH and DISS, Wm. Sl·kes, at a quarter past one-and the 'l'imes J. C. Fake, from North st, Tuesday and fl"Om Sepulchre st, daily. WICKHAlVI 1\IARKET AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. W ICKHAM MARKET is a village and parish, in Itrade; the business of the place is of a local and do. the hundred of Wilford; 81 miles N. E. from London, mestic nature; supported chiefly by the agriculturists, 42 s. s. w. from Yarmouth, 12 N. N. E. from Ipswich, 8 and assisted by the passage of travellers between Ips· s. s. w. from Saxmundham, and 5 N. from Woodbridge; wich and Yarmouth. fiituated on the river De ben-most of the houses being The church, dedicated to All Saints, stands upon an seated on a pleasing eminence, commandin~ an extent eminence; the spire steeple, though not above sevent)l of landscape which, for richness in wood, general fer- feet high, is an excellent and conspicuous sea mark, tility and gentlemen's seats, is not surpas!'ed perhaps and commands a prospect so extensh·e, that on a clear in the county. This place had formerly not only a mar- day no fewer than fifty churches may be seen. The ket, but a shire·hall, where the quarter sessions were livmg is a vicarage in the gift of the crown; the present held; the hall was taken down some years since by incumbent is the Rev. E. J. Bell. The only place of order of the lord of the manor, but the spiritual courts worship besides the church is a chapel for independents. for the arch deaconry of Suffolk are still held here. No The parish contained, by the parliamentary returns in manufucture belongs to the village, nor any particular 1831, 1,202 inhabitants. POST OFFICB,_ Wl1ite Hart Inn, Edward Tice, Post .Master.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at seven, and are despatched every evening at :seven. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Matjomm James, gun maker A hd k KL{RGY(a . hall Barclay James Pringle, attorney Minter Charles, auctioneer rct ecM neT. hn w;;._~qkh eveMnngk t Cochrane Georl!e, surgeon Minter Robert, spirit dealer A IC B s t on M r. G os. n M 1am ti dar e Den h am ur-"111 1am,• - surgeon N ursey J osep h , uonmonger· a es r. eor~e, ?r es or Moor George, attorney Olding William, glover Bates Mr. Geo. JUn. ~1ttle Glemham Mnriel William, surgeon Old ring Spurling, glover Bell ~ev · Edw.J no. W t~kham Market Ox borrow Robert, coach builder BenmngtonMrs.A.WtckhamMarket INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. OxborrowWilliam,clothes salesman Bransbu~y Rev.-, Brandeston Chaise and Pair, James Foreman Peck Susan baker and confectioner Brook Richard, esq. Pettistree lodge Chequers, James Girling Rack ham J~hn saddler But~her ~r .. Wm. WickhamMarket Crown, Jeremiah Woods Reeve Thomas,'butcher Catlmg Wilham, esq. Hoo hall George, Sarah Good Roe James saddler Corrance Fre~~· esq .. Londham hall' White Hart Inn, Edward Tice Rouse William cabinet maker Dykes Mr. Ph1bn W1ckham Market Sh N ' d d .lr' · p · SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS ave ancy, grocer an raper D y k es M r. PhI Ip, JUn. ett1stree • Shemino- George corn dealer Edwards Mrs.Ann,WickhamMarket Adams Edward, boot & shoe maker Sherwogd Willia'm butcher Griffi_thsMr.~as. R.N.WickhamMarkt Bird John, brazier Smith William, bri~k and tile maker Hamilton his. Grace the Duke of, Bunn Sarah, dress maker Smith Wm.plumber,painter&glazier E~ton White ho~se Cattermull Jon. boot & s~oe maker Smyth Mary, straw hat maker Harns Mrs._-, Pettistree ~atton John, plumber. pamter, &c. Thurston James, grocer and draper Hay the Right Honourable Lord Churchyard Charles, shopkeeper Tyler John confectioner Jo~n, Rendlesham pa~sonage Coleman Jo_h~, shopkeeper Tyler Sam~el, boot and shoe maker Jetfnes Mr. H~nry, Pet.ti~tree Coleman Wtllmm, stone mason Watkins Eliza, straw hat maker Mac{arlane Lteut. Wtlliam, R. N. Dale George, _sto:t;te mason Welton Robert, wheelwright WICkham Market E?wards BenJamm, cooper White James, watch maker North Mrs.-, Glemham hall Ftsh George, grocer. and draper Whitmore John, milhvright and en- PorterRev.Wm.Marlesfordparsonge Flory Jonat~an~ bak~r gineer [agent P~dtt Rev. Joseph, Ca~psey Ash Garrod BcnJan;nn, ta!lor WoodsJas. grocer miller& fire office Rtchards Capt. -, Petttstree Garrod Fredenck, tailor ' Shouldham Marlesfordhall Girling William, millwright COACHES. Studd Mrs. Mary, Pettistree Grayston William, bricklayer To LONDON, the Royal !If ail (from Yar· Turner Rev. George, Kettleborough Hawke Charles, watch maker mouth), paMses through, every night at Wade Rev. Ellis, Blaxhall parsonage Hill David, cabinet maker half-past nine the Old Blue, from the . kh M k Crown, every morning at a quarter past W e Iton Mr. R o b t. WlC · am ar et Hill Jess, whitesmith t~even-the Shannon (from Halesworth), Wilson the Hon. Robert, Campsey Kemp Emma, bookseller & stationer ea lis at the White Hart, every morning Ash, High house [Market Knivett William, boot & shoe maker at half-past eight-and the Star (from Woodard Mr. Thomas, Wickham Lay William, hair cutter Yarmouth), ev.,ry forenoon at eleven. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Leek lsaac, tailor and confectioner To HALESWORTH, the Shannon (from Blake Misses (boarding and dayJ Leek Stephen, basket maker London), calls at the White Hart, every o d afternoon at half-past five. Downes George (b oard mg an ay) Leggett George, blacksmith To YARMOUTH, the Royal Mail(from Forrest Catherine (boarding) Le win John, miller Londou ), passes through, every morning Kemp Emma (boarding and day) Licence Jeremiah, tailor at five &the Star, every afternoon at 4. WOOD BRIDGE, WITH THE VILLAGE OF MELTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. W OODBRIDGE is a market town and parish in the Deben, which Jiver discharges itself about ten miles he· hundred of Loes, 77 miles N. E. by E. from London and low, and is navi&ahle up to the town. A wooden bridge, 8 N. E. from Ipswich-situated on the direct road from that bestrides a hollow way, gives name to the place; London to Yarmouth, aud on the north bank of the and not far from this spot stands a house that still is S80 . mtrtctot»· WOODBRIDGE, &c. Snf£olft~ designated' Diy-bridge: This locality is in generales- baptists, the society offliends and Wesleyan methodists. timation for the mildness and salubrity of its air. The There are several important charitable institutions here. streets are not spacious, but they are clean and well The free grammar school was founded in 1662; ten boys paved; and the appearance of the houses indicates the are instructed upon the foundation, and an additional enjoyment of comfort and respectability by the inhabi- number of day scholars. There are national and Lan­ tants. Woodblidge possesses convenient wharfs and casterian schools, and Sunday schools attached to most quays; and by an act of parliament, recently obtained, of the places of worship; but the most valuable charity it is constituted a port for the bonding of timber, wine, is that established in 1587 by Thomas Seckford, Esq.~ &c. The trade in corn, coal and general merchandize and still bearing his name, for thirteen poor men (being is of considerable importance; of the former immense aged and decayed tradesmen of W oodbridge), and three quantities are exported for the London, Liverpool, New- women, to act as nurses to the alwsmen. 1'his charity castle and other markets. This place was formerly noted is supported from the produce of an estate in Clerken­ for the manufacture of sackcloth and the refining of well, London, called W oodbridge-street ; and a very salt; but these branches, as well as the spinning of wool considerable increase in .the value of the property has (which formed the principal occupation of the imlns- recently taken place, from the falling in and renewal of tdous classes), have matenally declined. The inns here the leases, which will enable the trustees to augment afford excellent accommodatiOn to travellers, whether the number and the comforts of those dependent upon on business or pleasure. The fJOvernment of the town the foundation; new almshouses are now nearly corn­ is chiefly confided to the parochial officers. The guarter pleted, which will accommodate double the present sessions for the liberty of St. Ethelred and certam con- number. Some minor benevolent bequests annually af­ tiguous hundreds, and petty sessions every Wednesday, ford relief to the aged and indigent. This neighbourhood are held here. The shire hall is a handsome bdck edi- is embellished by several elegant seats, and the country fice; under it is the corn markt>t. The blidewell, rebuilt around is in the most perfect state of cultivation. The in 1804, stands on an adjacent eminence. Woodbridge market, held on Wednesday, is a very considerable one is one of the polling stations at the election of repre- for corn and cattle; fairs 6th April, for horned cattle sentatives for the eastern division of the county. and horses (of the latter the show is considered the best The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a truly noble in the kingdom), and on 1.he 2nd and 3rd October, for structure, erected, according to general opinion, in the pedlery, pleasure, and hidng servants. Inl831 the pa.. reign of Edward Ill, by John Lord Seagrave and his Iish contained 4,769 inhabitants. countess-the tower and north portico in the reign of One mile from Woodbridge, in the same hundred, is Henry VI; theformerispeculiarlyhandsome, composed the pretty village of MELTON. From its situation be­ of flint-work in beautiful compartments, one hundred tween Woodbridge, Yarmouth, &c., it has the advantage and eight feet high, and perceptible at sea at a great dis- of a considerable thoroughfare, and a respectable por­ tance. The interior is spacious, and consists of a nave, tion of trade. A large iron foundry and manufactory two aisles and a chancel, with an elegant private chapel for a~cultural implements are in the village, and the in the latter. The living is a perpetual cnracy, of which lunatic asylum for the eastern division of the county is the Rev. Thomas William Salmon is the present in cum- within the limits of the parish-the population of which1 bent. There are places of worship for independents, in 1831, amounted to 707 persons. P 0 S'l" 0 F F I CB,~ Cumberland st, W OODBRIDGE, William Row, Post Master.-Letters from LoNDON and the South anive every morning at half-past four, and are despatched every night at ten.-Letters from the North arrive every morning at ten, and are df'spatched every afternoon at a quarter before four.-Letters from YARMOUTH arrive eveiy night at ten, and are despatched every morning at half-past four. [BRIDGE. POST, MELTON, Receiving boa: at the Horse & Groom.-Letters arrive from and are forwarded to WooD- NOBILITY, GENTRY AND Taylor Capt. John, R. N. Seckford st BAKERS a !'LOUR DEALERS. CLERGY. Thomas George, esq. Thoroughfare 1\Iarked thus• are also Conft>ctioners. Aldis Miss Sophia, Cumberland st Thompson Mr. Mark, Castle st "Barritt Comelius, Church st Aplin Captain -, Melton Toll the Misses Seckford ~t Bedwell Charles, Seckford st Baldry Mrs. Mary, Church st Watson Rev. G~o. Christr. Church st Daniels William, Cumberland st Bennington Mrs. -, Melton Whimper Lieut. Wm. R.N. Theatre st !i~her Joh_n,_ Thoroughfare. Betts T. D'Eye; esq. Martlesham Whincupe Mr. - Se('kford st Fisher Wilham, Market hill Brooke Captain-, Ufford White Colonel J~hn, Melton "GammageBenjamin, Thoroughfare Brooke Mrs. C. Ufford Woolner Mrs.-, Seckford st Gammage James, Cumberland st Brooke Mr. Thomas, Burkitt road Gammage John, Cumberland st Carthew Miss Ann, Thoroughfare ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. K"mg Th omas, S eck£ or d st CollettRev. Woodthorpe,Seckford st Alldis Ellen, Seckford st "'-'Mayhew James, Market hill Colmro~J Mrs.-, Cumberland st Bowle~ Elizabeth (boarding & day), Pooley Hem~ Theatre st Cordy Mrs.Esther,Woodbridge cottg Thoroughfare "Richardson Thomas, Thoroughfare Doughty Mr. George, Cumberland st BRITISH AND FoREIGN ScHooL, Threaki"ll John' Brook ·st Evans the Misses, Seckford st Castle st-Philip Pizey, master; "'-'Whayman Matthias, Nt>w st Good Rev. Alexdr. Cumberland st Sm·ah Ann Pizey, mistress Wright John, Bredfield st Fenn John, Cumberland st BANKERS. Goodwin Mrs. Elizabeth, Church st FREE GRAMMAR ScHOoL, Seckford Alexanders & Co. Church st-(draw Hare the Misses, Foxborough hall, st-Rev.WoodthorpeCollett,mas- on Barnetts, Hoare&Co.London) Melton [Sudbourn hall ter; Chas. Steed, a!>sistant master EAsT OF ENGLAND BANK (Branch), HertfordtheMostNobleMarquessof, Goodwin MaryAnu, Church st Thoroughfare (drawsontheLon- How Mr. -, Cumberlaud st d · B ) G Jesup Mrs. Martha, Cumberland st Graystone Mary Ann, New st [st on & Westmmster ank - ross . KnightsAnn(bdg&day)Cumberland & Thompson, agents K emp Mr. William, Thoroughfare NATIONAL ScuooL, Burkitt road- NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF Lamb Mr. George, Thoroughfare G df G M E B h) M k h"ll Linos Miss Mary, Cumberland st o rey urney, master; ary NGLAND ( ranc , ar et I - Linstead Mr. John, Sandy hill Gurney, mistress [land st (draws on the London Joint St.ock . Pizey Henry (brdng&day), Cumher- Bank)-Henry Aldrich, agent N aunton the MIsses, Cumberland st SAVINGS' BANK, Thoroughfare-e.... Packard Mrs. Agnes, Thoroughfare ATTORNEYS. Benjamin Gall, actuary Renrllesham the Right Hon. Lord, Carthew Thomas, Thoroughfare BASKET & siEVE MAKERs. Rendlesham Churchyard, Meadows and Everitt, Gross James, Thoroughfare RussellMissAnn, Thoroughfare [st Market hill Leek Timothy, Thoroughfare SalmonRev.Thos.Wm.Cumberlaud Gissing Samuel Newson, Castle st Woods Isaac, New st Schriber Major-, Melton Moor Charles & Son, Cumberland st BLACKSMITHS. Sharpe Mrs.-, 1\lelton Wood John &Son (andclerkstothe Buttmm William, Theatre st Sharpe Charles, esq. Abbey magistrates), Church st Cundr Charles, New st Shaw Robert Newton, esq. Oowsmg James, Church lane ShephardMrs.Letitia,Cumberlandst AUCTIONEERS a APPRAISRS. Fisher Richard, Quay Shouldham M. esq. 1\lelton Cana Robert, Thoroughfare Garrett Charles, Ufford Studd Jonathan Ab bott, esq. Melton Moulton & Dallenger, Thoroughfare Lester Isaac, Melton Taylor Rev. Henry, Bredfield st Nursey & Elvis, Burkitt road Oxborrow Samuel2 Bredfield st 581 WOODBRIDGE,. &c. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS CHINA, GLAss, &c. DEALERS. PROVIDENT {life), John Webster AND PRINTERS, Morley William, 1'hQroughfare Issitt, Thoroughfare Loder J no. ( & library), Thoroughfare Pite Edward, Church st RoYALEXcHANGE,Jno.l\Ianby,Quay Munro John Donalif, Market hill CHYMISTS & DRUGGISTS. SUFFOLK CouNTY, C. Moor, Cum~ BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Francis George, Market hill berland st Alien John, Seck ford st Gall Benjmn. Thoroughfare [fare SuN, William Kemp, Market hill Arnold William, Market hill Manning Saml. Spooner, Thorough- (life), Richard Barnes John Nunn, Thoroughfare Miles, Thoroughfare CLOTHES DEALERS • .Barnes John Poppin, New st YoRK AND NoRTH oF ENGLAND,. Bilby Thoma..,, Melton Ashford Eliza, Thoroughfare Samuel Spooner Manning, Tho• Brown Sarah, Thoroughfare Bodgener Henry, Newst roughfare Carr James, Thoroughfa1·e Brown James, Thoroughfare FRUITERERS, Cutting James, Brook st Hunt Lavinia, Thoroughfare Catchpole Johu~ Thoroughfare Gillingham William, Seckford st Mickleborough Robert, Market hill Loder Charles, Church st Godbold Augustus, .Melton Wells George, Market hill Neale Horace, Thoroughfare Hunt James, Thoroughfare COACH & HARNESS MAKERS. FURNITURE BROKERS. Martill William, Seckford st Daniels James, New st Mickleburgh William, Seckford st Hayward Miles, New st Downing Edward, Thoroughfare Head Samuel, New st Osborn Jeremiah, .Melton Kerridge Charles, Melton Pipe William, Thoroughfare Roe Joseph, New st COOPERS. GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Stanton Robert, Church st Barnes Stephen, Cumberland st Steam Joseph, Melton Brighten Clarke, Dry bridge Bri~htwell James, Chmch lane Brighten James, Cumberland st Weight William, Church st Gibbs Samuel, New st BRAZIERS AND TINMEN. Brighten J ames J efferey, Market hill Hayward Henry, Thoroughfare Foreman John, New st Neeve John, Thoroughfare Vesey Thomas, Thoroughfare Nunn Joseph, Cumberland st GROCERS & '!'BA DEAloERS. Turner George & Co. Thoroughfare CORN & COAL MERCHANTS, (See also Shopkeepers; and also Tea BREWERS, (See also Corn C!tandlers.) DealersJ Edwards Henry, Brook st Dykes, Thompson & Bennington, Ban yard & Batchelor, Market hill Lockwood Wm.jun. Castle Brewery Melton Barnard Philip, Church st Sawyer Edward, Melton Edwards Henry, Thoroughfare · Barnes Charles, Market hill BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Hart Daniel, Quay Bruce Thomas, Market hill Boon Thomas, Bealings Jesup Alexander, Quay Comyn Thomas, Cumberland st Colchester William & Co. Quay st LIMEKILN QuAY Co. Thoroughfare Gross & Thompson, Thoroughfare Cook William, Bromeswell Loft Georg-e, Quay Loder Charles, Church st Grimwood Thomas, Thoroughfare Manby John, Quay Mathew Frederick, Church st Norton -, Melton Mickleborough Robert, Market hill Mickleborough Robert, Market bill BRICKLAYERS. Vertue Thomas, Cumberland st N eale Horace, Thoroughfare CatchpoleJames, Bredfield st CORN CHANDLERS. Oxx Sarah', Thoroughfare Fisk John, Bredfield st (See also the preceding listJ Ward & Morgan, Thoroughfare Lockwood William, Castle st Allen Thomas, Thoroughfare HAIR DRESSERS ANI) Merrell Edward, Theatre st Hartridge William, New Rt PERFUMERS. Oulding James, Ufford Mickleborough Robert, Market hill Green Robert, New st Sparkes Robert, Bredfield st Oxx Sarah, Thoroughfare l\iarsh William Nathan, l\Iarket hill W enn William, Seckford st Skoulding William, Melton Sykes Thomas, New st BUILDERS. CURRIERS AND LEATHER Taylor Alfred, Church st Bilby William, Melton CUTTERS, Wade George, Thoroughfare Lockwood William, Castle st Goodwyn Edmund, Church st HARDWARBMEN. Peake Thomas, Cumberland st Smith Thomas, Thoroughfare Catchpole John, Thoroughfare Thompson George, Thoroughfare Issitt John Webster (and horse hair BUTCHERS. DRESS MAKERS, and rag merchant) , Thoroughfare Bolton James, Church st See lflilliners and Dress Makers. HATTERS, Button George, Cumberland st DYERS AND SCOURERS, Ashford Eliza, Thoroughfare Capon Francis, Melton Kell William, New st Goldacre Robert (and furrier), Tho­ Churchyard Lucy, Market hill Noble James, Cumberland st roughfare Clarke Be11jamin, Castle st FARRIERS. Culham William, New st London John, Market hill -t Easter Abraharn, Castle st Towler John (and furrier), New si Gosling Aldous, Thoroughfare Laurance William, Theatre st Moore Edward (pork), Seckford st INNS-COMMERCIAL. FIRE &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Moore George, New st 1 Bull, John Salmon, Market hill Oxborrow John, Cumberland st ATLAs, Thos.Carthew, Thoroughfare Crown (& posting) Michael Cundy1 Self Samuel, Seckford st BRITANNIA (life), Thomas Vertue, Thorouglifare Turner George, Theatre st Cumberland st IRON FOUNDERS, Turner John, Thoroughfare BRITISH, Alfred Taylor, Church st Bendall James, New st Turner William, Thoroughfare CLERICAL, MEDICAL, & GENERAL Seamen & Bryant (and agricultural CABINET MAKERS AND (life), George Francis, Market hill implement makers) Melton UPHOLSTERERS, CoUNTY (fire), John Webster Issitt, IRONMONGERS. Baker John, Church st Thoroughfru·e [fare Gall George, Church st Fisher John, Bredfield st EAGLE (life) John Loder, Thorough­ Kemp William, Market hill Fisher William, Brook st EssEx AND SI-1FFOLK (fire), John Silver Thomas Temple (& iron mer.. Fisk Samuel, Market hill Loder, Thoroughfare chant) Church st Goodwin William, Thoroughfare FAMILY ENDOWMENT SOCIETY, Hayward & Son, Market hill Churchyard, Meadows & Everitt, LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPRS· Hayward .Miles, New st 1\larket hill Barnard Philip, Church st Head Samuel, New st FREEMAsoNs' AND GENERAL (life), Barnes Charles, l\larket hill Jennin~s John, New st John Dallenger, Thorou~hfare Beales Francis, New st Miles Richard, Thoroughfare GLOBE, Churchyard, Meadows and Freeman Charles, Thoroughfare CARPENTERS. Everitt, Market hill [st Gross George, Church st Bilby William, Melton GuARDIAN,Jno."\Vood&Son,Church Miller John, Thoroughfare Coe John, Seckford st NoRWICH EQUITABLE, Benjamin Skeet John & Co. Thoroughfare Debney John, Quay Gall, Thoroughfare rroughfare MAloTSTERS, Flaxman William, Quay NoRWICH UNJON,Robert Cand,Tho­ Betts John, Thoroughfare Gissing James, Seckford st PH

Edwards Henry, Thoroughfare Sawyer Christopher, Church lane WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS~ LIMEKILN QuAY Co. Thoroughfare Sayer William, New st (See also Silversmiths, &(cJ Loft George, Quay Seamen William, Melton Gant Rohert D. Thoroughfare Manby John, Quay Skoulding William, Melton Hawke Daniel, Church st 'Tailer John Bayly, Church st Stananought John, New st Hildyard John, Thoroughfare Tills William, Seckford st Stevenson Robert, Seckford st Mallett Henry, Market Hill MILLERS. Turner Samuel, Bredfield st Smyth Israel, Thoroughfare Bendall John, DryblidgBrighton, Ipswich road WOODBRIDGK UNION WORKHOUSE, .Edwards Henry, Thoroughfare Coach & Horses, Bilby Smith, Melton Naeton-R. N. Shawe, esq. chairman; Hart Daniel, Quay Cock & Pie, James Mullett, New st Thos. Cartbew, superin hmdent registrar LIMEKILN QuAY Co. Thoroughfare Cross, Henry Cork, Thoroughfare CUSTOM HOUSE, QUAT LANB. Crown, George Cooper, Utrord CollectM" John Nelson Heaumont. Loft George, Quay Fox, James Friend, New st Comptrolle1 William Gross. 1\lanby John, Quay Horse & Groom, William .Elvis, Ulford Tide ot CCHI8t Waiter-James Woodrow. Moore John, Castle st King's Arms, Hy. Flaxman, Thoroughfare King•s Head, Robert Goodall, Market hill COACHES. Row William, Cumberland st To LONDON, the Royal Mail and the Trott George, Castle st Lion, Cathetine Gross, Thoroughfare Queen's Head, Samuel Self, Seckford at Telegraph (from Yarmouth) calls at the Trott William, Quay lane Red Lion, William Tuffield, Melton Post office, every night at ten-the Oltl SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS IN Royal Oflk,Susan Lankester,Thoroughfre Blue (from Wick.ham Market) calls at the Crown, every morning ateight-th& GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Ship, Thomas Wilson, Quay Bedwell Charles, Seckford st Sun, John Belts, Thoroughfare Shannon (from H aleswortb) eveJ y morn­ Swan, John Syred, Market hill ing at nine & the Star (from Yarmouth) Brickells Margaret, Castle st Tankard, William Matthews, New st every forenoon at half-past eleven; all Capon Francis, Melton Three Horse Shoes, Stephen Bame~,Cum- go through Ipswich and Colchester. Coleman Austin, Seckford st berland st [Bredtleld st The following are from LoNDON. Culham Samuel, Cumberland st Wa!{gon & HorsPs, William Oxborrow, To HALESWORTH, the Shannon ealls Easter Abraham, Castle st Welline-ton, Jose ph Nunn, Cumberland at at the Crown, every afternoon at five ; Flaxman William, Thoroughfare White Hart, Henry Edwards, Brook st goes throu~?,h Saxmundham. Garrard William, Brook st White Horse, John Wade, Market hill To WICKHAM MARKET, the Old Blue TEA & COFFEE DEALERS. calls at the Crown, every night at half­ Gissing James, Seckford st past nine.-See also HALBSWOB.TH aruJ Glanfield William, Bredfield st Catchpole John, Thoroughfare YAlU!OUTH. Hartridge William, New st Feun John, Cumberland st To YARMOUTH, the Royal Mail and Jeffries John, Castle st Miller John, Thoroughfare Telegraph call at the Post office, every morning at half-past four-and the Sta,. Keeble John, Thoroughfare TIMBER MERCHANTS. calls at the Crown, every afternoon at Kell Herbert, Ufford Colchester William & Co. Quay half-pasUhree; ~oestbrough Saxmund­ Kerridge J ames, Thoroughfare Grimwood Thomas, Thoroughfa1·e bam, Yoxford and Lowestoft. 583 Digot & ~o.'~ WOODBRIDGE, &c. i13frtctot]1.

CARRIERS. To FRAMLINGHAM, - Wightman, To MARLESFORD,- Hall, fr01n the To LONDON, - Thorogood ancl Cole, from the Boat, daily-and - Roxby, Anchor, evt'ry Wednesday. from the King's Arms, every Wednes­ from the Royal Oak, Mon. Wed. & Fri. To ORFORD,-Lin!{, fromtheWelling­ day and Saturday-and- Smith, from To FRAMSDEN, -- Talmash, from the ton, daily; - Pead, from the Anchor, the Royal Oak, every Thursday & Sun. Ship, every Thursday. every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and To ALDBOR.OUGH,- Smith, from the To FRESSlNGFIELD, - Hart, from Saturday, - N ikel, from the King'a Royal Oak, every Monday, Wed. & Fri. the Boat, ev~ry Wednesday, Arms, and - Mann, from the Royal To ALDERTON,- Hill, from the Royal To GLKMHAM, - Cook, from the Oak,every Monday, Wednesday&Fririay. Oak, every Monday, Thursday & Sat. Anchor, every Wednesday. To SAX MUN DHAM, -Rouse, from tbe ToALDERTON & BAWDSEY,W.Ford, To GRUNDISBURGH,-Ramsey, from King's Arms, every Tuesday and Satur­ from the Sun, and - Cuttin~, from the the Royal Oak,Mon. Tues.Thurs. & Fri. day-and- Goddard, every Wednesday King's Arms, every Mon. Wed. & Fri. To HALESWORTH, BECCLES, HAR­ and Saturday. > To BLAXHALL, - Cooper, from the LEsTON and NoRWICH, Smith & Saw­ To STRADBROOK,- Meen, from the Royal Oak, & - Tyler, from the King's yer, from the Royal Oak, evet·y Monday King's Arms, every Monday & 'fhurs­ Arms, every Wednesday & Saturday. & Friday-& -Tay!or, every W ednes. day-and- Smith, from the Boat,every To BOYTON,- Arnold,frorn the King's To HOLLESLY, - Bridge, from the Wednesday and Saturday. Arms, every Tuesday & Friday-and­ King's Arms, eVPTY Wednesday. To WICKHAM MARKET, Reeve, May. Flory, every Wednesday and Saturday. To 1PSW ICH,- New son, ti·ow New st, hew and Heame's Carts, daily. To BRAN DESTON,- Beaumont, from and- Green, from Thoroughfare, daily To YARMOUTH, -Smith, from the the Lion, and- Pratt, from the Anchor, (Sunday and Wednesday excepted);­ Royal Oak, every Monday and Friday. every Monday, Wednesday KG Friday. Roxby, every Tuesday, Thursday and To CLOPTON,- Wightman, from the Saturday-and- Smith, from the Royal CONVEYANCE BY WATER. Anchor, every Tuesday. Oak, every Sunday and Thursday. To LONDON, a Vessel, from the Lime­ To DEBE~ HAM, - Pralt, from the To KEMPSEY ASH,- Cook, from the kiln quay, once a week; B. W. Gam­ Anchor, every Monday, Wed. and Fri. Cross, every Wednesday. magP, agent-and one from the Lower To EYKE, - Fosdick, from the Royal To KIRTON & TRIMLEY, - Wright, quay, to Custom house quay-James Oak, every Wednesday and Saturday. from the White Horse, every Wednesday. Dowsing, agent.

YOXFORO Ils a remm·kably pleasant village, in the parish of its plements, manufactured at the head establishments­ name and hundred of Blything; 93 miles N. E. from one belonging to Messrs. Garrett & Son, of Leiston. London, four miles N. of Saxmundham, and 23 N. E. and the other to Messrs. Ransome, of Ipswich. The from Ipswich; situated on the main road from the only edifice for divine worship is the church, a neat latter town to Yarmouth, in the midst of a beautiful and unostentatious building, dedicated to St. Peter: the and interesting country, ornamented by many very ele- living is a vicarage, iu the presentation of the Earl of gant mansions and tastefully laid out seats of the gentry. Stradbroke. In the neighbourhood are the celebrated The village consists of one street, containing several ruins of Abbey, founded about the year ll50; handsome modern houses; and the entrance at either aud not far distant are the extensive and picturesque end is equally prepossessing. In the village are two remains of Leiston Abbey, founded about 1183. The extensive repos1tones for the sale of agricultural im- parish contained, in 1831, 1,14~ inhabitants. POST OFPICE, James Bird, Post Master.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched every evening at a quarter past seven. NOBILITY, GENTRY, A:ND Bissell John, whitesmith Revens, Son & Smith, grocers, dra· CLERGY. Bloomfield John, bricklayer pers and wool merchants Badeley Rev. Samuel, Yoxford Borrett John, boot and shoemaker Roberts Robert, cnrrier Barlee Mrs. Lucy, Yoxford · Burrows Robert, brazier Row George & John, saddlers Barmby Mrs. Julia, Yoxford Cable Thomas, coach maker Short John, boot and shoe maker BeddingfieldJ.J. esq.Darsham house Carver William, bricklayer and stone Short Joseph, whitesmith Bcnce Col. Henry B. Thurington hall mason [tioner Smith Robert, butcher Blois Sir Charles, bart.Cockfieldhall Cattermole John, baker and confec­ Smyth Luke, watch & clock maker Clayton Friston, esq. Yoxford ClaytonAlrlerman,carpenter & buildr Spalding Wm. boot and shoemaker Collett Mr.Anthony, Heaveningham Clayton John, cooper Spall Joseph, shoemaker [glazier ColmerRobt. esq. Sibton A},bey lodge Cooper John, boot & shoemaker Stapleton Wm. painter, plumberaml Gibson T. esq. M. P. Thebberton Corton Henry, carpenter and builder Wardley Elizabeth, millmer Hardinge Rev. -, Thebberton Crane John, boot and shoemaker W ebber Amo~, tailor Howlett Mr. Samuel, Yoxford Creighton William, tailor Weltou John, porter merchant MannerstheRt.Hon.Lord, the Grove Crisp William, agent to the Norwich Wen don Daniel, butcher Packard Rev. Daniel, Voxford Union fire office Woolnough James, horse owner Roberts Rev. -, D. D. Rookery Curtis Robert, boot and sl10emaker Wiight George, boot and shoemaker Sayer Robert, esq. Sibton park Dalby George, blacksmith Wright William, farrier Sclivener Rev. Arthur, Yoxford Dale James, tailor [fruiterer COACHES. SpinkJ .E.E. esq. Sibton Abbey house Dennisou William, confectioner and CALLING AT TH.B THR.BR TUNS, Westhorpe Rev. Stirling, Sibton Ellis Henry, corn merchant To LONDON, the Royal Mail(from Yar­ Wilson George, esq. Yoxford Elmy John, wheelwright mouth) every night at halt~ past eight­ Woods Mrs. John, Darsham cottage Fisher Robert, baker & confectioner the Star, every morning at ten, and the Wootton T. W. esq. Aldringham FiskH enry,painter,plumber& glazier Shannon(from Halesworth)every morn­ ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS, Foulsham Joseph, butcher ing at six; all go through Woodbridge1 Ipswich and Colchester. Hug-hmanRobt. (brdg& day), Y oxford Foulsham l\Iary Ann, slwpkeeper To HALESWORTH, theShanmon{from Smith Catherine Jane, Yoxford GarrettRichard & Son, ironmongery London), every night at eip;ht. PAROCHIALScH ooL-Thos.Ricketts, and agricultural implement ware­ To YARMOUTH, the Royal Mail and master; Matilda Haniman, mistrss house, works at Leiston the Telegraph (from London), every PROFESSIONAL PERSO:NS. Geuter George, miller morning at half-past six, and the Star, Hignett H. J. attorney Girling William & Son, auctioneers, every afternoon at half-past live; both Lanchester W. J. surgeon Peasenhall go through Lowestoft. Potter John, magistrates' clerk King Robert, hair dresser CARRIERS. Wilson Charles, physician Kitton Marv, milliner To LONDON, H. R. & J. Smith, every I:NNS. Masterson John, tailor Weonrsdav. Griffin, William Crisp N unn William, grocer and draper To BUNGAY, - Hogg, every Monday. To HALEiSWORTH, -Sawyer, every Three Tuns, Jane Barns Offord John, tailor 'l'uesdny and Saturday, and - Smith, SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Pane Thomas, boot and shoemal\er every Tuesday Arnold John, farrier Pashley Elizabeth, straw hat maker To IPSWICH,- Sawyer, ev<'ry Monday Bailey Joseph, watch & clock maker Phillips John, wheelwright and Friday, & - Baldry,everyTuesday. Balls Henry, black~mith Pritty Thomas, butcher To LEISTON,- Baldry,everyThursday. To SAXMUNDHAM, - Hogg, everY Bird James, bookseller, stationer, Ralph John, basket maker 1\Jonrlay. and- Martin, every Friday. druggist, and al.{ent to the Nor­ Ransome Brothers, aglicultural im- To SOUTHWOLD and YARMOUTH, wich Equitable fire office plementmanufactrs.&iron merchts - Martin, e¥ery Friday. 58i