Leveraging Cognitive Features for Sentiment Analysis Abhijit Mishray, Diptesh Kanojiay,|, Seema Nagar ?, Kuntal Dey?, Pushpak Bhattacharyyay yIndian Institute of Technology Bombay, India |IITB-Monash Research Academy, India ?IBM Research, India yfabhijitmishra, diptesh,
[email protected] ?fsenagar3,
[email protected] Abstract e.g., finding appropriate senses of a word given the context (e.g., His face fell when he was dropped Sentiments expressed in user-generated from the team vs The boy fell from the bicycle, short text and sentences are nuanced by where the verb “fell” has to be disambiguated) (3) subtleties at lexical, syntactic, semantic Domain Dependency, tackling words that change and pragmatic levels. To address this, polarity across domains. (e.g., the word unpre- we propose to augment traditional features dictable being positive in case of unpredictable used for sentiment analysis and sarcasm movie in movie domain and negative in case of un- detection, with cognitive features derived predictable steering in car domain). Several meth- from the eye-movement patterns of read- ods have been proposed to address the different ers. Statistical classification using our en- lexical level difficulties by - (a) using WordNet hanced feature set improves the perfor- synsets and word cluster information to tackle lex- mance (F-score) of polarity detection by ical ambiguity and data sparsity (Akkaya et al., a maximum of 3:7% and 9:3% on two 2009; Balamurali et al., 2011; Go et al., 2009; datasets, over the systems that use only Maas et al., 2011; Popat et al., 2013; Saif et al., traditional features. We perform feature 2012) and (b) mining domain dependent words significance analysis, and experiment on (Sharma and Bhattacharyya, 2013; Wiebe and Mi- a held-out dataset, showing that cognitive halcea, 2006).