A continuación vea los horarios para lonches de verano May 2020 LIVEUnited Way of Northern Utah UNITED 2020 ids’ SUMMERK CATALOG 2020 UNITED WAY SUMMER KIDS CATALOG 1 GET HELP. GIVE HELP. 211. HOUSING • LEGAL • FOOD • UTILITIES • MEDICAL • MENTAL HEALTH • EMPLOYMENT • MORE 211UTAH.ORG CALL 211 EMAIL
[email protected] TEXT 898-211 DOWNLOAD APP 211 is an easy-to-remember FREE number to call that connects people to the services they need, such as housing and utility assistance, food resources, legal aid, parenting classes and so much more. For times when you don’t know what to do, who to call, or what to ask – dial 211. 211 es un número GRATUITO que es facil de recordar que conecta a las personas con los servicios que necesitan, como la vivienda y la asistencia de servicios públicos, los recursos alimentarios, la asistencia legal, clases de la crianza, y mucho más. Para momentos en lo que no sabes a qué hacer, o a quién llamar o qué pregunar - marca 211. 211utah.org 2 2020 UNITED WAY SUMMER KIDS CATALOG CONTENTS Day Camps R.A.M.P. Summer Activities Compamentos de dia ...............................7-26 Actividades de verano de R.A.M.P ................. 27 Summer Lunch Programs School Calendars Programas de almuerzo de verano ............... 5-6 Calendarios escolares ...........................28-31 Greetings! Thank you to the Standard Examiner and our many community-based youth service organi- zations for their partnership in preparing this Summer Kids Catalog. Summer is a great time of year for children. It is a time to explore new things, a time for the hours to pass more slowly, a time to be outside and enjoy nature.