Appendix A West Council’s Corporate Property Asset Management Plan 2012/13

Adventure Dolphin, Nature Discovery Centre

The Castle School Post 16 Library

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West Berkshire Council’s Corporate Property Asset Management Plan 2012/13

Table of Contents

Paragraph Page 1.0 Section 1 - Introduction 3 1. 3 Property Asset management arrangements 3 1.1 0 Current property portfolio 4

2.0 Section 2 – Property Asset Strategy 4 2.5 • The operational portfolio strategy 5 2.1 0 • Non -operational portfolio strategy 6 2.15 • Disposals and acquisitions strategy 7

3.0 Section 3 Progress 8 3.1 Recent achievements 8 3.5 Data collection and performance monitoring 9 3.8 Factors affecting progress 9

4.0 Section 4 - Property Review and Action Plan 10 Table 1 – Action Plan 10 Table 2 – Property Performance Indicators 12 Table 3 – Property Asset Disposal Programme 14

Appendices Appendix 1 – Terms of reference for Asset Strategy 15 Group Appendix 2 – List of properties owned by West 16 Berkshire Council

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Corporate Property Asset Management Plan 2012/13

1.0 Section 1 – Introduction

1.1 This Asset Management Plan is a document which sets out the principles and actions needed to deliver the aims in order to make the best use of Council’s properties and to provide a good service to our customers. It is intended to be a high level document covering a number of the Council’s strategies and we have set the plan out under these headings:

• Existing arrangements • Asset Strategy • Progress • Review and action plan

1.2 The Property Asset Management Plan is one of a number of documents which set out the Council’s policies and objectives. The Sustainable Community Strategy, called ‘A Breath of Fresh Air’, is the one which sets out a long term vision for the District up until 2026. It was developed by the West Berkshire Partnership (the District’s Local Strategic Partnership) after consultation with our local partners and is based is based on five themes:- prosperity, strong communities, green issues, safety and health. The aim is to protect areas of strength within the district but also recognise areas where improvement is needed.

1.3 The Council has a 4 year Council Plan for 2007 to 2011, which supports the Community Strategy and demonstrates the Council’s role in helping to make it a reality. The current plan has reached the end of the period for which it was written and a new Council Strategy is in draft form to take into account the changing financial conditions and legislative framework. The draft Council Strategy has as its themes caring for and protecting the vulnerable, promoting a vibrant district, improving education and lastly protecting the environment.

1.4 Other of our plans which have property asset management planning implications include:

• The Housing Strategy, • Supporting People Strategy, • Waste Strategy, • Newbury 2025 – a vision for Newbury Town Centre (The Newbury Vision), • The Capital Strategy and • Individual service plans.

1.5 Property Asset Management Arrangements

1.6 The way we manage our properties is by splitting the responsibility between the service areas and the Property and Public Protection Service. Generally the service departments are responsible for the day to day and strategic management of their own property – e.g. schools, libraries, care homes and leisure centres. The Property and Public Protection Service is responsible for the Council’s administrative office buildings, the leased properties and empty property. Repair, maintenance and small building projects for all properties are routed through the Property and

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Public Protection Service. Large or complex building projects are undertaken by the Special Projects team. The Education Service Asset Management team manage the school buildings portfolio.

1.7 Our arrangements for management of all property assets are steered by the Capital Strategy Group, which is a cross service, senior management forum to discuss property and capital matters. Matters specifically relating to property assets are considered by the Asset Management Group which is a sub group of the Capital Strategy Group.

1.8 Although the Services are responsible for making changes to the property they occupy, the decision for property matters such as capital expenditure, sales, leases, property sharing and purchase of new property are corporate led and the Services need to submit a business case to the Asset Management Group. The terms of reference for the Asset Management Group are attached as appendix 1 but the Group has the following principal functions:-

• Responsibility for prioritising and allocation of expenditure on maintenance in accordance with condition survey information plus other criteria to be established.

• Consideration of total accommodation against service needs and the justification for the Council holding the properties based on suitability, condition and cost.

• Consideration of proposals to acquire, lease and dispose of properties.

• Consideration of other property issues involving expenditure outside the annual budget by way of a business case submitted by the occupying Service.

1.9 The Asset Management Group inputs into the agreeing the planned maintenance programme for the following financial year. The planned maintenance programme for each service area is generated annually from the database and other sources that hold information on the condition of assets. The available funds are allocated as a proportion of priority 1 repairs as a total of the whole. The priority 1 repairs are identified in the condition surveys which are updated on a rolling basis. The programme is therefore based on the needs of the property and will be interlaced with any routine requirements due in the next 5 years, e.g. electrical testing and statutory tests.

1.10 Current Property Portfolio

1.11 Appendix 2 is a list of our property holdings, which, for this asset management plan, includes the properties owned freehold or leased by West Berkshire Council but excluding highway land and public open space.

1.12 Our properties have been acquired over time in a piecemeal way, sometimes as a result of local government re-organisation or by way of developer contributions as part of the planning process. So this means that the properties do not always meet our current business needs.

2.0 Section 2 – Property Asset Strategy

2.1 The reason we own land and buildings is to support service delivery either directly through the provision of accommodation for the frontline services – such as schools, libraries, car parks and open space, or indirectly through the back office function housed in the administrative offices or to generate income through rent or capital receipts.

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2.2 There are several demands on the Council’s land and buildings which can often be conflicting – for example we are expected to reduce the size of our estate in order to raise maximum capital receipts and reduce expenditure, whilst at the same time transferring assets at less than market value to partners and the local community in order to permit them to achieve local objectives. Therefore, decisions will need to be made on a case by case basis in order to fulfil the most pressing objective at the time.

2.3 At a strategic level the principal aims and objectives of our management of our property assets are to:

• Treat property as a valuable resource and ensure that the value of the assets is protected, by optimising rental and capital return and effective expenditure control to ensure that value for money is obtained. • Ensure efficient, effective and sustainable use of land and buildings. • Use property assets to contribute to the process of service improvement, with the creation of new ideas and working practices to help solve service issues. • Ensure that we comply with statutory obligations pertaining to property. • Rationalise the use of our land and buildings and establish criteria for retaining, disposing of and acquiring property. • Utilise property in support of the Council Plan and in consideration of the corporate good. • Support the Capital Programme through targeted asset disposal. • Pursue partnership working and co-location opportunities. • Effectively and efficiently manage the property assets. • Enable easy public access to the Council’s building and services.

2.4 The Council’s properties can be broadly split into three categories being operational, non- operational and vacant. In the following paragraphs we have described how these strategic aims and objectives can be applied to each category.

2.5 Operational Portfolio Strategy

2. 6 Operational property is the property occupied by or on behalf of the Council for the direct delivery of its services. For example, we occupy office buildings and community schools and provide the services ourselves. Outsourced functions such as sports centres, waste collection and some community care buildings are occupied by organisations providing services on our behalf but still count as West Point House operational property.

2.7 The strategic aims for our operational property are: .

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• To support front line service delivery. • To provide fit for purpose buildings. • To maintain a safe and healthy working environment for staff and service users. • To ensure delivery of compliance with statutory duties. • To reduce cost. • To have a lean portfolio with the minimum number of properties required to maintain service provision. • To exploit sharing opportunities with other public sector organisations. • To consider opportunities for urban or rural regeneration using Council property as a catalyst.

2.8 We aim to implement the strategy by:

• Reviewing the use and cost of the buildings we occupy. • Complete the Office Accommodation Strategy and so deliver a reduction in administrative office space, promote flexible working and deliver cost savings. • Reducing building running costs, for example, by the use of cheaper energy tariffs, having a targeted planned maintenance programme to reduce the percentage of reactive maintenance and the appeal of rating assessments. • Maintaining and reviewing maintenance contracts and developing procurement framework agreements. • Continuing with condition surveys to monitor the state of the Council’s property and use the information to produce the maintenance programme. • Promoting and actively seeking opportunities to share public buildings, facilities and services with partner organisations. • Disposing of surplus properties where appropriate. • Acquiring properties if the need cannot be met by property already owned. • Capital expenditure on buildings to provide fit for purpose buildings where it is cost effective to do so. • The use of option appraisal in decision making. • Implementing the Newbury Vision.

2.9 Non-operational Portfolio Strategy

2.1 0 Non -operatio nal property is that property i n which we own but is not being used to meet service needs, and is either let to third parties or is surplus to requirements. Our investment property includes the London Road Industrial Estate in Newbury and the Kennet Enterprise Centre, Hungerford.

Kennet Enterprise Centre 2.11 The strategic aims for our non-operational property are:

• To extract maximum income. • To review the cost effectiveness of the portfolio. • To support use by the third sector where a benefit to the community will be achieved. • To consider opportunities for regeneration using Council property as a catalyst.

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2.12 We aim to implement the strategy by:

• Collection of rent and the instigation of pursuing debtors in a timely manner. • Implementing rental increases under the lease agreements. • Taking the opportunities as they arise to extract value from changes in lease terms. • Re-letting of vacant properties as soon as practicable. • Preparation of a strategic document for the regeneration of the London Road Industrial Estate. • Property review and challenge. • Disposals or alternative uses for under performing properties.

2..13 Disposals and Acquisitions Strategy

2.1 4 We will seek to minimise vacant and non-productive property within our portfolio and will consider options for other uses, either an alternative use by another service or partner organisation or a sale or lease to a third party.

Peake House

2.15 In times of low market value it may not always be in our best interests to put a surplus property straight to market. Where appropriate, consideration will be given to temporary uses or leaving a property unused until market conditions improve.

2.16 Although the Council owns a number of properties there will be occasions where we own no property which is suitable for a particular use and so we will need to acquire property. However, property acquisition will only be considered where it addresses a corporate objective.

2.17 Our strategic aims for disposal and acquisition of property are:

• To seek a lean portfolio with the minimum number of properties required to maintain service provision. • To use our property to support regeneration projects. • To use our property to support the supply of affordable or special needs housing. • To obtain or seek best price. • To acquire fit for purpose properties for operational purposes.

2.18 We aim to implement the strategy and deliver the priorities by:

• Reviewing the properties to assess suitability, service need and value for money to identify surplus property. • The preparation and implementation of a disposal programme of surplus assets. The current programme is shown in Table 3. • Use option appraisal to assist in decision making. • Disposing of property at best value unless there is an overriding community benefit, in particular the provision of affordable housing and special needs accommodation for vulnerable people. • Completion of a feasibility study for the London Road Industrial Estate regeneration and other Newbury Vision projects.

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2.19 As a general rule when we let or sell properties to third parties it will be at market prices. However, in line with the Government’s Big Society and Localism agenda, in the case of organisations working in the voluntary sector on a ‘not for profit’ basis, consideration will be given to allow such organisations to occupy Council property at a discount. The organisation will be expected to demonstrate that it is providing a community service to local residents. Properties occupied under this concession will be monitored to ensure that the original objectives are still being met.

3.0 Section 3 Progress

3.1 Recent achievements

3.2 Recent property achievements in line with our Property Asset Management Plan’s strategic aims are:-

• The building work at for the integrated waste site was completed in October 2011 and the site is now is use. • Strategic Review for London Road Industrial Estate now underway. • Virtual completion of the accommodation strategy and implementation of our flexible working policy known as Timelord, resulting in a 29% reduction of office space and taking the number of administrative offices down from seven to four. • Construction of the Park Way redevelopment. • Transfer of Community Centre under the government’s Community Asset Transfer guidelines. • Commencement of remodelling of Winchcombe School. • Sale of six properties bringing in approximately £1.23 million in capital receipts.

3.3 West Berkshire Council has a good record of partnership working at service level particularly within Community Services. We take the opportunity to share property in line with the stated intention in the strategy and are always interested in new opportunities to share our properties. Some examples of working in partnership and property sharing initiatives are as follows:

• Children’s Centres. Services directed at families with young children are provided by multi-agency team in buildings provided by the Council in 10 locations across the district. • Youth Offending Team – a multi-agency team operating from a single building provided by WBC • depot – a highways maintenance depot shared on a long standing arrangement between the Highways agency and West Berkshire Council. • Sharing space in our libraries with the Parish Councils of Mortimer and Hungerford.

3.4 Other examples of partnership working which do not involve property sharing but do involve asset transfer and significant involvement from the Council to move forward projects for the benefit of the local community are:

• The Park Way retail development which opened in November 2011. • Working with registered social landlords to provide new extra care home for elderly people at the site of the former Waring House, Thatcham and at The Priory Hungerford • Working with the Council’s registered social landlord partners to identify strategic sites for affordable housing.

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3.5 Data Collection and Performance Measurement

3.6 Performance measurement is the mechanism by which audit, review and improvement are achieved. An essential element in measuring performance is the availability of reliable and readily accessible information. Property Services has a database, Premise, which records the core information about the Council’s properties – for example, its address, size, legal status and leasehold information where appropriate. Collection of condition data for the Council’s properties is key to providing a basis for expenditure on maintenance based on need. The condition data is reviewed and updated on a rolling basis. In the past we have entered the results of the condition surveys onto the Asset Management database. This database is now outdated and needs revision to meet our current and projected needs but the information held on the database is still relevant and can be used in conjunction with other sources of data. The provision of a new web based system is being implemented and should provide all stakeholders with easy access to property related data. Implementation is expected mid 2012.

3.7 A set of performance indicators, known as NaPPMI (National Property Performance Management Initiative) has been devised by COPROP (The Association of Chief Corporate Property Officers in Local Government). The indicators are not compulsory and Councils use only the indicators which are relevant to their particular circumstances. The indicators which are relevant to West Berkshire Council are shown in table 2 for the past two years.

3.8 Factors Affecting Progress

3.9 The current economic climate has had an effect on the aims and aspirations of our asset management plan largely due to the restrained financial circumstances which means there is less money available for property improvement or acquisition. Coupled with this is the decline in market value for properties which might be sold resulting in lower capital receipts. Consequently, the capital monies available need to be targeted at properties where expenditure would enable the building to meet service demand or comply with statutory requirements. The squeeze on public finances means that all opportunities for extracting value or reducing cost for the Council’s portfolio need to be pursued, such as charging for the release of restrictive covenants or changes in lease terms where it is legal to do so.

3.10 Recent government initiatives which affect our property include the Localism Bill and Academy Schools. The Localism Bill will encourage Councils, amongst other things, to transfer its community buildings to the voluntary sector. West Berkshire Council does not have a large number of community buildings within its ownership and the ones we do have are already let to not for profit organisations. However, where a building becomes available which could be used by the third sector then consideration will be given to offering it to the third sector, particularly where a community need is already identified, for example The Croft in Hungerford and Riverside Community Centre.

3.11 The opportunity for schools to transfer to academy status has already been taken up by three secondary schools and others have expressed in interest in following suit. This means that the buildings effectively move out of our property portfolio which may affect future planning for school buildings.

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4.0 Section 4 – Property Review and Action Plan

4.1 In order to achieve the aim of a fit for purpose portfolio the properties will need to be reviewed. We can do this either as part of service review or by way of an asset challenge survey. Following the reviews the most likely options will be whether the properties should be: • retained and existing use continued or intensified, • in need of investment, including expenditure on maintenance or improvement, • sold, including a transfer to a community organisation, • retained and used pending future development opportunity, • considered for co-location for more than one Council Service or shared with other public sector partners, • in the case of investment properties, opportunities for lease restructuring.

4.2 Several reviews have taken place at Service level which have a bearing on property needs and show that there is a potential to realign or disinvest of property in order to meet changing requirements, for example some of the day centres. Reviews in Youth Services have identified that some of the services and buildings they are run from could be transferred to other providers, such as Riverside and The Croft. There are some parts of the Council’s portfolio which do not reflect corporate need, based on location, suitability or condition, (for example Greenham House and some of the temporary accommodation for homeless families,) and other properties where more efficient use of the buildings is possible (for example the corporate offices).

4.3 Following consultation with Service Heads several properties have been identified which require action in order to meet service needs. The table below outlines key activities in relation to property requirements which are to be progressed within the next 12 to 24 months. However, the current pressures on our finances, changes to staffing numbers and need to prioritise expenditure may affect the envisaged timescales.

Table 1 Action Plan

No. SUBJECT ACTIVITY TIMESCALE COMMENTS 1 Asset Disposals To ensure that the disposal Each financial Dispose of properties programme is achieved. year identified in the disposal programme 2 Property Review To undertake property reviews As agreed with To establish options for in accordance with service services. the future use of the requirements. properties 3 Database Progress the acquisition of a July 2012 A system has been new web based database to chosen and support decision making on implementation is due property investment over the next few months. 4 Condition surveys To undertake condition ongoing To establish the condition surveys on 5 year rolling of the property stock to programme feed into the property review process.

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No. SUBJECT ACTIVITY TIMESCALE COMMENTS 5 Newbury Town Centre Vision 5a • Market Housing and transport In accordance Retain affected properties Street scheme to be provided jointly with requirements until required for future Develop by WBC, Network Rail and of the Newbury development. ment developer. Vision

• Victoria To consider the provision of a Retain affected properties Park/The pavilion in the park, canal until required for future Wharf basin and associated works. development.

5b • London Develop a strategy for the Continue to manage the Road future development of the site. investment properties and Industrial take opportunities for Estate growth where they are not incompatible with the strategy. 6 Supported and To make use of the Council’s As suitable Disposal of surplus affordable land and buildings to assist properties arise properties or partnership housing. partner organisations in the schemes. delivery of supported and affordable housing. 7 Buildings on Three buildings on Greenham March 2013 Continue and intensify the Greenham Common, two in use by use of the warehouse Common Council Services and one is buildings with an aim of vacant and in need of finding more suitable investment. accommodation for the museum store. Former Control Tower to be brought into beneficial use. 8 Taceham House Vacant block of flats no longer Decision by Dispose or joint venture to suitable for operational use. December 2013 enable the provision of affordable housing. 9 Public Review the current supply to December 2013 May result in closure or conveniences see if property cost savings or as agreed with transfer of property. could be made. service. 10 Investment Undertake a financial March 2013 Will result in decision property appraisal of the Council’s whether to sell or retain all investment property to see if it or part of the Council’s is a good investment. investment properties.

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Table 2 Property Performance Indicators

Ref Performanc e Indicator 2010/11 2009/10 no 1Bi Required maintenance expressed as a total cost in priority level 1 *1 Schools £3.69 m £5.9 m Required maintenance expressed as a total cost in priority level 1 * Other property £1.67m £2.15m Required maintenance express ed as a total cost in priority level 2 *1 Schools £3.71m £5.61m Required maintenance expressed as a total cost in priority level 2 *1 Other property £2.75m £2.32m Required maintenance expressed as a total cost in priority level 3 *1 Schools £4.79m £5.9 6m Required maintenance expressed as a total cost in priority level 3 *1 Other property £2.77 m £2.96m 1Bii Required maintenance by cost as % in priority level 1 *1 Schools 30% 34% Required maintenance by cost as % in priority level 1 *1 Other propert y 23% 29% Required maintenance by cost as % in priority level 2 *1 Schools 31% 32% Required maintenance by cost as % in priority level 2 *1 Other property 38% 31% Required maintenance by cost as % in priority level 3 *1 Schools 39% 34% Required mai ntenance by cost as % in priority level 3 *1 Other property 39% 40% 1Biii Required m aintenance as a total cost – all properties £19.38 m £24.9 m Required maintenance as an overall cost per square metre GIA *2 - all properties £86.47 psm £111 psm 1C Annual percentage change to total required maintenance figure over previous year. -22% No change 1Di Total spend on maintenance – all properties £3.1 m £2.1 m 1Dii Total spend on maintenance per square metre (psm) GIA – all properties £16.05 psm £12.05 ps m 2A Energy consumption: - £11.19 psm £12.62 £ per square metre GIA – all properties 2B Water costs: - £1.21 psm £ per square metre GIA - all properties £1.21

*1 Priority level 1 Urgent works that will prevent immediate closure of premises and/or addre ss an immediate high risk to the health and safety of the occupants and/or remedy a serious breach of legislation. Priority level 2 Essential work required within 2 years that will prevent serious deterioration of the fabric or services and/or address a medium risk to the health and safety of the occupants and/or remedy a minor breach of legislation. - 12 -

Priority level 3 Desirable work required within 3 to 5 years that will prevent deterioration of the fabric or services and/or address a low risk to the health and safety of the occupants and/or remedy a minor breach of legislation. *2 GIA Gross internal area - the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall for each floor level .

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Table 3 -Property Asset Disposal Programme 2011 to 2014

Site Comments

Site of former Newbury Day Centre, Newbury Under consideration for use as part of social housing/ supported living scheme. Greenham House, Newbury About to be marketed Control Tower, Greenham Common To be marketed Either n egotiate with former owner under Crichel Down rules or put on the open Trinity School - Love Lane Site market. 41 Newtown Road, Newbury On market Taceham House Under consideration for use as part of social housing/ supported living scheme. Residential property on market, value to offset cost of site acquisition and preparation Venture Fair for Padworth waste facility Land at Winchcombe School Offers received and being evaluated Timing to be determined Various property at Market Street, Newbury Depend s on progress of Newbury Vision. Part of the Wharf redevelopment of the Newbury Vision. Timing depends upon Waterside Centre, and The Wharf car parks progress of The Vision and finding alternative accommodation for current users at Newbury Waterside. Council buildings and depot at Faraday Road Depends upon the outcome of the feasibility study for London Road Industrial Estate. Pound Lane Depot Dispose if it is not required for another internal need.

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Appendix 1 Terms of reference for the Asset Management Group

Objectives: 1. To advise Capital Strategy Group, Corporate Board and Members on issues concerning the acquisition, disposal, condition and changing use of Council properties.

2. To review priorities for maintenance of Council properties

3. To develop and maintain the Asset Management Strategy for West Berkshire, taking into account:

• Changes in accommodation needs of services (e.g. social care properties) • Changes in ownership of properties (e.g. Academies, Leisure Trusts) • Opportunities to share properties with other public sector organisations • The need to minimise revenue costs by co-ordinating and rationalising properties used by different services • Potential asset transfers to the third sector / new enterprises • Ensuring that the Council achieves the best value for money from its asset base

Membership: Portfolio Holder – Finance, Property, Health and Safety. Director of Environment Head of Property and Public Protection Head of Cultural Services Chief Accountant Finance Manager (Treasury and Capital) Children and Young People Assets Manager

Reporting to: Capital Strategy Group

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Appendix 2 - Properties owned by West Berkshire Council

List of Land with Buildings

WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party Freehold Yes Arts Centre The Corn Exchange, Market Place Newbury RG14 5BD Newbury Bus Station, Market Street Newbury RG14 5DP Freehold No Bus station The Stone Building The Wharf Newbury RG14 5AS Freehold Yes Café Kennet Centre multi storey car park, Market Street Newbury Leasehold No Car park Northcroft Multi storey car park Northcroft Lane Newbury RG14 1BX Freehold No Car park Notrees Residential Care Home, High Street, Newbury RG15 0TW Mixed No Care Home 15 Chestnut Walk, Residential Care Home, Chestnut Walk Hungerford RG17 0DB Freehold No Care Home Walnut Close Residential Care Home Brownsfield Road Thatcham RG18 3GF Freehold No Care Home Willows Edge, Care Home Hutton Close Newbury RG14 1HJ Freehold No Care Home 1 Caretaker's Property Green Deadman`s Lane Theale RG7 5DA Freehold Yes Caretakers house 2 Caretaker's Property Theale Green School Deadman's Lane Reading RG7 5DA Freehold Yes Caretakers house Birch Copse Primary School Bungalow Cecil Aldin Drive , Reading RG31 6YP Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretaker's Bungalow Calcot Junior School Ashbury Drive Tilehurst, Reading RG31 5LJ Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretaker's Bungalow Theale Primary School Reading RG31 4XG Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretaker's Bungalow, Little Heath School 93 Meadow Way Theale, Reading RG7 5DE Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretakers Bungalow, Long Lane Primary Littleheath Road Theale Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretaker's House at Willink Comprehensive School Lane Common, Reading Freehold Yes Caretakers house RG7 3XJ Caretaker's House Brookfields School Sage Road, Tilehurst Reading RG316GG Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretaker's House John Rankin Junior Henshaw Crescent Newbury Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretaker's House Kennet Comp Stoney Lane Thatcham RG194LJ Freehold Yes Caretakers house Caretakers Cottage at Trinity Love Lane, Shaw RG14 2DU Freehold Yes Caretakers house Castle School Caretaker's Bungalow Love Lane, Donnington Newbury RG14 2JG Freehold Yes Caretakers house Downsway Primary Caretaker's Bungalow Warbreck Drive Tilehurst, Reading RG316FE Freehold Yes Caretakers house Falkland Primary Caretaker's Bungalow Andover Road Newbury RG14 6NU Freehold Yes Caretakers house Fir Tree School Caretakers House Fir Tree Lane Newbury Freehold Yes Caretakers house - 16 -

WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party Francis Bailey Caretaker Bungalow Skillman Drive Thatcham RG19 4GG Freehold Yes Caretakers house Garland Junior Caretaker's Bungalow Clayhill Road Burghfield, Reading RG7 3HG Freehold Yes Caretakers house Henwick Worthy Caretaker's Bungalow Henwick Lane Thatcham RG18 3BN Leasehold Yes Caretakers house John O Gaunt Caretaker's Bungalow Priory Road Hungerford RG17 0AN Freehold Yes Caretakers house Kennet Valley Primary Caretaker's Bungalow Carters Rise, Calcot Newbury RG317YT Freehold Yes Caretakers house Parsons Down Infant School Caretaker's Bungalow Paynesdown Road Thatcham, Newbury Freehold Yes Caretakers house RG19 3TE Rainsbrook - Mrs Blands School Caretakers Bungalow Jordans Lane Burghfield Common, Freehold Yes Caretakers house Reading RG7 4LP Robert Sandilands Caretaker's Bungalow Digby Road, Speen Newbury RG14 1TS Freehold Yes Caretakers house Springfield Primary Caretaker's Property Barton Road Tilehurst, Reading Freehold Yes Caretakers house Thatcham Park Caretakers House Park Avenue Thatcham RG18 4NP Freehold Yes Caretakers house The Winchcombe School Caretaker's Flat Maple Crescent, Shaw Estate Newbury RG14 Freehold Yes Caretakers house 1LW Westwood Farm Caretaker's Bungalow Fullbrook Crescent Tilehurst, Reading RG316RY Freehold Yes Caretakers house Whitelands Park School Caretaker's Bungalow Sagecroft Road Thatcham RG18 3FH Freehold Yes Caretakers house Beansheaf Changing Rooms/Public Toilets Beansheaf Community Centre Calcot,Reading Freehold Yes Changing rooms South Thatcham Children's Centre Lower Way Thatcham RG19 3RR Freehold No Children's Centre Burghfield and Area Children's Centre, Mrs Bland's School Freehold No Children's Centre Calcot & Theale Children's Centre, Calcot Infant School, Freehold No Children's Centre East Downlands Children's Centre, Pangbourne Primary School Freehold No Children's Centre North Newbury Children's Centre & Victoria Park Nursery Freehold No Children's Centre North Thatcham Children's Centre, Park Lane Freehold No Children's Centre South Newbury Children's Centre, The Willows Primary School Freehold No Children's Centre Tilehurst and Area Children's Centre, Downsway Primary School Freehold No Children's Centre Common - Office and Toilets Wantage Road Newbury RG14 3BG Freehold No Common Adventure Dolphin Whitchurch Road Pangbourne,Reading RG8 7DA Leasehold No Community Centre Burdwood Community Centre Station Road Thatcham RG19 4YA Freehold Yes Community Centre Greenham Community Centre The Nightingales Greenham ,Newbury RG14 7SZ Freehold Yes Community Centre Mencap Centre Road Newbury RG14 6AT Freehold Yes Community Centre Moorside Community Centre/Kingfisher Pupil Referral Unit Urquhart Road Kennet Freehold No Community Centre Heath,Thatcham RG19 4RE

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WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party The Croft Y & C Centre The Croft Hungerford RG17 0HY Freehold Yes Community Centre The Quay, Riverside Community Centre Rosemoor Gardens ,Newbury RG14 2FG Freehold No Community Centre Turnpike Social Club Gaywood Drive, Newbury Freehold Yes Community Centre Waterside Community Centre Northbrook Street Newbury RG14 1DS Freehold No Community Centre Building 146 Control Tower New Greenham Industrial Park Newbury Freehold No Control Tower Castle Gate Love Lane, Donnington Newbury RG14 2JG Freehold No Day Centre Greenfield House Highview, Calcot Reading RG314XD Leasehold No Day Centre Hungerford Day Centre Ramsbury Drive Hungerford RG17 0EE Freehold No Day Centre The Laburnum Centre Stirling Way Thatcham RG18 3FW Freehold No Day Centre The Phoenix Centre Newtown Road Newbury RG14 7EB Freehold No Day Centre Walnut Close Day Centre Brownsfield Road Thatcham RG18 3GF Freehold No Day Centre Chieveley Depot Oxford Road,M4 Junction13 Newbury Shared Yes Depot Pound Lane Depot Pound Lane Thatcham RG19 3TG Freehold Yes Depot 25 Dwellings for temporary and permanent residential accommodation Freehold Yes Dwelling Flat 1 Greenham House, Newbury Freehold No Dwelling Flat 2 Greenham House, Newbury Freehold No Dwelling Shaw Cemetery Office and WC Long Lane, Shaw Newbury RG14 2EQ Freehold Yes Dwelling Venture Fair, Padworth Freehold No Dwelling Farm Bloomfield Hatch Mortimer, Reading RG7 3AD Freehold Yes Farm Clappers Farm Bloomfield Hatch Road Grazeley, Reading RG7 1JJ Freehold Yes Farm Snelsmore Fire Tower, Snelmore Common Freehold No Fire Tower Four Houses Corner Gypsy Site Padworth Road Burghfield Common, Reading RG7 4QJ Leasehold Yes Gypsy site Building 150 - New Greenham Park New Greenham Park Newbury Freehold No Industrial Unit Building 616 - New Greenham Park New Greenham Park Greenham, Newbury Freehold No Industrial Unit Building next to Council Offices, Faraday Road, London Road, Newbury Freehold No Industrial Unit Unit 3 Bone Lane, Newbury Leasehold No Industrial Unit Units 1 to 6 Kennet Enterprise Centre, Charnham Lane, Hungerford Freehold Yes Industrial Units Cotswold Sport Centre Downs Way, Tilehurst Reading RG31 6SL Freehold Yes Leisure centre Downlands Sports Centre Manor Crescent Compton, Newbury RG20 6NU Freehold Yes Leisure centre Hungerford Leisure Centre Priory Road Hungerford RG17 0AN Freehold Yes Leisure centre Kennet Leisure Centre Stoney Lane Thatcham RG19 4LJ Freehold Yes Leisure centre Northcroft Leisure Centre Northcroft Lane Newbury RG14 1RS Freehold Yes Leisure centre - 18 -

WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party The Centre Close End, Lambourn Hungerford RG17 9NJ Freehold Yes Leisure centre Theale Green Recreation Centre Church Street, Theale Reading RG7 5DA Freehold No Leisure centre Willink Leisure Centre School Lane Burghfield Common RG7 3XP Freehold No Leisure centre Burghfield Common Library School Lane Burghfield Common RG7 3JZ Freehold No Library Hungerford Library Church Street Hungerford RG17 0JG Freehold No Library Lambourn Library High Street Lambourn, Hungerford RG17 8XL Leasehold No Library Mortimer Library 27 Victoria Road Mortimer, Reading RG7 3SH Freehold No Library Newbury Library The Wharf Newbury RG14 5AU Freehold No Library Pangbourne Library Reading Road Pangbourne, Reading RG8 7LY Freehold No Library Thatcham Library Bath Road Thatcham RG18 3AG Freehold No Library Theale Library Church Street Theale, Reading RG7 5BZ Freehold No Library Library Glendale Avenue Newbury RG14 6TL Freehold No Library Newbury District Museum Wharf Street Newbury RG14 5AS Freehold No Museum Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre Muddy Lane, Lower Way Thatcham RG19 3FU Freehold No Nature Reserve Pelican Lane Nursery Pelican Lane Newbury RG14 1NU Freehold Yes Nursery Council Offices Faraday Road Faraday Road Newbury RG14 2AF Freehold No Offices Contact Centre Sainsbury Calcot Leasehold No Offices Greenham House, Newbury Freehold No Offices Market Street Council Offices Market Place Newbury RG14 5LD Freehold No Offices Merchant House - 14-20 Oxford Road 14-20 Oxford Road Newbury RG141PA Leasehold No Offices Shaw House Church Road, Shaw Newbury RG14 2DU Freehold No Offices Unit 1, Turnhams Green Business Park Pincents Lane Calcot,West Berkshire RG31 4UH Leasehold No Offices West Point House, West Street Freehold No Offices West Street House, West Street Freehold No Offices York House 50 Andover Road Newbury RG14 6JW Freehold No Offices Victoria Park Newbury Freehold Yes Park Public Conveniences Aldermaston Reading RG7 5NX Leasehold No Public Convenience Bus Station Public Conveniences Market Street Newbury Freehold No Public Convenience Hungerford Library Public Conveniences Church Street Hungerford RG17 0JG Freehold No Public Convenience Kintbury, Station Road Public Conveniences Station Road, Kintbury Hungerford Freehold no Public Convenience Pembroke Road Public Conveniences Pembroke Road Newbury Freehold No Public Convenience Station Road Public Conveniences – Pangbourne Station Road, Pangbourne Reading Freehold No Public Convenience - 19 -

WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party Thatcham Broadway Public Conveniences The Broadway Thatcham Freehold No Public Convenience The Wharf Public Conveniences The Wharf Newbury Freehold No Public Convenience Theale High Street Public Conveniences High Street Theale Freehold No Public Convenience Victoria Park Public Conveniences Park Way,Victoria Park Newbury Freehold No Public Convenience Berkshire Records Office Coley Avenue Reading RG1 6AF Shared Unitary Yes Records Office 41 Newtown Road Newtown Road Newbury RG14 7BS Freehold No Retail Shop at Greenham Community Centre The Nightingales Greenham Court, Newbury Freehold Yes Retail The Granary Shops Wharf Street Wharf Street Newbury RG14 Freehold Yes Retail Whitelands Park Primary School Sagecroft Road Thatcham RG18 3FH Freehold No School Badgers Hill PRU 22 Highview, Calcot Reading RG31 4XD Leasehold No School Primary School Back Lane, Beenham Reading RG7 5NN Freehold No School Birch Copse Primary School Wittenham Avenue Tilehurst, Reading RG31 5LN Freehold No School Bridgeway Pupil Referral Unit Newtown Road Newbury RG14 7BQ Freehold No School Brookfields Special School Sage Road Tilehurst, Reading Freehold No School Calcot Infant School Curtis Road, Calcot Reading RG31 4XG Freehold No School Calcot Junior School Curtis Road, Calcot Reading RG31 4XG Freehold No School Chieveley Primary School School Road Chieveley, Newbury RG20 8TY Freehold No School Curridge Primary School Curridge Thatcham RG18 9DZ Freehold No School Downsway Primary School Warbreck Drive Tilehurst, Reading RG31 6FE Freehold No School Engaging Potential, Ampere Road London Road Newbury Freehold Yes School Falkland C Primary School Andover Road Newbury RG14 6NU Freehold No School Fir Tree Primary School Fir Tree Lane Newbury RG14 2RA Freehold No School Francis Baily Primary School Skillman Drive Thatcham RG19 4GG Freehold No School Garland Junior School Clayhill Road Burghfield Common, Reading RG7 3HG Freehold No School Hermitage Primary School Road Hermitage,Thatcham RG18 9SA Freehold No School Hungerford Nursery The Croft Hungerford RG170HY Freehold No School Hungerford Primary School Fairview Road Hungerford RG17 OBT Freehold No School Primary School Weavers Lane, Inkpen Hungerford RG17 9QE Freehold No School John O Gaunt School Priory Road Hungerford RG17 0AN Freehold No School John Rankin C Infant School Garford Crescent Newbury RG14 6EX Freehold No School John Rankin C Junior School Henshaw Crescent Newbury RG14 6ES Freehold No School Kennet Secondary School Stoney Lane Thatcham RG19 4LL Freehold Yes School - 20 -

WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party Kennet Valley Primary School Carters Rise, Calcot Reading RG31 7YT Freehold No School Long Lane Primary School Long Lane Tilehurst, Reading RG31 6YG Freehold No School Mrs Blands Infants School Jordans Lane Burghfield Common RG7 3LP Freehold No School Pangbourne Primary School Kennedy Drive Pangbourne, Reading RG8 7LB Freehold No School Park House School Andover Road Newbury RG14 6NQ Freehold Yes School Parsons Down Infant School, Paynesdown Road Thatcham RG19 3TE Freehold No School Parsons Down Junior School Herons Way Thatcham RG19 3SR Freehold No School Richmond House, Speen Lane, Shaw Freehold No School Robert Sandilands Primary School & Nursery Digby Road, Speen Newbury RG14 1TS Freehold No School Speenhamland C Primary School Pelican Lane Newbury RG14 1NU Freehold No School Spurcroft Primary School Spurcroft Road Thatcham RG19 3XX Freehold No School The Winchcombe School Maple Crescent Shaw, Newbury RG14 1LW Freehold No School The Castle School Love Lane, Donnington Newbury RG142JG Freehold No School The Castle School Post 16, Newbury College, Monks Lane, Newbury Leasehold No School The Ilsleys Primary School Church Hill , Newbury RG20 7LP Freehold No School The Oaks PRU Foxglove Way Dunston Park, Thatcham RG184DH Freehold No School The Willows Primary School Pyle Hill, Greenham Newbury RG14 7SZ Freehold No School Theale Green School Deadman's Lane Reading RG7 5DA Freehold No School Trinity School Love Lane, Shaw Newbury RG14 2DU Freehold No School Victoria Park Nursery School Victoria Park Newbury RG14 1EH Freehold No School Westwood Farm County Junior School Fullbrook Crescent Tilehurst, Reading RG31 6RY Freehold No School Westwood Farm Infant School Fulbrook Crescent Tilehurst, Reading RG31 6RY Freehold No School Willink School School Lane Burghfield Common, Reading RG7 3XJ Freehold No School Springfield County Primary School Barton Road, Tilehurst Reading RG31 5NJ Freehold No School Ambury Road - - Sewage Treatment Plant Ambury Road Aldworth, Newbury Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Biggs Hill - Enborne Sewage Treatment Plant Biggs Hill Enborne, Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Block Cottages Padworth Sewage Treatment Plant Block Cottage, Padworth Reading Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Bourne Cottages Beenham Sewage Treatment Plant Bourne Cottages Beenham Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant - Sewage Treatment Plant Ash Close Brightwalton, Newbury Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Church Close - Enborne Sewage Treatment Plant Church Close Enborne, Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Craven Road Inkpen - Sewage Treatment Plant Craven Road Inkpen, Newbury Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant

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WBC's Property leased Use Property ownership by WBC to a interest third party Downlands Sports Centre Sewage Treatment Plant Manor Crescent Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Easton Hill Sewage Treatment Plant Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Hillfoot, - Sewage Treatment Plant Hillfoot Bucklebury, Thatcham Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Lye Downs - Lamb Woodlands Sewage Treatment Plant Lye Downs Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Oxford Road Donnington - Sewage Treatment Plant Link View Donnington Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Radley Bottom Hungerford Sewage Treatment Plant Radley Bottom Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Sheffield Bottom Theale Sewage Treatment Plant Sheffield Bottom Theale Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant The Glebe - Aldworth - Sewage Treatment Plant The Glebe Aldworth Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Vicarage Cottages, Hungerford Sewage Treatment Plant Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Woodlands Cottage - Sewage Treatment Plant Woodlands Cottage Lambourn Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Woodlands,Hungerford Sewage Treatment Plant Rail Side & Sunhill Woolhampton,Thatcham Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant Sewage Treatment Plant The Witheys Yattendon, Thatcham Freehold No Sewage Treatment Plant 28 Shared Ownership dwellings Shared yes Shared ownership dwellings Newbury Canoe Club The Wharf Newbury RG14 5AS Freehold Yes Sports Club Henwick Worthy Sports Ground Henwick Lane Thatcham RG18 3BN Leasehold No Sports Ground Wash Common Changing Rooms Battle Road Wash Common, Newbury Freehold No Sports Ground Ampere Road Site Ampere Road Freehold No Storage Tourist Information Centre The Wharf Newbury RG14 5AS Freehold No Tourist Information Office Taceham House The Haywards Thatcham RG18 4LY Freehold No vacant

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List of property being land only

Property Address – Land only WBC's Leased by WBC Use ownership to a third party interest West End Car Park, Mortimer West End Stratflield Mortimer Freehold No Car park Church Street Car Park Church Street Hungerford RG17 0JG Freehold No Car park Market Place/wharf Street Car Park Market Place Newbury RG15 5AG Freehold No Car park Northcroft Lane Car Park Northcroft Lane Newbury RG14 1BX Freehold No Car park Bear Lane Car Park Bear Lane Newbury Freehold No Car park Eight Bells Car Park Newbury Newbury RG14 5DY Freehold No Car park Market Street Car Park Market Street Newbury Freehold No Car park Pelican Lane Car Park Pelican Lane Newbury RG14 1NX Freehold No Car park West Street Car Park West Street Newbury RG14 1BE Freehold No Car park Northcroft Lane West Car Park Northcroft Lane Newbury Freehold No Car park The Wharf Car Park Wharf Street Newbury RG14 5AS Freehold No Car park AFC Newbury Car Park Faraday Road, Newbury Freehold No Car park Station Road Car Park (Thatcham) Station Road Thatcham RG17 0EY Freehold No Car park Kingsland Centre Car Park Chapel Street Thatcham RG19 3HN Leasehold No Car park Theale High Street Car Park High Street Theale,Reading RG7 5AL Freehold No Car park Station Road Car Park (Pangbourne) Station Road Pangbourne RG8 7AW Freehold No Car park Newbury Central Car Park Wharf Road Newbury Freehold No Car park Northbrook Place Car Park Northcroft Lane Newbury RG14 1DJ Freehold No Car park Car Park St Finians Arc Primary School The Ridge, Thatcham RG18 9HU Licence No Car park Station Road Car Park (Hungerford) Station Road Hungerford RG17 0DY Freehold No Car park Greenham House Car Park, Greenham Road, Newbury Freehold No Car park Burdwood Centre Car park, Thatcham Freehold No Car park Land at Baughhurst Road Padworth Freehold No Common Snelsmore Common Newbury Freehold No Common Crookham Common, Thatcham Freehold No Common Greenham Common Open Space Greenham Freehold No Common Beansheaf Community Centre Charrington Road Calcot, Reading Freehold Yes Community Centre Community Centre Carters Rise Calcot,Reading RG31 7YT Freehold Yes Community Centre Shaw Social Club Almond Avenue Newbury RG14 1LV Freehold Yes Community Centre

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Property Address – Land only WBC's Leased by WBC Use ownership to a third party interest Wash Common Community Centre, Glendale Avenue, Newbury Freehold Yes Community Centre Shaw Cemetery Gate House Long Lane, Shaw Newbury RG14 2EQ Freehold Yes Dwelling Electricity Sub Station - Faraday Road Freehold Yes Electricity sub station Electricity Sub Station at Prospect Place Prospect Place Newbury Freehold Yes Electricity sub station Sub Station Lambourn Youth and Community Centre Freehold Yes Electricity sub station Beech Hill Road Farm Grazeley Reading RG7 1JJ Freehold Yes Farm Newbury Football Club Faraday Road Newbury RG142AD Freehold Yes Football Ground LA Fitness Club Park Way Newbury RG14 1EB Freehold Yes Gym London Road Industrial Estate (22 sites) Freehold Yes Industrial Land Ham Mill Marina London Road Newbury RG14 2BU Freehold Yes Marina Little Jogs, John O’Gaunt School, Hungerford Freehold Yes Nursery Land at , Freehold No Open space Pound Lane Open Space Pound Lane Thatcham Freehold Yes Open space Lower Way Open Space Lower Way, Thatcham Newbury Freehold No Open space Land at Craven Dene, Newbury Craven Dene Newbury RG14 1BX Freehold No Open space Land at Two Rivers Way London Road Newbury Freehold No Open space Monkey Marsh Off Muddy Lane Muddy Lane, Lower Way Thatcham Freehold No Open space Stroud Green, Greenham Freehold No Open space Triangle Field Priory Road Hungerford RG17 0AP Freehold Yes Open space Inkpen Plantation Robins Hill, Inkpen Hungerford RG17 9QZ Freehold Yes Open space Land at rear of Artemis House, London Rd London Road Newbury Freehold No Open space Hose Hill Lake, St Jone`s Copse, Burghfield Freehold In part Open space Holybrook Linear Park Freehold No Open space Wellington Arms Public House Andover Road Newbury RG14 6LR Freehold Yes Public House The Starting Gate 75 Brummel Road Speen, Newbury RG14 1SG Freehold Yes Public House Shaw Recreation Ground Poplar Place, Shaw Newbury Freehold No Recreation Ground John W Mellow Playing Field Pigeons Farm Road Greenham ,Newbury Freehold In part Recreation Ground Land at Northcroft Sport Centre (excl. Centre) Northcroft Lane Newbury Freehold No Recreation Ground Pound Lane Recreation Ground Pound Lane Thatcham Freehold Yes Recreation Ground Bucklebury Recreation Ground Bucklebury Newbury Freehold Yes Recreation Ground Wash Common Recreation Ground Battle Road Wash Common, Newbury Freehold No Recreation Ground Shefford CE Primary School Wantage Road , Hungerford RG17 7DB Freehold No School

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Property Address – Land only WBC's Leased by WBC Use ownership to a third party interest CE Primary School Stanmore Road Beedon, Newbury RG20 8SL Freehold No School CE Primary School Brimpton Lane Brimpton, Reading RG7 4TL Freehold No School Theale CE Primary School Church Street Theale, Reading RG7 5BZ Freehold No School Bucklebury CE Primary School Blacklands Road Upper Bucklebury, Newbury RG7 6QP Freehold No School Basildon CE Primary School Beckfords , Newbury RG8 8PD Freehold No School Purley CE Infant School Purley Village , Reading RG8 8AF Freehold No School Burghfield St Marys School Theale Road Burghfield, Reading RG30 3TX Freehold No School Streatley CE Voluntary Primary School The Coombe Streatley, Reading RG8 9QL Freehold No School Thatcham Park C of E Primary School Park Lane Thatcham RG18 4NP Freehold No School St Andrew`s CE Primary Chaddleworth Newbury RG20 7DT Freehold No School Compton CE Primary School School Road, Compton Newbury RG20 6QU Freehold No School Enborne CE Primary School Enborne Newbury RG20 0JU Freehold No School Hampstead Norreys Primary School Newbury Hill Hampstead Norreys, Newbury RG18 0TR Freehold No School Burghfield St Mary's School Playing Field Burghfield Reading RG30 3TX Freehold No School St Mary's School Adventure Playground The Street , Reading Leasehold No School Kintbury St Mary's CE Primary School Gainsborough Avenue Kintbury, Hungerford RG17 Freehold No School 9XN Thatcham Park School, Park Avenue, Thatcham, RG18 $NP Freehold No School St Marks CE Primary School Cold Ash Hill Freehold No School Mortimer St John's CE Infant School West End Road Freehold No School Aldermaston CE Primary School Lane Aldermaston RG7 4LX Freehold No School Burghfield St Mary's School Playing Field Burghfield Reading RG30 3TX Freehold No School playing field Trinity School Playing Field Love Lane Newbury Freehold No School playing field Detached Playing Fields Littleheath Comprehensive Littleheath Road Tilehurst Freehold No School playing field Willink School Detached Playing Field School Lane Burghfield Common RG7 3XJ Freehold No School playing field Theale Green School Playing Field Deadman's Lane Reading RG7 5DA Leasehold No School playing field St Finians RC Primary School Playing Field The Ridge, Cold Ash Thatcham RG18 9HU Leasehold No School playing field Speenhamland Primary School Playing Field Pelican Lane, Speen Newbury Freehold No School playing field Welford & Wickham Primary School Playing Fields Welford Road Wickham ,Newbury Leasehold No School playing field 3rd Newbury Scout Hut The Scout Hut, Poplar Place Newbury RG14 1NA Freehold Yes Scout Hut Site of Waring House Bluecoats Thatcham RG18 4ND Freehold Yes Site Newbury Judo Club Almond Avenue Shaw Recreation Ground, Newbury RG14 1LU Freehold Yes Sports Club

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Property Address – Land only WBC's Leased by WBC Use ownership to a third party interest Newbury Lawn Tennis Club Poplar Place Newbury RG14 1NA Freehold Yes Sports Club Newbury Cricket & Hockey Club Northcroft Lane Newbury RG141RS Freehold Yes Sports Club Site of Newbury Day Centre, Newtown Road Newtown Road Newbury RG14 7EB Freehold No vacant Newtown Road recycling centre, Newbury Freehold Yes waste site Padworth Waste site, Padworth Freehold Yes waste site

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