Today’s Edition Is The Herald’s Annual Gift to Its Newsboys

Avenge Daily Net Preee Run The Weather For the Week BbM Forecaat of U. 8. Weather Bovna DMMtBber 18. 1884 Cloudy, foggy and mild throagh

14,151 ^tomorrow with some perioda of

Monibor «C flw AnOt iianrifratrr iEumittg Hrralb rain; overnight low in 40s. Ugh to- Bnrwm of Oronlotfoa morrow above 60. Manchester^—A CUy o f Village Charm


Congo, Viet Nam Fighting

Tempers Joy of Christmas

NEW YORK (AP) — #(lghtlng a war against commu-Aworld were not engaged In open<*tives tn the Communist sector of

nism warfare. the divided city. The Commu- Christians around the “ You are in Viet Nam, far In South Korea, another divid- nists permit the crossing by world prepared today to from the places and people you ed nation, U.S. servicemen will special agreement with the

celebrate the joy of Christ- love, because the forces that light a 20-foot cross on a hill West Berlin government. have given our nation strength .overlooking Communist posi- ^ mas but in many areas In the holy city of Jerusalem, and wealth have also placed tions across the demilitarized the wall between Jordan and troubled by controversy upon it the burden of defending zone. Israel opened today to let Chris-

and fighting, joy remained freedom — even in remote and "Christmas or New Year tian Arabs from Israel join their

distant villages,” said the Presi- makes no difference. The patrol famille.s in Jordan for Christ- only a hope. Men were fighting and dying dent. duty will go on,” said a soldier mas. As dawn broke, a small

Most of the men there will eat of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division. nun — the first vl.sitor — walked In the jungles of the Congo and Viet Nam in the Christmas of a sumptuous Christmas dinner In West Germany. Lt. Gen. through the Mandelbaum Gate.

1964. Yet most parts of the despite the war, but for others Some 4,500 are expected to William W. Quinn of the U.S. 7th Christian world were at peace, In the field Friday will be just Army urged his men to pause cross in all. another day of war. however uneasy It might be. and “ reflect upon the ancient There was no sign of tension “ We must prepare ourselves Comedian Bob Hope evoked a Christian message of peace on at the gate despite a new clash well for Christmas, rekindling wildly enthusiastic welcome earth and good will toward our Wednesday between Jordanians In our hearts the desire, the with a surprise visit to an air fellow man.” and Israelis. thirst, the anxiety for the living base In Viet Nam. The troops The U.S. Army’s Berlin bri- Max Conrad. 61, America’s God and the blessed certainty of were told Hope would arrive gade Is playing to more flying grandfather, expected a finding Christ, the God-made only a few hours before he en- than 2.000 needy persons in lonely Christmas Day flying man,” said Pope Paul VI in an tertained them. West Berlin. In return, more over the Atlantic Ocean. He audience at Vatican City. “ This is the filth time I’ve than 200 American soldiers have took off today from South Africa From Wa.shlngton, President seen Bob Hope overseas at been invited to share traditional in an attempt to break his own Johnson sent “ warmest Christ- Christmas,’ ’ said one delighted roast goose in Berlin homes. world record for light planes by mas greetings” to the 22,000 soldier. Thousands of West Berliners flying non.'^top to New Orleans. U.S. servicemen who are spend- More fortunate American passed through the Berlin wall He is due' in Louisiana Satur- ing the holiday in Viet Nam to spend the holiday with rela- day. servicemen elsewhere In the

Thousands Homeless in Five-State Disaster Area

No Herald Flood-Stricken Western Section Tomorrow

The Herald will not pub- Have Stopped Connting Damages lish tomorrow, Christmas

(AP) ‘’••hat officials have stopped esti-^->renta that tore out at least 15 Day. Merry Christmas to SAN FRANCISCO one and all! mating. bridges, knocked out telephone —Thousands of victims in Parts of every state have lines and wa.shed away huge five flood-stricken Western been declared dlsa.

this Christmas Eve, and Guard, Red Cross, Coast Guard, trapped, without food or medi- and Civil Defense units were cine, clinging to rooftops or Six in State more joined in the exodus working kround the clock with perched in islands awaiting res- to escape new flooding as local officials to rescue thou- cue. rain pounded the afflicted sands stranded by high water. Every town along the Eel Riv- Already D ie areas for the third consecu- snow, er in northwestern California tive day Ram and winds slackened was inundated. In the hamlet of briefly Wednesday but another Rio Dell city officials ordered On Highways Soiled Christmas trees floated low pressure system moved in phone and powqr poles toppled among the surging debris. from the Pacific and the heavy to convert the main street into The savage Pacific storm sent downpour resumed. Tlie Weath- an emergency landing strip. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS About 2,000 refugees waited for Six persons were killed In Con- dozens of mountain rivers striU- er Bureau forecast rain and Ing Into scores of cities and strong winds frblh Northern heilcoptets to rescue them. ' necticut accidents Wednesday The entire population of Wil- and early today. towns in California, Washington, California to Washington Oregon, Nevada and Idaho. through Friday. low Creek and Hoopa, In the The highway fatalities were At least 28 persons have died heart of an Indian reservation, in Stamford, Norwalk, Hartford, Im California’s rugged north and more than 8,000 left home- country, entire communities took refuge in the high school West Hartford, Windham and gymnasium on high ground. Torrington. less. Damage has been so great were cut off by merciless tor- Pepperwood, population 600, In Stamford, Mrs. Margaret -is gone — nothing visible but a D'Andrea, 52. was killed today few tree tops above the sea of by a hit-and-run driver as she water, air observers reported. lay in the street in front of her In Garberville, three pregnant home. 52 Americans Hurt women were reported in labor Police said Mrs. D’Andrea and in need of medical care. pro.strated herself in the street Civil defense officials have after a quarrel with her hus- written off the flood communi- (Herald photo br 8atemia) band, Joseph. Viet Bomb Blast ties of South Fork, Myers Flat, At Norwalk, Allen L. Haws, Stafford and Weott, whose resi- 28, of Yonkers, N.Y., was killed dents fled Tuesday. today when his auto hit a pole on WASHINGTON (A P )— A bomb, presumably planted Since 5 a.m. Wednesday the 2,- For Unfa You Is Born a Saviour, Christ the Lord the Connecticut Turnpike. Two of the persons who lost by the Viet Cong, blasted a U.S. military officers’ hotel inhabitants of Guemeviiie in Saigon today, injuring 52 Americans, the Pentagon i-siand in the their lives Wednesday y/ere pe- midst of the swirling Russian destrians. was advised today. River. In the Little Stork Club They were Mrs. Lida Btrau- The first report said there ports a second bomb had been saloon rescuers and flood vic- penieks. 51, of Windham, and were no dead. detonated at the airport head- tims stood knee-deep in muddy Peter J. Gagfne, 68, of West The building is in the heart of quarters of a U.S. Signal Batta- water toasting each other and The Greatest Story Ever Told Ha rtford. the city, near the (Jaravelle Ho- lion. making jokes about the sign Mrs. Straupenieks was hit by tel. Security precautions were reading “ No Dancing Allowed.” a car on Route 32 in Windham The Pentagon said initial re- Further north, near the coast- lightened at the quarters of U.S. And the angel said unto them. Fear not, Wednesday night. She was pro- ports sent here showed that in Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor al city of Eureka, about 1,000 And it came to pass in those days, that nounced dead at Windham Com- addition to the 62 Americans mid Gen. William C. Westmore- refugees, including women and munity Memorial Hospital. there went out a decree from Caesar Augus- for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great injured one Australian officer land, the commander of U.S. small children, stood on high Gagne, a retired fire captain, and 16 Vietnamese were hurt. forces in South Viet Nam. •sections of U.S. 101 waving to was killed when struck by a Earlier the National Broad- helicopters that rushed in with tus, that all the world should be taxed. joy which shall be to all people. car as he crossed the street casting Co. had reported at NBC correspondent Garrick relief supplies. Utley reported from Saigon that near his home In West Hartford. least 30 Americans injured in For many children it will be a V In Torrington, Peter Novak, the blast. other Americans were feared For unto you is born this day in the etiy 24, of New Hartford, was killed Peter Kallscher of the Colum- injured or dead in the rubble of (See Page Eleven) (And this taxing was first made when Cy- Wednesday night when his for- bia Broadcasting System re- the seven-story building. of David, a saviour, which is Christ the Lord. eign-made convertible collided ported from Saigon that the Utley said the explosion, ^renius was governor of Syria.) with a car at an intersection bomb was a 100-pound device blamed on the Communist Viet on Route 25. Cong, occurred in the basement set off in a car parked under the Cargo Plane And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye sfudl Mrs. Catherine Mann. 61, of officers’ quarters, known as the of the buildlngr and fire shot up Hartford was injured fatally Brink Hotel. / *•- the„ ./structure, gutting And all went to he taxed, every one unto find the babe, w rapped^ swaddling clothes

Wednesday morning when a car He ,said windiWs were shat- V.s Crash Kills driven by her hUsband struck tered eight blocks. aWay. v The e’ ,on occurred just his own city. and lying in a manger, > a tree. Her husband, Merle H. A fire was set off jn the .I^^er before 8 as officers were stories. returnirlj their quaMers. All Crewmen (See Page Ten) Kallscher said the|'e weM re- The r Cong had been ex- And suddenly there teas, with the angel, a And josph also went up from Galilee, out pected .ttack In Saigon dur- SAN BRUNO, Calif. (AP) — A jeA»Ahq^QKristmas weekend. In- multitude of the heavenly host praising Godf Flying Tiger four-engine Super of the city of ISazareth, into Judea, unto the t#iUig4nc3^»S|j»'ces said three Con.stellation cargo plane on and saying,- Viet Cong battalions were takeoff slammed into fog- city of David, which is called Bethlehem; massei^iwrthe area of the Sai- shrouded San Bruno Mountain Blaze Destroys ‘Pon-alroort for a mortar attack today, killing the three crew (because he was of the house and lineage of Glory he to Cod in the highest, and on there. Security forces were on a members aboard and narrowly full alert around the airport. mi.ssing. a Coast Guard radio David.) earth, peace, good will unto men. station. Danbury Stores AR,alrflne spokesman said the 70-roit, pltpie appeared to be tp its|.))rpper' takeoff path when it To he taxed with his espoused wife, being And it came to pass, as the angels were crashed and broke into bits, pANBURY (AP)—An early morning fire destroyed News Tidbits gone away from them into heaven, the shep- scattered over a half-mile area. great with child. ^ three stores in the heart of the Main S ^ e t business dis- from the AP Wires The airline said the victims herds said to one another. Let us now go even trict today and caused smoke damage'W several others. were Capt. J. A. Richards, 49, of TTie city's full complement!^— ^------657 Westlake Ave., Bay Head, N.J., the pilot; Daniel W. Hen- And so it was, that while they were there, unto Bethlehem, and see the thing which is of paid and regular firemen and In the Thom McAn Shoe Giovanni Leone, Christian Store at $27,000. Democratic candidate, with- nessy, 33, of 1546 Wedgewood turned out for the blaze. come to pass, which the Lord hath made draws from parliament rare Drive., Hillsborough, Calif., co- the days were accomplished that she should Four business offices on up- pilot; and Paul M. Entz, 37, Bf Main Street was closed to after 15th ballot. . . . Singer per floors of the brick building 11251 Calvert St., North Holly- known unto us. traffic from Wooster Square to be deliverd. t were also destroyed by the Nat Cole making excellent wood, Calif. City Hall Square. flames. progress after cobalt treat- > The Federal Aviation Agency Fire C ^ e f' George C. . Hanna The National Shoe Store, in ment for lung tumor. . . UN said the New York-bound trans- And they came with haste and found Mary, 8sid the fire began in the base- a building immediately to the delegates experted to negotiate port took off from San Francis- And she brought forth her firstborn son, ment of the Prudential Furni- north, suffered smoke damage. in attempt to bypass big pow- co International Airport at 12:29 and Joseph, and the babe, lying in the ture Co. at 235-239 Main St. In the Jackson Building, to the er dispute over Russian peace- a.m. and disappeared from ra- and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and south, smoke damage was re- keeping payments. . . . LBJ ad- dar scopes almost Inqmediately. manger. Heavy smoke poured from the structure until about 2:30 a. m., ported at Markoff's Shoe.Store, ministration troubleshooter The plane crashed at the 1,- laid him in a manger; because there was no 0 the Card Rack, Mack's Men’s puts Gulf Coast longshoremen 000-foot level —100 *eet higher when flames broke through and leapt high in the. air, (prmlng Store. Sturdevant's Photo Shop, on speaking terms with new and the plane would have room for them in the inn. And when they had seen it, they madm a luminous tracery against the the Stirling Bakery and Loft's contract negotiations begin- cleared the mountain — on to veil of fog that lay on the city. Candies. ning Tuesday. . . . Pope Paul VI Sweeney Ridge, about 10 miles known abroad the saying which urns t o l d Firemen concentrated, much makes new appeal to Congolese The fire soon claimed two south of San Francisco. of their attention on keeping leaders to 'make all possible ef- Coast Guard radioman Fred And there was in the same country, shep- them concerning this child. other stores, neighbors of the the flames from entering . the forts for peace. fiimiture store in the Levin Goodwin said the plane passed Jackson Building, a frame Alfred Oponowicz, . one of within a few feet of a concrete herds abiding in the field, keeping watch building. Thiese'were the Miles building sheathed In etucco. Shore Store and the Thom McAn FBI's most wanted men, cap4 transmitting building, where six . And all th ^ that heard it wondered sB Henry Sohum, captain of Pa- tured In Ohio by eight gram- men were on duty, and crashed Shoe Store. over their flock by night. danaram Hoee, 0&., one of the mar school boys aged 8 to. 12 with an lmpa(:t that shook the those things which were told them by the An estimate of the total fi- 10 volunteer companies that . . . Bob Hope given wild rec<;p- building. The plane broke in * nancial loss was not Immediate- joined the paid regulars in fight- tion by GIs at South Viet Nkm half then dlainte^ated, some 41,- shepherds. ly available. However,' spokes- ing the fire,, suffered a back In. field prior to surprise (Jhrist- 000 tons of cargo agatterlng over And lo, the angel of the Lord edme upon men for the burned out stores fory and was admitted to Dan- mas show. . . . Union Ironclad a half-mile area. -«ald the stock In the furniture buiy Hoepital. Two other fire- ship Cairo reaches Vidnburg The tciene waa atrewn with them and the glory of the Lord shone round But Mary kept all these things pom. store was valued at $66,000, in men were rfmted tor moke afaln after 100-yw stay at tt)s liUss Shoe Stove at $10,000, tnheleticn. bottom of Yazoo River .. . . (Boo WUt o o n% about them and they were sore afrmd, dered them in her heart. L- • ’ . ‘ V \ . i S ’ j '

MAW T V ■ - p


ater at 8:15 p.m. from Jan. 8 Hebron of Mr. and Mrs. James Allor of ious. She said she can hardly more than 40 miles. through 11. Sheinv'old on Bridge Odessa, Mo. Her eyes were re- wait for Christmas.” Thursday night she’ll get a Among the principals will be Blind Girl Garbled Viet Names moved because of malignant Santa Claus came Tuesday to Christmas present Vickie made Charles Edson Case, the son of Yule Services tumors. Her 16-monUi-old broth- the school which has 44 children — a glass ash tray with colored Mr. and Mrs. Charles Case, 104 CONSIDER PROBABIUTY SaR dealtc Both iMm vnlnerabto er, Ronnie, loot an eye from the in nursery and kindergarten scraps of paper pasted on the Woodside S t, who will speak Are Scheduled IN CnOOSINO FINESSE NORTH Draws Tree same condition at the age of 2H classes — 17 of them with sight. bottom. two roles. Among the support- By AUFRED. SHEINWOLD A J104 Confusing to West months snd gets regular check- "‘Hs looked just Uke I "It’s very pretty," Vickie ing actors Is Gary A. Harrison, NatkWRl Mm's Team OiamploB 5 K87 ups of a developlxig tumor in thought,” Vickie said. said. 175 Tlmrod Rd. The faithful did pretty well You don't have to be a math- ^ KQ107 For a Card the other eye. "She’s the most self-reliant Wadsworth Atheaenm Sunday at all churches in He- ematician U> play bridge well, 41 J 108 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ”It is called an infant’s dis- child I know,” says her mother. The Avery Theater will play j bron. in spite of that big dump but there’e no harm In knowing nsT XAsr The Westerner, confused by K ^SA S e n r . Mo. (AP) — ease because M per cent of "She’s on the telephone a lot, By Howie Holcomb host to the cost of the Musical something about probability. A many thlnga In Viet Norn, is ’D m Christmas tree drawn by those who contract it do so be- talking with relatives and Theater for Children of New I of snow that surprised every- completely baffled by Vietnam- TTV 6 W body. Churches were not ex- simple principle may tell you Ifickle Allor was her first ex- fore age 5,” says Mrs. Allor. friends and always answers the ¥ ¥ York on the day after Christ- I how to finesse in the right di- liih ese names. periment with colored crayons. ”We feel grateful that our - 7- phone for me. She washes dish- PHARMACY Sends One and All Among the featured performers in the performance mas; the players will offer per- ' actly crowded howeved. rection. One reason is a sort of happy- The result was so good it was year-old child, Carla, did not es and helps me In the kitchen. 459 Hartford Rd. 649-9946 SEASON’S of “The Nutcracker Suite” Dec. 30 at the Bushnejl will formances of an adaption of This, evening, Christmas Hhre, East dealer go-lucky Vietnamese willingness published as a Ouistmas card. i^evelop it.” She’s very good at taking care Mark Twain's "The Prince and there will be a midnight Choral 4 86 GREETINGS I be 12-year-old Janet Popeleski, daughter of Mr. and Both eides vulnerable <7 A J 1 0 9 6 3 to adapt to Western ways, so "How do you know what a ^ Vickie, says her mother, is of her brother.” OPEN the Pauper.” Eucharist starting at 11:30 Opening lead — Three of that first names easily become Christmas tree looks like,” happier than most sighted chil- Mra Allor drives Vlcl^e to FILM—ALL TYPES Mrs. Vincent Popeleski, 112 Helaine Rd. Accor^ng to our friends at p.m. at St. Peter's. 0 A3 last ones, and laat names first asked Vickie’s mother. dren. school daily — a round trip of Janet, a student at Illinge* the museum, the play has won Spades I A Christmas Day service West opens the three of iMt SorS ones. •T. Just know, that’s all,” was ’’She never complains, oven Junior High, will perform the the approval of New York re- Another Is that the names VlcMe’s somewhat impatient when she’s sick. She’s always viewers for its “great wit, good wjll also be held tomorrow at spades, and Blast wins with the 14 2 Pa« 3 9 role of "Clara” in the delight- 10 a.m. queen. East continues with the l>BM 4 9 All Pan really aren’t surnames or first reply. happy and smiling. ful Christmas ballet which tells music and unusually skillful Acolytes serving Sunday ace of spades and then with names in the Western sense. In Vickis, 6 years old last week, "Her birthday was on the 17th the story of a fanciful nut- translation of Mark Twain’s were William Borst Jr. at 8, the queen. fact, there are few surnames at has been blind more than half and now she Is getting real anx- cracker. It's a popular show immortal story into delightful and Bruce Lippincott, A. Mer- South should ruff with the all In Viet Nam. her life. theater' for youngsters and eld- things out so precisely, Just re- for both children and adults. cler and J. Parkington at 10. nine if he thinks Blast has the Another reason for confusion The tree, carefully drawn on 883 MAIN STREET The performance is to be the ers alike.” member the principle. When an paper placed over a raised wire Performances are at 1 and Rehearsal for the candle- queen of hearts. But If West is that Vietnamese custom is MANCHESTER . . . Hartford Ballet Society, direct- has the queen. South should opponent has unusual length in screen — so the children can ed by Joseph Albano. Curtain 3 p.m. only. Tickets are now light service at the First Con- one suit, play the other oppo- much like the Chinese, placing available from the sales desk gregational Church took place ruff with the ace of hearts and what would be considered the feel the traces —was published time is 8 p.m. then lead the jack of hearts nent to have length (and even as a Delta Gamma alumnae at the Avery Memorial. Sunday afternoon, held that strength) In any other suit. surname first and the' other' Runner's Report. ’ evening with a large choir through West for a finesse. How names afteV It. Under Western project fund on behalf of Vi- OPEN Traditionally this is the quiet Dally Question ckie’s school — the Pre-school Each part that actor Paul period of the year in "Show ' mustered, all families invited. does' South know? influence, however, this often is Weidner has taken since he The Congregational Christ- Forget, If you can, that you Partner opens with one heart, reversed. for the Visually Handicapped. XMAS EVE came to the Hartford Stage Biz.” This year even the televi- and the next player passer. ’’Vickie is one of our star pu- sion Industry is foregoing, to a mas Eve service will be held are looking at all of the cards Thousands upon thousands of Company this fall has brought at Gilead, begrinning at 11:30 and that you can see which de- You hold: Spades, J-10-4, people are named Nguyen. pils,” says Gwen Speyer, increased respect for the young great degree, the holiday spe- Hearts, K-8-7; Diamonds, K-Q- director of the school. ’’She is TO 11 P.M. cial. Some shows depended and tonight. Members and others fender has the queen of hearts. There are swarms of Ngos and TOYS A GIFTS man's abilities. are asked to come and see You wouldn’t know this (pre- 10-7; Clubs, J-10-6. Trans and Phams. All this is Engaged very capable and very bright. The past three performances will depend on re-runs from What do you say? TTie «ngag;enient ot Misa She has almost a one-track Manchester previous Christmases. Christmas Day begin in wor- sumably) In the actual game, complicated by the fact that mind and when she starts some- Surplus Sales h^ve seen his take on three ship. and you would Rave to use Answer: Bid two hearts.'The Vietnamese Is written in Roman Sheila Daiwn Veyaey 6t Man- entirely different kinds of roles And the answer must be ob- thing she sticks with It and fin- 169 North Main St. Boards to Meet your brains instead of your question is whether to bid two characters, a system introduced cheater to David Milner Russel ishes It. She will do very well at Depot Square - - and emerge from each as an vious. What choreographer eyesight. hearts or one notrump. Since by the French a few centuries of Glastonbury has been an- First 10 VII A meeting of the Hebron apparently new porsonality. could duplicate the unplaimed when she enters the first gradV J. Farr e 64S-71U board of education, and the The Opening Bid you have 10 points in high ago. nounced by her parents, Mr. In public school next fall.” ^ The first was that of Mon- but intricAte steps of last-min- cards you should prefer the It is impossible, however, to and Mrs. Alan L. Vejrsey o< 236 ute shoppers dodging their fel- board of Finance will be held You may consider playing 'Vickie Is one of three children sieur Argan, the hypochondri- on Jan. 14 for a discussion of East for any and all missing raise because It Is slightly transliterate the sounds of the W. Center St. National acal old father in Moliere's low Johnny-come-Iatelys in the school finances and future strength because of his open- more encouraging. language to fit Western speech, Her fiance is the son of Alvah I W E GIVE "The Imaginary Invalid." crush of completing their final needs. Such joint meetings are ing bid. You should expect Blast and next to Impossible for a A. Russell of 287 Mountain Rd., The second was that of a errands? What lighting super- held at least once yearly. At a to hold six spades to the A-K-Q For Shetnwold’g 86-page book- Westerner to pronounce a Viet- and the late Mrs. Russell. Stores waiter in a sleazy restaurant visor could equal the lights — previous meeting town growth and the ace of clubs, but the let, "A Pocket Guide to namese name correctly. Diem, Miss Vqnsey Is a 1962 grad- Quality in Arthur Miller's "Death of a ' both electrical and facial as and school needs were discuss- location of the queen of hearta Bridge," send 50 cents to Bridge for example, does not come out uate of Manchester High Salesman." ! these same shoppers show their ed with the planning and zon- la still in doubt. Book Manchester Eve. Herald, “Dee-yem,” as might be expect- School. She is a keypunch op- And the third is John Jo ■ delight in finding the "right" ing commission. The Important feature Is Box 3318, Grand Central Sta- ed, but something approaching erator at Phoenix of Hartford GREEN ^uriety Mulligan, the • self-deceiving gift ? 'What composer could Blsist’s length in spades. You Uon, New York 17, N.Y. "Zee-yum." Insurance Co. ^STAMPS. bookish Irishman in Sean Clarkson L. Bailey, chairman write a score that would Include of the board of education, has know about East's six spades The name of the late presi- Mr. Russell received a B.8. O'Casey's one-set "Bedtime an>-thlng as lovely as the tradi- and his ace of clubs, and there degree In mathematics and Story." been appointed a member of Cities Still Growing dent — Ngo Dlnh Diem — ^ourtesv tional carols we all sing each the bcMird's salary committee, are only ;,ix unknown cards In meant Diem of the Ngo Dlnh physics In 1960 at Trinity C3ol' "Bedtime Story" began a year? And finally, what writer East hand. West has the 3-2 of lege, where he was a member STEAK SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 26 & MONDAY, DEC. 28 week ago at the Stage Com- succeeding Mrs. Alan Kearns, family. But Westerners called could match the greatest story resigned. spades and eleven cards in the WASHINGTON — Eighty- him President Diem, and the of the Brownril Club. He is a pany's Kinsley St,, theater, ac- ever told ? side suits. The odds are there- four per cent of United States Vietnamese went along. His programmer at the Phoenix of companied by a new one-act fore 11 to 6 that West rather residents In the year 2,000 are Hartford Insurance Co. play by Joel Oliansky called From the writer and from Manchester Evening Herald successor was named Duong FTiin Fiske. with whom we than East has the queen of expected to be living in urban Van Mlnh, meaning Mlnh of the A Feb. 20, 1965 wedding is "Putting on the Agony” — in Hebron correspondent. Miss Su- hearts. areas compared with about 70 planned. which Weidner also has a part. share this space—the Merriest san B. Penffleton, telephone Duong Van family, but Wester- of Christmases, May this great 228-8454. If you prefer not to work per cent today. ners called him Gen. Mlnh, and As John Jo Mulligan, Weid- day's true meaning envelop you the Vietnamese went along. Than, meaning Thanh of the ner becomes the very image of and yours. The military man who ruled Ng;uyen Van family. His revolu- O'Casey s character—an excite- Food Safety Urged next, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, Is tionary name. Ho Clhi Mlnh, able little fellow who has man- AMOROrS Cl'STOM Khanh of the Nguyen family — means simply, "The Enlight- aged to seduce a colleen and ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)—Bob- CHICAGO — The American ^Ite Nguyen is so common it is akin ened One.” Seasons best ivishes to you! must rid his apartment and his by McEver is only 10, but he Is Medical Association, concerned to Smith In the West — but the conscience of her in as short or- cashing in on an amorous about public-health aspects of Westerners called him Gen. der as possible. JANET POPELSKI Christmas custom. food processing and handling, Khanh, and the Vietnamese F. E. BRAY He first appears as an almost Bobby took his rifle and shot points out that cases of food Itaryord \yr)XA socX i went along. * NEW YEAR’S leprechaun-like shadow pranc- branches of mistletoe out of poisoning from one class of bac- Many Vietnamese names WINES . LIQUORS JEWELER ing about in the dark looking other half of the bill. "Putting teria—salmonellae — increased have Chinese backgrounds, but 787 MAIN BTREE7T MANCHESTER on the Agony." Don't wait for < trees at the McEver place. CORDIALS for his lady's lipstick. Then he made .some sig;ns: from 723 in the United States presenls racial admixtures brotight tribal LOWEST PRICES it if you seek an evening's en- In 1945 to 9,680 in 1962. and area flavor to the names. As the lights come up he ap- tertainment, however; it, too, is "Mi.ssin" Your Kissin'^ MisUe- pears as a comically bent fig- > toe 25 Cents." "Kissin" Licenses The leader of the North Viet- ARTHUR DRUG well worth seeing. DU' !! namese Communists, Ho Chi HR’ ure whose bookish concern is I Sold Here." He also put young As we greet the Christmas season, Information on curtain time friends to ringing doorbells. Mlnh, was bom Nguyen Van expressed in the precise way he and reservations for any per- It is with deepest gratitude that we IRPPI-*V-(' adjusts his glasses and whose At last report, the young- at the Parkade formance through the end of sters' sales were more than $4. thank our friends for their kind ^ i' irresoluteness is as clear from the current run on Jan. 10 is his darting motions as from his support during the past year. available by telephone from the / during Christmas Day ineffectual efforts at resolving Stage Company's box office. xaei the moment's problem. There are performances every *WK.’ Not only the motions and the night. PINE PHARM ACY stance but the accent as well is STAfE At I’Conn ,0 A' ''i, •‘-•' ri.’- > <• FREE KODAK FILM in perfect character. Students of the University of N O TIC E 664 CENTER STREET .-i. TTie play itself is slight, but Connecticut's Department of under the direction of Charles Theater will stage Dylan DECEMBER 3a 1964- 8PM. WITH EVERY ROLL DEVELOPED Kimbrough and with Weidner's Thomas' "Under Milk Wood " charming humor it comes a spoken performance involv- OPTICAL STYLE BAR through a delight. ing no acting in the convention BUSHNEH MEMORIAL- HAKTFORD, C O N H 763 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER Thaiits must go also to Mrs. sense—at the Jorgensen The Kimbrough, who appears as I______BOK OFFICe-ADULTS 63. CHILDREN «2. John Jo's paramour. Angela ! Nightingale, and Larry Swan- FREE m-car HEATERS OPEN DAILY TO 5:30 son and Katherine Helmond in supporting roles. Next week something on the MEADOWS " ^ ' " ” THURS. TO 9 P.M. SIRLOIN ^ar?nan PILM 25c ROLL 1st AREA SHOWING ^ CLOSED tonight; * Fresh Reg. 55c MER^Y Famous for Quality E 5 T O W II CHRIST.MAS CLOSED ALL DAY SAT., DEC. U (The Day After Christmas) PHARMACY " TOMORROW: First National Beef, OPEN ALL DAY CHRISTMAS 459 Hartford Rd. 649-9946 JERRY LEWIS ! ALL D.AY (Color) V A Great Big Holiday | All Cut From OPEN FRI. "Disorderly Orderly” h LAST MINITE GIFTS plus "Hatari” NOTE: i Show! I Christmas Day Heavy Western Steers! HARIFORD SPRINGriELD HPRESSAAf Continuous From 1:80 -?SL RTS. 5A t 91 Norlli - HARTFORD

Sincere ^ Its Fun PORTERHOUSE-85 at the Parkade Good •j V\/41l\ ' ’ ' V -‘x v/ r* Wishes E m IL^? ^ TIV'r. on ovlow with best De1eC7T\/ es wishes ior TO“ Cbiishaos hopP*»ess. ana iM UMcy awMiMt t A'.. mal^V^tfi^elicious difference! Savor that backyard cook-out produea Spoeiul FRANK'S CAFE Th* flavor in every Burger Chef 623 .M.\IN STREET COR.NER OF PEARL ST. jStory of an hamburger. Off'BMt JyTrottSr! « 235 Onions i STREET ^ ...... — ------HAMBURGbw s MAIN

ConL Friday from 2:00 SATURDAY SPECIALS! Cont. Saturday from 1 :S0 Cont. Sunday from 2:00 i CiMf Syittm i li»#8M#Rfe8 F Matinees Dally 1:30 All Next Week Hawaiian Punch merry, merry CHRISTMAS DAY Continuous from 2:00 SAVE Starts Tomorrow! MON. THRU SAT. 2:00 - 6:00 - 9:00 SUNDAYS Continuous from 2:00 (Sbrislraas 22c Lig^ht Tu n a * "^ 3 89‘ fTS THE Bm ST EHTERTAIHMEHT EVER SAVE 4c FINAST PINT JAR tnicl) to |>ou for tte l^iiotflir, TO RtXK THE SCREEH WITH LAUGHTER! Christmastime affords us Hie chance Mayonnaise 35' to express our heartfelt gratitude iioping fou ant) poura tmbe r ilecip Clidatnuiai (uu minAY ‘ fcH* the friendship and generosity you have ahown us through tt^ year. We SAVE FAULT extend best wishes for a happy holiday. 27c SHOW! Fruit Cocktail»»»4 89‘ Cont. from 2:00 SAVE 1-LB JAR restaurant shows at c&snu. 4c FINAST Route 0 and 44A, Bolton—848-2848 2:00 f0 h 29* 5:00 ^ otw Grope Jelly 8dM ▼S T East Please Note:— • SHOPS rricM Wm IIv * I* hnt KM*m I S

I e :h • EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THTJPSDAY. DECEMBER 24, PAGE n V B was 1 per cent faster than last of lendable funds $or the financ- tra interest beeanse ef the year. ing of the businesa transacUons moves the Uhlted Statee has Clinatinas ’64 Arrives Cash Flows ITm gain la' Impresalvo in that precede the holiday spend- been taking to bolster the. Brit-, active. For example, Vivien Bellaivtonl, John AndreoU, Pe- ish pound and at the sanw time Two Assemblies ter Kwlat, Skip Martin, Bob tsrma at dollars changing ing rush. Ihe Fed can increase Ladies Had a Winning Hand Kellems, former InduatrlaUat bstnu Check transactions tn these reserves by buying 19 keep the doQair sound. One frem MysUe, Conn., sat 8 ^ Lebenn, Tim Hogan, Dave WU- XHtO In Midiy Different Ways Into Banks November were $15.4 billion UB. government aecuritlas. Tlie move was to raise the ihort- houra In a voting booth to pro- HeldatECHS ook, Joe Alublckl, Gary Cases, 'dmVuMttCAT blgher In the 887 looallUes in cash it pays Is deposited in the torm interest rates hers to keep In Every Game During 19M tMt agalntt voting machines Jim CoUa, John Rtusell, Randy adye... November than a year ago. The banka and beoomes the basis tor dollars at homo and oqt of Eu- because she thinks they in- Belalr, Anthony Foran and Ken A H O CU X B D n u n s f ]home is the greatest gift any- And Out! ropean money centers. Bast Catholic High School Flanagan. gain tn the six major centers loans. fringe on her privacy. She’s the ushered in Christmas this *^ecret9ri6s Lovb Me!” IChristmu 19M com«a to body could receive.” was $8.1 billion auid In New At the same time, U .I. mcne- Many o f the nuntoens were rils mm, M kr einr MckhiM t America is many ways. 9he was badly burned Sept. 90 In January, the Fed normal^ Ry JOY MILLER ^pnekad the street in front of lady, you may remember, who morning with a special pro- By SAM DAWSON York a t y $90.5 billion. tuy authoritlea have succeeded accontoanied by Elinor Dunn, iM ch IN T Mrviett It comm iB m appeal of a when she re-entered her biasing dries up aome of the surplus AP Women’s Editor ner Georgstown home day and refu^ to act as a tax collec- gram of dance, song, music, NEW YORK (AP) — Money la In New York City the increase return flow of money to the in holding long-term rates It wag a year to do a wom- ni^t tor and withhold taxes from and commercials. The commer- Claudia Philllpe, and Sylvia U n stsecH eatttsti cbl]^~ home in the mistaken belief that steady, so as not to dtoooumge Sksrpir kts4 piper cipiM . Bobby Paalchelle, S-yeai^Id her uncle was still inside. flowing in and out of the na- over the poktwar period is 866 banks as loans and bills are an’a haart good. Wamen Won her employee* salaries 16 years cials were intermittent fea- Sculli. tlon’a banks at a faster clip than paid. It can do this by selling further economic growth, tt’s a Nspni k iu ! M iy ISc pw Mpy raiadWphla boy, heeded the Doctors told her she could leave per cent In the alx other large Naver had ahe been lo appre- In 1966 the home still toomed ago. tures announced by Terry Rich- A final feature of the pro- a year ago — and probably reporting centers the turnover securities, and stashing away neat trick, and tte tncroasod ciated, appointed, awarded and as the No. 1 place to be for a Then there was embattled ards an Tom O’Brian. (minltiMm orSir 2Sc) plea of ms brother, Stephen, 7, the hospital Thursday and spend turnover in checking accounts Is gram was a Special number through your fingers, too. ’This is 988 per cent greater. The 887 the cash it receives. elected. majority of women, but Presi- atheist Madalyn Murray, who Chairman of the pro^am called the "Battle of the Tiw fikiiMM xtpox eepiiR to give up Us favorite stuffed the holidays arlth him. This year the process has ex- helping. poodle for a collection for the rapid turnover is one of the rea- other localities report an. in- The Preeideht boosted so dent Jonnsem made it plalh he fled with her family from Bal- was Michael Leach and John Bands.” Its performers Included Mrm PM sti Christmas comes with the sons the available money supply crease of 107 per cent poor. BUAy agreed, but got in many women into high office— thought their place also was in timore ”in fear of our lives.” Michalak was master of cere- Greg Meronovlch, Debby Boyd, love of the boy who darted out is still incieasing. The speed with which money R E E D ' S the last w t ^ , as shown tn this of a group of IBO children from and Kept the talent search go- government service. From Honolulu she la carrying monies. Bid Goss, Bill Walach, Dick This la helping make possible changes hands is only one of the The program was given at Manchester Shopping Parkade letter Stephen placed with their settlement houses at a White ing full steam—that at one Hie appointmenta— and they on her fight to tax churches. D'Aloisio, Oewaldo Torres, Fred the stabilising of long-term in- ways that the effective money point he felt it necessary to rs- In the field of sports, Alice two assemblies and Included 648-7167 toys: House party and threw his arms num ber^ in the hundreds—in- Audette, Mark Roddy and Ed terest ratM and holdmg short- supply has been increasing. asBurs men. ’They would always Marble got elected to the Na- numbers like the Charleston, “Ibese are my toys and they around President Johnson's legs cluded women embsseadora Manning. term rates at a level designed to Tte Federal Reserve Itself hav# a place in govenunent he (Maiigafet Joy Tibbetts to Nor- tional Lawn Tennis Hall of "Hallo Dolly,” "Jamaica Fare- JTfffOGRAPHIC are old but they are in good con- in a tight hug. protect the doUk*„to Intemation- helps at this season of the year ' W o w " W h a t Serv ice! SIRVICE. . . dishln so I would like you to said, ”aa long as there are no way, Katharine Elkus White to Fame. well,” and Irish Jigs. It comes with the pleasure bX by seeing that the member ESCAPEE CAUGHT have these toys and I hope you Marie Plant Roth of Utica, 10 MINUTE SERVICE ON ALL CALLS B mU tf eM a/US, woman to fill the Jobs.” Denmark) Dr. Many I. Bunting, And In Tokyo at the Olym- Taking part in the dances, This is the period of the year banks have Increased amounts Important professional or- preaident o f Radcliffe, as the pic Oames the U.S. track and ballet and Jigs were Kathy NAUGATUCK (AP) — A 28- tajoy them and I hope you have N.Y., will get from setting the when the most strain is placed DONT BELIEVE US?—THEN TRY USl year-old Waterbury man, Rich- as much fUn with them as I did. ganimUiona riected women first woman member o f the field team won 2 - gold medals Kane, Donna Miller, Karen Ar- oven controls tor the Christmas on the money supply,, when it is ard Buxton, who escaped from *1 know your not as forchanlt dinner. She can see the numer- 648-0081 presidents for the first time. Atmnlc Energy Commission. out of 12. U.S. women swim- maggido, Christopher Morgan, most in demand, both as checks 643-0031 A PuUtMr Prise and Medal Mrs. ElUzabeth S. May, the first mers captured 7 out of 10 Kathy ^ rry, Patricia Aceto, the Litchfield State Jail Dec. 13, aa 1 am because 1 will be get- als, for the first time. and as paper currency and was apprehended by police last ting new toys tor CSiristmas I PIZZA-RAY'S of Freedom Awards fell like woman director of the Export- events and 13 out of 16 gold Judith Williams, Kathy Mi- Her sight so poor as to be offi- coins. It is the season tor high MEIER Jew elers night. hope... cially classed as blind, Mrs. 180 SPRUCE STREET pluma into their lape. Import Bank. medals. Blonde, 16-year-oId chalaks and Judith Williams. credit demands, too, as business For the first time the name Meantime, women weren't swimmer Sharon Stouder from Singing solos were Joanne State Trooper Michael Conroy *P.S. My little brother said Roth was given vision by a new- finances its holiday trade. Ap- and Naugatuck policeman Ron that when you are done with the OPEN XMAS WEEK! Mon., ’TaeSn Wed., Ihnrs., Sat, Sun. 767 MAIN ST.— MANCHESTER o f a woman. Republican Sen. ahiggarde in getting laurels for Glendora, Calif., won three gold O’Neil, James DlNlgris, David ly developed type of glasses. parently the money supply is aid Blanchard picked up the poodle dog ptesM give it back to CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Margaret Chase Smith of themselves. Outspoken yet medals and missed a fourth by Petro, Eileen ifeullivan and John She viewed her gain as an op- still fairly easy. fugitive at a private home he him because he loves it.” Maine, was placed in nomina- lady-like Hazen Brannon Smith, a half-aecond. Clement. portunity to serve: “ When I can After Christmas the money NEW YEAR’S WEEK: Mon., Tnea., Wedn H um ., IkL, was visiting. Christmas comes with happy help myself, I have more time tion for president at a major publisher o f four Mississippi American women, it would Members of song groups In- will flow back into the banks at Sat, Sun. weeklies wpn a Pulitzer Prize seem, not only are marrying cluded Jonathan Jeffries, Giles Buxton was serving a term shoppers; and with the Joy an to help someone else.” a fast rate as business and con- party convention.--^ old man found late in life— OPEN NEW YEAR’S EVE AND NEW TEAR’S DAT More Bachelors for “steadfast actoerence to her younger these days, they are Strekel, Beverly Blackstone, for breaking and entering when Christmas comes, too, with sumer bills are paid. Money he ran away from the jail James A. Fitton, 82, a pen- And although the Census Bu- editorial duty in the face of winning gold medals at tender Patricia Podraza, Dave Petro, bittersweetness to the .John should ease still further. It SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL where he had been made a sioner in New Orleans, was or- Lietz family in Berkeley, Mo. reau said that women were great pressure and oppSsltlon.” ages. Suorts enthusiasts aren’t Bill Walsh, John Osborne, Skip should be a month or more be Thomas, John Lucas, Nick cook. {riianed in Blngland and said he Last year there were presents fore any further strain could more plentiful than men by 3^ Over the years she has bat- objecting, but does it make was so poor he never got a for two children, Kevin and Sus- develop. And this is all to the million — that for every 100 tled bootleggers, racists and tjf.- girl a has-been at 20? present as a youngster. an, both afflicted with the rare good aa far as the monetary women there were 96.4 men— tremists, but she says: "I don’t “ I never was happy in my Nieman-plck disease, a fatal authorities are concerned, while there was a silver lining. Single call myself s cru sh er at all. whole Ute,” he said. “ Then one degeneration of the nervous sys- they strive to hold long-term men still outnumbered single All I’ve tried to do is meet the day I hit on the Santa Claus tem. rates down and short-term rates women, and It made Leap Year issues as they arise . . . and to Pollys Pointers M AKE RESERV A TIO NS N O W FO R O UR Idea. I became the happiest Kevin died at >. Susan, now S, fairly high. hunting more of a sj^rting report the truth.” man in the world.” has reached the point of con- The Federal Reserve Bank of event. Taussig Twice That’s why Fitton, who has a finement to chair or bed. New York reports today that in Two top pairings of the year: Four women won Medals of Spreading Holiday Cheer real beard, walks around town "We tried to treat Kevin and November the demand deposit Out of consideration for our conscientious sales force teho ^ Actors Elisabeth Taylor and Freedom, the highest civil hoo' By POLLY CRAMER. GALA NEW YEAR’S EYE PARTY in a ragged Santa Claus suit, to Susan like any other children,” turnover, or checking account Richard Burton, who had been or the President can bestow Newspaper Enterprise Assn. The Worldss Christmas — Thule share his Joy with children. Mrs. LieU said. “ If they needed usage, in 837 U.8. localities out- going steady for sometime; Sen. Actress Lynn Fontanne, opera DEAR POLLY — I am now a Members of the Air Defense Wing choral club sing Dance to the tunes of Bruce Vanderbrook and “The Christmas comes in the heart Maurlne Neuberger and Dr. Season’s Greetings to a little spaiddng, we gave it to side the major money centers worked so diligently through the month of Decemberf ^ singer Leontyne Price, Dr. retired teacher but I always felt around lighted Christmas tree in America’s north- of Danny Doyle, the New York them. A spoiled child tends to was 8H per cent greater than a Philip Solomon, Boston {wychla- Lena Edwards, who three years Threesome’’— with Bill Nemeroff and Fred Bocchino. all my loyal customers City bartender who collects guilty at Christmas time to be weep and we always wanted to year ago. trlst. ago gave up private practice in showered with so many gifts ernmost defense base, Thule, Greenland. The tree money from his customers all end friends! keep Susan and Kevin as cheer- In New York City the flow of Along with Leap Year every New Jersey to devote herself to from my pupils when so many is artificial but the Christmas spirit is genuine. year round to throw one big Enjoy A Delicious Steak Dinner. $15 Per Couple ful aa we could.” money was IS per cent above a Mari-Mads will be closed December 26th. ^ 48 months comes the Preeiden- medical care of migrant work- little children got little or noth- TONY SALA party tor underprivileged city (AP Photofax.) Then she added: "I suppoae year ago. In the six centers of Ual ElehUon Year. And UB ers in the Texas, Panhandle, and ing for Christmas. For the last we've woimd up spoiling them a Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, women in. ’M, politicked more Dr. Helen B. Taussig, professor few years of my teaching career It comes in the smile of a 4- M A RLO W 'S little — particularly near the Detroit, San Francisco and Loe and more. emeritus of pediatrics at Johns I placed a large decorated box new aprons that have a match- year-eld Mandan, N.D. boy who object to be starched. When it is SH O E REPAIR end.” Angeles the average turnover i From the First Lady to the Hopkins University. in my classroom a few weeks ing attached towel but I find saturated, wring out and keep THREE “J’s” RESTAURANT got a new pair of legs, and in precinot worker who rwig door- Dr. Taussig later in the year before Christmas and I told the that the towel gets soiled be- shaping while It dries. It should Rt. 6 and 44A, Bolton— Tel. 649-4684 (Marlow’s Lower Store) the gratitude of Frank Bolek of We thank you for your patronage and patience ^ bells, thousands of women lived, was again honored in being Main 8t. Manchester Bamtramck, Mich. children that if they wanted to fore the apron does. Yet, when be very stiff when dry. — MRS breathed and talked poUUcs named president-elect of the give me a present to select in- I wear an apron without a towel M. S. Bolek saved for weeks to ac- until the last vote was counted American Heart Association. cumulate $830 for Christmas for stead some Inexpensive gift for it is a bother as I keep reach- i The lictiday season ! Iiere . in November. She will be the first woman to a child. I asked them to write ing for the towel that isn’t there. his family. He hid the money in She Sets Pace hold the office. the toe of an old shoe. His wife on the outside whether it was So I now pin the com er of a and in the midst of all the merry- Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson set One of the most glamorous for a boy or girl and the ap- washcloth to an apron band. ,v '.J threw it out with rubbish. the pace. When she became the — and hardest-working—women Seven Hamtramck garbage MARI-MADS i fnaking, we’d Hlce to extend beat proximate age and drop it into When the washcloth becomes nation’s 32nd First Lady she at the United Nations, Mrs. the box. The day school let out soiled all I have to do is to pin collectors sifted through 40,000 said that her. role must Marietta Tree has been a dele- pounds of trash before they wishes and greetingi to oar iziaads, for the holidays we carried this on a clean one. — GRACE •91 MAIM STREET ) “ emerge in deeds not words.” gate since 1961. In November box to a charitable organization. found the shoe — and the mon- NOTICE She set to work underlining her she became the first woman to This brightened my Christmas DEAR POLLY — For clear, ey. husband's program in travels serve as permanent U.S. am- and theirs, too, by making happy sparkling windows use one half “ To them. I can only offer around the country; she called bassador to the United Nations. heartfelt thanks and the prayers JOHN L. lENNEY AGENCY BO many less fortunate children cup of water, one half cup of * attention to the ever-expanding Her mother, Mary Parkman of myself, my wife and my four ^ who might otherwise have been rubbing alcohol and a few drops We Will Be C. LEROY NORRIS — JON L. NORRIS, Agents role of women as citizens by Peabody, made news too In forgotten at the holiday season. of bluing. This also works well children, becmise we will have a giving White House luncheons 857 EAST CENTER STREET 1964. She went to Jail. That’s —BENEVOLENT BILL. on eyeglasses. — L. M. E. merry Christmas due to their for the women ‘‘doers.” unseWlshnees,” Bolek wrote to because the peppy Mrs. Pea- GIRLS — Bill’s letter shows GIRLS — How right she is. It After the Democratic Na- body, 72, wife of an Episcopal the true Christmas spirit, is no trouble to get a good shine the mayor. tional Convention nominated Christinas comes in the words CLOSED bishop .and mother of five. In- doesn't It? Such people renew with this easy-to-make solution. of Mary Anne Murray, 11, leav- her husband she hit the cam- cluding the governor of Massa- our faith in humanity. — POLLY — POLLY ing a Philadelphia hostdtal: paign trail on her own, the chusetts. decided to fly to Flori- “ I don’t care about getting- first President’s wife to whistle- da to heip the integration move- DEAR POLLY — Put a staple DEAR POLLY — I have the ALL TOGETHER any presents because being stop independently. ment. When she attempted to on the bottom of each of your recipe for sugar starch that Saturday! Dee. 26 Politically adept Lady Bird desegregate a motel at St. color slides. When projecting Anna wanted for stiffening her Johnson was voted Woman of Augustine, she was carted off them in a darkened room, one doilies and dres.ser scarves. Boil NOW... the Year in the Associated lo the pokey for a couple of can always tell at a touch which ’/i cup of sugar and 14 cup of • • Press Poll, even as last year’s days. side is up. — THELMA water until it bubbles. Remove I i T 6 W top wom.m newsmaker, Mrs. Sports Champs from the fire and when cool P H A R M A CY John F. Kennedy, sought pri- Controversial women kept DEAR POLLY — I like the enough to touch, immerse the if everything 459 Hartford Rd. 649-9946 To G iv e O ur Em ployes vacy. In New York the gallant AIX DAY widow of the assassinated Pres- wasn’t O PE N FRL A Long W ee k en d ident lived quietly, with two ^TaASH Bu 1aB8 chief alms: To bring up her children, Caroline and John- “ just right' John, 7 and 3 in November; and to perpetuate the memory of her husband. She had left M erry Christm as To A ll Washington and Its memories PLEASE when crowds of curious tourists LET US G IFT TIES. RIBBO N. Nichols - Manchester Tire, Inc. PA PER. KNOW! Christinas C ards 295 BRO A D ST. M A N CHESTER ARTHUR DRUG

Good wishes around you, good dieer abounding . • • may the heart-wanning simple joys of Christmas be yotHS. THE BANTLY OIL COMPANY, INC 831 M AIN STREET MANCHESTER

Sam pler Th« p erfect gift for I Ifie Christm as H eiiday ' » Up to $2.15 lb. $4.30 - 2 lbs.

Also choice gifts for * ^ a. • » a k women: Coty, Factor, Lan- Ohristmas is •»> a V , . vin, Evening in Paris, Jew- a tranquil snowy scene % %••*•**’ Majdw tne apiritfid meaniag ^ drintmiB elite gift sets, Lentheric and and brightly-wrapped gif ts . . . it is a time lovely Tfimex watches. ^addeo y9«r haliday and eoridi of hope and rejoicing for the many things it For Him; Sportsman, Old is our privilege to possess. We wish you an “old-fashioned” year festivities whh deep eontefitneat Spice, Yardley, Seaforth, Gillette, Factor, Smoking ChristipfiB. hUed with love and good cheer, and Supplies, Buxton Wallets. sad wfiEU assQCutieMe the deep satisfaction of friendships renewed. Hiippy Holidaysl All enriched by cards from Hallmark. All gift-wraps and box cards reduced.


"’M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,* THURSDAY, DECEl^BER 24. 1964 PAGE SEVEN. KANGHESTER EVENING HERAli). MANCHESTER. CX)NN* THURSDAY, DECEMBER i d 9 M ■...... I I— — chtoaa both in publle openUkm and In private clube. Seasonal daatb at Oat la to brtag oa all to th* Event* The gevenunent’e' requaet x«*Bt7 mora anhstoatlal than flaah and followed police eeliure of nut- In Idle Claims chines in a Rome "eocial club" TV-Radio Tonight Sontlttg V^raUl bona. Ina Jt'orU early this month after a young Never haa thar* been fashioned and nuurtiad man complained of loe- Unemploymont eompenMtlon o^m o. anaetad a atory cloaar to the a«eds oC KUALA LUMPUR, Mfalaysla ihg hie wife, home and Job be- claim* filed in Manchester last iM poor sojoamere. To think of it, to (AP) — Malaysian and Oom- cause he had lost thousand! of Television week took a spaaonal rise of dollars playing the machines. obeerre It again, is to draw atrangth moDWaalth forcaa. •arty today 6:00 ( i> Bi* 8 Th*at*r a 8:00 ( 8-30-40) Donna Read close to 9 per cent over claim* killed thr** ot th* latoat contln- ( i) News ( 3) P arty Haaon filed during the previous week. and hope from It again. PANAMA (AP) — President (10) Sye-Dentlfy (13) Children’* Chrlatma* lent of Indonesian (uanillaa to (U) Newabeat (34) A M ^ Chriatmas A total of 1,027 claim* were land on th* aouthwast coast ot Marco A. Robles has signed a (18-30) Movie 8:30 (M) The Editora processed locally during the law cutting taxes on Incomes up (33), 'To fop 33 Plua On* (10-33-80) Dr. Kildare week ending Dec. 19, compared the Malaysian peninsula. to $5,000 a year and increasing VH) Chrlatm** Palntln* ( I) Special Tha govanunfrit said th* In (SO) E arly Show - (30-40) My Three Bona to 943 during the week ending The Syndrome Is Out doneslans were killed in a jun taxae on the higher brackets. (10) (?hriatn>aa Hvulc (18) Subacrii^on TV Dec. 12. The law is expected to in- 6:10 ( 8) News, Sporta, Waather 3:00 ( 8-13) Paaeword Clsdms throughout the state gla clash about 150 mUes aouth- crease government revenues at 6;U (83) Ski Repori ( 8-30-40) Bewitched The Chriatmas syndrome, like moat of east at Kuala Lumpur. (34) By-Line last week increased by 1,297 to tnoo least $6 million a year. Robles 6:80 ( 8) Laramie (C) u.oo the fads which try, occasionally, to at- Tha government reported ear- had warned that unless the tax (34) What’B New 3:30 (34) Fixnu on the U.N. a total of 27,994, well below the lier that between Tt aniP'^ ( S) Walter Cronklte (10-33-30) Haxel (C) 83,660 total for the correspond- tach themaelves to aome permanent and bill was approved, his adminis- (10-3880) Huntley-Brinkley ( 8) Decleion: Truman tu armed guerrilla* landed nean- 6:48 (30) Ron Cochran « ing period last year. respectable inatituUon, has gone out of tration would be unable to un- (13) Balleye of Balboa ttKtm at or the Pontlan region of Johdre dertake major Aew projects. 7:00 ( 3) Wyatt Barp ( 8-30-40) Peyton Place Hartford rsuiked first last THB AaBOCIATBD ~ style again. State. It was the fourth Indone- (13) Burke Family 10:00 ( 8-30-40) Jimmy Dean week among the state’s 20 of- Ik* Aawxdatad Praa* I* •xelnslTaly antlUaf sian raid on the Malaysian pen (2 3 -8 ^ ) New*. Sporta. (10-30-80) Kraft Theater fices with 3,541 claims, fol- » th* CM* of rcpabUcatfao of *U mw* We proclaim this, even though it may TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) — Weather (34) Loe Pastores cradltad to It or not ottMrvt** cr*dlt> seem to be at a last moment for 1064, Insula in the laet five months. The Chinese Oommuniets killed (10) Leave It to Beaver ( 3-13) The Detendere lowed by Bridgeport with 8,- A KEEE7 CHEISTMAS toijpeiwr *od *1*0 th* looa) o*w* mb- fa—— (30) TBA 11:00 ( 34-10-13-30-33-3^40) Newi. 425, New Haven with 3,135 and because we know that it is never too 108 Nationalist Chinese agents (34) Indian Experiment Sport*. Weather The founds and scents of Christmas fill the air with joy and ' An right* *f r*pabUoaUan ot *p*c:iai d:*- ROME (AP) — The lUllan trying to stir up uprisings on the (18) Subecription TV 11:15 (10-22-30) Chrietma* Card (C) Waterbury with 2,341. ftk^M* karri* *r* *l*o r»*i*T*d. late for good things to happen. Starting government haa asked Parlia- maihland this year and arrested 7:16 (80) Sport* Camera ( 8-80-40) Chrietmae Service Manchester was 11th last merriment- May youT Day be filled 'with, these fle—nrea. at this very moment—thla very late mo- ment to outlaw pinball me- (33) Mue. HMlighte ( 3-12) CBS Special week, compared to the 12th Th* B*mMrid Pnnttiw OomiMUiy. lae.. *•■ 170, the Mainland Recovery 7:30 (34) French (%ef 11 30 ( 3-12) (?BS S p e c ia l spot the week before. “ *0 tljB*»»»«»««•«*'*a*iS *l r**poD*lD|]19 Kwator trpo-.aar ment—we could all get rid of the syn- Planning Boiard was told today. (10^80) Daniel Boone 12:00 ( 3-13) Chrietmae Serv'ice *rT- ----0f« appemriiig_^ *In _ adTartlaeineM*^ Am m Mk 1^ B ^ But la. Gen. Yeh Hsiang-tse, ( 8-13) The Muneteri ( 8-30^) Hidnicht Mans . raadlng ramttar ta Tb* Maiichaatar drome, If we have been ao foolish as to ( 1-30-40) Johnny Queat 1:00 ( 3) Movie MANCHESTER DRUG ______Harrid.______chief of the intelligence secUon think it would do service for one more E ^ T O W of the ruling Kuomintang party, SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTING 717 MAIN STREET run **mo* cuaot at M. C . a . Ser^. ^ year, and awing unashamedly and un- aaid in his report that com- FOR PobHrimra BeoraaantatlTea — reservedly into an old-fashioned ob- PHARMACY tatkarwB BpacUT Ageoey — Naw Tort Ck>* i5»Hai1fr>rdRd. 64»-t946¥ mando raids against the main- «*aaDetrolt and Boatoc. , . land had Increased In scope and ^m XBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CCtCULAr servance. TTOWa______All of us could, in a twinkling, find OPEN Intensity. Radio Cosmetics DI*pi*Txnsinag adrartlatag aoraniaiBg om tinsel to replace the thermometer, was- RARTONT CANDT MADRID, Spain (AP) — The (This listing Inclodee only those news broadcast* of 10 or 15 J br Monday — T1 fp.m. kal .... aall to banish the hot water bottle, good Tribunal of Public Order hand- mlnnte lenj^h. Some etotioiu carry other short newscasts.) 'Tor Tkoaday — 1 p-in.P .IB . dBUDuRJ Me . rrs Tor Wedneaday — 1 pl BL Tuasday. old spiritus frumenti to chase the anti- ed down an unusual verdict to- WDBO-186* 7:00 TrAvelere Choral - Tor Thnraday — 1 Wadneaday. 6:00 Long John Wada 7:15 Nl*ht Before Chriatmaa BBA day, acquitting 11 university Dick Roblnion For mday — 1 p.m. 1 _. biotics, good resounding carols to do 8:00 9:00 Greetint* from Bob Steele T ot Batoraay — l p-m. Priday. students on charges of illegal 1:06 News SIcn Off .CtaaaUled deadUno: 10:10 a.m. aaob day of away with the anti-people aspirin, and propaguda and Illegal asaocla- 3^T—616 10:00 Songs of Christmas Liggeffs pobllcatlop aacopt naturday — • 6:00 Fred Swanson Show 11:00 News Bomething to give somebody to replace tion. 'The government had asked 6:80 Nsws, Sports and Weather 11:15 Christmas Classics At The Parkade the numb spot in the holiday caused by Jail sentences. 7:00 EMward P. Morgan 11:80 Quiet Hours TRuraday, D*cember 24 7:16 Joe Edwards i:00 (Thrlstmas In Conn. the absence of what people are going H m 11 defendants were ar- 1:80 Sign Off WPOP—141* MANCHESTER to glva ua. rested after seizure of clandes- SriNF—1286 8:00 I..OU Terri aaata a t cheer, may tine publications urging univer- 6:00 News. Weather. Sports 7:00 Ken Griffin And, If we want to be in step with the 6:16 Radio Greater Hartford 12:00 Sal LaRoaa A Reason To Be Born «B wish y«« all m y a r f sity students to Join an outlawed 6:46 Lowell Thomas: Sports fashion of the day, all this la what hapvriMiMay. Socialist party. 7:00 News will do. All denied the charges, saying 7:86 Capitol Cloakroom The Chriatmaa story has many ap- 8:00 e .Lins The syndrome, like all things discov- any meetings they had were 8:30 Jsrry (iordon peals to us children of this earth. One sedely for discussion of universi- 9:80 Speak Up. Hartford can take the story In its simple pag- ered and labeled, or peihaps, to be hon- ty matters. 13:00 News 13:16 Sign Off . eantry of promise and of hope. One can est about It, merely labeled by the psy- WTIC—1*8* chological, psychiatric and sociological 6:00 News. Weather. Sports ft^e the sjiread of emotional com- 8:36 tJ*ht ’N Lively munion the *tory and the season to- technicians, was bom with a limited gether bring into the relationship be- life, which It has now expended. For the NEW YEAR’S tween human beings. There are many past few years, It haa been considered Streamers — Coafettt kinds of CSulstmases, to many kinds of chic and efficient to pass the holiday Paper Platoe — Nai^dns OPEN TO OF MANCHESTER people, even to those who have no formal season Inside a syndrome. This enabled ARTHUR DRUB belief. you to carve out as much splendid Iso- P.M. But there is one undercurrent in the lation aa you might choose, and all TONITE Christmas story, in the story of the without assuming full responsibility for CLOSED Christ, vrhioh has its appeal to the won- your conduct It was the thing to do to XMAS der and doubt and the envy in us all. be practically ill In bed. for all kinds of ^E exotic diseases, and to be excused, first PIANO . Here, in the Christmas story, is one LAST MINUTe ' t OT story of a life in which our own most by fancy prescriptions, and then by SATURDAY Photographed B y, SyWisn Ohara and GIFT SELECTIONS basic questions are answei-ed, not for fancy labels supplied by the sociologists, INSTRUCTIONS Manoheator Snrplua Salea ^ May peace and joy from admitting that one’s real troublea and Monday, as usual. See Monday’s Herald ourselves directly, but for us, In sym- CHRISTMAS COMES TO CENTER CHURCH 169 N; Main St. for biggest savings of the yearl bolic exampla might be drinks, smokes, dips, roasts, PRIVATE LESSONS at Depot Sqimre 648-7111 pies, late hours, relatives, and people, to OIYEN IN THE HOME be yours this Christmas time 'PertuqM, somdiow, we can create a list the main ingredients of the average Beginners Preferred bridge between the symbolic example syndrome. and throughout the New Year and our own realitiea. But what was fashionable In other Connecticut Yankee EMILE and SON For' InformatloB The Christmas story is the story of years Is not In the least acceptable now Inside By Rowland Evans Jr. BARBER SHOP One who had a re6UK>n to be bom. in 1664. By A.H.O. TEL 87S^20« To many of us, that must seem tl won- There ia nothing for It, this year, but Robert D. Novak S13 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER COLLECT derful thing. There are not many of us to be merry and eager and healthy. Report The evolution of one’s Christ- card received seem to ha-v* who can make much progress through Get up and go to It tiger and into mas card insftnets amd prac- any real importance. HOLIDAY SERVICES ■The lover stage leads on to I | the years of this world without coming the tank! tices has as many stages as to some moment at which the age old SANTIAGO, Chile—Now that peasants which will reduce pro- Christian Democrats turned to that phase of life when even 935 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER the flush of their Sept. 15 vic- ductivity for years to come. moderate capitalism," one left- Shakespeare’s ages of man amd Christmas sards must be t^en 4 CHRISTMAS EVE S g questions—why were we bom—why are Worst of all is Chile’s chronic ist party leader told us. A rank- seems, alas, tp wind tip in some- serioiisly. There Is a farhily for we here—become particularly insistent tory over Communism is fading, inflation. Instead of calling for and-file Christian Democrat put Chile’s Christian Democrats are thing of the tame final grace- -which . assoeia^n and Status ® 7 P.M.—Festival Children’s Service with Children’s Choir jjg 241 ASYLU M STREET, HARTFORD and seemingly imanswerabla wage-price restraint and re- it more bluntly:- "If Frei turns less statA . , must'be >,^£ated;. tbark' .n a face-to-face with the task of duced government spending, the to the rigM, he is no. longer my There are moments in human living Jest 'Fore Christinas Nothing will ever replace or career fdf' which recognition 11 P.M.—Festival Mid-Night Candlelight Service with Holy Communion. ^ making a social revolution with- Frei government last week leader.’’ excel the card which begins it must be modestly elicited. In when the purposefulness of it all eludes Father calls me William, Sister calls out wrecking their country. granted a 100 per cent general Thus the Frei government for us all, an event almost as this stage, Christmas carding g i Special Christmas music by Concordia Sfl8 Youth Choirs. ^ us. wage increase which more than has not moved an inch right- precloiiB as a present. We sup- is a planned operation, with me Will, In chats with visitors. Presi- eats up $120 million in new W* ean feel ourselves surrounded by dent Eduardo Frei concedes the ward since the election. Rather, pose there are fashions for dif- each production something of a Mother calls me Willie, but the fellers U.S. aid. businessmen have been chilled ferent generations so that for work, of art. 'These are the pain and misery and futility and sense- magnitude of the problems fac- The bright jroung techno- call me Bill! ed by the continent’s first Chris- by a proposed 3 per cent tax on the young innocent of toda^ years which produce .the f ^ ily I CHRISTMAS DAY I g less cruelty and lade of love and we can crats in the Frei government capital, diplomatic recognition some other design may have the In front of the firepladd photo- Mighty glad I ain’t a girl—ruther be a tian Democratic government. He are aware of all this. Yet they taste, in such moments, the bitterness of gives It Just 10 years to succeed. of Soviet Russia, and a bid to wonderful impact the simple graph. the wandering artist’s 9 A.M.—The Service with Holy C(»nmunion. Nursery for small children. boy. are prisoners of • the Christian Communist ' congressmen for red and green of holly or the c^ual etching of imposing the thought that it is all one mere in a His Implication; It it fails, the Democratic idealogy, which for Without them sashes, curls an’ things Communists will get the next support of the Frei program. standard sleigh and snow home and grounds, or the Jolly String of heartless and meaningless ac- 30 years in Chile called for scene has for us. This most modest presentation- of how ^ Special Christmas music. ^ aldenta that’s worn by Fauntleroy! chance in Chile and elsewhere peaceful revolution to rearrange Preasure tram the party’s left In Latin America. wing (which Frei privately ad- wonderful impact of all- comes, fame, fortune and career may Then, such is the resilience of human Love to chawnk green apples an’ go the nation’s wealth and power. contrary to all the good pious bp going. ■ Considering the fact that Furthermore, Frei and fellow mits is intense) may ease after nature, we rebound, and get on with swimmin’ In the lake— cohgressional electiens in maxims about which is the After these themes have been Frel’s pro-Communist opponent party leeidera are genuinely ded- more blessed, at the age when exhausted, the era of the plan- J The REV. PAUL C. KAISER, Pastor g ttie business of living, after all, as if picked up 39 per cent of the vote March, liioreover, Sen. Rado- Hate to take the castor-Ue they give icated to attack social Injus- miro Tomlc, magnetic leader of one is Just old enough to re- ned card still persists,- shifting ^ e enjoyed it, as If we were sure it for belly-ache! on Sept. 15, Frei's fears are tices and poverty (though so- ceive but not quite old enough toward neutral and traditional ® MR. DAVID L. ALMOND, Director of Music ff, more than just Latin hyperbole. the party's left, soon will 1»e had purpose. cial inequities are less pro- off to Washington as ambassa- to begin sending. themes, but taking look ’Most all the time, the whole year round, But the Immediate danger is not nounced here than In moea of Once one does beg;in sending, expensive and handsome. ^ MISS ROBERTA JOHNS, Flutist, Guest Soloist ^ But the Christmas story is a story there ain’t no files on me, Communism. It is the possibility dor. Meanwhile, U. S. officials South America). (including ex-White House aid that is the beginning of the And then, toward the late free ot such doubt But Jest ’fore Christmas I’m as good as that the Christian Democrats One way the Christian Dem- card race which can, with vari- middle phases of the story, might further enfeeble the now- ocrats might conceivably Ralph Dungan, the new Am- Be of good cheer,.. Chrirtmat It is the story of One who bad a rea- I kin be bassador here) will cautiously ations, last through all the re- there comes the tired and un- 1 CONCDRDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH | anemic Chilean economy with achieve some social revolution maining ages of men and of ashamed descent to the routine, it htrti Hoot a htppy hoHdag. ■on to be bom. their peaceful social revolution. plus economic growth is an al- counsel moderaition. For Christmas, with its lots and lots of But Chile’s Christian Demo- Christmas. There is a certain in which almost any tasteful 2 PITKIN STREET, MANCHESTER ^ Of Him. It is told that He was bom to As W'e reported the other day, liance with the nation’s more candies, cakes an’ toys. crats are cocky, headstrong, im- cynical gaiety In it through the mass-produced card on the mar- know pain, and to suffer, bom to deal the Frei government is clearing progressive business elements— teen-age years, with the appar- ket will do, enlivened, no doubt, LENOX PHARMACY its first hurdle, getting a share businessmen who back Ftei in pulsive. It may take some bad with the misery and the tragedy of the Was made, they say, for proper kids an’ blunders and further economic ent goal of seeing how wide an by some scribbled, personal sig- in the American-owned copper the election campaigpi. exchange can be establish^. nature. 299 E. CENTER ST.—MANOHBSS’TER World, bom to be reviled and scorned, not for naughty boys; mines without actually national- deterioriation before they are I But this would necessitate willing to slow down their so- And then one comes to the lov- Toward the end of all there and bom to be given false homage and So wash yer face an’ bresh yer hair, an’ izing them. But other steps tak- a rightward shift by the party, er stage, where all the world en by the new government dur- cial revolution. comes the quavering time when flattery, bom to withstand all and yet mind yer p’e and q’s. and that is impossible today. 1961 Publlshera N ew spaper seems one big bright Christmas, one could be a pre-sendlng age ing its first six weeks in office ”It would be a tragedy if the to conquer all by mildness and humility, An’ don’t bust out yer pantaloons, and Syndicate but only one card sent and one child agEdn, and merely receive, are less reassuring. again with a sort of childish bom to lose, and thereby to win. don’t wear out yer shoes; What worries U. S. officials and disbelieving joy, without The Life in this story had purpose and Say "Yessum” to the ladles, and "Yes- most is the hesvy emphasis on being burdened by any obliga- social spending: housing, school eof 66M0Mlty b g assignment and objective. sur” to the men. tion of sending. This drag^s ,on construction, public works, sup- for a few years, with the num- ■WELCOME TO THE upodri Hmtf We all have momenta when we feel And when they’s company, don’t pass ported by U. S. foreign aid. For Merry Christmas—bez Who? hpr of cards received declining ourselves beaten down into envy of such long range Chilean growth, more yer plate for pie again; one by one year after year just w ImM A iImhIc *|mJ| a possibility. money should be invested in in- as if other people were follow- CHRISTMAS SERVICES WMR ITMMi MM But, thlnkln’ of the things yer’d like to dustry. ing the same cycle, and all lists, The One who had a reason to be bom see up that tree. Or consider Chile's most nag- the greatest and the smallest, AT also had an answer to the second most ging problem, a decrepit farm dwindling toward the same last Yes. ’fore Christmas be as good as yer system which cannot feed the troublesome of human questions—why kin be! entry. we must die. present 7.5 million population of As fqr us, we are always go- EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH —ETUGENE FIELD (1850-18'95) a country that potentially could ing to begin all over, again, next ; For the Hero of this Christmas story, support 25 million. year, and make sure we wish a Ml ttM ipMl The new government realizes there was a reason to be bom, amd Merry Christmas to everybody. -ajisL *— tm— there was also a reason to die. farm productivity must ri;^ to In the inadequate, lazy mean- I CHRISTMAS EVE, 11:30 P.M. wfOi mf N H M eliminate more than $100 million time, we always have to turn In this stoty. death was as purpose- a year in farm imports now My Gift this space into a substitute for FESTIVE CANDLELIGHT WORSHIP pivQMa fril as birth, the suitable and inseparable • f draining Chile s meager foreign all the cards we would send, if gompanlon and counterpart. In this exchange. Yet this same gov- we ever did. If It were ever pos- PRECEDED BY CHIMES AND CAROLS AT 11:15 P.M. ernment is embarking on an am- Mq r we wfal gtory, death was the fulfilment and the What can I give Him sible to make the decision the Message By Pastor Anderson, “HOW FAR IS IT TO BETHLEHEM?” bitious agrarian reform, dis- day before Christmas, we would explanation of birth, and no ending, but Poor as I am. tributing land to some 100,000 ANTHEMS BY THE EMANUEL CHOIR yea ■ Clriit— merely part of the woven cycle. If I were a Ihepherd, Is there a bridge from .this Life of fouea that's I would give Him a lamb. the Christmas story to the kind of life Herald Mwith the rest of us may possibly create for If I were a wise man, CHRISTMAS DAY, 10:00 A.M. ourselves ? A Thought for Today Yesterdays I would do my part Sponsored by the Manchester FAMILY CHRISTMAS WORSHIP ? ]ty arf Intfa • Is there a reason we-were born, and is Council of Churches It that we too are supposed to experi- But what can 1 give Him ? 25 Yeare Ago Message B y ^ric Gothberg, Student At Lutheran Seminary, Philadelphia ■ f ence our full sharing in the miseries as I will give Him my heart. Many families, on Christmas Manchester police radio sys- MAY THE SPECIAL JOYS “THE GIF'F’ well «a- the joys of this world, that we Eve and/or Christmas Day, tem begins operating when —CHRISTINA G. ROS$ETTI cruising cars assigned to dif- OF CHRISTMAS BE K)UBS are supposed to touch the low notes as (1830-1894) make ready to welcome the Music By A Male Chorus and Ronald Erickson, Tenor Soloist well as the'high notes of human capa- Christ child -for to hearts and ferent districts of town. hearths He comes! The cele- tt Nursery For Infants IjlUtles and fortunes, that we are sup- bration often includes the serv- 10 Years Ago posed to find some formula, some state ices of worship in the church,' Let peace encircle all the world YYi CHRISTMAS at heart and mind, for merging all that family programs and planning Victor Frid, architect for Country Christmas when everyone has a part; the new high school, and Raymond Worship Services and Church School Classes Are Held Each Sunday At la intangible wiU)in ourselves with all Goslee, chairman of School Let men walk hand in hand that is intangible in the being of others ? singing of favorite carols- no 9:00 and 10:30 A.M.—We Invite You To Share These With Us Heap on more wood!—the wind is chill; piano needed. Just the words; , Building Committee, both pre- ’ A living Bond of Brotherhood Is it why we are here, to transcend the reading from the. Bible — dict that school can be built our mortal experience by surrendering But let it whistle as it wiy. suggestions are; Luke-'2:1-20. or within $;s,000,000 appropriated A voice from land to land John 1:9, 14 and 3:16 and I for the Job, but both acknowl- (i> it selflessly? We’ll keep our Christmas merry edge that it would be close. EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH still. . . . • John 4:9; some spoken word, Our.'Wieh for you and all the world Is there an explanation of why we perhaps each one could tell Manchester Lodge» of Elks A must die? Does it make sense for us to Tlvere the huge sirloin reek’d; hard by what means most to him this * purchases former Brown and CHURCH AND CHESTNUT STREETS Beaupre^ garage building »n PEACE have to die? Is there a reason for our Plum-porridge stood, and Christmas Christmas; prayers of thanks- giving for God's gdfto Md for Bissell St. BOLAND MOTORS, Inc. deaths, as there was for the Death in guidance to use them rightly; Rev. Cl Henry Anderson, Pastor Rev. Melvin T, Peterson, Assistant the atory? Certainly, our particular Nor fail’d old Scotland to_ produce, and the giving and receiving aportality ia not cast In any role of sym- of some presents in the true On' This Date Frederic E. Werner, Minister of Music At buck high tide, her savoury gooM. bolic martyrdom for others, for the rMt Christmas spirit. All of this is In 1809, American' frontiers- HARRISON’S “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men BOLAND OIL COMPANY at humanity. Perhsi'pa it la only we our- Thm'came the mgrry maak6iS In, faith’s echo of God’s endless '* ' man and soldier Kit Carson wai> k>v* (or each' of us. ■ STATIONERS with whom he is-well pleafced.” ' And carols roar'd with bUthaaome bom. 869 CENTER STREET iMlvas who heed the peace of our own In 1939, Pope-Pius x h thank- Heilng. Perhaps^ the great aymbollo din. . . . R*v. Abram W. Saagrey 849 MA^ STREET Unltod Metbodiat CKarch ed Praaldent Franklin D. Roose- IW K WR WK WK WR WWPS ^B $ W p E WP# WSPt WP* WW* I akory la tnia, and bba purpoa* of tha »FR01C 8Qt WALTER •OOTT (UM).. Boltoa valt for app<;dntlng a paraonal repreaenUtlve at the VaUcan. ' . / J m v lEv*


OreeUng after the wor- aimouncei* were Bernard in a oonsultatlvs eapaetty on grams and utaderwrUa researeli. Hi&iss.------— Cenrotry ship service» wUlwill be Mrs. C. Pupils at Bowers Szarek, Linda St. Laurent, and munlolnal sad regtoMd prob- PrtJsoU M«r In prtparatUn Thomas Ferlazo, all six graders. Merger Plan Due Jan 25 Uof H Center lems. Its purpose fa to answer includes a aeries o f talevlatMi Irving Loomis, deaconess, and the p acific needs o f town of- documentaries on the work of Ernest Ck>wdy. deacon. Have Busy-Week , The last assembly .Tueeday flefafa and government egsadeo. raglonil agwclas; a ouifttence n o t i c e Iristallation of Officers Set Meetinge of both the Junior hnoming, Included music, songs, On Air Guards Reserve Given Grant To this end, regional data fa on open-space planning and an and Senior Pilgrim Fellowships Bowers School pupils were and recitations by pupils in all now being collected, to provide Instlnito on the development of will be omitted Sunday. six grades, including kindergar- ' The board of trustees wlU treated to a number of Christ- ten. Miss Martha White and OPEN ALL DAY WAflBmorcm (AP) — Atrfuish priority outfits and «n The first major contribution a background of source mater- research facilities for ci^ and f By Uriel Lodge of Masons mas presentations this week. to the newly established R«- ial. town policy-making boaro. meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Miss Betsy Shellabcu-ger direct- IVtDTM I'ueoBunwidatiops on equipped and staffed according- To OHT •Hiptoyt* Q lp*9 ho M 0 y w Btktnd Church Community House. The Manchester High School ed the music. Miss Sylvia ly. Tile Army Guard And Ree I glonal A l f a i ^ Center at the The oenteris first oommimlty McsliiK tho Air Raserrs and I Unlvertfty of Hartford was aa- Uriel Lodge of Masons wlll^and 26 for the 1966 County 4-H The Rev. James R. Mac- Bandoliers, directed by James Ciaflin’s first graders present- serve have considerable mun- projeot, a series o f six seminar have a special communication Fair...... to be held.. at the Tolland— Arthur, pastor of the Flfst Om Air NatloBBi Quart ara dua nouaced today. programs on town planning Jarvis BRlviprisM and Assoeiotad Co n p o nlM ed a choral reading of the story bara of men In low priority units with Installation of officers at County Agricultural Center In Congregational Church, will use Hlgginbottom, started the Jaa. a . It was iaainrt today. I The gift Is a 88,000 grant to and development, got under of the first Christmas. Whldt, ttoder present drcmn- PE N T U N D 7:30 p.m. Jan. 2 in the Maso- Rockville, Albert B. Gray, "Afterglow" as his sermon week’s acrivcities Monday with ms is only six ^daya bstore stances, would not be ready for help Underwrite the center's way Dec. 18 at Manchester wM elofia today o f 2 P.M. m ill M onday. nic Hall In Merrow. Once again a short program of Christmas The sixth graders who ex- I initial cost. The grant was made IBB FLOBin ooimty club agent, reports. topic at the 11 a.m. service plained the customs of various Christmas H l^ School, under auspices of raUramsnt of Gan. CUrtls . La- use in much less thah a year the installation will be a eeml- The teen-agers dance from Sunday. Church School will be music. after being mustered into feder- j by the Howard and Bush Manchester Community College. countries and played piano May as Air Fy>rca chiaf of staff. “Everything la flosvess” public affair with all Masons, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday at at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Ih , Grades 3 through 6 were then ' tAlCay Is reputad to favor com- al service. i Foundation, of Hartford. Dr. Brown is program consult- Centrally Located At Invited to Illing Junior High selections were David Randall, ' tbeir families, and friends cor- the Nathan Hale Coinmtmity Kingsbury House. Nancy Fleishman, Michael JliInbK tba'^OOO-man Air Guard The entire 72,000-man Air I J. H. Bartholomew Jr., foun- ant. M BIRCH STREET dially invited. Refreshments School for a presentation of Guard is drawing drill pay and I dation president, has turned the As additional funds from MAAM __ Center will have Jim Nettieton, The Senior Pilgrim Fellow- Snyder, Jeffrey Bissell, Jacque- vinto tha 182,000-man Air Ra- will be served. a disc jockey, In attendance. ship meeting will be omitted' "Kris Krlngle," by the seventh Jaarva. training regularly. Only M.ODO over to UofH officials. foundations and government Open fi:9»fi:89 and eighth grade choirs. line Dibble, Alfred Seiffert, The newly elected and . ap- Cultural Meeting Slated Sunday. Kathleen Faulds, Holly Green, • But thara ap|>aan to fia con- Afr Force ready reservists are I Bartholomew is vice president agencies are received. Dr. Brown Open Thursday Nights tfll 9 Under the direction of Rob- of the Connecticut Bank and pointed officers are to be in- A meeting to explore the pos- The church Diaconate will Patricia Backus, Elizabeth 4>INE PHARMACY tsMarabla high lavel sentimant in the same status. Another 128,- reports, the scope o f the Re- Paridag Across tha Street stalled by William Jordan of ert Johns, the Bowers Ensemble 000 are in the ready reserve but Trust Co. gional Affairs Crater will be ex- sibilities of making the cultural meet at 8 p.m. Monday in Walker, Paul Moyer, Jan !to aocompliah tfia m ailer in the For 100 Oara. . . Storrs and Gilbert Wlttman of Kingsbury House. played a selection of holiday 664 CENTER STREET-^49-9814 do not get drill pay. I The Regions 1 Affairs Center panded to provide further pro- MERRY C H RIST M AS A N D advantages offered by the Cushman, Linda Keiderllng, «othar dlraction — to eliminate Coventry. Sunday Mass at St. Mary’s tunes. Members of the ensemble ^tba Air Reserve and leave only was organized Sept. 11, with Greater Hartford Area more Jane Mather, Linda Parks. offices and a conference room Among the , officers from available to Coventry youths Church will be at 7:30 a.m., Loring photo are Patricia O’Neill, Kathleen Gail Hathaway, and Jane Hub- Jtha Air Guard. B A H A PPY N EW YEA R Coventry are Frank R. Boynton Faulds, Stanley Geldel, Joyce at Hudscui Hall, 316 Hudson will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tues- 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. and bard. t U s was the pattern set for as senior deacon; Benjamin G. Engaged day at Coventry High School. the children’s Mass at 10:30 Engaged Holman. Deborah Vater and iba Army on Dec. 12 when Sec- School Aide St., Hartford. Staff director is Pierson, junior deacon; Stan- The engagement of Miss Su- Dr. James R. Brown, who We alncetely aend our beat wtthea everyone Leo Vigneault, director of pu- a.m. in the church hall. The The engagement of Miss Louis DellaFera. retary of Defense Robert S. Mc- ley W. Jaglelow, senior stew- ' ft - san Emery Williams of Bolton foined the faculty of the UofH May the holiday give you much comfort and pil personnel at the high school, Sunday Mass at St. Joseph’s Marcia Draghi to Kenneth An- Stanley Geidel, accompanied Jfamara announced that the ard, and Robert C. Slmsons, to George Byron Wright of Al- School of Business Administra- pleaeure and the coming new year bring you will be meeting with a number Mission Church in Elagleville drulot, both of Manchester, has by Mrs. Marion McLagan, Grade < Army National Guard would Joins Study buquerque, N. M., has been everything your heart deatree. marshal. Trustees from town will be at 8:30 a.m. 4 teacher, then played a clarinet rr ' inctaase to 800,000 men by ab- tion Sept. 1 as professor of of local residents on this behalf. been announced by her parents, announced by her parents, Mr. Greefihgs Include George J. Mathews and The Rev. Wilhelm H. Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Draghi, 45 solo. ! sorbing about half of the 800,000- {iublic administration. We also want to thank our loyal etrtosnerx Attending will be the follow- and Mrs. Harry B. Williams, Myrton E., Wright. pastor of the Prince of Peace Between ensemble numbers, > man organised Army Reserve. Of Retarded The center is prepared to act for their patronage. We appieclate your MlectlW ing local clerg^ymen: The Rev. Englewood Dr Brookfield Rd. A "Gala New Year’s Party” Lutheran Church, Missouri Miss Roberta Dick’s third grade I Tba Army Reserve will disap- of UB to be your peraonal pharmacy, w e wm with dancing and a buffet dfo- James H. Ameling, pastor of Her fiance is a son of Mr, and Her fiance is a son of Mrs. the Second Congregational Synod, will deliver the sermon Mrs. Otto Andrulot, 62 Elro St. presented a choral reading. The (pear, except for a relnforce- Miss Beth R. Hoffman has Ema M. Wright of Austin, and try our best to continue operating a good pha^ ner will be held at 9 p.m. Dec. at the 10:15 a.m. service Sun- No date has been set for the ; m e n t p o o l . macy with dependable service and reaaooable 31'at the Knights of Columbus Church: the Rev. Bernard J. day. been appointed to a state proj- Tex., and Milton C. Wright of Foster, pastor of St. Mary’s wedding. 1 Sources said studies on unify- ^ces. Home on Snake Hill Rd., spon- Bridge Warnings Installed ect which will make an >18- Ivoryton. B e m o d e r n w ith Roman Catholic Church; the ! ter the Air Reserve and the Air month study of all aspects of Miss Wiliams is a graduate sored by St. Jude Council, The State Highway Depart- , Guard still are not finished. Good KofC. Rev. Robert B. Lynch, assist- improvements lo correct this E s 16 vr the mental retardation problem of Manchester High S c h o o l. ant pastor of St. Mary’s; the ment has nearly completed the "hazardous" condition at the lo- • The Reserve Officers Associa- in the state. Miss Hoffman, a She will begin the Hartford YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you Joseph Krancunas heads the W N tton, which is fighting oblitera- M OEN Rev. James R. MacArthur, pas- temporary measure project of cation. P H A R M A CY I resident of West Hartford, has Hospital Licensed Practical need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if committee planning the affair constructing warnings at the 459 Hartford Rd- 649-9946 I tion of the Army Reserve and Nurse course in January. Her with the dinner to be served tor of the First Congregational been a school social worker for Wfshes shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly Church, and the Rev. Wilhelm approaches at the local Skung- Manchester Evening Herald f the Air Force Rewrve, h u con- fiance attended New Mexico at 11:30 p.m. Patrick Mohan is Manchester's public schools without extra charge. A great many people H. Wilkins, pastor of the Prince amaug River Bridge on Rt. 31. Coventry correepondent, F. I tended that the administration since she became the first to State University. He is pres- entrust us with their prescrlptiona May we co-chairman. Assisting with OPEN • Is waiting for LeMay to retire ently attending Nuclear Pow- arrangements are John Feeney, of Peace Lutheran Church, Mis- This week heavy deflector Pauline Little, telephone 742- Preecriptions, of Course hold the position in 1956. compound yours? souri Synod. g;uard rails with special lighting , before acting. A 840,000 grant from the er S c h ool, Bainbridge, Md., for Michael T. Barne, Paul A. Luft 6231. • Informed authorities chal- while serving in the U.S. Navy. and Michael Pence. Dancing is Also, Ronald Aronson, Mrs. finish were erected. Pour reflec- U j8. Public Health Service will tors, two at each the eeisterly lenged this, saying that LeMay finance the project in the state. No date has been set for the to continue to 3 a.m. Jan. 1. Robert Cleverdon, David Ells- ! had Informed top officials that it and westerly approaches on the Called the Menial Retardation wedding. FOR YEAR \ / ^ y Tickets are available from worth, Mrs. Wlnthrop Merriam • would be impossible to finish Ghrl^fmas! any of the council members. Sr. and Mrs. Owen S. Trask. bridge, are up, in addition to Planning Project, tt is under the ROUND J S f I the Reserve-Guard studies by Workers and is a member of Hoop Game Saturday Sunday Series the previous painting of a ' Jan. 1 and that LeMay himself supervision of the Office of CONVENIENCE' • • • SO m a n y Mental Retardation of the State the Academy of Certified So- miarCs The basketball game at 7:30 The Rev. James H. Ameling, heavy white line on both Bides • held to the Jan. 2S objective Health Department. cial Workers, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Prescription Pharmacy p.m. Saturday at Coventry High pastor of the Second Congre- of Rt. 31 from the two ap- ' date. Theta Tau, and the Business MOENFAUCETS School gymnasium will be be- gational Church, will use "Mod- proaches to the bridge. 'Die sotvces said the studies Miss Hoffman will work in 901 Main Street— 643-5321 the segment of it called the and Professional W o m e n's tween the 1965 Patriots’ team em Christians” as his sermon These temporary measures • were ordered five or six months Club. For Shower & Bath and the high school’s alumni. topic at the 11 a.m. worship are in line with a bill to be pro- ! ago and the deadline assigned Task Force on Education. She Copyright 1963 (W-12-3-68) wonderful has had considerable experience i c s The local Patriots will play service Sunday. The nursery posed in the present General ‘ at that time. V ' Pizza Shop an away game at 6:30 p.m. Assembly by local Rep. Walter At LeMay’s insistence, a in the fields of teaching and MissilpH for .\frica? W ILLIA M S O IL SERVICE service during this hour will be social work and holds A.B., 841 BROAD STREET 153 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKT Tuesday at the E. O. Smith in the Church Community L Thorp for "more permanent” < board which determines Air Re- Phone 640-4848 High School in Storrs against M.A., and M.S.S degrees from CAPE TOWN - South Africa serve policy decided about a that school's team. ’ year ago that the Reserve and Boston University. is recruiting foreign scientists ways the Air Guard should be com- She has served 4s national to conduct mi.ssile research, with Grange Set Card Party ' bined and that one organization secretary and a regional rep- an eye to the establishment of Coventry Grange will have a . should remain. The board did resentative of the National As- a mis.sile indu.stry. The Govern- public pinochle card party at 8 not take a position on whether sociation of School Social Work- ment also pl.nns a broad nuclear- p.m. Tuesday at its hall on Rt, ! the Reserve 6r the Guard should ers. program chairman of the research program. 44A. survive. Manchester Association for The Past Master’s Grange to say Officials who have been work- Mental Health. She was also an Association will have a Christ- ing on this problem said they executive board member of the mas meeting starting with a had been imable to detect from greater Hartford Mental Health potiuck supper at 7 p.m LicMay any leanings either way. Association, and membership TEEN A G E Wednesday at the local Grange The Air National Guard chairman of the Connecticut C O SM ETIC SETS Hall. Those attending are to earned considerable praise dur- chapter. National Association FREE GIFT WRAPPING bring a 50-cent gift for the ^MERRY ing the Berlin crisis when it sent of Social Workers. grab bag exchange. '318 fighters and reconnaissance She is presently secretary- 4-H Slate Named Jets, plus their supporting cle- treasurer of the Connecticut ARTHUR DRUG Local 4-H’ers elected officers ; ments, to France and Germany Association of School Social of the Tolland County 4-H Fair within a month of being called Association by the group's di- Here’s wishing you a ^into federal service in October rectors include David Storrs IMl. and Donald Storrs as three- bright and Merry Christ- CHRISTMAS” McNamara's emphasis, so far year directors. Continuing as Mi as the Guard and Reserve are Wt join directors are Carolyn TWLsk, mas and a Yuletide sea- concerned, is on quick reaction. two-year director, and Law- W « t a k e t h is o p p o rt u n it y t o w ish o u r The Air Guard and the Air fa wfahfaf rence Zeigler, one-year director. son sparkling with good Reserve are in a somewhat dif- 8 out of 10 hom es psoa M Directors have set Aug. 27 c u s t o m e rs a w a r m a n d j o y f u l y u le t id e se a s o n , ferent position from their Army cheer. counterparts. All Air Reserve Mrth Ol d a n d t o t h a n k t h e m f o r l e t t in g us s e rv e t h e m . u and Guard units are considered hove 0 cold room food «M It EVERYT H IN G IS YO URS O N E O F THE 8 ? ? ? ? oE RWL : coarse refusal was to precede the SV. KALED U ■ .HlUWipiilw greatest act of love in history —- Buirnuci God becoming Man. Let us hope 323S ( that His love now transfuses the Sovtngs of 50% and more! hearts o f men in such a way that A tremendous selectio n of — were the scene re-enacted — Christm as cords and greeting XiffNeewcai the 20di century answer would be instantaneous: "Y es, please come cords for ovary o ccasio n! W arm and in. Ve will make room in the inn." From 15 to 50 cords and onvolopos to o bore. B O X ES cheery as the e / fO L D I li t I W I i n i fire on the hearth POR $ 1 , $ 2 are our wishes HOLMES for you Kaja ^tmnha(fkm i8 this happy 1 X p ro to u y e w a Christmas Day. 400 Main Streot s K^anchester, Conn.

/ / f '/o c /. t o \

% . E. A JOHNSON D A VibSO N & LEVE N T H AL In M A N C H EiT B l PARK A DE . . . clasing foday at 6 p.m. i-' M A N C H ESTER C A RPET CE N TER .PAINT CO. CHARGE r r AT.CRANO.WAy...TAKE MONTHS TO hAY! V * 8 1 1 M A I N S T R E E T MANCHESTfR PARKADE, MIDOIE TURNPIKE WEST •if we omitted YOUR way of saying “M sfry Christmas*’ please forgive na 723 MAIN STREjj^ MANCHESTER

V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, dlN N ., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1964 ittil fSH MANCHSSTER BVENTNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN^ THURSDAY, D E C E ^ E R 24> 1064 PAGE ELEVEN South Viet Nam art then be- and Just about banned all gift- cause they were orderod there accepting by military and civil- Andover Party Chiefs Agree Quarter-Ounce Decides Events — not because they volunteered. ian personnel from persona or INSTANT EARNINUS Reverses Variance Christmas Meditation: It adds that "no forinal in- linns doing business with the Swedish Eating Crown ducemonts" are being made to Pentagon. Dividends Paid $BA Granted to Chorches Grange Cites In Nation get volunteers to s i ^ up for Questions wsrs nUsed at the Mahea • HiD From Day of Deposit Oaorge W. DaaldMa ^The Heart of Christnuu^ On District Lines duty there. time Os to whether the Pentagon Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maheu Oeotga W. DanlelaoB, tO, of STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP)0 Round three •was wild. The WASHINGTON (AP) Ad- When the United StotM began order didn’t deal rather luu’shly of Coventry announce the en- March—Jane Current Anniial A VartAnce franted last mim- < I \ I I (> S show sufficient cause for Its and Walker Funeral Home, 148 Those who were in spiritual darkness have seen a great permits it to get here. to Jointly endorse the three- But valiantly Eriksson hung services are assigned as indi- A July 24, 1965, wedding la actions when It granted Louis sessed value of the existing Court Cases Before them was a huge purge of the civilian High Na- viduals, with few exceptions.” planned. structure. Grove St., PomfreL The Rev. light, for God in Christ has visited and redeemed his At the ceremony Monday district plan. smorgasbord: six varieties of on, weakly sipping coffee. The tional Council. VtMmS Chorches the variance In July. 5.5 Million French nssew isTis's sl szst rmAseiat is s t it s t is z The appeals board’s action re- Judge Armantano said in his Charles Er McBwen of the Con- people. night Mrs. Merritt had the Both parties had separately fish, including raw halibut in champion saw the opening and Ambaussador Maxwell D. Tay- These exceptions include, in gregational Church of Putnam pleasure of seeing her son Billy adopted Identical district Unes. moved in for the final kill, or- lor waa said to have a broad addition to the individual volun- SNOW BLOWER FAST versed a denial of a stanllar re- finding that a general princi- MANCHESTER SESSION mayonnaise; 'reindeer steak, OTTAWA — A typical 18- 1007 MAIN STREET—NEAR MAPLE ST. ple governing zoning is that, will officiate. Burial will be In and family from Lebanon in Four youths accussd in tho Democrats during the summer pork back stuffed with plums; dering a pastry with Jam with mandate from President John- teers, units which are deployed OTTAWA — About 80 per cent quest made in July 1963. Christ is bom at Bethlehem in response to the long- tc the war zone. These include of Canada's population is of inch snov/ blower for private BRANCH OFFICE—RT. 81 COVENTRY Judge Armentano found that whenever possible, non - con- South Cemetery, Poinfret. attendance. She transferred Nov. S break Into the Nutmeg and Republicans earlier this pressed calf’s brain; ox tongue; his coffee. The challenger crum- son to push for a government forming uses should be done Friends mey cell et the fu- ings of human hearts. Man’s ancient enemies: Fear from Columbia Grange to the' month. pled. with the wide support necessary Army Special Forces outfits and French origin, a total of 6,540,346 use can clear a one-foot fall •The record does not show any Pharmacy at Vernon Circle In varieties of pork, beef, chicken, crews of Marine helicopter units people. Quebec, with 4,000,000 ot from 100 feet of driveway to 10 xhanges or considerations ma- away with rather than expand- neral home tonight from 7 to 9. and death are overcome through faith in Him! In Andover group in 1917 when Rockville had their cases bound According to DellaFera, the turkey and duck, as well as sau- The referee marked up anoth- to win an antiguerrilla war. De- ed. gratitude, then, we can serve God in holiness and she was married to the late two town chairmen will for- er quarter ounce for CJederhoek tails in the behind-the-scenes which are rotated on Viet Nam French origin, is 80 per cent feet wide In less than 10 min- terial enough to Justify a re- over to the Superior Court in sage pies, salads, vegetables, duty. French. utes. [versal of Its former actions." A second variance, for per- Darna Infant righteousness all the days of our life. We need no George Merritt and came here Tolland. ward their Joint decision to the sauces and assorted cheeses, and declared him'■'the winner. discussions in Saigon were mission to extend the garage The Infant daughter of Eu- to . She and her husband two party state central com- But Eriksson refused to give in being handled by the U.S. envoy The Pentagon said that when I In general, he says, a soning longer sit in the darkness of our ignorance. The Donald Loiseau, 20, of Co- fruits, nuts and raisins, coffee, volunteers for Viet Nam duty 'board of appeals should not be into the area that regulations gene .and Marcelle Begin Dama lived for the first few years In luxnbia; John Pacholskl, 20, of mittees. beer and water. and was allowefi an extra there. require as rear yard area, was of 677 W. Middle Tpke. died Saviour has come to give knowledge of Salvation to the small, white cottage where 'What happens from there on, In the end it was a dainty pas- round. Meanwhile U.S. policy makers are qualified and there is a need ■permitted to review their own Willimantic; and Douglas Whit- he says, is anybody’s guess. for military occupation special- •decisions and revoke action also granted by the zoning ap- yesterday at Manchester Me- his people for the remission of their sins! Lake Rd. comes into Old State ney, 19, of WlUlmantlc, all try that meant the difference He lashed out with a stinging were not ready to freeze the peals board. morial Hospital shortly after Rd. They then moved into the From party negotiations and between victory and defeat. bottle of n.ineral water. The massive U.S. aid flow to South ty, the volunteers are assigned once duly taken. Otherwise waived examination. Walter General Assembly debate will before nonvolunteera. board actions "would be sub- The appeal was taken to the birth. The best gift of all is the gift of self, without con- former Sprague house across Ogozalek, 22, of Willimantic, Challenger Eriksson started champ coolly came back with a Vlri Nam which is a mainstay Court of Common Pleas by Jo- Funeral arrangements are the street where Mrs. Merritt come the eventual plan for re- out heavy, stuffing down about glass of ice water, downing it ol'" the campaign against the ject to change at the whim of seph, who lives at ditions or reservations. God gave of himself at Christ- was presented at a hearing this apportlonment of the House of WASHINGTON (AP) — The members or due to influence being made by the Welter N. mas. The best gift of all is the gift of a loving heart. still resides Her sister Hattie, morning during which Judge a pdund of meats and vegeta- superbly, while glassy-eyed Er- Viet Cong guerrillas. 16 Edward St., directly behind Leclerc Funeral Home, 33 Mein Mrs. Edward W. Merritt, lives I Representatives. bles. The champ coasted with iksson managed only a small sip ^avy says it’s okay for its. per- exerted upon them. . . .” Chorches’s garage area. For a person is what lie really is—at heart. The heart Just a few houses away, Simon Cohen found probable I All signs point, however, to in his last stand. JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) sonnel to accept g;lfts from peo- St. Burial will be in St. James' cause. three-quarters of a pound. Such a review is only permis- Grabowski had objected at Cemetery at the convenience of is a place of life, waiTnth and understanding. At Chrfst- lighting Contest Winners adoption of a district voting In the second round Eriksson The referee gave champion — President Johnson has ple doing business with the De- sible, he says, when “a change the appeals board hearing in The Herbert Leonards of Pine Bonds of $2,000 have been ] system with representatives maintained hij offensive but the decided to ask Congress for fense Department — provided in conditions has occurred since July that the proposed addi- the family. mastide, the heart of the world beats a little bit truer ordered against all four youths. |I from more populous towns Cederoek the decision by a its i.s a "customary exchange of to the heart of God, assuring us that: -Ridge won first place in the champ met him in sharp in- mere quarter of an ounce — the higher rates on second and third its prior decision." tion would encroach upon his Republican Womens Club an- Phillip Riopelle, 19, of Willi- 1 1 elected from assembly districts fighting at the bread and beer puffy pastry with Jam. class mail and is now reported social amenities between per- The Judge's ruling also ob- back yard. Louis H. Talcott mantle, also had his case bound I within the town. It is to meet so’*nl friends and relatives.” TALCOTTVILLE — Louis H. "The feet of the humblest may walk in the field. nual Chrltsmas Lighting con- counter. Eriksson kept the up- The final score: Cederhoek giving serious consideration to jects to the variance on the The finding recommends that Talcott, 85. of Woodstock, Vt, test. The Ellsworth CovriM, He- over to the Tolland Superior j this eventuality that the party per hand with a one-two com- put away 8 pounds, 15 ounces; a.sklng pay raises for civil serv- This ruling, issued earlier in grounds that applicant Chor- the zoning in the Oakland St. formerly of Talcottville, died Where the feet of the holiest have trod; bron Rd. were awarded second Court after waiving his rights chairmen have been asked to bination of pig's knuckle.s. Erik.sson o pounds 14 »4 ounces. ice and postal workers. the month, came in time to cov- ches did not show sufficient area be considered. yesterday while visiting his This, then, is the marvel to mortals revealed. place, and the John Carleys, to an examination. Bond was prepare district lines. The decision on pay Increases ef Christmas giving. However, hardship. "As.athis is a mixed neigh- Woles Rd., received third prize. continued at $20,000. With a House of around 180 for Uncle Sam’s 2.46 million ci- is intended to apply much Chorches had argued that in- borho^,” Judge Armantano daughter, Mrs. Louisa T. Gro- When the Silvery Trumpets of Christmas have gan of Alexandria, Va. pealed: Judging was done by Mrs. Riopelle is charged with rob- members apparently in th e vilian workers is one of the poli- more widely than that. icreased business made it nec- says, "perhaps it is a matter He was bom in Talcottville Ehinice Guay, Gerald Gardner, bery with violence in connec- works, Manchester would be Flood - Stricken West Hit cy questions still facing Johnson In effect, the Navy relaxed-'a jessary for him to enlarge his suitable for a change in zone and was a 1902 graduate of Mankind are the children of God!’’ and Larry Scanlon who award- tion with a daylight robbery of entitled to three representa- in the final stages of his work on bit a stern "standards of con- •service facilities. by the town planning and zon- Yale 4Jnlversity. e^-'prizes which had been do- Pfeifer’s Gun Shop on Rt. 6 in tives instead of its present two. the federal budget. duct” directive put out by the Judge Armentano says. ing commission. The birth ' of the Christ Child will be celebrated ^ And, If the assembly district Defense Department in late Sep- Mr. Talcott was an executive Manchester and area churches Christmas Eve and Christmas nated by Clem's Texaco Sta- Andover. By Additional Rain Today Budget . Director Kermlt in several New England Woolen tion, Barkers, add Covell's system is adopted, the repre- Gordon said Wednesday that tember. IMy. , . sentatives will have to be chos- work on the budget was "over The Defence Department or- I mills, and left Telcottville for Grocery Store. (Continued from Page One) Woodstock in 1940. He retired Protestant services in Manchester on Christmas Eve will Services Tonight en from specific districts, lifted 1,000 pounds of food to the the hump.’’ He steered clear of der took away virtually all Indi- Court Rules Land Owner where they will live and which scene. Railroad officials could specific figures, but said the vidual discretion In the matter about three years ago as gen- be held at Center Congregational, 11:30, candlelight com- The Congregational church Six in State sad Christmas. Trees and gifts eral manager of Harris Emery munion; Community Baptist. Concordia Lutheran, 7, will have two Uuidlelight Com- they must represent in the leg- not say when the passengers budget would be "very, very islature. becBuMe unessential baggage in might be rescued. substantially below” the $108.5 Co., Vermont. He was active children's service, 11, candlelight service with Holy Com- munion services tonight, one at the flight from the rushing wa- NotForced to Rebuild Wall in the Woodstock Congregation- munion; Emanuel Lutheran, 11:30; North Methodist. 11; 7 ;30 i^.m. and one at midnight. Already D ie In anticipation of this plan, Eastern Washington continued billion originally asked by de and at the instruction of the ters. Hundreds will spend it in to bear the brunt of the flooding. partments and agencies for the al Church and a village trustee Presbyterian, 7:30, family service: Second Congregational, An open house will be held by high school gymnasiums. Red XM AS SHOP WISHING YOU HOLIDAY CHEER! Eifter his retirement. 11:30, candlelight service; South Methodist, 11; St. Mary’s Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Bradley two party state central com- At Asotin on the Washlngton- fiscal year which starts next Does a property owner have^Klro St., is instituting his suit mittees, the town chairmen Cross Shelters or sharing it with Idaho border where Asotin toe legal duty to furnish sup- in lower court, asseried that Survivors, beside his daugh- Episcopal, 11, candlelight service with Holy Communion; for church members and friends On Highways July 1. ARTHUR DRUn ter in Alexandria, include a Trinity Covenant, 11:15; Zion Evangelical Lutheran, 6:30. between the services. have agreed to the following strange families. Creek overflowed 100 persons port on his land for soil of bor- the loss of this support caused di.9trlcts: California's 14 flood-stricken FREE GIFT ■ vr holiday would not bo compfsfacompFsf* dering property which, beca\ise his soil to slide to such a de- daughter, Mrs. Constance T. On Sunday, services will be were evacuated. Walla Walla WASHINGTON (AP) — The Whitehouse of Los Altos Hills Area Protestant services will be held at Bolton Congrega- (continued from Page One) The first legislative assembly counties, with their total popula- 0)unty commissioners declared Pentagon says the big bulk of WRAPPING H wo didn't announco our grootingt and of a higher elevation, may have gree that a driveway on his conducted by students home for tion of 5S8,2(X), cover 37,802 property alongside the wall ac- Calif.; a son, Robert M. Tal- tional, 7; First Congregational of Andover, 7:30 and 11:30; the holidays from college ss district would comprise the that a disaster area. the approximately 22,(K)0 Ameri- a tendency to settle or sMde? cott of Stamford; two sisters. First Congregational of Vernon, 7; First Lutheran of Rock- Mann, 61, was listed in critical present town voting District 4 square miles — most of it wood- In Idaho, some SO motorists can military men serving In thankt to off our frio n d t a n d p atrons. This v/as the axial question quired a dangerous sidelong part of Student Recognition condition at St. Francis Hospi- ed, mountainous terrain that slope. He included in his com- Miss Faith H. Talcott and Mrs. ville, 11; Rockville Methodist, 7:15; St. George’s Episcopal of Sunday. and that part of District 3 and truckers remained stranded "FOR EVERYTHING SINCE 1911!" about which the case Vennard Gaetano Slmoncelli, both' of Bolton, 11, Holy Communion and Sermon; St. John’s Epis- tal. which lies north of Middle makes rescue operations and between two massive snow Vs. Morrison, involving two plaint the allegation that a ve- communications almost impos- Downtown Main Street, Mancheeter . . . hicle left standing on the drive- Talcottville; a brother, M. copal of Vernon, 4, children’s service and blessing of creche, Manchester Evening Herald 'Tpke. The second district would slides and helicopters flew to CORNELL BAKE SHOP jManchester residents, revolved. Gardner Talcott of Cleveland, 11, carol service, 11:30. choral Ehicharist; Talcott'vdlle Con- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS comprise all of present voting sible. the scene to fly them out as The case was argued in the Ap- way had slid down toward the Andover correspondent,'* Law- The Red" Cross beefed up its defendant’s garage and had to Ohio, and nine grandchildren. gregational, 7:30, candlelight service; Union Congregational rence Moe, telephone 742-6796. Two sisters of a Spanish Ro- Districts 5 and 1. The third temperatures dropped below 449 HARTFORD ROAD — MANCHESTER i>ellatc Division of the Circuit Funeral services will be held of Rockville, 11; United Methodist of Bolton, 7; Vernon man Catholic order....two mo- district would comprise the forces In key areas to supply freezing. Court on June 1; the opinion, be towed out. riothing, bedding and food. The lower court swarded Sunday at 2 p.m. In the Tal- Methodtat, 7:30, candlelight service; Wapplng Community, 8 torists in North Andover, Mass. present District 2 and that part The Idaho National Guard O L D - F A S H I O N E D J T .?* Written by Judge Bernard A. cottvillc Cong;regational Chqrch. and 11:15. ....A Maine woman returning of District 3 south of the Police from as far south as San stood by ready to evacuate De- Kosicki, was announced at 9 damages to the plaintiff and Is- The Rev. Robeil K. Shlmoda, from Christmas shopping — turnpike. Francisco were flown in to re- clo, a community of 300,. as this morning. sued an injunction compelling pastor, will officiate. Burial will Midnight Mass will be celebrated at the foIlo\vlng Catholic Tolland County are among 11 persons Such a change would also re- lieve exhausted sheriff’s depu- Marsh Creek flowed over its The court ruled that the de- reconstruction of the, wall by be in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Tal- churches; Church of the Assumption, Sacred Heart of Vernon; dead on the bloodiest da" of quire modifications In the ties in northwestern Humboldt banks. . Christmas * o /S ■ a * . •' fendant does have to provide the defendant. The defendant cottville. St. Bartholomew's; St. Bernard's of Rockville, solemn high Superior Court Christmas week on New Eng- town’s present election district County. Reno, Nev. escaped what resi- support for the land, but has appealed. The Holmes Funeral Home, Mass in upper church, low Mass in lower church; St. Bridg- land highways. setup. The aircraft carrier Benning- dents feared would be its most Ilia own choice of how to do it. Counsel for the defendant, et's: St. PSiincis of Assisi of South Windsor, carols at 11:30 ton steamed toward Eureka to- Jules A. Karp, arguing the 400 Main St., Manchester, is in Divorces Granted Five persons died in Massa- As now constituted, Man- disastrous flood when rain halt- Wishes • • « . 0 A A » P Y ; The controversy arose when charge of arrangements. and blessing of creche at 11:45; St. James’, solemn high Mass chester has 'five polling places day to add its 20 helicopters to ed early in the day and the e MERRY case in the appellate court, at- in upper church and low Mass in lower church; St. John’s The followlM divorces were chusetts, four in Connecticut those of the Coast Guard. the defendant, Mae E. Morrison There will be no calling hours. granted in T^lond County Su- and one each in Maine a n d serving five election districts of Truckee River’s rush through • a pf 56 Summit St., removed a tacked the mandatory relief as Polish National Catholic; St. Maurice of Bolton. varying population. A large food chain ordered 40,- the city slowed somewhat. CHRISTM AS unreasonably drastic and also perior Court, Rockville, on Rhode Island- all Wednesday. 000 pounds of canned goods and wall, built by a predecessor on Kelsey B. Lathrop Chriatmas Day Service.^ in Manchester Protestant churches Wednesday; A Maine youth also was shot Dlstrict.9 or parts of districts "It looks like we're going to the property, which had served sought to disclaim the plaintiff's SOTJTH WINDSOR — Kelsey •will be grouped to form the produce flown from San Fran- squeeze our way through,’’ said TO ALU right to lateral support for any will be held at St. Mary's Episcopal, 7:30 and 10 a.m., Holy Joseph Ouelette, East Hart- and killed accidentally. cisco to Eureka and promised to contain the soil on the high- Burnham Lathrop, 76, of Glas- Communion, 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer; Concordia Lutheran, ford, from Sylvlo Ouelette of three proposed legislative as- a Civil Defense worker. We take er ground of what is now the vehicle. Anthony J. Gryk was In addition to the highway unlimited credit to victims. counsel for the plaintiff. tonbury, formerly of East Hart- 0 a.m., Holy Communion: Emanuel Lutheran, 10 a.m.; Zion East Hartford, on the grounds deaths, a bus-truck collision in sembly districts. tolahitiff's property. The struc- ford, died yesterday at East Evangelical Lutheram, 10 a.m., service and Sunday school. of cruelty. Since districts or parts of A 20-man search party plowed USABLE GIFT this way of Lire had not been designed sole- Judge Kosicki, in whose opin- Madawaska, Maine, sent 14 through dense underbrush 20 ion. Judges Erving Pruyn and Hartford Hospital. Audrey LaBrle of~ Rockville persons to hospitals with injur- districts will be grouped to SEATTLE. Wash. (AP) — ly as a retaining wall; instead He was born in South Wind- Area services on Christmas Day Include St. George's from John LaBrie of Tolland, form iho three proposed legis- miles north of Eureka toward The kids who cross the guard- saying It was built In the course of DaWd Jacobs concurred, ruled Episcopal of Bolton, 10 a.m.. Holy Communion and sermon; ies. the wreckage of a Coast Guar.d ed corner near the Schmitz that the lower court decision sor and moved to Glastonbury on grounds of cruelty. Prop- And a massive traffic tieup lative assembly districts, the constructing a garage and St. John’s Episcopal of Vernon, 9:30 a.m., Christmas Eucha- town's existing voting districts helicopter downed Tuesday. Park School can’t help wonder- “Thank You’ contained error in part and sent from East Hartford in 1941. He erty owned by the parties in choked parts of Providence and A search plane spotted the driveway to Lilley St., to which was a carpenter with Pratt and rist. Ellington will be sold and the will probably have to be re- ing what William J. Lanksbury both lots front. the case back with directions East Providence, R.I. wreckage late Wednesday, but is going to get for Christmas. o a wish you the happiest of holidays, to all of the to modify the judgment. Whitney, bivislan of United Maases will be celebrated on Chriatmas morning at the proceeds divided equally. drawn to correspond with the I The primary ground of the Vincent J. Favoccia of Dan- assembly districts. there was no indication that the Wednesday, they presented filled with oil the friesdly He cited a dictum that the Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Church of the Assumption, 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and 11:30; Sacred three crewmen had survived. Lanksbury, who supervises the people v'ho dispute lay in the way the ga- obligation to maintain retaining for 10 years before retiring in Heart of Vernon, 7:30, 8:30, 10 and 11:15: St. Bartholomew's, bury from Adele Favoccia of Thus in place of the present wormlh of 0 good old-fashioned Chrisfmos. rage was built. The front an- Hartford, on grounds of cruelty. Store Collecting five voting districts the town Only one known death has intersection, $14 they had rais- walla passes with the land rjid 1956. 7:45, 9, 10:15 and 11:30; St. Bernards of Rockville, 7, 8, 9, been reported in the state, and ed for his present. Last year haye helped gled slightly toward the re- Survivors include his wife, 10 and 11; S t Bridget's, 7. 8, 9:15, 10:30 and noon; St. Francis Alice Baillargeon of Willi- will need three, six or nine dis- taining wall and as a conse- is enforceable against succea- tricts. that came Tuesday whei a they gave him a full piggy sorfs in title. However, he dis- Mrs. Catherine Leonard Lath- of Assisi of South Windsor, 6:45, 7:45, 9. 10:16 and 11:30; mantic from Leo Baillargeon For Appalachia Montana man’s car plunged off bank and he promptly bought a to make this quence, cars backing out of the rop of Glastonbury; a brother, S t James', 6. 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and 11:30; St. John's Polish of Willimantic, on grounds of Both p.arties have already garage were in danger of hit- agreed that the obligation en- cruelty. appointed members to a Joint a bridge into a river. hand warmer. PLUMB^NS^ SUPPLY C O . tails maintenance of the very Raymond Lathrop of Windsor; National Catholic 10:30; St. Maurice of Bolton, 7, 8:30, 10 Grandway store at the Man- Yuba City, in the area where "It's a neat handwarmer," a succssful Ung the wall. and a sister, Mrs. Susie Briggs and 11:30. Betty L. Ridings of Stafford chester Parkade will set up a committee to investigate the 331 BROAD STRBIBT I After the defendant bought same instrument of latersd sup- Springs, from William J. Rid- drawing of new voting dis- 38 persons drowned in the 1955 one of the yotingsters said. "He I the land and after vehicles had port inherited and therefore of South Windsor. ings of Missouri on grounds of collection depot for articles for C3iristmas Eve flood, was at the let's us use it all the time.” year for us. n Private funeral services will Appalachia, it was announced trict lines. The committee, brink of evacuation Wednesday hit the wall, she removed a permitted the defendant in this cruelty. Custody of three chil- chaired by Democrat Phllli'' case the choice of any support be held at the Lowe - Robacker dren was given to Mrs. Rid- today by Arthur Freltag, as- as the Feather River rose 76 large portion of it. The plain- sistant manager. Used cloth- Harrison, has been awaiting feet above its bed. But a break tiff, Thomas W. Vennard of 21 adequate for the situation. Funeral Home, 3534 Main St., St. were held yesterday after- ings. the outcome of the reappor- 've g o od wishes galore for everyone Glastonbury, at the convenience noon at Zion Evangelical Lu-, Town Defendant Emory Ward of Windsor ing in^ good condition, yard in the storm lessened the threat of-.the family. Burial will be in goods, toys, books and kitchen tionmciit effort. and the city's 11,000 residents' af fhe ot Chrisfmoii And if our wishes come true, „ vehicle while under the influ- theran Church. The Rev, Paul Locks, from Helen C. Wajid'^ of utensils will be accepted. Mewttf the Old Church Cemetery, G. Prokopy, pastor, officiated. In Damage Suit Tolland, on grounds ofSfuelty. stood fast although warned they you'll enjoy the merriest holiday seoson ever.- 12 Grashes, ence of liquor. Glastonbury. Mrs. Wilma Wiley was organ- Custody of six children was The collection wjll also be might have to leave if the storm Parkade The accident occurred last There will be no calling ist. Burial was in East Ceme- given to Mrs. Ward, and she oonducteq at Grandway stores Hospital Notes worsens. night at Center and Olcott Sts. hours. tery. The Town of Manchester has was awarded $12 per week sup- in Danbury, Stratford, Water- At Yosemite National Park and Involved Virginia A. Webb been named co-defendant In a bury and West Haven. 800 persons prepared for an ex- 4 Arrested The family suggests that 'The Holmes Funeral Home. port for each child and $125 Trucks will transport the Visiting houra are 3 to 8 p.m. of 857 Center St., the operator those who wish to do so may 400 Main St., was in charge of $2,600 civil suit being brought attorney’s fees. tended stay after all roads be- of the second vehicle. articles to a Salvation Army In all areas excepting matern- came submerged by water and make memorial contributloas to arrangements. by an Andover man, Gerald F. Janice A. Tropt of Thompson- warehouse in New York City. ity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. We w U l^ closed Saturday, December 26th Twelve motor vehicle acci- Charles F. Gipson Jr.. 23. of the Glastonbury Ambulance Bearers were Frederick vllle, from Richard G. Tropt of logs. D. Schneider, Jonathan D. Gardner. Donations will then be sorted and 6:30 to 8 p.m. and private In Oregon, Gov. Mark Hat- dents were reported by police Bolton, was charged with fol- Association. Thompsonville, on grounds of and sent to the depressed area rooms where they are 10 a.m. OPEN Schneider, Bruno Miller, Don- field warned that the slate "still yesterday, the most on any day lowing too closely, after he was The other defendant is War- cruelty. Custody of six children in Pennsylvania. to 8 p.nn Visitors are requested ald J. Mastrangelo, Melvin ren Pudim of 'Vernon. was given to the wife, with $3 faces critical times in the next GET YO UR NEXT PRESCRIPTION f lU ED AT lIGGETT S within the last two months. Po- Involved in an accident last Mrs. Merle H. Mann not to smoke In patients’ roomr. 36 to 48 hours’’ despite a gradu- CHRISTMAS Manchester Dry Cleaners night on E. Middle Tpke. near ELLINGTON -- Mrs. Cath- Hellstrom and Raymond F. The action stems from a Feb. per week per child ordered for No more than two visitor* at lice made four arrests during Dey. 13 automobile collision at Ver- their support plus $4 per week al receding of most flood-swoll- 691 MAIN STREET 93 WELLS STREET U.e day. E. Center St. erine Aronson - Mann. 64, of one time per patient. en rivers. of fhe Parkade The accident was a rear end Hartford, who was fatally in- non and W. Vernon Sts., involv- alimony. ALL DAY I The force of one collision jured in an automobile accident ing the Gardner and Pudim Bertha Larosa of Rockville, Ski Report At Grant’s Pass the Rogue OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE drove a vehicle 122 feet from collision with an automobile Patients Today: 191 River dropped eight feet in 14 operated by James D. Delude, yesterday morning, is the moth- MEG Post Goes cars. from Nunzio Larosa of Thomp- ADMITTED YESTE3RDAY: TO 11 P.M, the point of Impact against a Gardner charges, in a writ sonville, on grounds ofNcruelty. hours but new rains left nearby Have you forgotten anyone? 36, of Vernon er of Leonard Aronson of' El- BOSTON (API—The New Eng- Arthur Coseo, 4 Pearl St.; Rob- residents without hope of relief fire hydrant. Court appearance for Gipson lington. filed in the town clerk's office, Custody of two childr» was land Council ski area reports ert Jack, 99 W. Center St.: According to police. Stephen To Mrs. Wood that the town "created an ab- given to Mrs. and $15 from flooding. We hope not. We at Liggett Drug is set for Jpn. 11. Other survivors include her Thursday 8 a. m. Nicola Trezzi, 102 School St.; National Guard and Air Force rot toh E. Barton, 16, of 12 Doane St., Rocco Vecchiarelle, 40, husband, two sons, a daughter, solute nuisance" at that inter- per week support and $1 per Chester Wlncze, 850 Hartfort. want everyone to have a very Merry was northbound on McKee St. Mrs. Marguerite Wood has section by so planning it, that week alimony ordered. Type ot snow surface code; personnel were sent ,to North Longmeadow, Mass., was a sister and ten grandchildren. Tpke., Vernon; 'ITjeodore Wlnot, Albany 25 miles south of Salem Christmas. COMYtmtllCl , last night when he struck a charged with failure to giant The funeral was held this been elected secretary of the through traffic north and south Loretta D. Bixby of Hartford, P powder. PP packed powder. 14 B ralnard PI. parked car belonging to Hilding on Vernon St. appears to run from John E. Bixby of South early today to begin evacuating the right of way at an inter- morning at the Weinstein Mor- Municipal Employes Group. W wet. M machine made. Y ADMITTED TODAY: Leslie some 200 families. • BAHERIES WE GIFT A. Bolin of 26 Keeney St. The section, after an accident yes- tuary, 640 Farmington Ave. into W. Vernon St., with no Windsor op grounds*«f cruelty. Flske, 232 Woodland St.: FILM She will have been with the traffic control evident. Custody of one child wa.s given icy. C corn. G granular. FG In the Oregon state capital the blow shoved Bolin's car about terday afternoon at E, Middle Burial was in Rose Hill Memo- frozen granular. SC spring con- Thaddeus Gritzel, Wapplng. 40 feet off the road into a pri- town for eleven years on Dec. to the wife and $15 per week flooding Mill Creek endangered WRAP Tpke. and L.inox St. rial Park, Rocky Hill. 28; she works in the health dition.*:. Numeral prcredin,g P, Harry Parker, Somers. a hospital and 100 patients were vate driveway. Barton's vehicle . The other driver was Richard child'.support and $5 per week BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A department . alimony ordred by the court. W or M indicates number of among the thousands forced to BARRiGiNi COSMETIC apun headlong toward the hy- E. Labelle, 36. of Daywille, Enar H. Johansson Mrs. Wood was elected to Chasp Results inches of new snow. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronah. higher ground. drant. Court appearance is Jan. 11. Enar H. Johansson, 56, of 16 Michael T. Kweder of Hart- Vincent, 50 ClHiton St. FREE Bank St., was found dead In fill the jmst that Mrs. Marjorie ford, from Sandra S. Kweder of Surface evaluation code after TJie death toll climbed to 10 CANDY SETS 1 Both vehicles received heawr Llnaay has occupied since the snow type; 1 exoellent. 2 good. BIRTHS TODAY: A eon to when a car plunged 140 feet off damage and had to be towed his car yesterday afternoon in In 3 Charges I Norwich on grounds of cruelly. Mr. and Mrs. Horry Carr, 4 b a wooded area near Birch Mt. employe group's annual elec- 1 Judith M. Adrims of Manches- 3 fair to good. 4 fair. 6 poor. a washed-out bridge over the ^m the scene. tloqs in October. Mrs. Linsay 6 not onerating. Cobum Rd. John Day River, 120 miles east Police have charged Barton Breaks Reported Rd., Gla.stonbury. Glastonbury Police arrested a 20-year-old I ter, from John C. Adams of DISCHAGED YESTERDAY: SPECIAL police said he was an apparent was secretary for two previous Manchester, on grounds of cruel- Cloudy or foggy conditions re- of Portland. It carried two Ru- H OLID A Y Vdth failure to pass to the left terms. Manchester youth last night at ported over the region Thursday Robert Rice, Ekwt Hartford: fus, Ore. iron workers to their When overtaking. Court appear- At Two Homes suicide and attributed his I ty. Mrs. Adams was granted cus- Ftank Vlg;none, 303 Bumhai.i W RAPPIN G FOR death to carbon monoxide A member of the employes the end of a chase on Manches- tody of one child and she wps morning with some light rain at deaths. ance is Jan. 11. poisoning. Dr. Sam Rentsch, group since she joined the ter streets. scattered aror.~. St.; Lorraine Shea, 28 Otia St.: Near the Washlngton-Oregon TOBACCO TOYS In an accident still under in-, Breaks were reported in two town’s employ, Mrs. Wood has awarded $15 per week support. New Hanipsliire Debra Watrous, Coventry: Johi. border 300 persons were strand- CHRISTMAS adjacent dwellings yesterday. Gla.stonbury medical examiner,- Paul W. Buck, 20, of 135 $30 per week alimony and $250 Stlmpson, Hazard'vllle; Jamc yestigation, Frederick E. Ken- said Mr. Johansson had been served on the grievance and Spruce St., was charged with attorney's fees. Arrowhead W 5. ed for the second day aboard ney, 42, of Bloomfield, was Gladys Boyd of 47 Lancaster dead for about 13 hours. He merit stystem study commit- Fitzwilliam W 4. Henderson, 405 N. Main St.' two trains when slides blocked Rd. reported that a camera, a tees. reckless driving, failure to obey King Ridge W 3, dhargad with operating a motor wa.s a painter In the Manches- a stop sign, and failure to obey ENan Lawn, Ellington; Mrs. Evr the tracks. The Air Force air- raincoat and J4 enclosed within ter area. She lives at 16 Pioneer Circle iJprthern Vermont jupi, Wapplng; Frederick Hal:, some Christmas cards were a traffic light. Mr. Johansson was horn with her husband. She has According to Patrolman Clar- Holiday Lowers Burke Mt. W 6. Stafford Springs; Cheryl Clarl;, stolen from her home. She said Dec. 10, 1908, In HJo, Sweden, three sons and five grandchil- Gle:i il’cn ' ' *'. 43 ArcelUa Dr.; Rudolph Swan- there was no sign of forced en- dren. ence Heritage, who made the Personal Notices and lived in Manchester since arrest, he first spotted Buck Hospital Load Jay Peak W 6. back. Wapplng; Mrs. Alice try and that apparently a key 1928. He was a Veteran of The employes' group has Mad River Glen PP 5. Adamy and daughter, 54 Sea- hidden in a box in the rear voted to donate $25 from its northbound on Main St. delving World War II. in the wrong lane. Occupants Mlddlebury Snow Bowl W 6. man Circle; Mrs. Marion Knight I In Memorlam hallway had been used to ef- Survivors Include a brother, treasury to provide Christmas Something like a mass exo- Stowe PP 4. and daughter, RFD 2. fect entry. gifts for town welfare de- of his car were at that time dus has been taking place at Oke Johansson, and a sister, shouting at persons in another Madonna Mt. W 6. DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. la loving memor.v of llarrv B. Thomas Flaherty of 45 Lan- Mrs. Llndfr Carlson, 'both of partment clients. Manchester Memorial Hospital Sugarbush PP 4. Marie MSyne, 108 Summit St.: Miner who passed away Dec, 25, caster Rd. discovered that $7, vehicle moving alongside the during tiic past week. No one 1969, Manchester, and three nieces. Buck car and in the right heuid Central and Southern Vermont Mrs. Gizella Nagy, Stafford four packs of cigarettes and a Private funeral services will wants to spend Christma.s in a Bromley W 6. Springs; James McHutchlnson. pen and pencil set were miss- lane, he says. Police say Buck ! hospital bed and the number of Sweet is llie word of reinemlnance. be held Saturday at the Holmes attempted to escape apprehen- Burlington Hill W 6. Tolland. Dear ie the one who is gone. ing from his home after he re- Funeral Home, 400 Main St. Public Records patients, usually abnost 300, (^rinthia W 3. In memory wc will alnavs keep turned from work yesterday. sion by Heritage by driving Into has dropped sharply the past him. Both breaks were judged to The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, and out of side streets at a high Dutch Hill PP 4. Just a s the y e a n roll on. pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Warrantee Deede few days to under 200. Glebe Mt. P'arm PP 2. 7,339 Study TVA have occurred between 1 and^5 David M. Rothstein, Avrum rate.of speed. The population decrease 'will Wife. Son, Daughter. yesterday afternoon. Church, will officiate. Burial Hogback W 4. Son-in-law and nraiidrhlldrcn will be in Blast Cemetery. I. L. Jackson, Eugene Bross The chase came to an end allow many of the hospital staff Kllllngton W 4. KNOXVILLE—In fiscal 1064 -1 There will be no calling and Ralph Seltzer to Golf As- when Buck’s car spun crazily on to holiday tomorrow. The Jun- Magic Mt W 4. the Tennessee Valley Authority In Memoriam liours. I sociation Inc., property on W. the road at Lllley St. and ior Auxiliary will also have to- Mt. Ascutney M 2. received 7,339 study visitors — Attachment Filed Middle Tpke. swerved to a halt. Heritage morrow off because of the gen- Mt. Snow south G 3. who remained a day or .two Ir loving memory of our mother David S. McCbmb and Helen says that during the chase erosity of 15 young girls from Mt. Snow north G 6. weeks, talking with staff mem- and grandmother. Jn.srphinr Mahaf- D, McComb to Ra^’mond Rob- Buck ran through a stop sign bers and .visiting Installations ty who died December 34. 1946. In Civil Action the Teiiipie Beth Sholotn who Okemo PP 3. Funerals inson and Cynthia A. Robin- and a traffic light. volunteered to take over the Pico Peak SC 4. and construction projects in the allent thought, a aecret tear son, property at 11 Crosby Rd. Buck has been summoned to several duties of the "Pinkies." Stratton Mt. PP 3. field. This was nearly 900 more eeps her memory ever dear, The property of Harold Jar- <)«Utclahn Deed appear in Circuit Court 12 in than the previous year. From i Mrs. Mabel M. Schardt Woodstock W Jl. , Cluirlea Roblnaon and Kamlly vis* at 375-377 Adams St. • has Paaquale Ponticelli and Grace Manchester on Jan. 11, Conneetirut 107 foreign countries cams 2,- Hlldred Spence and Family been attached for $40,000 by Prayer services for Mrs. Pontldelli to Charlee . Ponti- Mt. Southington W 3. 890 “students." O F G R E A T J O Y . M AY IT S tlye Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Mabel M. Schardt of 31G Gar- celli, property at 171 Si. Middle den Dr. were held yesterday Police Arrests Powder Hill hj 3. in an action arising from a Tpke. , - Trip to Star Lengthy Satans Ridge M 6. Way'Tather Qhristmas smiJe on you S P IR IT B L E S S Y O U A L W A Y S civil suit. ■ morning at the Holmes Funeral Gamlshnient Tapawlngp G 3. TOYS FOR THE The glass company,^ln a writ Home, 400 Main St. The Rev. W. Harry England against CAPE KENtIBDT, Fla. —For Roger D. White, 29, of Blast A filed with the towm clerk's Philip .J. - Hiissey officiated. New Model Laundiy, property a rocket probe to reach Pfox- Hartford, waa charged with FREE - DARTS DAIRY with blessings bountiful KIDDIES office, claims that, in October Btirial will be at the conven- at 78 Summit St., $1,800. Ima Centaiiri, the nearest star Intoxication, last night as h re- STANEK ELECTRONICS OirV WRAPPED FREE an?l November of 1961, It sold leirce of the family. - Real Estate Attachment beyond the sun (4.3 light years sult of an allegbd fight at an About Town DELIVERY 815 EAST CENTER ST. MANCHESTER supplies to, Jarvis for a store Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. away), it would take — at the office Christmas party. Niai0LS-MAN(3IESTER TIRE, ENG. ITT BROAD HTRBfrr ARTHUR ORUQ builfUng- he was constructing In Mrs. Abbk Sehacilder agidnst Harold Varvls, proper- hlghesii velocity we can now White 'Has posted a bond of The VFW haa canceled Ite New Britain and that the bills Funeral services for Mrs. ty at S76-S77 Adams St, $40,- managa — well over 1(X>,000 $$2S whila awattlng arraign- seafood night for tomorrow anfi ARTHUR DRUfl 39$ BROAD STREET, MANCHESTER have not been paid to date. - Anna Schneider of 172 High 000. years. ment in court on Jan.' 11. . •New Year's Day.


I , • t * • » • •


Parris Island, S. C. He will next Modern Santa Rockville- Vernon report to Camp Lejeune, N. C. BOY SCOUT No Late Christinas Rush Constructlonman WalUce W. From Your N o^hhor Kitchen Really Coming White, USN, eon o f Mr. Wal- Notes and News lace-1« White of Tolland Stage NOTICE At Quiet Monhegan Island The Baby Low Bid Is $2,353,000 Route, la participating In y D O B n BBUHNIQ To Appalachia Operation D e ^ Freeze '65. Be HoUday (u«at> at Ui« home is serving with the Naval Mo- Pack 144 mot at Keeney St. MONHEGAN ISLAND, M alnef For Junior High Building e< M n . William O. Gray o f U School Friday. Opening cere- The Islanders come bearing WHITB8BURG, Ky. (AP) — bile Construction Battalion in baskets of gifts which they ex- Our Store W ill Be HOltop Dr. lefll be a e r r e d mdnies were conducted by the (AP) — Dreaming o f the quaint Santa Claus came to this de- the Antarctic. The battalion change. Been Named... pressed eection of AppamL,!,,. ,a jnipporta ecientiste conducting homemade Dark Fruit Oake. Webelos, followed by the pledge. Christmas celebration of yester- Aj ) apparent low bid ot 82,-^don of the building. Constnic- The Webelos won the Parent's At church, there will be read- a twin-engine plane and by tele- research at the South Pole. lir a Gray aaya aha developed year — far from Jostling ings of the Scriptures, carol 353,000 was submitted by A. F. tkm of a sewer connection line Attendance award. Each Cub graphed money order for, as to the city's sewer system, and the recipe for the cake by com- crowds, traffic Jams and Santas singing and an appearance by one donor wrote, "the children Peaslee, Inc., of Hartford for CLOSED Scout made original Christmas here, there and everywhere? Santa Claus, not to mention the furniture In the school, was not Text Sales Spurt bining recipea uaed by her ornaments which were placed the Old Man won’t vUtt Thurs- the construction of Vemon’e If BO, take a boat to Monhegan decoratlhg o f the community day night.” included in the specifications •nuadmother end a couain in on the Christmas tree, which t'' Henry. WUllam SooU eon of Bruce C. and Barbara Bur- now junior high school. sent to the building firms. NEW YORK — Textbook sales Boaton. “It is an eatoepUonally Island where Christmas has the Christmas tree. . Peoj^e across the nation, act- The school, to be constructed was the center of attention old fashioned, sprightly charm "This year we have a full ‘ gess Henry 136 Smith Dr., East Hartford. He was born De- Service News in 1963 were $462,750,000, an All Day Serturdoy, Dec 26 moist fn l^ cake,” ahe said, throughout the evening. ing in the' wake of a television on the town-owned Ecker farm of a Grandma Moses p ilin g . • grown fir tree,” says Pastor ! cember 20 at Manchester Memorial Hoepltal. His maternal program on the plight of the Marine Pvt. Anthony D. Val- eighth above 1962. College sales “and may be kept for som e Joseph Dennin led the ad- property on Rt. 80 at West Rd.. entino, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monheg;an, wearing a winter Anderson. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Burgess, 39 Hudson 8^ area’s residenU, started a flcod were second to elementary but tim e ... if the family doesn’t vancement ceremonies assisted will house 1,500 pupils. Rocoo A. Valentino of 47 grew more than the average cover of clean snow, is a sun- Monhegan is a picturesque ! His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs William C. Hen- of cash, food and clothing. finish it up first.” by Cub Scout David Embser bringing you holiday joys The Peaslee company has Charter Rd., has gp-aduated They are expected to continue Dark Fruit Oake glint in the sea 15 miles off place at Christmas, says the , ry. Easton. Nearly t6,(X)0 worth of quality E. JL JOHNSON PAINT CO. (wolf), Timmy Dennin (bear), Maine. , • • • * • constructed a number of other from recruit training at the to spurt — probably 50 per cent 1 1-pound package seeded pastor. Its dark green spruce clothing came from an anony- school buildings here, including Keith Merrill (lion), Jerry Sun- In summer, the island bustles trees are set off and sculi^red John Posfma ! Hills, Anwnda Jane, daughter of Robert A. and Loyola Marine Corps Recruit Depot, by 1970. , raisins tava (Webelos). William Duff mous donor, flown in by the Northeast Elementary 723 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER with artists, summer resjdents by white snow. CLOCK AND WKTCH REPAIRINO I Mathlson Hills, High Manor Park, Rockville. She was born chartered plane. There were 1% cups water (gold arrow), and Da'vid Bunce and tourists. In winter the pop- Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal School, addition. "It’s like a Christmas card,” 810 MAIN STREET I jeans, shirts, underclothing arc Completion date submitted by 1% cups sugar (stiver arrow). ulation shrinks to two dozen. she says. grandpwwnts are Mr. and Mrs. William Leister, 61 Mill S t % cup butter or shortening shoes. It took two trucks to haul Peaslee was S ^ t. 1, 1966. The following scouts received The islanders celebrate Christ- How do you go about Christ- I Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hills, S eggs awards: Francis Piccolo, bob- cargo in from the airport. About Architects for the school, mas like a large, close family. mas shopping when you’re 16 I 81 Mill S t She has a sister, Maureen Elizabeth, 18 months. 200 people were waiting at City 2% cups sifted flour cat, assistant dennec; David Christmas Eve adults and miles at sea? I * • « • • Malmfeldt Associates of Hart- Hail when it arrived. With the ford, will study the bids and eace on 1 tea^Kxm baking powder Embser, wolf, gold arrow, silver children will set out from their Some folk go to the mainland I yeomans, Douglas Ketth, son of Donald F. and Carol- % cup coarsley chopped nut» arrow; James Michalik. wolf; clothing came 160 hams. make their recommendations to homes across the crusted snow on the boat which runs to the I Ann Smiley Yeomans, 14 Deepwood Dr. He was born Doc. 16 An agent of the donor identi- Seo4wj|| .'-W ' meats Steven Id#, wolf, denner; Ke'vin the school building committee, toward the village's non-denom- island three days a week from ' at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar- fied him only as a multimil- le ill men. 1 teaspoon baking soda Mohr, wolf, denner; John Joy; inational church, a 100-year-old Port Clyde. Small items may be which is headed by Joseph No- 1 enU are Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Smiley Sr., Norwich. HU pa- lionaire from Fort Lauderdale. vak. A leyfvl Qiristmosl H teaspoon salt wolf; David Manseau, wolf; Da- wMte clapboard structure, picked up in the \dllage. Mo^ly, I ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Yeomans, 1 teaspoon cinnamon vid Bunce, one-year pin, silver Fla., who had seen the Colum- Novak said that his commit- aglow with gaslight and kero- shopping is done through mall 216 Oakland S t He has a brother, David Kristopher, 3A4: bia Broadcasting System pro- % teaspoon powdered cloves arrow; Timmy Dennin, bear, sil- sene lamps. I tee will meet with selectmen order catalogs. 1 and a sUter, Dawn Kimberly, IVi. gram, "Christmas In Appala- teatpoon allspice ver arrow, gold arrow, one-year "Everyone who can walk and What happens if on the day I • • « * • and members of the Vernon pin; Richard Cratty, aesi.stant chia.” Monday night. Board of Finance to consider % cup fruit cake mix (citron, even the babies who can’t walk before Christmas you find OasklU, Deborah Jean, daughter of Richard C. and denner; William Embser, lion, 1 A $200 contribution came from the appropriation of building orange peel and candled will be there,” says Pastor Ger- you’re missed someone on your I Jeanette Carney Gasklll, 80 McGrath Rd., South Windsor. two-year pin; Keith Merrill, lion, trude Anderson, a former mis- Denver, Colo., addressed to Hir- funds. A town meeting-must ap- cherries) list? : She was born Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial HoepiUl. Her am Mitchell, a grocer who ap- % cup strawberry preserves one-year pin; Larry Woykovsky, sionary to the Belgian Congo Too bad. There’s no boat on prove final appropriations. The j mkternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carney, peared on the program contract will be aw^arded as Wash raisins thoroughly and lion, two-year ,p^; Jerry Sun- and Burma. Thursday. tava, lion, two-year'pln. Eatontown, N.J. Her paternal grandparents are John Gaa- The accompanjdng message soon as appropriation of funds Book for five minutes with I kiU of Ft. Worth. Tex., and Mrs. Harriet Gasklll of Hartford. said; ” Mr. Mitchell, sec that M water and sugar. Add butter The one-year pin was award- • • • • • is approved, Novak said. one enjoyed singing "It Came boy gets his wagon and tell him Other firms bidding on the and set aside to cool. Sift' dry ed to Robert Atwood, Dennis \ BotUcello, Edward Shea, Thom- Upon a Midnight Clear,”* ’’Silent I Krateke, Soott Alien, son of Alien P. and Carol Pestrltto to hitch it to a star. 'The rest for school were Omeglia and Ger- JOSEPH BARTH ingredients and add fruit cake GIVE HIM trinkets for others as you see as Duff, William Duff. Raymond Night,” "Jingle Bells” and "Joy ] Kratxke, 295 South S t, Rockville, He was born Dec. 16 at 1 vasini, of Torrington, $2,380,- REAL ESTATE BROKER — 649-0320 mix and nuts. Beat eggs until ’To all our wonderful customers and friends, Berthlaume, Chris Naylor and to the World.” CIGARS, PIPES. ! Manchester Memorial Hoepltal. His maternal grandparents fit.” 000, completion date August, light and fluffy and add to from — Ann, "Chucky” and "Spot” ... From Berkeley, Calif., came Gordon Ferrin received the two- The climax of the evening I ore Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pestrltto, 295 South St., Rockville. 1966; Bonvancini Building Co., raisin mixture. Pour the liquid PoKh«s,^T year pin. was the arrival of Santa CHaus ANN'S SPOT 'n COFFEE HOUSE His paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Herman $50 money order and the West Hartford, $2,491,000; As- mixture into the dry ingredients The Christmas Carols were to distribute the gifts to the chil- Kratzke, 69 Ellington Ave., Rockville, words, "Peace be In your OAK STREET MAN(JHE8TER hearts. Have faith and love." sociated Construction Co.. and beat thoroug^y. '\^en well led by Mrs. William Kingsley dren. Refreshments were served ARTHUR i Hartford, $2,493,000; Southern mixed add strawberry preserves And the message from Mar- playing her accordion. Every- to all. “The Home o f (3ood Food and Friendly Service!” Monahan, Kris Margaret daughter of Gerald M. and New England Contracting Co., and mix. Pour into eight inch ietta. Ga., along with $25 .say- Judith-Morhardt Monahan, 33 Hollister St. She was born Hartford, $2 530,000; F. W. tube pan and bake in SOO-degree ing, “ Please act as Santa Claus Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her paternal for a family of the chlldre i n Brown, $2 533,000; Mathew oven for one and one-half hours. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monahan. South Reiser, Inc., Hartford, $2,612,- A native of Scotland, Mrs. Old Man won’t visit Thursday Windsor. She has a brother, David, 2; and two sisters. Kel- night.” 000; Wadhams and May Co., IP? Gray has lived most of her lif^ (Uorald photo by Ofiara) V>: ley, 5, and Stacey, 3. Hartford. $2,424,349; and in Connecticut, first in West * • * • • CBS gave an initial $7,500 and MRS. W ILLIAM G. GRAY other gifts came in New . or . Standard Builders, Hartford, Hartford, and for the past 16 1'^- Jaffe, Scott Lsuirenoe, son of Robert S. and Sydell Maj. Andrew Miller, the Salva- $2,540,000. years in Manchester. Her hus- The bids were based on the lege, and now a medical secre- Brand Jaffe, 15 Palmer Dr., Wapplng. He was born Dec. 15 tior. r ly o ' band is manager of the cash at Manoheeter Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmoth- development of the site at the value department of Connecti- tary for a group of Hartford distributing Ap>palachia gifts, er is Mrs. Estelle Brand, Rlverdale, N-Y. His paternal grand- said the f.rji p..r.,.. . Ekker pi-operty and construc- cut Mutual Life Insurance Co., radiologists. l off #/o pormts are Dr. and Mrs. P. Jaffe, New York, N.Y. He has a tion would concentrate on buy- Tlie Partnfirs, Hartford. Mrs. Gray, a teacher of voice Svther, Seth Lewis, 3. ing food and toys in time for %r The couple has a daughter, and piano, has been in music * « • • • Christmas. Aid will continue l^epresentatives m Judith Marilyn Gray, a recent almost all her life. She has //# # * Joy, Jennifer Joran, daughter of James Carroll and Her- after (Jhristmas, to the extent of GIVE PERFUMES graduate of Colby Junior Col- studied extensively and per- mina Hlavey Joy, 54 Greenwood Dr. She was born Dec. 17 gifts, he said. and Staff of formed on the concert stage, in - at St. Francis Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. COLOGNES - SETS light opera, has had her own Catherine Hlavey, Wethersfield. Her paternal grandmother is Ohio State led Big Ten teams ^ E E GIFT WRAPriCNG fPUTNAM. COFFIN & B U R R ^ ^ ^ radio program, and has made Mrs. Tyra Joy, Macwahoc, Maine. Her paternal great-grand- in attendance during the 1964 several television appearances. Utinffs mother is Mrs. Maud J. Spiller, Lincoln, Maine. She has a football season, drawing 583,- JTTTTW She is a soprano soloist in ARTHUR PRttI; % cKtenti cordial H brother, Jeffrey Joel, 6. < 740 to seven home games. The ^ ¥ PHARMACY South Methodist Church choir, ^ * • • , • average was 83,391. 459 Hartford Rd. 649-9946 attends classes in Hartford when you give Barton’s Greetintisanci Best\V/"'-”S chocolates. Brown, Jason Allan, son of Allan Guerdon and Edna Lu- twice a week, and teaches cille Cloutier Brown, Box 145, French Rd.. Bolton. He was f®’’ * - OPEN many students. born Dec. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hoepltal. His maternal WISHING FOR ALL OUR FRIENDS FLASH BULBS She is an active member of E.vcluslve In Manchester grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hyaclnthe Cloutier, Burling- the Manchester Soroptlmist At ton, Vt. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert •/jappjl •floHatj §isa so v t^ THE VERY BEST OF HOLIDAYS. Ijpub, Hartford Musical Club mi Cronan, Hancock, Vt. He has two sUters, Pamela, 4, and and the Connecticut Chapter of Robin, 2. arid Good HtfaltK anci Prosperity Teachers of Singing, servinig * * * • • as secretary o f the latter as- WESTOWN Knight, Genevieve Mae, daughter of David L. and for the NftwVear sociation. She is also a member PHARMACY Marion A. Boret Knight, Colonial Rd., Bolton. She was bom Automatic o f Temple Chapter, OES, and A"*-? Dec. 19 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal the National Association of 469 Hartford Rd.—649-9946 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Borst, 713 N. Main the Chaminade Musical Club. St Her paternal grandfather is Joseph Gagnon, Greenville, Maine. Her maternal great-grandparents are Mrs. Marion Transmission Barrett 83 Oak S t, Wilbam Borst, 713 N. Main St., and (Jharlea Kaselauskas, ,713 N. Main St. She has a brother, Thomas Charles, 2. Trouble? tnvfArm s*A»teMwarmm. onwe mo' : iV' •"V *-C V ' , ! ? , i . X.' V it Pr— Rood Tmsf you gather ’round the Chriitiiias tree with it AH Typmt iaadly and Mends to ’•JiU it Budget Terms slag the glad songs, it All Weric mncMber onr Guoronteed wiA: A hearty, happy Chriataas to all m Manchastir CHRiSTMAS CHEER . H ere's hoping Santa's reindeer Transmission Co. delivery comes through with your special wishes, including all of the joy 7 O L C O n STREET and cheer that goes with Christmas. (REAR 684 CEI^’TER ST.) r.f MANCHKTER SCRANTON MOTORS, INC. Phone 64A>0022 166 UNION S'TREET ROCKVILLE

C ICS. Hit. To you and yours, heartiest good wishes of the Season! RUFINl’S FLYIN(; A’ SERVICE GLENNEY’ S MEN’S SHOP James Rufini, Prop.


pr t o/ ihe Parkade BARRiCiNi / c m' Qandij^ SJwfL "if - (: /i A' X '!»> OPEN ^hristmas is a feeling...... •■P 'IM a spirif of well-being and cheer CHRISTMAS DAY that pervades the very air in this wonderful season. W e offer you our sincere Hdida' y Gredixigs I ' wishes for the happiest of Christmases for you and your& grateffi to he spending Chrirtmas among all ALL DAY our friends 'and neighbors, , . os a measure of ow OPEN XMAS EVE TO P.M.

gratitude, mag we extend our eery best wishes to you > \ We win be dosed Friday, December 2^rii and Saturday, December forahappgthaaUiiiandfetiieeteatois. •2.00 lb. I 2Afh,'le give our employes a leeg boHdoy weekend. ^ When'visitIn? a friend, give a candy with prestige. For Yopr Convenience* We Gift Wrap | , SHEARSON, HAMMILL and COMPANY, INC. VERNON N A'nO N AL BAM C A A 4 • • ‘ . JW ‘ V , • Members of the New York Stock Exchange FREE j ROBERT C. HEAVISIDES, Mgr.l ’ At The Rofary— Vernon, Conn, , CLIFF HANSON ED HERMANN JR. DON BRIGGS on (OiJR Nt XT PRt'ARIPTION FIIUD AT l IGcm G C m !> ISA BBBASTIAOr - MARGARET TRASK Special Holiday Wrapping Fw Chrietmaa

t • , 1 i.;. ... ■

. \ ______WSTBBN KAl^ESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 19ei I^C H ESTEB BVENINO'BSRALD. MANCHESTBB. OOMK^' 1SURSDAT, DECEMBER 34. 1934 P A GE —>4------— ^ ...... , I in I ; — l i I I . . » . i - I ■ I DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Utnj: SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE week to Europe, carrying per- it's q H ||id ay *From Santa^s Mtulhag' HEALTH CAPSULKI haps 9,000 passengere a day in by Mlcheel A. MJX | Reyolutioniiry. Jetliner 16 flights. .Bigger capacity planee con- AOKMS 41TUO into IF VOU FINP VOuVs l o f t ' UfaCttMuH cuftodr ceivably would fit Into such a USTEN.ALRJN HOOBL6 — EVEMY_ GArid ^ Youngsters Asking I OR 2 iNCMW 1N HBIGHT Not Ext)ected Till 1970 denee, .long-dietance pattern of 4BShdt«rod Mo^ YOUVe GROWN OLPER.WHAT ^ PITTEL 'A3U HOLT UKfc 4Hir jtm iaj dSRoTolM • jpnt P O lf THI4 MfiAT/** aervlcei 'T SHOULD SB HELTOBR MOOSIC >0U b«---- MEutopou flnch NEW YORK (AP) — A 760-f.. i.iU> Uke ttmt?” aald » r«if>- “You’re talking about another '■j X i W i r i r ® ^ KERFLOOty/^W SHOULD t Z I ---- kndMa SSSeU4n nuU For Old Standbys remiitatlve of Pan American revolution In air travel," one UUnK of psaaengar commercial Jatitaar, executive eaid. “For a 700-pas- u2a « m w WAFF TO TEACH FAT-HETS VOT-COULDN'T ^ relnetaaeo ' lote If an economic veraion aver ap- World Airways. Manchastak LDUIMtfc AND PLW<\ A^NUHIN TBLU F«»A OER BEATLES/ U ---- hour U ISCouTtooni An American Airlines oCflcial, senger plane to be fitted Into midnight SSWhm Micr paara, would revoIutionlM to- today's ' service patterns would ■nd JoMph Bj TONY CHEMASl asked about the attrmctl'veness require tremendous changes up DEP OANce UP DEH ELFS, FORDER MIta.---- wore tuiiwd Jodginq from a sampling of letters to SanU Claus day’a achaduled alrUna opara- of a TfiO-ton behemoth In New CHRIST/HAS concert/ JohntoB and down the line—In waiting BUGGS BUNNK IS Sonctllltd enof <»w»y from local children, Santa’s ingenuity won’t be taxed tlona. York-Los Angeles service, ob- rooms, terminals, taxlways and ITCIOMljrUn^ STArdont t b doairoua tSNottm ____ Howavar, Ita dabut la unlikaly served that three alrUnes flying ISFominlnoBiBM 5S Stitch SObiUTO (Utto) this year. The t'eason is that children appear to have re- all the rest. WE WILL BE CLOSED MPuturo lO E m p li^ 42 Miami Bwch before the mld-1970a. Ita'. moat the route now carry roughly 1,- “Can you imagine 700 people BU36i A^AtPrfntar'a for tbaao 43SUgir . fare cuta for long-hop ti'avel, among two dozen flights. a rainy night and heaend leas time at his influence. coeMt and overseas paaaanger two loads each way. “What kind LEAVE AND EAT ------^BACK T' 27 Wt ihow our IGaeUc 22 Annual 48V|dttnofc workshop drawing board and traffic. of naquency of service would VER SWEEPIN'/ — with cardi 2 Calf meat 23Antanna “My brother Tim can't talk Road W ork Gains OBOOL^ ELSEWHEREJ cp 24^^ daggtr jOQet up mon Uma mass producing spe- yet but please bring something That, in a nutshell, was firft this allow?” he asked. “Certain- OR VER and tttti 3 Ancient dty et fiife toya that children'togeth- airline reaction to a proapect ly not what today’s air traveler .FIREDl SI Reverend (ab.) Greece (yar.) »lNtwapap« for him,” one letter reads. SgAtmoaphera 4Heaiuring 25At thb pbee er secan to have agreed they Another reeds, “Would you raised by government plana to has come to demand.” WASHINGTON — A toUI of 2SAIwava 82Tnto0 IT USUALLY MEAN$ VOUR pour $760 million Into develop a An Eastern Air Lines spokes- 3,622 federal-aid highway and S4Klnd of bread device! wanL also bring some gifts for my B0NC$ ARC GETTING THINNER 35 Anger SEyat (Scot) 28Soa flyer Heading the groundswell de- brothers and sister?” giant military-equipment and man said “somr limited use’’ bridge construction contracts 35 King (FT.) flTraniportatlon 29Or^na of MtU UTbrouA WITH Act. TREATMENT WITH &oop carrier with 260,000 could be foreseen in the 1670s was awarded by State high- 37 Bora meani(ab.) 30Bncounter SBSnaaiilc mand ia far Bauble and Ken Youthful warmongers are ap- HORMONE^ ANP CALCIUM pounds of pay lift. for'such a giant plane, assum way departhnents in the first dolls, which have become some- parently in decline this year. MAY HELP THIS. half of 1963. The total value thing of an instituticm. Other In a sampling of letters, the A regular transatlantic jet ing it could be designed for pro- \ r" 3” 4 r“6 7 8 6 10 r only disturbing Item Is one handles 46 tons of cargo on a fitable operation. was $1,900,000,000, up 16.' per favorites of a year past have Ha*Hh Ciamtot aaw4aJ*abaala AifwaiHriiahw. U gers. Eponomy flights can take operates about 110 schedules a 1962. • IfUlfWnwlML 13 13 mmit of dolls that children, well Deterenee, however, appears to as many as 170 passengers.' fhtiiw, IM. versed In the teiminology of be his aim because he also asks UAMeHMwrmm. TMkt-ULNt M. for a spy detector which, In- The government’s announce- NOT SO i6 li 17 toys, havs no trouble separat- Yule Program ment Tuesday stirred specula- PROMISIMS ing. dicates a preference for con- BY V. T. HAMLIN PUPIL » tinuing the cold war. tion of a commercial sequel ALLY OOP IA The lattan, in their quiet Names of children's toys don't Held at School I even though Defense Secretary faith, remain much the same as seem to have become any more \ Robert S. McNamara said there fiONNAIAKE ICANiai^OU U13X. VfeAH..BUT In past years. LAttle time is were no thoughts along that THe UPVVTTH WMG WHCXS R U N N I N ' ■weufMinoe 22 rational than In previous years. The kindergarten and all six wasted in . formalities. One writer asks for Flip Flip grades at the Washington ! line. 6UZt WEU.6BE TM' COUNTRY... RUNNM' THIS Major airlinee sidestepped on- WHOtt RUNN«N' ms KIN6 6UZ.' CM^^ISMU AA 30 ‘IMy brother and I have been Flippo, another Tearie Dearie. School participated In a Qhrlst- ■tH« C30UNTRY/ 24 25 26 pretty good and my brother, There are a few unusual the-record comment beyond mas Program yesterday. In general expressions of interest, Bruce, wants . . begins one Items such tis the frosty snow song and recitation, the chil- CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 5T 33 letter. cone machine, the Patato Man, citing the many “Ifs” Involved Another begins, “My name is and something, which may or dren described the Christmas on operating characteristics, customs of different lands and operating costs and purchase 5T 36 Paula and I’d like to tell you may not be mispelled, called faiths. // what Id like for Christmas.” “Mystic Scull.” price. David Barrett was the mas- Selig Altschul, an aviation AA 40 42 43 She does. Tn a year of a rising econo- ter of ceremonies, describing The young lady includes a financial consultant, said If a my, children have kept down holiday celebrations in Euro- commercial version met severe postscript on a separate piece on their orders, perhaps with a pean nations. Dennis McOulre of paper that has a business- demands of economic operation, ER FW cautious eye to the future when recltated thd story of the mid- it probably would open the way like tone, "I forgot In. my Santa’s profits may be only December festival of Hanuk- 4 4^ 48 4A 50 B1 hz first letter to ask for Bsrble’s marginal and belt-tightening is kah. for sizable fare cuts and result new dream house.” In a “Treat stlmulatloir’ ot trav- in order. Louis Beaulac led the Wash- ' el, chiefly to Europe. 5A 54 55 One letter, which numbers Whatever the reason, chil- ington School Band in several * Its five requests for easy refer- “But there would be offsets to dren’s lists are unreasonably Christmas melodies. The great- economies of size, he added. SA ence, sUrts. "Please bring me.” reason.vble, and five or six Items ly varied program of song was 56 57 58 Another begins on a blunter led by Miss Martha White and "Great improvements would be PRISCSLLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER seem to be the limit. Some '■ required by such a huge plane T note, “SanU, I want.” The writers even offer Santa a Mary Haskell. ' in ground handling facilities. 60 Al A2 writer apparently regreU the choice from a list of several The program closed with GOING TO BED IN THE ‘ too quick opening because he everyone singing "Silent He mentioned extremely toys, and one child, old-fashion- heavy demands on facilities for AFTERNOON WONT MAKE OUT OUR W Al then adds, “Dear Santa, I ed to be sure asks for “nice set Night.” CHRISTMAS COME weint. . . ” The letter, Incidental- of dishes and a small doll.” Its | food service, iMinage handling, ly, reflects a stylistic turn — sanitation, lard in g and ticket- wH»rr's 7H' A SHOW OF PROTESTAMP DISAP- closing is a cheery “Love and ing that today’s airports are not aaatter with PROVAL By AM OLPSEKfriMEMTALIST/ a period after each word. Kisses.” WHEW HE S AWT HAT WEWALUMI NUM One letter employs the tra- Rec Schedules equipped to cope with. HIM* HE JUST And some letters' ask for "How do you go about feeding STROPE By TREE WE PLrr UR HE SAID IF WE COULPMT ] ditional ploy. It begins, with nothing at all. One letter states MUTTERIWS EW Joy THE SISHT OF A REAL, iai» soup fog up here,” a Coast Trade Body is 50 “Oh, I lik« the way the car you told me run», Mr. Higgel Guardsman said. "The wind WASHINGTON — The United What I don’t lika la the way it atopt!” must have been blowing 50 States began enforcing the Fed-1 OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! miles an hour.” eral Trade Commission Act 50 A Flying Tiger spokesman years ago. The first commission said there was no indication ^ k office March 16, 1916; more MORIARTY BROTHERS ue._ Aan 9,400 formal complaints cochham_ ORAMRAW a-24 what cau.sed the crash. He said Richards had been flying since have been issued since. BEN CASEY 1937 and joined the airline In SERVING Y O U W ITH 1950. 24 The Weather Bureau said visi- 24 Mobilheat . . . I /AUST ASK you TO I WOULD PREFER THAT RftOJLTy bility at takeoff was three miles ADHERE TO CERTAIN, AH, PEOPLE “ EVEN OUR OCCASIONAU with light rain and fog. scat- GASH SAVINGS HOUR RULES O F CONPUCT. LE CTUR E R S-N OT BECOME tered clouds at 400 feet and HOUR BY FRANK O’NEAL OVERLY-FRIENDLY WITH overcast at 1,000 feet. I 1’ K ) FUEL OH. RURNER ^ THE STUDENTS I , 11MI. Hlfc lit T* I-. •* Nt, iThe very warmest of holi- FLUSTERED BANDIT DEUVERY FUEL OILS SERVICE KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) Bday greetings for a Merryj —A man handed Blllye Kriss a handwritten note Wednesday sChristmas and a Happyj across the bank counter. ri.h It read, “Give me some «i M . I . O N CALL 643-5135 Ht dib loToot dme, when iNew Year to all of ourj money and you won't get hurt. Give me a stack about 3 inches 315 CENTER STREET M A N CH ESTE R hope and good •plrit* are h !|^ Icustomers and friends. high, with no ones." He held his we exprMt appreciation for your contfoued ‘ hand under his coat. FUEL OIL loyalty, and wirh you the beet d everything Mrs. Kriss said: “I can't give you Uie bank's money, but If SAVE UP TO for Chriacmaa aa alwaya. Thank y III!U \n .SI KEKT I TKI.. 013-1





AH! NOW IS MY CHANCE FOR AN ACADEMY AWARPa PERFORMANCE.' i PAGE SEVENTEBR MANCUESTmt BVEKINO HERALD, HANCHESTBB, CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER M, U<4 ISANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2f, 1964 Fans Still Hungry to Watch Professional Fbotball •T h ree Post-Season T ilts Listed* THE Sports V iew ing Happy Christmas for Cincinnati Coach ITRIDAY Herald Angle • p.m. ( 8) North vs. South Staubach, Huarte SATURAAT EARL YOST Weather Looms Factor 1:80 (80) duunplonshlp G reetings! BowHng BDorta U ttar Oub Fights Van Pacing Scorers, 2:00 ( 8) Bills Chargera 8:80 (80) Sports Special Facing One Another Topping this season’s yula- 4:00 ( 8) OoU Chtsalo Greeting! from Near and Far Way Back tide gifts for Manchester High’s Faoiilty Manager Ted Jimmy Baker Second (80) Sun Bowl I Christmas is the smukri for extendingr and receiving 8:00 ( 8) Wonderful Ag« of Btar-f Gaorgia will hava » problenf MartlB Is a brand new eon, NEW YORK the coaches of the I • greetings, ’m is desk has been the destination point for As P o w e r Ted ir., presented to him by In Both Title Contests Play ' - ^itudded South equad. of Its own In tha Bun B < ^ , The By PETE ZANARDI 8:80 ( 8) Wide World of Wayne Hardin and Ara Bulldogs mui/t atop Donnie An- ‘ ' a number of seasonal cards of this nature from friends his wife Dec. 22. Parseghian, who helped pull The proad father was Sports derson, third-best rusher In the and acquaintwees made on the sports beat over the NEW YORK (AP)— Members of undefeated teams hold down the first Parseirhian have their Huarte from the ranks of obscu- passing out cigars after (18) Boston Patriots nation who alao caught 82 pass- seven positions in the area schoolboy basketball scoring NEW YORK (AP)—The Heisman Trophy winning rity to the Heisman TrojAy, years. AU ca ru were appreciated, as always, and it Is iThis will be a happy Christ- Manchester’s High’s Basket- weather looms large over Foothall coaches the North along with es for 896 jrards. He ran ftw 966 good to hear from men one hasn't seen in years. roas for Ed Jucker. the race. Rockville’s Joe Van Oudenhove leads by a slim quarterbacks— Roger Stau- yards, an average of 4.6 yards ball win over Eastern Tues- Paul DieUel of Army, Hardln’e Oard. from fiar away places’^ day night. "He weighed In at margin over Jim Baker of South Windsor. the two pro football title SUNDAY bach and John Huarte— per carry. lasketball coach at the archrlval for three years. Included one fro m Moe Dra- even p o u n d s and six 'Van Oudenhove has thro'wn-^ games this weekend, which 1:00 (80) Roller Derby Georgia has no ona to match lx>w8ky, Kanaaa City baaebaU officials In the Bast and Joe University of Cincinnati. for one more game, but ounces,’* Martin said, "too In 66 points in three contests 2:00 ( 8) Colts vs. Browns SUubach. along with Tulsa’s Anderson, but quarterback pitcher, now realdliig to High- Soltys, chief tub thumper for His Bearcats, who won the schools. Indian standout Boh wound up by coincidence in Hardin and the South have light for a fullback so I for a 22 game average while Rhome, will have an unusually Preston Rldlehuber Ukes to run land Park, m.; Jim Hlgghu, athleUc teams at the flnlvar- national collegiate champion- Evans (16) and Andy Tomko Sl pair of stadia on the Bob Hayes and Jerry guess he’ll have to be a half- Baker le a ^ South Windsor speedy target in Hayes, the with the ball. In fact, ha set a former Little League baaeball •Ity of Oonnectlcut. ship In 1961 aM 1962 and Just of Cheney (15.6) are also high Great Lakes where winter • * • back. with 109 points for five con- Rhome, too. Florida AftM flash who Is re- school record this seiMon U r commlwloner hwe, now with missed an unprecedented third in the race. Ted Jr. is expected home teste. Baker has high game to- usually hits harder than RSox Sign That added duo could provide ceiving his first crack at major yards gained rushing by a T .. Santa Barbara, Calif., ad- The annual from the Don straight crown In 1968, ara on Last year’s scoring leader tomorrow to meet his broth- tal, scoring 28 against E. O. Jimmy Brown, the difference Friday in the competition. formation signal-caller. dress; Roae-Marie K o r s a k Bergers In RockviUe la a photo the way back. They didn’t quail Smith on Dec. 16, one better Allan Putz of RockviUe is In The North-South all-star college TTie North spent IH hours The Blue and Gray quad.'-, Malnes, former state table ten- of their eight handsome and fy for the NCAA championship er hUke 6, and sisters W«iidy than Van’s 27 point perform- fourth place with a 17 per 6 and Lynn 4. LiMgue Betties its championship Work Pact football game at Miami, one of Wednesday on wayii of stopping meanwhile, finished up their nis champ and cdrllne steward- beautiful chlldrexi, th6 mini of tournament alst season. ance against Windsor last game average. At the three \l first, with the (Jefendingr cham- three post-season contests the double gold medallet. workouts today with Blue Coa< h e-ss, now calling Las Vegas, the hoiue being high up In Lit- Jucker’s boyu won their fifth Tuesday. game mark last year the All- tle League baselball clrciea In Stater had a 20 points per pion San Diego Chargers visit- scheduled for this holiday week- "They’ll complete some pass- Murray Warmath of Miraieso ' Nev.. home. straight Wednesday night with a Paul Walkowski (18.5) edged ing the Buffalo Bills Saturday In T o r o n t o end. and Gray Coach Paul Davis r' the state; Hal Qoodnough, of Oregon State. Five baskets in Heinsohn Status East Catholic teammate Ray game. es on us, but our main concern the New York MeU’ front of- Schoolboys a v e r a g in g 10 afternoon. Georgia and Texas Tech clash Is to stop them from getting the Mississippi State both optlmi - q u i» succession by sophomdre Lagace (16.6) for top spot Jockey Sammy Vacantl pens fice and Just about the best erry Oouzlns broke a 41-41 tie a m o n g Manchester’s three points per game are: The next day, TORONTO (AP)—Tiie Boston In the Sun Bowl at El Paso, long bomb,” Parseghian said. tic. greetings as do Paul (Jorrenti, baseball speaker In the nation; Still Doubtful leads the Baltimore Colts, West- Tex., Saturday while the Blue Dietzel and Parseghian hope The big bowl weekend com'- and the Beavers never caught B F PtB Ave Red £ox have completed details major domo at the Holiday Flo Kloter, for many years a up G ern Division champs, and the Grqy all-star teams to offset Hayes’ potential, with next week with the Rose, Cc.l- .. .3 28 10 66 20 for a working agreement with Lanes; Nick Angelo, honored standout small pin bowler; Ed The Bearcats now boast a 6-1 BOSTON (AP) — The Boston the , the East- the Toronto Maple Leafs of the meet at Montgomery, Ala. Herman Johnson of Michigan ton, Orange and Sugar Bowl.; guest at the 'West Side Old Feustel, t packed the ...3 18 9 36 11.7 ment with the Washington Sen- The state’s No. 1 resident. hopes to be ready for the Pis- Bay, New Tork and Chicago-— Jackie Kemp, the Buffalo .spite the crunching rushing of won a pair in 1958-59. ri.EVELAND Ohio'^'CllAss and Paul Wlggln are veryacan contain Giovlno, manager o f the Park- Yost Fieldhouse at Ann Arbor to . . .5 23 11 57 11.4 ators last summer but the con- V-' A-/ ±-J V y ______1 _ ____ *_ ___ar\llf A*a/I \ tw fr\ vk»tl Gov. John Dempsey also found tons game. Coach Red Auer- and with the Cleveland site this quarterback, has an NFL back- fullback Brown for Cleveland. The Browns, once perennial (Browns’ split end) Is to put ade Lanes and one-time pro 'watch the Wolverines chstik up ...6 24 7 65 11 tract't renewed. capable ends, but so are Gino time to pen gieetlngs. <3on- bach also la hopeful, pointing year has revived suggestions ground and also played for San "I'm worried about the title contenders, have not (NEA) — The veteran pro Marchetti and Ordell Braaae the rush on quarterback Fran.: baseball lunplre. their sixth victory in seven ...6 20 2 42 10.6 Diego before the Cihargers let weather," Brown says. "A run- played for the championship played against both the Ryan. Warfield is fast and has • • nectlcut has never had a more starts. Cazzie Russell scored 21 out that he’ll need every mam ,...5 17 13 43 lOA that the tlUe game be moved (Colts), even if Gino’s reputa- for the frantic schedule. regularly to some place with him get away to Buffalo for ner ha.s to have the right condi- since 1957, when they were great moves. If I want to make Greetings iUTl’ved from Jcuik enthusiastic supporter of sports points and Bill Buntin 19. ....3 8 16 31 10.3 Cleveland Browns and Bal- tion carries him. At the tac- than the current governor; Auerbach, Incidentally, has more balmy December weather. 1100. tions. It’s a shame that weather bombed by Detroit. kles, young Jim Kanickl a first down, I want Berry. 1. Butterfield, biislness manager of The fifth-ranked San Francis- ....8 10 10 30 10 timore Colts this season Tony Alibrlo, high-class foot- co Dons, the only other team In been missing from Celtics work- The chances of that seam (Browns) played the best 1 want to win a game, I wan, the Sprln^eld Indians In the ....8 14 4 32 10.3 ball coach at Manchester High The Associated Press Top Ten outs this week. The red head Is slim. and has strong opinions. He against us and had a good Warfield. American Hockey League and didn’t say not to use his name, who recently stepped down af- to see action, made it six tn Washington 'with his family "Every time It Is mentioned I Hampson Out Front game against the rts events; Tom Stowe, and 22 rebountls, led the Dons in at the moment with the release San Diego took the AFL Utle — Priscilla Ather 460, Elna to the meat of the conversation. ter than Vince Costello because 12th among the 14 tight enc ball League: Moe Morhardt, AHL campaigns, has raced Into former sports editor here, now their easy ’vlcton’ at San Fran of National Basketball Associa- last year in California, 81-10, Wilson Quits Detroit Dlmock 4.59, Gingei- Yourkas ",” he began, he's smart. But the Browns’ in the league. former Clblcago Cubs’ baseball 'With the American Red Cfuas cisco. tion statistics showing him to be over the Boston Patriots. Veter- second pliu;e in the circuits 470, Olga Haberern 457. "is a bum—he couldn’t make "At offensive tackle, tin player, still In pro ban and at corner lineibackers, Galen Fiss In Washington, D.C.; Gene VlUanova and 8t. Joseph’s of fifth in the assists deperntment. Await Confirmation an was the quarter- scoring race and fini.shed last any oUier team in the National and , are damn Colts, with Bob Vogel and the moment, night supervisor AIMING FOR CHAMPIONSHIP— Nancy Kleimann week trailing Quebec's 'Wayne K OF C — Stan Hilinskl 204- Football League.” Moriarty, owner and manager Philadelphia also stayed In the Russell has an average o f,4.6 back in that game and will be good. Fiss never has a bad day, George Preas, have it all ovc. of basketball at the Y; Coim- unbeaten class and um>ed their assists per game, a startling paying his last game for the Hicks by only 2 points. His 36 Lions As Head Coaeh 550, Joe Lovett 212, Rollie Since Beach is the regular try Club Pro Alex Hackney; of szcellent fluhing .n d hunt- of Cincinnati, Ohio, is in training for the 1965 and Houston is a 110 per cent the Brawns. i.; ing camps In Maine; Frank records to 7-0. VlUsnova figure for a big center. LOS ANGELES (AP)—^The Los Angeles Lakers de- Chargers on Saturday. point total leaves him shy of Masse 226-569, AI Bergevin right corner back of the player. For the Colts, Steve very much overr^ed for Clev. top-flight duckpln bowler Joe worW archery championships. She held the title in 207-551, John Guard 200. John Miller, Mr. V<^leyl>aU in Man- crushed S t SYancls, Pa. 101-68 clined immediate confirmation of a television sports- This year John Hadl may be Hicks who leads the league for Browns and must defend Stonebreaker Is tough but land, even If he^mahes the a Twaronlte, the regular Main S t at Altoona and the Hawks 1961 and 1962 and the national laurels in 1962 and at quarterback. If Hadl runs the the sixth straight week. DETROIT (A P )—i-George Wilson quit as head coach Martin 245, Gene Girardin 224. against , the mail carrier; G ^ rge Ebiglish, chester; George Mitchell, for- caster’s report that they had acquired Wilt The Stilt makes mistakes, and Don Shin- star lists. He's Just mediocre. mer sports promoter here, now downed Bowling Green 00-64 in Hocky Champs 1963. Wife of Marvin Kleimann, attorney and field of the Wednesday in the wake of an ap- most prolific pass catcher of all nick can look great one play, ‘‘A t guard, Jim Park for years closely aiBliated with the opener of a doubleheader at archery fan, she took up target archery to avoid Chamherliun from the San Francisco Warriors. DEMOCRATIC WOMEN — times, in the championship Junior baseball in Mianchester, on the faculty at Bloomfield Sportacaster Jim Healy o f^ parent power struggle over the extent of his authority terrible the next. (Colts) is in a class by hims. Philadelphia. Temple whipped NEW YORK (AP) — North- Helen 'White 180, Marie Fraser game at Cleveland Stadium and the it^n who forwarded the High; Pat Bolduc and Howie sitting idle in the car while her then boyfriend pur- KABC-TV, Loe Angeles, told "In the secondary, give It to He has no peer as a pa Pennsylvania 78-59 in the night aastem has Its first major under millionaire owner William Clay Ford. 140-160—477, Ginger Yourkas Dec. 27, the point was uiunls- first <»rd of the season; Bill Holcomb, two former co-work- sued his spiort. Now they toilr the toumamenta to- vlewere Wednesday night that Scholastic Basketball The resignation came le.s.s<» ------the Colts. Lenny L

-All the new styles avail- MAY THE TRUE MEANING OF C R IE m iM able. We can fit you or O ur Sales Dept. W ill thankful your party quickly, effi- for our many frlenda UFT THE iSASIS OF ALL .MBN. me ^ ciently and reasonably. Be OPEN Saturday and wish them happinew at dita m l a u L em tom m m o - Custom fitting’ by our very special time. Merry Christmaal own expert tailor. See us . . BM V r BOUDMUB AU a first for formal needs. D ec. 26 From 9 A .H . to 5 P.M. Men’s Dept— Main Floor O ur Service Dept. W ill MANCHESTER

Be CLO SED A ll Day AND MAY ITS RADIANT UGHT BRING TIRK CITY PEACE TO ALL MANKIND. Fogarty Brothers house & HALE \ 857 BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER • ‘ a * DILLO N 'f"" ...... ' I— . . . . — ... M anchester Plum bing & Supply Co. Tire a t f will 1)0 oloaed December 38, Cbriotmaa Day, and APPLIANCE j f > ( » » R O A D S T R E E T • ERNEST LARSON, Prop. Bativdoy, December 34. Ihnergenoy ealls wlU be aoeepted SA LES and SER V ICE •« * at all houn. . BRO W N 'S P A C K A G E ST O RE YOCB FOBD PlBALEB CORNER o r BROAD AND MIDDLE TURNPUCB BIB M A IN STBEBT--JW N CH BBTBB ten MAIN STREET MANCHESTER B78 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WMT \ f . ? J f "

PAGE EIGHTEldl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1964 PAGE NlN g r i m Hooses For Sale 72 Saburban For Sale 75 Painting'—-Fapering 2l THERB 0U6HTA BE A LAW By FAGALT and SHORTEN Housm For Sak . 72 Houses For Sale 72 gix ROOM, modem Ranch, MANCHESTER—4-4, all good TOVl^Y _ Cuts I rooln IN^hBRIOR and eortsrlor palm* 8BVBN ROOM oidat Jnma, 4 100x300 loL near achool, 2 aised rooms, oil hot water ranch, double wooded lo t ga- Ing, wallpsper removed, fuM bedrooms, 8 batto, lot IBdU. fireplaces, full baaemenL ga^ rage, large living room vdtlj heat, redecorated Inside. S-car rage. Immediate occupancy. CLASSIFIED Insured. Rm e Belanger. 64g> ^^OUaMTA ffiPORT' MarloB B. Robertsoo, Realtor, Replace, only |8,60a Hayes 0613 or 044-4M>«. HlAR.IXf 9AMNf R VIAR! garage, good location. A. good ^ Air Real Estate, 643-9332. Investment for $21,900. CsU Agency. 643-4803. MIRRYTUMC ACCRUALS AHEAD Greetings INSIDE and outalde painting. Robert D. Murdock, U * R CAPB for 116,000 with an at- IL 90960 Realty Co., Inc., 643-369X tached garage. 6 finished VE^ON — 7 room Split Level You name your own price. and garage, outside patio, bar- ADVERTISING 649-786S, 875-840L SlliOS A90UT AHEM! ! I- rooms, new heat fireplace, ex- MANCHBS’TER — West Side. cellent residential location. Va- '**®**® PlL It acre lot, near While Santa quietly trims the tree 9USIMIS5 ***hmable m ortnge, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING D EfT. HOURS PAOmNO, EXTERIOR and In- 4%-4% room 2-family, ce- Older 6 room Colonial, new cant T. J. Crockett, Realtor, tenor, paperhanging, wall- •TOTHl aiding, garage, quiet location. 643-1577. $18,600. 19 Gerald Drive, 'Ver- and all wait expectantly for the 8 A . M. to 5 P.M. ramic tile baths, aluminum non. Owner 875-6745; paper removed, diy wall woric. STOCKHOLDERS- ston Y Kcel-Only $13,600. Hayes Agency, transferred — Must sell. Reasonable rates. Bank financ- lent ^ 1 l | I V jvc- 643-4808. happy day to arrive, we’ll wi«h you ing arranged. Fully Insured. XiKrge, new Garristm Colonial Wanted— Real Estate COPY CIX)SING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. tlon ,V k,/V ^l-^JL /i of OLD TWO FAMILY 6-4, needs 11 Free estimates. 649-9688, Jo- town. Hardly a steal, but In beautiful and convenient a very Merry Christmas. MONDAT Thru FBIDAT 10:M A.M. •— SATURDAI 9 AJU. seph P. LewlA work, very reasonable; also, WoodhUl Heights. $19,800. SPOT CASH paid for homes, worth It at $25,600. new duplex 4-6 now under con- 649^0721. farms and acreage, 24-hour sr pa stmctlon, central location. Call EIXTERIOR and interior paint- 4803•**- PLEASE READ YOUR AD Ing. Wallpaper,allpi books. Paper- Peg Cleszymskl, 649-4291. gOWiuRS SCHOOL — 6 room hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Fully ]. D. REALTY Garrison Colonial. Call Owner, or "W *Bt Ad»” M » taken over the phone as a insured. Workmanship guar- FOUR BEDROOM Ranch with 649-2104. Legal Notice to 3TOVI, our sood ftiendUBl oonvenlenoe. Hie advertiser should read his ad the FIRST A CHRISTMAS 90HUS?ARf VOU OUT 09 HOUR anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. B uT,9R0TMER.' 643-5129 648-8779 a neat rec room. Prime loca- MANCHESTER BOARD OF REALTORS DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the If no answer, 643-9043.' MIHPS1 THE WAV BUSIHESS HAS KiH VOOltl tion. ’Two fireplaces, combina- CUS’TOM DESIGNS^) contem- NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor- POES HE EVER LUCUV no BE ORAWINfi SALARif Sf"* tions, 1% baths. Needs redec- porary built for gracious liv- KILPATRICK 3TRUCTORAL Wesley R, Smith Agency ing, sunken living room, for- STEEL CO., m e. rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only STRIKE A SOUR. — 7=^/ ahothirviarl ike orating, owner anxious for ac- ? h«reby (dven. pursuant to the extent of a ‘{make good” Insertion. Errors which do not Bonds— Stocks— MANCHESTER -j Uke new mal dining room, planned for NOTE 10 HIS ; > THIS AHP WE’LL 6% room ranch, i2 foot living tion and the price Is negoti.- to General Statutes of the Suie of lessen the value of the advertisement wUl not be corrected by Mortgages 27 able. Started to the twenties. nine spacious rooms, 3 baths, Kilpatrick Struc- Active Members V/A6E SLAVES/ K OH THE BOCKS' room, 1% baths, beautifully two huge fireplaces, recrea- wral Steel Co., Inc., a Connecticut "make good” Insertion. finished family room, large Vacant. T. J. Crockett, Real- corporation havlnr Ita office and SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- tor, 643-1577. tion room, bar, patio. Priced in principal place of business In Man- wooded lot Hayes Agency, 40's. Can owner. 649-6285. 643- Sherwood A. Beechler Arthur A. Knofla , TOUR COOPERATION WILL HIAl Ad^.9711 limited funds available for sec- chesler Connecticut, has been dls- William E. Belflore Robert W. Lappen -ond mortgages, pairments to 643-4803. M 6863. jmlvefl by a resolution of Its dlrec- BE APPRECIATED l /I M l i I I ^rs and shareholders, effective Im- John S. Bissell Charles Lesperance suit your bucket. Ebcpedlent MANCHESTER — Executive mediately. All creditors If any. are Vincent A. Bogglni Elsie L. Meyer service. J. D. Realty. 643-6129. /3 -J f NOTICE mo der n, centrally located warned to present their claims to neighborhood, lovely 7 room Cape, 4 down, 2 unfinished up, Lessner. Rottner, Karp Jk Plepler. Stanley Bray Ellsworth A. Mitten Colonial, mammoth living DECISIONS near schools and shopping. Attorneys at I^w. 821 Main Street. Elizabeth J. Carpenter Herbert J. McKinney Help Wanted— Female 35 room, modem kitchen with Variances - Exceptions Immediate occupancy. Bel Air Manchester. Connecticut, on or be- Alice Clampet M. Kenneth Ostrinsky Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? buUt-tos, 2-car garage. Sacrl- fore April 20. 196,5. or thereafter be Granted Real Estate. 643-9332. “ X'"'''’ *’*'' ’’ > statute provided. T. J. Crockett Ruasell Philbrlck CLERK - TYPIST, permanent Tm. U. S. 09^-AS rifM« cm*) flee at $19,900. Hayes Agency, Richard F. Dimock Marion E. Robertson IfM ky UaRtd Netwe Syd!—*!. Elwln D. McAdam, Side line at Manchester. Connectl- 24-Hour Answering Service position, experience in proc- 643-4803. three bedroo m modem ri'ii **’ ' ^ December, Lawrence Flano Earle S. Rohan essing purchase orders help- variance, with conditions, 62 ranch, Bowers School, 2 fire- William E. Goodchild Sr. MANCHESTER — New 7 room Bv: Polly G. Schelnost ful. Small office, many ad- Weaver Rd. places. full basement, nicely Kilpatrick Structural Steel Co. Inc. Free to Herald Readers raised ranch, 2-car garage, Lillian G. Grant Madeline Smith vantages. Call at Noble A Articles For Sale 45 RoomsWithout Board 59 Apartments— ^Flate— Howard Johnson Rest., treed lot. Only $17,900. Bel Lessner. Rottner. Karp A Plepler Edward J. Holl Robert H. Smith Want Information on one of our classified advertisements T No Westbrook, Division of Bristol buUt-tos, 1% baths, % acre lot, Sign variance, with condition, ______Its Attorneys ELECTRIC ROAD RACER FURNISHED ROOMS, corn- Tenements 63 Air Real Estate, 643-9332. Warren E. Howland Elva E. Tvler answer at the telephone listed 7 Simply call the Bras.s Corp., 20 Westbrook tremendous value. Hayes Agen- Buckland St. (Int Wilbur Cross set; two pairs men’s bowling plete light housekeeping facili- cy, 643-4808. Carlton W. Hutchins Alfred P. Werbner Street, East Hartford, Conn., LARGE ONE ROOM with Bay.) Alexander Jarvis Robert I. Wolverton shoes, size 11%, with carrying ^ ties. Centrally located. Mrs. stove. Alexander Jarvis, Sigto vari- or call 289-2717. refrigerator, heat. hot EUGHT room raised ranch Several Stores EDWARDS case. Punching bag set. 643- Accomazzo, 12 Arch St., Man- water. Apply Marlo'w’a 867 ance, with condition, Hartford Lots For Sale 73 4611. Chester. 643-6948. two years old, large living Mato. room with fireplace, modem Rd. (Cor. Bridge St.) ANSWERIND SERVICE LPN or RN. full or part-time, Leslie Knox, Variance to use ANDOVER^Long Hill Road. 4 Close Saturday BEAUTIFUL, comfortable AVAILABLE January 1st, 613 kitchen with built-tos. ’’family acre building site, best residen- Xl-7. 875-2077. room, 4 or 6 bedrooms, 2-zone 4 bldgs, for storage, with con- Diamonds— Watches— room in private home, use of Main Street, Sheridein Build- tial area, orchard and wood- A number of Manchester 6494)500 - 875-2519 kitchen If desired, bus line, hot water heat, garage, $24,600. dition, 140 Woodside SL Associata Members MERRY CHRISTMAS: We are Jewelry 48 ing. 2% rooms with bath, Ellsworth Mitten, Special Ex- land, stone fences, brook. stores will be closed the Sat- and leave your message. T oull hear from our advertiser in Jig happy AVON Representatives parking. Inquire 27 New St. Philbrlck Agency, M0-84M. William E. Belfiore Agency third floor, $69, Includes heat, ception to conv. single-family Hayes Agency, 643-4803. urday following Christmas to time without spending aO evening at the telephone. have been able to meet the WATCH AND JEWELRY re- Barbara Babin John H. Lappen hot water, stove, refrigerator, SIX ROOM Cape, large kitchen into two-family dwelling, 37 give their employes a long holi- enorjnous demand for our pairing. Prompt service. Up to and utilities. Adults only. Tel. living room with fireplace, im- day weekend. Anne E. Bartlett Henry Madden Christmas Gifts. We now FURNISHED ROOM, all im- Hollstier St. Lost apd Found 1 Business Services $20 on your old watch in trade. 643-5694, 9:30-5. , mediate occupancy, $15,000. Suburban For Sale 75 The stores that will close are Paul Dougan Everett McKinney know that all the care and ef- Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, provements. 136 Bissell St. First Hartford Realty, Vari- William Frazier Charles Nicholson Offered 13 Philbrlck Agency, 649-8464. ance for slg;n, with condition, primarily the specialty stores. FOUND — Table silver place fort that has gone Into the 737 Maui Street, State Tneater Norman Hohenthal William Rood FIVE ROOM apartment, heat, Manchester Shopping Parkade- EAST HARTFORD — Oak Most shops handling regular setting, vicinity North End. HAVE truck — Attics and cel- manufacture and packaging Building. ONE BLOCK from Mato, two consumer goods will be open, Edith Howland Conrad Rueter of our products will bring Apartments— Flats— hot water, garage, 643-9051. Mld. Tpke. West. Street area. Young Cape, 6 Owner may claim by identify- Itirs cleaned. Rubbish removed. family, 4-4 duplex, permanent according to Chamber of Com- Kenneth W. Lappen Doris Smith great joy to thou.sands. Why Raymond F. Damato, Special rooms. 1% baths, hot water ing and paying for ad. Call Reasonable. Call 649-1043 after Tenements 63 siding, two recent heating sys- heat, wooded lot, school and merce Retail Division head not join us so you too can Fuel and Peed 49-A tems, garages, clean. Hayes Exception for g;roup dwellings. 643-2395. 5:30. THREE ROOM apartment. In- bus. Florida bound owners ask- Phillip Harrison. share In fulfilling the ever-in- LOOKING for anything in real Agency, 643-4803. East of No. 586 Hilliard SL LOST—Small, long haired dog, creasing demand for our prod- quire 136 Bissell Street. Peter Besslni, et al, Variance ing $17,700. Act fast! Robert Among those plaiming to TYPEWRITERS — Standard estate rentals — apartm.snts, Anderson, Realtor, 528-0139, close are Watkins Bros. Inc. reddish-brown, male, mixed and electric. Repaired, over- ucts in your neighborhood. DRY HARDWOOD for sale, homes, multiple dwellings, call PORTER STREET Area — 6 to use bldg, for offices, with The Worldss Christmas — Tokyo breed, license No. 86876. Call Call 289-4922. cut to order, 742-8059. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. room Cape, fireplace, 2-car conditions, 358 East Center St. 528-1776.. furniture store, most paint and Affiliate Members hauled, rented. Adding ma- wallpaper supply stores and Candy canes several stories high decorate main 643-6627. chines rented and repaired. t*'urnlshed Apartments 63-A garsige, la ^ e tree shaded lot, Temple Beth Sholom, Vari- WOMAN to babysit in my FOUR ROOM apartment, heat- $17,900. Philbrlck Agency, some clothing stores. lobby of huge Tokyo department store. The Asian Pickup and delivery service. Garden— Farm— Dairy ance to use bldg, for offices and FOUND— Reddish brown, male, home Monday through Friday, ed, with garage, recently re- ROCK'VILLE CENTER—Mod- 649-8464. variance on parking space, with Many who plan to observe nation has adopted Christmas as one of its many Robert Boyce, Manchester Servings and Loan Association Yale Typewriter Service. 649- em 4 rooms, heated, furnished, SMALL FARI\I William Johnson, Savings Bank of Memchester Pomeranian type dog. Call 4986. Pine Street area. Call after 6 Products 50 modeled, Cedar St., Manches- conditions, 63 Linden St. the long weekend have adver- gift-giving holidays. (AP Photofax.) Lee Fracchia, Dog Warden, p.m., 649-0041. ter, $125 per month. Call W. all utilities, adults; also, three MANCHESTER — Short way Temple Beth Sholom, Vari- tised their closing hours in ’The Russell P. McGrath APPLES—Macs and Cortlands, room, adults. 875-9121. ou t Cape Cod, 5 down, 2 un- Raymond Miller 643-8594. REPAIRS on all makes of re- Harry England, 649-5201, after ance for sign, with conditions, FOR XMAS Herald. frigerators, washers, ranges, KEYPUNCH operators, 3-111 No. 1 and No. 2. Bunce Farm, 6 call 742-7883. finished up, attached garage, trated herself in the street. E Hartford Federal Savings A Loan Association, E. Hartford / NOTICE is hereby gdven that shift and 6 p.m.-2 a.m. shift. 14 Spencer St. full cellar, nice condition, small 400 Mid. Tpke. East. Stocks in Brief The husband, police said, got Roland Miller and dryers. All oil burners ANEKD'VER—Three room fur- M. Little & A. Smachetti, Modem 5% room ranch, 2- Pass Book No. 94031 issued cleaned and serviced All work Apply to Mr. Jack Hunter, 'THREE ROOM heated apart- lot. Full price $8,500. ’The Ells- Into his truck, saw his wife in Hartford National Bank, First National Branch, Manchester by The Savings Bank of Man- Manchester Memorial Hos- ment, 456 Main Street Call nished apartment. 742-7541. worth Mitten Agency, Real- Variance for undersized apts., car garage, recreation Sew A Weskit Set the street but drove away. When E'verett E. Moore guaranteed. Cosms \ppliance Household Goods 51 361 Center St. room, tile bath, extra lava- NEW YORK (AP)—The stock chester has been lost "And ap- Service, 606 Center, (MO-OOee. pital, equal opportunity em- 649-5229, 9-5. tors, 643-6930. market was mixed In dull pre- he returned, police said, he saw Conn. Bank A Trust, Manchester Branch, Manchester plication has been made to ployer. LARGE, well furnished, house- American Coal Co., Special tory, porch, fireplace — the police and a crowd before RUGS, never used, 9x12 gold, NEW DELUXEs4% room du- keeping room for one adult, all MANCHES’TER — Ranch 6 Exception for Limited Repair- many extra.s. Beautiful holiday trading early today. said bank for payment of the YOU ARE A-1! Truck Is A-1! Exchanges ^11 be closed Fri- his home. amount of deposit. $30; 9x15 ruby Oriental, $35; plex apartment! heat, hot wat- utilities, parking. 272 Main. rooms, modem kitchen, built- er’s License, 555 West Middle land.scaping. located in nice Cellars, attics, trash, small day in observance of Christmas. Police said two witnesses re- trucking done A-1 right! Call Help Wanted— Male 36 12x15 off white nylon. 289- er, appliances, dryer, parking, in stove, dishwasher, etc. Din- ’Tpke. neighborhood, high eleva- ported seeing an automobile run 6955. full cellar, $1!50 monthly. J.D. ONE LARGE furnished room. ing room, large living room tion, good view. The house, FYactlonal changes were the M3-2928, Tremano Trucking Heated. Bedroom set, kitchen The above will be effective over the woman and leave the Announcemeiitfi CLERK, accurate typist, gen- Realty, 643-5129, 643-8779. with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, full new bam and outbuildings rule. Service. E'VERYTHING In sterilized re- set, refrigerator, gas range December 26, 1964. scene. Non-Resident Agencies eral office work, hours 3-11 basement, 1-car garage. $18,- Filed in office of Town Clerk with 12 acres, located in Du Pont resumed its uptrend p.m. Apply Lombard Broth- conditioned used furniture ana free electricity, gas. Low rent Police said Mrs. D’Andrea was ELElCrROLUX sales and serv- SNOW PLOWING — You name WE HAVE customers waiting 500. Philbrlck .^gency, 649- —December 23, 1964. Vernon, 2 miles from Wil- after interrupUng it Wednesday. ice, bonded representative. Al- ers, Route 5 and Burnham appliances, high quality- -low for the rental of your apart- Apply 10 Depot Square, Apt. 4 wearing a black coat as she lay Bernle Cantor Real Estate Center your own price. Sidewalks also 8464. ' Zoning Board of Appeals bur Cross, all for $30,000. The stock ro8B~ more than a In the street. fred Amell, 110 Bryan Dr., cleaned. Telephone 649-7863, Street, South Windsor. prices. LeBIanc Furniture, 196 ment or home. J. D. Realty, point. Betty Krlstofak Thomas G. Welles South Street, Rockrille. 876- 1% ROOM, light housekeeping John L. Clifford, ,E. T. McKinney Realty, Her husband, who runs a cigar Manchester. 644-8141. 875-8401. 843-6129. MANCHESTER — Luxurious 8 Bolton, 643-2141. Outboard Marine, the most ac- Samuel Lavltt CARPENTERS WANTED. 2174. Open 9-8. furnished apartment, central room ranch, 2 full baths, main- Chairman stand In a hotel, said that she INCOME TAX returns, busi- Steady employment, paid vaca- ly located, reasonable. 649 Herbert J. Stevenson, tive gainer yesterday on an un- had lain In the street once be ELECTROLUX OWNERS — FOUR ROOM flat, second floor, tenance free redwood exterior, confirmed rumor, slid nearly a ness and individual, prepared Free pickup and delivery. tion, insurance plan, new home LEAVING state:— Selling rec central location, heat, hot 8404, 12 noon-6 p.m. family room with fireplace, Acting Secretory fore after a quarrel, police re- room, bedroom and living point. by full-time Income tax ac- Prompt service on your Elec- construction and remodeling water, one year lease. Call scenic acre lot. A Must See for EAST HARTFORD — 7 room ported. countant. New laws effecting work. Only first-class men re- room furnishings, including 649-5048 after 6 p.m. 2% ROOM furnished apart Ckimsat took a similar loss. trolux (R) cleaners. Also, fea- ment, light housekeeping, cen the quality conscious. Hayes older Colonial, excellent fam- Big Three motors all lost retirement income. Raymond turing rug washer. Call Elec- ply. Call 649-5391 for appoint- excellent upright piano. 649- Agency, 643-4803. Iflflay the bells of Ghristmas (Dtiy 0721. THREE ROOM apartment, trally located, reasonable. 12 ily home, large lot, close to small fractions. Steels were nar- Girard. Call collect 875-7362 trolux authorized Sales and ment, McCarthy Enterprises, Forbes Street School, 1% Inc. heat, hot water, stove, refrig- noon-6 p.m. 649-8404. MANCHES’TER—Splc ’N Span rowly mixed. U. 8. Steel was Service. 649-0843 or 236-4251. HOTPOINT electric 40” range, bath.s, city water and sewer. echo within your heart INCOME TAXES prepared in Ask for Augustine Karaienski. erator, $90. 247 No. Main. 649- 6 room Cape, 3 bedrooms, spa- firm. Republic up a fraction, your home or by appointment. FIRST-CLASS MACHINISTS 4-burners, automatic oven, 3 6228, 9-5. E. J. Carpenter, Realtor, 649- Jones & Laughlin easy. cious kitchen with formica 5051, Mr. Day, 649-9204. I Experienced tax work. 24- and mold makers. Must be able storage drawers, timer, timed Business Locations counter and stainless sink, full Polaroid lost 2 points. IBM hour service. Call 643-4723. to read blueprints and do own outlet and clock, excellent TWO ROOM heated apartment gained nearly a point. Household Services For Rent 64 length ll'vlng room-dlnlng room TOLLAND — $2,500 assumes -setups. Apply Triangle Manu- condition, $60. 643-4696. and bath. 149 Oakland Street. combination, oil steam heat, Many stocks were unchanged. Charles Lesperance Offered 13-A facturing Company, 95 Brook- $65. 649-5229, 9-5. FOR LEASE—Excellent loca- mortgage, save closing costs. The trend among rails, oils SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT aluminum storms and screens, Spotless 5% room Colonial Personals 3 lyn Street, Rockville. tion for doctor’s office or and mall order - retail stocks REWEAVING at BURNS, moth portable sewing machine, THREE ROOMS, Ule bath, heat $15,500. Wolverton Agency, Ranch, bullt-ifts, % acre wood- beauty parlor. 415 Main Street. Realtors, 649-2813. was unchanged to slightly low- STATE LICENSED rest home holes. Zippers. repaired. Win- EXPERIENCED meat cutter, complete with case and at- and hot water furnished, sec- ed lot. Hurry! Hayes Agency, Completely renovated and am- er. centrally located, reasonable dow shades made to mea.sure, i good salary and excellent tachments, excellent condi- ond floor. 15% School St. ple panting. J. D. Realty, 643- 643-4803. all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys MANCHESTER GREEN AREA The three - day holiday week- rates, friendly atmosphere. j working conditions. Apply tion, $55. 649-0152. across from East Side Rec. 6129. A 6 room Ranch with 3 gener- TeL 875-1011. made while you wait. Tape 'e- ' First Food. 646 Center Street. MANCHESTER VICINITY—A end ahead prompted traders to corders for rent. Marlow’s. 867 COME AND GET IT! THREE ROOM, third floor, ous bedrooms, dining room, even up their positions—offset- MAIN STREET offices for rent. spacious living room with fire- 3 bedroom ranch on a country- RIDE WANTED to Podunk Main., 649-6221. HELP WANTED — Full and ^ U S E D __ heated, centrally located. C&lj Ideal location, heat, janitor, size well shmbbed lot, huge ting losses with profit taking. Building, So. Windsor, house part-time, 18 years or older, BUT IN GOOD SHAPE 643-0082, between 7-8. place, large kitchen with for- But many Wall Streeters were plenty customer parking. 649- mica counters, oil hot water living room with fireplace, 300 PAGES OF pickup, Manchester Green vi- nights. Inquire Burger-Chef, A BIG. BIG BARGAIN! planning to get away from their Building— Ckintracting 14 FOUR ROOM apartment, sec- 5334, 643-7175. heat, plaster walls, attached family size kitchen, full cellar, cinity. Call 643-8722. 235 Main Street, between 9- 3 ROOMS FURNITURE condition, $15,500. jobs early and some commodity 11:30 a.m. WITH APPLIANCES ond floor, redecorated, gas garage. Owner transferring. exchanges were shutting down QUALITY CARPENTRY- Wolverton Agency, Realtors, FOR ONLY — $388 furnace, adults, no pets, rea- $15,900 Wolverton Agency, after half a day. AutomobOes For Sale 4 Rooms, dormers, porches, •sonable. Ready January 1. 300 Houses For Rent 65 Retiltors, 649-2813. 649-2813. I basements reflnlshed, cab- INCLUDES Today Is the last day that Dogs— Btrfls— P*»ts 41 Spruce St. FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch profits could be taken for pur- NEED CAR? Tour credit turn- inets, bullt-ms, fom\ica, tile. Electric Refrigerator PRACTICALLY VACANT, NEW HOMES being construct-' LIVING completely decorated, 2-car poses of the 1964 tax returns ed doivn? Short on down pay- No Job too smail. William CHIHUAHUAS Christmas Deluxe Range 4% ROOM garden apartment, owner moving. Beauty of a ed, 8 minutes from Manches- ment? Bankrupt? Reposses- TV Set or Washer includes heat, hot water, stove, garage, one year lease with ter. « Cape Cods, Ranches, 8367 by selling "regular way" — for Robbins carpentry service .'ipecial. Puppies, male. $55; Cape, 5 large rooms, expand- 10-20 •lon? Don’t despair! See Hon- ). 649-3446. Bedroom Suite refrigerator and parking. Rent option to renew, $195 per Raised Ranches — time to delivery after the fourth busi- female, $40. Call evenings 742-1 month. 742-7004. able, breezeway and two car est Douglas. Inquire about low- 8520. I Living Room Suite $120 per month. Office 15 For- garage. Approximately two i cho'ose „ your individual lot ness day. Losses may be regis- tered “ regular way” through est down, smallest payments CARPENTRY — 32 years’ ex- 6 Pc. Dinette Set est Street. Phone 643-0000 FOUR ROOM ranch, furnished acres plus a large building (30 | now. Call Robert D. Murdock, perience. Ceilings and floor RUGS — LAMPS - TABLES anywhere. No small loan or fi- FRIENDLY BASSET - Beagle Available January 1st. or unfurnished, oil baseboard by 100) in rear. Located on j II & R Realty Co., Inc., 643- the last day of trading, Dec. HISTORY tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga- nance company plan. Douglas hniind. two years old. Free for —LINOLEUM heat, knotty pine, oak floors, Route 44-A, just over Bolton 2692, 643-6472. 31. Motors, 338 Main. rages, additions, attics fin- taking. 643-9179. and a few other small articles NEW 4 ROOM RENT, second line. $16,000 Etssumable mort- floor, $110 without heat and adults. 643-6389. In brightly colored wool to ished. remodeling, concrete ALL ON LOW LIBERAL , gage. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, spice your cooler weather ward- AS YOU IIVED 1964 MONZA convertible, pal- work. No job too small. Imme- COCKER PUPPIES-Harmony TERMS ! electricity. Call John Ponticelli COMPLETELY furnished 4 643-1577. robe. The weskit requires very omar red with white top, 4- diate estimates. 643-2629 Hill Kennels ha.s a few beau- ^ All are used, but in good & Sons, Inc,, 643-6578, after 6. room house, automatic heat, Pineapple A'fghan! Angry Woman speed, 110 h.p. turbo air en- little fabric; the pleated skirt tiful male piippies left silver, shape and guaranteed. It's a adults only. 649-1794. EXCELLENT 6 room Ranch, gine. fully equipped, excellent CARPENTRY—Rec rooms, for- FOUR ROOM apartment, sec- is immensely popular now. buff and goldens. 7 weeks, wonderful bargain, one which attached garage, built - in Lying in Street IT THIS YEAR! condition, 6.000 original miles, I mica, ceilings, closets, remod- AKC registered. H. C. Chase, ond floor, 178 Maple Street. No TIae Sea.sozi*s No. 8367 with Patt-O-Rama eling, hatchways, attics fin- cannot be duplicated. furnace. $65. Tel. 643-4751. stove, dishwa.sher, disposal, is in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. This handsome; king-size, lav- factory gruarantee still good Hebron Road. Bolton. 643- Suburban For Rent 66 "b est t o y ou J for 20 months, a.sking $2,300. ished, concrete steps, floors, .5427. wall-to-wall carpet, 2 baths, Bust 31 to 40. Size 12, 32 bust, Killed by Car SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT HOSPITAL AREA—Deluxe 5% rec room, washer and dryer. ishly illustrated volume brings to Call Rockville 875-4758 after porches, garages. No job too SEE MIKE ANTICO COVENTRY LAKE—4% room weskit, % yard of 54-inch; 6 p.m. small. 649-8880. GROOMING and boarding, will room apartment, built-ins, dln- ranch, fireplace, lake privi- Immediaee occupancy, Msum- Warren E. Howland, skirt, 1% .Yards. STAMFORD (AP)—A 52-year- life again what happened in a collect and deliver. H C. nette, appliances, tiled bath, leges, $85 a month. 643-1686. able VA mortgage. Hanley To order, send 50c in coins A— E—R—T—’S yard, garage, basement. $125 ^ old woman was killed by a hit-1 memorable news year. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, 1 i gh t CARPENTRY — Bathrooms Chase. Harmony Hill Ken- Agency, 643-0030. Realtor to; - - Sue Bumelt, The Man- ' and-run driver early today after 1 43-45 ALLYN ST., monthly. Hayes Agency, 643- grreen, exceUfent condition, 23,- tiled, recreation rooms, remod- nels, Bolton. 643-5427. BOL’TON CENTER Apartments, chester Evening Herald, ll.'iO she had a quarrel with her hus-' IT ORDERED 000 mile.s, $1,075. Call 643- eling, garages, additions, ce- HARTFORD 4803. Comer Brandy St. and Bo'.ton and Associates II11 \V''.Ri.r> I'- OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. AVE. OF AMERICAS, NEW , band and lay down In the road- 0121 after 3:30 p.m. ment work. Call Leon Cieszyn- Center Rd., new 3 roisms, heat, way outside her home, police re- THROUGH THIS NEWSPA- thanks to all ski, 649-4291. Articles For Sale 45 SCHOOL STREET — Warm, 5 YORK, N.V. 10086. hot water, stove, refrigerator, For Ist-class mailing$add 10c ported. REFRIGERATOR KELVINA- rooms, 3 bedrooms, modem $125 649-3266. 643-4312. E S T O W PER ONLY. our loyal patrons. Auto Accessories— Tires 6 DION CONS’TRUCnON—Roof- BEAVER RIDING tractor — ‘ TOR, 12 cubic feel, good run- kitchen, ample closets, first w PH ARM ACY N for each pattern. Print Name, The victim was Mrs. Margaret ing. aiding, alterations, ceil- 36" .snowblower, 42" mower. ning condition, $25. Call after floor, parking, $100. Glaston- Address with Zone, Style No. D’Andrea of 139 (Jold Spring Crammed with dramatic stories u V's / ROCKVILLE — Now available. 459 Hartford Rd. 649-9946 K. 1 PAIR OF SNOW tire.s, almost ings, gutters and aluminum 36" blade, $1,250 value. Make 5:30^ 643-2009. b\irv 633-1874.- Attractive 3% room apart- and Size, Road. by the top writers of The Associ- / new, 750x14, reasonable. Call windows. 64S-4S62. 648-0896. an offer, settling an estate.; ment. includes heat, hot wa- Ready for w u now — the Police quoted the woman's 643-8692. 644-0156. THREE ROOM iinfuraished ter, range, refrigerator, park- OPEN new fail and winter '64 issue of husband. Joseph, as saying that ated Press, world’s largest news A, A. DION. INC. Roofing Musical Instruments 53 apartment, second floor, Por- ing. Near shopping and bus ^JPrescri£tlon8j_ofCo^^ Basic Fashion, our complete Mrs. D'Andrea ran out of the Wolverton Agency siding, painting. Carpenjry. Al- THE PROVEN carpet cleaner ter Street area. $80 monthly agency, plus hundreds of news and CHRISTMAS SPtitClAL — $200 line. 12 minutes to Hartford pattern magazine. 50c 'a copy. after a quarrel and pros- i : l-’l r Auto Driving School 7-A terations and additions. Ceil- Blue Lustre is easy on the includes heat, hot water, elec-' over Parkway. Suitable for feature pictures in black and white ings. Workmanship guaran- budget. Restores forgotten discount! oh floor models of tricity and gas, no appliances LEARN ’TO DRIVE — Special Kin.sman^inet organs. Dubal- one or t#o per.sons. $100 teed. 299 Autumn St. 843-4860. colors. Rent electric shanj~ furnished. Call 643-6940 for monthly. 875-3748 or 875-0250. and color. Also maps and a cur- attention to nervous and eld- pooer $1. Paul'.s Paint & Wall- do Music Qenter, 186 W. Mid- appointment. dle Tpke. I erly. Classroom for teen-agers. BIDWELL HOME Improvement paper Supply, ROCKVILLE — 5 large room rent almanac of basic information. C-XT'TX - Pickup service. Day or eve- Company—Roofing, siding, al- A’TTRACrrVE 4 ROOM apart- 1 A GUILD guitar and case, apartment, nice big yard, at C ^ R Is r m A S ning lessons. Reasonable rates. terations, additions and re- SNOWBLOWERS, new and ment, second floor, basement i close to town. Call collect 875- X Manchester Driving Academy modeling of all types Excel- used, Arlens, Snobird, Toro, hardly u.sed, cost $112, will and attic, steam heat, opposite •IT WILL BE A BOOK TO READ ^ ( {-\ )■ j.... ) sell for $65. 875-0465. 8322. May your holiday be 742-7249, lent workmanship. 649-6496. Wheelhorse, and Moto Mower. Center Park. No pets. Avail- PINEAPPUE Service and parts. Capitol able January 1st. 649-7529. , SOUTH WINDSOR—Wapping happy and -A BOOK TO TREASURE CROCHET Equipment, 38 Main Street, Wanted— To Buy 58 center. Four room heated your blessing! Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Manchester. Open daily 7-6, DUPLEX APARTMEN^I apartment. 644-0130. -A BOOK TO GIVE Thursday 7-9. Saturday 7-4. WANTED TO BUY-AnUques kitchen with range hood, dis- 1958 HARLEY - DAVIDSON ROOFING T- Specializing re- posal, refrigerator, living and ROCKVILLE — 5 room, heat, .....UrPM':-" Sportster CH, X.L.C.H., $450. pairing roofs of all kinds, new and good used furniture Vll- -A BOOK FOR REFERENCE LOAM SALE! Dark rich, stone- •age Peddler Auction House. dining rooms, % bath on first stove, refrigerator included. ' ^ NAtional 3”3813 between 5-10 roofs, gutter work, chimneys free loam regnlar $14 for $12. fl-cor. Carpeted stairs to sec- Call between 3-8 p.m., 876- 0 p.m. cleaned, repaired Aluminum Route 83, BlUngton. 876-3711, Stone fill, sand, gravel and Bob Fluckl^er. and Son ond floor. 2 bedrooms, ceram ic' 0577. siding. 30 years’ experience. manure. 643-9504. bathroom. Excellent closet Free estimates. Call Howley, Bilsiness Services WE BUY, SELL or trade an- and storage space throughout BOLTON— Nice 4 room ranch, 643-6361, 644-8333. SORRY SAL is now a merry tique and used furniture, china, apartment. Basement storage unfurnished, furnished, near Offered 13 gal. She used Blue Lustre rug glass, sliver, ’picture frames and laundry. Parking. On bus shopping and school bus. Be- and upholstery cleaner. Rent fore 6, 649-6867. LAND CLEARING, tree re- Kadlo-T\’ Repair and old coins, old dolls and line. Call 649-4887 between 5-7 Lawrence F. Fiona Agency electric shampooer $1. Olcott guns, hobby collections, attic p.m. moval, and chain saw work. Services 18 Variety Store. A. Michaud, 742-8096. contents or whole estates Fur- 2685-N RESERVE YOUR f7„E wor l d in is64 3% ROOM garden apartment, BiLSiness Property CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv COIN COLLECTORS — Silver niture Repair Service Talcott- Add a welcome note t o ‘your SHARPENING Service — daws, vlUe. Conn. Tel 643-7449 includes heat, hot water, For Sale 70 Manchester Evening Herald ice, available all hours.- Satis- Dollars — 1889-(’c, 1878-er. .stove, refrigerator and park- favorite corner with a love- COPY TODAY AT I knives, axes, shears, skates' faction guaranteed. Call 649- 1890-O. 1889-0, 1884-0, 1878, rotary- blades. Quick service.' WANTED — Good used 30” ing. Rent $110 per month, Of- BUSINESS ZONE m - Bight ly crocheted afghani Make it in 1315. 1879, 1880, 1921. 1922, 1923, electric stove. Call after 3.30, fice 15 Forest Street. Phone rooms with two otfioes, sep- gay colors in your leisure mo- ^errp Caplto" Blqulpment Co,, 38 1924. Also some Liberty Head Main St., Mtinchester. Bwrs 742-8261. 643-0000. Available January 1. arate entrance, sultatde tor ments. SPECIAL $3 PRICE! I nickels, dime.s, quarters and bustoees or profeasional use. Pattern No. 2685-N has cro- Enclosed is $------. Please send ------copies dally 7-6. Thursday 7-9 Satur- Moving—^^rucking— halves. No dealers. 643-0982. day 7-4. 643-7968. FOUR ROOM unfurnished, sec- Philbrlck Agency, MO-8464. chet directions for pineapple. Cbristmas Storage 20 — i Rooms Wltnout Board 59 ond floor apartment. Inquire , diamond and two-tone 1 noi of THE WORLD IN 1964 at $3 each. SKI BOOTS, made by Henke < ( 233 Center St. shown) designs; stitch illustra- LAWNHOWEIR jbaipenlng; re- MANCHES’TER DeUvery. Light of Switzerland, size 11%, ex- pairs, sales, rotor blades THE ’THOMPSON House, Cot- Houses For Sale 72 tions. and tinctre mail It with your checK . ' trucking and package delivery. cellent condition, $30. Call tage Street, centrally lodated, 56 PEARL STREET. 3% room To order, send 35c in coin.s to: sbarpeoed;.bicycle sales, serv- Refrlgecators. washers and 649-5547.' CONCORD RD. - Beaiitlfiil ice. Manchester Qycle Shop, large pleaq^tly furnished apartment, first floor, front Anne (3abot, The Manchester wUhM lor a or money order remit- ...... stove moving spiclalty. Folding and back porch, remodeled In- ranch, large living room, term- 140 W. Middle Turnpike, 649 rooms, parkipgi Call 649-2368 Evening HeraHd, ItoO AVE. OF chairs for remt. 648-C^8S. NEW NE&CO Roaster with side and out. Heat, hot water, al-mn^ room, cabinet Idtoben, holiday Moun Ml ol the 30BS. for overnight and permanent Tlao SeELson'a AMERICAS, NEW YORK. N.V. tance for $3 to the ad- i addr ess .*.*'.*.*ap* utility table; new Bell A How- guest rates. stove, refrigerator and park- L bedrooms, racraatiaa room, sranath ol a good. ell movie cameras, models 220 loose. LAWN MOWERS—Stonrpened ing included. $100. 649-6544. landscaped yard. Iforioo BL a «or«ne md " yoixl dress indicated on the ] Painting— Papering 21 and 252; new electric paint re- ROOMS FOR RENT, monthly . — . J.____ Robertson. Realtor. O«S-S0n For Ist-class mailing add lOc «ld-ia«hleiisd ChiUlsMS. r.sai>tUtr» To all our friends..a cLUim mAa, and repaired, winter storage. mover. 643-5332. SIX ROOM duplex, 98 Wood- happy holiday aeasoa, ‘ tor each pattern. Print Nftme, ' Sales and service —. Ariens, basis preferred, 249 No. Main '. . y. Coupon. The book will be ...... •••••••...... v ...... 'X PAINTING and paperhanging, ' Street. Contact Mrs. Irish.' , bridge St. Call after 6 64^ MANCHESTER - New 8 room Address with Zone and Pattern I Snowbirds,, diso rental equip- good work, reasonable rates, BE GENTLE, be kind, to tli^t 9765. . • Garrison Colonial, 12x24 living Number. •- y nd state ment. L A 'ft Equipment Corp., 30 years In Manchester; your expensive carpet, clean It with COMFORTABLE ROOM to ------1------1— ,------room, family room, bullt-to Hayes New—'64 Fall-Winter Album! rneiled in Tebruerv* | A I ^ t e 88, Vernon, 876-7609. SAMUEL M. LAVITT Elizabeth J. Carpenter, Realtor neighbor is my recommenda- Blue Lustre. Rent electric private home for one or (wo kitchen, master bedrooita with Apticles; Custom Collection; Barrows & Wallace . Manchester Shcchange—Eintei> tion. Raymond Flske, .649- shampooer $L The Sherwin- working girls, board optional. FIVE ROOM duplex, garage, dresstog rpom, low twenfiaa- A GC N CY Agency togular features; Items to prim |»45. ~ 9287. WUllams C a Call 643-6746. 195. Call 649'1948. Hayes A g e ^ , 648-4801. make! Onty 60c a copy. (ReMnred books win be mftiM in Febniarj) / '-V rAGB T W E im THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1964

iKanrh^Bter Svrttiins HmtUt

contributed to the statewide Christmas Seals campaign during the first four- About Town week period. This figure repre- Bring in $310,000 sents 66 per cent of the 1963 Ainnan RoMn C. Andrews, No Herald {otal contributions in Connec- ■on of Mr. and Mrs. Neal E. An- ’The 1964 Christmas Seal ticut drsrws of S92 Vernon St., has 'Tomorrow Campaign In Northea.stem Con- Christmas Seal funds were eomplated Atr Force basic mili- necticut has received contribu- responsible for financing Xrays tary training at Lackland Air tions amounting to over 830,- aiid tuberculin testa for more F ane Base, Tex. He will begin The Herald will not pub- 006, according to the camptUgn than 9,000 residents of North- training as a supply specialist eastern Connecticut dublng lish tomorrow, Christmas chairman, Mre. Arthur W. Ctm- 1964, as well as for health edu- BIP . AN. C . l A UGR O O M O at the Air Training Command bie of Wlllimantic. School, Amarillo AFB, Tex. Day. Merry Christmas to Mre. Croeble reports that cation and medical research He is a 1964 graduate of Man- one and all! aimed at more effective control EVERY M O N D A Y — 8 P.M. 831,087 had been contributed to and treatment of tuberculosis cheeter High School. date by the residents of Tolland 26 VILLA G E STREET. R O C K V IU E and Windham Counties and the and other respiratory diseases The bingo at Orange Hall towns of Suffield, Ehifleld, East such as emphysema, bronchitis will be played as usual Slatur- Windsor and Manchester. and bronchiectasis. day at 7:30 p.m. Buckley Pupils “We are still counting on those who have not yet sent in VFW Auxiliary has canceled Write Yule Play their contributions and hope to Its card party sdieduled for to- FOR HIM exceed last year's mark of 835,- ELECTRIC RAZORS morrow night. The boys and girls of Buckley 600,’’ sold Mrs. Crosbie. COMB A BRUSH SETS the School put on a Christmas As- Mrs. James H. Godfrey, pres- SHAVINO SETS

sembly yekSterday. One of the Loitnf photo ident of the Connecticut Tuber- Liorlna photo culosis and Health Associatioh, ARTHUR DRUG highlights of the morning, Engaged had announced earlier that OPEN T O Engaged which included songs and a more than 8310,000 had been The engagement of Miss Bar- P.M. The engagement of Mis.s Pa- safety skit, was a play written bara Marie McCreedy of Man- tricia Liebman to Burton C. by the fifth graders. chester to John J. Pasquarelli TO N ITE Jackson, both of Bolton, has Performing in the play were Jr. of Portland: Conn., has been been announced by her ^ re n ts, Bruce McAIpine, Brian Flint, announced by her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cfebman Judy Whitesell, Barbara Jeff- and Mrs. George M. McCreedy of Rt. 44A. Her fiance is the eries, Joseph Blazinski, Phyllis of 240 McKee St. son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Spak, Charles Smith, Jan Spen- Her fiance is the son of Mr. Jackson of Clark Rd. cer, Paula Hurlburt, Randy and Mrs. John J. Pasquarelli of EVE Miss Liebman is a graduate of Cole, Rene Block. Portland. Manchester High School and the U X M AS Also, Robert Allen. James Miss McCreedy is a graduate, Creative School of Hairdressing, Rook, Karen Batteron, Sam of Manchester High School and LAST MINUTB TOT Hartford. She is a beautician at Krutt, David Zubrow, and Rich- Morse College. Hartford. She and GIFT SELECTIONS Creative Coiffures, Manchester. is a secretary in the nurchasing Mr. Jack.son is a graduate of ard Callahan, Manchester Surplus Sales Carolers were Donald Char- department of Pratt and Whit- Howell Cheney Technical School ney, Division of United Aircraft 169 N. Main St. and Creative School of Hair- land, Sharon Jayner, Jeanne at Depot Square 643-7111 Corp., East Hartford. dressing. He is employed at Pa- Foster, Linda Panciera, Mary Mr. Pasquarelli is a graduate risian Coiffures, Manchester. Ellen Dodd, Bradford Karge, of Portland High School and at- A May 196S wedding is Thomas Perry, Alan Sandals, tended the evening division of planned. Charles Lundberg, Wendy Mor- the University of Hartford. He Our heartiest good wishes for a h a ppy rison and Diane Estey. CAR RENTALS was employed in the treasury a nd joyous Yuletide go to you a nd yours. Robert Sheinost was the an- ] department at Pratt and Whit- nouncer and Alan Sandals, I ney, and is now serving with we extend our sincere good wishes. or LEASINC Randy Cole, and Charles Lund- ' the U.S. Army in I^ouisiana. DECI'S DRIVE-IN SPECIAL XMAS berg handled curtains, lights, I A June 1965 wedding Is From the Employes and Management of the • An Mokes C L O S E -O UT and stage properties. I planned. 462 CENTER STREET t • An MecMs American-Made MANCHESTER PUBLIC MARKET Waterproof Overshoes CLOSED TODAY AT 6 P.M. • An Times Boys’ sizes 4, 5, 6. 7 A. PODROVE, Proprietor 81.09 CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS DAY Pool Dodge Pentioe Men’s sizes 8, 9, 10, IS, 14 803 - 805 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER INC. 81.39 tax InrI.

373 MAIN STREET MR. A U TO W A S H jnione 649-3881 pu Broad St., Manchester

you ro

I «ndo%v«d

with all the joys

of the seasoal


The Beauty Box at Christmas 351 CENTER STREET Let us rejoice

emi join together with

Cbrisfmns spirit to etlebrate His birth.






dremlng of ■ bright

CbristmM for our nunijr friendi and jeleeaibTliaakyeBieejenr generous support.