The Red Crescent Society is based on a charity.

On the eve of the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Red Crescent Society we are beginning to think about this organization and we are defining once again more exactly how we must support this organization. At the beginning of my congratulation letter I would like to cite from a speech that our President Mr.Ilham Aliyev delivered at the opening ceremony of Juma mosque in district. In his speech Mr.Ilham Aliyev said: “Islam religion is a religion of a charity”. The Red Crescent Society also prioritizes charity and humanism in its activities. In time of natural disasters, emergency situation and fires our citizens affected by these disasters see the representatives of the Red Crescent Society besides them. The name of this organization also reflects its mission and objectives. Using of one of the symbols of Islam religion as an attribute of this humanitarian organization demonstrates once again that the Red Crescent Society is based on national-moral-religious values. Being a supporter to its government in the humanitarian field the Red Crescent Society has been carrying out noble activities. Our country is in a war situation with Armenia. In this situation there is a serious need for increasing activities of the Red Crescent Society throughout the country, carrying out humanitarian projects, health promotion activities among population, particularly strengthening blood donorship in our country. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been working in close cooperation with the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Azerbaijan. This cooperation helps to solve a number of problems caused by the war. Particularly this cooperation has a significant role in releasing prisoners and hostages as well as in keeping a contact with them.

During our contact with people in our district we learn more about people’s attitude to different organizations. We learn which organization provides a real assistance to population of our district. We see that the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been working now more closely with population in comparison with the 1990s. “First Aid”, “ Control over a treatment of TB ill patients”, “Community based health” projects and other projects of the Az.RCS have become now sustainable. This is a result of close working of the Red Crescent Society with population.

Successful activities of any organization depend mostly of its financial opportunities. Without referring to statistics I can say that we consider our activities in this direction in our district very successful. The number of members of the Red Crescent Society in Ismayill district has considerably increased. Transfer of donations and membership fees to the Red Crescent Society has considerably increased as well.

The National Society in its turn assists to population. Each family affected by natural disasters, fires and other emergencies in our district has been assisted by the National Society. I would like to remind you here the last case. A fire was occurred in a building of Irrigation Systems Office in Enishdibi village of Ismayilli district. 3 IDP families from Shuha region were living there. Fire in the building has destroyed all property of these families. The Red Crescent Society under the leadership of a member of the National Parliament Novruz Aslanov was the first who assisted families affected by a fire.

Ismayilli district local authority provides all-round assistance to the Red Crescent Society. Ismayilli district local authority supports to the Red Crescent Society to increase its finances, the number of members and volunteers of the National Society as well as creates necessary condition for activity of communities. Ismayilli district local authority also provides necessary care and assistance to those who retired as a volunteer of the Red Crescent Society. In 2014 Ismayilli district local authority celebrated the 95th birthday of a former activist and a volunteer of the Red Crescent Society Shirmayi Mirzaliyeva.

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan always provides care and assistance to people of Azerbaijan and demands from each of government officials to serve to people. We also try to render a government assistance to vulnerable people. Together with a chairman of the Red Crescent Society and member of the National Parliament Novruz Aslanov we are carrying out these charity activities.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate all members of the National Society on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. I wish every success to all of you in your noble activities.

Best regards,

Mirdamad Sadigov

Head of Ismayilli district local authority

Doctor of Economic sciences, professor

Honorable figure of science