Platinum Metals Industrial Catalysts Catalysis of Organic Reactions EDITED by M
Platinum Metals Industrial Catalysts Catalysis of Organic Reactions EDITED BY M. G. SCAROS AND M. L. PRUNIER, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995, 599 pages, ISBN 0-8247-9364-1, U.S. $195.00 This book comprises a set of papers presented reactant purity, agitation and poisons are at the 15th Conference on Catalysis of Organic considered. This is followed by a paper detail- Reactions, held in Phoenix, Arizona, in May ing noble metal recovery operations and the var- 1994. It covers a variety of topics, such as het- ious steps involved in the noble metal “loop”. erogeneous catalysis, asymmetric hydrogena- Heterogeneous catalysis in organic synthesis tion, hydrogenation, oxidation, hydroformyla- is discussed by R. L. Augustine and colleagues tion, catalyst design and catalyst characterisation. from Seton Hall University, New Jersey. This One topic which is emphasised is hydrogena- is illustrated by the platinum catalysed oxida- tion (alpha to omega), and this is intended to tion of alcohols, carbon-carbon bond forming allow a better understanding of the entire reactions of supported palladium catalysts for process, from choosing a catalyst to the noble the Heck type arylation of allylic groups, and metal “loop”. There are over 60 papers and 186 by enantioselective heterogeneous catalysis, contributors, with a healthy number of these which includes the hydrogenation of a-ketoesters being from industry. A large proportion of the to chiral a-hydroxyesters using chinchona alka- papers deal with reactions involving platinum loid modified platinum catalysts. group metal catalysts, reflecting their impor- A detailed study of the homogeneously pal- tance to both academia and industry.
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