Day (Yrs A, B, C) Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) On Reformation Day the church honours and other reformers of the six­ teenth century, and reformers of every age. Luther’s teachings focused on the promises of scripture, emphasizing that the Spirit works in our hearts to speak God’s word to us and that we receive God’s grace through our faith in Christ. This is the truth that makes us free. Our life in the Body of Christ is shaped by this gift of freedom. Focus Scripture John 8:31–36 Focus Scripture: John 8:31–36 Additional Scriptures Most scholars believe that the gospel of John Through Jesus, the Son, we are given a Jeremiah 31:31–34 was written around 85–90 CE. Jesus’ identity permanent place in the house of God. True and teachings are the priorities in this gospel. freedom comes through Jesus the Christ, not Romans 3:19–28 John draws us into the new life and under­ any human ancestor. True freedom comes not standing of God’s purpose that Jesus makes from one’s heritage, but as a gift from God. possible. Truth for the Jews involved their identity in Gracious God, Reflected in the focus reading today Abraham; Jesus’ truth involves identity in is the struggle within the early church God. write your law on between Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah The leaders of the Reformation empha­ our hearts and and those who did not. This division was sized the gospel teaching that true freedom let your word of probably not as sharp in Jesus’ time as the is not related to ethnic distinctions or social grace dwell in us words in John might lead us to believe. When class. Only Jesus the Christ can free us from so that no matter the gospel of John refers to “Jews,” it usually slavery to sin, and does so through the truth where we are, we is speaking of Jewish religious leaders. It may of the gospel. may know we are be helpful to think of the dialogue in John Martin Luther felt that the heart of gospel forgiven and free. truth is summed up in Romans 3:19–28. All between Jesus and the Jews as a challenging Amen. discussion among “family members” who are people fall short in their relationship with experiencing a strained relationship. God, but God offers forgiveness of sins Verse 30 is a springboard into the focus through Christ. We are justified – put right verses. Jesus has been teaching, and verse with God – by the gift of God’s grace, through 30 reports: “As he was saying these things, faith in Christ. many believed in him.” Jesus’ words to these The Hebrew exiles in Babylon blamed the new believers begin in verse 31. slavery of exile on their ancestors who had Living in Jesus’ way leads to truth, which disregarded God’s law. In Jeremiah 31:31–34, in turn leads to freedom. The Jews are puzzled the prophet envisions a future time when the by Jesus’ teaching and claim that because ability to know God and God’s truth will be a they are descendants of Abraham, they are gift from God, written on each heart. already free. They claim they have never been Psalm 46 is the inspiration behind Luther’s slaves, neglecting to recall the time of slavery classic Reformation hymn, “A Mighty Fortress in Egypt or the Babylonian exile. Is Our God.” The words of the psalmist, and In John, the writer uses the phrase “very the words of Luther, call disciples to place their truly I tell you” (v. 34) to signal that a new hope in God alone. teaching is to follow. In verses 34–36, Jesus • • • • • addresses the group’s misunderstanding of Scripture calls us to live with God’s law on freedom with the new teaching that everyone our hearts, to let our faith determine how who sins is not free and is a slave to sin. we act. Jesus invites us to open our hearts to Jesus teaches that slavery is not limited to an receive God’s gifts of grace and salvation – economic reality, but also is an inward state of to claim our freedom in Christ. What in the being. Even those who claim freedom through church today needs to be reformed by God’s Abraham are not as free as they think. grace? What might you and your church do differently through the reforming, restoring power of the Holy Spirit?

Seasons of the Spirit © 2012 Wood Lake Publishing Seasons of the Spirit™ Ages 6–8 Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) 1; Reformation Day (Yrs A, B, C) The Focus for Ages 6–8

hildren aged six to eight love drama the heart of his teaching – something we want and dramatic stories of lives lived big. the children to remember, along with the dra­ COn this day they will have a chance ma of the story. The resource sheet “Martin to celebrate the life of someone who lived life Luther’s Seal” (p. 6) provides you with the to the full. The story of Martin Luther is one image of the seal and a description of the six of the great stories of the Christian tradition. main elements of the seal to help you in the Today’s session can help children learn how discussion with the children. The six parts of Martin Luther made such a difference to the the seal are presented with statements simple Christian way, and perhaps be inspired by his enough for the children to understand. Invite life story in their own journeys of faith. children to share their own understanding Children in this age group are concrete about the symbolism of the seal. They can be learners and it is help­ful for them to have your teachers when it comes to appreciating a something they can take away from a session statement like “We can trust in Jesus to show and use later to link back to the story. Martin us God’s way.” Pray that Jesus will be a guide Luther’s seal is a wonderful example of such to God’s way for these chil­dren, just as Jesus a symbol. It not only has an important place was for Martin Luther. within the story, but it also carries within it


Before the session q Prayerfully reflect on the focus scripture, (p. 6), enlarging if possible; colour as indi­ John 8:31–36, and biblical back­ground cated by the description of the symbols; material (p. 1). cut the symbol into separate pieces. q Prepare a worship area with red fabric, Respond white pillar candle, and Bible with a book­ Choose from the following suggested activi­ mark placed at John 8:31–36. ties. Prepare and bring the materials. q Bring candlesnuffer and matches. q Bookmark: bookmark-lengths of wide red q Bring CD player, if possible. ribbon, small pieces of felt, white paper, scis- sors, staplers q Decorate the room with red items (such as q streamers, paper hearts, balloons). Story bags: small plain paper bags, art and craft supplies, glue sticks; if possible, make Gather arrange­ments for photocopying. q Bring song “Circle Song” (#11 on Seasons q Edible seal: copies of resource sheet “Martin Music CD, volume 7) or “We Thank You, Luther’s Seal” (p. 6), sliced bread, pieces of God” (#22 on Seasons Music CD, volume 9); dried fruit, cream cheese, butter knife, large tin both recordings also available as Seasons or other cutter, coloured pencils or markers mp3 downloads. Bless q Make two small signs: one saying “No q Bring song “God’s Family” (#12 on Seasons way!” and one saying “Yes! That’s right.” Music CD, volume 7) or “Following Where Jesus Engage Leads” (#14, Seasons Music CD, volume 8); both q Bring resource sheet “Meet Martin Luther” recordings also available as Seasons mp3 (p. 5) and many paper heart shapes and buttons. downloads. q Make a copy of the seal illustration from resource sheet “Martin Luther’s Seal”

2 Seasons of the Spirit™ Ages 6–8 Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) Seasons of the Spirit © 2012 Wood Lake Publishing; Reformation Day (Yrs A, B, C) Reformation Day (Years A, B, C)

Scripture FOCUS To celebrate Reformation Day through the story of Martin Luther. John 8:31–36

Welcome the children and invite them to notice Sing “Circle Song” (#11 on Seasons Music CD, all the red decorations. Explain that red is a volume 7) or “We Thank You, God” ((#22 on Sea- colour that is used for special days in the church sons Music CD, volume 8). year. Mention that today we are celebrat­ing Ref­ Connecting life and theme ormation Day. It is the day we remember Martin On one side of your meeting space place the sign Luther, who brought the good news of the Bible saying “Yes! That’s right” and on the opposite to many, many people. side place the sign saying “No way!” Invite the Opening ritual children to play a game where they will move Gather in the worship space and invite a child to to the signs to indicate their agreement or disa­ help light the Christ candle. greement with statements such as “Soccer/foot­ Pray the following prayer, inviting children to ball is fun to play; I love pickles; Brushing teeth repeat each line after you. is important; I think everyone should come to Dear God, church.” Talk together about how it is easier to as we gather in this circle today, share how we feel about things like pickles but help us to learn more about it can sometimes be harder to share what we following in the way of Jesus believe about more important things. and showing your love. Amen.

Preparing for the story Explain that on Reformation Day we cele­brate would tell the stories of Jesus from the Bible. changes that took place in the church about 500 These stories helped show people how to live in years ago. Martin Luther was one person who God’s way. They can help us to live in God’s way stood up for what he believed in and helped too. Invite children to sit in a circle and recall make those changes. some stories from Jesus. Be prepared to help the Bible story children name stories. As each story is named, Use the resource sheet “Meet Martin Luther” place a heart in the middle of the circle. Invite to tell the story. Explain that Martin Luther cre­ children to take turns throwing a button into the ated a seal to help people remember some of the circle. If it lands near the middle of a heart, help things that he taught about Jesus and God. Dis­ children think of one way Jesus’ stories can help tribute the pieces of the seal (from the resource us as we learn to follow God’s way. Continue sheet “Martin Luther’s Seal”) and invite children until there is a button on each heart. to help you put the pieces back together, like a Poem Jesus told his followers: “If you keep on puzzle. Explain the meaning of each piece as you obeying what I have said, you truly are my disci­ complete the seal. ples. You will know the truth, and the truth will After the story set you free” (John 8:31, Contemporary English When Martin read the Bible and prayed, he grew Version). Encourage children to create actions as to love God more and more. Martin wanted you read the following poem: everyone to know about God’s great love, so he

Seasons of the Spirit © 2012 Wood Lake Publishing Seasons of the Spirit™ Ages 6–8 Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) 3; Reformation Day (Yrs A, B, C)

This is our Bible, our special book. Stories of Jesus that we want to know. Open it up and take a good look. Knowing God’s story will set us all free. Stories of God’s people from long, Free to make choices – free to be me! long ago.

Choose one or more of the following options. q Story bags Jesus told people stories be the cover. Cut three pieces of paper the same and encouraged them to follow his size as the rectangle. Place on top of the felt and teachings. We can share Jesus’ teach­ fold the felt and paper in half to form a tiny ings with others too. Invite children book. Place two long pieces of ribbon inside the to make “story bags” to hold a list of back of the tiny book to form a bookmark and sto­ries about Jesus. First invite children to help staple the closed “book” near the folded edge. you make a list of as many Bible stories as they Help children make their own bookmarks and can remember. Distribute paper bags and art encourage them to use these to help mark sto­ and craft supplies and invite children to deco­ ries of Jesus’ teaching in the Bible. rate their bags with drawings of their favourite q Edible seal Martin Luther’s seal is a reminder Bible stories. While they are doing this, make of some of the things Luther taught about God copies of the list of the stories, using a photo­ and Jesus. Distribute copies of the resource copier if possible, and give one to each child to sheet “Martin Luther’s Seal” and ingredients place in their story bags. Encourage children to and help children make edible seals following share some of these stories with a friend. the instructions. Affirm the children’s efforts q Bookmark Martin Luther encouraged people to and enjoy eating together. Encourage children read their Bibles. Invite children to make a Bible to colour their paper copies of the seal to take bookmark. Demonstrate how to make a minia­ home as a reminder of today’s story. ture book by cutting a small rectangle of felt to

Gather in the worship area. Ask the children to for people like Martin Luther form a friendship circle. Recall that today we who help us learn more about God’s love. Amen. heard about how Martin Luther shared Jesus’ Sing “God’s Family” (#12 on the Seasons Music CD, teaching with others. volume 7) or “Following Where Jesus Leads” (#14 on Pray the following prayer, inviting children to the Seasons Music CD, volume 8). repeat each line after you. Send each child out with the words, “(Child’s Thank you, loving God, name), go and share God’s love with others.”

How well did the children connect with the story to honour the children’s experi­ence of and lan­ of Martin Luther? In what ways can you continue guage for God’s freeing love?

4 Seasons of the Spirit™ Ages 6–8 Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) Seasons of the Spirit © 2012 Wood Lake Publishing; Resource Sheet • Reformation Day (Yrs A, B, C) MEET Martin Luther Story Tip So Martin decided to do something about it. It is important to tell a story as you feel it. If you He translated the Bible into German. Then, enjoy it, the children will too. everyone in his country could read and under­ stand it. And he wrote many, many books as well. Some of those books were meant for artin Luther lived a long time ago in parents so they could help their children know a little town in . When he God’s love. Mwas 17 years old he went to a uni­ versity to study. Martin’s father wanted him to One day, Martin wrote a list of 95 things he study law, but Martin was more interested in didn’t like about what the church taught. Martin knowing more about God. Instead of staying nailed the list to the church door for others to in law school, Martin left and entered a mon­ read. Imagine. This was how people often let astery to become a priest. others know how they felt about things! Many in the church wanted Martin to change his It was in the monastery that Martin found a mind about what he had put on the door. But Bible – the first Bible he had ever had a chance Martin said, “No!” Martin wanted others to to read! Martin spent long hours studying the know the truth about God’s love and forgive­ Bible and praying to God. The more he stud­ ness. Martin was serious. There was no way he ied, and the more he prayed, Martin realized would change his mind. And because of that, that many people loved God, but they did Martin was no longer welcome in the church. not know all the good things God wanted for them. But it never stopped Martin. Martin continued to teach, and write books and hymns about his Martin wanted people to be able to read the love for Jesus and God’s love for us. Bible for themselves so they would know about Jesus and God’s gift of love for everyone. Other people had questions and wanted to But how were they to do this? Bibles were very change what was taught in churches, too. They hard to get and few people could read them. started new Christian churches. One of these At that time, the Bible was written in a differ­ churches was called the Lutheran church, even ent language most people couldn’t understand. though Martin Luther didn’t want it named after him.

Seasons of the Spirit © 2012 Wood Lake Publishing Seasons of the Spirit™ Ages 6–8 Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) 5; Resource Sheet • Reformation Day (Yrs A, B, C) Martin Luther’s Seal

A picture can communicate a lot of important ideas, without using a single word. Martin Luther created a seal, or emblem, that helps us to remember some of the things he taught about God and Jesus.

Colour the image (right). Show the image to the children. Focus on one symbol at a time, and talk about its meaning. Encourage the children to give their own interpretations before adding your own.

Black cross: Jesus died on the cross. Red heart: God loves us. White rose: We can trust in Jesus to show us God’s way. Blue background: This peaceful colour reminds us of heaven. Golden ring: God’s love for us has no beginning and no ending.

MAKE YOUR OWN EDIBLE SEAL Ingredients: Instructions: Slice of bread; dried fruit such as 1. Use the empty can or biscuit/cookie cutter to cut a round golden and dark raisins/sultanas, circle from the slice of bread. cranberries, apricots, apples, 2. Spread cream cheese on the circle until it is all covered. shaved coconut; spreadable 3. Use the different coloured pieces of dried fruit to make a cream cheese seal of your own using (a) symbol(s) that remind you of something important about God and Jesus (heart, cross, Materials needed: dove, circle, flame…). Large empty can or large round 4. Show your creation to the group, and explain why you biscuit/cookie cutter, butter chose the symbols you used. knife, small plate 5. Eat and enjoy!

6 Seasons of the Spirit™ Ages 6–8 Reformation Day (Years A, B, C) Seasons of the Spirit © 2012 Wood Lake Publishing;