
Indigenous Productions Alexie, Sherman, dir./writ.2 The Business of Fancydancing (USA 2002; 103 min.). Anderson, Mike. Old Antelope Lake (“Navajos Film Themselves” project, Sol Worth & John Adair, USA 1966; 15 min.). Barclay, Barry, dir. Ngati, writ. Tama Poata, Pacific Films (New Zealand 1987; 92 min.). Beaucage, Marjorie, dir./prod./writ. Speaking to their Mother (Canada 1992; 25 min.). Belcourt, Shane, dir./writ. Tkaronto (Canada 2007; 105 min.). Benally, Susan. A Navajo Weaver (“Navajos Film Themselves” project, Sol Worth & John Adair, USA 1966; 20 min.). Campbell, Maria, dir./prod./writ. The Road Allowance People (Halfbreed, Inc. (Canada 1988; 48 min.). ——, dir. Journey to Healing, prod. Maria Campbell & Linda Jane (Gabriel Pro- ductions & Program, Extension Division U of Saskatche- wan (Canada 1992; 45 min.). Cardinal, Gil, dir. Big Bear, prod. Doug Cuthand, writ. Rudy Wiebe & Gil Cardinal (Télé-Action Bear Inc. & Big Bear Films (Canada 1998; 180 min.). Cheechoo, Shirley, dir./writ. Bearwalker (Canada & USA 1999; re-released as Backroads, 2000; 80 min.). Clah, Al. Intrepid Shadows (“Navajos Film Themselves” project, Sol Worth & John Adair, USA 1966; 15 min.). Cohn, Norman: see under . DeMenezes, Carlos, dir. Trespassing, prod. Susana Lagudis (USA 2005; 116 min.). Desjarlais, Sharon A., dir./writ. Two-Spirited (Canada 2007; 6.47 min.). Eyre, Chris, dir. Tenacity, prod. Paul S. Mezey (NYU TSOA GFTV & Cheyenne Arapaho Productions, USA 1994; 9 min.). ——, dir. Smoke Signals, writ. Sherman Alexie (Shadow Catcher Entertainment, USA & Canada 1998; 88 min.). ——, dir, Skins, writ. Jennifer D. Lyne & Adrian C. Louis (USA 2002; 84 min.). ——, dir. Skinwalkers, writ. James Redford & Tony Hillerman (USA 2002; 94 min.).

1 Sometimes the listed running time of films does not correspond to the actual running time – as in the case of Flaherty’s Nanook of the North and Kunuk’s Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner. The difference results from the fact that for my analysis I only took into account the running time without credits. The running time of most films in this filmography is taken from the Internet Movie Database at http://www.imdb.com. 2 The writers of the screenplays and writers of texts on which the film is based, where ap- plicable, are listed as writers. ¹ Bibliography 381

——, dir. Edge of America, writ. Willy Holtzman (USA 2003; 105 min.). ——, dir. A Thief of Time, writ. Alice Arlene & Tony Hillerman (USA 2004; 94 min.). ——, dir. A Thousand Roads, writ. Scott Garen & Joy Harjo (USA 2005; 40 min.; signature film for the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC). Harjo, Sterlin, dir./writ. Four Sheets to the Wind (USA 2007; 81 min.). Kahn, Alta. Untitled film (“Navajos Film Themselves” project, Sol Worth & John Adair, USA 1966; 10 min.). Kunuk, Zacharias, dir./writ. Qaggiq ( Isuma Productions, Canada 1989; 58min.). ——, dir./writ. Nunaqpa (Igloolik Isuma Productions, Canada 1991; 58 min.). ——, dir./writ. Saputi (Igloolik Isuma Productions, Canada 1993; 30 min.). ——, dir./writ. : Our Land (Igloolik Isuma Productions, Canada 1994–95) ——, dir. Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner, writ. Paul Apak Angilirq & Norman Cohn (Igloolik Isuma Productions, Canada 2001; 172 min.). ——, & Norman Cohn, dirs. The Journals of Knud Rasmussen, prod. Norman Cohn, Zacharias Kunuk, Elise Lund Larsen, Vibeke Vogel & Stephane Rituit (Igloolik Isuma Productions & Bartok Film, Canada & Denmark 2006; 112 min.). Lucas, Phil, & Robert Hagopian, dir./prod./writ. Images of Indians (KCTS/9, USA 1980; five-part series: The Great Movie Massacre, Heathen Injuns and the Hollywood Gospel, How Hollywood Wins the West, The Movie Reel Indians, Warpaint and Wigs). Martell, Lloyd, prod. Talker, dir./writ. Rob King (Media House Productions, Canada 1996; 9 min.). Masayesva, Victor, dir./prod./writ. Hopiit (IS Productions, USA 1981; 15 min.). ——, dir./prod./writ. Itam Hakim, Hopiit (IS Productions, USA 1984; 58 min.). ——, dir./prod./writ. Ritual Clowns (IS Productions, USA 1988; 15 min.). ——, dir./prod./writ. Pot Starr (IS Productions, USA n.d.; 6 min.). ——, dir./prod./writ. Imagining Indians (IS Productions, USA 1992; 86 min.). Morris, Sean, dir. Kusah Hakwaan, writ. Sean Morris & Bryan Davidson (USA 2001; 75 min.). Nelson, Johnny. The Navajo Silversmith (“Navajos Film Themselves” project, Sol Worth & John Adair, USA 1966; 20 min.). Niro, Shelley, dir/writ. Overweight With Crooked Teeth, prod. Shelley Niro & Dan Big Bee, Jr. (Big Productions, Canada 1997): 5 min.). ——, dir./writ. Honey Moccasin, prod. Lynn Hutchison & Shelley Niro (Turtle Night Productions, Canada 1998): 49 min.). Niro, Shelley & Anna Gronau, dir./writ./prod. It Starts With a Whisper (Baye of Quinte Productions, Canada 1993): 28 min.). Obomsawin, Alanis, dir./writ. Christmas at Moose Factory (National Film Board – NFB, Canada 1971; 13 min.).