Selection of African Writers and Artists B ' -- Cover: Amir I
Selection of African Writers and Artists b ' -- Cover: Amir I. M. Nour , HORNED GATE, 1973. plasterfor bronze. 23'' x 20··. Collection of W. A. Nielson. Photo Bernard Pierre Wolff. Inside cover: Roel D'Haese, JASON, bronze. 210 x 140 x 100 cm. Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris. MUNDUS ARTIUM A Journal of International Literature and the Arts Vol. IX No. 2 • 1976 STAFF EDITOR IN CHIEF, Rainer Schulte AsSOCIATE EDITORS, Roma A. King, Jr., Thomas J. Hoeksema CONTRIBUTING EDITORS, Samuel Hazo, Quincy Troupe, J. Michael Yates EDITORIAL STAFF, Lucia Getsi, Harry Haskell, Julie Hunt, Carol Luter, Ronald D. Mayne, Don Ringnalda, Sandra Smith. GUEST EDITOR FOR AFRICAN WRITERS, Janis Mayes Special Thanks to Donna Rey Klumpp and the African-American Institute in New York City for assistance with the African Art work. Mundus Artium: A Journal of International Literature and the Arts, is published twice a year at the University of Texas at Dallas. Annual subscription $6.00; single copies $3.50 for United States, Canada, and Mexico. All other countries: $6.50 a year, and $3.75 for single copies. Manuscripts accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, subscriptions and requests for copies should be sent to: The Editors MUNDUS ARTIUM University of Texas at Dallas Box 688 Richardson, Texas 75080 U.S.A. MUNDUS ARTIUM is a journal of translations and inter• disciplinary studies. It will consider for publication contemporary poetry, fiction, short drama, essays on literature and the arts, photography, and photographic reproductions of paintings and sculpture. Mundus Artium is published by the International Poetry Forum 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
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