Etcher-Photographer Levon West (Dmitri) the Spirit's the Thing

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Etcher-Photographer Levon West (Dmitri) the Spirit's the Thing Etcher-Photographer Levon West (Dmitri) The spirit's the thing GOPHER GRAD In This Issue (Our 58th Year) Continuing the Minnesota Alumni Weekly which Page \Va establish d in 1901, and th Minnesota Alumni The Spirit of Levon West 4 Voice. Publi h d monthly from October tl1rough June by the Minnesota Alumni sociation, 205 /U Leaders Ready Request to Coffman Union, University of iinnesota, linne­ 1959 State Lawmakers 8 apolis 14. Memb r of the Am rican Alumni Council. Thirteen Alumni Hold Professional Engineering Degrees 10 Vol. 58 JA UARY, 1959 o. 4 We Were Not Innocents Abroad, Ju NIT PA Cl HCO OPSTEI'I '47BA Edilor But We Had Fun 12 EDWI N L. H AISLET '3 I 13 EJ Mallaging Edllor THE M INNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Memo to the Membership from Ed Haislet 16 Executive Committee Ivan Dmitri's Case for Photographic Art J. O. H Itzerma nn '2 113 President Wendell T. Burns '16BA First Vice PresIdent (i n Pictures) 18 RussdJ E. Backstrom '27MSME econd VICe PresIdent Clara MacKenzie Bierman '17BA Secretary The Regents Back Athletic Leaders 20 ~a m W . Campbell '27LLB Treasurer Leif R. Strand '2900S Past President H enry E. Colby '3200S Board Member Ra 'mond O. Mithun '30BA Board Member Le< lie E. Westin '40B Ed Board Member NEWS SECTIONS Edwin L. H aislet '31BSEd Executive Seer tary College Associations- Alumni 28 Board of Directors Clubs 22 Summa Cum laude 34 Term expirel 1959: Clara MacKenzie Bierman ' 17BA, Hibbert M. Hill '23 BSCE, Elmer L. Andersen '3 1BBA , Leif trand '2900 , Le lie E. W estin '40BSEd. Term expire! 1960: Wendell T. Burns ' , 6BA, Charlotte Winget Chope '27BA, Malvin J. Nydahl '28B '35MO, Raymond O. DEPARTMENTS Mithun '30 BA . Back Talk 3 Editorial 16 Term expire! 1961: Russel l E. Backstrom '27MSME, Walter G. Benjamin ·2.MO, Janet H art Widseth '39RS(HE) , Sam W . Camp­ The Real MacGuf 11 be ll '27LLB, J. O . H oltzermann '2 1BA, Roy W. Larsen ' 13BA . Term expire! 1962: Theodore C. Blegen '25PhO, Arthur B. Poole " 7BA. Repruenlatille a ll CoOmall Ullioll Board 0/ GOllernorI: Marie A. Wensel '48BA . Repreunlalille all SI. Pall/ UniOIl Board 0/ Govcr­ norI: Mary Ellen H anson McFarland '43BS( HE). MAA Slandillg Commitlu Chairmen: HOllorI, Algor Johns n Cover Story '!OEM; 1nvcltmenl!, Sam W . Campbell '25BA '27LLB; PaJl Prni­ dellI, Arthur R. Hustad '16B . \ Vh n th ditor of Gopher Grad fir t di Cll d Rcprncnling Ihe Co/ulilllelll A lllmlli Auocial/Ofl!: H artwell H . a eri on di tingui hed alwnni, th pilot Ii t wa Wilker~on '2M BSBus, School 0/ BIIJill eu Adml1liJlralJon A lII 171 III replet with name of ci nti t , ducators, bu in "Iuocialioll, Robert A. Hoe! '47MSAeroE, A/liT/wi Auoclal/on 0/ Ihe 111 Itilllle 0/ T echnology; Wilham Nilsen '35MA, A lllmlll Ana­ executiv s and political figur s. t th am time, ,-,alioll 0/ Ihe Col/ege 0/ Edllcalioll ; Henry E. Colbl' '3 200 , th r was a Ii tin t awar n s that, in th art , out- eI,OO / of Denlillry A /lll11l1 i Auocialioll; Kendall Macho '32BSPhm, Col/ege 0/ Pltarlllacy A/IIII/Ili Auocialioll ; Neil E. McGraw '55 M , tanding profe ional xc lIence wa bing a hi ed D~parll1lenl 0/ Alorlllary Sciel/ ce; erald W. PCICf\On '53 DVM , by uch p r ons a L von 'vV st this month pictur d College 0/ Vele,.il/ary Medica/ A/llmni /lnooGlioll ; Roy H . Teppen on th over. Kn wn to the arti ti \ rId as I an 'HOSTC, UMD 1I 1111111/i AUOCIOlioll; Virgil J. P. Lundqu"l '43MO Dmitri, h i a pion r in color film photograph , hav­ '53MS, School 0/ Medicine rlllIl1Il11 Anocial/oll . Repruellling lIre Ipecia/ I/OII -CO lIlli1tlcTlI grol/pI: armcn Ru th ing tak n his fir t photo in color b for tll fi lm ev n Nelso n Richards ' 13BA , MIIlne<ota Alumnae Club; Leland John<on had a chanc to g t on th mark t. Thes photo lat r '40 13 Ed, " M" Club. b cam the fir t olor photos u d batt/relay E Honorary Board Membe rs !ling Post. P opl ar his favorit su bj ct, hays, ' nd Past PrNidelll!: Will,am F. Hr .. a"h 'oo BS '04MD. V,ctor hri, t­ lif i hi favorit pastim . (For his stor ,se page 4 ). gau '17SchAg '24BSAg, George arl '06B 'o9MO, Arthur R. Hustad' I 6BA, Arthur O . Lampland '30 138 '34LLB, Harvel' Nel­ son '22 8S '25MO, Ben W . Palmer ' I d~A ' 13 LLB ' 14MA, Well , l:.ntcred as second dass matter at the po,t 0 111 C in linneapol", T. W rr g ht '36BSL '36LLB, Edgar F. Zellt' ' I 3BA, FranCIS A. Lund MInn . under Act of _o ngre» of Mar h 3, I H79 . l\ nnu,t1 due, of the ' 93 -,5, Hibbert M. Hill '23 13 S E, Glen n E. Se id el '36BME, 1 '\\S(Jc ialion are $5 of whid) $4 co nslitutes l }c.lf\ "Ib,criptlon to Leif _ trand '29DOS. the oph r rad. Sub.criplion for non-alumnI: 5 per , NallllllJI PilII Tr~o!ll,.el'! : Thomas F. W .. llace '93BA '95LLB; Arnulf ad, ertislng represc nt.lli ve: meri an Alumni MJ!f,IZIO C', 22 W."h Ueland ' 17 BA , W endel T . Burns 'I 6BA. Inglon Squore N ., New York II , N. Y.; phone RJll1erq 5-10lQ. Hon orary Lif e Association Members: Or. J. L. Morrill , Pre,ident Puhl l, hed : Minneso tJ lumni Ssoc lJ lion, :!o'i ,,11 man nion, of the U ni versity. UniversilY of Minne'ota, Minn<'ap li s '4, linm·'olJ . 2 PHER R D PERSONALIZED More Classnotes, Please! n ting his campI tion of 33 year of rvic ' to our b lov d ' Ima KING-SIZE Editor: ~rat ' r. Long may h live! ... to many of u old r grads, tb _ P. ~fcElme I 'O-!LLB ASH TRAY publicati n i our sol contact" ith >a ttl , \ ash. our coli g days .• fany of liS \ ould m. to know mor about om cla - mat , but not "11 ugh to write to th m. ovemb r \ bv not, in addition to it m printe~l, end out c1as qu 'tion­ of naire a to what alumni ar" doing ars on campu . and publi h thi information rearl) , ancI in 'pm-at dition? I don't Fay W. Gallup '52B ( lIE ) tockton, a1. mean just the famous nam and major achi \' m nt, but rath r bring out a ro t ' r, year by ~ ar, if fade-to-order for your party with no mOr than "d ea ed" aft r room or as a per onalized gift. a nam or, if living, the addre ? ... " e at Duluth hay noted the hand Orne and eHecti\' layout on To r \\.ill your cigar tt s burn or o it i th young r grad' " ho blemish this man-sized a h tray. k p th sociati n gOing, but it Tw d all ry in your D ' c mber ill. Thi i trul, wand rful cov- It is chip-proof, break-proof, de­ i the lder grads who mad th Signed of heav gauge alwni­ association in th Br t plnc . The num with anodized Bni h, im­ fn "b-a pag r quired woulJ printed with the University eat bring such a mes age of th pa t Order the colors of 'our choice­ to us. Do n t th lel r grads de­ ni er it)' R lation maroon with gold seal or gold s 'r\'(' a place und I' the Ull? Repr ntati\'e with maroon eal. L. Pank w '21\ID Duluth, finn. J. This massive a h tra mea ures iou. Fall, 10" \\ide, 2'.i" d ep; weighs three outh Dakota pound. ( Inti cd tli I) do . Tll probl m of Th ~Iinne ota campu plans for Pric, po tpaid, for members, /Ising 34 pages equitabll) wh Il the futur ar in piring. I hope 9 .95; non-member, 10_95. confronted teith note of 130,000 progr an b mad in arrying A smaller 7" size also available uraduate' and an ever-teeming and them out. ompl tion \ ill be a far for members, $7.95; non-members, $8.95_ productice IIi cr ill) i 011 'icllich cry from my day in th lat 1 90' . PI a tate choice of iz and cOIls/antll) plagu s the ditor . We ~falcolm . Wv r '99B.\ , 'OnI. recogni= , u:itholll rc "catioll , tll(! Denv r, olorado In validitl) of Dr. Pankow's crifid Minnesota Alumni Association . ~t til ame time, th r i all eeel'­ 205 Coffman Union chanainf!, lind fa inatillu ni ' r- University of Minnesota il!} torI). IIlIlp'tllI' aottll gil'C'. Minneapolis 14, Minn. .. we under tand you publi h d We in 'ite tllC' iete of OtTl ,. I' 'ad­ S 111e vel': hall l1C1ing plan on the C'r Oil thi IIbjcct - Ed) Enclosed please find future d \' 10p111 nt of : our ni­ my check for $ ________ \' j" ity. Waul 1 it be p sibl to have a opy to di 'play in our Ii­ Kindly ship personalized, king­ size ashtra y(s). I would like the seal to be bran"- xhibit on "~le tine; the Re Past Editions (maroon) (gold)_ hail ng TIU'ough Planning and Building ?" Nome' ____________________ in r ongratulatioll - on your b autiflll over f r the 0- Addre""''--__________ ~emb'l' i ' U .
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