The NDP’s betrayal LEAP Manifesto: of Indigenous the time is now peoples PAGE 5

PAGES 4-5 Original art by Julie Flett

$2 | No 601 | February 2018 |

e live in an age of political sis beyond any in human history. Our Labour leader in the UK, and the as- right and left, the NDP has decided to Clear and unrepentant support from polarization. political and business leaders respond tounding campaign by Bernie Sand- stake its claim to the political centre. the NDP for the ideas in the manifesto Capitalism is pushing to this crisis by selling more weapons ers in the last US election show that There is no better way to become ir- could provide a pole of attraction to Wmore people into poverty to the combatants. there is an appetite for unapologeti- relevant in the current context. The millions looking for an alternative to while making the rich even richer. A The racist far-right, emboldened cally socialist ideas. Recent polling in decision to call for a balanced budget war, poverty, racism and environmen- recent Oxfam report found that 82% by the election of Donald Trump, is the US found that a majority of people in the last federal election pushed the tal destruction. of the wealth created in 2017 went to on the streets in North America and under 30 now reject capitalism, and party to the right of the Liberals. It The German revolutionary Rosa the top 1% of the population. is achieving electoral gains across more than 40 percent would prefer was an abysmal failure. Luxemburg, while observing the The climate is in crisis – and the re- Europe. socialism. And the NDP is once again in growing polarization in Europe in sponse from our political leaders is to The stakes could not be higher. A The victorious Fight for $15 cam- danger of being outflanked to the left 1916, said that humanity faced a build more pipelines and to find new better world is needed – and fast. paign in Ontario proves that even in by the Liberals. Yet they fiddle with choice: “either transition to Socialism places to drill for fossil fuels when we Yet in all that bleakness, there are , we can push for real change strategies to woo disaffected Tories or regression into Barbarism.” really need to be eliminating their use. seeds of hope and calls for real change that helps millions – and win. rather than pose a real alternative. We are in a strikingly similar situa- We are in a cycle of endless war are being picked up by millions. The Unfortunately, at a time of polar- How do we make real change here? tion right now. We need to fight for a that has created a global refugee cri- election of as the ization, when ideas are shifting to the The Leap Manifesto is a good start. socialist future! Reproductive Québec solidaire and the NDP justice: NDP by Chantal Sundaram lurches to or nearly 20 years, progres- sives, social democrats and anti-capitalists have struggled the right Fto build a viable electoral left in Quebec. In the last decade, this has by Valerie Lannon borne fruit with the founding of Qué- bec solidaire, and its growth in the The federal NDP has taken National Assembly, the popular vote, issue with the Trudeau govern- and in social movements. ment’s decision to tie funding On issues from climate change to for summer jobs to respect for neoliberalism and austerity, Québec reproductive rights. Groups and solidaire has a more radical program businesses applying for funds and platform than the NDP either for summer job creation need federally or in any province. But it to confirm in writing that they also grew out of the remnants of the support the Charter of Rights Quebec provincial NDP, and had a and Freedoms, which includes lot of crossover with what produced reproductive choice. Quebec’s Orange Crush that helped What could be less con- propel the NDP into opposition troversial? But instead of federally. supporting women when their What caused a collapse of that movement has received new support was not the niqab debate. In life in response to the election the 2015 campaign, the Liberals were of Donald Trump and all he rep- more steadfast and clear on the right resents, the NDP moves to the to wear the niqab than the NDP, and right on the all-important issue did very well in Quebec. It was the of reproductive freedom. Liberals’ outflanking of the NDP to NDP Quebec: putting electoralism above solidarity. The Liberal move came in re- the left on balanced budgets, public sponse to approval last year by spending, and austerity – issues that promises nothing but mutual harm to communities, forming a party with to create a “Quebec Inc” that would two MPs for tens of thousands run deep in Quebec. the left in both Quebec and English no roots on the eve of an election mimic the corporatist, neoliberal, pro- of dollars in grants to anti-abor- Québec solidaire has worked Canada in the big picture. is a spectacularly bad idea. Not to pipeline and socially unjust policies tion groups and in some cases dilligently to fill the vacuum left by The goal is apparently to mention playing the old and false card tolerated and even implemented by for camps that discriminated a Parti québécois no longer able to provide Quebec with a progressive that the Quebecois are more racist (by the NDP when it has held power, but against the 2LGBTQ community. even mask as a party of the left with “federalist” option. But who is the a party that is itself very white in its rather as a means to gain independence NDP’s Nathan Cullen stated its turn to a racist identity politics audience? Even those on the left provincial make-up) and need to be from those federal policies. “I think the way the government and to Quebec bosses like Pierre- who are lukewarm on independence rescued by the NDP. Any attempt When Thomas Mulcair was federal has handled this conversation Karl Peladeau. support self-determination – which to play an anti-Islamophobia stance leader, he argued for the NDP to run hasn’t been very respectful And in building this alternative explains support for , against Québec solidaire will be candidates provincially in Quebec. At of many of the faith commu- within the Quebec context, QS has an opponent of the Clarity Act, and unproductive, as QS opposes the PQ this moment, the link with the federal nities in this country.” In this made every attempt to be solidaristic why is getting a more Charter of Values and the Liberals’ party is unclear: Fortin has been argument, the NDP joined Tory with the left in English Canada. It favourable reaction in Quebec than Bill 62 on the niqab. quoted as saying the only links are the leader Andrew Scheer. is not an accident that QS adopted many predicted, as he too supports The newly elected leader of NDP- name and some progressive ideas, and There was immediate shock orange as its party colour. And it has Quebec’s right to choose. Quebec, Raphaël Fortin, was quoted that no federal members are involved. and opposition to Cullen on carried that colour not only at the While they say they want to reach as saying, “What distinguishes us is They have even adopted purple to social media, and NDP leader ballot box but in the streets, to make political “orphans” the only audience that Quebec solidaire has made a turn avoid confusion with QS’s orange. Jagmeet Singh responded with a left electoral option relevant to this version of the NDP-Quebec is towards independence in the merger Everything about this move is a confirmation of the party’s those who want change but don’t see likely to reach will not be relevant with Option nationale.” While Option confusing at best, and paternalistic at pro-choice position. Cullen it reflected in mainstream politics. to the movements that fuel social nationale may have some different worst. For those on the committed left eventually backpedaled. change in Quebec today. And if they positions from QS on the specifics in Quebec, it risks further undermining The Liberals outflanked the Mutual harm do succeed in reaching some of the of independence, it was a smaller the hard-won trust of non-federalist NDP on the left, and Cullen This is why it is so unfortunate to 35 per cent of people who don’t vote, party with many other social goals in progressives for the federal NDP, and exposed the party’s shameful see the NDP try to relaunch itself they will be steering them away from common with QS. squandering not only what’s left of effort to be “electable”. We in Quebec to run candidates in the those very social movements, which The other decision QS made this the Layton legacy in Quebec but the must keep the NDP account- October 2018 provincial election. It will do a disservice to any progressive year, to reject all notion of an alliance profile that Singh could now bring. able on even the most basic is unlikely to have a great electoral voters they may attract. with the PQ, shows that it does not And above all, it puts electoralism parts of its policies. impact, but it is a strategy that If the goal is to woo immigrant see independence as a goal in itself before solidarity. 2017 – A year of climate justice betrayals in BC

by Lisa Descary Unfortunately, the new Envi- The Site C Dam Betrayal never have been started. But to cancel tolls (the Greens are happy to make ronment minister soon announced The BCNDP approval of site C it would add billions to the Province’s workers who can’t afford to live near Less than a year ago, the BC NDP that the province would not use the dam is an enormous betrayal, espe- debt – putting at risk our ability to de- where they work – due to sky-high formed government with the support permitting process to hold up con- cially of so many Indigenous climate liver housing, child care, schools and house prices – pay more!) And it was of the three Green MLAs. Climate struction of the pipeline. Instead they defenders who worked hard to get hospitals for families across B.C.” the BC Greens years ago who argued justice activists celebrated this result. would evaluate provincial permit the NDP elected, saw the NDP as Further, he claimed that the $4 billion that striking transit workers should be After all, now we had a ‘Minister of applications for the project ‘in an ap- their party, and put their trust in them debt from money already spent and legislated back to work. Environment and Climate Change propriate and fair manner.’ This was to stop the megaproject that would the costs of remediation would result While the Greens threatened to Strategy’ in George Heyman, a man because, ‘There’s no point trying to decimate so much of their territory in “massive cuts to the services they topple the coalition government over who had been an environmental cam- exercise authority that we don’t have in the Peace River area of Treaty 8 (people) count on.” a faster timeline to a $15/hr minimum paigner himself. This seemed like a [in refusing to issue permits] because Indigenous lands. Assembly of First wage, they didn’t make similar threats dream compared to the past sixteen that is capricious, exceeding our juris- Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Defending Liberal tax cuts over the cancellation of Site C. years of attacks on workers and the diction and, ultimately, that won’t be Bellegarde said, “The B.C. NDP This is the politics of austerity and In order to defeat projects like the planet by Christy Clark’s BC Liberals. effective.’ Meanwhile, Kinder Mor- government pledged to work towards the Premier’s argument, that there is Kinder Morgan pipeline, we need New Premier John Horgan ex- gan was breaking the law by placing reconciliation and this decision is no alternative, is not true. The NDP to keep building a powerful grass- plained that they would “immediate- anti-salmon spawning mats in BC completely contrary to that.” government could easily increase tax roots climate justice movement that ly employ every tool available to the streams. The National Energy Board Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the revenues by $5 billion a year if they doesn’t depend on the courts or the new government to stop the expan- regulators hadn’t noticed the illegal Union of BC Indian Chiefs promised, returned income taxes on corpora- NDP to save us. If climate justice sion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline mats, so it fell to Indigenous activists “With every court case, every delay, tions and on those earning more than and Indigenous activists can unite (KMX).” “We’re going to… make to remove them! every budget lift, and every rate hike, $100,000 a year to the 1999 levels. with workers to push for a just tran- sure permitting and other issues are The NDP government did take we will remind British Columbians These betrayals by the NDP will sition for all workers away from exhaustively reviewed,” said Horgan. on intervenor status in Indigenous that it may have been the BC Liberals lead many to shift to the right, either building pipelines, and towards The West Coast Environmental Law court cases against KM, but at the that got us into this mess, but it was by supporting NDP austerity policies building green alternatives, then we Association published a number of same time decided to continue the the BC NDP who chose to abandon or by supporting the BC Greens. The know we can do more than just stop legal “tools in the toolbox” for the government’s role on the side of us there.” Greens are anti-worker. We can see the pipelines; we can prevent our new BC government to use to stall Kinder Morgan against the Squa- Premier Horgan defended his de- this in how unhappy they were with planet slipping further into climate the KMX project. mish nation. cision, “It’s clear that Site C should the NDP decision to eliminate bridge chaos.

2 Socialist Worker February 2018 Carillion crash: the bankruptcy of privatization by John Bell ously create opportunities for profit in the private sector by extending In 2014 the press reported: “Caril- market forces into areas where they lion Canada fined $900,000 for not did not previously exist. In this properly clearing QEW (Ontario’s sense, Carillion was not the product Queen Elizabeth Highway) during of entrepreneurship but of govern- two storms.” What then seemed an ment policy.” isolated bit of corporate irresponsi- In the process, important services bility takes on a different character needed for the public are given to with the recent news that Carillion’s managers who answer only to share- British parent company, a world holders. Executive pay soars; a year leader in Public-Private Partnership before the crash, Carillion executive (P3) deals, has gone bankrupt. contracts were rewritten to give The crash of Carillion could have them protection for their bonuses in a big impact on Canadians in two the event of bankruptcy. And when senses. the crash comes, it is taxpayers who First, if Carillion Canada goes are left on the hook to salvage the under it could cost tens of thousands projects and (hopefully) deliver the of workers their livelihoods and services. pensions. Carillion had its fingers in a lot more than snow plowing. These schemes have been around Second, the crisis of Carillion long enough for the facts to be – here and in Britain–calls into known. Comparisons between public question the free market logic which and privately delivered services has has held sway for decades: cut red shown that private and P3 schemes tape; make government smaller; pub- are about 40% less efficient than lic services are inherently inefficient, public. and private business can do it better Despite this evidence, govern- and cheaper. ments continue privatizing. Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Carillion’s Ontario snow job Morneau want to put $28 billion While the press reported Carillion’s worth of public infrastructure on the fines back in 2014, it is not evident table for their corporate supporters. they actually paid the $900,000. We know, and Carillion’s crash They were appealing the fine. A proves, that eventually those costs subsequent auditor’s report noted the A Carillion Maintenance vehicle Photo: Chris McKenna (Thryduulf) [Flickr CC-BY-NC-2.0] will go up, and will get dumped on Ontario Liberals forgave $4.8 mil- us in the form of declining quality, lion out of the $13.3 million in fines surprise to Wayne Gates, then Most of Carillion’s Canadian P3 The British case – the longer waits and user fees. it levied against private contractors ONDP transportation critic: “If I projects are in the area of health gospel of privatization Isn’t 30 years of bad investments, in 2013-14. was the government I would have care, building and managing hospi- UK’s Tory government claims it was declining services and crumbling The time it took to clear snow made sure the companies had the tals in Ontario, Saskatchewan and blindsided by the bankruptcy. With infrastructure proof that we can do doubled when the service privatized equipment to perform the job. I’m Northwest Territories. Ontario read- so many built-in advantages, who better? Time to renationalize services in 2009 according to Ontario’s actually surprised they don’t have ers may be familiar with Carillion could have predicted the collapse of like rail, to revolutionize public auditor. an out clause in their agreements through its role building and running Carillion? Well, the capitalist spec- transportation. Time to return all When at least one private con- so they can get out of them if the operations like the P3 Brampton ulators who run hedge funds have health services to the public realm tractor complained they didn’t have companies are not performing the Civic Hospital. been quietly dumping their Carillion along with real investment. And time enough equipment to do the job, work.” Independent auditors found that stocks for months. to realize that it isn’t just this par- the province generously purchased Carillion Canada had 8 contracts cost over-runs and missed deadlines According to financial journalist ticular kind of neoliberal capitalism plows and sanders for them. to maintain highways in southern building the hospital cost taxpayers Paul Mason: “Under neoliberalism, that is a monumental failure, it is The Liberal’s largesse was a Ontario, worth $87 million annually. $200 million. the role of the state is to continu- capitalism itself. Imperialism won’t end Kurdish agony

By Alex Callinicos Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). dence. Even though he won an against the Turkish state. war against the PKK in the last They took advantage of the 1991 overwhelming majority, he had As in the case of Iraq, Wash- couple of years, and it doesn’t In a Middle East tormented by the Gulf War led by the US against badly overplayed its hand. ington latched onto the YPG as want to see its enemy become domination of Western imperi- Saddam Hussein’s Iraq to carve The US stood by while its Kurd- an ally. The Kurdish-led Syrian stronger in Syria. alism, the Kurdish people have out an enclave, benefitting from the ish clients were humiliated in Iraq. Democratic Forces (SDF), backed Another factor in the equation been among the greatest victims. protection of American air power. Will it do the same in Syria? by 2,000 US troops, played an is Russia, which intervened in When Britain and France carved The 2003 invasion of Iraq by The Iraqi government was able important role in the campaign September 2016 decisively to up the Ottoman Empire nearly the US and Britain allowed the to retake Mosul thanks to the that finally drove Isis from its tilt the balance in the Syrian civil a century ago, the Kurds were Kurdish enclave to consolidate support, not just of the US, but capital in Raqqa. They now control war in Assad’s favour. Russia denied their right to self-determi- itself. It seemed an island of rela- also of Iran. Iranian-backed Shiite 25 percent of Syria. has also supported the YPG. But, nation. Instead they were split tive calm amid the chaos the rest militias played a crucial role in The problem for the US is that after negotiations in Moscow last between several states—Turkey, of Iraq descended into. Isis’s defeat. In October, after Isis’s defeat strengthened Iran, week, the Russian military police Syria, Iraq, and Iran—that have The rise of Isis and its seizure Mosul’s fall, Iraqi prime minister which backs both Assad and based in Afrin were pulled out. usually oppressed them. of Mosul in 2014 seemed to Haider al-Abadi redirected some al-Abadi. So Washington recently In effect Vladimir Putin gave This torment continues into the offer more opportunities. Kurdish to retake the areas the Kurds had announced it would keep troops Erdogan the green light to attack, present. Last weekend Turkish forces took advantage of the seized in 2014. They fell rapidly, in Syria. The ostensible aim and he has. The US stood by forces attacked Afrin, in the confusion in Baghdad to seize possibly because of a deal cut was to train up the SDF into a while its Kurdish clients were Kurdish-controlled region of Syria disputed areas, above all the with Iran by Barzani’s PUK rivals. 30,000-strong border force in humiliated in Iraq. Will it do the known as Rojava. But the problem oilfields around Kirkuk. And they Now there may be a rerun in north-eastern Syria. same in Syria? isn’t just the oppressor states but received massive US support as Syria. Rojava was carved out In reality, this move was aimed Whatever the answer to this the choice that Kurdish leaders they fought alongside Iraqi govern- by the Kurdish YPG (People’s at Iran, towards which Donald question, it is the Kurdish people sometimes have made to ally ment forces to drive ISIS out of its Protection Units) when the regime Trump is adopting an increasingly who are suffering. Let’s hope its themselves to imperialist powers, strongholds. of Bashar al-Assad, fighting for confrontational approach. But in political leaders learn that there particularly the United States. Last September, as the US-led its survival after the 2011 rising, the complex, multi-dimensional is no gain from allying themselves This has long been the strategy coalition’s grip tightened around abandoned them. The YPG is chess game that is Middle East to imperialist monsters such as of the two Kurdish nationalist par- Mosul, Masoud Barzani, president closely linked to the Kurdish politics it inevitably antagonized Trump and Putin. ties in northern Iraq, the Kurdish of Iraqi Kurdistan and KDP leader, Workers Party (PKK), which has Turkey. The government of Recep Democratic Party (KDP) and the called a referendum on indepen- been waging a generation-long war Tayyip Erdogan has escalated the lReprinted from Socialist Worker UK

February 2018 Socialist Worker 3 WHY DOES THE NDP KEEP BETRAYING

PMO receives LEAP Manifesto. (Photo: Council of Canadians/Flickr) INDIGENOUS PEOPLES? Courage to LEAP by Carolyn Egan caretakers of this land”. The LEAP Manifesto has The LEAP Manifesto was been discussed in NDP riding developed through a associations across the participatory process in which country as well as in union over sixty activists, including a locals, faith communities, significant number of Indigenous student federations and other people, trade unionists, and progressive groups. More and environmentalists met together more people are discussing the for two days in . The concepts that it puts forward call was put out by and have signed on in support Rally against Kinder Morgan oil pipeline on Burnaby Mountain. (Photo: Mark Klotz/Flickr) and Avi Lewis, and an intense both as individuals and through discussion took place among their organizations. by Valerie Lannon & residential school genocide, to the plus some cash. Twenty-five years of law” to remove all blockades, and Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) part masters never had any intention of the participants, many of whom It sparked a necessary Jesse McLaren “60s scoop” that removed Indigenous after the BC treaty process began, defended the “investment and jobs” of Canadian law, and during his respecting Indigenous sovereignty. had never worked together debate on climate justice in its children from their communities, to very few treaties have been signed falsely promised by the fracking leadership campaign Jagmeet Singh But alone among the major political before. broadest sense. LEAP groups “I am not the first person to stand Pierre Trudeau’s “White Paper” in and the First Nations involved have industry. opposed pipelines for not respecting parties, the NDP is not supported by The outcome of these have been set up, Labour for before you and disappoint indigenous 1969 that proposed ending Indian run up debts of some $500 million Criticizing Indigenous resistance UNDRIP. But when it represents the big business. The party’s resolutions, discussions was the manifesto Leap had a productive forum people.” This was how BC Premier status. to pay for the lawyers, scientists and has been part of supporting the ongoing Canadian state, the NDP reflects its put forth by NDP activists involved and it immediately had a at the recent Canadian Labour Horgan described the NDP’s support For this reason, some Indigenous consultants who have to make their colonization of Indigenous territories. colonial foundations. in movements, support the working significant impact on the Congress convention, and it for Site C dam, which betrayed their activists, like Cree leader John case to the governments. When the NDP was elected in Alberta Despite the fact the BC NDP has class and Indigenous rights—for political dialogue taking place in called a meeting, Courage to election promise and Indigenous Tootoosis (whose great uncle Chief When it came to Sundancers in 2015 there was hope for a new era. said it will do everything it can to example, members are pushing the this country on climate change. LEAP, at the time of the federal rights. As Grand Chief Stewart Poundmaker was incarcerated for conducting ceremonies on their land, “As First Nations, we are optimistic stop the despised Kinder Morgan party to support the Leap Manifesto. It broadened the terrain, NDP convention. Phillip of the Union of BC Indian challenging the early Canadian state the BC NDP responded with the to finally have a government that TransMountain pipeline, and even But because of its electoralist bringing an anti-racist, class Chiefs explained, “a project approval in 1885) opposed the vote as a ploy largest RCMP operation in history. recognizes and respects Indigenous though it joined in the suite of court strategy, the party leadership perspective to the debate with Building an alternative will represent a complete betrayal of to ignore treaties. Other activists, Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh made rights and territories,” wrote the cases in 2017 to stop the pipeline, subordinates these to the needs to the intent of building a mass We have seen the impact of First Nation’s and the vast majority like Metis socialist Howard Adams the shocking statement “Where’s the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation. it also has a lawsuit against the be “electable” and thus cater to movement for climate justice. a developing new politic, a of British Columbians who stand (whose grandfather Maxime Lepine other side of the story? There is only But Notley’s first call was to reassure Squamish First Nation, defending business interests. When elected to It begins with the statement, socialist politic, through the in steadfast opposition to the Site was also incarcerated in 1885) saw one side of the story. There is no other Big Oil that things would be “A- a decision by the previous Liberal government, the NDP repeatedly “We could live in a country campaign in C dam project… With every court the vote as a tactic that Indigenous side.” In other words, the Sundancers OK,” and the NDP leader has become government to approve the pipeline. turns its back on the working class powered entirely by renewable the US and the movement case, every delay, every budget lift, people could use to raise the issue of had no right to speak about the site or a major defender of tar sands that Squamish Chief Ian Campbell and on indigenous rights. The NDP energy, woven together by that allowed Corbyn to win the and every rate hike, we will remind sovereignty. about Indigenous rights more broadly. behaves like all social democratic accessible public transit, in leadership of the Labour Party in British Columbians that it may have And when the RCMP alleged they parties around the world—to prop which jobs and opportunities of Britain. Hundreds of thousands been the BC Liberals that got us into 1960-70s: Red Power had been shot at (a charge later shown Refusing to support climate up capitalism, not overthrow it. In this transition are designed to of new and old activists have this mess, but it was the BC NDP who As an expression of workers to be a fabrication, but consistent the context of a colonial settler state, systematically eliminate racial become involved in building an chose to abandon us there.” opposition to capitalist parties, a with the RCMP’s smear campaign), justice, while promising ‘balanced this reformist strategy leads the NDP and gender equality. alternative to what has been on The NDP is the only major party social democratic party in Canada Grand Chief Stewart Phillip fights the Site C Dam. ( Dosanjh used this as a pretext to have to choose the Canadian state over “Caring for one another and offer. People see and feel the connected to the labour movement, (first the CCF and then its offspring the Department of National Defense budgets,’ Mulcair allowed Trudeau Indigenous sovereignty. caring for the planet could be effects of a capitalist system and in voting for it many people the NDP) was important to win elected to Parliament before, but as 1990s activism send in armoured personnel carriers From Red Power to Idle No More, the economy’s fastest growing concerned only with profit, hell hope the NDP won’t be as damaging reforms like Medicare. But its goal is a Liberal or Conservative member. In the late 1980s and early 1990s and other equipment including land to tack left with progressive movements for Indigenous sovereign- sectors. Many more people bent on ravaging the planet as the corporate Liberals and to use the state to provide reforms, not They had done nothing to advance there was another wave of Indigenous mines that were set around the camp. ‘ ty expose the failures of the Parlia- could have higher wage jobs and the people who inhabit it. Conservatives. This was especially challenge its colonial and capitalist their people’s needs, nor had they land defense from coast to coast— rhetoric and win the federal mentary road to a better world, while with fewer work hours, leaving They are rejecting politics as it true for the recent BC election, which foundations. As a result, while the promoted self-determination. In short, from Innu blockade of a NATO Idle No More and building the solidarity needed to chart us ample time to enjoy our has been and are looking for saw the NDP prevail over the hated early 1960s produced both the NDP they were indistinguishable from base in Labrador, to Mohawks climate justice election.’ another path—intertwining Indige- loved ones and flourish in our alternatives. Liberals. But the recent approval of and Indigenous suffrage, the new white MPs. Our candidate’s election defending sacred land at Kanesatake, Facing the latest wave of Indigenous nous national liberation with working communities.” The meeting in Ottawa is the Site C dam by the BC NDP is not party did not mobilize Indigenous platform broke with this tradition. to Algonquins of Barriere Lake resistance, the NDP leadership pollute Indigenous territories—which exposed the discrepancy: “When the class revolution. As Howard Adams an important step forward the first time the NDP has betrayed voters as CD Howe had feared. Her campaign for Aboriginal people challenging clear-cutting, to the took the side of “law and order.” the party replicated federally. In NDP got into office, they were quite explained, “The New Democratic Bridging the divide in developing a new political Indigenous peoples. Instead, Horgan As Howard Adams explained, was based on two central issues: occupation of Ipperwash Park, to Concurrent with the launch of Idle 2012 NDP energy critic Peter Julian vocal about this issue. The response Party is very much like the other two It attempted to bridge the movement in Canada, learning made reference to a long legacy while “the Saskatchewan Native Action self-determination and autonomous Sundancers asserting their ceremonial No More in late 2012, Attawapiskat supported the notion of a refinery we are getting now is that they will bourgeois parties, except that it brings divide among workers, from the experiences of activists committing himself to continuing it. Committee (SNAC) ran independent control of our local industries and rights at Ts’Peten (Gustafsen Lake). Chief Theresa Spence conducted a on the west coast of BC to treat the challenge our position. It makes us about small reforms in health, welfare, environmentalists and from the US and the United candidates in the 1968 federal Native communities” In government again in BC, the fast on Victoria Island, across from bitumen that would be transported wonder where the province stands.” car insurance, etc.; it is equally a part Indigenous people and put Kingdom. Any such movement Colonialism and Indigenous election. Several leading Aboriginal The next year the Red Power NDP spent the 1990s defending land “Parliament Hill.” Her community there from the oil sands, in the interests At the same time the NDP of the capitalist system and therefore behind us the argument of must go beyond electoral suffrage spokespersons were opposed to this movement emerged, sparked by the grabs through colonial courts and had only recently been in the news of “job creation.” And as noted in the government has gone against the unable to bring about any real and jobs versus the environment. It politics and build campaigns on The Canadian state is based on the action. They argued that because White Paper, but the NDP did not armed police—while also legislating for appalling housing conditions. Globe &Mail at the time, “In a speech expressed wishes of First Nations basic changes in society. argued that the shift must begin the ground, from the grass roots violent suppression of Indigenous Indians had been excluded from embrace it. The Dene Peoples were striking teachers back to work. Support came from everywhere, both aimed at easing fears that his party is and others to approve the giant Site “All governments regardless now, and put forward a vision up, that will engage working sovereignty and for the first century voting until 1961, there was no reason fighting for their rights when the The BC NDP government Indigenous and non-Indigenous. The opposed to oil sands development, C dam, and in the latest development, of their political affiliations have for the future that took on the people, racialized communities, of its existence it used the vote as a why they should become involved MacKenzie Valley pipeline was being professed to be moving beyond Canadian Union of Postal Workers Mr. Mulcair said shipping western oil the NDP is openly supporting the discriminated against native people austerity agenda that had been First Nations and all those who colonial tactic—offering it as the now… proposed. the overtly racist and exploitive (CUPW) issued a public letter of to Eastern Canada is a ‘pro-business, liquid natural gas (LNG) industry. In and denied them their rights as full running roughshod over working see the need for change. price to pay for relinquishing Indian “We understood that political During the Berger inquiry into the practices of decades of Social Credit/ support for her and for Indigenous common sense solution’ that will January 2018, Premier Horgan spoke citizens. Parliament is an instrument people and the poor. The moment is now – and we status, or as a temporary measure to parties were intimately connected pipeline, at a meeting in Winnipeg, Liberal governments who refused to sovereignty. In contrast to CUPW’s create jobs and boost the country’s at the Natural Resources Forum in of the ruling class and its main This approach understood must take advantage of it. The mobilize Indigenous soldiers. After to the capitalist system that home to a large Indigenous recognize indigenous land title. The letter of support, NDP leader Tom energy security. Mr. Mulcair later Prince George and is reported by purpose is to support and protect the the need for a just transition for capitalist system does all it can the war, the Liberal government of impoverished our people. For this community, the Manitoba NDP NDP created treaty tables to negotiate Mulcair called on the Chief to told reporters he has long said he the CBC to have presented himself ruling class… Radical nationalism workers involved in resource- to divide us one from another, St-Laurent discussed Indigenous reason, we believed that all parties, declined to make a submission, for “certainty” in a province where no suspend her hunger strike, saying “the would not speak against the oil sands “as a champion of B.C.’s resource will mean greater class consciousness. based industries, appreciating but collectively we have the suffrage, but cabinet minister CD Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP, fear of offending business. “Silence treaties were in place. But these government seems to be moving so I expansion.” Refusing to support industry… He will confirm his It develops the understanding that workers are not interested power to overcome it. Howe feared it would benefit the CCF, were incapable of making real is consent” accurately describes this “treaties” relied on the governments think that the best thing to do would climate justice, while promising openness to a proposed LNG export that a native liberation struggle is in raping the planet but are We need to bridge the which had attracted some Indigenous changes. They could only make failure. In 1972, BC elected its first (federal and provincial) extinguishing be to step back from that now.” “balanced budgets,” Mulcair allowed terminal in Kitimat, B.C.” essentially the same struggle as that simply taking the jobs on offer divisions among us, organize activists. It was only in 1960 under minor reforms that would never NDP government and Premier Dave the land title of First Nations, then The next year, when Elsipogtog Trudeau to tack left with progressive of the working class and all oppressed to feed their families. It argued ourselves in mass movements the Conservative Diefenbaker provide lasting benefits to Indians and Barrett thought he was doing the right negotiating some of the land back was building Indigenous-settler rhetoric and win the federal election. Reform or revolution people against a capitalist ruling that workers must be involved and socialist organization to government that Indigenous people Metis. Therefore, SNAC’s candidate, thing by appointing Nisga’a leader into the control of each participating solidarity to stop testing which could Last month, Cree NDP MP This is another betrayal, and one built class. In this way, Indians and Metis in building our future along take on the attacks we are were allowed to vote, and this Carole Lavalee of the Cowesses Frank Calder to his cabinet. But First Nation. In other words, the have led to massive fracking in New Romeo Saganash re-introduced a into the NDP and which exposes its can build alliances with workers and with respecting the inherent experiencing, and build together came in the context of continued reserve, ran as an independent…A Calder was given no portfolio; this government formalizes its robbery of Brunswick, the leadership of the New private member’s bill to make the contradictions. The Liberals and Tories other oppressed and colonized groups rights and title of the “original for a new world. forced assimilation—from ongoing couple of Aboriginals had been was tokenism supreme. the lands, then gives a little bit back, Brunswick NDP called for “the rule UN Declaration on the Rights of don’t betray because their corporate of white society.”

4 Socialist Worker February 2018 February 2018 Socialist Worker 5 Where we stand Tim Hortons: Canadian capitalism, The dead-end of capitalism The capitalist system is based on violence, oppression and brutal exploitation. It creates hunger beside plenty, it threatens our sustenance ‘small business’ and resistance through unsafe and unsustainable farming, and kills the earth itself with pollution and unsustainable extraction of oil, minerals, animals, trees, and water. Capitalism leads to imperialism and war. Saving ourselves by Jesse McLaren and the planet depends on finding an alternative. When the heirs to billionaire Tim A system that is killing the planet Hortons founders cut paid breaks Capitalist profits depend on extracting the world’s blood and bone. The and benefits for the minimum wage devastating impact of capital’s assault on the planet affect the world’s employees at their Cobourg franchise, most vulnerable populations and threaten the long-term meaningful it exposed the massive exploitation existence of humanity. Capitalism cannot regulate the catastrophic that has always been at the heart of effects of climate change. We stand for climate justice, including the Canada’s iconic coffee shop. concept of “just transition” for affected workers. Canadian ‘small business’ Socialism and workers’ power In 1964 hockey player Tim Horton Any alternative to capitalism must involve replacing the system from the started a doughnut shop in Hamilton, bottom up through radical collective action. Central to that struggle is the and in 1967 partnered with Ron workplace, where capitalism reaps its profits off our backs. Joyce, a cop who ran a Dairy Queen Capitalist monopolies control the earth’s resources, but workers restaurant. While named after Horton everywhere actually create the wealth. A new socialist society can only and connected to the national sport be constructed when workers collectively seize control of that wealth he played, it was Joyce who ran the and plan its production and distribution to satisfy human needs, not company. In the 1990s Tim Hortons corporate profits—to respect the environment, not pollute and destroy it. merged with Wendy’s (another company based on low wages) to Oppression expand into the US, and returned to Rally in solidarity with Tim Hortons workers in Toronto. Within capitalist society different groups suffer from specific forms of Canada in 2000 to take advantage of oppression. Attacks on oppressed groups are used to divide workers low corporate taxes created by years and weaken solidarity. We oppose racism and imperialism. We oppose of Liberal and Tory cuts. and deported at the end of their workers and treat migrant workers as all immigration controls. We support the right of people of colour and Most stores are operated by business contract, has served Tim Hortons disposable, but now find themselves other oppressed groups to organize in their own defence. We are for real, owners who run an average of three expansion. But labour solidarity can squeezed between workers demands social, economic and political equality for women. We are for an end stores. But these are not separate, push back—from the steelworkers for higher wages and their parent to all forms of discrimination and homophobia against lesbians, gays, small businesses independent from the who supported the migrant workers company demands for higher profits. bisexuals and transgender people. multi-billion dollar corporation. As in Fernie in 2013, to the student and This is widening the pre-existing rift, We oppose environmental racism. We oppose discrimination on the former CEO Don Schroader boasted labour groups who supported the with both sides blaming each other basis of religion, ability and age. to the Globe & Mail in 2011, “we are unionization of a Tim Hortons in for attacking workers. landlords, it is part of our business Winnipeg in 2015. The Liberals, having been Canada, Quebec, Indigenous Peoples model…so we have a good re-occurring pressured into passing Bill 148 and Canada is not a “colony” of the United States, but an imperialist country stream of income…and the real estate Roll up the resistance seeing a majority support for the in its own right that participates in the exploitation of much of the world. is a big part of that and it ties us close By building a broad campaign to raise $15 minimum wage, are banking The Canadian state was founded through the repression of Indigenous to the restaurant owners as well.” Now in the minimum wage and improve their election hopes on presenting peoples and the people of Quebec. 3G Capital, the Brazilian private equity labour standards, the Fight for $15 themselves as defenders of workers— We support the struggles for self-determination of Quebec and firm that merged Tim Hortons and and Fairness is raising class struggle. and calling out Tim Hortons as Indigenous peoples up to and including the right to independence. In Burger King into Restaurant Brands This is exposing the “Canadian icon” bullies. This is convenient cover for a particular, we recognize Indigenous peoples’ original and primary right International in 2014, is squeezing more of Tim Hortons for what it has always government that froze the minimum to decide their fate and that of their lands, heritage, and traditions. from the franchises, sparking class been: a profit-hungry corporations wage for years, cut corporate taxes Socialists in Quebec, and in all oppressed nations, work to give the action lawsuits from an association of that has made billions by exploiting and recently bullied teachers back struggle against national oppression an internationalist and working owners. workers and taking advantage of low to work. But it’s a tactic that will class content. When it merged with Burger corporate taxes. That Ron Joyce Jr and work until the NDP wakes up and King in 2014, some labour leaders Jeri-Lynn Horton-Joyce, the children smells the brewing resistance. In Internationalism characterized it as “the sale of an and heirs of the co-founders, should 2014 the NDP refused to support The struggle for socialism is part of a worldwide struggle. We campaign iconic Canadian business to a group claim to be “small business owners” the $14 minimum wage because of for solidarity with workers in other countries. We oppose everything that of foreign billionaires”—glamorizing shows that this argument against a “small businesses”, and have been turns workers from one country against those from other countries. We a Canadian billionaire whose empire higher minimum wage has always ambivalent about the Fight for $15. support all genuine national liberation movements. chased low corporate taxes while been led by big business—including Many have instinctively called The 1917 revolution in Russia was an inspiration for the oppressed paying workers poverty wages for 40 Tim Hortons, Wendy’s, Macdonald’s, for boycotts, which is a welcome everywhere. But it was defeated when workers’ revolutions elsewhere years prior to the merger. But it the Walmart, and Loblaws—not small sentiment of revulsion that has were defeated. A Stalinist counter-revolution, which killed millions, “iconic Canadian business” which has business, many of whom support a shaken Tim Hortons’ carefully created a new form of capitalist exploitation based on state ownership used the Temporary Foreign Worker higher minimum wage. crafted nationalist image. But the and control. In Eastern Europe, China and other countries, a similar Program to exploit migrant workers. Class struggle is also driving a anger needs to be channeled towards system was later established by Stalinist, not socialist, parties. We Having temporary and disposable wedge into the business community, supporting workers, reversing the support the struggle of workers in these countries against both private low-wage workers, who can be paid cuts, and extending the Fight for $15 and state capitalism. and exposing rifts. Tim Hortons lower wages, denied labour rights owners have been happy to exploit and Fairness.

Elections and democracy Elections can be an opportunity to give voice to the struggle for social Never miss Name: change. But under capitalism, they can’t change the system. The structures of the present parliament, army, police and judiciary protect an issue. Address: the ruling class against the workers. These structures cannot be simply Mail in this form with a cheque taken over and used by the working class. The working class needs Phone: real democracy, and that requires an entirely different kind of state—a or money order made payable to workers’ state based upon councils of workers’ delegates. “Socialist Worker”. E-mail: Prices per year (CAD dollars): Regular subscription: $30 Reform and revolution Mail to: Socialist Worker, PO Box 339 Every day, there are battles between exploiter and exploited, oppressor Institutions, First Class Station E, Toronto, ON Canada, M6H 4E3 and oppressed, to reform the system—to improve living conditions. delivery and U.S.: $50 Phone: 416.972.6391 / E-mail: [email protected] These struggles are crucial in the fight for a new world. To further these Other international: $60 struggles, we work within the trade unions and orient to building a rank and file movement that strengthens workers’ unity and solidarity. But the fight for reforms will not, in itself, bring about fundamental social change. The present system cannot be fixed or reformed as the Join the International Socialists NDP and many trade union leaders say. Nor can the system regulate itself to prevent environmental destruction and climate injustice. It has to Name: City: be overthrown. That will require the mass action of workers themselves. Address: The revolutionary party E-mail: Phone: To achieve socialism the leading activists in the working class have to be organized into a revolutionary socialist party. The party must be a party Mail to: International Socialists, PO Box 339, Station E, Toronto, ON Canada, M6H 4E3 of action, and it must be democratic. We are an organization of activists Phone: 416.972.6391 / E-mail: [email protected] committed to helping in the construction of such a party through ongoing activity in the mass organizations of the working class and in the daily struggles of workers and the oppressed. If these ideas make sense to you, help us in this project, and join the International Socialists. Find us on: @socialist_ca \socialistca

6 Socialist Worker February 2018 Unifor-CLC split REVIEW demands unity from below American Fall: Anti-Flag’s passion by Doug Nesbitt, Gerard Di Trolio, shows no sign of slowing down Evan Johnston & David Bush by D’Arcy Briggs you don’t know you’re racist / A bigot with Unifor, Canada’s largest private sector union, a check list / Just ‘cause you don’t know has left the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). ith a cover featuring the Oval you’re racist / You don’t get a pass when This will have reverberations across the entire Office covered in stacks of mon- you’re talkin’ your shit,” and an incredibly labour movement, and the Unifor membership ey in the shape of a skull, it’s sharp verse with “Black lives matter and has had no say in the decision Wnot hard to guess what is fueling you don’t know why / And reverse racism Anti-Flag’s latest . isn’t a real thing / No you weren’t alive in Divisions at the top Since their last album’s release in 2015, the time of slavery / But that’s no excuse Unifor president Jerry Dias framed their the state of politics in the US has gone from to ignore its legacy / Not afraid of refugees decision in terms of democratic rights of bad to worse; or rather, the kinks in the cap- / But don’t want a mosque built on your union members to choose their own unions, italist machine are starting to show. Trump street.” and defending the autonomy of Canadian has given a new confidence and a new voice Musically this album follows the same unions. But the subtext of the split is Unifor’s to the abhorrent and odious right wing. steps that we’ve seen Anti-Flag take in re- involvement in the internal crises of other Attacks on democratic institutions and cent years. It’s very anthemic, very polished, unions, and an ongoing dispute over the freedom are defended by centrists in the and draws more than a few comparisons to political direction of the labour movement. name of free speech. This puts Anti-Flag in early Rancid, mid-career Greenday, or any In 2017 Unifor colluded with the president the position where their views seem all the band that was on Hellcat in the early-2000’s. of Amalgamated Transit Union local 113 more radical, even if they haven’t changed. It’s fun to see them play the melodic pop- to attempt to change unions without any Politically, the album might not be their punk route, but fans of their more straight- membership involvement. most direct or charged, but it does easily ahead style might find the album lacking. As Now Unifor is involved with UNITE HERE call into question much of what is occurring mentioned earlier, the album also features a Local 75’s fight against trusteeship, signing around the world. ska track, perhaps a first or at least a rarity cards of Local 75 members. As the track “The Criminals,” cries: I’d hate to miss the game.” for the band. At the 2017 Ontario Federation of Labour These are the days that test your heart and While lyrically this album doesn’t seem Does it work? convention there was a motion from the floor soul / Strap yourself in for the American Fall as eloquent as some of their classics like The It certainly doesn’t fall flat, but I won’t be for the OFL to offer partisan support for the / Day after day it is all crash and burn / A Terror State or , it’s upset if the band sticks to the styles they’re NDP. nation hijacked by the criminals.” still surprisingly diverse. known for. This evoked a heated debate which pitted In the one ska song featured on the album, Tracks cover a wide range of topics, such Anti-Flag has been a powerful and pop- Unifor delegates, whose old CAW side has which could be Anti-Flag’s first ska song as checking our privilege, substance abuse, ular voice with radical politics for decades, backed strategic voting since the late 1990s, to date, they tackle intersectional issues as well as the group’s standards of anti-im- and this album shows the band playing with against delegates from most other unions. such as gender, class, and race with lines perialist anthems. a passion that shows no sign of slowing The pro-NDP motion was passed and it like “Look outside your window, there’s a There isn’t necessarily an immediate down. was clear the leadership of Unifor was not woman being grabbed / They’ve voted with standout on the album, with a chorus or While many have cried foul as they have pleased. their reverence and a Bible in their hand / message that will stick in your head for worked with major labels, their unwavering The divisions at the top are not new, but Maybe we should go outside and try to stop days, but I would move that “Racists” has support for grassroots movements and social splits have a real effect on the ground. her pain / The anthem started playing and an outstanding chorus with “Just ‘cause justice is nothing but admirable. Consider the timing of this split as Tim Hortons owners have sparked off an explosion of working-class anger against employers we haven’t seen in years. There is “887”: Language, identity and class a national discussion over working conditions and organizing the unorganized. This demands And we only hear the sound of our a coordinated, united and strategic response by Chantal Sundaram breathing over the tools from all unions. Je me souviens. The Quebec license plate Speak white and loud Our priorities: building unity is the backdrop to renowned theatre-maker So that we can hear you from below Robert LePage’s study of memory, “887.” From St-Henri to St-Domingue The split and its possible consequences are Named for the street address of his What an admirable tongue a propaganda gift to employers. If Unifor does childhood apartment in Quebec City, it For hiring in fact begin raids, it allows business to spin is a true story of the Quiet Revolution – Giving orders more stories about greedy unions who only first performed mostly in English, to a Setting the time for working yourself to care about union dues. largely anglophone audience, when it was death At the local level, it will be important that commissioned by the Toronto 2015 Pan SFU [CC BY 2.0] And for the pause that refreshes Unifor activists engaged in work with other Am Games. It went back to Toronto by And invigorates the dollar union members are not ostracised because popular demand in April 2017, and played their French diction is to the director, who of the decisions of their union leadership. at Ottawa’s National Arts Centre in January says, well yes, in your day it was all about Speak white Activists pushing for unity at the local level 2018, again in English with some subtitled physical theatre for the masses; today those Talk to us about production profits and will be absolutely necessary if the labour French, to a mostly anglophone audience. people would not be able to afford theatre percentages movement wants to fight and win. In this solo show, LePage is unable to school. Speak white While there is disorder at the top, keeping memorize the 1968 poem “Speak White” It is this class anger that is at the heart of It’s a rich language a fighting labour movement will require unity by Michel Lalonde, about the forcing of the poem “Speak White,” which starts with For buying from below. Union members must hold their English on Quebec, for an official com- the words “We are an uncultured, stammer- But for selling leaders to account to help solve this impasse memoration of the founding of Quebecois ing people.” The Quiet Revolution changed But for selling your soul and get back to fighting for the interests of poetry. He tells us how he created a mem- that in many ways, but this is at the heart of But for selling out workers. ory device: the apartment where he grew the contradiction LePage faces in recit- There’s a huge opening across the country up in the 1960s, from the emergence of the ing the poem to a room of dignitaries far It is a universal language to advance a $15 minimum wage and Quiet Revolution to the FLQ crisis. The removed from the world that produced it as We were born to understand it organize the most unorganized sectors. The places of his childhood are enacted onstage a cry of anger in 1968. With its teargas words alternative is a divided labour movement that with scale models. That world is brought to life from a 12 With its nightstick words can be easily conquered by the bosses and Memory can be inhibited by a perform- year-old’s conversation with his father hostile governments. er’s lack of resolution with a text. But while the FLQ manifesto was being read Speak white LePage’s real lack of resolution may be live on TV, where he can’t understand lSee the full article at with the audience he had to memorize the his father saying “they’re right in what Tell us again about Freedom and poem for: federal and provincial dignitaries they say, but not in what they do,” to the Democracy and media. He says the only person worthy same 12 year old having his newspaper We know that liberty is a black word to recite the poem would be his taxi driver bag searched by a soldier under Canada’s Just as poverty is black father who worked long hours to give the War Measures’ Act: “I wanted to say, you And just as blood mixes with dust in the family a better life. By creating a memory idiot, the bombs aren’t in my bag but in my streets of Algiers device based not only on the Quebec of the head.” And Little Rock (…) 60s but also the working-class world he And in the end it is the poem itself that grew up in, he brings the poem to life. explodes like a bomb: We Language and identity are tied up with are not alone class: LePage tells an anecdote about going A bit stronger then, speak white to a Quebec Conservatory performance Raise your foremen’s voices to hear theatre students perform Aristo- We’re a bit hard of hearing l887 can be purchased as a book in French. An phanes. He comments on how beautiful We live too close to the machines English version is to be published in August 2018. Jerry Dias Photo: OFL Communications

February 2018 Socialist Worker 7 $2 | No 601 | February 2018 | Mass support for Tim Hortons workers by Kevin Taghabon the growing rifts inside the company. Tim Hortons was foolish enough to overplay n January 19 the Fight For $15 and their position and turn themselves into public Fairness and labour movement allies villains after decades of PR linking the brand to launched actions at 50 Tim Hortons lo- Canada. The motivations behind Tims’ minimum O cations from Vancouver to Halifax. The wage backlash are the exact same incentives actions are part of a continued pushback against every employer has to cut corners. Tim Hortons bosses who have come out of the The Rainbow Foods supermarket in Ottawa re- gate openly abusing workers over Ontario’s new cently announced that it had reversed its decision minimum wage and labour laws. to cut breaks in response to overwhelming public “Roll up the Min to Win” and “Honk if You backlash. Canada’s largest Asian supermarket [Love] Tim Hortons Workers” were among the with seven locations in Toronto has also canceled signs at actions at multiple locations along Bloor plans to take away workplace benefits. Without Street in Toronto. Demonstrations were met with the united movement fighting back against Tim broad support from pedestrians, customers, and Hortons’ abuses, many other businesses would drivers alike. In Vancouver, activists handed out have steamrolled over their loyal workers for a over a hundred leaflets, reaching every single few dollars. Tim’s customer during the morning rush at the Langara College location. In Ottawa 60 people Unspoken treasure rallied, leafleted customers, and heart labor allies Tim Hortons employees hand people their coffee from the CLC and Ottawa & District Labour at rest stops on exhausting trips on the highway. Council. In Kingston over 100 people gathered They are there to energize students during ardu- to show their support for workers. Rally at Tim Hortons in Cobourg ous study sessions on campuses across the coun- The evening before the day of action, the To- try. They are there kickstarting groggy workdays ronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, tice, and so we are happy to support the Fight location makes $265,000 a year after expenses for thousands of people. representing over 3000 Toronto Fire Services em- for $15 and Fairness.” At the Tims near Toronto’s and labour have been paid (as of 2011, most re- In fostering and maintaining organized net- ployees, tweeted out support for the movement. “A downtown hospitals, health workers rallied for cent numbers publicly available). Franchisees are works of working people across the country we rising tide lifts all boats...We support the struggle workers: “Tim Hortons share the wealth, decent neither victims of the wage increase, nor as they can win against those fighting to keep living stan- of all precarious and vulnerable workers.” work is good for health.” simply “small business owners.” dards low today, and be ready for the aspirational In the Bloor West Village of Toronto, repre- Two independent provincial special advisers battles of tomorrow. Tim Hortons has chosen sentatives from Toronto 350, a grassroots climate Tims: corporate Canada confirmed that in franchise-franchisee relation- to treat their employees as pawns. We have the justice organization, joined the rally to lend sup- Tim Hortons’ Frequently Asked Questions page ships virtually all aspects of the business are dic- power to make them heroes. port. “Minimum wage jobs tend to be low carbon states that one needs $1.5 million in net worth tated from the corporate head office. The “rogue or no carbon jobs...The battle for climate justice and $500,000 of liquid assets to open a Tim Hor- franchisees” line advanced by corporate ignores lFor the full report and analysis, cannot be won without winning economic jus- tons location. Additionally, the average franchise how much control they exert, but it does hint at visit Women’s marches buoyed by #MeToo by Lisa Descary and demands of the women’s movement, and Noor Although this year’s rally was smaller than inclement weather to rally and march against Michelle Robidoux Fadel, the young hijabi woman who faced an last year’s march of 15,000, it is encouraging Trump and the racism, sexism and homophobia Islamophobic attack on public transit last year. that so many people were willing to brave the that has been fueled by his presidency. One year after Donald Trump’s inaugura- tion, hundreds of thousands participated in Ottawa women’s marches across the US, Canada In Ottawa, several thousand marchers rallied and around the world, rejecting Trump’s pol- on Parliament Hill, listening to speeches from icies of misogyny, racism and anti-Muslim a wide range activists before being led by In- bigotry. digenous drummers on a march through central While the march numbers overall were not Ottawa. as high as 2017, they were impressive by any measure. They represent a sustained mobili- Toronto zation that has been buoyed by the eruption Led by a group of Indigenous women hand of #MeToo movement exposing sexual ha- drummers, a spirited march of over 15,000 rassment and abuse. people took to the streets of Toronto. Under the In Los Angeles, an estimated 600,000 peo- banner “Defining our Future”, the march chal- ple rallied. In New York City, hundreds of lenged hate and misogyny, and underlined the thousands marched. There were mass rallies ongoing crisis of Missing and Murdered Indig- in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco and Bos- enous Women. ton, as well as many smaller cities and towns. Speakers included Indigenous educator In Canada, actions took place across the Dawn Maracle, Rohingya refugees Zainab and country, including in Whitehorse, Montreal Tasmeen, and city councilor Kristyn Wong- and Edmonton. Tam. Union flags and home-made signs mingled side by side, and while it was not the 60,000 of Vancouver last year’s event, there was a feisty mood among In Vancouver, despite the windy, rainy day, the crowd. about 5,000 people gathered for this year’s In Toronto, keeping the momentum going in- march. The diverse speakers addressed not only cludes building the annual International Wom- sexism but a variety of issues of oppression, en’s Day march on March 3rd. Last year’s IWD from racism and Islamophobia to transphobia. march drew 11,000 people in freezing weather, Speakers included Hailey Heartless, who to unite the fight and build the resistance. spoke to the importance of including rights for sex workers and transgender people in the Thousands gather on Parliament Hill for the Women’s March lFor more info see