T H E G L O B a L I S S
FALL 2017 MAGAZINE the GLOBAL issue ON THE COVER Her Doorway. Photo by Emma Wellman ’19 While visiting a kasbah in Marrakech to study intricate tiles and painted designs on wood during the French Language and Culture in Morocco Interim, Wellman photographed her classmate Anna Lutz ’18 in the doorway. The door and Anna’s hat and scarf, purchased in the Fez medina, exemplify the bright colors that weave their way through every [Moroccan] city,” says Wellman. “Morocco is diverse, unified, colorful, and beautiful.” ST. OLAF MAGAZINE FALL 2017 · VOLUME 64 · NO. 3 EDITOR Carole Leigh Engblom ART DIRECTOR Don Bratland ’87 26 COPY EDITOR Laura Hamilton Waxman CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Gaju Aline ’19, Renata Erickson ’19, Sarah Gruidl ’17, Joel Hoekstra ’92, Marla Hill Holt ’88, Erin Peterson, Jeff Sauve CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Anne Christianson ’07, Mac Gimse ’58, Tom Roster, Anne Ryan/Polaris, Fernando Sevilla Readers may send name/address changes and corrections to: Advancement Services, St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, MN 55057; email update@stolaf.edu or call 507-786-3330 Class Notes and Milestones Submission Deadlines: Spring issue: Feb. 1; Fall issue: June 1; Winter issue: Oct. 1. Contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations, 507-786-3028 or 888-865-6537; email alum-office@stolaf.edu; update online at stolaf.edu/alumni/share-your-news St. Olaf Magazine is published three times annually (Winter, Spring, Fall) by St. Olaf College, with editorial offices at the Office of Marketing and Communications; email: magazine@stolaf.edu 34 stolaf.edu 6 facebook.com/stolafcollege twitter.com/StOlaf instagram.com/stolafcollege youtube.com/user/stolaf · CHENNAI, INDIA · ALEXANDRA MADSEN ’18 MADSEN ALEXANDRA · INDIA CHENNAI, · THE SARI MAKER SARI THE MAGAZINE FALL 2017 2 Letter to Oles From President David R.
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