There are speakers who speak about a specific topic. There are speakers who share their inspiring stories. AND… there are speakers who change peoples' experience and appreciation of all aspects of life...and get them into ACTION and "back into their lives" (at work and home) no matter what CHANGES...POLICIES...or CIRCUMSTANCES are coming at them during these challenging times! That’s what Robyn Moore does! She transforms the attitudes, behaviours and LIVES of people…so they not only fulfill their own potential, but also become “a significant person” in other peoples’ lives…as a leader. In Robyn' s authentic presentations, she shares her life, humour and passion…and also her faith journey.

"The Power of the Word…BIG Words, BIG People, BIG Lives!"

Question: What "outcomes" do you want your speaker to produce? Passion for Vocation/Profession, Motivation, Inspiration, Entertainment, Communication Skills? More access to Leadership, Re-creation of Staff Culture, Change Management Skills, Re-engagement, Teamwork, Life Balance, Relationships, Partnerships with Staff, Parents, Students and Community, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence, Renewal of Faith…or a specific request?

Robyn's presentations are tailored to your Brief as well as being designed to: • Re-ENGAGE your audience with their whole LIFE… (their Vocation/Job, Purpose, Family, Relationships, Community…Themselves!) • Re-ALIGN with their Mission, Vision, Values and Goals. • Re-INVENT attitudes and behaviours…attendees access personal responsibility and self- determination. The bi-products are Leadership, Integrity and Authenticity. • Re-GENERATE Passion, Energy, Productivity, Laughter and Work/Home balance. • Re-MIND your audience about what "really mattered before the circumstances changed everything!" They get to experience Possibility, Optimism and Satisfaction again…and the desire to pass this onto others in their lives. • Re-STORE confidence in the future of Families, Education, Community…Society.

Imagine these "outcomes" for your School and Parish Community…

“In my many years in education and attendance at conferences and similar events I have never seen a presenter connect so well with those participating. Our teachers, aides, administration people, Principals, Catholic Education Office personnel, Parish Priests... took part of Robyn away with them in their hearts and minds back to their schools and workplaces. And for all that they took from her; Robyn seemed touched and strengthened as much as they did! She is a special person who inspires everyone she touches." Jo-Anne Bond (Catholic Ed Conference Warnambool)

BACKGROUND: Robyn Moore is regarded as one of ’s best and most in-demand speakers. For over 40 years she has been working in Education, Advertising and the Communication/Entertainment Industry. She has unique skills with "the Power of the Word" and her entertaining, inspiring and thought provoking presentations totally captivate her audiences at national and international conferences. Robyn literally "sells people back to themselves" so they recognise old habits and behaviours and take responsibility for choices, which create the outcomes they want in their lives. Robyn’s presentations are quite often literally described as…“life changing”.

WHY ARE ROBYN'S TALKS "LIFE-CHANGING"? 1. You don’t just HEAR Robyn’s presentations…you EXPERIENCE them! 2. Robyn is not stuck in 1 story therefore, every talk is unique! She has hundreds of life stories and distinctions to draw from, all chosen to resonate with each audience and create the OUTCOMES her clients want! 3. As a Voice-Over Artist for 40 years, she has the unique skill to GET people to GET it…quickly, effectively and authentically. People can then start to LIVE the INSIGHTS! 4. She is a “HIGH VALUE” Speaker, because the shifts people experience in their perception and behaviour…LAST!

ROBYN’S RELEVANCE FOR YOUR EDUCATION EVENT: • Robyn was a Primary School Teacher, a Specialist Drama Teacher, Toured Schools with Theatre in Education, was a writer/performer in ABC Educational Programs and ABC Liaison Officer in Schools. • Robyn still works with students from 5 years of age to university graduates and with Educators from Early Childhood to the Tertiary Sector. • She conducts “life-changing” Keynote Presentation and Workshops around Australasia with Principals and Leadership Groups, Teachers, School Business Managers, Ad-Min Staff, Support Staff, “Children at Risk”, Student Leaders, Childrens' Services and Agency Staff and to the whole School Community. • Robyn speaks at Education Conferences, School PD Days, to large Cluster Groups of Staff, Special Staff/Student/Parent Events and School Community Gatherings (from Graduations to Restorative Events after Hardship).

HONORARY POSITIONS: Robyn is an Ambassador for the Australia Day Council and the Australian Childhood Foundation and has been National Patron of Make-A-Wish Australia (a Volunteer and Wish Granter) for 18 years.

BACKGROUND: Catholic Faith Journey: * Robyn’s 2 sons have been brought up in the Catholic Education System. * She converted to Catholicism at Easter in 1989. * Robyn was a participant in the Family Group Movement in Sydney. * Her husband has been a Catholic Spiritual Director for 20 years. * She speaks throughout Australia and NZ to Educators and Students in Catholic Education and to many other Christian Groups in the community eg. Catholic Church Development Fund Managers’ Conference, Centacare 40th Birthday Dinner, Employment Plus, Mission Employment, Anglican Clergy Conference, Josephites’ Conference, CatholicCare, Oceanic Bishops Conference, Lutheran Community, Anglicare, Rising Generations National Leadership Camp, Door of Hope “Flourish Day”, “Powerhouse of Leaders” Brisbane, C3 Church Community etc.

Christian School Clients (1997-2014): Administrative Secretaries of Catholic Colleges, Northern Tasmanian Catholic Secondary Staff, Marist College Burnie (year 11 and 12 students), St Mary’s Anglican Girls School PD Day WA, Qld Catholic Education PD Day, Guilford Young College Hobart/Glenorchy (600 year 11 students), Evandale College Foundation, Sacred Heart College Reflection Day, Merici College ACT Year 11 (2003—2015), Catholic Education Business Administrators’ Association Conference, St Kevin’s School (Parents/Staff), Catholic Schools in Sale, Rising Generations Student Leader Camps (2003-2013), Xavier College Staff (Melb), Our Lady of Sion Student/Significant Adult Breakfasts (2005/2006), Adventist Teachers Conference, National Association of Catholic School Principals Conference, Catholic Education Conference Swan Hill, Pymble Ladies College, St Michaels Aquinas Colleges’ PD Day,

St James College Tas, Brisbane Catholic Education Conference (2011-2013), Catholic Education Conference (Warnambool), Assoc. of Private School Bursars, Tour Catholic Schools (3000 students in , Goulburn, Tumut, Young, Leeton), Trinity North Staff and Presentation Evening, Nth Qld Catholic Principals' Conference, Catholic Primary School Ad Min Conference Sydney, Catholic Principals Conference (ACT), Carrell College Staff, Home Based Educators, Daramalan Collage, St Francis Xavier College ACT (2010-2012), McKillop College ACT, SA Lutheran Schools Staff Conferences (Secondary/Primary), St Michael’s Collegiate School, Tatachilla Lutheran College Students (2011-2015), Powerhouse Leaders’ Day Brisbane (2011-2012), Ave Maria College Melbourne, Catholic Schools Bunbury WA, Alliance of Girls Schools Conference Sydney (2011-2015), Our Lady of Mt Carmel School, Catholic School Librarians, Rangi Ruru Girls Collage Christchurch, Catholic Ed Leaders Darwin, Southern Cross Cluster Schools Townsville, Brisbane, Catholic Primary School Staff Conference Qld...

Robyn's "Life-changing" stories and distinctions open the way for: 1. Renewed enthusiasm and passion…in the face of CHANGE! 2. 20 significant communication distinctions which create “LIFE-CHANGING” results! 3. Self-motivation no matter what…being bigger than the circumstances. 4. Access to powerful, audacious LEADERSHIP…where you find the courage to encourage others to be leaders! 5. Identifying where we “sell out” on our vocation and professionalism…and on US! 6. The ability to rediscover the uniqueness of us and others and the self- determination required to celebrate our full potential. 7. Insights to create PARTNERSHIP with others…all drawn by a “mighty purpose". This clarity helps us choose what's really important in life. 8. Inspiring a “Curriculum for LIFE” within the Parish, Schools and wider Community. 9. Celebrating and honoring this GIFT called LIFE…and re-confirming our Faith. 10. An eagerness to BE a meaningful contribution at home, at work and in our Community.


“Excellent! Robyn was even better than I expected!!! I was most impressed with the care and attention Robyn gave to her task. She went to great lengths to ensure that she had a clear understanding of the committee’s objectives and vision for our conference as a whole – not just her particular role. Robyn demonstrated in her sessions and in discussions that she had used our thoughts and aims to prepare.” Delegates' Comments: • Very affirming. • Crikey she was wonderful. • Thank you for bringing her to us. • Fantastic- from tears to splitting laughter over and over again. • The message and delivery was outstanding. • A very engaging, entertaining and empowering speaker. • Inspirational-wish everyone could be there. • What a wonderful speaker who really touched on every emotion possible to help get the best out of myself…brilliant! • Very inspiring and passionate about life. • Motivational, made me remember why I became a teacher. • Funny/thought provoking, extremely enjoyable *** • Excellent motivational speaker. • Feel like I can take on a few challenges in school and in family life...thank you Robyn. • A great inspiring talk. Fantastic speaker. Has really made me think about myself. • So very good. Very challenging, affirming, wonderfully engaging and personal. • The best speaker I have ever heard. • Thank you to Robyn who has single-handedly helped many teachers today. • Thoughtful, inspiring. • Excellent connection with what people were experiencing in education and life. • Touched the fire within people- inspiring and worthwhile. • Amazing, vibrant, enthusiastic presenter, not afraid to share openly to share her passion!” Jo-Anne Bond St Malachy's Edenhope (Catholic Ed Conference Warnambool)

“Excellent! We have been receiving phone calls from teachers all day with incredible feedback on Robyn’s presentation. This morning I booked Robyn for two more days next year because teachers at other schools have been asking about how they can enrol to hear Robyn!” James Robinson Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane

"The session was most beneficial to everyone who attended. I am sure everyone who listened to you came away inspired and will appreciate the "EXTRAORDINARY" life they have. We have received some wonderful feedback regarding your session from students as well as community members." Ms Anita Mason (McAuley Catholic Central School)

“Excellent! Robyn was on fire. She incorporated our pre-presentation advice, listened to the big messages of other speakers and built her presentation accordingly. We have had Robyn present before but this year was particularly outstanding!” Nardene Lumley “Powerhouse of Leaders Day 2012” (for 500 Student Leaders) Brisbane Catholic Ed

“This email, is full of love, gratitude, affection and affirmations. It’s almost 9pm on Friday night and I have done a ring around and received the LOVELIEST feedback from everyone!! Even “cynical” people are wanting you back to talk to a variety of groups… my leadership group are buzzing about what they can do next - they are all working on projects - and are inspired to do more extraordinary things. Our Parish Priest is really chuffed and has had lots of wonderful stories from people who were there last night! Best of all, lots of people think their joy and happiness has something to do with me! (Typed with a smile!)” Convenor of Catholic Parish Evening and PD Day for Teachers in Regional Australia (300+ attended)

“Excellent! Robyn was energetic, refreshing and thoroughly entertaining. Her insights and engagement of her audience provided a thought provoking and uplifting end to the day.” Geraldine Ilott (Nat Conference Catholic/Independent Schools Bursars)

“Both you and Bishop Chris really set the scene for the whole conference. You frequently tied your thoughts and those expressed by Chris together. I say a very big thank you. And with God's help, may your words continue to arouse people and assist them to change their lives in areas that need changing." Terry Blanchard Association of Catholic School Principals

"Excellent! Just outstanding - many people claiming the best speaker they had heard in over 20 years. Inspiring, funny and profound - a great success! Very professional and conscientious all the way through!" Tony Corr Xavier College Melbourne

“Robyn was inspirational and the highlight of the Conference – the evaluation forms described her as “extraordinary”. Marist-Sion College

“Excellent! Robyn's presentation was powerful and uplifting, she was able to incorporate all of the initiatives we are undertaking here at school this year and the students and staff were really moved by the whole presentation. Robyn was able to ask the hard questions of our students which was part of the brief and she really tapped into their own personal journeys which was also part of the brief. The presentation style in two parts also worked extremely well and really gave our students a chance to work on their own self development.” Trazel Scott Merici College (Year 11 Camp 2003-2015)

“Robyn's rapport with her audience was exceptional. She had them in the palm of her hand from her opening lines. Robyn was able to fulfill our brief 'to bring staff and parents together and to help build a good relationship between the two groups. Robyn did much more that this. She gave us all something to take home and apply to our personal lives and relationships too. So many parents and teachers are still talking about how great a night we had that we will certainly be looking for more opportunities in the future to hold similar evenings.” St Kevin's Primary School (Teachers and Parents Event)

“Excellent! Robyn Moore was a fantastic speaker who had a huge impact on the audience. We were all laughing and crying and taking on board her words of wisdom. She was extremely low maintenance to look after and worth every cent of her speaker's fee. We will remember her talk for many years to come”. Rachael Hind Catholic Primary Teacher Librarians

"Excellent! Robyn's energy and passion inspired all present at the Archdiocese of Canberra/Goulburn Principals' Conference at Thredbo. The after dinner presentation was a highlight of our Conference." Ann Lovell Carroll College

“Excellent! Great feedback from staff who loved her presentation style particularly her use of personal story to engage. Her humour was infectious and we all laughed (and sometimes cried) a lot as we were taken on an emotionally charged journey through the day. Many staff have commented on her input and have been positively affected by the professional learning experience.” Alison Stone Mt Alverina College


“WOW. What an impact you have had yet again. I SO love doing this adventure with you. Thank you for standing with me and walking with me each and every step of the way”. Bec Heinrich CEO “Rising Generations “Youth Forums and National Youth Camp (1998-2013)

“It was an absolute privilege having you as our guest speaker at our Lutheran Schools’ Association Secondary Schools’ Staff Conference. Your entertaining, inspirational, and captivating contribution was pivotal in giving everyone a memorable experience. Heather Vogt Principal Endeavour Lutheran College 800 delegates

Some Comments from the audience: • “The best speaker I have heard in 32 years of PD! Honest risk-taker, vibrant, mirrored the conference theme so well. Lovely to have a Christian that reflected the gospel values and lives them out in her life!” • “Great to hear someone breathing words of life into others.” • “I have used the material personally and shared elements with several others outside my work place.” • “Hilarious and a deep thinker. This is humour with depth. A fabulous mix.” • “She was wonderful, approachable, personable, realistic and engaging. An excellent role model for being a good teacher.” • “I wish I’d heard her earlier in my life.”

“Robyn works with story from light hearted motivation through to dropping her audience right into a serious moment that underpins the authenticity of what she is saying. Very few speakers can work in the format that we have used for year 12 students with 90 minute first up talk and hold the students throughout. Robyn is also able to blend reflections on her experience of the Christian faith in natural and authentic ways that further underpin a holistic approach to her topics - this is important to us as a Lutheran College. Students as “authors of their own lives” is a concept that we are building on going into the year. Thank you Robyn, great working with you again!” Grant Wildman Tatachilla Lutheran College 2011-2015

"Excellent! Robyn was fantastic. As a last minute inclusion and completely different from our keynote speaker who had pulled out Robyn was really well received and provided a great balance of humour, insight and personal experience. The "crikey" moments were fabulous." Kathy Prior Resilient Kids Program, Wesley Mission

“Robyn was very well received from a very diverse population - from the Maintenance Dept. to Administration Officers to Teachers. The best outcome that I can see is that the community came together sharing their laughter and tears. Some feedback: • Inspirational • Incredibly funny and entertaining speaker • Staff laughed and cried throughout • Passionate • Engaging and personal • Made us think about ourselves • Very professional • Where did you find her, she was fantastic • Best motivational speaker I have heard!” Paulina Skerman Head of Senior Schooling Clayfield College

“I have heard nothing but praise and excellent comments of thanks and amazement regarding this woman who seems to be a dynamo of energy and ideas. Rarely are we privileged to listen to humour that is laced with a meaningful and thought-provoking message.” Bob Bolst (Executive Director - The Avondale Foundation (Christian Educational Foundation)

From a parent at a “Volunteering EXPO ”for students at an Anglican College… “Robyn Moore, Australia's most in-demand female speaker visited the Senior School Campus last week. She captivated the hearts and minds of all the Years 8 to 12 students for 45 minutes. Every student in the room had their attention firmly fixed on Robyn. Passion radiated from her. As the students came away from this session, I heard them say that Robyn was amazing and inspiring.”

From a Year 12 Student one week after 4 of her friends were killed by their father: (Anglican Girls School) “While sitting listening to you speak, I realised how “extraordinary” my life really is and that I shouldn’t be wasting a moment of it. Thank you for filling my head with empowering thoughts. That night I had my first full nights sleep since I found out about Bec and her sisters. I’m now not only motivated to pass my exams but I’m aiming to do really well.”

…and from a Year 11 Student at a Catholic School… “I just want to tell you how much you touched me in the heart today. I am a Christian, but I haven’t been acting like it lately. You have helped me see how important every second of my life is. You are blessed with a talent of sharing and giving messages. Thank you so much. Love in Christ …”

Robyn conducting a Workshop with 450 Educators from Catholic Schools

Contact: Simone Ashton PA to Robyn Moore M: 0478 036 986 E: [email protected]