Community building is everyone’s business

The communities of Lawrence Heights, Lotherton, Neptune and /Baycrest are vibrantly rich in culture and diversity. The “One Community” Festival will be opportunity to engage these diverse communities and bring residents Art Starts together to learn about each other’s heritage and City of build a shared sense of community. Lawrence Heights Inter- This one day, out-door & indoor festival held on Organizational Network October 23 from 1-5 pm at Baycrest Park, will be (LHION) showcasing leadership in each of these Neptune Renewal Group communities and bringing together an estimated Toronto Community Housing 500 residents for an afternoon of arts, music, taste

Councilor Josh Colle of ethnic foods and fun!

The theme of the festival will be ‘Unity in CommUnity’ –

Embracing our diversity, Build pride and awareness of the heritage connecting as one. and culture of local communities by engaging members of diverse groups. DEMOGRAPHICS Showcase the local leadership & talent in Residents of all ages from the community Lawrence Heights, Neptune, Bring communities together otherwise in Lotherton Pathways, Lawrence isolation and foster inclusive community Manor/Baycrest communities building which embraces all cultures, religion and ages

For more information on the Create opportunities for agencies and festival & event details please local businesses to deepen their connection to the community contact :

Kaydeen Bankasingh Pave the way for future dialogue Festival Coordinator between all three neighborhoods through this inaugural festival [email protected]

The Neptune Renewal Group eNeRGy

International Women Day Events Celebration of Learning Event Local Community Market Black History Month Celebrations Yo uth Co nference Annual Harvest Festival

Friday Night Cafe Program for the past 2 years featuring community meals and social events, information meetings, community forums and discussions, family events.

Summer Thursday’s Summer of 2011 weekly event highlighting local talent featured at the outdoor stage. Approx. 100-200 people attending each event. Over the years the Lawrence Heights, Neptune and Lotherton Pathways communities have organized a number of successful community engagement Mayor's Community Safety Awards in events celebrating local talent, informing on civic 2009 (for Lawrence Heights Friday engagement and building community leadership Cafe) and in 2010 (recognizing Neptune Renewal Group) for a positive change. Local talent partnered with National Film Board of to produce These events have engaged over one thousand poignant views on their community people over the past year and have brought the (click here). community together to celebrate their Lawrence Heights Animators (a group achievements and successes. 17 residents) recognized by Canadian Urban Institute's 2011 Urban Leadership Award in the category of “Local Heroes”

Our business and community agency partners are a part of the vision of the ‘One Community’ and are essential in building a vibrant,

prosperous neighborhood.

By investing in community & Monetary and in –kind contributions celebrating diversity, we all are an essential part of this festival; prosper by accelerating we would not be able to hold this innovation, creativity and social event if it were not for the generosity cohesio n. of our sponsors. Our sponsors will enable us to recognize our community leaders, celebrate our diversity and to join together as one community. Lead a workshop that aligns to your business service!

Whether it is on financial literacy, a salsa dancing class, beading or bike fixing, we are interested in hearing from you. What are the Benefits? This festival is an We are offering two levels of

Here is your chance to interact opportunity to influence residents’ sponsorship: with the community and also perception of your business or COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS: promote your business – so be organization and leverage meaningful Lead a workshop and/or host a creative! opportunities, such as: booth AND support by In-Kind OR Access to the community as potential Monetary donation MONETARY OR IN- clients; raising awareness of your firm's


If a workshop is not aligned to Support by In-kind OR Monetary Donation Brand visibility; influence the communities’ your business needs, then we attitudes to your brand and grow good will Community Champions will have the encourage you to support us opportunity to promote their with monetary or in-kind Potential to enhance public relations (we products/services and gain brand invite the media to attend and report on donations. Whether it is visibility (1) during the festival and (2) on prizes, giveaways or food and our public events) promotional items (flyers, newsletter). drink donations, we welcome Community Supporters will be An opportunity to show your appreciation acknowledged in the community your support in helping us to to the community; for supporting your newsletter. host a successful community business or organization festival.

The Neptune Renewal Group Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 1pm to 5pm Baycrest Park (tentatively) [email protected]

Sponsorship Application Form

The One Community Festival will take place on Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 from 1pm to 5pm to be held at the Baycrest Park. The event will include entertainment, speaker’s corner, games, and activities for all ages, a marketplace, workshops and food. We are inviting local community businesses to support us to make this festival a successful event.

Please indicate below your level of sponsorship. Vendor option is available if you are seeking to sell your product/service at the event. There will be a small charge for individuals/businesses selling food or merchandise. All tables will be assigned prior to the event.

 Community Champion – Lead Workshop & In-Kind Donation OR Monetary Specify: In-Kind ______OR Monetary _($) ______Workshop Description:


 Community Supporter- In-Kind Donation OR Monetary Specify: In-Kind ______OR Monetary __($)______

 Community Vendor – Will be charged a table fee of $20. Description:


Note: All sponsorship and vending applications will be subject to approval by the One Community Festival Team as space is limited.

Please complete this form and return to Shaon Saeed at email [email protected] by October 18th, 2011.

Organization Name Contact

Type of Business

Address Postal Code

Phone Number Email address Thank you for your support! We will be in contact with you for further details.

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 The Neptune Renewal Group 1pm to 5pm Baycrest Park (tentatively) [email protected]

Exhibitor Application Form

The One Community Festival will take place on Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 from 1pm to 5pm to be held at Baycrest Park (tentatively). The event will include entertainment, speaker’s corner, games, activities for all ages, marketplace, workshops and food. We are inviting local community groups, residents, and agencies that are interested in hosting a table to be a part of this great event! Tables are free of charge for non-profit agencies and groups.

If you would like to host a table, please complete this form and return to Shaon Saeed, email at [email protected] by October 18th, 2011.

First Name Last Name

Organization Name (if applicable)

Address Postal Code

Phone Number Email address

Please describe how you will be using your table:

 Information (please specify: )

 Activities (please specify: )

 Selling food/products (please specify): ) * Applicable to a table fee of $20.

Note: All exhibitor and vending applications will be subject to approval by the One Community Festival Team as space is limited.

Thank you for your support! We will be in contact with you for further details