6 Topic Paper 6 Employment

Crawley Borough Council adopted its Core Summary of the Current Context Strategy back in November 2007, is at the heart of the Crawley / Gatwick sub region and is the economic providing the spatial vision, objectives and driver of the Gatwick Diamond. This is development strategy for Crawley up to largely a consequence of 2016. The Council has now begun being located within its boundaries. preparing the successor to the Core There are a number of economic and employment issues that need to be Strategy – the Core Strategy Review – considered by the Core Strategy Review in which will cover a much longer period up terms of planning for the town’s future. These issues include: addressing existing to 2026. Although there are aspects of economic deficiencies; the future role of the original Core Strategy that can be and the Town Centre; the type and level of employment floorspace that retained there are other areas where should be planned for should Crawley remain the economic driver of the sub significant change has occurred in the region; the potential role of smart growth intervening years and this will need to be and strategic employment; and the implications of the current economic reflected in the new document. climate.

Indication of the Key Issues Relating This consultation period is the first of the to Employment Review and further consultation stages are The economic issues influencing the town planned before the document is adopted to 2026 currently include: • The wider definition of employment in in early 2012. This is your opportunity to draft Government guidance and how to shape the way the town develops over the translate this into planning policy. For example, this could lead to a need to next 20 years and the Council would relax a strong employment retention appreciate and value any comments you stance. • How to reconcile a significant have on this Topic Paper or any of the development ‘pipeline’ with an early others that form part of this consultation. evidence base that suggests this does not entirely match market demands. • To what extent the main existing employment areas, as well as future employment development, can contribute to and meet sustainable development objectives. • Continued uncertainty regarding the possibility of a second runway at Gatwick and the associated economic implications. • Challenges regarding quantifying the • possible greater competitiveness Crawley’s position as the sub regional economic implications of the continued with other sub regions in the region driver and seek to address the local and growth of Gatwick as a single runway • possibly the only manner to sub regional economic deficiencies two terminal operation. accommodate a notable provision of identified through the early evidence • Since the adoption of the Core Strategy high equality employment base. the prominence of the Gatwick Diamond floorspace in a desirable • An emphasis on grade A office has increased. environment to attract inward accommodation. . • The role of Crawley Borough within the investment • Provide opportunities for innovation. Gatwick Diamond economic sub region. • the impact on labour supply, housing • The extent to which new business and commuting patterns Sub Regional development should be accommodated • The extent to which a university • Promotion of Smart growth and Manor at Crawley to help strengthen the local (campus style) as referred to in South Royal as the sub region’s main and sub regional economy against a East Plan Proposed Modifications is employment area. background of evidence that the sub deliverable and would address Crawley’s • Complementary sub regional planning region may be experiencing a decline specific skills deficit. policies within the Gatwick Diamond relative to other parts of the South East. • The implications of the current Core Strategies. • South East Plan Proposed Modifications economic climate and the extent, if any, • Work with other local authorities to promote smart growth as a policy of the Council’s intervention, identify a strategic employment location. approach, against a backdrop of • The extent to which business and • Facilitated High Education provision. continued promotion of strategic industrial land should be protected from • Balanced approach to enhancing employment by key stakeholders. changes to other uses. existing sectors and attracting new • The role of Manor Royal in • Arguments for and against a more sectors, having regard to the accommodating new development and relaxed approach to the current policy complementary sub regional planning the extent to which it should change in whereby employment within Gatwick has policies. the context of the economic challenges to be related to airport operation. • Provide opportunities for innovation. of the 21st century. • The potential for change in the Three Indication of the Options for Borough Bridges Corridor – an area which Addressing the Key Issues Outlined • Promotion of Smart growth and Manor provides a mix of employment Above Royal as the sub region’s main opportunities primarily at a local level, employment area. but given its location could perform a There are considered to be three broad • Focus on conserving and enhancing strategic function at a sub regional level. options economically for the town to 2026, existing sectors and main employment • The need for and implications of which are summarised below. areas. employment development outside the Town Centre and the main employment Strategic Indication of the Potential Direction areas and the potential for identifying a • Strong promotion of smart growth in at this Stage strategic employment location. terms of promoting site availability, • In the context of an early evidence base, allocation and economic growth. In light of the early stage of the evidence the advantages and disadvantages of • Allocation of a sub regional strategic base and the uncertainty regarding some the Strategic Employment Location are employment location (in a hub format) of the issues identified in this Topic Paper, considered to be: to provide high equality employment the Council’s potential policy direction at • possible impact on existing main floorspace in a desirable environment to this stage is outlined below. This is a employment areas, the town centre attract inward investment and increase hybrid of the options outlined above. and neighbourhood towns. sub regional competition. • implications for implementing smart • Allocation of a site for a University / • Crawley will be performing economically growth and meeting sustainability Higher Education facility. to a level which helps the sub region to objectives • Policies and allocations that accentuate maintain its position against other Main Issues for Consultation

• Should a smart growth approach, or strategic anticipate Manor Royal’s function, role and employment growth, or a hybrid form the basis primary use being in 2016 and 2026? of the Core Strategy Review’s employment policy direction? • Should change and development in the Corridor be planned for? • Do you agree with the potential policy direction being a hybrid option? • How valuable to you believe improved higher education provision is for the town and to what • If you do not agree, what option(s) should be extent should the Council support delivery? being considered/pursued? • Should the Council maintain its strong policy for • To what extent should local and sub regional retaining business and industrial land, or should economic deficiencies – aviation reliance, skills a more relaxed approach be adopted which deficit, low innovation and low knowledge acknowledges other land use pressures and economy be considered an issue and addressed? which takes into account wider opportunities for employment, for example retail and education? • At Manor Royal should ‘smart’ growth be promoted in conjunction with plan led • In your opinion what form(s) of employment environmental improvements/regeneration? If a floorspace are particularly underrepresented in plan led approach is to be adopted, how do you the town, or which provision is too great? think this would be best achieved? What do you

comparable sub regions. sector representation, limited innovation • Definition of employment broadened • Crawley will remain the economic heart culture, low knowledge economy beyond the class B land uses. and driver of the sub region. representation and skill levels will be • Requirement for a more intelligent policy • The ethos of the Gatwick Diamond will addressed through policy and approach, for example linked to labour be embraced in the Crawley context. allocations. and sector trends. • Policy and allocations will complement • Overall objective, more intelligent the planning policy of the other Gatwick Current Context employment policies and allocations, Diamond authorities. which provide opportunities for • Development will be of a scale suitable Planning Policy Statement 12 - Local appropriate economic development to achieve the above, but that will not Spatial Planning locally and sub regionally. undermine the existing main • Sub regional approach to issues, employment areas and neighbouring including employment and a South East Plan Proposed Modifications towns. requirement for Core Strategies to • Crawley / Gatwick sub region is identified • Manor Royal will still be fulfilling its provide a flexible supply of employment as a sub regional economic hub. function as a strategically important land in sustainable locations. • The plan does not outline specific employment location and may have • Ability to allocate strategic sites in Core floorspace requirements, but does undergone a degree of planned Strategies, which are critical to ensuring include reference to likely job numbers environmental the delivery of a Core Strategy’s vision, by sub region. renewal/regeneration. objectives and development strategy. • A policy approach of ‘smart’ growth is • Smart growth will be at the heart of • Requirement for a Core Strategy’s vision, promoted. development delivery. objectives and development strategy to • The potential for a university campus at • A strategic development location may be deliverable in terms of agreed Crawley forms part of policy. have been developed to meet broader infrastructure provision set out in an sub regional requirements. Implementation Plan. South East Economic Strategy • A university may have been developed / • Gatwick Diamond identified as a key been planned for, but Higher Education Draft Planning Policy Statement 4 – area for investment and growth. opportunities will be enhanced. Planning for Sustainable Economic • Crawley / Gatwick sub region identified • The town and sub region’s economic Development as a regional hub for economic activity vibrancy and buoyancy will be conserved • Employment Land Reviews (ELR) remain and transport services / enhanced. However, to some degree a requirement to support policy • Three main objectives: long standing deficiencies regarding formulation. • Global Competitiveness: achieving it • Smart Growth: spreading the Gatwick Diamond Futures Plan 2008 – Sub Regional Employment Land Review benefits of competitiveness 16 - Part 1 (2009) (Commissioned by • Sustainable Prosperity: ensuring that • Vision – By 2016 the Gatwick Diamond Crawley Borough Council, Horsham competitiveness is consistent with will be a world-class, internationally District Council and the principles of sustainable recognised business location achieving Council) development sustainable prosperity. • Comparatively, the Crawley/Gatwick sub • In accordance with this vision three region has slightly under performed Crawley Borough Core Strategy strategic initiatives have been defined as against other sub regions in the region. • Structure Plan floorspace Inspire, Connect and Grow. • All towns within the sub region perform requirements planned for (280,000 sq m an individual economic function, with 2001 – 2016). GHK Diamond Report Crawley the driver of the sub regional • To meet this requirement two • Advocates policy to promote the Gatwick economy. Employment Opportunity Areas are Diamond as an international business • Local and sub regional economic identified. destination. deficiencies include aviation reliance, • Strong policy towards employment • Suggests that strategic employment skills deficit, low innovation, low retention, especially within the main provision could be a component of the knowledge economy representation and employment areas sub region’s future. the development pipeline not necessarily reflecting market commercial Crawley Borough Council Economic GVA Grimley Local Development floorspace demand. Strategy Framework Diamond Report • Opportunities exist to improve • Gatwick Airport is a dominant growth • Identified the following sub regional employment provision (to be determined driver with a range of service industries, economic deficiencies – reliance on the whether strategic growth, or smart the future of which is uncertain until the aviation sector, high skills deficit within growth, or hybrid approach), but in the government makes a decision about Crawley Borough, low innovation and current climate caution should be Gatwick’s second runway. low representation of the knowledge applied to ensure planned growth does • Decline of businesses at neighbourhood economy not negatively impact upon existing parades should be addressed. • Suggested the sub region could pursue employment areas and towns. • Further development of town centre to the following three options, or a hybrid, attract visitors in order to maintain which was recommended. Regeneris Report (2008) regional status in top 60 retail • Business As Usual • This assessed the opportunities and destinations in UK. • Enhanced Growth challenges facing Manor Royal. • Unemployment is currently low in • Transformational Growth Crawley, with Gatwick and related • Indicated that strategic employment Manor Royal Regeneration industries a key employer, but there is could form part of the sub regional Improvement Project also a need to encourage businesses that economic strategy, whilst advocating • The project is developing how Crawley are not airport dependent. ‘smart’ growth as a policy approach. Borough Council identify a strategic way forward for the Manor Evidence Base Royal Industrial area. West of Joint Area Action Plan The evidence base informing this early • 8000 sq m of employment floorspace is stage of the formulation of the Core identified as part of the neighbourhood Strategy review’s employment policy is: centre.