Pull-Out Behavior of Headed Anchors Used in a Totally Prefabricated Counterfort Retaining Wall System
Pull-out behavior of headed anchors used in a totally prefabricated counterfort retaining wall system Maen Farhat, Mohsen Issa, and Bruno F. J. Prado totally prefabricated counterfort retaining wall sys- tem was developed as a method for fast-track con- ■■ This paper studies the pull-out behavior of headed A struction. It is composed of a precast concrete base anchors used in a totally prefabricated counterfort slab and a precast concrete face panel with three counterforts retaining wall system through an experimental test- that are connected on-site with headed anchors. In this study, ing program as well as finite element analysis. an experimental testing program was conducted to examine the pull-out behavior of the headed anchors. The study took ■■ The testing program included various anchor bar into account different bar sizes, ranging from 19M to 29M sizes and embedment lengths and studied the mode (no. 6 to 9), that can be used in the design process, as well as of failure when subjected to tensile loading. two different commercially available grout types and headed anchors. The anchors were studied with different embedded ■■ Results of the test program were compared with lengths to examine the change in the mode of failure asso- results from various design methods, including those ciated with changing the embedment depth of the headed from the American Concrete Institute, the American anchors. In addition, a detailed three-dimensional finite Institute of Steel Construction, and the American element analysis was performed to further investigate the Society of Civil Engineers. damage development in the anchors and shear pocket under axial loading conditions.
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