Lincolnshire.- Brigg
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DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE.- BRIGG. 105 - COUNTY MAGISTRo\TES FOR BRIGG PETTY F.or Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that SESSION.A.II! DIVISION. - of Grimsby, ·.John Fildes Wintringham, St. Mary's A.stley-Corbett Sir Francis Kdmund George bart. Il.L. cha.mberfi, Osborne iltreet_~ G-rimsby, official receiv~r· Elsbam hall, Elsham Certified Bailiffs under the " Law of Distress Ameodmeni Elwes By. D.L. Billing Hall, Northamptonshire Act, 1888," David Briggs, Market place, Brigg~ Chattel-ton Frank, 13omerby hall, Barnetby, Lincoln Jonathan Spring~ Brigg; Ronald Davy, Brigg; JO!!eph Cliff Joseph Tertius Talbot, Scawby grove, Scawby Wass, Scunthorpe; Joseph Barnard Trafford, Scun~ Davy Joshua, 21 Bigby s"treet Brigg thorpe; Edgar Taylar, Brigg ~~Charles Leaf, Bcun· 1 Popple James, Castlethorpe hall, Brigg thorpe & Reginald Joe Broadgate, auctioneer, K-irton Spilman J ames, Brickhills, Castlethorpe hall, Brigg Lindsey Stamp Harry, Oakland'S, Wrawby road, Brigg County Police Station, Wrawby street, Thomas Sindall.. Sutton-Nelthorpe Robt. Nassau D.L.Scawby hall,Scawby superintendent, _/one ·sergeant, Sergeant Joseph Yarborough Earl of P.C., D.L. Broclrlesby Park Hutchinsun, two constables for the- town &; five others The chairmen for the time being of the Brigg k in country .. Broughton Urban & Glauford Brigg Rurlll District Customs & Excise Officer, John Rebert Watkinson~ Councils, are ex-officio magistrates Grammar School road Clerk to the Magistrates, Fronk. Crowder Hett, Bigby Linooln.shire Ohamber of Agriculture (Brigg branoh), street, Brigg Angel hotel, E. J. Turton, ,Horkstow, hon. Meo Reading Room & ~brary, Bridge {ltreet, Jonathan Pett.}" Sessions are ht:ld at the Police Station every alter Spring, hon. sec nate tuesday at I0.30 a.m. The petty sessional division Stamp Office, Bridge street, ·John Hampden Sergeant, comprises the following places :-Barnetby, Bigby, distributor Brocklesby, Broughton, Cadney~cum-Housham, Croxton, Town Hall, Market place Elsham. Glanford Brigg, Hibafdstow, Kirmington, Melt.on Ross, Newstead, Redbow-ne, Scawby, ;:lH.itter GLANI<'ORD BRIGG- U~"'ON. b'y, Somerby, Waddingham, Worlabv, Wrll_wby . - Board day every alternate thursday at ths Union work BRIGG SuB-COMMITTEE OF LINDSEY LOCAL hotlbe, at n a.m. PENSION COMMITTEE. Glanford llrigg 'union comprises the following places :- The following parishes are included in the area of the Alkborough, Appleby, Ashby, Barnetby-le-Wold, Bar Sub-District :-Barnetby, Blyton, Brigg, Broughton, ·row·upon-Hnrnber, Barton-npon-Humber, 'Bonby, Bot' Cadney, Grayingham, Harpswell, Hemswell, How· tesford, Broughton, Brumby, Burringham, Burton sham, Kirton, Laughton, Messingham, Redbourne, upon-Stather, .Butterwick East, Cadney-cnm-Hows Scotter & Twigmoor ham, C~eatham, Crosby, Croxton, Elsham, Ferriby MeetiRgs are held at the Town hall on 1st thursda.y in South, Flixborough, Frodingham, Glanford Brigg, · n;tonth, at Ia.45 p.m. Goxhill, Gunhouse, Halton East, Halton West. Chairman, Rev. George Godfrey, Redboume,. K'irton Hibaldstow, Holme, Horkstow, Killingholme North, Lindsey. Killingholme South, Kirmington, Ki~n-in-Lindsey, Clerk, George Shaw Sowter, Bigby >t-reet Manton, Melton Ross, Messingham,-Newstead, Baven' Pension Officer, John R. Watkinson,Grammar School rd thorpe, Redbourne, Roxby-cum-Risby, Saxby~ Scawby . cum-Sturton, Scunthorpe, Thornton Cnrtis, Twig ' GLANFORD BRIGG RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. moor, Ulceby, Whitton, Winteringham~ Winterton. Wootton, Worlaby, Wrawby. The population of the Council meBts at- the Board . room, at the Institution, Union in 19II was 56,197; area, 15r,682 acr-es i- monthly, at II a.m. rateafile value in 1gr8, £437,329 Qhairman, Thomas Waterfield Lee Chairman of t_!J.e Board of Guardians, Rev. Gool"g~ Officials. Godfrey M.A. Red bourne, Kirton-in-Lindsey Clerk, Frank Crowder Hett, Bigby &troot, Brigg Vice-Chairman, .FitzHenry Skipworth, Housh&m, ~n~' Treasurer, A. S. L. Melville, Bank, Lin<:Gln coln & J ames Spilman, Castlethorpe, Brigg Medical Officer of Health, James Mprray Mitchell Clerk to the Guardiaru~ & A~essment Committee, Frani M.D., Ch.B., B.Sc.A.berd.,_ D.P.H.Camb. Bridge street C. Hett, Bigby street, Brigg Sanitary Surveyors &; Inspectors of Nuisances, John Treasurer, Alexander Samuel Leslie Melville, Lincoln Bainton, Scur:rthorpe; Joe Green, Smithfield road, Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians·, Bar·. Ashby & Frederick G. Stubbins, Market lane, Brigg ton district, Elwood Alfred Elwood, Barton-on-Hum Surveyors of Highways, Joseph Farrow, Bigby street & ber; Brigg district. Waiter Arnold Taylor, II Beech villas, Grammar School road, Brigg; Winterton dis Charles A. Howard, 22 Bigby road, Brigg · trict, J oseph H. Kendall, Scunthorpe The parishes in the District are th~· same as in th~ Vaccination Officer, Charles William Cray, Point ho.Brigg Union, with the exception of Barton-upon-Humber, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Barrow district, Brigg, Broughton, Brumby,' l"rodingham, Rox_hy· Arthur Henry Fullerton M. B. GDx.hill; Barton dis~· cnm-Risbyy Scunthorpe & Winterton tricl, Willia.rn George Loveridge ·M.D. Barton·on· Humber; Brig!! East district, Fra.ncis George Goodll\8-n COMMISSIONERS OF ANCHOLME DRAINAGE B.A., M.D. 25 Bigby street, Brigg; Brigg West dis & NAVIGATION. trict, James Murray Mitchell M.D., Ch.B., B.Sc, A herd.,· D.P .H.Camb. Bridge street, Brigg; Burring~ Clerk, Frank Crgwder Hett, Bigby streef ham district, John Henry Bellamy M.R.C.S.Eng., Engineer,. Alfred Atkinson A.ssoc.Mem.Inst.C.E. L.R.C.P.Lond. Ashby; Kirton district, John Ernest.. Bridge street Sharpley L.R.C.P .Lond. The Grove, Kirton-in-Lind Collector of Dues, Waiter B. Robinson, 5 Wrawby street sey; Messingham district, John Henry Bellamy M.R.C.S.Eng .• L.R.C.P .Loud. Ashby; Scunthorpe d1s~ PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. - trict,, Thomas Reginald C(mldr.ey M.R.C .S.Eng.• Cattle & Pig Market, Woolpack yard, Harry Markham, L.R.C.P_Lond. Scunthorpe; lJ"lceby district, Herbert lessee Georgs :Feltliam M.B., . Ch.B.Edin. Immingham,_ Cemetery, Wrawby road, Henry M. Hett, clerk to the Grimsby; Winterton district, Edwin John Tongue · joint committee M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Winterton Corn Ex~hange, Market place, Henry M. Hett, sec The Institution, Wraw!Jy street, at the etltrasce of the Brigg & Scunthorpe County Court, Police Stati011, town from Wrawby, was erected in. 1835 k ·is an ·wrawby street; office,- Bigby street; His Honor Sir edifice of white brick.-with a detached fever wal'd, & George Sherston Baker bart. judge; HenrY.. M. Hett, will .hold 220 inmates; ·Rev . .A. N. Claye D.D. chap.: registrar & hig-h bailiff. The monthly court is held lain; Mrs. Watts, matron alternately with Scunthorpe. The following parishes I k places are within its jurisdiction :-Appleby, GL.Hil"ORD BRIGG REGISTR4>TION DISTRICT. Ashby, Barnetby-le-Wuld, Bottesford, Brumby, Superint~ndent Registrar, )?rank C. Hett, Bigby- street, Broughtori, Burringham, Burtorr-upon-Stather, Brigg; aeputy, Henry Kenning, Grammar. School Butterwick East, Cadney-cum-Howsham, Castle road, Brigg , - thorpe, Cleatham, Crosby, Croxton, Elsham, Flix Regi6trars of Birth!! & Deaths, Barton sub-district, El-:) boroug_h, Frodingham, Gokewell, Glanford Erigg, wood Alfred Elwood, Barton-on-Humber; deputy, Gunhouse (in the parish of Frodingham), Ribald Frederick W. Bramley, Rarton-on-Humber; . Brigg stow, .Holmc, Kirmington, Kirton-in-Lindsey, M~nby, sub-district, Waiter Arno1d Ta.ylor, u Beech villas, Manton, Melton Ross, Messingham, Newstead, Nor Grammar SChool :road, Brigg; deputy, Edmlllld manby, Raventhorpe, R.edbourne, &nton (High & Wal!rer, Brigg :Field villas, Wrawby, 1higg; Winterton Low), Seawby-cum-Sturton~ Scnnthorpe, Thealby. sub-district, Miss Elizabeth H. Baint{)n, Scuntho.rpe J Twigmoor, Worlabyl Wtawby, Yaddlethorpe deputy, Goorge Ke111~ing, Scunt.borpe .