Funster Northwest Ward of the City of Cork Movement from the Altar After Mass, Mlserlcordie Hospital
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HSMMMMMMI m$$r.?v;- m mmi $ ' •innil..n.i..n ..i M.I.I. fi.,y.,.„ini in;, ''i-'^A.-HMsX-i; - noltjr, late of Glastbnle, Dunleary, took •^ »*«. Irlshtown. This is the way to revive Thomas Doyle, WUMam Hoey, Miefaast ToWr A IJTi to ,ay **** correspondence In questioi dows illuminated with fairy lamps c place on Dee. 14 from Ballymore-Eus- •very color, and four electric ar the Irish language, iLawlor, N. Hanrahan, E. O'NeflL, Iss JjEkliJiAjNJU before oar readers In toe next Issue 01 tace to Glasnevln. The cortege was Janes Doyle, 1L J. O'Neill, T. F. D#yJ*, •.-.«, «. the Clare Champion." Major Jamesou lamps erected at the upper end of tu Mrs. E. D. Ryan of Friar strsot, Cash- el, died Dee, 12 at tbe early age of long and representative of all the petv and J. T. fjarkc 3The secretary stated rePn em street In front of the cathedral gave i> pk among whom be lived. ^M-tmPWwto OF HiTSR- i^ST^SSSf"^ * rerj striking effect to the illumination- twenty-seven years. She had been mar- the amount of cash on hand in Bat* M&t HI wib », — «-, ,M-«w atjve of the division. KILKENNY,—Tha death of a wall a&d especially to those of St. Jffary- dad only ten months. High mass and ttngiass and that there was now the T m TUB OLD COUNTRY. Th§ f|nMlp-| of Mrfc Mildred bvm office were celebrated on Monday morn known and popular Gael, Mr. John P. second subscription of 10 shillings «T Mount levers, SixmUebridge, took hall. Throughout tbe whole district Pnelan, captain ot the rower team, oc large flags were suspended from Sid-1 ing for the repose of her soul. Tbe from Mrs. Rargroves. On the motion fmmi It stalnf Don* by th« Poopi* at place on Dec. 15 and_was. attended by* funeral took place later on, the remains curred on Dec 10 from enteric fever. of Mr. Patrick Byrne, seconded by Mr. a large number of all classes.' to aide of the streets. Six tar barrel* Tbe last match be played was at Cur- were kept ablaze up to a late hour. being interred hi the cemetery adjoin- Cooke, the following wu passed: m Counties of tlio Enw The oWth lataly in a K (Irtish hospi ragh against the Kilkenny Shamrocks. and bands paraded tbe streets playing big tbe church. "That we, the members of the Dwyer $?*'•. aid IsU. tal of a remarkably old lady with the He was also a prominent rowing man selections of Griffin airs. All the win WATERFORD.—Tha Marquis of Wa- and McAllister memorial committee, peculiar cognomen ot Biddy Belfast and for years rowed with New Ross dows of the North monastery and the terford has sold bis estate hi Kilmac- tender to our chairman, Mr. Denis Ke- removes a figure that during life gain as a senior four at the Dublin regat schools were brilliantly lighted, and thomas to the tenants. hoe, and to his family onr sincere sym ed some notoriety in West Clare be tas, winning many trophies. K, TJistor gaslight Illuminations were erected Mi*. L. gtramga, solicitor, of Watar- pathy with them in their bereave cause of the extraordinary dwelling On Dae. 6, in splendid vraathsr, tho aver tbe gateway. The bells of the ford, died recently in Denver, Colo. He ment" jpllTIIHfc- —'Mr. Homy Qslnn *f place she selected and occupied for village of Grange was the scene of a cathedral Joined in the universal joy was suffering from serious long trouble '«rs» killed accidentally Doe. years. Her home was a deep recess be- ime assemblage from all parts of the and greatly added to the enthusiasm. sad went to Denver with hopes of hav „„_™_ J* thrown from hiss eart waen . tweeu ivfo arches of tbe bridge in the ing bis health restored. south of County Kilkenny and Tippe- Gonnaught '|pi|f ,|ome> from BaJJyinenft, ancient village of Doonbcg. Ingress Recant Deaths In CorJo-COTTEfV- rary to witness the lntercounty con On Dec. 20, at 11 Meeuham place, Dun Ths sacrament of confirmation was QALWAY—-Mr. John Taylsr of (sal- :; WIM Aitni* McAuUy of Botfast hatary and egresa were possible by a little em administered to 180 children at Bally- tests between the rival teams of Tlp- bar street, Hannah Cotter. ALLEN way road, Team, died Dec. 17, aged bankment, on either side of which the brlcken chapel, city of Wa terford, by perary and Kilkenny. When full time $1,000 as damages against —On Dec. 20, at By lane, Coachford, eighty years. A long funeral cortege S^fittNi'Dolxell, foreman printer In the stream rushed In Its course. There was tbe Most Rev. Dr. Sheeban, bishop of was called tbe game stood: Kilkenny at times danger in tbe approach to this Norab Allen.—TWOMEY-On Dec. Shamrocks, 1 goal and 0 points; Mul- accompanied the remains to tbe ancient ^jfPM of tbe Bolfast News-Letter, for Waterford and Llsmore, Dec. 18. Rev. unusual habitation. The woman and fl, at Coacbford, Ellen Twotney. linahone, 7 points. burial place In Clare, Tuam. ^'Mpaacfa.of promise to marry. Father Egan celebrated 12 o'clock mass ber cave were the chief curiosity of tbe MEHEGAN-Dec. 21, at the North in and preached on confirmation. The KING'S.—The Marquis of Downahlro Under the auspice* of the United ARMAGH—Thr^ thousand dollars village and attracted much attention firmary, Margaret Mehegan, sister of priests present were the Rev. Canon has refused to sell his property to the Irish league was held at Barnaderg a ;A'N|W» presented to Pop© Piiui X. lato- from the stranger and tbe tourist It James Cronln, Dyke Gardens. Flynn, Rev. Michael Walsh, Rev. D. L. tenants under the new land act Those large meeting of tenants representative * '-Mtf' M Peter's pence offering from tho may be mentioned that at Doonbeg KEARNEY—Dec. 20, at Ballymacked- Egan and Bev. J. W. Walsh. tenants who did not attend and pay of tbe parishes of KJllererin, Donmore, l^^iilhtflocese of Armagh, there still dwells an extraordinary old mond, John Kearney, aged Tourteen their rents at tbe office in Edenberry Clonberne, Moylough, Abbey, Cummer, iS^-ft,:^ **o**'i»0 of rnMiban #f tht Croee- Mr. Henry F. Siattery, chairman of woman, Biddy Thunder, who lives years. O'BRIEN—On Dec. 20, at 117 tbe National Bank of Ireland, has been on Dec. 10 last are threatened with le Belclare, Kilbannon and Tuam for the) ^y'taaaglop brancb ot tbo United Irish high up In the tower of a ruined castle Blarney street, Patrick O'Brien. presented with a sliver dessert service gal proceedings and eviction. purpose of taking counsel as to bow j^P*Sl*fa* was held In tbe league rooms facing tbe Atlantic. DUNLEA-Dec. 20, at Walker's row. of 600 ounces by the shareholders of LONGFORD—The funeral of the late best to proceed to purchase their hold $gt^ghmT*a. 0, Mr. James Donaghy presld- Mr. Patrick Dinair, Kilrefrana, Moy- Fermoy. Patrick Dunlea, aged twenty- tbe bank. Mr. Michael Sullivan, Willsbrook, Gra- ings on advantageous terms and obtain %^^§0mB, The new land purchase act waa noo. Sea riff, died in St Stephen's hos two years. COGHLAN— On Dec. 17, nard, took place to the family burial the grass farms surrounding them on p'f ^S-^OKBIIII & and viewed in all Ita various pital, Dublin, Nov. 29, deeply regretted. at Melton, Ohnrleville, Cornelius COBU- place Grnnardvllle, on Dec. 18 andal l sides for distribution among them |^'K$N£sspaets and . lie Influence* It will have The remains were conveyed to Kings- lan. aged twenty-six years.—CASEY Leinstor was very numerously attended. He and their children. Mr. Martin Connol |f ^^4» the future of tbe Irish nation. bridge station and forwarded by rail —On Dec. 23, at Templeboden (Lisgold*. was brother-in-law to Rev. Father ly, president of tbe Killererin branch CARLOW.—Mrs. Burrowea of Can- §vv|iV%".' |*T*> Alloa Murray, r»e* MoKsown, to Killaloe, where they were met by a Nora Casey. 0'KEEFFB-Dec.2n. at O'Hara, Cashel. j of the United Irish league, presided. v tanr street, Carlow, died suddenly Dec *.r ^|j*N la tbe old homestead in Mullyard large number of relatives. Oregane, Glantane, Mallow, Mary LOUTH—-Mr. Patrick Johnston, Can • Among others present were: Thomaa 14. She was well known In the town. %fiff^ae* the) MKh alt, surrounded by every- O'Keeffe. O'LEARY-On Dec. 11, at non town, Termonfeckin, died Dec. 23. Higgins, president of North Galway >1-^;:;^ Ifctof that could mifci aer departure CORK,—Mr. Lawrenoa Lynoh of th« For many years she had care of the Cork Examiner died recently, deeply 25 Leltrlm street, Donilnick O'Leary. Office and high mass and the funeral Executive United Irish league; Connw 'W-ii'^lmptff. She waa interred in tbe old Protestant church there. were attended by many priests and a O'Kelly, M. P.; Joseph A. Glynn, B. A-, ..,f#*«wr. regretted. He had been connected with KIELY-On Dec. 9. at 29 York DUBLIN.—Rev. Father Murrsy, P. i;^_^>—intnj at Derrynoos*. Mrs. Murray the paper during tho past fifty years. street, Blackpool, Mrs. Hannah Klely. great number of people. ; solr.; Martin Connolly, president Kfl- P., Glnsthule and Dalkey. and the Rev. ' lererin branch, D. I. L.; T. Joyce, treas if/V^Jialonged to a saintly family. Two of Among the prlaata who attended the O'KEEFFE—On Dec. 10, at 59 Bar An agreement has been coma to be Father Murphy, P.