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AAU Institutional Repository Addis Ababa University School of Journalism and Communication A Study on News Framing of the Current Ethiopian Political Reform: Ethiopian Television (ETV) in Focus By: Hunachew Taye Advisor: Hailu Gutema (Ph.D.) A Thesis Submitted to Addis Ababa University Graduate School of Journalism and Communication, in partial fulfillment for the requirements of Master of Arts Degree in Broadcast Journalism February 2021 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia i | P a g e Declaration I, Hunachew Taye Yigzaw, hereby declare that this thesis which is entitled “A Study on News Framing of the Current Ethiopian Political Reform: Ethiopian Television (ETV) in Focus” is my original work, and has not been submitted for any degree in any other university or institution; and that all sources of material used for the thesis have duly been acknowledged. Submitted by: Hunachew Taye Yigzaw Signature------------------------------------------------- February 2021 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia i | P a g e Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies Approved and Signed by the Board of Examiners Advisor: Hailu Gutema (Ph.D.) Signature---------------------Date-------------- Internal examiner: ------------------------------------ Signature------------------Date-------------- External examiner: ----------------------------------- Signature------------------Date-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairperson of Department or Graduate Coordinator February 2021 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ii | P a g e Abstract The news framing in the current political reform in Ethiopia was one of the most critical issues that attracted the international and local media outlets. The main objective of the present study was, therefore, to analyze the political news articles on the current political reforms in Ethiopia. The research design employed mixed methods to undertake the analysis of primary and secondary data collected from ETV news. A purposive sampling technique was employed to collect news covering the reform period from 02 March 2018 to 02 March 2019 on the political reforms in Ethiopia. Hence, 75 political news were selected for analysis. Content analysis and in-depth interviews were utilized to collect and analyze data. Among the major findings of the study are: political reform theme being the most dominant followed by peace and stability theme, and political reform frame and peace frame being the most dominant frames of the ETV news. The study also indicated that the main ETV news sources were government officials and organizations, which accounted for about 83% of the news articles. The study concluded that ETV's current political reform news theme and frames reflected mainly the interest of government officials and organizations. Therefore, the study recommends that much has to be done to include in the theme and frames of the political reform news to reflect the voices of the public, politicians, intellectuals, and civic societies. iii | P a g e Acknowlegements First, glory to the Almighty God and His Mother St. Mary who have given me the endurance to attend this master‟s program on Broadcast Journalism and successfully undertake the research project as a concluding mark of the study. I was lucky enough for getting an energetic, friendly, and farsighted advisor, Hailu Gutema (Ph.D.), without whose encouragement and ceaseless effort, I would not have completed the research project successfully. I am very much indebted to my brother KassahunTsegaye who provided me all-rounded supports throughout my study. Indeed, your relentless supports were meaningful for my success. My deepest gratitude goes to my ETV staff members and friends, Ermias Getachew, Getachew Balcha, Nebyou Wondwosen and Seid Muhie who cooperated with me while I was doing the research. My special thanks also go to my beloved wife Hiwot Haile, and kids Dagmawi and Robel Hunachew because your support, appreciation, and treatment could not easily be explained in words; and thus I thank you so much again and again. iv | P a g e List of Tables Table 1: Checklist showing the main themes of political reform news ........................................ 25 Table 2: Checklist indicating the frames of political reform news ............................................... 28 Table 3: Themes in political reform news in ETV ....................................................................... 34 Table 4: Frames employed in ETV political reform news ............................................................ 58 Table 5: News soucres qouted by ETV political reform news ..................................................... 84 List of Acronyms BBC British Broadcasting Corporation E.C Ethiopian Calendar EBC Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation EPRDF Ethiopian Peoples` Revolutionary Democratic (EPRDF) ETV Ethiopian Television FBC Fana Broadcasting Corporate FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia G.C Gregorian calendar HPR House of Peoples` Representatives NEBE National Electoral Board of Ethiopia OLF Oromo Liberation Front v | P a g e List of Appendixes Appendix 1: Content validity index relevance rate outcome ........................................................ 97 Appendix 2: Coding guide sheet ................................................................................................... 99 Appendix 3: Leading questions for key informants` interview .................................................. 102 Appendix 4: List of key informants ............................................................................................ 103 Appendix 5: Results of inter coder reliability ............................................................................. 104 Appendix 6: Sreeenshot from SPSS Version 20 ......................................................................... 105 vi | P a g e Table of Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ iii Acknowlegements ........................................................................................................................................ iv List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ v List of Acronyms .......................................................................................................................................... v List of Appendixes ....................................................................................................................................... vi CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Background of the Study................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................................. 2 1.3. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.3.1. General Objective ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.3.2. Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 5 1.4. Basic Research Questions ................................................................................................................. 5 1.5. Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.6. Significance of the Study .................................................................................................................. 6 1.7. Limitation of the Study ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.8. Organzation of the Study .................................................................................................................. 6 CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 7 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.1. Concept and Definition of Political News ........................................................................................ 7 2.2. Media and Politics ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.3. Framing Theory ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.3.1. What is framing? ........................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.2. Types of Frames .......................................................................................................................... 10 Issue-specific frames ..............................................................................................................
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