Carmel Pine Cone, December 12, 2008 (Main News)
Inside this week…a colorful section featuring ideas to fill stockings and warm hearts! GIFTGIFT GUIDEGUIDE BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID CARMEL, CA Permit No. 149 Volume 94 No. 50 On the Internet: December 12, 2008 Y OUR S OURCE F OR L OCAL N EWS, ARTS AND O PINION S INCE 1915 Memoir recalls the Boys of Summer POLICE CRACK — from a girl’s point of view FRAUD RING By CHRIS COUNTS ■ Stealing mail, forging checks ON HER first trip to spring training at and collecting the cash Vero Beach, Fla., in 1958, Flo Snyder dis- covered that all baseball players love a prac- By MARY BROWNFIELD tical joke. “They sent me to retrieve the keys to the THREE WOMEN and a man accused in a rash of mail batter’s box,” recalled Snyder, a Carmel res- theft, fraud and forgery that “has plagued banks and busi- ident and former Pine Cone columnist who nesses in the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas since will sign copies of her new book, “Lady in September” are being held in Monterey County Jail as the the Locker Room,” Tuesday, Dec. 16, at charges against them climb. Pacific Grove Cmdr. Tom D.E. Craghead Fine Art Gallery. Uretsky released the names of the suspects this week but said For 10 years, Snyder served as a secre- as the investigation continues, the initial estimate of $10,000 tary to Red Patterson, an executive with the stolen from individuals, banks and retailers is “just scratch- Los Angeles Dodgers. Patterson was in ing the surface.” charge of public relations, so when the Police allege the suspects raided mailboxes in the Salinas Dodgers moved west from Brooklyn to Los and Monterey areas, and forged or altered incoming and out- Angeles after the 1957 season, he came out going checks they found in the mail.
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