Preprint JINR E2-93-225 Antibrackets and Supersymmetric Mechanics Armen Nersessian 1 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna, Head Post Office, P.O.Box 79, 101 000 Moscow, Russia Abstract Using odd symplectic structure constructed over tangent bundle of the symplec- tic manifold, we construct the simple supergeneralization of an arbitrary Hamilto- arXiv:hep-th/9306111v2 29 Jul 1993 nian mechanics on it. In the case, if the initial mechanics defines Killing vector of some Riemannian metric, corresponding supersymmetric mechanics can be refor- mulated in the terms of even symplectic structure on the supermanifold. 1E-MAIL:
[email protected] 1 Introduction It is well-known that on supermanifolds M the Poisson brackets of two types can be defined – even and odd ones, in correspondence with their Grassmannian grading 1. That is defined by the expression ∂ f ∂ g {f,g} = r ΩAB(z) l , (1.1) κ ∂zA κ ∂zB which satisfies the conditions p({f,g}κ)= p(f)+ p(g) + 1 (grading condition), (p(f)+κ)(p(g)+κ) {f,g}κ = −(−1) {g, f}κ (”antisymmetrisity”), (1.2) (p(f)+κ)(p(h)+κ) (−1) {f, {g, h}1}1 + cycl.perm.(f, g, h) = 0 (Jacobi id.), (1.3) l A ∂r ∂ where z are the local coordinates on M, ∂zA and ∂zA denote correspondingly the right and the left derivatives, κ = 0, 1 denote correspondingly the even and the odd Poisson brackets. Obviously, the even Poisson brackets can be nondegenerate only if dimM = (2N.M), and the odd one if dimM =(N.N). With nondegenerate Poisson bracket one can associate the symplectic structure A B Ωκ = dz Ω(κ)ABdz , (1.4) BC C where Ω(κ)AB Ωκ = δA .