Conflict Incident Monthly Tracker

Edo State: March - A pr il 20 1 8 B a ck gro und watching over some herdsmen arrested for two sons in Benin City, LGA. alleged armed robbery in Ikpoba-Okha LGA. This monthly tracker is designed to update Drug Trafficking: In March, a 64-year old The incident led to heightened tensions in Peace Agents on patterns and trends in man was reportedly arrested by operatives the area. In March, residents of Odighi and conflict risk and violence, as identified by the of the National Drug Law Enforcement Odiguetue communities in Oredo LGA Integrated Peace and Development Unit Agency (NDLEA) over illicit drug trafficking in protested at the palace of the Oba of Benin (IPDU) early warning system, and to seek LGA. About 280 bags of Indian hemp over frequent attacks by herdsmen in the feedback and input for response to mitigate were recovered from the suspect. area. areas of conflict. Violence Affecting Women and Girls Recent Incidents or Patterns and Trends (VAWG): In January, two brothers Issues, April 2018 J anuar y -M arch 2 0 1 8 reportedly killed their grandmother for ritualistic purposes in Ikpoba-Okha LGA. Incidents reported during the month mainly According to Peace Map data (see Figure 1), Separately, a retired female military officer related to criminality, sexual violence, and there was rise in lethal violence in was reportedly killed and set ablaze in her protests. in March 2018. Reported incidents during house by her security guard in Benin City, Criminality: Thugs reportedly attacked a this period included criminality, communal the state capital. Also, in January, a community and killed a 42-year old man in tensions, and violence affecting women and herdsman reportedly inflicted a fatal injury LGA. Separately, the police girls. on a woman at her farm in Akoko-Edo LGA. arrested a herdsman who doubles as a Violent Criminality: In January, a university In March, a 9-year old girl was reportedly kidnapper in Benin City, Oredo LGA. An Ak- lecturer was killed by robbers at his defiled by a 70-year old grandfather and his 47 riffle and ammunition were recovered residence in Oredo LGA. In Ovia North-East, Figure 1: Incidents and Fatalities, Edo State an 87-year old man was kidnapped and killed by his driver who dumped his body in a pit 25Jun-17 8 11 toilet. In LGA, the police Jul-17 5 8 reportedly arrested a couple and other for 20Aug-17 7 4 illegally manufacturing Improvised Explosive Sep-17 5 10 Devices (IEDs) in their apartment. One of the Oct-17 3 1 bombs exploded and killed one of the 15 suspects. In Akoko-Edo LGA, a local vigilante Nov-17 7 9 arrested nine herdsmen allegedly 10Dec-17 3 4 responsible for killings and kidnapping in Jan-18 8 11 their community, and hand over the 5Feb-18 4 8 suspects to the police. In March, six persons Mar-18 7 22 were reportedly injured during a clash 0 between hoodlums and some forex traders Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 over extortion of money at Ekiosa market, Oredo LGA. Incidents Fatalities

Communal Tensions: In February, soldiers Reported incidents and fatalities from December 2017– March 2018 in Edo State. Sources: ACLED and Nigeria reportedly shot dead a vigilante who was Watch formatted on the P4P Peace Map NIGER DELTA MONTHLY CONFLICT TRACKER: EDO STATE, MARCH — APRIL 2018 from the suspect. In another incident, a Figure 2: Conflict Fatalities by LGA Figure 3: Conflict Fatalities by LGA bricklayer was reportedly shot dead by his (January - March 2018) male contractor over missing bags of cement in Benin City, Oredo LGA. In 14 12 Oredo Ovia South EsanWest West LGA, a priest was reportedly abducted on the March12 (DecemberOredo 2017-FebruaryEgor Etsako 2018) West Nov-17 7 1 1 10 highway. 10 Violent8 Criminality 5 5 Dec-17 2 0 0 Sexual Violence: A 50-year old man and his Communal/Ethnic6 Violence 8 Jan-18 3 0 0 16-year old son were arrested for raping a 10 4 Gang/Cult2 Violence 1 6 Feb-18 3 0 0 -year old girl in Benin City, Oredo LGA. The Other0 Fatalities 5 4 4 suspects have raped the victim countless Oredo Ovia North EgorEast times in their house. April (January-MarchOredo 2018)UhunmwondeEgor 2Dec-17 2 0 0 Protests: A lorry was set ablaze by drivers Violent Criminality 5 8 0 Jan-18 3 2 5 who were protesting the death of their Communal/Ethnic Violence Feb-18Dec-17 Jan-183 Feb-18 0 Mar-18 0 colleague in Oredo LGA. The driver died Other Fatalities Gang/Cult Violence 1 Mar-18Oredo 4 Ovia 2North East 3 when his vehicle rammed into a faulty lorry Gang/Cult Violence Other Fatalities 6 10 Egor Etsako East that was parked on the road. The driver and Communal/Ethnic Violence Ikpoba Okha three passengers died in the accident. Violent Criminality Uhunmwonde Esan South East

Pr o gno s is Reported incidents by Local Government Area (LGA) in Edo State during this period show that Oredo, fol- lowed by Uhunmwonde had the most reported conflict fatalities in the state. Sources (Figure 2): ACLED and Reported incidents during the period related Nigeria Watch data formatted for the P4P Peace Map. Source (Figure 3): Nigeria Watch data formatted for mainly to communal tensions, criminality, the P4P Peace Map drug trafficking, protests, and violence Figure 4: Heat Map of Incidents and Peace Agents in Edo State affecting women and girls (VAWG). Peace Actors should monitor the situation closely and respond appropriately. Questions for Peace A g en t s 1. Is there anything significant missing from the tracker in terms of hotspots, trends, or incidents? 2. Which conflict issue suggested by, or missing from, this tracker is a top priority for you (as P4P Chapter, Prevent Committee, or other Heat Map shows concentration of incidents reported from January - March 2018 in Edo State; with green stakeholder)? stars representing the registered Peace Agents. Source: All data sources formatted for the P4P Peace Map 3. What are some likely trigger events in the next 6 months that could escalate Report Incidents: IPDU Early Warning System this conflict? Please report any verified incident of conflict to the IPDU SMS early warning system: 4. Who are the key stakeholders that Text: 080 9936 2222 have influence on the conflict? Incident Details: Kindly include the State, LGA, Town, Date, and Brief Incident Description 5. What will you do to help mitigate the Contact Us Inquiries: Afeno Super Odomovo, IPDU Research Coordinator conflict in the short, medium, and long Telephone: 08172401595 term? Email: [email protected]